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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1962)
e Out-Of-State Families Visit With Friends In Elkton Area By MRS. C. W. HENDERER Mr. and Mrs. Andy Brookover of Columbus City, Ind., were week end guests at the Charles Solomon home in Elkton. Recent house guests at the Wil bur Garrison home were Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Brown and children of Kansas City, Mo., and the Rev. Charles D. McGrew and two chil dren of Spruce, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison and ' The Rev. McGrew and children spent Monday of this week at Crater Lake. I Rtildtnl Hospitalized Mrs, Charles Solomon spent last week in Sacred Heart Hospital in fugene under observation. , Weekend guests at the George Parrish home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and family, Mrs. Iuella Landquist, Mr. and Mrs. Ev eron Barber and family, all of Bakersfield, Calif.; and Mr. and ilrs. Bill Shrader and family and Mr. and Mrs. David Shrader and family, all of Roseburg. : Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderer and family of Seattle were house guests last week at the parental George Bowman home. ; Edgar Jones returned to his hora in Elkton this week from Cottage Grove Hospital where he was un der observation last week. Mrs. Jim Snow was hostess at her home last Friday for a lunch eon in honor of Mrs. Bernie Slagle of Berlin, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baxter and daughter of San Francisco were house guests last week at the parental T. J. Andrews home. J - Picnic Date Announced The annual Eastern Star and Ma sonic picnic will be held at the Beckley Picnic Grounds Sunday, Aug. 5, for all members and their friends. ; Mrs. Wilma Higgins and Carol spent last weekend in Reedsport at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jim Adamo and family. ' Mrs. Vernon Simpson and daugh ter and Mrs. Fred Bond and son, all of Los Angeles, are visiting at the home of the women's brother-in-law and' sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Knypstra. ; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Anderson and family recently returned from a three-week vacation. They visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson in Burley, Idaho, and attended the Anderson and Mortensen reunion held in Rigby, Idaho. They visited Yellowstone National Park, camp- LEGAL C.I. N. J5H1 , SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THI STATE OP'OKCGON FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY OSCAR W. HANCOCK nd IRIS L. HAN COCK, husband and wile, Plaintiffs Th. Unknown Heirs of JOHN WILLIAM BECKLEY, deceased! CHRISTINA BARTH and JOHN DOE BARTH, htr husband: The Unknown Htlra of JAMES HENRY BECKLEY, deceased; EMMA BECKLEY; The Unknown Helre of PITZER WOODSON BECKLEY, deceased; The Unknown Helre of MARY JOSEPHINE MATTOON, de ceased; DEAN BECKLEY and CAPITOLA BECKLEY, his wife; GARRETT BECKLEY and KATHRYN BECKLEY, his Wife; CAR RIE JOROEN; The Unknown Heirs of JESSE LEVI BECKLEY, deceased; MAR GARET HOSELTON; ELIZABETH DAL LAIRE end VICTOR OALLAIRE, her hus band; The Unknown Heirs of CLYDE PRESTON BECKLEY, deceased; MAUR ICE BECKLEY and VIRGINIA BECKLEY, his wile; MARJORIE STANTON and FRANK STANTON, her husband; The Un Known Heirs of CLAUDE RAY BECKLEY, deceased; VERNE JINNETT and JANE DOE JINNETT, his wife; CASSIUS C. GAO DIS end JANE DOE GADDIS, Ms wife; VINNIE MARCELLUS and JOHN DOE MARCELLUS, her husband; The Unknown Heirs of PHILLIP H. PINKSTON. do ceased; The Unknown Heirs of LURA PINKSTON DEARDORFF deceased; FLOR ANCE TRIPP and NEAL TRIPP, her hus band; The Unknown Heirs of NORA BRITT, deceased; JOSEPH L. WINCHELL and JANE DOE WINCHELL, his wife; SPEN CER S. WINCHELL and JANE DOE WIN CHELL II, his wife; The unknown Heirs of ELIZABETH WINCHELL, dKsedl MARCEIL CLARK and JOHN DOE CLARK, her husband; AGNES TOMPKINS and JOHN DOE TOMPKINS, her husband;' MARIE BECKMAN and JOHN DOE BECK MAN, her husband; CLIFFORD HAYMAN and JANE DOE HAYMAN, his wife; VAN ETA KOETHE and JOHN DOE KOETHE, her husband; Tht Unknown Helra of LAURA M. HAYMAN, deceased; MARY HAY MAN; JOHN WUNDERLE; Also, alt other persons and parties unknown claiming any rloht, title, or Interest In the real properly described In the Complaint herein and lha unknown heirs of any deceased defend an'1' Defendants. TO: The Unknown Heirs of JOHN WIL LIAM BECKLEY, deceased; CHRISTINA BARTH and JOHN DOE BARTH. her hus band; The Unknown Heirs of JAMES HENRY BECKLEY, deceased; The Un known Heirs Of PITZER WOODSON BECK LEY, deceased; Tht Unknown Heirs of MARY JOSEPHINE MATTOON, deceased; GARRETT BECKLEY and KATHRYN BECKLEY, his wife; CARRIE JORDEN; The Unknown Heirs of JESSE LEVI BECK LEY, deceased; MARGARET HOSELTON; ELIZABETH DALLAIRE and VICTOR DAL LAIRE, her husband; The Unknown Heirs of CLYDE PRESTON BECKLEY, deceased; MAURICE BECKLEY and VIRGINIA BECKLEY, his wife; MARJORIE STAN TON and FRANK STANTON, her husband; Tf Unknown Heirs of CLAUDE RAY atiCKLEY, deceased; VERNE