The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 23, 1962, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Tht Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon.July 23, 1962
Jli f? .
MR. AND MRS. LEROY DICOB JR. are pictured above
cutting ttieir wedding coke at the reception following
their marriage. The bride, Jackie Lee Franco, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Franco, and the bride
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dicob Sr., oil
of Roseburg. (Picture by Wilson Studio).
Jackie Franco
Now Mrs. Dicob
A dinner party givn recently by
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phillips at
their home at 4- Rogers Ave.,
Wat8onville, Calif., was the oc
casion chosen to announce the en'
Easement of their daughter. Mart
lyn Corrine, to Michael Dunn, son
of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Dunn of
Roseburg. The affair was attended
only by close relatives.
The bride-elect was graduated
from Watsonville High School and
Monterey Peninsula College and
is employed at the San Jose Medi
cal Clinic. Her fiance was grad
uated from Roseburg High School
and attended University of Ore
gon. He is a member of Delta Tau
Delta fraternity and is employed
by Sylvania Microwave Devices in
Mountain View.
The wedding will take place Aug.
25 at Stone Church of Willow Glen
in Watsonville.
7 u ,V
The double ring ceremony was
used June 30 for the wedding rites
joining in marriage Jackie Lee
Franco and Leroy Dicob Jr., both
of Roseburg. The nuptials took
place at 2 p.m. at the Westside
Christian Church, Donald Smith,
pastor of the church, officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Franco. The bride
groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Leroy Dicob Sr.
Four large baskets of pink snap
dragons with sprayed blue carna
tions and white daisies were used
to decorate the altar of the church.
The organist, . Allison Ff aff , ac
companied the soloist, Doris Cook
sey, who sang "I'll Never Walk
Alone" and "The Wedding Pray
er." The bride's father gave her in
marriage. She wore a finger-tip
veil crowned with orange blossoms
with her white nylon chiffon street-
length dress. Her bouquet of pink
rosebuds clustered around single
white orchid. She wore a single
pearl on a gold chain, gift from
the bridegroom.
Mary Ann Masters, sister of the
bridegroom, was the honor attend
ant. She carried white carnations
with blue satin streamers.
Pete Andrus performed the du
ties of best man. Robert Woodruff
of Seattle, Wash., cousin of the
bride, and Richard Dicob. cousin
of the bridegroom, were ushers.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Franco wore beige linen: the
bridegroom's mother wore pink
nylon. Both mothers wore match
ing accessories and white orchid
The bride's parents were host
and hostess for the wedding recep
tion held at the church following
the ceremony. Pink rosebuds, blue
forget-me-nots and blue and white
streamers decorated the serving
table which was dominated by the
five-tiered wedding cake.
The cake was served by Mar
garet Rutter. Susan Brusseau serv
ed the punch and took care of the
gifts. Susan Beattle poured coffee.
Both the bride and' bridegroom
attended Roseburg High School.
The bride is employed at Pear
son's Market. National Plywood is
the bridegroom's place of employment.
The newlyweds are now at home
at 340 NE' Jackson,
Mrs. Johnson Is Honored
At Shower Party In Glide
Mrs. Buford Polley, Mrs, Billie
Joe Polley and Mrs. Sharon Jerri
son were hostesses at a delightful
pink and blue shower Thursday
evening at the Glide Community
Hall in honor of Mrs. Gordon John
son, nee Sherry Maricr.
The serving table was covered
with a pink and blue cloth, cen
tered with an arrangement of
sweet peas and bluo candles. Pink
streamers decorated the ends of
the table. A stork with pink and
blue streamers stood in the center
of the gift table surrounded by
gaily wrapped packages.
After the guest of honor had
opened her many gifts, the evening
was spent in visaing. Dainty re
freshmcnts wore served by the
Those enjoying the evening woro
Mrs. Jim Marier, mother of the
honor ee; Mrs. Ralph Hickman,
Mrs. Ray Ballou, Mrs. Lincoln Ken
naday, Miss Mary Dell Cascbeer,
Mrs. Robert Casebeer, Mrs. Vera
Shrum, Mrs. Diebert Johnson,
Miss Donna Weaver, Mrs. Ronald
Policy and Mrs. Charles Marier,
an of Glide.
