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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1962)
J.' J y i 1 4 i !. I t V ? 10 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Frl., July 20, 1962 Dobbins-Baxter j r v.. vs. - Nuptials July 7 MARRIED AT a very beautiful summer wedding were Beverley Baxter, daughter of Mrs. J. Clifford Baxter and the late Mr. Baxter of Roseburg, and Doyle R. Dobbins of Medford, Okla., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Dob bins of Medical Lake, Wash. The Impressive ceremony took place July 7 at the First Christian Church in Roseburg. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography). ' ,', A PRETTY WEDDING of July 6 took place at the Drain Baptjst Church when Earlier L. Alsup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Alsup Sr. became the bride of Steven Franklin Cole, son of Mr. ond Mrs. Glenn Cole, all of Draia Esther Alsup Now Mrs. Cole Miss Esther L. Alsup became the bride ot Steven Franklin Cole In a double ring ceremony perform ed July 6 at tho Drain Baptist Church. Tho Rev. Otis Doherty officatcd at tho S p.m. rite. Tho bride is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Billio Alsup Sr.; tho bridegroom's parents' are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cole, all ot Drain. Tho altar was decorated with candelabra with lighted white can dles and baskets ot whito and lav endor gladioli with wild fern, lies sic Gasser was organist, playing the traditional wedding march The bride was given in marrlago by her father. She wore a full- length gown of crisp organza fash ioned with long sleeves and laco appliqued sabrina neckline. The full skirt with apron panel effect in front hod sequin sprinkled ap pliques. Deep ruffkd tiers wcro at back waistline. She carried a whito Bible topped with a single orchid. Miss Laverne Alsup of Eugene, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, wearing a sheath dress made of lavender with a lace over skirt and a headpiece of lavender net and veil. She had white acces sories and carried a nosegay of white gladioli accented with lav ender net. Bridesmaids, dressed like (he honor maid, were Miss Marilyn Echlinc, Portland, and Miss Paula Alsup, sister of the brido. Bradley Cole was his brother's best man. Ushers wero Bruce Cole, brother of tho bridegroom, and Gary Cox. Kobin Alsup, niece of the bride. was flower girl. She wore a white organza dress with a lavender cummerbund and white accessor bridegroom. Vivian Butler of Yon calla cut and served the wedding cake. Mrs. Arthur Fowler, aunt of the bridegroom, and Miss Shirley Ann Fowler, cousin of the bride groom, both of Portland, poured. Tho guest book was presented by Ellinbeth Jacobs, sister ot tho bride. Kathloen Erickson was in charge of gifts, and Mrs. Harold Boucock, Yoncolla, was in charge oi uie uowcrs For the wedding (rip to King Surf at Dcpoe Bay, the brido wore a two-piece white sheath dross with white accessories and laven der orchid she carried as her brid al bouquet. Tho new Mr. and Mrs. Colo are at home at the Kuth Snced apartments in Drain. The bride has lived in Drain for eight years and was graduated from Drain Union High School in UH2. The bridegroom has lived in Dram for 15 years. 11c was grad uated from Drain Union Ilnih iichool in I960 and has been at tending Southern Oregon Collego at Ashland. He will return there this fall. He is employed this summer at w nipple Hock Crusher. About 135 relatives and friends of tho couple gathered for the ceremony. Out . of town guests were: Mao Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lane, Marie Smiley, Joan anct Sandra, nil of Monmouth: Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Fowler, Shirley nnn, Liiaries and John, M r s. Frank Benedict and Mr. and Mrs, llichard Hansen, all of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Currie and Jimmie and Mrs. Glenn Robinson, an ot fcaiem: Arthur Denning and cummerounn anu wimu accessor- n i v i? i les. Candlelightcrs were David and .J' , ',,.'"". hu80"c; A'' Norman Alsup, brothers of the I 1"-, " ll,e, Als"P -Jr- 0ak: t.rM i ridge; and Miss Jeanne Peters and Haynes, Cottage Grove. Potluck Picnic Enjoyed By Ladies Bible Class The Ladies Bible Class of Oak- larni community Presbyterian Church enjoyed a nothick ' nionir on the hack lawn at the home of Mrs. Jesse le Thursday. Mrs. Lee led the devotions and the lesson, o Thoso present were Mrs. Carlton Goff, Mrs. Sara Watkins. M r s. Fred Minich, Mrs. Alia Howard. Mrs. Neil Burpee. Mrs. Chaclrs McMahon, Mrs. Edward