JINNETT and JANE DOE JINNETT his wife; CAS SIUS C. GADDIS and JANE DOE GAD DIS, his wile; The Unknown Heirs of PHILLIP H. PINKSTON, deceased; The Unknown Heirs of LURA PINKSTON DEARDORFF, deceased; The Unknown Heirs of NORA BRITT, deceased; JOSEPH L. WINCHELL and JANE DOE WINCHELL, his wife; SPENCER S. WINCHELL and JANE DOE WINCHELL II, his wife; Tha Unknown Heirs Of ELIZABETH WIN CHELL. deceesed; CLIFFORD HAYMAN and JANE DOE HAYMAN, his wife; VAN. ETA KOETHE and JOHN DOE KOETHE. her husband; The Unknown Heirs of LAURA M. HAYMAN, deceased; MARY HAYMAN; JOHN WUNDERLE; Also, all olher persons and parlies unknown claim ma any rlohf. title, or Interest In the real property described In the Compleinl herein end the unknown heirs of any deceased defendants. Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO APPEAR and answer the complaint filed .gams- you in me -,uuv- - four weeks from the date of this first pub- ncanon or inis wrnnw " r to so appear and answer, for want thereof. piiininis win eppir - court for a decree that plaintiff! are the ioie owners Of in. renewing KKnwa iw property, to wit: Lets U, II end U, Block I. First Addi tion to Elkton In the town f Elkton, Douglas county, uregon. ind are In possession of a fee simple title inirvie er.w mii'i"i ....i..... ..... . property against the claim of each and every one of Cre defendants and any ofher per sons unknown to plaintiffs claiming any In terest In said lands, end for such other and further relief as to the court may seem lust and equileble. Pursuant to the order of June 7, 1.4)., duly made and entered herein by the Hon orebla Don H. Sanders. Judo, of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Dougios County, this summone shall be published ence week for four successive and con tecutlve weeks. Dele of first publication of this summons shall be June 5S. lest LONG. NEUNER. DOLI 1 CALEY By Denew A. Dole of Attorney, for Piatntifft P O. Box IMS Roaeourf, Oregon near Sun Valley, Ida., for several days and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ora Elm in Portland en route home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Owen and family of San Diego were recent house guests at the home of Mrs. Katherine Cheever. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and family of Veneta, Ore., were week end guests at the Owen Smith home. Mrs. Roy Dodd, Mrs. Roy Dodd Jr. and children, Mrs. Max Dodd and children and Mrs. Harold Dodd, all of Yoncalla were guests Tues day of this week at the home of Mrs. Agnes Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barta and family of Red Cloud, Neb., were weekend guests at the Richard Saladen home. Mrs. Agnes Johnson's grandchil dren, Bobby and Elizabeth Dixon of Seattle were recent houseguests in Elkton. Hank Williams suffered a head cut Sunday afternoon when he fell off his bike and was taken to Cot tage Grove Hospital where he re ceived five stitches. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Staled bids will be received by Robert P. Wheeler, clerk at school district administra tion office, Camas Valley. Oregon until Aug list 10, 1963, 1:00 P.M.. PST. tor the follow ing performances: 1. Construct and Install bleacher seats In gym building, specifications furnished. I. Painting all exterior 4 trim on main school building. 1. Pilling and painting cement blocks on new building lobby. Bids may be submitted upon one or all of above requirements, details and specifica tions furnished at schoolhouse office in Cam as Valley, Oregon. School District No. 21 reserves the right to reect any or all bids, to waive Informalities, and to make such awards as It determines to be In Its best Interest. Camas Valley School Dlst. No. 21 ROBERT P. WHEELER, Clerk First Pub Ilea t Ion-Jury If, 1W2 Second Publication July U, 1942 TIMBER FOR SALE TIMBER FOR SALE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. ORAL AUCTION BIDS will be received by the Dis trict Manager, Bureau of Land Management, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, O-egon at 10:30 a.m., PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on Friday, August 17, 1MJ, for all timber marked or designated for cutting. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and submission of bids should be ob tained from the above District Manager. The right is hereby re served to waive technical defects In this advertisement and to reject any or all bids. The United States reserves the right to waive any in formality in bids received when ever such waiver is in the inter est of the United States. DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON: O&C AND PD: ORAL AUCTION: All timber designated for cutting on Lots 15 and 16 (SNEV.), ' SEV. Section 8; Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 (NW'a), SW'a, SV4SEV4 Section 9; SWVi Section 10, T. 21 S., R. 9 W., W.M., estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 5103 M bd. ft. Doug las fir, 604 M bd. ft. Hemlock and 20 M bd. ft. Western redcedar. No bid for less than $19.90 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas fir; $8.70 per M bd. ft. for the Hemlock and $5. 