Community News Briefs I Dr. and Mrs. Carl Bonner and family have returned home after (pending several weeks visiting rel atives in the Fort Smith, Ark., area. Mr. and Mrs. Ban Croft have re tired and moved from Dayton Beach Fla., to Roseburg. They are residing at 620 W. Fairhaven in Apt. l. They are the parents of Dr. Harry Williams of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ednwnd C. LtClilr and children, 6, S, 3 and 2 years old and 8 months old, have moved from Michigan to 1065 NE Cedar St. in Roseburg. The former is working for American Steel Supply Co. Mr. and Mrs. Wilttr Pltpar of Eureka, Calif., visited here brief ly Thursday night en route to their home after a trip to Seattle and the World's Fair. They visited Pie- per's cousin, Mrs. John Brooke. and the latter's son-in-law and Lola Nordqulit, Mae Wilson and spent Thursday in Roseburg visit ing at the home of Mr. "and Mrs. Jack May. Mr. and Mrs. John Rast, who are visiting here from Washington M.I., ana the former s sister, Mrs. S. L. Kidder, of this city, spent Thursday on a trip to Portland and to Mt. Hood. Mr. and Mr. Walter i. Norton and son, 14 months-old, have mov ed from Portland to 1124 NE Fre mont. Norton is serving his intern ment at the VA Hospital. He is a medical student. Mi, and Mrs. Clan Paul Cald well (Betty Marsters) amd daugh ters, Robyn and Wendy, of Hunt ington, Long Island, N. Y.. are vacationing here at the home of Mrs. Caldwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Marsters, on Harrison Street. Mr. Caldwell is a specialist engineer with Pan American Air- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mil- ways at Idlewild Airport in New jer, ana lamuy. York. Lookingglass Residents Host Traveling California Folks By HAZEL S. MARSH Mrs. Kathryn Shive and daugh ter, Frances, of Los Angeles were guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monger and fam ily in Lookingglass. Mrs. Shive who is a sister of Mrs. Monger, was en route home from a trip up the inland passage to Skagway, Alaska, and had also visited the Fair in Seattle. Gild Trapper Visits Leland Ohriss, a government trapper now assigned to the Glide area, visited his cousins, the Roy Buells over the weekend. Chriss and family were formerly in gov ernment employ in susanville, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ellis drove to Prineville Sunday to take the latter's mother, Mrs. Roy Buell, to spend some time with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gohl, and to assist in the care of her daughter and small ton, Richard, born July 14. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meredith of the birth of a daughter to their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meredith in Sacramento. The new baby arrived July 14 and has been named Sandy Jane. She has a sister, Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pillion also have an announcement of the birth of Leona Marie, born to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Post (Betty Jo) on July 14. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dysert went to Prineville over the weekend to attend the dog trials program held there. Rev. Titus At Camp The Rev. Gordon Titus left Mon day for the youth camp at Fir Point to serve for several days as instructor in the junior camp conducted by the American Sunday School Union. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brotzman and daughters, Audrey, Joan, and Jackie, all of Gasquet, were guests over Sunday of the Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Titus and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edel and son Dick, of Tustin, Calif., were visitors recently in the home of the former's brother-in-law and sister, the Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Titus. The guests were en route to Seattle to visit the Fair. Nancy Grass who is a student at summer school at Oregon State XJniversiy, was home for the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Grass and family. Mrs. Elton Grass drove to Fir Point Sunday to tak her. daugh ter, Marilyn, and Sharon Titus to the youth camp. Alfred Ollivant, stationed at Ft. Lewis, enjoyed a leave over the weekend