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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1962)
10 The) Ntwt-IUvUw, Roibur9, Or. Wed., July 18, 1962 Help Wanted Women 16 1 Houses For Rent 34 1 Real Estate 29 Real Estate 34 Re I Estate 34 Camas Grangers Reports on the State Grange meeting were given by Mr. and Mra Guy Moore and Mra. Charlea Crouch at the July meeting of the Camaa Valley Grange held at the Grange Hall according to Mra. Dave Thrush, correspondent. Mra. Crouch stated there were US dozen cookies sent from the Camas Valley Grange women and several aprons, later sold to earn money for the scholarship fund. Mrs. Crouch won third place with her cookies. The scholarship goes to a son or daughter of a Grange member and one who has been in college at least one year. A report was made on the prog ress of the new furnace room being built by volunteer labor for the Grange hall. Mrs. James Combs was ap pointed chairman of a committee to work on the teachers' reception EPILEPTIC REPORT WASHINGTON (UPI)- A gov ernment publication has estimated that from 80 to 90 per cent of the nation a 1.5 million epileptics are capable of normal employ ment. The book, entitled "Total Be habilitation of Epileptics," was published by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, It is made up of papers and discus aions by experts in the field of epilepsy. Portland Markets TUESDAY PRICES PORTLAND (UPI) Egga to producers f.o.b. at ranch: AA extra large 36-36V4; AA large 28 344; A large 28-31; AA medium 20-25 W: AA small 1.1flU, PORTLAND (UPI) Dairy marxec: Eggs To retailers: AA extra large, 40.44c; AA large 37-42c; A large 36-39c; AA medium 32-36c; AA small 24 - 32c; cartons l-3c higher. Butter To retailers: AA and A prints 67c; cartons la higher; B prints 66c. , Cheese medium cured To retailers: 47 - 4814c; processed American 5-10 lb loaf, 45-46!4c. PORTLAND (UPI) Potato market: Old Russets! Ore Deschutes bakers 5-5.25. new Calif. Round Reds 50 lb 2.25 2.35, Long Whites 4 - 4.25, some best 4.40-4.45, bak ers 4.25-4.50, 6-14 oi 5.25-5.50, U.S. No 2, 3.25-3.50. Portland Cah Grain Coast Delivery Basil White wheat 2.18 . Soft white hard applicable 2.18V4 wmie chid Hard red winter no bid Hard white baart, ordinary 2.26 uau no oia Barley 48.50 PORTLAND (UPI) Dressed chickens - No 1 grade dressed to retailers: Fryers, whole drawn, 31-38 c lb; cut-up, 37-42 c lb; hens light type, whole drawn 23 29 c lb; light type hens, cut-up, $6-34; heavy whole 36-39 c lb. Pge Three Mrs. Edmonds 2-30 gen PORTLAND (UPI) (USDA) -Livestock: Cattle 250: good and choice slaughter heifers choice 793 lb Dakotas 25.75; cutter and ulility 12-15. Calves 50; good and choice vealcrs and slaughter 180-325 lb 25-27. Hogs 200; no 1 and 2 190-230 lb 2020.25. Sheep 500; choice and prime slaughter spring lambs 19-19.50; good and low choice 16.50-18. It's Easy to Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today Please publish the following classified ad for days Enclosed $ Be sure to enclose payment. Count 5 words per line. Be sure ta count the address andor tele phone number. Classification .... WRITE YOUR AD BELOW NAME ADDRESS : O Moll Your Classified Ad With Payment Ta The Classified Advertising Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon. News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit Use for Results! Hear Report to be held in September, the date to be announced later. Mrs. Milo Claughton, Fair booth chairman, appointed Ernie Booth, Guy Moore, Russel Harwood, Debbie Brown and Welcome Combs to work with her on the booth. LEGAL CALL FOR RIDS SEALED BIOS will IX receive by tlx underlined up to 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday, lit 30th day of July, 1M7, for com prehenalvl and gentrai liability Insuranct covtraet and collision covaraga for tha city of Wimton In the sum of I10O.O0O and 1200.000 rorional liability and I25.0M proper ty damaaa olua 1100 deductible, collision ln surance covering tna Clty'a motor vehicle! which cons it or one police car ana one pickup and for general liability Insurance coverage for the City In the same emounls not Involving the operetlon of motor ve hicles, said policies to contain the condition to me effect inaf ine compeny issuing me insurence will not, excepi upon wrinen con sent of the City, deny liability of the Insured on the grounds or defense of immunity do- cause it Is a municipality. Said bids to be on the Pacific Coast form of liability insur ance at approved by the Insurance Com missioner or in lieu thereof, form of aeld policy to bo submitted with the bids. Further detalla and Informetlon as to said covereae mov be obtelned rrom the under- efgned. The City reserves the right fg relect eny or en oios. H. J. KLEVK City Recorder Winston, Oregon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL OR 2-3321 CASH RATES Advertising For Susinsts Within Roiaburf Tridl Area Card of Thanks .......... $1.50 1.00 1.75 2.50 5.