The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 24, 1962, Page 10, Image 10

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I, i inn n mmmmm njpp ' 1 ' ' ' 'M,
10 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Tues., July 24, 1962
Portland Wedding
Of Interest Here
' OFFICERS ond installing officers pictured above include, front row: Naomi Strosburg,
. .. .. . .1 it A ...I ll lMM Uhhu. PHni AAntM-iauc Al.
tllzaoem nocKersmim, Kum narpor, nrmur nuipoi, rfun v
vin Butler nd Catherine Powell. Bock row: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooper, Sallie Hansen, 5ar
, net Davidson, Florence Tuck, Ellen Wallace, Genevieve Perrin, Isabel Caley, Luverne
VonSobrlltz, Romona Hampton ond Robert Caley. Courtesy officers below, front row are:
' Chor Lee Boll, Joan Harper, Mildred Horn. Back row: Elsie Hansen, Robin Boatwrignt,
Kurn norns ana joy vvu&vn. rii.iuic uy .um muwv v . ..w.wy.-r..7.
feviV'f '''V :'l '';!' -y
Takes Place
Officers for the coming year
were seated in Roseburg Chaptor
S, OES, at Installation ceremonies
Sunday afternoon at tne Masonic
Ollie Krueger, retiring worthy
matron, and R. Cloyd Riffe, re
tiring worthy patron, opened the
installation ceremonies.
The following distinguished
guests were introduced: Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Treman, worthy pa
tron and matron of Oakland Chap
ter 91; Doris Steinbach, worthy
matron-elect, and Leo Sparks, wor
thy patron-elect of Oakland Chap
ter; Ella DcLaVergne, worthy ma
tron of North Star Chapter in
Drain; Francis Elliott, Guardian
of Bethel 8 in Roseburg; Bennie
Knypstra, member of the Endow
ment Fund Committeo of the Grand
Chapter of Oregon; and Henry
Halvorscn, eminent commander,
Ascalon Commandcry 14 and Grand
Warder of the Grand Court of Am
aranth in Oregon.
Christina Micclli and Earl Wiley
presented the retiring worthy ma
tron and patron with their past
matrons and natron's jewels
The invocation was given by the
Rov. Alfred S. Tyson of St,
George's Episcopal Church. Dur-
ing the installation ceremonies,
several hymns were sung by Rob
ert E. ltobbins, accompanied by
Miss Peggy Ostrandcr.
Installing officers were; Noll
Cooper, matron; Ralph Cooper, pa
tron; Hnmona Hampton, chaplain;
Luverne Von Schrtltz, marshal;
Peggy Ostrandcr, organist; and
Christina Micclli, secretary.
Officers installed wore: Joan
Harper, worthy matron; Arthur
Harper, worthy patron; Edna Mat
thews, associate matron; Alvln
Butler, associate patron; Florence
Tuck, secretary; Catherine Powell,
treasurer; Isabel Caley, conduct
ress, Sallie llnnsen, associate con
ductrcss; Ruth Harper, chaplain;
Naomi Strasburg, organist; Kliia
beth Hockersmlth, Adah; Garnet
Davidson, Ruth; Genevieve Per
rin, Esther; Ellen Wallace, ward
er: and Hobert Caley, sentinel.
Following I he Installation a re
ception was held in the Masonic
Temple dining room. Refreshments
were In charge of hdna Mat
thews, with Gladys Wiley, Isabel
Caley, Bene Brydgcs, Genevieve
Perrin, Walt Brydges and Harold
Horn serving on the committee.
Ann Sanders and Luvcrno Von
Schriltz po'ircd the coffee and
served the punch. The decorating
of the chapter room was done by
Ann Sanders.
Of special interest is the lOo
gencration group serving as offi
cers this year in the chapter and
who Include Joan Harper, worthy!
matron; father, A. F. Harper, wor
thy patron, and her mother, Mrs.