to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lige Ollivant. Mrs. George Marsh and family left over the weekend for a week's camping at Diamond Lake. Marthas Atttnd Mealing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marsh spent several days the past week in Portland and stopped at Corval lis en route home to attend a meeting of the board of trustees of the WCTU Children's Farm Home. Guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green were the latter's sister-in-law, Mrs. Ray Davis, and tier son - in - law and daughter,, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Voshell with their three small chil dren, all of Napa, Calif. The group had teen to Lemon, S. D.. visit ing relatives and stopped here en route home. Mrs. Betty Thompson and son, Randy, of Toledo, Iowa, were guests recently at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green. Mrs. Thompson and son had visited the Fair in Seattle and were en route home. Mrs. Heln Schulze and Mrs. Dorothy Boling were hostesses for the recent meeting of the Looking glass Grange. Mrs. Charles Schulze presented a skit for the program. The Grange will not have a reg ular meeting in August because of a conflict with County Fair dates. D'Gaye Findlay and Eric Res- ner spent a week recently visiting their grandyarents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Findlay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack May, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones and Lynn Travis left Friday morning for Siltcoos Lake to spend the weekend at the May Ooathouse. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hughes have moved here from Coos Bay and are making their home at 453 NE Winchester. Hughes is personnel manager for Evans Products. Mrs. Charles V. (Fran) Stanton wife of the editor of The News-Re view, is reported to be making a satisfactory recovery at Mercy Hos pital where she underwent major surgery Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Georg W. Maxay and son, 4, and daughter, 2, have moved from San Jose, Calif., to Rosebure and are residing at 1365 NW Beaconway. Maxey is with Southern Oregon Diesel Injection Service. Mrs. Charles F. Wilson has re turned to her home here, following a trip to Portland this week, where she had planned to take a plane for Spokane, Wash., where she was called by the illness of her son-in-law, Lt. Col. Macdonald, of Fair child Air Force Base, Spokane. Upon arriving in Portland, she re ceived a telephone call informing her Col. Macdonald was not as ill as was at first believed, so she returned to her home here. The Macdonald family had only recent ly visited here en route from the Air Force Base in Amariuo, icx as, to Spokane. . Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Tryka and daughter, Carol, and son, Bobby, of Perry, N. Y., left Thursday for the Redwoods and points ot inter est in California en route home, fol lowing a trip across the United States to Seattle to attend the World's Fair and a stop over in Roseburg to visit Mr. and Mrs. Vince Wroble and family. Dr. Try ka and Wroble attended school to gether in Perry, N. Y., and had not seen one another for 15 years. Twenty years ago Dr. Tryka was stationed at Camp wnite in ore eon. He is an enthusiastic fisher man and has been enjoying the sport on the trip. Audrey Jonas and Ann Hatch at tended the Fleet Days celebration Sunday at Reedsport. The two women are both employes of the va nospnai. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gana and sons, 5, 4, 3 and 1. have moved to 1125 SE Douglas, Roseburg, from Uvalde, Texas. Garza is working for a construction company out of cugene. