12 The News-Review, Roseburg, Old-Time Azalea Resident Visits In Area With Son And Family By MRS. GERALD FOX Mrs. Pearl Olinghouse, Azalea aid-timer, and her son, OrviU 01 inehouse and his wife and two chil dren, all of Citrus Heights, Calif., stopped recently en route home from the Seattle World's Fair and visited at the Henry Gaedecke 1 home in Azalea. Empire Folks Visit Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and their two children of Empire visit ed with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Gaedecke and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Smith of Azalea last weekend. The children remained and are spending the week with the Rodney Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dulaney and family of Auburn, Calif., spent several days this week visiting W Feature YOUNGSTOWN GARBAGE DISPOSALS EASY TERMS Ciei-Clocck PLUMBING CO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS W. HARVARD Roseauaa TWff WAf TOSET f0 JOfKXK SAC BASE ) ( Y-y K6EEAT- A UNIT AND 0C J Tht following radio and tolavliton programs ra printad as fraa public ttrvlct for Naws-Ravlaw reader. All program listings aro published as received from the respective stations. Tha News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 PACIFIC OAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY fim-Yoga For Health . f:30-Play Vour Hunch 10:00-Prlct If iohr 10:30 Concentrarwn '11:00 Your Flril Impressions 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 Day Report 12:00-Jan Murray 12:35 NBC Newt 12:30 Romper Room 1:00 Youno Doctor Malono 1:30 Our Flva Daughtara 2:00 Maka Room For Daddy VaSIo0 SERVICE ALL SERVICE QUARKNTEED PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO Cr TV la Nettnart 72 Yean 1100 HI atephina al tirtia Villi, Id. KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9-.4S Copco Show (Tubs) ?:54-CBS News (except Tuesday) 10:00 Love ol Life 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:JS-Gu!dlng Light 11:00 Jane Wymnn 11:30 Ai The World Turns 12:00 Pasiword 12:30 House Party 1:00 The Millionaire 1:30 To Tell The Truth 1;W-CQS News KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY : 00 Calendar f:30l Love Lucy 10:00 Verdict Is Yours 10:30 Brighter Day 11:00-Love Ot Life 11 :30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45-Guldlng Light 12:00-HI Neighbor 1!:30-As The World Turns 1:00 KOIN Kitchen 1:30 House Party KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Termesset Emit Ford 11:30 Yours For A Song 1):0O Jane Wyman Sfiow 12:30 Camouflage f 12:54 ABC Mid-day Report 1:00 News Mid-day 1:15 Airman's World (Men.! Canadian Travel tWim) American Newsreel (Frl) Oregon Farm Journal (Tues,. Thurs) 1 JO TV Bingo 2:0nDy In Court Rqdw Programs -Monthly thru KRNR 1490 KC KRNR. .Broadcasting 14 hours, ilM days week, Monoay through Saturday. CBS newt on tht hour, Sunday through Saturday. CBS features on tht halt hour, Sunday-Saturday Frank Gsss, 7:30 t.m., PST. 1:45 KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THSJIUOH FRIDAY 4:00 Sign On 4:30 local Nlwl 4:45-Wealher Capiule :J0 Paul Harvey News ABC 4:SJ Lata Newl-ABC 7:00 Prank Hemingway News ABC MO-local News MS-Clty Hall Reports .55-Stock Market Report 1:00 Oon Allen Newt ABC :IJ Malor League Scores 1:30 Local News 1:45 Weather Capsule l:B-Lale Newi-ABC JCYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BROADCAST TIMIt weekday., a.m. te 1:45 p.m.i Sundayt t .m. to 4:45 p m. MONDAY THROUOH SATURDAY) taad Una ntwi' an tha hour WtvQer-Vana 11 minutM past tw hovo news avmmary at Or. Mon., July 23, 1962 Mrs. Dulaney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Place of Glendale. An other son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson and family, also of California, left