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 7.50 I -Day rata 3-Day rata 6-Day rate linos lines HM. linn lines linos .. lines lines H lines ..... 30-Day rate I -Day rate 3-Day rate 6-Dav rate 30-Day rate CREDIT Above ratos subject to 50 cents ssrvics charge for credit Private Party Advertising 2 P.M. Day Prior to Publication. The News-Review reserves the right to classify, odlt or reject any Classified Ad Copy. DEADLINES ADJUSTMENTS If your advertisement appeers incorrectly, notify us immediately. Wo will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion. Such reaponsibillty Is limited to a correct insertion of advertisement. aluria Will Nit Is Hall Mere Ttiee It leys CLASSIFIED INDEX APARTMENTS FOR RENT 56 AUCTIONS .. 44 AUTO INSURANCE . 7? AUTOMOTIVE WANTED 00 AUTOS FOR SALE II AUTO TRUCK PARTS 75 BOATS AND MOTORS S5 BUILDING MATERIALS 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 22 BUSINESS PERSONALS I CARDS OF THANKS .- S COMMERCIAL RENTALS 24 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 38 FARM EQUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 36 FLORISTS 4 FOOD AND PRODUCE 57 FUEL 43 HAY AND GRAIN 01 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HELP WANTED 14 HELP WANTED MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN II HOUSES FOR RENT 20 HUNTER'S ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION 10 LIVESTOCK 03 LOANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGQINO EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 45 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS ... 73 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 4 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 50 NOTICES 11 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES 07 POULTRY AND RABBITS 61 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 13 ROOM AND BOARD 21 ROOMS FOR RENT 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK . 59 SEWING MACHINES 52 SPORTING GOODS 53 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TRAOE MISCELLANEOUS 41 TRUCKS FOR SALE 76 WANTED TO RENT 25 WHERE TO 00 10 WORK WANTED 17 CASH RATES Lines 3 Days 6 Days 30 Days 2 $1.75 $2.50 $ 5.50 3 2.50 3.50 7.50 4 3.25 4.50 9.50 5 4.00 5 50 11.50 6 4.75 6.50 13.50 Above rotes subject to 50c service charge for credit. Section SUBSCRIPTION RATES 10 OlflM - I, Mall - aee moatl, 51.7)1 Una leeitll, Sf.Stj lis amies, IS Hi las rear. SU M. Outfit! of Oreiea lr Mail - eao It (1.11; Urae sitsi, IS IS; au Its. siil.sli saa leas. 121.11. Carrier ael Rsselori t. 0. lues Oao aiettl, 51.11; lit Mills, HIM; hi lev, (JI M. ar Sieile Can lis. Mail Sates lull Ovtiile till Units Mail lolftTletiess Malt ll . Pail li lliaiee PAPER DELIVERY If your paper it not delivered Call OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Coll Alcoholics An onymous Or 3-A62?. YOUNG WOMEN of ony faith needing con. fliientlel advice may contact Catholic Char, itles, 271 W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5-3142. IN DEBT? DONT let bills cost your ob, your credit, everything you own I It you are tn debt beyond your ability to pay and sincerely want to gel out of debt, lee BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a pay ment you can afford. No security, no co-signers. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg. Oregon Ph. OR 2-3501 433 SE Main St. Hunter's Attenion LEAVING IN AUGUST on a big game hunting Trip to Nortnern Hrmsn Columbia, for Stone sheep, grlzzley, moose, caribou and mountain goats. I need a partner, This Is expensive if seriously interested call OR 2-1350 after 6 p.m. Notices 11 BABY SITTING for bean picking parents. located lor your convenience at Burk's Bean Yard. Fenced yard, toys and adult supervision. 