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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1962)
Bin Williams of this city was in Salem attending to business yes terday. " Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Ktnnerly Jr. and children have returned to their home on SE llakeley Avenue, fol lowing a vacation to the World's Fair in Seattle and a return home via the coast route. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Singleton of Lakeside, Calif., and their granddaughter, Nancy Mitchell, of Whittier, Calif., and P. A. Black, of Oroville, Calif., have left for Camp Sherman on the Metollius to fish for a few days before going to Idaho and to Yellowstone Na tional Park. They have been here attending to business and visiting the former'! parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Singleton and Ford Singleton, on SE Douglas Avenue. Loyal Order of Moose No. 1037 VARIETY SHOW FEATURING: The Plus: BABY The following radio and television programs are printed as o free public service for News-Review readers. All program listings are published received from the respective stations. The News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished th I newspaper. IDlt T tTI A I lVrikrf-1 V Slt, T PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :00 Yoga For Health - 9:3 Play Your Hunch. .- 10:00 Price Is Rlghi 10 : 30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impressions 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 Day Report 12:00 Jan Murray 12:25 NBC News 12:30 Romper Room 1:00 Young Doctor Ma lone 1:30 Our Five Daughters 2:00 Mate Room For Daddy Yao" SERVICE IL SERVICE GUARANTEED PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV li tuteiari M Yaarl tin Nt StllBIM II Clflls Villi! let KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIMS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :45-Copco Show (Tues) 9:54 CBS News (except Tuesday) 10:00 Love of Life 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:45 Guiding Light 11:00 Jant Wyman 11:30 As T.e World Turns 12:00 Password 12:30 House Party 1:00 The Millionaire 1:30 To Tell The Truth 1:54-CBS News 2:00 Secret Storm 2:30 Edge Of Night KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Cartoon Time 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 Verdict Is Yours 10:30-BrIghter Day 11:00 Love Ot Lift 11:30 Starch cor Tomorrew . ,11:45-Guldtng Light 12:00 HI Neighbor 12:30 As The world Turns KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford ll:30-Yours For A Song 12:00 Jane Wyman Show 12:30 Camouflage 12:54 ABC Mid-day Report ' 1:00 News 9 Mid-day 1 1 -is Airman's World (Mon.) Canadian Travel (Wed) American Newireel (Frl) , Oregon Farm Journal (Tues., Thurs . l;3o-TV Bingo 2:00 Oay In Court Radio Programs --Monday thru KRNR 1490 KC KRNR .Broadcsstlno 34 hours. Hi days a week Monday through Saturday rBS news on the hour, Sunday through Stturday. CBS features on the halt hour. Sunday-Saturday Frank Cms, 1:30 a.m.. PST. V43 KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY i: 00-Sign On 6:30 Local News 4:45 Weather Capsule 6:50 Peut Harvey News ABC 4:55 Lste News ABC 7:00 Frank Hemingway Newt ABC 7:38 Local News 7 J5-Ciry Hail Reports 7:S5 Stock Market Report 0:00 Don Allen News ABC 8 IS Maior League Scores 8:30 Local Newi weather Capiu'e 1:55 Lata News ABC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY l)OS.ST