A. F. (Ruth) Harper, chaplain.
Family Dinner Is Given
To Celebrate Birthday
Tim Dcvltt of Dlxonvillo cole-:
brated his 13th birthday at a fam- j
ily dinner Wednesday. Al Had-1
cllffo Sr. Joined the group for ice i
cream .and birthday cake.
Bridge Players Invited
To Saturday Party
The Gold Room of the Umpquacharged will cover entrance to the
Hotel will be the scene of the first
Nationwide Duplicate Bridge Tour
nament to be held at 11:30 a.m.
(standard time) Saturday, July 28.
This is an American Contract
Bridge League sponsored event in
which all of its units in North
America will play simultaneously
the Identical deals which will be
played at the annual "Summer Na
tionals" in Minneapolis, Minn.
Annually the American Contract
Bridge League contributes to a Na
tional Charity. Among those char
ities supported in the past include
Heart Disease, American Cancer
Society and Mental Health. Re
cently ACBL contributed S175.0O0
to this year s Charity Fund.
The tournament of this coming
Saturday is a "first" because it
is an additional event and all re
ceipts will go to the Multiple Sc
lerosis Fund.
Roseburg Unit extends an invita
tion to all bridgo enthusiasts to
enjoy an aftornoon's game. Tables
for rubber or progressive bridge
will also be available.
The uniform fco which will be
games, a noon buffet,, awards to
winners of all games and other
special prizes.
Reservations are necessary.
ACBL tournament regulations will
be followed. Full tables are re
quired as the movement for dup
licate play used does not permit
nan tables. -For
partnership arrangements
reservations or for further infor
mation call Mrs. J. M Bevans,
Koseourg unit Chairman; Mrs.
John Davenport, tournament di
rector, or Mrs. Walter Ulrich, gen
eral tournament chairman.
T w jP i s- v.
and Mrs. George Roberts, Can
yonville, announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Sher
rie, to Larry Hayter, son of
Vrs. Leatha Cottier and beorge
Hayter of Eugene. The bride-
elect was kraduated from Can-
yonville High School and will
be graduated from Eugene
Beauty College Aug. 4. The
bridegroom - elect attended
Canyonville High School and is
employed by a construction
compony. No date has benn
set for the wedding.
Swimming Party
Enjoyed Tuesday
A barbecue dinner and swim
ming party was held Tuesday eve
ning at the Dillard-Winston Metho
dist Church, with Jerry Justis and
Joan Gardner in charge of the so
cial event.
Twenty-four young folks attended
the social evening of swimming in
the South Umpqua River before
meeting at the social room of the
church to partake of a delightful
barbecue dinner.
Following the dinner games were
played and a discussion of sum
mer activities took place.
Another social evening is being
planned in August with Dan Dodd
in charge. All junior high, high
school or college young people are
cordially invited to take part in
the activities. Additional informa-
One of the season's most beau
tiful weddings was held June 16
at the Multnomah United Presby
terian Church in Portland when
Miss Judith Ann Clark of Portland,
daughter of Gordon Clark and
Mrs. Doris Clark of Portland,, be
came the bride of Lauren Lee Mc
Clure, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs, G.
W. McClure of Idleyld Park. Dr.
John C. Nevin performed the im
pressive double ring ceremony at
two o'clock in tie afternoon in the
presence of 130 guests.
An all yellow and green setting
was used for the decorations with
standards of yellow and white stock
and white, yellow and mint green
spider chrysanthemums. The cen
ter aisle was marked by yellow
satin bows, f ollowing the playing
of the traditional wedding march
by the organist, Miss Susan Freed
of Portland sang "Because."