50c day per child 3 or mora 11.35. You bring lunch. OR 3-3708. Lost & Found 12 LOST f checks, one $50 and one 1100. Reward. Call collect 3334 Oakland- LOST 7-14-e3 near Rock Creek Bridge, North Umpqua, one wooden wading staff. Leath er srrap ana pair. Return to o. w. Cur tis. Cabin 2, Idleyld Resort. Idleyld Park. Reward. Help Wanted 14 BEAN PICKERS Robert H. Johnson OR 3-6464, Rt. 2, Box 0,Cleveland Rapids Rd. BE AMcNESS SALESMAN PH. OS -5191 DINNER COOK, fry cook, top-flight wait ress. Island Cafe, apply OR 3-6356, 3 to I P.M. WANTED bean pickers. Register now. Cliff HeSS. OR 3-BM5. Rt. 1 BOX 111. Field On Cleveland Rapids Rd. SEMI-RETIRED couple or person, living In vicinny or iamas vaney tor mews Review motor route. See or Call Fuller Johnson, Circulation Mgr., News-Review, Or 3-3331. ACT NOW Pleasant, easy work In Rose burg, full or part lime. Earnings start Im mediately. No experience necessary. Dis tribute Rawlelgh Products. Wrlle Rawleigh, 306 Adeline, Oakland, Calif. BEAN PICKERS BURKS & SON BEAN YARD IN DILLARD. 35 A of Italian Romano's. IS A ot Blue Lakes. Picking will start In th Blue Lakes, July 19. Romano's about the 30lh. Bring own buckets. Help Wanted Men 15 MEN wanted tor motel management train ing, an t. in is mention iv. WANTED Fallerand bucker " OR 3-4807 HAVE LOG hauling job availablefor 'anyone with logging truck. Phone Glendale, 8J2 3056. EXPERlENCEObPERATOR"lorD-8caV, model 14-A. Road construction. Call OR 2- 4464 I a.m. to 6 p.m. CAT DRIVER" for ""road coWructlonYnd choker setters for cel. OR 3-4111 alter 7 P.M. PLYWOOD SUPERINTENDENT, Southern Oregon Coast Mill. Must have broad back ground In plywood production. Mail resume to Box 4B3, News-Review. 5AWYERFORl FT." STUD MiLUcuttlng 100,000 It. per shift. Ocean View Lumber Co. PO Box 664, Gold Beach, Ore, Call CHerry 7-3211. CITY OF-ROSEBURG Public Works Department Position Open Assistant City Engineer Salary Range $446 $544 POSITION OPEN ABOUT AUGUST 27, 1963 In charge of Engineering Division, Public Works Department, and responsible to Pub lic Works Director. Some formal training In engineering, survey ing or related subjects desirable. Applicant should have general knowledge ot street and sewer design, survey. Inspection and construction procedure. Applicant should also have general knowledge ot survey and engineering principals. Closing date August 15. 1967. Direct alt In quiries to City of Roseburg, Public Works Director, 744 S. E. Rose Street, Roseourg, Oregon. General Auto Mechanic i'eded At LOCKWOOD MOTORS To replace Mr. Spiker. who lias been with us (or 14 yours. This is a real opportunity for a Rood me chanic. See Mr. cll atwut this good paving job Help Wanted Women 16 RN NEEDED folnuM"ng home. U50 month salary. Write Box 484, News-Rtvltw. WOMEN-" wanted for motel management training. See Classification 19 LIVE IN middle-aged houfkrfpar tor"J w?ieknalr patients. No drlnhtrv Ret t?00 mo, bdrm. Box 40, Newi RrvVw. WOMAN "of legal age for full time general office work. Vkpe credit and safes ex perience helpliV Good working conditions. Apply in person at Welsfltld's, 650 SE Jackson. 5HI Buy Rent Hire To Vour Ad Dial OR 2-3321 O CD 3 WOMEN NEEDED MuJt have car, be of legal age, to ba trained lor tales position. Will In terview 9-tJ a m. Saturday July 31. See Mr. Guthrie at 941 SE Stephens. WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE. If you would tAloy working 3 or 4 hours a day ceiling regularly each month on group of Studio Ctrl Cosmetic cli ents on a route to be established In and around Roseburg, and are will ing to make light deliveries, etc.. write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. 73627, Glendale, Calltornl. Routt will pay good money, Work Wanted 17 HOUSEWORK wanted weekdaya only. Call OR 2-3700 PAINTING and papering. Save Vi or more and get better wallpaper. Celt OR 3-7979. EXPERIENCED child care, safe, shady yard. Good ref. Either home. Call OR 3-5039. PAINTING, WALL WASHING. Reasonable rates. Phone OR 3-43. HOUSEWORK by the hour. St per hour plus carfare, oh 3-4878. EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, patios. Free estimates, or 3-3345. WASHING, IRONING AND MENDING. OR 2-363S IRONING, 75c PER HOUR 3961 Yount OR 3-6133 BOOKKEEPING to do In my home. OR 3-7744 MATURE WOMAN wishes housework for bachelor or older man. Live out. Prefer South Gate district. OR 2-1039. EXPERT ALTERATIONS on women's and man's clothing. Mrs. Gregorla F. Ortiz, 356 S.E. Pilier St. OR 2-2332. SEWING Dresses, shirts, specializing In chil dren's clothes. Guaranteed. Reasonable. Phone OS e-8839 Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call OR 3-7217 MOTEL MANAGEMENT: MEN, WOMEN AND COUPLES wanted for Immediate training. Excellent future. American Mo tels, inc., box 487 News-Review. LEARN TO FLY Special Summer Rates Solo Course. . .