Dunn ..nd Mn. Lee. bride. ! The bride's mother wore a blue two-piece linen dress with white accessories and corsage of white gladioli. Tho bridegroom's moth- . cr' dross was a whito floral nylon Jersey. She woro whito accessories and corsage of white gladioli. A wedding reception was given by Air. and Mrs. Glenn Colo in Uio annex at the church. Baskets of white and lavender gladioli were used for the decorations. An Irish linen embroidered tablecloth cov ered tho table. Silver candles flanked the four-tiered cake which had been baked and decorated by Sylvia Mattoon. The cake was top ped withfa. miniature bride and Three-hundred guests attended the wedding of Beverley Baxter, only daughter of Mrs. J. Clifford Baxter and the late Mr. Baxter of Roseburg, and Doyle R. Dobbins oi jueaiora. Okla.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Dobbins of Med ical Lake, Wash., when they re peated tneir nuptial vows from memory at an impressive double ring service July 7 at the First Christian Church in Roseburg James C. Smith, pastor of the church, performed the candlelight ceremony at 8 p.m. Floor baskets of pink gladioli and white stock flanked by floor candelabra Holding tall white cath edral candles in front of a large heart arrangement was backed by four brass wall sconces holding five candles apiece. Lighted can dles also lighted the back wall of the choir loft and the center aisle of the church, which was marked with white satin bows, white rose buds and fern. Miniature white chrysanthemums formed the ar rangement below the altar cross and vesper lights - outlined the church balcony. Pink gladioli and white stock formed the bouquet in the large basket in the church en trance. Mrs. Lloyd Crenshaw had charge of the decorations. . Mrs. S. Clarence Trued, organ ist, played the wedding music, which included seven of the bride's favorite comDositions. She accom panied Wayne Mosher who sang "Dav of Davs" composed by S. Clarence Trued, former piano teacher of the bride, ana also ac companied the church choir in "The Lord's rrayer Dy maiouo and "0 Master Let Me Walk With Thee" by the choir with Wayne Mnahxr as soloist. Mrs. Trued play er! thn Bridal Chorus from Lohen grin for the processional and the Wedding March from Midsummer Night's Dream by Mendelssohn for the recessional. .. ftiven in marriage by her uncle, Lloyd S. Crenshaw, the bride was very beautiful in a floor-length gown witn cnapei tram oi iu ui ganza. Chantilly lace formed the Inmr.nleeved bodice. The lace at the neckline was detailed in se quins and seed pearls ana me love ly bouffant skirt was edged in the same imported lace, one tmi a cascade bouquet oi wnue roses and stephanotis centered by two white catlcya orchids. Miss Ginger Harris of Roseburg was maid of honor and Miss Susan Brvant of Runert. Idaho: Miss EV- elvn Dobbins. Medical Lake. Wash., and Miss Sue Dalton of Corval- lis, were bridesmaids. They wore pink satin sheath dressesi with matching shoes, nats ana gioves and carried cascade bouquets of pink gladioli. Diana Kaisner of Roseburg, cou sin of the bride, was flower girl. Jim Churchwell, Enid, Okla., was best man and ushers were Glenn Dobbins, Cheney, Wash., brother of the bridegroom; Lynn Baxter, Corvallis, brother of the bride; Robert Gault, Eugene, and Glenn McKcrrow, Des Moines, Iowa. Candlelightcrs were Lyle Baxter, Roseburg, brother of the bride, ana Kenny Dobbins, Cheney, Wash., nephew of the bridegroom. For her daughter s weaaing, Mrs. Baxter chose a pale green raw silk sheath dress accented with lace applique. Her accessor ies were whito and she wore a cor sage of pink cymbidium orchids. Mrs. Dobbins, moinor ot me oriue eroom. wore a pink sheath dress of dacron polyester and cotton with biego accessories and a corsage of whito phaclianopsls orcnias. . A reception followed in tne church Fellowship Hall. Mobile ar ranged baskets of white net and white roses suspended irom me celling by satin ribbons were plac ed over the bride's table, which was decorated by the tiered wed- Hinir cake flanked by crescent ar rangements of tiny ncarts, peari and rhinestone and saver ougic bead sprays, white roses and stcDhanotls. tall whito candles and miniature wedding bells. Pink net baskets with pink roses formed the mobile arrangements over uie punch table, while the candles were in pink and the floral arrange ments of pink snapdragons. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Dale Sherwood. Modesto, Calif., M r s. William Mayolc, Cheney, Wash., and Mrs. Joseph Love. BUUngs, Mont., sisters of the bridegroom; serving the punch was Mrs. Rich ard Crenshaw of Roseburg, and coffee was served by Mrs. Bert Brewer, of this city. Assisting were Miss Gail Cren shaw, Grants Pass; Mrs. Roberta Keefo and Mrs. James Smith, ltnsebura. Miss Babbie Gates, Eu gene, presented the guest book and Miss Gloria urensnaw, roucr vai lev. Calif., had charge of the gifts. Gloria and Gail Crenshaw and Miss Keefe are cousins of the brute. Mrs. Margaret Pfaff catered. Knr traveling the bride chose a three-piece tailored green' suit with bicge accessories. Her corsage was two white orchids. Following a hnnevmoon to coastal points, the brido and bridegroom will loave Sundnv for Medford, Okla., to make3 their home. The bride was graduated from Roseburg High School and attend ed Northwest Christian College in Eugene. The bridegroom attended Northwest Christian College and Phillips Seminary and is now min ister of the Medford, Okla., Chris tian Church. He was youth minis- Iter of the First Christian Church I in Rntohiirn In WHO and 1981. The bride has made her home here since 1946. She is a very talented vocalist and pianist and has been prominent in activities of the Chris tian Church here. Coming from out-of-town for the wedding were the bridegroom's parents and their ' daughter, Ev elyn, Medical Lake, Wash.; Mrs. Inez Bryant and Susan, Rupert, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. William May- ole and family; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Dobbins and family, Cheney, wash. Mrs. Ernest Higginbothan, Mr, and Mrs. 0, J. Crenshaw and Gail and Terry, Grants Pass; Mr. and Airs. Howard Aston and Rick, Mil waukee; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Crenshaw and family, and Miss Nancy Scott, Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. rioyd Crenshaw and Gloria and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Deering and Mike, Kirk and Steve, Potter Valley, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crenshaw and Susan, Scio, Ore.. - Mr. and Mrs; Les Stone, Van couver, Wash.; Mrs. Lucille Klais- ner, Ukiah, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Dale bherwood and family, Mo desto, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Knox, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Love, Billings, Mont, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKerrow and family, DesMoines, Iowa; J i m Churchwell, Enid, Okla.; Miss Su sanne Dalton, Corvallis; Miss Lin da Stegmiller, Walla Walla, Wash. Miss Karen Carstensen, Miss Judy Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Works and Laura and Colleen; Jim Aydelott, Miss Jean Lesher, Mrs. Esteiia Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. u u. Baxter, Miss Judy Piper, Miss Bob bie Gates. Robert Gault. all of Eu gene, and Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Kirkendall, Camas Valley. BETROTHAL TOLD Mr. and Mrs.- Dalton Mattoon, Drain, onnounce the engage ment of their daughter, Jan ice Kay. to Lt. Gene L, Markle, son of Mrs. Oveira Morkle, Roseburg. The bride- elect was graduated from Drain High School and is a dental assistant to Dr. Poul Flood. Lt. Markle was graduat ed from Roseburg High school in 1957 and attended Uni versity of Oregon. He is sta tioned at Mather Air Force Base in California as a navi gator. A December wedding is planned. (Picture by Chris Studio of Photography) 87-Year-Old Honored At Tea Mrs. A. J. Geddes celebrated her 87th birthday July 6 at her apart ment home on SE Kane Street at a delightful family gathering. A dessert supper was served to the guest of honor and Mr. and Mrs. Harrie Booth and daughter, Mrs. Charles Scofield, and her three young daughters, Judith, Mary Elizabth and Kathleen, of Fort Benning, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geddes and daughters, Carole, Paula, Sara, Debra and Lisa; Mr. and- Mrs. S. J. Cooper and Mrs. Addie Carlisle. - MR. AND MRS. WALLACE CEGAVSKE are pictured above following their marriage July 8 at the Christian Church in Elkton. The bride, Janet Elizatberh Fisher, is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Fisher of Elkton and the , bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ceg avske of Albany. The couple will reside in Hines, Ore. (Picture by Wilson Studio). Cegavske-Fisher Wedding. July 8 The wedding of Janet Elizabeth Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Fisher of Elkton, and Wallace Duane Ccgavske, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ce savske of Albany, took place July 8 at the Christian