TIMI, awtkun. lam fl 4:4i em.; Sunday. em to i.ii p.m. MONDAY THROUGH SATUBJDA.V: lea I'll Jwt on the noun v.wr.vant I jtnui pen IM houri nt summary if ' Calendar Of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Roberts and son, Mark, of this city spent last week in Willits and Santa Rosa, Calif., attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. High, Mrs. James Fleshman and Mrs. Joe Withers were in Seaside Saturday to attend the funeral of James Dob bins. He was past royal patron of Douglas Court 18, Order of Amar anth. Don and Mollie Ware, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darley Ware of this city, have returned home, following 10-day vacation trip to San Francisco, Chochilla and Yosmite National Park in Cali fornia, before going to Las Vegas to visit their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie West, and family. They also stopped over at Boulder Dam. FRIDAY, July 20 2 PM and 7:30 PM FAIRGROUNDS 2 WENDARYS Europe's Foremost Hand Balancers . . . Spotlighting Little "HEIDI" "SON ITA' 3:30 Here' Hollywood 2:55-AHernoon Report 3:00 December Bride 3:30 Public Service '(Mon) 3:30 Men Into Space (Tues, Wed, Thur) 3:30-Home Show (Frl) ! Ppjitnra Chnrt fBrll 4:00-Publlc Service Mon., Frf.) 4:00-Talk of the Town (Tues., Wed.. Thurs) 4:30 Captain Shipwreck THURSDAY 5:30 Huckleberry Hound 4:00 Northwest News :15 Huntley-Brlnklev 4:30 The Beachcomber : 00 Shannon 7:30 The Outlaws LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Installment! Available 939 S. E. Stepheni OR 3-816 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 3:0 Kaleidoscope THURSDAY 4:30 Mighty Mouse 5:00-Uncle Bill Show 5:30 Roy Rogers 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Channel 5 Report 6:15 News 4:30 Sports Roundup 6:45 Kaiser's Korner 7:00 Frontier Circus 8:00 Owle and Harriet 8:30 Shannon 9:00Sea Hunt 9:30 M Squad 10:00 Password 10:30 Brenner l:00-KOIN Kitchen 1:30 Houso Party 2:00-Thi Millionaire 2:30-To Tell The Truth 3:00 Secret Storrrr l:.i0-Edge of Night 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15-Early Show S:s Newsrene 6: 15-News THURSDAY 4:30 Sea Hunt 7:00 Ripcord 7:30 Accent 1:00 Frontier Circus 2:30-Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Op n House :00 American Bandstand 4:30 Jack's Karfoon Clubhouse 5:00 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse (Mon, Wed, Frl) 5:00 Teen Beat (Tues, Thuri) THURSDAY 5: 30 Broken Arrow 6:00 News Nine 6:15 Evening Report 4:30 Clmmaron City 7:30 Oiile ana Harriet 8:00 Donna Reed 8:30 M Squad 9:00 My Three ion p.m., PST.- Monday throuqh Saturday. Lowell Thomas 5 p.m.. PST, Monday through Frk day, fports Time 4:10 p.m. Monday thrnugh FridfV' $ 35 p.m. Saturday MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 13:01 All Nlgtit Show 6:05 Bob Johnson no 9:55 Late News ABC 10:00 Mid Morning News AH' 10:15 Tlto Test ABC 10:30 E change 10 40 News A Notes 10:50 News For Womn 10:55 Late Hews ABC 11:55 Late News ABC 1!:0O Mid Day News 13:10 Sports Nw Q 1!:50Market Reports ' 11:55 Latt News ABC 1:00 Local News 1:55 Late Nfws ABC 2:30 EKChanqe J 55 Late News ABC J:0O Frenfc Hemingway Newt ABC J:J3 Aie Dreer News ABC 3:i5 Speaking Ot Soorts ABC 1 IS -! News ABC 2 minutes put mo houri Community Colon lir ot II n.nutti pott the hour. SPECIAL PROORAMSi Buf'Sao-Se II, I S) a m.. Von., rue... Thur... Sat.t Counter. Point. 