$119 . . .$9 a lesson. Private ground school . $3 a lesson ROSEBURG SKYWAYS Municipal Airport OR 2-3611 OR 2-4189 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. Phone OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. REAL ESTATE LOANS to $3500, also 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture and sig nature loans. Laurentlde Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fi nance Corp. 813 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 739 SE Washington OR 3-5581 Business Opportunities 22 FOR SALE OR TRADE equity In trailer courl, Winston. Phone OS 9-5747. FOR SALE, trade or lease Hotel and coffee shop. t. Linn, co Hotel t-anyonvuit, or call 839-4641, Canyonvlllc, Oregon. a-UNIT MOT E L. five with kitchens, plus 2 bedroom home. $20,000, terms. Take house trailer, property or contracts on trade, Glen Dale Motel, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Miscellaneous Rentals 23 GARAGE for rent, Brockway St. Phone OR 3-5308 Commercial Rentals 24 FOR LEASE Floor space In new building. 3500 block on West Harvard. Will furnish Interior to specifications of lessee. Phone OR 3-7081. WESTSIDE OFFICE GROUND FLOOR, parking near door for clients. Just right for real estate, insur ance or general office use. 1693 W. Har vard. $50 month. OR 2-1577. WESTSIDE OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS Including kitchen with tile drainboard. Bath with shower. Parking near door for clients. Excellent location for dental, draftinq, bookkeeping or other office use. 1695 W. Harvard. OR 2-1577 eves. Wanted To Rent 25 THREE 4 BR home, recreation room or den. Good rent tor right home. OR 3-1163. TWO or three bedroom home. Prefer west side. OR J-3018. WANTED 2 bdrm. unfurn. house, westslde preferred. Write Box 481, News-Review. TWO orThree-bedroom unfurnished houje with option to buy. $50 to $70 per mo. Relerences. OR 3-4635, Apartments For Rent 26 ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. 3 miles No. of town. OR WMUv3-47. ONE' bedroom partly furnished apt. $47 mo. CallOR 2-W?5 FURNISHED apt. Spacious 1 BR, upstairs, 3 blocks downtown. $75 mo. OR 3-8314. NICE" BACHELOR APT. Furnished, some utilities. $45. OR 2-4564. TWO" BR opt In 3-ptex, on SE Main. With garage. Adults. OR 3-4340. CLEAN 5 room furnished flat. 1363 S.E. Stephens OR 33370 FURNISHED APT. $35. Five miles South. OR 3-7979. SUTHERLIN Union Gap Apts. 3 bdrm, $50 mo., turn. Incl. water, electricity. Ph. 3138 or OS 9-5690. CLEAN 3 room' apt., close In. Electric heat, hardwood floors, range and ref. Adults no pets. OR 3-7071. UNFURNISHED" 1 BR duplex apt , electric heat, carport. Adults only, no pets. 1019 S. E. Roberts. VERY DESIRABLE 1 BR furnished apt. Ground floor. Off street parking, washing fee. Fine for couple no pets. 116 SE Hoover Ave. Kohlhogen Apts. Modern, reasonable rent Jackson St. at Lane Ave ADULTS OR 2-8244 "A Good Place To Ltve" FURNISHED APTS. ATTRACTIVE, compact, easy upkeep, large closets, private entrance and bath. On city bus line. East side. Single adult, txt mo. Larger apt. for couple, 150 mo. Call OR 2-1577 TODI) APARTMENTS f-3-3 bdrm. apts.. furnished or unfurn. Water and garb. serv. provided also heal In tome. Rents from W up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts. gas equioped OR J-3 Winchfifer ct. Hot water heat OR 3-7466 Viita Homes-Hot water heat OR MM Wfstvue Ct. Washer-dryer OR 2-154 O-skhMl Apt, .-pad i lint H"f OR 3-35 Rooms For Rent 27 tlOHT HOUSEKEEPING end Heroine rooml. Cell OR J-mi eller j. SLEEPING ROOWS tor'tliiSmin. iw"'se blMS E. from BuiJeoot. SLEEPING ROOMS U per week. ) milei wxith or i ?e ROOM AND BOPD 13M 5E Pme OR 3 ?0t BOARD and roomi alohoue.eeplrtg room, i. I mi. sooth. OR hnn. Room And Board 28 j TWO BR unfurnished houie, ' northside. Wil liamson Rea Estate, OR 3-4302. ONE bedroom house, 1540 "SE Hamilton. $55 month, call OR 3-4966. ONE BR HOUSE. $60. OR 3-6394 ONE BEDROOM unfurnished house. $40. Call after 5 p.m. OR 3-7920. TWO BR house at 1963 SE Douglas. S65 rno inq. 193 5 b. Douglas. OR 3-3414. TWO BR FURN. house to small family. 1 ml. d. Roseburg Plywood. OS9-5245. WINSTON Redecorated "turn. dupleal block west Highway 99. OS 91434. FOUR bedrooms, Easfslde. $100. Children accepted. Ca 1 1 after 7 p.m. OR 2-4667. UNFURNISHEO 2 bdm. house, Fir place, narawooa urs uarage. Fremont Ave. 3-4783. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single elderly. Of 2-6549. WINSTON 3 room duplex. Stove, refrla. and water turn. Good location, across from WOOII MM. 05 9-B403. THREE ROOM house In Winston, stoves fur nished. S35 mo. 05 9-5510. FURNISHED CABIN, Wilbur. $35 mo. Pen sioners preferred. OR 3-8835. WESTSIDE 2 bedroom home, $65. 676 W. Wharton ONE bedroom ranch stvle home. 15 X living room, $55 montv Newly dtcorated. U5 9-5450 FULLY furnished home Incl. TV, 2 bdrms. Kane St. near new P.O. $100 mo. Imme diate possession. Ted Smalle Real Estate, u k .r-M44 an vi i me. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 Bdrm modern furnish ed trailers. Adults only. Inquire Timber Town Trailer Park. 2010 NE Stephens. UK Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE. Walking distance to town. Mil &t snort St. OR 3-7105. TRAILER SPACE Nice and shady. Water, garoage service mciuaeo lor ho month, OR 3-5259, 1071 NE Newton Creek Rd. TIMBER TOWN v Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Best accommodation for all size trail ers, Incl. all electrics. Paved Sis., land scaped, big lawn, metered gas, 1 block from Safeway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 WILL SELL OR TRADE for truck with camo- er 1958 15 ft., Security camp trailer and ivm (jmi. irucK. uambl Trailer court, Oakland, Ore. Calf 2679. EARL. SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1980 NE Stephens Oft 3-3351 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes 55' Mobile Home With 12' x 18' Living Room -SEE IT NOW at J & J Trailer Sales Angeles . Airstreom Traveleze 1 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-3441 . SHADY POINT Trailer Sales Used Trailers On Our Lot NOW ! ! ! 1961 8XJ0 3 bdm expanding 1957 8 X37' 2 bdm 1956 8X40' 3 bdm 1956 8X35' 1 bdm 1953 8X37' 1 bdm 1953 8X35' 2 bdm 1953 8X33' 2 bdm 1951 8X35' 2 bdm Coming In! 1961 10X55' 2 bdm expanding Parts & Accessories Dept. Awnings Coolers Hitches It we don't have it WE'LL ORDER IT) I Quick Service Catalogue X mile SOUTH hwy 99. OR 2-1438 DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester For better living at lower cost see our quality mobile homes. Elcar Or expandable models are de signed (or beauty and living comfort. Fleetwood Quality at low cost Shasta The greatest value in travel trailers. Good Buys in Used Trailers FOR DEPENDABLE TOWING Call OR 3-7272 Real Estate Wanted 33 WANTED Home with 10 A. or more. Winston-Dillard ere. Cell OS l-Sflm. Real Estate 34 NICE HOME on 5 acres. Trout stream. Phone Camas Valley 69. EQUITY in TBRhouse. Weslslde. Illness forces sale. OR3-8IJI. QUALITY BUILT, wes!slde"home. 3 bdm', playroom, large fenced yard. OR 3-8378. FOUR BEDROOM houe;. Rumpus" room, fireplace, basement, garage, patio. In Laurelwood. OR 3-4151 . SMALL 2 bedroom-house", S110O ba1ance,"setl my equity tor $900 cash or terms. Call OS ys3S after5 p.m. NORTH UMPQUA river" ranch. Glldeerea', Waler rights. William R. Ma one j. Whist lers Lan,GY 6-314S. BY OWNER-Westslopes homt, 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, fireplace, fenced yard. Ooublt carport. Covered patio. Phone OR 3-5103. OWNER leaving town, fnree bedroom, large corner lot, priced below FHA appraisal. OR 3-57M. FOUR "bedroom borne, WestVltO Good In vestment. Moot) full price. Terms.' Call A.M. OR3-10, P.M. OR 3-4383. NEW" three bedroom" home. Largt lot. Clr. culating fireplace. Come out and see. Make us an otfer. CallOR 3-775. 2"'i LEVEL-ACRES, frvlt anjshacleTre, Umpqua. 3 and 3 bdrm. home. $flO0, 17500 down, 175 month coniract Oakland 313. EQUITY- lb7.westslde,AiV"Gi.View, wading pool, drad-enrt it. Near schools. Shopping. FA heat. OR M3II, OR 3-7455. TWO bedroom houne. 3 blooM west d bus dot. Or will trade for property tn Spring field. OR3-7571. q MUST SELL my 1 bedroom urntshM home, S'WO if WW bv Aug. 17th Ray Lynes. )J NE Ma'heur. NiCE.COMPACT 3 bedroom "hcuse' HU crrst. Near school, lovely yatt. atn payment assume G.I. loan. Call C 3-C?C. AMAZING lot of values ia one place - that's 'Miscellaneous For Sale" LARGE 2 BR home, oil furnace. Sell or trade. OR 3-603e. . NEAT 3 Bedroom house, attached gra'ge, large fenced yard with lots of garden space. Northwest side, near school, shop ping center. WOO. Call OS 9-8976. EXTRA LARGE 3 BR home. Green District. Wall to wall carpet living rm, hall, dining rm; circulating fireplace., patio, paved St. 434? 