Miss Jean Trenholm, Mrs. War
ren Trenholm both of Roseburg;
Mrs. Robert Casebeer Jr. of Rid
dle, Mrs. Bella Clothier of Seattle,
Wash., and the honoree, Mrs. Gor
don Johnson of Glide.
Those sending gifts but unable
to attend were Mrs. Carl Messing,
Mrs. Howard Melvin, Mrs. Mert
Weaver, Mrs. Frank Horn, Mrs.
Dale Bonnell, Mrs. Elbert Collers.
Mrs. Tom Amos, Mrs. Floyd Hick
man, Mrs. Gene Shram. Mrs. T.
E. Shrum, Mrs. Jim Watson, Mrs.
Wayne Nelson. Mrs. Mike Darby.
Mrs. Kent Wilcox, Mrs. Watson
Talcott and Mrs. Neil Talcott.
ENGAGED Mrs. Erta Sher
man, Tenmile, announces the
engagement of her doughter,
Linda Lou, to Woyne Powers.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Powers, . Dillard. The bride-
elect was graduated this spring
from Douglas High School and
the bridegroom-elect attended
school in Leavenworth, Wash.,
served three years with the
U.S. Navy and is now employ
ed by Hult Lumber Co., Dil-
ard. No date has been an
nounced for the wedding.
Winners Told
Women of the Roseburg Country
Club are meeting weekly at 11:45
a.m. at the Elks Club for lunch
eon followed by the contract bridge
club. This is being done, during
the summer months while the new
Country Clubhouse Is under con
Winners for the July 12 bridge
play were Mrs. Horace C. Berg,
first; Mrs. Al H. May, second, and
Mrs. W. F. Forrest, third. Win
ners for the Aug. 19 play were
Mrs. Ira J. Seitz, first; Mrs. Hen
ry Pape Sr., second, and Mrs.
Robert Ganz, third.
Virgil Smiths
To Celebrate
A reception celebrating the gold
en wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil R. Smith will take
place Sunday, July 29, from 2 un
til 5 p.m. at the Community Build
ing in Sutherlin.
Friends and relatives are cor
dially invited to attend.
The affair is being arranged by
the couple's daughters, Mrs. Bill
Stock and Mrs. C. E. Cutting of
Club Has Picnic Dinner
At Glendale On Saturday
The Glendale FL Club held a pot
luck picnic dinner at 7 p.m. Sat
urday evening at the Frank Dan
iels residence near Ulondale. The
women honored their husbands by
arranging baby sitting service and
bringing their husbands without
the children. Ten couples were
" I if:
Ii i ii iniMiii ijiuja
MR. AND MRS. BILLIE J. PETERS JR. are pictured above
following their marriage May 7 at 5 p.m. in Roseburg
with Judge Oharles Woodrich officiating. The bride, Nancy
Jane Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Tucker,
Yoncolla, wore a white eyelet pique dress. She carried
p colonial bouquet of stephanotis centered by an orchid.
Her mother wore a black and white ensemble with black
accessories. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. ond Mrs.
B. J. Peters of Bandon. He was graduated from Douglas
High School ond served in the U.S. Air Force. Following
a honeymoon, the couple will reside in Bandon. For travel
ing the bride chose a white suit. She attended both Yon
calla and Douglas high schools. (Picture by Clark's Studio).
Bridal Presents Showered
On Miss Marilyn Thompson
Miss Judy Spurgon was the host
ess for a charming bridal show
er Friday evening honoring Miss
Marilyn Thompson, held at the
Glide home of the bride-elect's
mother. Mrs. Jerry Mattox. Bou
quets of summer flowers were
placed around the room and on
the serving table and the gift table.
Interesting games were played,
Miss Beverly Henigan and Mrs.
LaVina Borcher winning first priz
es. All interest was centered on
the honoree as she opened her
many gifts. v.
The hostess, assisted by Miss
Donna Thompson and her sister,
Miss Colleen Thompson,' served
lovely refreshments to the follow
ing guests: Mrs. Jim Hennigan,
Misses Francis and Beverly Hen
igan, Mrs. Kent Wilcox, Mrs. Don
Bristol, Mrs. LaVina Borcher, Miss
Pat Henry, Mrs. Charles Mitten
dorf, Mrs. Dale Bonnell, Mrs. John
Wilmerding, Miss Burnette Dres
sier, Mrs. Jerry Mattox, Mrs. Ben
Melton and the honored guest,
Miss Marilyn Thompson.