30 per M bd. ft. for the Western redcedar or a total purchase price of $106,910.50 will be considered. Access to the sale area is avail able via (1) the Vincent Creek Road and the Smith River - Sius law River Federal Access System under the jurisdiction of the BLM, No fee; (2) the Wells Creek - Vin cent Creek Road System to State Highway No. 38 under Right-of-Way Agreement C-320 with Internation al Paper Company, road use fee $0.20-M. Minimum deposit with bid, $10,700.00. TIMBER FOR SALE TIMBER FOR SALE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. ORAL AUCTION BIDS will be received by the Dis trict Manager, Bureau of Land Management, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon at 10:30 a.m., PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on Friday, Auguit 17, 1962, for all timber marked or designated for cutting. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and submission of bids should be ob tained from the above District Manager. The right is hereby re served to waive technical defects in this advertisement and to reject any or all bids. The United States reserves the right to waive any informality in bids received when ever such waiver is in the interest of the United States. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON: O&C: ORAL AUCTION: All timber designated for cutting on SEtt-SEVa, Sec. 33, T. 19 S., R. 9 W.; Lot 4, SWU- NWW, Sec. 3; NEViNEV. Lot 2 (NWWNEVi), SWNEi and SEi-i, Sec. 4, T. 20 S., R. 9 W.t W.M., estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 4927 M bd. ft. Douglas fir, 15 M bd. ft. Hemlock, 33 M bd. ft. Western redcedar. No bid for less than $20.10 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas fir, $10.50 per M bd. ft. for the Hemlock and $8.00 per M bd. ft. for the Western red cedar or a total purchase price of $99,454.20 will be considered. Ac cess is available via the Smith River-Siuslaw River Federal Ac cess Road System, no fee, and U.S. Forest Service Road, no fee. Min imum deposit with bid. $10,000.00. All Amber designated for cutting on SW'iSE. Sec. 21, T. 23 S., R. 9 W., W.M., estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 76 M bd. ft. Douglas fir and 3 M bd. ft. Grand fir. No bid for less than $27.- 25 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas fir and $16.35 per M bd. ft. for the Grand fir or a total purchase price of $2,120.05 will be considered. Ac cess to the sale area is available via Government controlled road, no fee. Minimum deposit with bid, $250.00. Now You Know I By United Press International I The United Kingdom, with 2 per cent or the world s population. Is I the second largest trading nation, conducting 10 per cent of inter national trade. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that tht undersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of Lars Nlckander, deceased, by order ot I he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Douglas. All persons having claims against tha estate of Lars Nlckander, da ceaud. are hrebv reauired to oresent the same, duly verified as by law required, wntv In six months from the date ot ine nrsi oublicatlon of this notice to the office of the undersigned at Room 411, Pacific Building. Roseburg, Oregon. Dated and first published this 2Hh day of June, ivu. SIO COMFORT Executor of the Estate of LARS NICKANDER, deceased Harrison R. Winslon William H. Jones Attorneys for Executor NOTICE OF PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mon day, the nth day of August, 1H2, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., a public hearing will be held m the council mamber ot me my 01 Roseburg, Oregon at which time oblectlons will be heard. If any there are, to the proposed zone change of the following de scribed property trom Kesiaemiei n o kci- Identlal I. All of the following described area which Is Class II Residential as of July, 1962, to-wit: All of that area bounded on tne east by the west line of Nebo Vista Homes as platted and tiled In the office of the County Clerk, Douglas County, Oregon, on the north by W. Harvard Avenue and on the west and south by the pres ent City Limits. Dated and first published this 26th day of July, 196?. City Recorder Roseburg. Origan NOTICE OF PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN that Mon- day, the 13IK day of August, ItiJ. at 1:00 o'clock p.m., a public hearing will be held In the Council Chamber of the City of Roseburo. Orcoon. at which time 00 actions will be heard. If any there are, to the proposed lone change of the following de scribed prooertv from Residential I to torn merclal III. The area to bo rezoned being a portion of the James and Strltlke property on Wast Harvard Drive, Tax Lot No. 57211-1, end lying adlacent to the north line thereof, more particularly described as follows t wit: Beginning at a point on tha North line of the existing Business Zone III on the East line of the above described property,' said point also being