5W Hanna. OR 3-7776 aff11a.m. THREE BR house, hardwood "floors, fireplace, carport, aluminum siding, good well. West side Winston. $13,500. Will accept late mod el trailer. OS 9-5354. JUST COMPLETED In Qulnlus Park 3 bdm home, 2 tiled baths, all appliances in. Double garage, fireplace. Top soil In, 116, 500. Phone OR 3-8030. BY OWNER 3 bedroom, excellent vie. In cioverdale. Fireplace, garage, patio, fenc ed back yard. Leaving town. Ph, OR 3-8443 or OR 3-3433 for appointment. LARGER 3 bdrm home, on Luellln. Den, flag stone nretuace, w-io-w carpet, disnwasner. disposal, ? bains, 'l.with ceramic shower, Lge fenced yard, covered patio. O R 3-4355. TWO BEDROOM in town, fireplace, paTlo, . carport, fenced yard. Exposed beams and ceoar paneling, S6.8O0 terms. 1230 Fuller ton. OR 3-3486. THREE bedroom home. In Glide. Large kitchen, separate dining room, 13x39 liv ing room wirn fireplace, Approximately fe acre, carport, can or 6-3566. LOVELY 2 bedroom, 3 bath home; 14x38 llv. room. Garage and secluded patio. On dou ble view lot. priced at FHA appraisal. John Biock, 180 E. Jorgens. Winston. 2nd house OM 99. DIXONVILLE AREA 3 BR, V acre. Excellent well and fruit trees. 4 mi. East of town on old Dixonville Rd. May be seen oauy rrom iz noon io a p.m. 1, Box 396. NEW 1-Bdrm home, close in. Hardwood and tile floors, full bath, cement founda tion, 50x140' lot. $7,950, $1000 down, $85 mo. Lehman Real Estate, Phone OR 3- 6193; OR 3-6091, FOR SALE CR TRADE Apartment Hotel 5 APTS. plus living quarters and 9 rental rooms. Good Income. Room for trailers. Beautiful Grounds. HAMILTON HOTEL Phone I32-3465 G(enc Courtesy to brokers ' HIDEAWAY 3.62 ACRES, Myrtle wood grove, Bord ers on Lake Creek lust 3 ml. above Loon Lake. Some old bldgs. can be salvaged, p.p. only $1500 cash I JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE MEMBER INDEPENDENT BROKERS CO OP RIVER FRONTAGE CLOSE IN on Celklnl Rd. Acres, 3 Bdrm. home wilh lots ot storage space end builtlns. Fireplace, ndwd. floors. Owner transferred. $1,000 Down and assume Fed. Gl Loan of $12,500. Full price, $13,500. 5 ACRES FENCED Into 3 Irrigated pastures. Close In. 4 Yr. old very nice 3 bed room home. Birch built-ins, tile bath, hot waler heat, it, 500 Irrigation sys tem. Owner transferred. Price re duced to $23,000 with terms. DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFUL 3 Bedroom home with very nice basement converted into attractive party room. Forced air furnace. Nice back yard. Out of state owner. $14,500 with terms. QUICK POSSESSION' SMALL down payment will move you Into this vacant 2 bdrm home, newly redecorated. New roof and garage. Nice patio. New wall to wall rug. Only $6,950. Jim Bevans fffi Real Estate 957 NE V Stephens Ph. OR 2-3731 Day or Night L. B. Hicks 3-7243 Dorothy Jones 3-7949 KELLER Real Estate Offices in Roseburg and Winston 30 Acres GOOD 3 bdrm home, barn, loafing shed, equipment. Free outrange on over 600 acres. Privacy. Price $13, 000. S2.000 dn. 4 Bedrooms Winston IP YOU are looking for a nice 4 , bdrm home In good condition and In a location that Is ideal, see this buy. Large lot. Partial basement, floor furnace, 1? baths. $11,500. $1,000 Dn. Lots WE HAVE a good selection of lots for that home you wanted to build. Split level, View, Ranch slyle or Suburban. 317 Acres 20 ACRES Irrigated, mostly seeded to permanent pasture. 3 new borns and machine shed, a bedroom home. Some stock included. Priced at SJ0,. 000. With 29 Dn. Keller Real Estate 53 SE Stephens OR 3-3610 CS9-8442 Ellon Zuver OS 9-5339 Charlie Mum by OR 3-7308 LACKEY REAL ESTATE An Exchange For Buyers & Sellers $9500. TERMS. 3 bdrm, double car port. 100 X 300 lot. large trees, fenced yard, Calkins road. Real nice. CLOAKE5 FERRY, 1760 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, l'-j baths. 32X33 party room, fireplace, 70X161 fenced lot, fireplace, bookshelves, oil piped heat. HAVE LARGE 3 bedroom Myrtle Creek home, top area, fldeclace. wall to wall carpet, fenced yard, WANT exchange Roseburg I-J bedroom. Call today. ACRES. 3 bedroom concrete block home. Wilbur, $9000. $2000 down, $60 month. WESTSIDE modem i bedroomO$t4.- 00. Built-in kitchen a do li anew, firt place. Sliding glass door, bath with vanity, double carporL separate util ity, Take lot as down payment or 1500. Lease-option deal. Call today. 1041 ACRE ranch. 370 acres filled, 650 permanent pasture, new barn, larg old house, fenced. Only $64,000, SN down. Good buy. 10 ACRES Garden Valley river loam, targe 3 bedroom showpiece. 5 acres In pasture. 5 In mted fruit, un limited water. Shoo building, chicken Oand hog houte. Only $32,000. Terms. May wt show? $11,10 50 DOWN. Newton Creek. bedroom, oil hjrrjtce, carport, fenced backyard. Call today o HAVE 300 SQ. ft. Winston 4 bedroom Q new home, river view, bult-ln o pitarxes, intercom daylight base maprt. 