Those sending gifts, but unable
to attend were Mrs. Robert Butler,
Miss Claudia Melton, Miss Glenda
Kittleman, Mrs. Lester Spurgeon,
Miss Carmen Kelso, Miss Janette
Spurgeon, Mrs. Lee Spcidel, Mrs.
Vivian Padelford, Mrs. Yvonne
Burke, Mrs. Don Brown, Mrs. Bu'
ford Polley and Mrs. Iris Neil.
Umpqua Grove Makes Plans
For Luau Slated July 23
White cloth covered tables cen
tered by a lovely arrangement of
yellow forsythia in a large green
vase provided a delightful setting
for the social hour following the
Monday evening meeting of the
Woodmen Circle Umpqua Grove 51
at Evergreen Grange Hall. Host
esses were Lucy Benson and Ev
elyn Croucher.
Members voted to contribute to
CARE, an annual project.
Plans were discussed and com
pleted for the grove luau. which
will be held at the home of Evelyn
Croucher. Memebrs and invited
guests are to wear mumus, the tra
ditional Hawaiian attire, in carry.
ing out the native theme for the
luau, which will be at 6:30 p.m.
July 23.
Those enjoying the evening be
side the hostesses were: Gertie
Hess, Robbie Lee Cooper, Alice
Hill, Bea Cornilsen, Sarah Cyrus,
Mary Jane Impalaggio, Viola
While, Alice Christenscn, B e s s e
Cornish, Jessie Thomas, Ethel
Fearnow, Ruby Tucker, Bella
Holm and Phcbe McGuire.
Couple Wins
Top Award
Of much interest here is the
Best Ail-Around" drama contribu
tion honors at the Playhouse, Cor-
vallis, going to Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel W. Lee Jr. Mrs. Lee is the
former Carolyn Jackson of this
city and is the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Elton V. Jackson
of Roseburg.
"Oscar Night" in , Corvallis is
"Masque and Dagger Awards
Night' at Mitchell Playhouse on
the Oregon State University camp
us. Honors vent to the top actors,
actresses and production workers.
Mrs. Lee was one of the nomi
nees for this season's best actress
honors. Her husband once again
took top honors as "best actor"
for his performance as "Drum-
mond" in "Inherit The Wind." Lee
previously won this same award
in 1960 for his rob in "Antigone."
He won the plaque as the "Best
supporting Actor" for his role in
"Picnic" in 1961. Mrs. Lee was also
a nominee for the best production
Both Mr. and Mrs. Lee iiave
been active in Playhouse produc
tions throughout their college ca
reers. The Lees and their daugh
ter, Elizabeth, have spent the last
six weeks here at the Jackson
home. They are leaving this week
for the East, where Lee will re
port for service with the armed
Is Honored
Mrs. O. F. Richman, Mrs. Rob
ert Stults and Mrs. Merrill Kelley
entertained at a lovely bridal show
er party Thursday evening in com
pliment to Mary Ellen Holbrook,
who became the bride of Thomas
Eugene Showalter Saturday after
noon at xne First Baptist Church
in this city.
The party took place at the Rich
man home. A- lovely pink cloth
covered the table, which was cen
tered with an exquisite arrange
ment ot pinv and white roses and
Esther Reid daisies flanked by
crystal candelabra holding pink
tapers. White dove figurines com
pleted the decorations.
Games were played and prizes
was awarded to the winners. Twen
ty guests enjoyed the delightful OC'
casion and presented lovely gifts
to the guest of honor, after which
the three hostesses served refresh
ments assisted by Mrs. Dolph Boy.
er and Mrs. Charles Bailey, class
mates of Miss Holbrook.
Birthday Dinner Given
Paul James celebrated his sev
enth birthday at a family dinner
at his home on South Deer Creek
Road Wednesday. A guest, Den
ny Stritzke, joined him for din
ner, which included a beautifully
decorated cake.
BDAD WILLIAM KENWISHER. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Kenwisher, Sutherlin, celebrated his first birthday at a
party given at his home. Those attending were Mrs. Larry
Sconce and Kim, Mrs. Roy Hill, Randy and Jeff, Mrs.
Don Benty, Mrs. Kenneth Moore and Ricky, l.ynne and
Connie Ouellette. The paternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. William Kenwisher of Sutherlin.