Monday aft er visiting with the Places for two weeks. Walker Purvine, who has moved to San Rafael, Calif., arrived in Glendale Tuesday to pick up his household goods. His wife, who has been ill for some time, is now In a San Francisco hospital. Residents Hospitalised Odell Miller entered the Josephine General Hospital in Grants Pass Sunday for medical treatment. Ross Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Garrett, underwent tonsilectomy at the Josephine Gen eral Hospital in Grants Pass early last week. Mrs. Hal Booth of Azalea has been confined to her bed at home for the past week, suffering from a heart condition. Mr. and Mrs. Connie O'Roke and son, Bill, visited for several days recently with the Conrad Hilde brands in Eugene. Several Glendale families visit ed Crater Lake together recently, with women of the party and the children remaining for an entire week. Members of the group in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mar riott and Johnny: Mr. and Mrs, Charles Peterson and Arthur; and Mr. and Mrs. Billit Keeton and Edda Sue. Last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- riott drove to Florence bringing back with them five of the Scout group which had spent a week at the Scout camp at Lake Siltcoos Local News Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kennedy and daughters, Phyllis add Marda, have returned home from a three week vacation. They visited in Tip ton, Calif., with the Kennedys' daughter, Mrs. Arnold Collier: and in Vista, Calif., with Kennedy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kennedy; his brother, Pat Ken nedy; and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Blunck and family. Kennedy is director of adult education at Roseburg High School. 2:30-Hre't Hollywood 2:55 Afternoon Report ijoo December arid -, . 1:30 Public Service (Mon) ' ' v 1:30 Men Inlo Space (Tuei, Wed, ' 3:30-Home Show (Frl) IMS-Feature shorls (Frl) 4:00 Public Service (Mon., Frl.) 4i00-Talk of the Town (Tuea., Wed., 4:30 Captain Shipwreck MONDAY S:30-Jeff'a Collie : Northwest Newa 4:15-Huntley-Brlnkley 4:30 Navy Log 7:00 Sea Hunt ' 7:30 World ol Tommorrow l:0O-Nallonal Velvet LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Installments Available 939 S. E. Stephana OR 3-816 2:00 Secret Slorm 2:30-Edge- Ot Night 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 3:30 Kaleidoscope MONDAY 4:00 Higher Education and Y( 4:30-Uncle Bill Show Sr 30 Magic Land 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel S Report 4:15 News 4:30 Cheyenne 7:30 The Real McCoys 1:00 Lucy-Desl Comedy Hour : 00 Hennessey :30 I've Got A Secret 10:0077 Sunset Strip 2:00 Tht Millionaire J:30-To Ttll Tht Trulh 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30-Edge ot Night 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15-Early Show a :4V Newscene 4: 15-News MONDAY 4:30 Mantovanl 7:00 The Pioneers 7:30To Ttll The Truth 1:00 Pele and Gladys 1:30 Father Knows Best : 00 Lucy-Desl Comedy Hour J:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Open House 4;00 American Bandsiend 4:30 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse (Mon-Wed-Frll 1:00-0 nek's Kartoon Clubhouse (Tues-Thurs) 1:00 Teen Beat Tuei, Thur) MONDAY S:30 Rescue I 4:00 News Nine 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Matty's Funnlei 7:00 Oregon TV Forum 7:30 Chrvenn 1:30 Law and the PUIniman pm., PST, Monday through Saturday. Lowell Tnomai 5 p.m., PST, Monday through Frl- -. ,., p,m, wonoay inrnugn Friday, S;S5 p.m. Saturday. MONOAY TMROUOH FRIDAY l:OI All Night Show 4:05 Bob Johnion 5Jiow f.'SS Utt Ntw ARC iO:l-Mld Morning Niws ARC 10:13 Telle T fit ABC 10:30 Exchnngt I0:-Nw & NolM 10:50 Newi For Womm )0;55 Laft rttwt ABC 11:55 Lar Newi-ARC ! ti:00-Mld Day Nw 11:10 Sports Nrwi Il:50-Marlxtr Rport 13:53 Lat Ntws ARC 1:00 Local Atwi l:S5-l4iU &WB-ABC Jr- Eichamjo J 55 Lilt Newt ABC 3:00 Frank Hamlngway Nw ABC J: JO Ale Drtlfr Newi ABC 3:45 Sptflklno Ol Sport-ABC 3:55 Ualt Newt ABC 33 mtntitu mat .. - dar at 45 ninutei past the hour. IPICIAL PROGRAMSt Buv-Swap-Sff... 4:55 am.. Mon., Tuei., Thurs.. Sat. i Counter- PoiflL 1 11 MH T.... av.l . Stortei ot Paella-, Pow'erland,' 11:30," Mon., wm., Thun., Fr.