1:15. fVon., Tuy.. WM.. fhuis Frl.j Jteriei ot Pacific Povrerlend, 11:30, '.fon., wad.. Thurt., Frl.i Muiksl Valines, t p.m., anon.. Tuts. Thurs. I Walking The Scat, 13 Regional Events Miss Marlon Finlay of New York arrived in Roseburg Thursday to visit her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Finlay, on SE Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Woods of this city spent last week vaca tioning at the coast and en route home stopped in Forest Grove to visit the formers mother, Mrs. Estelle Woods, and in Portland to visit Mr. and Mrs. George B. Clan sen, former residents of this city, Mrs. G. Everett Hartor of Los Angeles is spending a few days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. wu liam C. Woods en route back east to attend a family reunion. Mrs. Harter eave the wedding recep tion for Mr. and Mrs. Woods when they were married 34 years ago Benjamin E. Larson, a former Roseburg High School coach and teacher, died of a heart attack July 9 in Berkeley, Calif., where he had resided for a number of years. His wife, the former Wu ma Dubell, also a teacher in the high school here, died a few years ago. He is survived by a daugh ter, Carolyn, who resides in Sacra mento, Calif., and by a son, B. E. Larson Jr., f Walnut Creek, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chenowtth of Palo Alto, Calif., left for Grants Pass to visit the latter's brother and dister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Martin, en route home from a trip to Port Angeles, Wash., and Portland to visit relatives and friends and a stop over both ways in Roseburg to visit relatives. While here this week they attend ed the picnic dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Singleton and son, Ford. GRAY'S OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL. 9 8:30-Dr. KHdart 9:30 Haiel 10:00 Mitch Miller 11:00-Report 11:15 Trips & Tips 11:30 Tonight FRIDAY 5:30 Science Theater 6:00 Northwest News :15 Huntley Brink ley S: 30 Perry Mason 7:30 International Showtime 8:30 The Detectives 9:30-World of Jimmle Doolittle 10:30 Chet Huntley 11:00 Report 11:15 Front Row Center For The Fineit In WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL M & M PRINTERS OBcklfl 3-B39I 11:00 News Final 11:15 Stage S FRIDAY 4:00 Around The Home 4:15 City Police 4:30-Uncla Bill Show 5:30 Huckleberry Hound 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Channel S Report 6: 15 News 6:30-Rawhtde 7:30 Routt 66 8:30 Law of the Plainsman 9:00 The Country Show 9:30 Twilight Zone 10:00 Untouchables 11:00 News Final 11:15 Stage 5 9:00 Brenner 9:30 Zane Grey Theattr 10:00-CBS Report 11:00 Nlghtscene 11:30 Broken Arrow FRIDAY r.iO Highway Patrot 7:00-Death Valley Days 7:30 Rawhide 8:30 Route 66 9:30 Father of the Bride 10 :00-Twi light Zona 10:30 Eyewitness 11:00 Fortland Wrestling 11:45-Nlghtscene 9:30 The Law and Mr. Jones 10:00 The Untouchables 11:00-ABC News 11:15 Newt Nine Final FRIDAY 5:3o-Klt Carson 6: 00-News Nine 6:15 Evening Report 6:30 Mr. Magoo tOQ Honey nitxmeri 7:30 Margie 8:00 The Hathaways 1:30 The Flint stones 9:0077 Sunset Strip 10:00 Tarqet: The Corrupters 1:00 ABC News 11:15 News Nine 11:30-Encore Theater Friday 1: 3-. Sutherlln Hour 9:10 Monty Smith Show 11:00 CBS Buck 12:10 Monta Smith Show 4:10 Rick Johnson Show :00 CBS Block 7-3S Night Watch 12:00 All Night Show 4 00-Paul Harvey News ABC 4:15 Major League Scores 4:40 Local Sports 4:JS Report From The Caoitol 5:00 Edward P. Morgan ABC 