r...:..-,r- Flury Big Factor In State's Attack 1 MWJ , MIKE FLURY . . State stalwart 1962 Game Regulattions Available To Nimrods Oregon hunters are advised that copies of the 1962 big game regula- tiona are now being (hipped to all available for public distribution within the week. The regulations rule book Is sim liar to the synopsis of last year, al uiougnt hunters should find it a little easier to locate information pertaining to specific hunts. AU hunting seasons for each big game animal are contained in separate boxed-ln sections with the various seasons listed under appropriate neaaings. rne synopsis solder also contains a map showing the big game management units plus a de scription of each unit boundary. Hunters are advised that al though all controlled deer sea sons are listed in the regular rule book, detailed descriptions of the controlled deer hunting areas are available in a separate folder ob tained at license agencies. The con trolled deer season folder also con tains a map showing the general locations of the controlled hunts. Hunters will find the general hunting regulations outside the box ed sections, including general li cense regulations, juvenile hunting regulations, refuges open to hunt ing, areas closed to hunting, tag ging regulations, and .arms and ammunition. In The Majors Maer League Standings By United Press International American League W. L. Pet. GB New York SO 35 .MS Los Angeles 48 40 .545 314 Cleveland 48 40 .545 314 Minnesota 47 43 .522 5V4 Chicago 47 45 .511 6V4 Baltimore 46 44 .511 6V4 Detroit 43 44 .494 8 Boston , 43 45 .489 814 Kansas City 41 51 .446 12V4 Washington 30 56 .349 20V4 Monday's Results New York 3 Kansas City 1 Washington 4 Los Angeles 1 (Only games scheduled) Tuesday's Probable Pitchers New York at Boston (night) Terry (11-8) vs. Conley (9-7). Detroit at Los Angeles (night) Aguirre (7-3) vs. McBride (9-3). Cleveland at Minnesota (night) Latman (4-5) or Gomel (M) vs. Pascual (13-5). Baltimore at Kansas City i mum 1 noDens 1.4-3J vs. Ha kow (6-10). -Washington at Chicago (2. twl night) Stenhouse (7-4) and Cheney (2-4) or Hobaugh (0 0) vs Piiarro (8-7) and Wynn (4-6). Wednesday's Games New York at Boston Cleveland at Minnesota Baltimore at Kansas City, night wasningion ai cmcago, night Detroit at Los Angeles, night National League Los Angeles San Francisco Pittsburgh St. Louis Cincinnati Milwaukee Philadelphia Houston Chicago New York Monday's W. L 62 32 60 34 57 35 50 41 48 40 45 46 40 51 34 54 35 58 24' 64 Results Pet. GB .638 2 .620 4 .549 10H .545 11 .405 15V4 .440 20tt .386 24 .376 28H 273 35 PORTLAND This could be the year that the Stat team regains its winning ways in the annual Shriners' hospital all-star football game. At least that's the opinion of the coaches and other so-called ex perts who have gone over the State and Metro 27-man rosters wun fine tooth comb, seeking to fore cast a winner in the 15th renewal of the colorful classic Aug. 11 in Multnomah Stadium here. It is generally agreed that the Staters, under Head uoacn Hoy Thorn Djon of Roseburg. will be able to move on the ground or in the air and that their defense will be tough to dent, There's little doubt that a big factor in the State ground attack will be big Mike Flury irom momp. son's championship Koseourg eiev en. A 6 footer weigning wen over 200 pounds, Flury could very well be the key to the State attack and a real problem for Metro aeiena erg. With Flury grinding out yards up the middle and scatback John Ripper from norm Bena reaay to sweep wide, Metro s defense ap' neare to have its work cut out. In addition to this pair, there are several others capable 01 keeping the defense honest. Thompson also has made certain that he won't find himself short of auarterbacks. He has three on nis muter Tom Eaton 01 nieozoru. Tom Finucane of Springfield and John Buller of McMinnvllle. Buller can also fill in at fullback or naif- back. Ud front the Staters also prom ise to be rugged, boasting such italwarts as Wayne Looney. 225- pound tackle from North Salem; Gary Schmidt, a 5-foot, 7-inch, 195 pounder from Grants Pass, and Don Causey, a 200-plus end and linebacker from North Salem. State hasn't been In the win col umn since its 7 to 6 victory in 1956, although it did snap Metros' winning streak with last year's thrilling 19 to 19 tie. The rival squads will report here July 29 for two weeks of in tensive drills. Metro will again live and work at Lewis and Clark col lege while the Statera will be quar tered In a downtown hotel and will practice at Woodrow Wilson high school. Rime officials report a DrlsK sale of mail orders at $3 and $2 for reserved seats. Uniform bodies of the Shrine are in charge ot sen me the SI seneral admission seats. Mail orders are accepted at game headquarters, 1119 S. W. Part Ave. AU proceeds from the contest go to the Shriners' hospital for crip plea children. 