-y Muka1 Matlnaa, 1 p.m.. Mon., Tves Thurs.i Walking lha Beat, 11 Vital Statistics Actions For Divorce Robert C. vs. Jeannine Elaine Scott. Married Sept. 25, 1948, at Meadville, Pa. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks decree awarding to defendant (100 monthly for sup port of four minor children of the parties, complaint siaies aeiena ant has possession of the children in Pennsylvania. Sue vs. Silas Marley Moore, Married May 8, 1959, at Sutherlin, Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks CUS' tody of minor child, J50 monthly child support, $300 alimony in gross and certain household furni ture, plus attorney fees and suit money. Defendant to receive cer tain other household furniture. Joanne Carol vs. Kenneth How- ard. Married March 25, 1961, in Areata, Calif. Cruelty ' charged Plaintiff asks custody of minor child and $50 monthly child sup port. Jacqueline Dee vs. Wilfred Lu ther Ray. Married July 20, 1956, at Reno. Nev. Cruelty charged, Plaintiff asks custody of minor child and $25 monthly child sup port. Harold K. vs. Frances L. Wirth. Married Oct. 28, 1946. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks custody of four minor children and award of household furniture, six Hereford cattle, two saddle horses and 1955 pickup. Defendant to receive 1959 vehicle. Richard Lee vs. Theo Doris Mooney. Married Aug. 19, 1961, at Stevenson, Wash. Cruelty charged, Donald vs. Sharon Wilfong. Mar ried Oct. 28, 1958, at Sutherlin. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks cus tody of two minor children. Decree Daniel B. from Cloma V. Ben- nei Plaintiff granted custody oi four minor children and various household and personal property. Record Flight Altitude Upped EDWARDS AFB. Calif. (UPI)- Maj. Bob White, who set a record altitude in the X15 Tuesday, ac tually did it by several thousand feet higher than originally be lieved, i The National Aeronautics and Space Administration completed the official figures recently show ing White climbed to 314,750 feet or about 59.6 miles high. The preliminary figures gave White an altitude of 310,000 feet. :30 Price Is Right 9:00 17th Precinct 10:00 Beyond the Thraihold 11:00 Report 11:l5-Tonlghl , TUESDAY S:30-Qulck Draw McGrt 4:00-Northweit News 4:15 Huntley Brlnkley 4:30 Rlpcord 7:00 MaeKenrlei' Raiders 7:30 The Defendera :30-Allred Hitchcock o:0O-Dlck Powell 10:00Calnes 100 11:00 Report 11:15 Tonight DIAL OR 2-3321 TO PLACE YOUR HARD WORKING SELLING WANT AD 11.00-News Final TUESDAY 4:30 Sky King 5:00 Uncle Bill Show 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel S Report 4: IS-News 4:30 Leave It To Beaver 7:0O The Fllntstones. 7:30 Dobla Gl Mis 1:00 Tht Comedy Spot 1:30 I c ha bod And Mo 9:00 Talent Scouts 10:00 Naked City 11:00 News Final 10:00 Hennessey 10:30 I'v Got A Secret 11:00 Nlqhticene 11:30 Man From Cochise TUESDAY 4:30 Kingdom of tha Sea 7:00 King ol Diamonds 7:30 Marshal Dillon 1:00 Password l:30-Doblt Glllll :00 Tht Comedy Soot t:30 Ichabod and Mt 10:00 Talent Scouts 11:00 Nlghtscene 11:30-Border Patrol 9:00 SurfSldt 4 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 ABC News ll:15-New Nine Pinal TUESDAY 5:30 Broken Arrow 4:00 News Nlnt 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Crusader 7:00 Everglades 7:30 B uos Bunny 1:00 Bachelor Father 1:30 Tht New Breed t: 30 Yours For a Song 