5:15 Fish Gam Report 5:30 Chevron News ABC 5:45 Hank Weaver's Western Sports ABC 5-55 Late News ABC 4:00 Local News 4:15 Maor League Scorn 6:?0 Business Naws 6 SS Late News ABC 7:50 City Hall Report 7 55 Late News ABC 8 06 Telequeen 11:15 Maior League Scores 11:30 Music 11:55 Nes Final 11:00-S9fl Off noon, Wed., fhuri.f Mhenln reen-Reet. p.m. lat.j Rosetturg. Teen-Beet. ?:X p.m. Sat t Hi-FI Club J:30 p m. Sat.i Sundav The Bible Spaaki To You, :S I m.i De votions, II a.m.i World ot Folk Vutic. fl-H p.m. i Lutheran Hour, p m.i Rondeau Jan, 7 p.m. i Mr. Mufic, 1 p.m.i Old Fathlonad Revival Hour, i pm 1 V NIGHT 7 TIL9 Mrs. H. C. Sroarnt has spent the last few days in Portland visiting her daughter and family. John Dunn has returned to his work in California, following a week's vacation at Clear Lake, Calif., and the last week in Rose burg visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Dunn, and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. . Dent. Mr. and Mr.. John Killip and children, Sula and Kip, are here from Scottsdale, Ariz., to visit Mrs. Killip's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Itiomas Parkinson. Mrs. Killip is the former Mary Jo Parkinson. She and the children will remain for a longer visit after Killip re-t-irns to Arizona in a few days. DAR Picnic Saturday Umpqua Chapter of th Daugh ters of the American Revolution will hold its annual picnic Satur day at 4:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herman, 1626 W. Myrtle Ave. Tea and coffee will be furnished by Mrs. Herman and Mrs. L. E. Adams, co-hostess. All members and their families are urged to attend. Movie Showtime Thursday. July If, 1M3 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7:15. One complete show at 7:30. "The Counterfoil Traitor" at 1:05 only STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15. Shows start t dusk. "Too Lata Blues" and "Tha Counterfeit Traitor" PINE DRIVE-IN Closed Wed 6. Thurs CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutherlln) Bit ortict opens at 7:15. Show at dusk. "Blua Hawaii" and "David and Goliath" TRI CITY DRIVE IN Box offlco opens :uu. snow at ousk. "i tie sundowners" and "Desert Patrol" Friday, July 20, INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7:15. One complete show at 7:30. "Tha Counterfeit Traitor" at 8:05 only STARLITE ORIVE-IN Open 7:15. Shows Stan ai qusk. "too Late Blues" and "The Counlerfelt Traitor" PINE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15. Shows start at dusk. "Greyfriar's Bobby" and "Tammy Tell Me True" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutherlln) Box office opens at 7:15. Show at dusk. "Blue Hawaii" and "David and Goliath" TRI CITY DRIVE IN Box office opens 7:00. snow at dusk. "The Sundowners" and "Des ert Patrol" BENETTA THEATRE (Winston) - "The rand Boy" and "The Matchmaker" AfOir sow& rnfuS4riireif CyTMSATms W1MAM UlU Howeh Palmer THE Counterfeit lBJi!TOH hum Griffith Ikwiimar 2nd Hit ot Starlit: BOBBY 'fife DARIN STIVE N S EWgZQB J0 PINE 1 J "Tt c mi t MA.iiX t'u: .;. us. ..I. on. 4i (AlMxtty. JJ drive-in theatr . I ILyi: lUrlNO. N0WMMrr.5HpRryill NOt IMKltXKX LO0K.PWIK-WiWSM WBLL. THAW. HttW. YOU SOT ME WIXEB IFl I IS CLOSED Py8''1 i, , ... . JTa oV .ttatat.Mninrm.KMT , t M r'l jA X j "" j ,v . , Tonight - ' 1 iti m . ii "BLUE HAWAII I oidnt wu tell1 vb, i m a i wiJmml i pwobiv I pk Afiyppco? ru. hatve , three ( why ah... ri pi. j 0-Lm- MtT A DOCTOR I KeXsON FtUM HUH.AkNOW A LOT I TWlMKVOU KNOW rVE GOT HUNDRED V E(?.l.