South 12.5 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot P Monte Vista Addition to the City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon; Thence Westerly 143.5 feet more or less to the West line of sold property; Thence North along said West line 22.3 feet to the South Line of the Wont. Vista Plat; Thence East along said South Line of said Plat to the South east corner thereof; Then:e South 12.5 feet more or less to the place of be ginning. Dated and first published this 2ilh day of July, 1MJ. City Recorder Roseburg, Oregon No. 2550 NOTICE OP SHERIPP'S SALE OP REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON POR DOUOLAI COUNTY UMPQ.UA NATIONAL BANK, a national ) banking association, - ) rieiniiii( j vs. 1 JACK LARKEE, a sinqle man, and ) DONALD E. CANDEE and JANE DOE ) CANDEE, husband and wife, ) Defendants. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pur suant to Decree made and entered In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, county of Douglas, dated the 51 h day of July, 1962, in the suit entitled "umpqua National nanic, national banking association, Plaintiff, vs. Jack Larkee, a single man, ana uonaia t. Candee and Jane Doe Candee, husband' and wife. Defendants" where In It was decreed that the Plaintiff recover udgment against the Defendants, jock Lancee, e singie man, Donald E. Candee and Jent Doe Candee, husband and wife. In the sum of TWO THOUSAND NINETY-TWO Is S7TW DOL LARS ($3,092.87), together with Interest at the rate of six per cent (6) per annum from August 4, 196T, until paid, and the further sum ot two thousand iiiRtt HUNDRED FORTY-SIX & 46100 DOLLARS ($2,346.46) as taxes, plus Interest and pen alties thereon, and the furtner sum ot pivt HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500) as reasonable attorney's fees, and for Plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein Incurred. Pursuant to the aforesaid decree, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the main front entrance of tne t.oun nouse, xoseDurg, Doualas Countv, Oreaon, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m., on Monday, August 13, 1962, all rloht, title and interest or tne de fendants. Jack E. Larkee, a single man, and Donald E. Candee and Jane Doe canaee. husband and wife, had on the 5th day of July, 1962, or has had at any time since, and now have in and to the following described rest property In Douglas County, Oregon, to-wlt: All of Lot a, in Block 49, Amended piai of Railroad Addition to the City ot Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon. NOTICE Is further given that said sale will be made sublect to the confirmation ot said Court and subject to redemption as provided tor oy tne statutes ot uregon. dated tnis tzin day ot JUiy, i2. IRA C. BYRD, Sheriff for Douglas County, Oregon By; Arda E. Garrett, deputy. NOTICE OF SALE S20,0M GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS CITY OF GLENDALE, OREGON Sealed bids will be received up to 7:30 o'clock p.m., pacific standard Time, August 6, 1962, In the office of the City Recorder in ine city Han in uienoaie, Ore gon, and Immediately thereafter publicly opened, for the purchase or an issua of bonds ot ine city of cienaaie, Oregon, in ine ag gregate principal amount ot $20,000.00. The proceeds ot tne bonds win be used to pur chase fire flqr-tlng equipment, Including but not limited to a fire truck for said City. The bonds are to be in denominations of $1,000, to be dated October 1, 1962, and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six (6-4) per cent per annum, payable semi annually on the 1st day of October and the 1st day of April of each year during the lite Ol said bonds. Each bidder is required to specify tht rate of Interest preferred and bid by him. Said oonos sum be sold to ine niqnest bidder tor not less than ninety-eight (!") per cent of their par value and the entire amount of accrued Interest thereon, end to the bidder ottering the lowest effective rate of Interest to ine city, taxing into account sven premi ums as are olfered and discounts offered, and such Items as have been and shall be charged by the bidder In connection with the purchase of the bonds with Interest being compute at the respective maturity dates. The bid must contain a statement of the net Interest cost under the terms of the bid. The bonds will be 10-year serial bonds, the prin cipal of which shall mature and be payable as ronowi: Date of Maturity Not. of Bonds Amount October 1, 1963 1 2 12,000.00 October 1, 1964 3 4 2,000 00 October 1, 1965 5 6 2.000.00 October 1, 196 7 1 2,000.00 October 1, 19(7 9 . to ?,ooo.oo October 1, 1961 11 . t 5JM0.C0 October 1, 1969 13 14 2,000.00 October 1, 1970 15 - 16 2.000.00 Ocfoo-r 1, 1971 17 II 7.M0.M October 1, 1972 t9 20 2,000.00 The bonds will be Issued pursuant to amendment to the charter of the City ot Gtendate. Both principal and Interest are payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Glendale, Oregon. The bonds ere direct general oblloafion bonds of the City of Glendale. A certified check on a bank doing business in the State of Oregon payable to tha order of the City of Glendale In the amount ot two (2i.) per cent of the par value ot the bonds ottered lor sale It to accompany each bid. The bonds win be delivered either to the purchaser or his designated agent at any designated place m tne stete of Oregon as soon after the sate as practicable. Bids will be publicly opened In the Council chambers at the City Hall In said City at 7:30 o'clock p m. on the 6th day of August, 19. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The approving opinion of Shuler, Say re, Wintree and Rankin, attorneys at law, Port land, m.;ii be supplied to the successful bid der, further information rey be obtained from the City Recorder of the City ot Glen dale. All bids shall be addressed to the undersigrved. By authority at tht Common Council tf tha City of Glendale. A. J SMITH City Recorder Glendale, Oregon OUT Ou t.,- OH, CHAMP I WARMEP yOU ABOUT FALLIWd I ASLEEP OUT THERE.' BETTER LET WE RUB SOME SUM BURN LOTION ON VOUJ 53nwi HEROES LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIOS Sealed bids will be received bv Robert P. Wheeler, Clerk at District Admin Isl rat Ion Of fice, Camas Valley, Oregon, until August 10, 1962, 8 p.m. o'clock P.S.T., for Camas Valley High School Science Room Remodel tor (owner:) school District No. 21, Doualas County, Oregon, and will then and there be publicly opened. Bids received alter the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Drawings, Specifications and Contract Docu ments may be examined or may be obtained at the office of Hayslip & Tuft, Architect, 4100 5. w. earbur Boulevard, Portland 1, Oregon, after July 23. 1962, upon a deposit of $5.00 for each set. up to two sets of Drawinos, Specif cations nd Contract Documents will be furnished each prime bidder at the stipulated deposit sum per set. Additional sets win be provided upon request at the bidders expense at $5.00 per set but than be returned without refund. Deposit sum will be refunded to all but the successful bidder upon return of all drawings, specifications and contract documents in good condition by the actual bidders within two weeks after the opening of bids, but to non bidders only If returned no later than seven days prior to the bid opening. Attention Is called to Bidders Prequallfl cation. Chapter 279, Oregon Revised Statutes. ruinii 1 nay a uuiamvu sue viiilc wi Architects. No proposals will be considered unless fully 1 completed in the manner provided In the Contract Documents, ana accompanied by certified check, cashier's check or bid bond (with author zed surety company as suretvl made payable to the Owner In an amount of not less than five per cent of the total amount ol the east bio, to m forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable Bond tor tne faithful performance ot tne worn in the event the contract Is awarded to him. The Owner reserves tne ngm to re eel anv - nil bidi. to waive Informalities, and to make such awards as it determines to be in Its best merest. No bidder mav withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof or before award of the Contract, unless said award Is delayed tor a period exceeding 30 days trom dale of bid opening. camas vane school dist. no. 11 ROBERT P. WHEELER, CierK Pint Publication Julv 19, si 962 Second Publication July 26, 1962 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION OF NORTH PORK OP SMITH RIVER ROAD OOUOLAS COUNTY. OREGON SEALED bids will be received bv Ihe Coun ty Court of Douglas County at the Court nouse in Koseourg. uregon, ar 10:10 a.m.i P.S.T.. August 1962. for construction of North Fork ol smith River Road No. IA approximately 15.5 miles northeast ot Gardi ner, Oregon. The ob consists of clearing, grubbing, .xca vai on. rocK surfacing, fencing ana grain age. The principal Items are: 1. Excavation items jiy.suu cu. yas. 2. 6.300 lln. ft. assorted culvert pipe. 3. 61,000 cu. yd of material In base, i. 3.100 rods of woven wlr. fencing. plus various other minor Items. B dders win be required ta euomit prequaif. flcatlon statements. Specifications are on file with th. County Clerk of Douglas County, and copies there of may be obtained at the office of the county Engineer, Room 21T, lounnouse, Roseburg, Oregon. Douglas County reserves the right to ralect any or all bids or to waiv. any Informal Ity In bidding. DOUGLAS LOUNIT LUURI V. T. JACKSON, County Judge E. R. METZOER, Commissioner RAY E. DOERNER, Commissioner WA 1 1 ws It's Easy to Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today Please publish tha following classified ad for days Enclosed $ B. sure to fnclos. payment. Count 5 words per line. 6. lur. to count th. oddress andor tele phone number. Clojificotirn .... WRITE YOUR AD BELOW NAME ADDRESS ' Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertisina Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon. News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit OH, BOy, WHERE'S Y NEVER MIND TH U3TIOM inEmcHi in- , SU SHER7 MELT S. I THE BUTTER, MOTHER,) no 1 ouiuei-ton- , STER JUST OUT OF THE POT.' ARE MADE -WOT BORW Portland Markets WEDNESLAY PRICES . PORTLAND (UPI) - Dairy market: PORTLAND (UPI) - Eggs to producers f.o.b. at ranch: AA extra large 34-37 ',4 AA large 30 35 '.