10:00 Suspicion 11:00 ABC Nwi U:15-Ntws Nlnt Final Friday 1:35 Sutherlin Hour 0:10 Monty Smith Shew 11:00-CBS Block 13:10 Monte Smith Show 4:10 Rick Johnson Show 3:00 CBS (lock 3:35 Night Watch 13:00 All CNIght Show 4:00 Paul Harvay Newe ABC 4:15 Mor Leaoua tkoras 4:0 Local Sporti 4:45 Report From Tha Capitol 5:00 Edward P. Morgan ABC 5:15 Fish 4 Gama Report 5:30 Chevron News ABC S:45 Hank Weaver's Wesltrn Sports ABC 5:55 Lata News ABC 4:00 Local News j A: 15 Malor Laaove ScorH JO Bujlntss News :55LMe Newt ABC 7:50 City Hall Report 7:55 Lata Newt ABC j 1:00 Telequean ' 11:15 Major League Stores 11:30 Muilc 11:55-Newt Pinal , 11:00 Sign OH noon. Wad Thurs.i Sutharlin Taan-Beat. 3 p.m. Sat.j Roseburt Teen-Beat, 1:30 p.m. Sat.t Hl-Fl CHib ):M pm Sat. Sunday Trte Blbla Speaks To You, JL45 m.j Da-! vottons. II a.m.i World ol FV. Music, !!: p.m.) Lutheran Hour, 1 pm.i Rondeau Jut. , t pm.i eWr. Musk, I p.m. Old Fashioned Revival Hour a p.m. j New Jersey Family Visits With Canyonville People By BETH CHAPPELL Mrs. Clinton Atherton and chil dren of Melholly, N. J., are (pend ing the remainder of the summer visiting friends and relatives in Canyonville. They are staying with Claude Atherton. Oapt. Atherton, now at McGuire Air Force Base, will join his family the first week in Au gust. Capt, Atherton is a former postmaster of Canyonville. California Boy Visiting Douglas Yokum of Bencia, Cal if., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Yokum, is staying with Mrs. June Jones for a week while visiting relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. - Darrell Brown with Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Clane spent the weekend at Coos Bay crab fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Karl of Yuma, Ariz., are visiting with Mrs. Karl's sister and her family, the Harvey Ringens. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woodley and daughters, Debbie and Margie, Calfornia Firm Publishes Riversdale Woman's Songs By BEVERLY CHRISTIAN Mrs. W. . C. Bailey has had a book of songs published by the Highland Music Co. of Hollywood. Calif. The book, entitled "Family Memoirs," contain! nine songs, with both the words and music written by Mrs. Bailey.' Mrs. Bail ey has enjoyed writing poetry for many years and about two years ago she began to put it to music. She reports that the book will be available at Graves Music in about two weeks. Azalea House Fire Cause Not Known By MRS. GERALD FOX Cause of a fire which destroved a house near Azalea believed to belong to Mrs. Sara Neiderheiser is still unknown. Loss of the seven-room house was discovered one morning last week by Charles Dewey, a neigh bor, who investigated what ap peared to be a grass fire. The house, located on French Creek Rd. 13 miles up Cow Creek from Azalea, had been sold last year to a California couple who ap parently allowed the ownership to revert back to Mrs. Neiderheiser. Mrs. Neiderheiser said the house was fully furnished. The former residents had allowed the insur ance policy to lapse, according to information received this week. Kansas Folks Visit The Rev. and Mrs. Arnold Dalke of Azalea enjoyed a weekend visit from the former's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. fcdwin Regier and daugh ters and Mr. and Mrs. Zeke John son and children, all of Halstead, Kan. They brought with them Rev. Dalke's mother, Mrs. Sara Dalke of Dallas. Mrs. Dalke stayed a day longer than the other guests, leaving for home on Tuesday. Joan Bufkin, Glendale high school student, returned home Sat urday after spending a week vis iting with a former Glendale resi dent, Nancy Harding of Boise, Idaho, and three days attending a three-day dancing convention in Portland. Loree Harris is a camp coun selor at the Girl Scout Camp