- Elvis Presley-Joan Blaekman PUT A BRAND V THIS CAST IXVOU KNOW OF THIN08 VOOflOTjAN lOOF AT LEASjV WHAT? StS3v l j r 'ytm$M$2& f C'WOrJ,U(tt.- 'rBSTMATMEVrT OOH, He MUST FRKK W J f MjwifflSfel r K r VrVt Neso am iouilbe osTHir BBTewwBir . likes v f i . f JMll-lfiMif-W , Vl) - ( ArJCHOR. MAA4 FOR. VERY BOTTOM, V SJR0H6T 'A Tf& ! "THE SUNDOWNERS" E WSt U'FL Peter Uitinev-Tjaborah Kerr Jj f j?j rf John Gregson-Michael Craig TrflWlC' rV' ' 4v V ft 0aSL- t-- 7-M tfwJlfPi n. 7' ) I flAjr . i I i" erases leraasasa I I c fwi t, wis, i, 9.1. sw. Off.... , i r.m.. n... t.ob 1 1 1 Show Stortl ol Pink 1 1 Thurt., July 19, 1962 Tht If Your Piper Hat Not Arrived By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 & 7 P.M. Saturday Only 3 To 5 P.M. FROM NINE TO FIVE 1 , & ? "Louise is mad at me because I wrote her a note and happen ed to leave the V out of her name." p fAllLL'tttla? I WANT A V WHAT c 7ME AN ICE-CREAM CHOCOLATE-VANILLA) DIFFERENCE 1 i, ICONEJ0O.CHARLIEI CONE UfTH THE DOES IT i V VgKOM fV CHOCOLATE r- MAKE ? h ii .i ir i i ijn ur j jn. -i i n 1 ?" aSatVl . 4-- ' f : " II ( NOTHING VI iSSVvHAI ' ""l II (POLISH V I r. S ABOUT ME 7 WOULD M3UJ J VTHEM! J! J n LET'S FACE (T I'VE -viSPARKLES OR DO IF VOU -,rll I SOT A VERY DULL. Kll SHINES! k- rrAvERE IN MY JrttS Sl) J ' " PERSONAI"!"'r'r L 'irii - ir - FtARlX4,DlAlli! FRANKS, AREKTTVOa c-J MISS COMIWG, BACK PIMPLETOH TOME? I SEE t i PIKCTNTMl IN InviGoiNa I'M GOIWS 1 JlVL.rr'"1 ' TO HAVE -iS. Net-ReYUw, Roteburj, Or. Sv lo Richer l tt V?5Sir- HOW W THIS DOG ABOUT THE rntt BRINGS FREE STEAKS TO MHOUSEI fTEAKf SAVES BUS tCXJGET AT'MV FARE, NO HOUSE? IT, - fyl L FARE.rr r mM nmim, W ive always -. 5?7 I'LL HAVE r-." WONOERet WT)WX (PANCAKES ) , SSiN.-'OS WOULC HAPPEN SZn$ .". N " PANCAKEtt . il f XVlf ' L- -Ol ,N A" ITALIAN )'A i'Wtfl - I ' Fruits ACROSS lSartUo TPluUia UGlOH Mldouur 15 DifflUlU hr It ApprvnUca 17 Musical note, lasufix JO Dock, (lb.) 11 Ridicule, U Painted, (or IBSUUK St Klad ot plua 91 Violin maker 11 Purport MModkarrmnoM .31 Occur 33 Sprints up 23 0nter , 24 Odors. 25 Facts 2r Australian ostriches 37 Health (comb. form) 29 Cut 30 Glacial ridge StProlU 37 Forebears 3RMora velrd 40Nounm((ix 41 Communist, 43 Fish sauce (UK ssrold St SUfo wbUptn SI Conger catcnan SVDUconlcrs 41 Hair pad 44Swua stream iSNourUlwl 4SCUck-tMU4 si rincT MSlfnlfj UDytatuS HSUrUM 17 Snare new DOWN 1 Athletic Sold 1 Biblical rum 3 Mallard, (or one 4 Seine t Drtvlnf command Wandering 7 Encircled Bustle Month (ab.) 10 D17 11 Body part 13 Greek god It Symbol (or NIWSPAPEB IT ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD... IF THE VANILLA 15 ON THE BOTTOM, it leaves A BETTER AFTER-TASTE! HOW ABOUT I THIS DOG THEUOV J SUPPLIES AND "l AU.THAT, ADHIIUTVM AND WITH YOU GET ,-r'MUCH MORE from r ' sincerity.". ME? e 43 Sunutnn 47 Profound squirrel inrew 49 Rocky pisuueit 45SeaUle'a MSummr(rr.) . attraction 62 Female rmbbit 4 Heating devlc 63 East (Fr.) t 2 li U I! lo IV i If lli Hi ni ii " n it " 16 n nir"ng" iTw Srjirt sixun p a a pj in a : ' -i3T u h a "Li"9 " I 1 1 3 5o 1 ' ' II lit 43 Ti 48 41 4 iT4 50 5T 52 63 3 3 g 7 I I I 1 I I I I ii ENTERPRISE AiMN. LITTLE DID I KNOW THAT RI6HT WITHIN OUR QJdN FAMILV WE'D HAVE A CONNOISSEUR OF ICE-CREAM CONES i BUT,DOHT THIS DOG IS A FAR MORE I GRACEFUL DANCER. SEE YOU AROUND, DAMCINt WITH ME, DEAR r MBSPIMHETON-