-i : A large 2832; AA medium 22-27'i AA small 15-18Vic. Eggs To retailers: A A extra large, 43-49c; AA large 4045; A large 39-42c; A A medium ; 34-38 AA small 24-30c; cartons 13 e higher. Butter-To retailers: AA and A prints 67 c; cartons 1 e higher;B prints 66 c. Cheese medium cured To retailers: 47 48VSc; processed American 510 lb loaf, 4546ttc. PORTLAND (UPI) Potato market: Old Russets: Ore Deschutes bakers 5-S.25 new Calif. Round Reds 50 lb size A & B 1.50-1.75 Long Whites 3.80 4.25 few best 4.40 - 4.50 bakers 4-4.75 U.S. No 2, 3.10-3.50. PORTLAND (UPI) Dres sed chickens- No 1 grade dressed I to retailers: Fryers, whole drawn, 32.39 c lb; cut-up, 38-42 c lb; hens light type, whole drawn, 2329 c lb; light type hens, cut-up 26-34 e lb; heavy whole 36-39 c lb. Portland Cash Grain White wheat 2.18Vi Soft white hard applicable 2.1814 White club no bid Hard red winter 2.36 Hard white baart, ordinary 2.27 PORTLAND (UPI) - (USDA)- Livestock: Cattle 200; few good, 1,000 1100 lb. 2526.25; slaughter heifers few standard 850 900 lb. 19-21; canner-cutter 10-14.50. Calves 50; good and choice slaughter 320 lb. 24-27; few utility and standard 18-23; feeders medi um and good 18.50-23. Hogs 200; no. 1 and 2 butcher 190-220 lb. 20.50-20.75; no 2 and 3 180-240 lb. 19-20; sows no. 2 and 3 335-480 lb. 13-15.50. Sheep 400; slaughter spring lambs choice and prima 18.50-20; good and choice 18. CASH RATES lln.i 3 Days $ Dgvs 30 Days 2 $1.75 -J2.50 $ 5.50 3 2.50 3.50 7.50 4 3.25 4.50 ' 9.50 5 4.00 5.50 11.50 6 4.75 6.50 13.50 Above rates subject to 50c service chargt for effect. Use for Results! By . R. Williams ,N17 THE FEEBLE Tr-ivcc octtc THIS KHOE HEALTHV AKOUMP LOOKING LIKE A FLAUNEL- MOL1THPD FLOIJKlOCsT 1 svircfe in A BARREL Or FLOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL OR 2-3321 CASH RATES Advertitini For Business Within ftoieburf Treds Are. Cord ot Thonks SI. 50 I -Day rate 2 lines 1.00 3-Day rote 2 lines .. 1.75 6-Day rote 2 lines ... 5.50 30-Day rate 2 lines m. 5.50 I -Day rote 3 lines I. SO 3-Day rate 3 lines 2.50 6-Day rate 3 lines , 3.50 30-Day rate 3 lines 7.50 CREDIT Above istss subject to SO cents service chute tor cisdit DEADLINES Privets Petty Advertitini 2 P.M. Day Prior to Publicstion. the News-Review tetsrvss the , riant to classify, edit or feiect sny Classified Ad Copy. , I ADJUSTMENTS It your advaitisement eppears incorrectly, notify us immediately. V.e will not be responsible tor mots than ono Incorrect insertion. Such responsibility Is limited to s correct inssriion of sdvettisemsnt. lelusls Will Not Is HsU Mate Ihsa m Days CLASSIFIED INDEX APARTMENTS FOR RENT AUCTIONS 41 AUTO INSURANCE . AUTOMOTIVE WANTED 10 AUTOS FOR SALE .. SI AUTO TRUCK PARTS 7) AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 71 BOATS AND MOTORS J5 BUILDINO MATERIALS - 4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .... 12 ' BUSINESS PERSONALS CARDS OF THANKS S COMMERCIAL RENTALS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ..... 31 FARM EQUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES ......... It FLORISTS 4 FOOD AND PRODUCE 17 FUEL .- a HAY AND GRAIN SI HEAVY EQUIPMENT 7 HELP WANTED .. . 14 HELP WANTED MEN U HELP WANTED WOMEN . 1i HOUSES FOR RENT If HUNTER'S ATTENTION t INCOME PROPERTY J7 INSTRUCTION U LIVESTOCK . U , LOANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT .... 74 LOST AND FOUND . 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 4S MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTEO 44 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT ... 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SO NOTICES II OFFICE EQUIPMENT SI PERSONALS . 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES 47 POULTRY AND RABBITS l REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 23 ROOM AND BOARO 3t ROOMS FOR RENT 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK Sf SEWING MACHINES 32 SPORTING GOODS 51 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 4. TRUCKS FOR SALE 74 WANTED TO RENT 2S WHERE TO GO 10 WORK WANTED , 17 SUBSCRIPTION RATES fa Orefjse - ly Mall - sea sata, (l. Hi una mailt. SI.SI: sis eitiili. M.Ni aae year. SU M. tettlda ot Oraisa ly Ma'l - eaa oatt II.!!: Uis. Ill, U.2li lis asattl. Sh'.Sfj. aee year. ill. II. Carrier sal ftetaburt t. lases -One aieata, Sl.lii til satis. SUM. aae teat. S7I.H. Pal llsile can tie. Man Kites yi Omi'ii ' City Haiti Mail Sasicriptiiss Mast Pail la ItTlsa. PAPER DELIVERY It your paper it net delivered Call OK 2-3321 Men. thru Frl. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 P.M Cards Of Thanks CAffD OF THANKI WORD1 tANNOT adequately axprtss our deep appreciation tor the many kind and sympathetic acts that came to us at the of our recent bereavement, and far tha many tails at my shop. Mrs. Pete Rutter Peter. Ronnie and Andrea THIS Is a throa line News-Revie classified Cost only U.M lor 4 do. 1 pi tea your want ad - Dial OR 3-U31. h-. 