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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1962)
i 1 4 J 5 J -i Frl., July if, 1962 The Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ore. 11 , . . .. , " r Miss Turner Complimented At Lovely Bridal Shower Miss Posy Magness and Miss Glenda Kitllemao, co-hostesses, en tertained at a delightful bridal shower party recently at the Glide Community Hall in honor of Miss Ellen Turner. Games were played, after which the bride-elect opened her many lovely gifts, seated at the sift table centered by a bouquet of hydran geas. Dainty refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses to Mrs. Ray Chastain, mother of the hornoree; Mrs. E. Wilmerding, Miss Frances Hatfield, Mrs. Darrell Perry, Mrs. John Wilmerding, Miss Beverly Hennigan, Mrs. L. L. Burr, Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mrs. Kobert Ridge way, Mrs. Ed Keys, Mrs. L, Van Scoyke, Mrs. Claude Barclay, Miss Jane Barclay, Mrs. Ted Evans, I Mrs. William Householder, Mrs. I George Barclay, Mrs. Jim Miles, Mrs. Sharon Gerrison, Mrs. David Magness, Mrs. Elmer Seabright, Mrs. Cecil Rhoades, Miss Jackyln : Keycs, Mrs. Bob Scott, Mrs. K. 'llett, Mrs. Charles Droscher, Airs. Dick Kaai, Mrs. A. L. Paulson, Mrs. William Madson and the hon ored guest, Miss Turner. - Those sending gifts but unable to attend included Mrs. Neil Hart, Mrs. Mel Van Scyke, Mrs. Dick Butler, Mrs. I.ouis Pugh, Mrs. Keith Ireland, Mrs. Dick Van Do Ian, Mrs. Gilbert Magness, Mrs. E. J. Anderson, Mrs. R. K. Slid ton. Mrs. Bob Churchill, Mrs. Bu ford Polley, Mrs. Charles Harper and Mrs. Edna Keyes. Hawaiian Luau Is Enjoyed By Umpqua Grove Members A most delightful Hawaiian luau was held at the home of Evelyn Croucher Monday evening by mem bers of Woodmen Circle Umpqua Grove 51. The feast was prepared by Mrs. Croucher, who was as sisted by Alice Christensen and Bella Holm. The" Croucher patio was the scene of the feast, with a back ground of fishing nets decorated with starfish, glass balls and leis. The guests, attired in colorful mu mus, were seated on cushions at the long table attractively centered by a large Hawaiian doll dressed in the typical hula skirt and leis. Visiting was enjoyed and pictures were taken by the following: Grace Helvey, Beast Cornish, Evelyn Croucher, Bubbie Lee Cooper, Alice Christensen. Sarah C v r u s. ! I.itr-v Rpncnn Rnfltripd fVirnilspn Gertie Hess, Goldie Willis, Marjor- le Doyle, Agnes Veach, Bella Holm, Esther Porter, Jessie Thom as, Edith Stoehnke, Louella Ben son. Mary Jane Impa'gliazzo, Phe- be McGuire, Violet Jones and Alice Hill. Banquet, Barbecue Slated For RHS 10-Year Reunion The graduating class of 1952 of Roseburg High School will hold its 10-year reunion Saturday, Aug. 4, and Sunday, Aug. 5, Alumni and faculty are cordially invited. The reunion will begin with a social hour at 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the Gold Room of the Umpqua Hotel. A smorgasbord banquet will .follow beginning at 7:30. U During the evening the official class reunion photograph will be taken and a souvenir reunion book let containing Information on class mates will be available. .;' A pre-registration period will be neld from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday aft ernoon in the Umpqua Hotel lobby for those who have not sent in their banquet reservations and for those who wish to place orders for photographs and buy souvenir book lets. On Aug. 5, a family potluck pic nic will be held at 0. C. Brown County Park at Dixonville begin ning at 12 noon. The home town committee is planning a special barbecue for the picnic. Please bring a hot dish or salad, pie (enough for your own family), and your own table service. Soft drinks will be available. All class members and their families and faculty families are welcome. ACBLUnit Winners Noted For Tuesday-Friday Play Players comparatively new to. Special event play will be held duplicate bridge enjoyed playing j this Friday afternoon. On the third aryt .M&.T WTO with more experienced players at the Friday afternoon ACBL unit session at the Umpqua Hotel. ftorth-South winners were Rich ard Scott and Mrs. B. Noedel, first; Mrs. E. S. Wilkey and Mrs. Halverson, second; and Mrs. Fred Schwartz and Mrs. J. E. Slattery, third. East-West winners were Mrs. Al bert Morene and Mrs. Berg, first; Mrs. B. L. Hardenbrook and Carl ton Wilder, second; and Mrs. Ber- kenffld and Mrs. R. A. Jones, both of Myrtle Creek, third. For the Tuesday night Master Point play at the hotel, Mrs. Ray Carrico and Mrs. J. M. Bevans were first; Mrs. H. N. Butler and Mrs. Walter Fisher, second; Mrs. Fred. Schwartz and Mrs. C. B. Wade, third; and Mrs. G. W. Mar shall and Mrs. L. E. McClintock, fourth. Friday of each month, experienced players will ask newer players to be their partners. BRIDE-ELECT Mr. and Mrs. Brian Counts. Winston, an nounce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Brinda Sue Counts, to Douglas David Allen of Winston, son of Mrs. Jane Allen of Son Diego, Calif. The bride-elect attended Douglas High School and the bridegroom-elect attended school in California ond is now employ ed by Roseburg Lumber. The wedding has been set for Aug. 12. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography). your Clievrolet Dealer has lots of new car buys for July hut they're yoinyfast so hctler yet yours before they're all qoue ! See the neie Chevrolet, Chery II arufCorrair at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's ' HANSEN MOTOR COMPANY OAK and STEPHENS ROSEBURG ORehard 3-4446 , . r MR. AND MRS. LEROY B. INMAN, Roseburg, announce the engagement of their eld est daughter, Janet Lee, to Ronold J. Crandall, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crandall of Eugene, Ore. Miss Inman was graduated from Roseburg High School in 1960. Mr. Crandall was graduated from Eugene High School, and spent four years in the U.S. Air Force. Both are juniors at the Uni versity of . Oregon. No date has been set for the wedding. Calapooia Club Picnic Enjoyed The Calapooia Women's Club met Wednesday at the clubhouse near Umpqua. A potluck dinner was served at 12:30 with Mrs. Mable Allen and Mrs.'. H. B. Spackman as host esses. Mrs. Neil Burpee of Oakland was special dinner guest. Plans were completed for the an nual club family picnic. It will be at 1 p.m. in Mack Brown Park on Tyee Rd. near Umpqua Aug. 26. Mrs. John Bacon was appointed the over-all chairman. Committees were appointed for the fall card party which will be held at the clubhouse Oct. 25. Honor Guest Miss Lynette Nelson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson, was guest of honor at a lovely bridal shower at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Paulson, on Airport Rd. Tues day evening. Miss Nelson, who was graduated from r . the . Adventists' Walla Walla College In June, was one of six gins to earn a "cum Iaude" honor. Her wedding Is set for Sunday, Aug. 5, in the Seventh day Adventist Church on Garden Valley Blvd. Travel Group Is Entertained The Rev. and Mrs. II. James Jenkins were host and hostess Tues day to members of a group they are escorting to Alaska in August. The Rev. and Mrs. Hillis Slay maker of Coquille showed slides of Alaska where they lived for three years. Those present included Dr. and Airs. J. T. Dixon of Camas Valley, the Slaymakers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cloyd Riffe, Mrs. Adrian Lofland, Mrs. Melvin Rodgers, Mary Louise Jenkins and Mark Slaymaker. Plans are to leave Roseburg to spend three days at the World's Fair, then board the "Yukon Star" out of Vancouver, B.C., for the In land Passage route to Alaska. They will make several ports of call and have a bus trip to McKinley Park. They will go to Fairbanks, then re turn by plane to Portland and Rose burg. Tenmile Woman Given Surprise Mrs. Milford Dowdy of Tenmile was delightfully surprised at the recent meeting of the Bible Study Class of the Tenmile Methodist Church at the home of Mrs. George Butts when she received a beauti ful birthday cake,, made and decor ated by Mrs. Bill Centers. Following the opening of Mrs. Dowdy's presents, the cake was served to Mrs. George Butts, Mrs. Ed Dwight, Mrs. R. D. Lockwood, "Mrs. Wayne Breitenbucher, Mrs. Dewey Chamblen, Mrs. Bill Cen tors, Leann Dowdy, Cheryl Cen ters, David Butts, Curtis Dwight, Carmen Butts, Greg Dwight and the guest of honor. Weekly Session Held On Monday Twelve and one half tables were in play Monday night, when the Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club held its regular weekly session. - . . . - North-South winners were Mrs. Neil Kaser Jr. and Mrs. Neil Ka ser Sr.; Richard Scott and Alex Kennedy, second; William Prit chctt and Verden Hockett, third; and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Patterson, fourth. ' East-West winners were Mr. and Mrs. C. McGregor, first; Carlton Wilder and Mrs. Clark, second; Mrs. David Weisman and Mrs. R. B. Curtis, third; and Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest, ; fourth. The Timber Town Club v meets every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Part nerships may be arranged or mora information can be obtained by calling Mrs. John Davenport or Mrs. Walter Ulrich. ' . Reno Visitor. Honored Here