at Lake of the Woods this month. The ladies Mission Society of the the Azalea Community Church has canceled its summer meetings and will begin its fall program in Sep tember. JtiUeti I MID-SEASON ( r SHOEj sale Values to $17.95 PRICES SLASHED TO THE VERY LOWEST during th closing dayt of our great mid season clearance of top quality ladies' and girls' shoes. Choose from such brands as RED CROSS, PARADISE KITTENS, JOYCE, AMANO, SBICCA, PENALJO, COBBIES, RISQUE, and others, with substantial SAV INGS on EVERY PAIR I Good tiiei in lal group, bur nor in every style. All lalei final. Lay Awayt, with 13 down, and balance In 30 dayi. of Costa Mesa. Calif wpa ani. of the Loson Winru. The Woodleys, formerly oi uanyonville, were own ers oi me local variety store. They were on their wav to th KahIIIo World's Fair. They plan to visit tne wmns again on their way home. Mrs. Virginia Toenges of Port land was a recent guest of the Loson Winns. Attends Funeral W. F. Dunbar recpnllv alfonrio,) the funeral of Minnie .Tnrux in Portland. The W. F. Dunbars have re turned from an extensive trin visiting Assemhlv nf find Anmn meetings in Washington, Idaho and Montana, representing Canyonville Bible Academv. While on Ihir trip they visited Yellowstone and Glacier national parks. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bust and family visited with the w P nnnhin ho. fore moving on toward Michigan where they plan to become resi dents: Rust will hp Amnlnvprl in the office of the Clark Equipment l,o. in uenton, Mich. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones of Fisher Rd. have been their daughter, Mrs. Mac Mc Cabe and Sharon of El ' Reno, Okla., and Mrs. Vern Brown of Sa lina, Kans. Also accompanying them is a nephew of the Jones', RaVmond ShiHIpr nf Wichita Vans Jones is caretaker at Singleton rant. Mr, and Mrs. Darwin Lee and family; Mr. and Mrs. Don Har mon and fatnilv nnr! T.nln anH T.vn. ette Conn spent a few days camp ing at Agate Beach near Bandon. Also in the group were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Denton anrl familv mil Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Matthews and lamuy of Garden Valley. Going to Fir Point Bible Camp at Glendfllp frnm tha RivarcHoU Sunday School, were Kenneth John, juue npion, juay tjanders, Fenny Bashfnrd and Sfpvpn Shnemsfrav They have now returned home.. run ratr Trip Visitinff with Mr nnH Vre T n Linaman and familv hnvp hnon tha latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie DeFreece, of Great Falls, Mont, un Friday the group made a triD tn Coos Rav In visit tives. Next week Ihpv sn nil an. ing to attend the Seattle World's rair. rar. ana Mrs. Derreece also have visited relatives in Cottage Grove. Bill Board-Free Areas Slated . PORTLAND (UPI) The state Scenic Area Commission has ordered Virtually billboard - free scenic areas to be established along the old and new Columbia River highways. They were the first scenic areas to be declared under a 1961 law worked out in compromise with the billboard industry. The Columbia River Gorge Commission petitioned for the two scenic area designations alone Highway 30 (U.S. 80) in Multno mah, Hood River and Wasco Counties and along Crown Point Highway 125 in Multnomah Coun ty. The decision noted that "t h e area in question is in fact an area of scenic grandeur," that in cludes views of historic land marks and 11 waterfalls." The scenic areas exclude certain city, commercial and industrial territory, including all land within the city limits of Cascade Locks, Hood River, Mosier, The Dalles, and nearby stretches. F PRICE REDUCTION Umpqua People Back From Trip By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON Mrs. Archie Moo-e, Mrs. Jake Francis and Mrs. Lawrence Haines all of this area, and