Given in marriage by her father,
the winsome bride was beautiful
in a white satin gown, full length
with chapel train. The wedding
dress was princess style with
round neckline. The bodice and
three-quarter length sleeves were
trimmed with alencon lace. Her
fingertip veil of alencon lace had
seed pearl trim. She carried
cascade bouquet of ' white spider
chrysanthemums and white steph
anotis. Miss Marijean McClure of Idle
yld Park, sister of the bridegroom.
was maid of honor. Bridesmaids
were Miss Mary Clark of Portland,
sister of the bride; Mrs. Dave
Norte and Mrs. Dennis Olson of
Portland. They wore embroidered
mint green silk organza over egg
shell taffeta, with bell skirts hav
ing panels in the back. They wore
matching slippers. The maid of
honor carried a cascade boquet of
mint green spider chrysanthemums
and the bridesmaids' bouquets
were yellow chrysanthemums
Dennis Gilkison of Idleyld Park
was best man; ushers were Charles
Merrill of Forest Grove, Gary Lee
Eaton of Idleyld Park and Rich
ard Merrill of Roseburg, all four
Kappa Delta Kho fraternity broth
ers of the groom, and William E.
Clark brother of the bride.
The bride's mother wore a sheath
gown of beige lace over mint green
with beige accessories. She wore a
green orchid corsage. The bride
groom's mother was gowned in off
white lace with matching shoes,
gloves and purse and wore a mint
green hat. Her corsage was a
green orchid,
A wedding reception followed in
the church parlors. The bride's
table, covered with a lace cloth,
was centered with a four-tiered
wedding cake. Bouquets of white
and yellow gladioli were placed on
all three serving tables.
Mrs. Jay Eaton of Roseburg,
Mrs. Lee Eaton of Idleyld Pork,
Mrs. William Nixon of Portland,
aunts of the bridegroom, and Mrs.
James Chapman of HiUsboro, aunt
of the bride, served the cake.
Punch was served by Miss Molly
Carol Chapman of HiUsboro. Cof-
Sydney Comfort of Idleyld Park,
aunts of the bridegroom.
For traveling, the bride chose
a turquoise silk sheath and jacket
dress, matching slippers and bat,
white gloves and purse. She wore
a white orchid corsage. Following
a honeymoon at points on the Ore
gon and Washington coast, the
newlyweds returned to their home
on the North Umpqua Highway at
idleyld r ark.
Out-of-town guests coming to
Portland for the wedding were Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Loutham of Elma,
Wash., maternal grand parents of
the bridegroom: Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. McClure, Idleyld Park, the
bridegroom's parents; Mr. and
Mrs. Elvis Eaton, Hoquiam, Wash.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eaton and Mr.
and Mrs. Syd Comfort, Idleyld
Park; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Eaton
and children, Shirley and Eddie,
Kosemirg; Mr. and Mrs. A. K,
Justis and children, Bill and Mar-
cia, Ulympia, wash.; Mr. and Mrs,
George Marcum, Longview, Wash.:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hooper and
children Sherrie and Denny, Rich
mond, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Loren
McClure, Prosser, Wash.; Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Eaton and Mr. and Mrs.
Barton Osborne, Aberdeen, Wash.;
mr. ana Mrs. uary uaton, uor-
vallis; Mr. and Mrs. David Sand
ers, Pullman, Wash;; Mr. and
Mrs. James Bower, Aberdeen.
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wat-
Kins and Richard Meredith, Rose
burg; John Suhrstedt, Glide; and
John Irving and Hugh Rosenberg,
The guest book was in charge
of Mrs. Marty Schwan of Port
land. The gift table was presided
over by Miss Carol Jones and Miss
Jan Stevenson of Portland.
Both bride and bridegroom at
tended Oregon State University.
Mrs. McClure is now employed as
a secretary in the office of the Eu
gene Veneer at Glide; McClure is
working with the summer crew of
the Douglas County Lumber Co,
4-HCIub Members Hosted
At Laurence Adams Home
Mrs. Lawrence Adams and
daughter, Susan, were hostesses to
the Little Rustlers 4-H Livestock
Club Friday afternoon. John Fish
gave the program.
Refreshments were served to.
Mrs. Ronald Swift, club leader;
members, Judy and Pete Swift,
Larry Wemhold, John Fish and
Susan adams; and a guest, Mrs.