'ViftWWId . , , . WIWII Section j Thur., July 26, 1962 Tha News-Review, Roiebur-g, Ore. U Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? C-ill Alcoholics A onymouOf 3-662T. YOUNG WOMEN of ony filth medfna coo fldtntlol idvlct may contact Ctthollc Chir It In, J7I W. Broodwoy. EUQin. Oroon. Diamond 54441. IN DEBT? . DONT tat bllla cost your tea, your credit, everything yu awnl IF you .re In debt byond vur ability to gay and sincerely want o : get out ol debt, see BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have ua explain Kir . DEBT DEDUCTION PLAN t. you. On. Dl.c. to pay all bills, at . pay 1 ment you can afford. No wcunty, n. u-aignera, KOT A LOAN COMPANY ' Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3591 4X) SE Main St. Where To Go 10 WHAT HAPPENS ON MONDAYS? Mom, does dad bowl, play golf, or just run with the boyi on Mon days? If so don't just sit there, Monday night is ladies' night at The Broiler. Special prices just for you. No dishes to do no kit chen to clean up, Just relax and enjoy the pleasant surroundings, the quiet atmosphere, and the warm hospitality offered you on your night. That's Monday night at THE BROILER 719 SE Cass OR 3-3445 PS: Dad if you don't go out on Mondays, you're welcome to come along and make it a family night. Notices 11 I WILL NOT bi rnDHs't' for any dibfl olhtr than mn own- Harold Wlrth. Lost & Found 12 LOST Oil pnlntlno unfrnnisd landscaped modern, Rouburg or North Umpqui Hwvi Saturday bttwoen a ind 13 p.m. Reward. Csll GY 40177. Help Wanted 14 ROSEBURG MEMORIAL GARDENS Will train family counselor lor permanent pon non. WANTED baan pickers. Register now. Cliff HSIS. OR 31615. R. 1 BOX 111. P a d On Cleveland Rapids Rd. DINNER COOK, fry cook, top-flight wait ress, wona gate, apply or 3-n, 3 to I P.M. SOMEON fe"to check on delinquent dog !! censes, o wtsM worn. Apply at loumy Clerks Office. ACT NOW Pleasant, eatv work In Rose. ourg. tuh or pan lime, earnings start im mediately. ' no experience necessary, dis trlbute Rawlelgh Products. Wrlle Rawlelgh, 306 Adeline, Oakland, Calif. BEAN PICKERS BURKS 8, SON BEN YARD IN OILLARD, IS A at Italian Romin.'., IS A el Blue L.k.s. picking will atari In th. Blu. L.k.s, July 12. Romono'e about tne juin. anno awn DUCKaie. News-Review. Motor Route , Now open In Comas Valley. Op portunity for ' semi-retired person or couple living In Camas Valley Area to net approx. $85 mo,, working about 3 hours dally deli vering The News-Review. Service able automobile necessary. For full Information, see FULLER JOHN SON, Circulation Manager, The News-Review. Help Wanted Men 15 TWO SETS FALLBRS and bucxers. Phone or J-7n?T evenings. PAINTER, none but a.ioer and first class need apply. Between and f P.M., Mark Preston, OR 2-4304. !M W. Sherwood. PART f im "opening for man with man- agomenr potential, must oe marrito, cur rently working. Rapid advancement f o r right man. Far Interview, phone OR 2-1391 between 7 and V -p.m. Help Wanted Women 16 LIVE IN tABf SITTER. Call OR 1-3643 WANTEO Strong middle aged woman to assist lady m wheel chair, no laundry, no lifting. For Interview phuna OR 3-7207. BOOKKEEPER WANTED. No shorthand or typing needed. Must be good with figures and of legal age. Apply In own hand wMtlngto PtofflcaBox 511. 3 WOMEN NEEDED- MUST'havt ear, bt of Itgal age, to be trained for sain position. Will In terview M! a.m. Friday July 31. See Mr. Guthrie at 41 SB Sttpheni. Work Wanted 17 SEWING., sMrti, apKl.llllna In chlldran's clothes, OS tM27. SLIeCe"ten.ege girl wishes be by anting In your home. References. OR M0S1. "ifViLL BABY sTT-TayeTourTrrie7" Call OR Wa IRONINO, housework, baby silling, typing. Cell OK Mat CARPENTER and CABINET work by lha nour, us T3eu. BAYsltfiNO"rmy tvome71nins"lwiTve'ei. days. OS -57. STRAY AND BRUSH PXltiTINO-OuaTlfy work, free estlmetes. OR M310. PAINTING, "WALL SHfN0RYaSc5biV rates. Phone OR 3-44?J. Ex'perT" cmttht wort. sldewTtks, drives, panes, rroo esiimstes. ORJ-3143. "WASHINS, fRONl HGKh O MENDTfiif OR MI1S IEWINO AND ALTERATION! OR J JI.5 feNHANCiT"VALUE7b..utlty with P.Tnt and wallpeper. Reesonabla rates. Call J and lsi or awirv. WANTEO Ranch worn tor family. XI yre p.rlwic. lh.p, cttl. r.nchlng. Call- OS Mass. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS ",all OR 1-7317 LEARN TO FLY Special Summer Rates Sole Course. , .fill .,.$ lesson. Private ground school $3 lesson ROSEBURG SKYWAYS Municipal Airport OR 2-361 1 OR 2-4189 Wa win ba tied to help you word vour ad tar bast results. Dial OR 1-3311. Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, eivi eoijitiee. PhoneiOR 3-41MorOR Htm, REAL ESTATE LOANS'to S2H0, also2nd mortgeaes. Automobile, furniture and sig nature loans. Laurentldo Industriel Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Ft nence Corp. 113 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans uo te sisoo On motor vehicles and furniture Jit IE Weahlngtui OR 3 Sill There Are No HIGH HATS Here In Any Amouiit Your Account li Welcome at DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK Business Opportunities 22 FOR SALE OR TRAOI tqulty In trallw courr, winiion. Piwna OS T-iy. FOR SALE, trad or UaitHotel anTcofVt hop. E. Linn, co Hotel Canyonvlllt, or call t39-tm. Canyonvlllt, Ortgon. -UNIT MOTEL, flva with kitchens, plus t otoToom noma, uo.wq, urmi. iaxa nouse trailer, property or contracts on trade. Glen Dale Motel, Myr))e Creak, Oregon. GOOD ma(or brand service station foMtast In Roseburg to only persons having eerv Ice station experience. Wonderful oppor tunlty tor right penon. Call OR Mill. FOR SALE DOUGLAS FIR FUEL CO. trucks, tlrtt and parts. Very reasonable down payment. 431 N. Main. Myrtle Creaky Call U3-4Xg. WdRKfSlC SHARE WESTERN STATES I'LYWOOO CO-OP' fort Ortord, Oregon. Market value S400A DIacount price SISOO on contract. CR 3-4KIJ. Commercial Rentals 24 FOR LEASE Floor spac. in new building, .500 block on West Harvard. Will furnlslt Interior to specification of toss... Phon. OR J.70BI. Wanted To Rent 25 WANTEO to rent or lease, 3 bedroom house. References, adults. Permanent, Write L. K. Byrd. JWalker Ave. Ashland, Ore. EINGINEER for stata Highway DsDt, wishes to rent 3 BR house by Aug. 3rd. Plu OR2-38 alter 6 P.M. WANTEDTO RENT OR LEASE; H. S. teach er, wife, 2 children, 13 and 10. Need 3 BR unfurnished home; prefer 1 baths I good araar reasonable rent) Auguit 14 or ejirlleivPho Apartments For Rent 26 FURNISHED apt. Spacious 1 BR, upstairs. 2 piocxa downtown. mo. or 3-hu. CLEAN S room furnished flat. I363-? E. Stephens OR 2-3270 FURNISHED 1 or 2 bedroom apt. Phone OR 21314 VERY NICE APT;, turnlihed, hardwood floors, tiled kitchen and bath, OR 2-AUt, ONE BEOROOM lurnlihed apt. 3 ml lea No. ot town, or 3 ai, avei a-azai. THREE ROOM turn, downstairs apt. 144S S.E. Will. OK 3-4033. UNFURNI SHED 3. room apt.Tclosa'in. Range and rafrlg. Electric heat.. Adults. no pats. OR 3-70)1. SUTHERLIN Union Gap Apts. 7 bdtm, .59 mo furn. Incl. water, electricity. Ph. 2)31 or OS 9-S69t). . . ' . ., THREE room furnished apt. Wafer and garb ago paid. Garden Valley Blvd. at 1433 NW Falrmounf. UNFURNISHED 1 BR duplex apt., electric near, carport, apuiis only,- no para, loir S- E, Roberta. WESTSIDE OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS Including kitchen with til arainooara. Bin wnn snowtr- parking near door for clients. Excellent location for dental, drafting, bookkeeping or other office use. 1693 W. Harvard. OR M577 eves. FURNISHED APTS. ATTRACTIVE, compact, easy upkeep, large closets, private entrance and bain, on cny bus lint. East side. Single adult, 130 mo. Largar apt, for couple, $30 mo. Call OR 2-1577 Kohlhagen Apts. , Modem, reaioneble rant Jackson it. at Lana Ave. ADULT I OR MH4 "A Good Place To Ltva" South Gate Vicinity TWO nice 1 bdrm apts, lovely sur roundings. Prlvete-qulet. Water, garb age peld. Laundry facllltlas. Adulta nly. Sorry, no peta. Inqulro at Shady Point Trailer Sales ; 1 ml. S. Hw. 99 OR 2-1438 TODD APARTMKNTS 1S3 bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Water - ana gera. aerv. provioeo aiso n..r m w.-e. Rents from SeS up. SWIMMINO POOL Torr.c. Apts. g.s .quipped OR 3-SU3 Wlnchastsr Ct.-Hot w.t.r hoot OR s-7ls Vlat. Homes-Hot walar heel OR 1-41SS Weatvu. Ct.-Waaher-dryar . . OH MJ Oakhlll Apti.-Radlanl Heat OR J414 Rooms For Rent 27 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. call .or z-iJUi attar 5. 8LEEPIN3 "ROOMS for gentleman. TR Biaxeiy, iw ama s.b. rrom dub uepoi. NICE sleeping rooms, $4 weak. 5 mllaa souin. i-an on 9-wt. Room And Board 28 BOARD .nd room; alto housekwplng room. S3T. 3 ml. south. 0.7 J-IfJT. ROOM AND BOARD )U SE Pine. OR 1-706. Houiet For Rent 29 FURNISHED BR housa. utilities paid, ax cept heat. S75 mo. OS f-542-V WINSTON Clean 2 BR house. SiS mo. Call OR 2-3103 attar . ONE bedroom furnished cottage, ciot"tn. W. AMi-tMiy2M2 5C J-M?- TWO BO, housa. Tergayard. 7(J mb. OR 3-3541 attar 4 P.M. two bedroom house, SSS. Call Temple -t, Drain. Friday eves. 5ne TO FOUR Bdrm homes tor famiilaa or tlnglt '(,""VOi' M. Furnished cabin, wTibur. in mo. Pan sloners praterrad. ORJMI33. (URNiTheD t BRTouie, cleanTfceai'onabie. NO dogs. 4131 N. E. Stephens. , CLEAN ""lBR house, with range, washer and dryar. 175 rno.OR fVO bedroom" house." S month. Rtirence requires J! Coray. or 3-3 lit. NEARLY NEW 3 BR home. Near Deyt Creelt. Ph. tIfr-3331. - THREE BEDRbbMhoufe, unfurn. 4 miles down river trom Melroie store, WO. Parry Wright, Toketaa J3'8VlLpi.rK- 6NE ahdtwo bedroom cabins. Weiar and gartflqe disposal furnished. MO ta U. OR 3-33M, 34l3DJamond LaleBlvd. ONEldroom "ranch ity It home, 13 X M living room. MS month. Newly decorated. OS t-5450 CLEAN, weiPbuiil one badrobrn house on Cavltt Creek. Nice kitchen w-dlning space, separata utllltyf garage w-shoo. Garden space, chicken housa. M0 mo. OR 3-4594 evenings. WINSTON newly decorated liw bedrooVi housa. SS0 month, water and garbage eorv ke. Call OR W?U before I a.m. and attar p.m. , WANTADS Ar For Evjrybody