Mrs. Dale Woodruff (daughter of the former) from Portland, have returned from a month's vacation trip to the East Coast. They stopped at many points of interest along the way and visited relatives in several places. Their itinerary was to Ten nessec, to Washington, D.C., back through the Black Hills to Yellow stone Park and home. Vacationing Htra Mrs. Dean Wright and sons Bill Tom and John from Portland are vacationing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sla ter. Mrs. Calvin Henry, Mrs. Dean Henry and Mrs, Dave Henry, drove to Junction City where they were guests at the home of the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thornburg. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Updegraff were surprised by a visit -Jrom her three sisters and their fam ilies. They were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Brown of Portland, Mrs. R. Kayles and Mr. and Mrs. J. Schu fel, Medford. Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols of Corvallis are spending their sum mer vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. Archie Moore, on her ranch near Umpqua. Mf. and Mrs. Dale Woodruff and family were weekend guests at the home of her mother Mrs. Archie Moore. ' Mrs. James Schumacher and son, Doug, from Tacoma, Wash., have left for their home after spending a month's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Haines. Circuit Court Complaints Coy McAlister vs. stale Indus trial Accident Commission. Plain tiff asks that his case involving disability be reopened for award of ment as may be necessary, includ ing surgery, and that unless his condition substantially improves. that plaintiff be granted perman ent partial disability equal to 60 per cent loss function of his left forearm, plus costs and disburse ments. Judgments Roy Rushton and Stanley Newn- ham dba Cal Ore Wholesale Building Materials vs. Roseburg Supply Co., Inc. Defendant de clared to be in default and judg ment in sum of $1,420.25 awarded plaintiff together with interest, costs and disbursements. Investment Service Co, vs. Theo dore Peterson and Rudy A. Peter son. Defendant declared in default and plaintiff awarded judgment of $1,475.85 plus interest, attorney fees,, disbursements and other costs. Department of Employment com missioner vs. George 0. Clayton. An order declaring defendant in default and awarding plaintiff judg ment for $137.75 plus interest, costs and disbursements. Order Green Sanitary District vs. Gert rude Ervin, Based on stipulation of parties, an order granting plaintiff easement across property on a tract of land 15 feet in width on total lot 1, block 3, Charles" M. Ervin Plat. Plaintiff also granted 25-foot constructs easement along and abutting the full length of the east side of this property. This order to stand in lieu of a con veyance of the easement. Dismissal Mary Ellen Stewart vs. Dallas Ross Bennett. On stipulation of the parties, case dismissed with prej udice and without costs to either party. IM1M1 A98 to f98 SHOE DEPT. Todays Monday, July 13 Navy Rtstrvt, Naval Reserve Facilitv, 1624 W. Harvard. Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall 8 p.m. Winston-Dillard Klwanis Club, 6:30 p.m. Timbtr Town Duplicate Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m. Players requested to be present by 7:20 p.m. to set up tables and boards. Buckoroos, workshop at the bam, 8-10 p.m. Riddlo Bethel Job's Daughters, Masonic Temple, Riddle, 7:30 p.m. Womon of Moose, Moose Hall, 8 p.m. Valentino Chapter 98, Order of Eastern Star, Myrtle Creek. Roseburg City Council, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. v Golden Age Club, Veterans Me morial Building, .7:30 p.m. Woodmen Circle Umpqua Grove 51, social, 8 p.m. Winston Community Club, 8 p.m. Sutherlin