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wright and sons, 8 and 3, and daughter, 5, have moved from Prineville to Roseburg and have purchased the Paul Cacy residence at 466 NE Jackson St. Wright is manager of sears kocduck. Mrs. Alice Hamacher, Mrs. Dora Boss, Mrs. Ina Breier, Mrs. Flor ence iienn and Mrs. Darlene Zosol of North Douglas Grange, Curtin, assisted with the Volunteer Serv- ices department at the VA Hos pital here Thursday. Also assist ing were Mrs. Elva Sneed, Mrs. Marguerite LaGrander. Mrs. Viva Marchioli and Mrs. Jane Asker of tne American Legion Auxiliary Drain: Mrs. Evclvn Powell Hid. die; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore, Camas Valley Grange, and Mrs. Lorraine Veenstra, Melrose irrange. Births And omorrow Drain Woman Makes Plans To Return To S. America By JO CARLILE Mrs. Pete (Irene) Finnell of Drain will leave Portland July 28 by way of Chicago and Miami, Fla., to return to Tumaco, Colom bia, South America. Mrs. Finnell will arrive in Calli, Colombia, July 29 where she will be met by her husband. Mrs. Finnell spent 10 days in California recently after being no tified of the illness of her step mother, Mrs. Herbert Perine at Paris, Calif. Mrs. Finnell drove to Modesto and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smith, continued the trip to Paris with her. Mrs. Perine was taken to the Arlington General Hospital. While there Mrs. Finnell and her sisters were all together for the first time in 17 years. Matoons Have Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ben Matloon and family of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. John Madsen of Cottage Grove; and Lillie Mills and Rosa Taylor of Black Butte were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mat toon recently. Allen Beck accompanied the George Engerbritsen family of Eu reka, Calif., formerly of Drain, on a camping and fishing trip to Can ada recently. John Sagaberd went to Eugene Tuesday to get his wife, Pansie, who had been I patient in Hie Eu gene Hospital and Clinic for 12 days. Mrs. Sagaberd will conval esce at home. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stow of Vida and three of their grandchildren were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlile. Myr tle Carlile accompanied the Stows to Tri-City for a day of visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mann. Mrs. Menzie Farrar is slaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sweet, while her husband is in the Eugene Hospital and Clinic receiving medical care. WAhington Relatives Visit Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Solomon and two sons of Olympia, Wash., visited receftly at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. SwaeL Mrs. Solo mon is a granddaughter of Mrs. Sweet. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred 0. Hunt of Seattle visited friends in Drain last week while repairs were being made to their Seattle apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bickford, Deanna and Errol went to Port land Saturday to the wedding of a niece, Lynne Rhoads and Greg Dinmic. Deanna and Errol stayed overnight and brought their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bickford home with them Sunday for an extended visit. Leo Farrell, who has been in the Sunset Rest Home at Eugene, jias been moved to the home of her daughter, Francis Hopkins. Carrie Brown sister of Lena Gardner, has moved from Sweet Horn-! back to Ridgefield, Wash., to make her home. Mrs. Brown is well known in the Drain area. Mrs. Floyd Nutt of Sutherlin ar rived in Portland Saturday on the Shasta Daylight from Nebraska where she has been visiting since June 8. Mrs. Armin Clemo and her father, Floyd Nutt, met Mrs. Nutt in Portland. Address Is Requested For Elkton Navy Girl By MRS. C. W. HENDERER Ann Beckley is now with the U. S. Navy at Newport, R. I. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Beckley of Elkton report her address is OCSA, USN WOQ Build ing 113, Room 240, U. S. Naval Station, Newport. Mrs. Roy Fisher was taken to Mercy Hospital in Roseburg last weekend for observation following a fall at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Taylor and family spent last week In San Fran cisco where they took their daugh ter, Janice, to enroll in a dental technician school. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fisher will attend a national School Board As sociation directors' conference in Harbor Springs, Mich., next week. Saturday, July 21 Alcoholics Anonymous, basement of Pacific 3uilding, 8 p.m. J) or more information call OR 3-6629, Bucktroo Square Dane Club, at the barn, dance-of-the-month in struction at 8:30 p.m., regular dance at I p.m. Ladies bring light potluck. South Deer Creek Grange, Grange Hall, 8:15 p.m. Tri 'N' Square Dance Club, Ea gles Hall, Myrtle Creek, 9 p.m. Olalla Squares, Olalla Commun ity Building, 9 p.m. Rice Vally Community Card Party. Swinging 8's, Azalea Grange, 8:30 p.m. Umpqua Chapter of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution, annual picnic at home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herman, 1626 W. Myr tle 4:30 p.m. Tea and coffee fur nished. President- Miles Hutchins ap Roseburg Jay-C-Ettas, cake sale, in front of Drive-N-Save Market, noon. - - Sunday, July 22 Unitarian Fellowship, downstairs meeting room of Roseburg Medical-Dental Clinic, 880 SE Jackson, 7:30 p.m. Rostburg Rod and Gun Club, trap shooting, 10 a.m. Wilbur-Sutharlin Mathodist youth choir practice, Wilbur Methodist Church, 3 p.m. West Coast Singing Convention, Winston Baptist Church, 2-4 p.m. Roseburg Writers Club, annual potluck for members and invited guests, home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Davis, 3038 W. Sherwood, 5 p.m. Douglas Pelicans Skin' Diving Club, open dive, Boomer Hill, 1 p.m. Spectators welcome. Monday, July 23 Navy Raserve, Naval Reserve Facility, 1624 W. Harvard. Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall 8 p.m. Wlnston-Dillard Kiwanis Club, 6:30 p.m. Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m. Players requested to be present by 7:20 p.m. to set up tables and boards. Buckeroos, workshop at the barn, 8-10 p.m. Riddle Bathel Job's Daughters, Masonic Temple, Riddle, 7:30 p.m. Women of Moose, Moose Hall, 8 p.m. Valentine Chapter 11, Order of Eastern Star, Myrtle Creek. Roseburg City Council, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Golden Age Club, Veterans Me morial Building, 7:30 p.m. Woodmen Circle Umpqua Grova SI, social, 8 p.m. Winston Community Club, 8 p.m. Sutherlin Jay-C-Ettts, Commun ity Building, 8 p.m. Roseburg Toaitmlstress Club, Oak Tree Inn, 7:30 p.m. For In formation call OR 3-3107 or OR 3-3253. Roseburg Business and Profes sional Women's Club, potluck at home of Mildred Herman, 1628 W. Myrtle. Bring table service. Mercy Hospital HAHN To Mr. and Mrs. Dar rell H. Hahn, 496 SE Ramp, Rose burg, July 11, a daughter, Jolie Gay; weight 7 pounds 10 ounces. RONDEAU To Mr. and Mrs. Wallaae James Rondeau, Box 141, Sutherlin, July 11, a son, Brian Kelly; weight 9 pounds 1 ounce. FREEMAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wayne Freeman, PO Box 1116, Trona, Calif., July 12, a son, Dennis Ray; weight 7 pounds 9V4 ounces. TRIPP To Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Tripp, 442 Myrtle Wood Court, Roseburg, July 13, a daughter, Di ane Marie; weight 8 pounds 10 ounces. EWENS - To Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ewens, 1787 Otie Lane, Roseburg, July 13, a son, Bradley Scott; weight 8 pounds 2 ounces. CASTILLO - To Mr. and Mrs. George Castillo, 1497 NW Lester, Roseburg, July 13, a son, Christian Dominic; weight 8 pounds 14 ounc es. Douglas Community Hosoltal MYERS To Mr. and Mrs. Dale Myers, Rl. 4. Box 337, Rose burg, July 12, a son, Steven Leon; weight 5 pounds 14W ounces. GOODSON To Mr. and Mrs. James Goodson, 203 S. Calapooia, PO Box 201, Sutherlin, July 14, a son, James Allen; weight 8 pounds 1314 ounces. POST To Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Post, Rt. 4 Box 1360. Rose. burg, July 15, a daughter, Leona Mane; weight 6 pounds 9 ounces. BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. Lar ry Brown, Box 774, Wilbur, July 16, a son, Scott Dee; weight 7 pounds. BURTON To Mr. and Mrs. Roger Burton. Rt. 2 Box 705. Rose- burg, July 16, a daughter, Shelly Diane; weight 9 pounds 6 ounces. STILLWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stillwell, Rt. 1 Box 318, Sutherlin, July 16, a daughter, Ei leen Annette; weight 7 pounds 5 ounces. MANNING - To Mr. and Mrs. Charls Manning, 730 NE Casper, Roseburg, July 17, a daughter, Dina Lynne; weight ( pounds lO'i ounces. VAN SCOYK - To Mr. and Mrs. Larry Van Scoyk, Box 395, Idle yld Rt., Roseburg, July 17, a son, Dennis Alan; weight 8 pounds 9 ounces. McCORD To Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCord, 218 E. 3rd, Rt. 1 Box 202 E, Sutherlin, July 