. . .. 'i' , ' ,im 0 ' , ' If I j '' A f : gMuiiKHWBMju. j SttinA , v titit oiitlmwtiitiw A CHARMING AFFAIR given in farewell for Mr. W. Ernest Butler, above right, was the coffee Thursday morning at Ruth Bradley's Oak Tree Inn with Miss Helen Casey ond Mrs. Paul Jenkins, pictured obove with the guest of honor, acting as co-hostesses. (News-Review Photo. Mrs. W. Ernest Complimented A charming event of Thursday at Ruth Bradley's Oak Tree Inn was the coffee given as a farewell affair by Mrs. Paul Jenkins ana Miss Helen Casey in compliment to Mrs. W. Ernest Butler, who loft hii week for Tucson, Aril., to make ber home. A blue cloth with net oversklrt end a centerpiece of pink rose buds, white hydrangeas and baby s breath formed the decorations. v ... T HMtmm Vanml JlirS. ' wUHac, .......... Scott, Mrs. Edward M. Murphy and Mrs. Ivan Pickens poured. Invited to' enjoy the occasion with Miss Casey and Mrs. Jenkins to honor of Mrs. Butler were Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs. D. B. Bubar, Miss Alice Ueland, Miss Emma Ueland, Mrs. Porter Lainhart, Mrs. H. N. Jacobson, Mrs. Fred Lock wood, Mrs. Kenneth Ford, Mrs. B. A. Young, Mrs. Adelbert Young of Reno, Nevada. . Mrs. Harrle W. Booth, Mrs. Mau rice J. Newland, Mrs. Fred Schwarti, Mrs. L. E. McCltntock, Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, Mrs. A. E. Enjoy Reunion A delightful family reunion was enjoyed at a picnle at Umpqua Park Sunday by the members of Mrs. Mary Brown's family, after Which watermelon and home-made Ice cream were enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Brown. Coming for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Brown of Duarte, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown and three children, Earl, Oharyl Lee and Curtis, of Pueblo, Colo. Others present were Mrs. Mary Brown and her daughter, Mrs. Earlcne Bucll, and her chil dren, Sandra and Stanford; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown and grand children, Dickie, Davey and Cher! Russell: Mrs. Harold Brown and son, Gary. Only member of the family unable to be present was Harold Brown, who was in Las Vegas. Saturday evening the group got together at the E. E. Brown home on Roberts Creek Road to enjoy the colored slides taken of the painted desert, Carlsbad Caverns, petrified forest and Grand Canyon. The pictures were taken by the Sterling Browns. While in Oregon the Charllo Brown family enjoyed a trip to Diamond and Crater Lakes, House of Mystery and also made a trip north to Seattle to at tend the World's Fair. Both the Charlie Brown and Sterling Brown families left this week for their homes. Tenmile Woman Is Complimented The Tenmile Methodist Sunday tcnooi neia a potiucK dinner Sun day at the clubhouse to honor Mrs, Wayne Brcltcnbucher. Mrs. Brelt enhuchor was surprised and do lighted when she received a beauti ful white sweater from the Sunday School, a birthday cake, made and decorated by Mrs. Bill Centers, and many other lovely gifts, Enjoying the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Petersen, Mrs. Breitcnbucher's brother and sister-in-law, and Mrs. Elsie Hughs, all of Roscburg; Mr. and Mrs. Mil ford Dowdy, Joel, Lorcn, Tim and LcAnn; Mrs. Bill Centers and Cheryl: Mary Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. Al Young, Llbby, Brenda and Kim Miller; Dale and Dixie Plppen; Mrs. John N'cwlun and Judy; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dwight, Curtis and Greg; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dwight, Mark, Gail and Stcvie; Mrs. Louis Diedrirh; Mrs. Grafton Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. George Butts, David and Carmen; Mrs. C. C. Worthington, the Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young II and Ricky, Robert and Randy; Wayne Breitcnbuchcr and the guest of honor, Kent, Mrs. Joseph Lanspa, Mrs. R. D. Coen. Mrs. Roy Catching, Mrs. J, R. Wharton, Mrs. George Wharton, Mrs. Charles W. Wharton. Mrs. Florence Wlckland. Miss Na omi scott. Mrs. LeRoy Gorton, Mrs. Hor ace C. Berg, Mrs, Carrie Peck, Mrs. George Neuner, Mrs, A. J. Ellison, Mrs. H. F. LeSeau, Mrs. Walter Fisher. Mrs. S. G. Palmer. Mrs. Arthur R. Kaufmann of New York: Mrs. 0. M. Berrie. Mrs. Paul Helweg, Mrs. Blossom Max well of Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Gertrude Kast. Mrs. John Kast of Washington D.C., Mrs. S. L. Kid der. Mrs. Clifford SherriU. Mrs. L. W. Metzger, Miss Anna Link, Mrs. James Bauer, Mrs. H. H. Hobi, Dagny Lindberg Becomes Miss Dagny B. Llndberu of Ten mile and Clayton D. Alexander of Winston exchanged marriage vows in an impressive double ring cere mony which took place Saturday, June 23, at four o'clock In the Roseburg Faith Lutheran Church with the Rev. Allen G. Ingebritsen officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bertil Lindberg of Ten mile, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Alex ander of Winston. The church was decorated with masses of roses in all colors ac cented with fern and dainty white flowers. Organist Barbro Skoog played In cidental music and the traditional wedding marches and accompan ied the soloist, Mrs. Jim Taylor of Winston, who sang "A Wedding Prayer. The bride, given by her father In marriage, was beautiful in a full-length gown of acetate satin and lace styled with a chapel train. Miniature seed pearls ac cented the neckline and carried down the front of the skirt. The bride's veil of Illusion was finger tip length. She carried a bouquet of white roses encircled with white carnations with long, white satin streamers. Mrs. Herman McDow ell was matron of honor, wearing a mint green, embroidered cotton satin sheath dress with satin slip pers dyed to match, and white gloves and hat. Her corsage was formed of white carnations encir cling red roses. Carolyn Dooly and Sherry Han- an, Lakevicw, roommates of the bride at Southern Oregon College, were bridesmaids. Their gowns. accessories and flowers matched those of the matron of honor. fete Amorde. Kosemim. was best man. Lee Moine Hopper and bod iiarty of Winston were ush ers. Ring bearer was Ruslv Alexan der, brother of the bridegroom. Di ane Alexander, cousin of the bride groom, was flower girl. Ronnie Linna, cousin of the bride, was tralnbearcr. Candlelighters Karen Lindberg, sister of the bride, and handy Linns, cousin of the bride wore wnue embroidered cotton- satin dresses with full-length white gloves and mint green hats. jui ner unugmer s weaning, Mrs.'Slig Nelson and Lori of Drain. Joan Johnson At Sutherlin Home Wedding The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lcroyi Johnson of Sutherlin was the scene of a lovely wedding July 14 at 9 p.m. when their daughter, Joan, became the bride of Dean Sebas tian, o The bride chose a white Arret length dress with blue slippers and blue accessories. Her corsage was of blue and white carnatio. Her only attendant was her sister, Jan ice, who wore a black and white tunic-style dress. Her corsage was of white carnations. Best m.ft was Orvtlle Parker of tftoseburg. The service was read by theTlev. 'Harold Robbins of the Sutherlin "v! ,69. I -J Butler Thursday Mrs. Fred Sohn, Mrs. Lewis Hal lett, Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs. Chester Morgan, Mrs. Edward M. Murphy, Mrs. John Young, Mrs. F. C. Dezen dorf, Mrs. John H. Robinson. Mrs. Harris Ellsworth, Mrs. Ar thur Clarke, Mrs. T. B. Virden, Mrs. B. L. Hardenbrook, Mrs. Paulus McKee, Mrs. Walter Welk er, Mrs. Bernard Hansen, Mrs. L. W. Josse, Mrs. Velle Broadway, Mrs. Roy Bellows, Mrs. Arthur Baum, Mrs. Edgar Lewis. Mrs. A. A. Wilder, Mrs. Fred Chapman, Mrs. E. R. Buckingham, Mrs. Oscar Revell, Mrs. Harry Hildeburn, Mrs. Walter Brittell, Mrs. Sadie Batton, Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer, Mrs. Gerald McCarthy and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Bride Lindberg wore a pink shantung pleated dress with a short jacket, Her accessories were white, as was her carnation corsage. Mrs, Alexander's dress was brown print with beige accessories and her corsage was also white carnations. A reception was held in the church parlors following the cere- money. The serving table was cov ered with a white linen cloth, with a lovely three-tiered cake topped with a miniature bride and bride grom posed within a heart-shaped ruffle of lace, and decorated in pastel green and white to carry out the colors