Church in Elk ton. The 3:30 p.m. doublo ring ceremony was performed by Ed West, minister of the church. Tho church was decorated with baskets of whito gladioli, candela bra and bouquets of Esther Reed daisies and snapdragons arranged by Mrs. Arley Marsh. Mrs. Ray Propst, sister of the bridegroom, sang "Because" pre ceding the ceremony, and "Wed ding Prayer" during the rites. Mrs. Max Bauer of Kellogg was pianist. The bride's parents gave her in marriage. The brines gown naci a bodice of Chantilly lace with long pointed sleeves. Tiers of lace and pleated nylon nowea mio a floor-length' skirt with a short train. She carried a bouquet ot pink roses and white stephanotis. Maid ot nonor was oaroiyn risn- er, the bride s cousin, ane was gowned in sage green taffeta. The street-length frock was designed with a full skirt and lace on the front of the bodice. She carried a nosegay of pink rosebuds and white carnations. Sorority sisters of the bride, Kristin Minty of San Fran cisco and Edna Pemberton of Cor vajlis, were bridesmaids with Lois fames. Their0 dresses and bou quets matched at hose worn by tho maid of honor. Candlelighters were Lonn Fish er, cousin of the bride, and Janice Parks. Miss Parks wore pink bro cade taffeta and had a wrist cor sage of pink roscDuus. iiaeiene Propst of Astoria, niece of Uie bridegroom, was flower girl. Diehl Pyfet of Corvallis was the bridegroom's best man. Ushering was done by Norman Hansen of Baker and David Ball of Albany, cousin of the bridegroom. The mother of the bride wore a blue silk and lace dress. She wore black accessories and a corsago of white carnations and pink rose buds. The mother of the bride groom woro beige lace with beige and pink accessories and a cor sage of pink carnations. The lawn reception was given by the bride's parents at their home. Pink and green colors were used for the decorative effects. Mrs. David R. Long of Corvallis. Alpha Delta Pi sorority sister of the brute, and Mrs. Lloyd Myers cut and served the four-tiered wed ding cake. Pouring coffee were Mrs. Howard E. Parks of Eugene, Mrs. John Abraham and sorority sisters of tho bride, Mrs. G. Mor ris Robertson and Mrs. S. D. Simpson, both of Corvallis. Serv ing punch were Mrs. Tracy John son of Corvallis and Mrs. Ernest Ogard, Salem, sister of the bride groom. For going away the bride wore a green knit suit with dark brown feather hat and brown accessories. She wore the rose corage from her bouquet. The newlywcds are now at home in Hines, Ore., where the bride plans to teach In the grade school. The bride was graduated from Elkton High School and Oregon State University. Her family has lived in the Kellogg and Elkton area for four generation) The bridegroom was graduated from Albany Union High School and Oregon State I niversily. He is employed as a ranie conserva tionist for the Bureau of Land I Management in Burns. O o . . 1 it V. 5 I . . f v . .v ' - ..-.. i.-t IVV F HERE FROM CALIFORNIA Mrs. James Van Riper, the former Dorothy Holbrook, .is pictured above with her 1 Vi yeor-old son, Billy, of Fort Ord, Calif.. Accompanied by a 3 year-old daughter, Kathryn, they come here for the wedding of Mrs. Von Riper's sis ter, Mary Ellen Holbrook, and Thomas Eugene Showa Iter, and to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holbrook, at 1423 SE Main St. The Van Riper family has just recent ly returned from Germany, where Mr. Van Riper was with the U.S. Occupational Forces for four years. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography). Couple Marries A wedding of Interest to local residents .is that of Miss Janet Corinne Lagerquist of Los Ange les, Calif., who became the bride of David Earl McNabb, also of Los Angeles, and a former Win ston and Roseburg resident. The bride is the, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Lagerquist of Seattle, Wash. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Ernest Jioras, of Winston. The ceremony . was performed Saturday, June 16, at 4 p.m. in the University Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Wash. Officiating was the Rev. Allen Wickman of Santa Barbara, Calif., formerly pastor of the Seattle First Covenant Church. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a sheath gown of white taffeta fashioned with an Alencon lace bodice and a lace-trimmed overskirt which ex tended into a chapel train. Her veil was caught to a small pearl crown. She carried a cascade of orchids and stephanotis. Miss Susan Lagerquist was her sister's maid of honor. Brides maids were Mrs. Paul Monk, Miss Shcrrill Engstrom and Miss Mary Edstrom. They wore blue silk-organza gowns and carried colonial bouquets of blue forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley and white carnations. James Lagerquist, the bride s brother, was best man. Ushers were Paul Monk, Richard Hedges of Des Moines and Richard Swan- son. Aflet1 a trip to Carmel, Calif., the couple will reside in Los An geles, Calif. The bride attended Whitworlh College and was graduated from the University of Washington. She has been employed as a secretary and will accept a position teaching in the California schools this fall. The bridegroom attended college in Oregon and Washington. He was formerly employed at the News Review before accepting a posi tion in Los Angeles several months ago. Singletons Give Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Walter Singleton and son, Ford, entertained at a most delightful and enjoyable fried chicken dinner at their home on 2064 SE Douglas Avenue Sunday. The delicious dinner was served at a long picnic table arranged in the lovely garden of the home. Covers were placed for M r s. Lochie Thompson, Suthcrlin; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chenoweth of Palo Alto, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Martin of Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Wcldon Zundcl of Med ford; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Singleton of Lakeside. Calif.; Miss Nancy Mitchell of Whittier, Calif.: P. A. Black of Oroville, Calif, and the hosts and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Singleton and Ford Singleton. Visiting was enjoyed during the pleasant social hours. Luncheon Given Mrs. Charles Fox of Portland, the former Vivian Orcutt of this city, entertained at a lovely lunch eon Tuesday at the Umpqua Hotel having as guests Miss Helen Cas ey. Mrs. Robert H. Savage, Mrs. Fred Ixickwrtod and Mrs. R. D. Corn. .Mrs. Fox and nor husband were for a few days attending to business. I "m4 ; 1 kl (ft M -M A LOVELY BRIDE was Miss Janet Corinne Legerquist of Los Angeles, above, who was married to David Eorl Mc Nabb, also of that city and formerly of Winston and Roseburg. While here he was a reporter for the News Review. Following a honeymoon to Carmel, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. McNobb are now residing in Los Angeles. To Present Recital Word from New York City re veals that Sally Hill, former Rose burg girl and high school graduate here, will give a major organ re cital at Riverside Church some time in September. She is a student of Dr. Claire Coci, famous concert organist who is world renowned as a performer and artist. Miss Hill was accept ed as a student only on the condi tion that she practice at least five hours every day. Sally Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill, is a former stu dent of S. Clarence Trued and won numerous scholarships before she left for the east. In her junior high school year she performed Tschai kovski's Concerto in B Minor with the Roseburg Symphony Orchestra and the following year won the highly-prized scholarship to Bar nard College in New fork City where she will now be a senior. Her schedule this year will be heavy with languages and music courses with a major in music. Her decision to pursue the study of music in its advanced forms was the result of encouragement from such teachers as Dr. Scth Bringham of Columbia University, Dr. Searle Wright, also of Colum bia, and Dr. Coci, her present teacher and from her formeio teacher, Mr. Trued. Her plans after graduation from Barnard College are a year's study in Germany and then graduate study at Columbia. ' . if r i y .i 1 . M . f 1 , SALLY HILL, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hill of Roseburg, will be presented in on organ recital at Riverside Church in September in New York City. After completing her studies ot Barnard, Miss Hill plans to spend a year studying in Germany. PATRONIZE NEWS REVIEW ADVERTISERS Rebekah Tea To BeHeldJuly25 Rweburg Rebekah Lodge 41 will hold a tea at the home of Mr. o and Mrs. Fred J. Herman, 346 W. Riverside Drive, Wednesday, July 25, from 3 to 5 p.m. The occasion is to honor shut-in members who have not been able to attend lodge meetings. Hostesses will be Bertha Bayliss. Helen Wood. Lena Poole, F a y e Criegcr, Alice Goff and Bemice McDonald. AU Rebekah mOibers are in vited. Transportation will be fur nished if needed. Those requiring O transportation or who have a car q and can take someone else, call Bertha Bayliss at OR 3-4957.