17, a daughter, Lerrie Dawn; weight 7 pounds 5 ounces. BOSTON To Mr. and Mrs. James Boston, Box 65, Myrtle Creek, July 17, a son, Bruce Alan; weight 7 pounds 4 ounces. Adventist Church Books Film Showing Saturday "Spires of Challenge." a sound motion picture featuring life in or iental Burma, will be shown in the Seventh-day Adventist Church on Garden Valley Blvd. this Satur day at 8 p.m. The picture, photographed by Elder Raymond Woolsey, the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jennings and the brother-in-law of Mrs. Gerald Casebolt of Roseburg, has been acclaimed especially in teresting by those who have had opportunity to see it, according to Inez Hitchman of the church. There will be no admission charge and the public is invited to view this picture. The Woolsey's, who have spent six years in the Seventh-day Ad ventist mission work in Burma, are on their way to attend the de nomination's quadrennial world conference in San Francisco which begins next Thursday and stopped here to visit the Jennings and the Cascbolts. Woolsey is pastor of two Adventist churches in Rangoon. PUBLIC WORKS WEEK WASHINGTON (UP1) Presl- dent Kennedy Wednesday desig nated the week beginning Oct. 14 as National Public Works Week. ASKS GOLD MEDAL WASHINGTON (UPI)-Sen. Es- tes Kefauver, D-Tenn., this week urged President Kennedy to award a gold ndal to Dr. Fran ces O. Kelscy, who prevented the sale of a drug that later was dis covered to causa malformations of unborn children. Sot., July 21, 1962 The News-Review, Rossaburg, Or. 7 If Your Paptr Has Not Arrivtd By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Betw.en 6 & 7 P.M. Saturday Only 3 To 5 P.M. FROM NINE TO FIVE 8y 0 Fiich.r "Gosh, Coma . . . this map doesn't say a thing about a tree." Lebanon Answer to P.-r.iu Pinsit , ACROSS TOritloaUb.) !1 Lebanon's Epoch I cjpitil Surety 7 This country Is 10 Nautical Urn ' ia the 11 Ferainin 13 Handled nicknem 14 Pencil end UNtgotiat ilSNooM leCuttinf 15 Stronghold Implement 117 Philippine Ire 22 Despot 18 Perched 23 Cubes 20 Musical note municipality (31 Swedish I measure 21 Southwectera nickname 13 Desert IS Whirlpool 27 "Lily maid at Aitolal" 28 Constellation 71 Conjunction 31 Operated S3 Parisian season 34 Oepuliee 37 Footed vases 40 Detonation 41 New Zealand S arret aturn'a consort 4S Mohammed's son-in-law 4 Continually 47Dle(slan) 4 Particular 91 Rati M Meeting program 58 Foot part oft Absorption V Ethereal lilts DOWN IBraiiUan diamond , 2 Empower " 3 Cyprus 4 Rodent 5 Indian f Pithy W Onilt 2 Challenges 2t New Guinea 50 Km ire 34 Declare 35 Congrats boot I I IfciiaiSI HOW E LK SI 94 Firmsmeot ao&PMled 3 Telegraphic device 40 Pen Ian bitter slmond 42 Weird 44 Pirc tt Winged 4) Anglic (ah.) SOFlsS 52 Printer's measure (pi.) UBoet ., NIWSPAPE1 ENTMMUS ASSN. i i t 5 1 1 I! II II 110 III III rj ; r, re . n a ra rpr- lsr-rpr t - w bt- p jt r --pHST f vr Br--irpr srlrji? h : . a a n - 1 1 1 I I I , ,1 I I I 1,1 i DO CLOUDS HAVE MOTHERS I AND FATHERS?, r- ifvn r-.ka DO CLOUDS LIVE AND DIE? DO CLOUDS HAVE HOPES AND DREAMS? DO CLOUDS EXPERIENCE PAlN?D0 THEV HAVE FEARS AND ANXIETIES? LET S 6ET BACK 10 V0UR FIRST QUESTION.. OT-) w--- . 7Ws6ETBACICT0rWR, P Tp II . . I I . IT . i HEY!! DON'T4-; n-n vsv M"i' ' fry I I rMJJ' L BiiCT Irc " h . i. t.m. . u.e. m. on . I i -I If' oy VBipoummANPVou'gft irMoyou x that sun-QKM. von ll 1 I , I 1 IV PeAPSPORUNOWiGWInETHATll POtrT.VOU UK WRm NOW 6RMTH' I. I I I flUICKrtlTOV MM.,' I l I i?J-nWBkl A -tOUTA HERB fhVV, fAX I W UPW MVlMiU , I IITA GUESS WEU.1 I JUST CW' tjSygf WHERE'S " I DOWM N FRONT? 1 HAVE lb BOW GeT THE Top ) WiCrf '. 1""' MiS' THE i (BOO) 'hmrxni w TO public , DOWN! ' fe- 1 I CtrXTAINLf MOTI IT'S WAITING OUTSIDE THE RITZ, TO BRING MY DAUGHTER HOME FROM A DANCE.'.' I BUT, h, W N SEND J I I CHIEF.7 f CRACKING.',! L THE M IT'S IV THERE'S A S SQUAD DAUGHTER fl X , ( PKKPIMO J CARV HOME FROM W YOU BRING THAT , CRIMINAL IN. OR YOU'RE SUSPENDED WITHOUT PArf -FOR A MONTH rv C A M-MOt4TH?-1 H-HAVENT ENOUGH SAVEO.TO UVE VITWOUT rW-rWANMOUfc.'.'l r a ( I'M PRACTICING THAT'S A VeRY fvOU COULD ) ' N Tt TO BE A LION r DANGEROUS rf. BE KILLED J AReV "XSSfjS occupwtionJ ; y "J -notif!--f ( YOU don't have;