chosen by the bride, Hoses and ferns further decorated the table. After the traditional first cutting by the bride and bridegroom, Mrs. Oiva Linna, cousin of the bride, served the cake. Mrs. Helmer Oberg of Bandon, aunt of the bride, served punch, and Carol Anderson, Winston, poured coffee. Darlene Klevc, Winston, had charge of the guest book. Carolyn r ox nad charge of gift's. The bride wore an orange and brown cotton-satin pleated dress, matching accessories and the ros es from her bridal bouo.net for her golng-away costume. The couple honeymooned at the coast and are now at home to their friends in Tenmile. - The bride was graduated from Douglas High School and will re turn to Southern Oregon College for the fall term. During the sum mer, she is employed at tho Doug las County State Bank. The bride groom was also graduated from Douglas High School, attended Oregon State University, and will further his education at Southern Oregon College. During the sum mer, he is working at Roscburg Lumber Co. Out-of-town guests included the bride s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cash, Dale and Bev erly, Stanton, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs, Henning Oberg and Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson, all of Toldeo, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Ilel- mer Oberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wooley, all of Bandon; Mr. and Mrs. Art Johnson. Crescent City, Calif,; Mr. and Mrs. D. W Buswell, Don, Guy and Carl of Gold Beach; and Mr. and Mrs. Lovely Bride Christian Church. A reception followed the cere - mony. The cake, which was in the I."1 "hid !"d P'" ""'- In if V " Guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. ; Vamlerpol. Eugene, grandparents -" of the bride: .r. and Mrs. Orville Parker. Roseburg; Leroy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Titus Martin, Vonda Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Borden Beck, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rob bins and little Miss Jeri Lynn Johnson. o The young people are now at homo at 106 Robinson St., Sutherlin. O 10 Th Newt-Review, Roieburg, Banquet Honors A retirement dinner party hon ored Bruce C. Elliott and Mrs. Elliott Sunday evening at the Gold Room-of the Umpqua Hotel. El liott retires this week after 34 yeara with the J. C. Penney Co., most of .which he has spent in Roscburg. One hundred ten persons attend ed, including store personnel, hus bands or wives, former employes of the local store, managers of other Penney company stores and district managers. James R. Daugherty, assistant manager of the store here, was in charge of the dinner arrangements, and was master of cremonies. The principal entertainment fea ture consisted of the narration of the story of Elliott's life by Bob Herener, while men of the store acted out the humorous incidents in his life. Various gimmicks were presented the Elliotts significant of the events. Elliott was presented a booklet containing letters from employes and former employes, and also was presented a myrtle wood plaque in the shape of a fish. Former employes present were Norris Hart, Las Vegas; Bob Her cher, Medford; Dick Hollenbeck, Portland; Larry Wilson, Vancouv er, and Jay Sorseth, Albany, and their wives. Visiting store managers with their wives were Robert Grier, jiUte "ill , - T s - , IH-a-" , a i null ftiiimnWM MR. AND MRS. CLAYTON ALEXANDER, above, were united in marriage at Roseburg Faith Lutheran Church by the Rev. Allen G. Ingebritsen. The bride, Dagny B. Lindberg, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bertil Lind berg of Tenmile, ond the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Alexonder of Winston. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photogtaphy). Canyonville Temple Scene Of Officer Installation Mr. and Mrs. William Belcher of Days Creek were installed wor thy matron and patron of Oregon Eastern Star No. 57 In a colorful ceremony at the Canyonville Ma sonic Temple Thursday at 8 p.m. Other line officers installed were: Mr. and Mrs. Malin Moore, associate matron and patron; Mrs. Joe Anderson, conductress; and Mrs. Betty McCabe, associate con ductress. Floor officers Included Ira Poole, secretary; Mrs. A. M. Cooper, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Pruden, chaplain; Mrs. Wade Worthington, marshal; Mrs. Jim Moore, organ ist; Mrs. Beatrice Hudgins, Adah; Mrs. Lorraine Miller, Ruth; Mrs. Jcanette Jcnks, Esther; Mrs. Wil liam Preston, Martha; Mrs. Dor ris Robison, Electa: Mrs. Milton Herbert, warder; Wade Worthing ton, sentinel: and courtesy officers, Mrs. Ray Wright, Mrs. Ralph Wea ver, Mrs. Loson Winn, Mrs. Laur ence Michaels, Mrs. Lillian Da vidson and Mrs. Irmnl Briggs. Mr. ami Mrs. Ira Poole presid ed as installing past matron and patron; assisted by Mrs. Thclina Morrow, marshal; Mrs. Mllly Doud. chaplain; Mrs. Laurence Mi chaels, organist; and Judy Wood, soloist. Mrs. Belcher chose "love" as her theme, the dove as her cm- hlnm nn,i nA hnrmnnv hor u-trhrnr,t nrf fur her mntln Blessed are the peacemakers; for tPy sh,n c,uod the children of After the Installation of the wor- r"'thy matron and patron. Judy Wood f r (tor nf Mm S , ' er, sang "Tl 23rd Psalm." PATRONIZE NEWS-RE VIEW ADVERTISERS Ore. Fri., July 27, 1962 Affair Elliott Coos Bay; W. F. McKinley, Lloyd's Center, Portland; Ward Beck, Eu gene; Lowell Paup, Astoria, and Les Craven, Wenatchee. Present also was Larry L. Kelly, district manager out of Portland, and his wife. Elliott started with the Penney company in 1928, coming to Rose burg as shoe man. Except for a brief period at Klamath Falls and Yreka, Calif., he has been in Rose burg since. The present new store was built in 1954. Also present for the affair were the Elliotts' son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oden, of Ashland; their son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kvidera, and their son, Arthur El liott, of Roseburg. For) the occasion Mrs. Elliott wore a pleated black and white print crepe dress with a corsage of pink and green-shaded orchids. The Elliotts will go to Portland the first of the week to pick up their new trailer, which they plan to use for a number of planned trips to take place during the com ing months. After' the first of the year, they have planned some ex tensive traveling. Decorations for the dinner were in charge of Mrs. James Daugher ty and included gorgeous arrange ments of yellow and deep pink gladioli flanked by tall tapers. "The Lord's Prayer" was sung very beautifully by Judy Wood. Out-of-town guests included Judy Wood of San Francisco, sister of Mrs. Belcher; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Tarkington of Menlo Park, Calif., parents of Mrs. Malin Moore; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Branch, worthy pa tron and matron of Valentine Chap ter; Mrs. Marie Breckcnridge and D. H. Lloyd, worthy matron and patron of Western Star Chapter No. 64 of Kirby; and Thelma Mor row, grand representative of On tario, Ore. An addendum, "The Parkbench," was presented Dy tne Kainbow Girls of South Douglas Assembly. Girls participating were Judy El Iefson, worthy advisor; Billie Her bert, Becky McClane, Claudia Long, Anna Brown, Judy Muctzcl, Jill Lawrence, Fenny and Roxonn Dix on. Also, a skit honoring tne Bel chers was presented by the mem bers of the Canyonville OF.S. The skit concerned bowling, a favorite sport of the new worthy matron and patron. Gorgeous Girls! IJ7 .... c?y V "I (Hi ir 'jMfiltfl MR. AND MRS. BRUCE ELLIOTT, above, are shown at the Room of the Umpqua Hotel, honoring the former upon his with J. C. Penney Co. (Picture by Wilson Studio). Honored At Party Mrs. W. E. Hercher Sr. enter tained at a very lovely coffee Sat urday from 10 to 12 o'clock at Ruth Bradley's beautiful Oak Tree Inn on the North Umpqua River in compliment to her two daughters-in-law, Mrs. W. E. (Terry) Hercher and Mrs. Robert Hercher, both of Medford, who were here for the weekend with their fam ilies. A pink cloth with matching pink overskirt graced the table, which was centered by a Deauiuui ar rangement of mixed summer blos soms. 1 Mrs. Chester Hercher and Mrs. Neil Kaser Sr. poured. Other out-of-town guests enjoy ing the delightful affair besides the: two guests of honor were ;Mrs. Blossom Maxwell of Minneapolis, Minn., who spent three weeks here