2 flreo'eces. $14 V WANT e charge tor contact or"Taiitr home anywhere. What have you? CO-OP MEMBER 363 SE )ackson OR 2-1659 B. Carr. I-1M6 Vr0r M'Mf ' OR ytt Gene Peck Jack Suksdorf Or 1-616$ OLDER 3 BR modern homt, close to town. Approx. 2000 sq. ft. 1 floor. Dishwasher, wall-to-wall carpeting, 3 fireplaces, forced air furnace, barbecue room. Vi baths. Si;,000. For appointment call OR3-B713. LARGE Xroom" bouse,-Hucfest Olst. 4 bed rooms, could be 5. Spacious kitchen, utiliiv. family room, 2 baths. ' acre. Shade trees. 11900. 1760 N.V. Grove Lane. OR 3-5611. ONLY $795.00 DOW.N Will buy this 3 bedroom home, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, bath. New hot water heater, Interior and exlerior recently redecorated, on 140' x 132' lot located on the first street south of Park Street In Winston. Director Of Veterans' Affairs Write: Mr. Aaron J. Brown, P. O. Box. 211, Eugene, Oregon 259 ACRE RANCH ALL FENCED, seeded pastures, high way frontage, large springs. Some fruit, large modern home, barn, out buildings. Sheep Included at only S2S, 000, good terms. Hurry for this) 310 ACRES close In. Largt level meadows, barn, pond, (no house). . Good fence. Priced to sell, LARGE attractive 4 bedroom home, redecorated, palnled. Guest house, barn, outbuildings. 10 level acres, Ir rigation permit. Look only $11,000, $1500 down. LOOK AT THIS acres, $ tillable, city water, modern home, barn. A lot of fir timber. Full price only $7000, $1000 down. Balance like rent. Truly a bargain for someone. Cash for your contracts or mortgage Lloyd A. Wilson REALTOR 1667 SE Stephens, OR 3-8578 Roseburg Realty Cr Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 NORTH ROSEBURG 3 bedroom. Oil furnace, parquet oak floors, separate family room, roofed patio or car port. . Vacant, Immed. possession. $9, 750. GOOq INVESTMENT. 10 garages, close In, gross rental $50 per mo., radically no maintenance. Only $3, 000. 3 BEDROOM, or 3 and den, close to school and city pool. Fireplace, large garage, attractive lot, separate utility room, plenty storage. Price lust reduced to $13,000. An excellent home. FISHER ROAD beauty on 1 full acre. Beautifully landscaped lot, attractive 3 bedroom Cape Cod, fireplace, gar age, everything!.! $16,900 with gas heat and river Irrigation. See thlsll 2 BEDROOMS with finished upstairs, 1500 sq. ft. In good shape, plus gar age and carport, lots of storage, and separate bachelor apartment In rear .... only $6,350. 4 BEDROOM good buy In Winches ter area. Neat, clean, redecorated and new paint outside. Good-sized rooms, V? acra lot with young peach trees, carport . . . Believe It or not . . . only $9,000. ROSEBURG REALTY also special izes in select Ranch Properties In all price ranges. We invite you to check our listings. BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom and family room on river. One and seven-tenths acres, beautifully landscaped, hot wa ter heal, myrtlewood cabinets, price less view of river. Many trees, fruit, grapes, big storage building with 7 car garage and shop. A most super lor value at $19,500 with good terms. Evenings Call The Doyles . OR 2-3553 NEW LISTINGS 1 $10,350.00 WINSTON SPECIAL 1 bedroom home on excellent corner lot, siluated on the west side. $513.50 do wn to qualified buyer. Fireplace, carpet ing, hardwood floors, attached garage, paved streets, city sewer and runny 'other desirable features. Balance 35 years If desired. Immediate possession. Very clean and trim. I $759.00 BUILDING or trailer house lots, unrestricted. Lots are around acre each, boast very good free soil, wonderful view, cily water, electric ity, telephone, etc. Reasonable down payment and monthly payments. 3 $850.00 FISHER ROAD restricted building lots of around P'j acres each. These lots may be sold on terms but cash talks. Very good for Investment. 4 $5500,00 NORTH ROSEBURG 1 bedroom home fully furnished. Concrete foundation, electric heat, large living room and Inside utility. i block to bus line. $1000 down. 5 $4750.00 3 BEDROOM home for $500 dawn. Situated In N.W. Roseburg and with carport, Inside utility, city sewer, etc. $13,500.00 LAURELWOOD 3 bedroom home with large living room, for mal dining room, large kitchen, basement, oil forced air heat, carpeting, fireplace and garage. Excellent for retired couple. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YCUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty fF 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE OR 2-16M 3oJ FvPninn Xe - Leonard, OR 3-771 1 Stevenson, REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS - PHONE OR 2-1413 SPIC 'N SPAN NEWLY decorated 2 bedroom home. Nice kitchen and living room. Big utility, concrete foundation, carport. About 3'1 miles to town. City water. Large lot, new roof. Only $5500 with $700 down. THIS IS IT! NEAT 3 bedroom, on big 120 X125 lot. Close to shopping cen ter, schools and bus. Nicely landscaped, big patio. Garage, plus carport. Refrigerator, electric range, breakfast set and living room rug included in sale price of $10,850. HIDE - AWAY - ACRES 154 ACRES ON South Umpqua river, near Days Creek. 30 A now under cultivation (could be increased). Unlimited free outrange. Two good necks, barn and other utility buildings. Equipment and irrigation system. House is in poor condition, but plenty of logs to build a lovely log house. Hunting, charm, s privacy What more can you want? We think you will like the potential in this one. Everything goes for $21,000, with $7500 down. 0 I'M OLD BUT I'm awfully tough! Shure I need some fixin', but I've weathered many a storm and figger to pO'.eck myself and some deservin' fambly fmm the elements for many more years. My two bedrooms will shelter Paw and Maw and a couple of young'uns. The kids kin roam all over my fenced 10 acres. Good barn for Maw to do the milkin' in. No durt road, it's paved. City w jjer too. I'm worth every durn cent of $48txi Tcrgis? Why Shore! LOU BASSETT E. H. "Doc" POCOCK I MARGE MARTIN i (J. r KtYNULUj $550.00 DOWN PAYMENTS LIKE RENT I BEOROOMS, living room, large kitchen and utility room. Large gar age with ample storage space, plumb ed and wired, on a 150' x ISO' lot located on Minor Drive, lust off Glen-dale-Grants Pass County Road, in Glendale. Director Of Veterans' Affairs Write: Mr. J. W. Reynolds, P. O. Box 33, Grants Pass MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Offices In Portland and Roseburg LET'S TRADE $7200. Possible 4 bdrm. home, choice 100x160 lot. Owner will trade for Sa lem, home, bldg. lot or car. Immed iate possession. Or use your No Dn. Federal Gl loan. $8500. Large 1 bdrm on large lot. Owner will trade for Los Angeles vicinity property. Call us today. $12,500. Lovely Vh bdrm. home. Spa cious living rm, lovely fireplace, hdwd. floors, beautifully plastered. ' Oversize atl. garage. 80x110 lot. Easy terms or owner will consider Eugene property. $13,750 makes this new 3 bdrm. rench style home a tremendous buy. Lovely birch kitchen with built-in appliances, oil forced air furnace, attached garage, located on choice westslde lot, on sewer. Tell us how you want to buy. Owner will consider bldg. lot or pick-up as down paymenl. Call today. "We Can Always Use Another Good Listing" 916 S.E. Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Evenings call: . Al Hotlman OR 3-5363 Iris Relnert OR 3-6126 JOHN M. FLECK REALTOR CALKINS ROAD. . .3 Bedroom, pan. eled family room, kitchen has bar and dinette, paneling In attractive living room, 2 car CP., shop and covered pallo on level landscaped half acre, fenced, trees, berries, garden, cily water. Asking $9500. NEWTON CREEK. . .Atlracliva 3 bedroom, beautiful fireplace, base board heat, Mahogany paneling and tile features, attached garage, ideal for expansion, corner lot $11,500, $2 000 dn or refinance. HUCREST. . .3 Bedroom of quality construction, huge carpeted living and dining comb., corner fireplace panel ing, kitchen with dinette, V baths, wealth of closets and storage. AND Guest House of 2 large rooms and Vi bath. Sep. freezer room, double carport on large landscaped corner lot. WESTSIDE. . .3 Bedroom, excellent arrangement, large living room, kit chen with dinette, sep. utility, oil circulation wall furnace, carport store room. Immediate Possession. Only $11,000, good terms. 3 BEDROOM HOME, Early Amerl can custom design, used brick exter ior trim, entry hall, large living room, inside used brick fireplace, window seats, patio doors, sep. dining room, attractive big kitchen, eating area, brick B.B.Q., dishwasher, beam ceilings, tiled bath has glass brick wall, large utility with 'j bath. Dou ble garage, patio, trees, beautiful large landscaped lot, curbs, sidewalk sewer. Owner transferred Reduced , tor quick sale, $30,750. Shown by ap pointment. OR 2-2511 Branch Office 433 W. Military Ave. (West ot Oak St. Bridge) Leslie Black, OS 9-8612 3" OR 3-8744 DeSpoin, OR 3-5477 R 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-6503 OR 3-4504 OR 2-1085 O H. J.cflAUER o