Jay-C-Ettes, Commun ity Building, 8 p.m. Roseburg Toastmistress Club, Oak Tree Inn, 7:30 p.m. For in formation call OR 3-3107 or OR 3-3253. Roseburg Business and Profes sional Women's Club, potluck at home of Mildred Herman, 1626 W. Myrtle. Bring table service. Tuesday, July 24 Dog rb"dltnce training classes. Bob Butts home, Kelley's Korners, 7:30 p.m. . ' Roseburg Kiwanls Club, Ump qua Hotel Civic Room, noon. Glide Kiwanls Club, 7:30 p.m. Associated Volunteers card par ty, Veterans Hospital recreation building music room, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. , Army Reserve, 1614 W. Harvard, 8-10- p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, basement of Pacific Building, 8 p.m. For in formation call OR 3-6629. Boots and Calico, pattern dance lessons "and workshop, Winston Community Hall, 8-10 p.m. For in formation write PO Box 104 or call OR 3-3436. Ward Cummings caller. -. .. . Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club, Umpqua Hotel, 7:15 p.m. This is an open club and all bridge play- ers are welcome. Anyone needing a partner for the play- is asked to call OR 3-4566. Sutherlin Girls Drill team, prac tice, East Grade School play ground, for information, write Box 262, Rt. 1, Sutherlin. New members welcome. Lookingglass Grange potluck pic nic 7 p.m. at hall. Mrs. Cliff Bol- ing and Mrs. Tom Findlay hostess es. Bring fried chicken. Fair Oaks Grange, (irange hall. Bertha Rebekahs 188, IOOF Hall,, Canyonville. .. ,r ' Post Partum Class, Mercy Hos pital, 7:30 p.m.x, Movie Showtime Monday, July U, 1,41 INDIAN THEATRE Closed Sun t Mon STARLITE DRIVE-IN-Closed Sun 4. Mon PINE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15. Shows start at dusk. "East ol Sumatra" and "Aplendor In the Grass" TRI CITY DRIVE IN-Box Office Opens 7:00. Show at Dusk. "Plnocchio" and "Fltoht That Disappeared" CLOVE RLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutherlin) Box alike opens at 7:15. Show at dusk. "Good bye Again" and "Claudelle Ingllsh" TUESDAY, JULY M, 1,41 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7:15. One complete show al 7:30. "Mr. Hobbs Takes A Vacation" at S:lj only. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15. Shows start at dusk. "Samar" and "Rome Ad venture." PINE DRIVE-IN Ladles Night. Open 7:15. Snows start at dusk. "McConnell Story" and "Let's Make Love." TRI CITY DRIVE-IN Box office opens 7:00. Show at dusk. "Plnocchio" and Flight That Disappeared." CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN Box olllee opens at 7:15. Show at dusk. "Goodbye Again." and "Claudelle Ingllsh." Tonight GOODBYE AGAIN" Ingrid Bergman -Yves Montand plus "CLAUDELLE INGUSH" Diane McBain -Arthur Kennedy Box Office Opens, 7:15 Shew et Dusk Tonight Walt Disney's "PINOCCHIO" plut Terror In the Sky . . , "FLIGHT THAT DISAPPEARED" Sates Open 7:00 lhw Starts et Dusk L CALENDAR OP IVINTS tomorrow Roseburg Rebekah Lodge, IOOF,. Hall, 8 p.m. Roseburg Jaycees at Broiler. Myrtle Creek Toastmistress Club, " Myrtle Creek Hotel, 8 p.m. .' Roseburg Rose Society, 7:30 p.m. Winston Chamber of Commerce, : junior high cafeteria, 8 p.m. Camas Valley Grange, social, Grange hall, 8 p.m. i ENDS TONITI For 1 6 yeors ond over "SPLENDOR in the GRASS" plus "Eett of Sumatra" TUE is LADIES Nitei ALAN LADD JUNE ALLYSON "The McConnell Story" 2 Hits in Color . MARILYN MONROE YVES MONTAND In "Let's Make Love" STARTS TUES. NIGHT! IT'S A LAUGH-ALONG HOLIDAY OF FUN! Fee ian IN COLOR OPEN TUE THRU SAT ONLY TUE thru SAT! (CLOSED TONITE) WHERE SHOULD A SIRL STOP IN ROMET V Troy Donahue Angie Dickinson ( RomnoBmii : iSmPkktte aIdvemturm CONSTANCE FORO Al H.W TECHNICOLOR Co-Hit ; THE SEVEN UNHOLY TERRORS Of GEORGE MONTGOMERY. ZWA ROOAKN TSCHNICOIO rv ny ml 17 V m - Eill It) iwEWAYTO HELL! hf . (l' ' mm