Art Strunk installed the president, Nobel' GoeUel entertained a. one j n!rch A .Tt of the loveliest affairs of the week SedeU, Mrs. C. D. Albright, Mrs. ..... - imitu. una. v when they invited rienas in com- ,,au, R R Mrs F j Johnson, phment to Mrs. W. F. Anuot of Jolm Brooke Mrs. R. C. Her- ncno, INev., wno wiui ner nusuaiiu, Dr. Amiot, spent the week as houseguests of the Goettels in Laurelwood. The coffee was held at the beautiful Kilkenny home on Melrose Rd. Tuesday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock. Attractivciv appointed tables were arranged in the beautiful gar den overlooking the South Ump qua River. The serving table was beautifully appointed and arrang ed in the dining room of the home. Pouring were Mrs. H. A. Watzig, Mrs. A. F. Micelli, Mrs. Eciwaru M. Murphy and Miss Anna Link. Invited by Mrs. Goettcl and Mrs. Kilkenny to honor Mrs. Anuot were Mrs. Edward M. murpny, Mrs. Paul Jenkins, Mrs. Fred liar Bis. Mrs. O. R. Fritz, Mrs. J. A, Colbrunn, Mrs. E. R. Foster, Mrs. Ronald Raade, Mrs. Clifford Fen neU. Mrs. William Stiewig, Mrs. bage, Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mrs. David Tomashek, Mrs. josepn spa, Mrs. William c. unaseu. Miss Helen uasey, nun Ann Link, Mrs. Margaret Ritiman, Mrs. A. F. Micelli, Mrs. James Hughes, Miss Naomi Scott, Mrs. Bruce Carter, Mrs. Harry Harris, Mrs. R. J. Hatterschcid, Mrs.' E. R. Harvey, Mrs. Ray Carrico, Mrs. Hall Secly, Mrs. S. M. Moore, Mrs. William J. Thompson, Mrs. L. S. Wolf, Mrs. B. L, Martin. , Mrs. 0. A. Kennedy, Mrs. E. 0. Riekli. Mrs. Maym Harrison, Mrs Kenneth Quino, Mrs. Herbert Ouine. Mrs. Frank B. Woodworth Mrs. Emily Judd, Mrs. F. M. Chap man. Mrs. Grover Follctt. Mrs. El- don McLaughlin. Mrs. John HaskJ ins. Mrs. J. A.: Anderson, Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer. Mrs. B. Fen. wick, Mrs. Burdette Peterson and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Joint Installation Held By NALC, Auxiliary The Natonal Association of Let ter Carriers, 1518, and the Oregon Ladies Auxiliary, 1813, held a joint nstallation of officers Saturday eve ning. The ceremony was held on the charming patio of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thel Allen. The group was honored by the presence of five state officers. They were: Art Strunk, Medford, and Harry Sweelman, Coquille, mem bers of the NALC state executivo board; Mrs. Gladys Strunk, Med ford, past state organizer for the auxiliary; Mrs. Joan Sweetman, coquille, state auxiliary vice presi dentp; and Roseburg's state of ficer, James Godfrey, secretary ot tne in ALU. Art Strunk installed the president, Warren Sellars; vice president, Don Pearinan; and secretary treasurer, George Qulne. Mrs. Sweetman installed Phyllis Powell, president; Lois Quine, vice president; Nancy Godfrey, secretary; and Millie Allen, treas urer. Before the ceremony a potluck dinner was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Strunk, Mr. and Mrs. Sweet man, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snider (he is Roseburg postmaster), Mr. and Mrs. James Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Powell, Mr. and Mrs. George Quine, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sel lars; and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Allen. WHY PAY MORE? CALL WALTS TOWING-AMBULANCE Complete Radiator Service sag OR 2-2652 We Honor AH Moor Credit Cordi And Give S&H Green Stamps , 487 NE Winchester St. . n,im lf;Avips Don't Give In To Summer Heat And Humidity A j h s nf i n ' ' This summer "beat the heat' in the comfort of your own living room by installing a modern, efficient air-conditioning unit! As your air-cohditioner provides a regulated flow of cool, de humidified air throughout your home, discomforts of summer nights and days vanish. Doors and windows remain closed against torrid summer temperatures outside. AIR CONDITION! See your favorite Ca!0re League Dealer today ... let him provide expert advice on the model and cooling capacity of the unit which will insure the proper summer living atmosphere for yo.ur home. Bergh'i Appliance OR 2-1661 Carter Tire Company OR 2-3393 Horn's Appliance OR 3-5518 Montgomery Ward & Co. OR 3-5553 So. Stephent Hardware & Appliance OR 2-3751 Tozer'i Heating & Sheet Metal OR 2-3379 Town & Country Refrigeration: Ser. OR 2-4392 Trowbridge Electric OR 3-5521 Umpqua Valfty Appliance1 OR2-1616 Munion's Heating & Air Conditioning OR 3-5460 Ediion General Electric Philco Wards Tru-Cold RCA-Whirlpool Carrier-General Elec. York Westinghouse Amana-Frigidaire Coleman MONTGOMERY WARD 14(1 OR 1-4111 $ MONTGOMERY WARD (5) CLIP J v' and (O) SAVE "1 Gkfap It