vacationing with her sister, Mrs. Paul H. Helweg; Mrs. Charles Sco field, who is home for the sum mer with her three small daugh ters visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrie W. Booth, and Mrs. Duane Brady, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Elli son. Mrs. Brady resides in Co quille. Miss Anderson Honored Friday ' The home of Mrs. Dick Stritzke was the setting Friday evening for a charming miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Stritzke and Mrs. George James in compliment to bride-elect, Jean Anderson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace u. Anderson. At her arrival Miss Anderson was presented a beautiful white carnation corsage from her host ess. The serving table was attrac tively decorated with a while cloth centered by while tapering can dles in an S-shapcd arrangement. with a lavender orchid placed on either side of the candles. A minia ture bride wtih white ruffles and net veiling also adorned the table. A lovely cut glass bowl held green punch. Appropriate games were played, with prizes going to Miss Billye Whorton, Mrs. John Bailey and Mrs. Lenord Boyd. After a pleas ant evening of games and visiting the honoree opened her gifts which had been placed under an umbrel la, beautifully decorated in the bride's wedding colors, lavender and white. Dainty refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses to the Mes- dames Wallace Anderson. Don li cit, John York, John Bailey, Wil liam Waddle, Ken Mak, Oscar Whorton, Arnold Weston, Leonard Boyd, Ora Plummer, Doug Frisby, Gordon Blakley, Leonard Starns, Fred Schmidt, W. T. Dawson, Charles Sullivan and Hascal Ow ens and the Misses Jean Anderson, Carole James, Alice Schmidt, Nel lie Waddle, Judy Stritzke, Sherry James and Billye Whorton. QUEEN OF THE FAIR and MISS WORLD BEAUTY PAGEANT Each Evening at 7:15 DOUGLAS 7 AUGUST 15-19 ROSEBURG Home Wedding In Eugene Charming Event Of June 10 Miss Betty Parazoo of Suther lin, daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Par azoo and the late Dewey Parazoo, was quietly married to Roger Allen Bly Sunday, June 10, at 8 p.m. at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Bly, 6203 Franklin Blvd., Eugene. The' Rev. Lavern Leigh, pastor of the Glenwood Christian Church officiated at the ceremonies. Matron of honor was Mrs. Earl Wilson, sister of the bride. Best man was Earl Wilson. The bride wore a blue brocade dress with matching veil. The veil was previously worn by a girl friend s mother living in tne rnn ippines. The bride's flowers were SAVE UP TO 50 Helena Rubinstein Annual Beauty STARTS MONDAY JULY 30 BUY ONE... Sale GET A htm Fethlon Stick, Ilpirick ond liner In on. Outlinu lipi as V M in crtximy color I Fnei Covtrfluld. original French matt make-up, now mod in U.S.A. 2Ji Valv now J50 Buyi Covtrflutd. In original French matt make-up In o rvba, now mod In U.S.A. Gives (kmleu covrog. Fti SMn Dew, Invisible moist ur. tier to wor under mak-up oil day. 3 JJ Vore I Dep i ' '14, fi I 1 nowj75 now 2Q JUST FOUR OF 19 EXCITING COMBINATIONS OF MAKE-UP, HAIR, TREATMENT PRODUCTS ROSEBURG PHARMACY Store Hours 8:30 . 117 S. I. JackMn banquet Sunday at the Gold retirement from 34 years, . '. 1 white carnations tied with pink rib bon. The maid of honor wore a blue sheath dress. A reception and shower followed the ceremonies, after which the couple left for a short wedding trip up the McKenzie River. The bride lived in Sutherlin all her life and attended Sutherlin schools until about a year ago when she moved to Springfield. She was graduated from Springfield High School with the class of 1962. The bridegroom attended Spring field High School. The young people are now living in San Diego where the bridegroom is serving as sea man in the Navy on the USS Apache. STARTS MONDAY JULY 30 BEAUTY BONUS FREEI fctyt Dp Cltanitr, xelvitv eram ctoonwr with Pntrt1a Float owoy evry froc of toil, nokt-up, Fri Skin Dwft, fnvlbbl moisturizer for frsh, dewy look undr ok-vp. lOOVofM now jso fcuyi MoKoroMoHc, ft ond ftnetf automatic mascara. Waterproof, doetn't unvdg II ihodL Free: CoTrfluid, mane make-up In o rubi flawless coverage, no eSrne. 3.05 VofV 6 Friday, Til Ph. OR 3413