Mrs. Suksdorf Is Hostess
At Lovely Dessert Supper
rn..tVii, Qnlrcilm-f nrisiHpnt of
iha Rnsnhnre Business and Profes
sional Women's Club, was a gra
cious hostess for a dessert supper
MnnHnv at Ruth Bradlev's Oak
Tree Inn for board members.
Martha Wishart was appointed
.unm of thn Tist Children's
booth at the Douglas County Fair
and plans were made for mem
bers to assist her.
The next meeting will be a fam
ily potluck supper at the home of
Mildred Herman 1020 w juyrue,
July 23 at 6:30 p.m. .
Prosirtpnt Tinrnthv Suksdorf an
nounced the following committee
chairmen: Career advancement,
Grace Porterfield; finance, Edythe
Gilmore; health and safety, Lillian
Langseth, world affairs, Alvia
Wetherell; legislation, Matilda
Brooks; membership, Laura lies;
program, Mildred West; civic par
ticipation, Mildred 'Wilson; public
ity, Helen Boe and Edith LaBore;
insurance, Charlotte Hyre; cheers
gifts, Lenore Wagar; scholarship,
Martha Wishart; and scrap book,
Flossie Virden.
Pie Cherries
Pitted It Sugared
28 ib. Hn 8.96
Put your order in today. You pick up July 27th.
Wintton OS 9-3133
Winston Resisents Enjoy
Holiday Picnic Wednesday
Several Winstonites enjoyed a de
lightful picnic Wednesday to cele
brate the Fourth of July holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Broads
word and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mc
Guire as hosts and hostesses at
their ranch on Olalla Creek.
The all-day picnic was held in a
pleasant site among a grove of
shade trees overlooking the creek.
The luncheon was served through
out the day with swimming, fishing,
horseshoes and cards as diver-
WmA & it i 1
mi 1 1 n L.. ni ,j,, U 1 .... I... - - -w... .MirwA x 4
installation ot o dinner affair ot the Birdsong Cofe with
Mrs. Lee Wilson as Installation chairman. Pink beauty
bush and pink cCmdles graced the tables. Mrs. Lee Standig
ond Mrs. A. D, Fox acted os ushers and are pictured with
officers0 installed, who' included treasurer, Mory Musick;
secretary, Connie Nelson; vice president, Arleta Grensky;
president Morfha Donchok, who wos re-elected, and Bru
nette Wilson, Installing officer.
Those attending were: Mr. and
Mrs. Kay Oliver, Cheryl and
Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wein
berg, Freddie, Timmie and Kim;
Mrs. Alfred Daniels and Vicki; Dr.
and Mrs. H. L. VanDermark, Steve,
Karen, David and John; Rose Sil
va, Mrs. Betty Adams, Tracy and
Kurt; Mr. and Mrs. Howard John
stone, Carol and Becky; Mrs. J. C.
Hindman, and Tom; Fran Allen,
Mrs. Steele, June Dale Hutson, Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Broadsword, Michael
and Jcffery, and Mr. and Mrs. Art
Coffee Given
For Visitor
One of the most charming parties
of the week was the coffee given
by Mrs. Paul H. Helweg Thursday
morning, when she invited friends
to her beautiful home in Laurel
wood in compliment to her sister,
Mrs. Blossom Maxwell, who is vis
iting here from Minneapolis, Minn.
An arrangement of white mag
nolias graced the attractively ap
pointed serving table, while mixed
summer flowers formed the bou
quts about the living room. The
guests also enjoyed the patios and
Mrs. L. K. Cornwell and Mrs.
Kenneth Kirk assisted inthe serv
ing and Mrs. Chester Morgan, Mrs.
Maurice J. Newland and Mrs. Har
rie W. Booth pourd.
Barker Reunion
The annual Barker reunion at
tracted many Roseburg families
when it was held Sunday in Armi
tage State Park, Eugene. Rela
tives came from all parts of Ore
gon and California.
Officers for the 1963 reunion
are: Kenneth Barker, president;
Irvin Borthick, vice president:
Mrs. W. J. Adair, secretary-treasurer;
and Mrs. George ilerron,
James Newberry gave the invo
ninety relatives attended t h e
picnic. The buffet was spread over
two large campsite tables. 1
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