Otto Weinhold.
i WMm . v ya ... ,
tin iwm line I AIIPEKI Urd IIRE nra nirrured above
following their wedding at Multnomah United Presbyterian
Church in Portland. The bride, Judith Ann Clark is the
daughter of Mrs. Doris Clark and Gordon Clark. f Port
land and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
McClure of Idleyld Park. '
K 4 '
Sir ,
.lit -yLs? 3
Mr.' and Mrs. Oiffbrd 1 C.
Koch, Sutherlin, announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Beverly Sharon, to Jerry F.
Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Brown, Oakland. Miss
Koch was graduated from
Sutherlin . High School this
spring and won a scholarship
to- Springfield Beauty College,
which she will attend this foil.
Mr. Brown was graduated from
Oakland High School in 1959
and is employed by Interna
tional Plywood in Roseburg.
No wedding date has been
planned., : ,
Barbara Brooks
Bride Of June 14
Muriel .Tunc 11 at St. Mary'
Episcopal Church in Eugene, were
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jordan IV.
The bride is the former Barbara
Ann Brooks of Eugene, a graduate
of the University of Oregon and a
mamW nf Alnha Omicron Pi So
roity. She wasv given away by her
father, Paul H. urooKS.
Mr. Jordan, of warDertna, ra., is
cirpHnnlo nf the Philadelohia Mu
seum College of Art and will be
employed as an industrial aesiga
engineer with Westinghouse Cor
poration in Netucnen, n.j.
The couple will honeymoon while
attending the Seattle World's Fair
and traveling to the east coast.
The mother of the bride is Mrs.
Ann Lane of Winston. The bride,
was graduated from Douglas
High School in 1958.
Park In Eugene
Reunion Scene
The Oscar Butler family held its
annual family reunion at Skinners
Butte Park in Eugene recently.
A no-host dinner was enjoyed by
the following: Mr. and Mrs. Billy
Edin and four sons of Springdale,
Ark.; Miss Jo Denn Butler, Los
Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs Jim
Metz and son. Jason, and Mrs.
Glenda Kingery from Eugene; and
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Revelle, Mr.
and Mrs. " Oscar Butlef and son,
Rickey, and Nathan Turner, ; all
from Yoncalla.
tion may be obtained by calling
the Rev. Everett Gardner at the fee was poured by Mrs. A. K. Jus
church. tus of Olympia, Wash., and Mrs.
Farewell Dinner
Given By Urbens
A very delightful family farewell
dlnnor was given by Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Urbon at their homo near
Umpqua, for their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mad-
dox, and family who are moving
to Iis Angeles, Calif.
Places were sot for Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Urben of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Evans, David, Linda,
Kcrric and Jcanic, tho honoree and
children, Dana, Dona and Dcbby
and the host and hostess.
Fishing and visiting were enjoy
ed in the afternoon.
Melrose Girl's Birthday
Celebrated At Cookout
Anne Lathcn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Duke Latlien of Melrose,
celebrated her ninth birthday Fri
day at a cookout at Mark Drown
Present wert Tercssa Brougher,
Sandra WSrd, Janet Hughes, Het
ty Lou Eschleman, Mrs. Lathcn
and Terry, Frank and Douglas.
Gifts were presented to Anne and
a pleasant outing was enjoyed.
The Roseburg
Woman's Club
At Reasonable Rentals
For Regular sr Occailonol M act
ing!, Rumntog Sain, Cant
PattlM, Wadding RecepHonl,
lactam, Ite.
Contact Edyth Gilmour
Phona OR 3-5432
l i . m r m m v m . -. ... i rat- m
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3 w
Drciiei Reduced 25-50 o
Bouffant Slips .... $3.98
Dmscs, Suit! 1
Maternity Fashions 13 OFF
632 S. I. Jackson
Phone OR 3-5056
Poof fcs Pop!!
Sam Weisman, After 41 Years
In The Shoe Business,
Is Retiring!
In order to cleanup the stock -Unheard
of Low Prices on Seasonal Shoes
Grace Is
Nice But
These Must
' Closing Out All Ladies'
Dad Really
Liked This
Line of
Cleanup of Some
Of Dad's Favorite
Nice Selection of
Dove Soys," "Out With The Old"
n oo
PH. 2-2592