1 I77mf .To Mil LEAGUE CHAMPS Lock wood Motors Legion of Rose burg won its seventh Doug-Lane League title last week by trimming Cottage Grove twice. Team members are: (front I to r) borboy Don Hobbs, Dick Williams, Jerry Boucock, Bob Mannig, Lance Casebeer, Jon Burnham, Gordon v ijwmar wm urns'-', v ,u r u n - si n,n m Avery and batboy Tom Wimberly; (bock I to r) assistant coach Don Severson, Doug Coplin, Dennis Arana, Lyle Charon, Morv French, Ron Polley, Tom Hobbs, Glen For tune, Jim Beamer, Stan Young, Ken Droscher, head coach Bill Harper and teom manager Joe Foote. (Bob Leber Photo) 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Tues., July 17, 1962 Angel Pitcher Puts Win Streak On Line Against Detroit Tonight Ex-Baseball Star Visits In Riddle Edwin Charles Tomlin, well- known Portland area baseball play er of days gone by, was a recent visitor in Riddle, according to cor respondent Mrs. Erma Best. Tomlin still stands 6-4 ana nas added 25 pounds to the 225 he car ried when he played as a pitcher and catcher in tne roruana League. After leaving the Portland League, Tomlin moved to Riddle where he spent several years oc cupying himself with catching and taming racoons. An earner nonDy earned him the handle, "Snake Charmer." This came from catch ing live rattlesnakes. While in Riddle Tomlin played with the several Riddle baseball teams. One of the most Interesting tales told about the visitor concerns the shooting of a wall clock in the Rid dle hotel lobby. The oldtimera say Tomlin was examining a gun when it accidently discharged, striking the clock. When the proprietor ap peared to inquire as to what was going on, Tomlin replied, "I was just killing some time." On his recent visit to Riddle, Tomlin was accompanied by his wife and three daughters. The Tomlin family were guests at the Darrell Carter home. The Tomlins were on their way home to Lin dale, Tex., after a trip to the World's Fair. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Ken McBride, 9-3, whose last defeat was by Detroit April 27. puts his eight-game winning streak on the line tonight when the Los Angeles Angels open a three-game scries with the Detroit Tigers. The Angels expected no easy time against the Tigers who have given them more trouble than any other club in the league in their two-year history. Manager Bob Scheffing sent word ahead that Don Mossi, 7-10, would be his pitcher tor the series opener. Mossi beat the Angels twice last year without a loss but suffered his first defeat by Los Angeles April 28 in the Motor City when Ted Bowsficld was the winner. Bowsfield had his four-game winning streak snapped Monday when the Washington Senators took their second straight from the Angels in an afternoon game by a 4-1 score. The Angels hoped to snap back despite their losing record against the Tigers who are 4-2 in play between the clubs this year and had a 14-4 record against Los An geles last season. The defeat by the Senators dropped Los Angeles into a sec ond place tie with the Cleveland BOWLING SPTS OOWLINO ilmn THURSDAY MORNINS LBAOUE W Mllllll Hl-Lo'l 17 11 Roseburg Bowl 15 13 Larki 1 IS Bowltrttn 13 16 Striken 10 II High serlei: Mtry Circle TO-171-m-SO, Bowlereltes. High game: Hatel Chamberlain its, Larks. PROVE IT NOMINATED INGLEWOOD. Calif. (UPI) Prove It, winner of last Satur day's $162,100 Hollywood Gold Cup, and two-time national cham pion Kelso are among 25 horses nominated for the $75,000 added Sunset Handicap next Monday, closing day feature at Hollywood Park. However, there is little chance that Kelso will be shipped here, because he is almost cer tain to run in the Brooklyn Handi cap at Aqueduct two days before the Sunset. Indians with both clubs 3V4 games behind the New York Yankees who defeated the Kansas City Athletics in the only other Ameri can League game. Don Rudolph hurled a four hitter for the Senators and was deprived of a shutout by Lee Thomas' homer in the eighth in ning. It came on Thomas' first time at bat after he took over at first base for Steve Bilko. But the four-bagger did not match Washington third baseman Bob Johnson's hitting. Johnson homered in the fourth and singled in the eighth with the bases load ed to drive in a pair of runs. The game lasted only an hour and 32 minutes and was the short est in the two-year history of the Angeles. Their previous short game was 1:48 last Friday when Bowsfield defeated the new yorn Yankees. Tuesday's game was played un der the handicap of a soggy field the result of an automatic sprin kler system not shutting itself off and going all night. The Angels voiced their protests to the landlord Los Angeles Dodg ers who sent a large crew to work to dry out the field. The agument ed groundskecpers labored from 6 a.m. until almost time of the game and by dumping dirt on the muddy sections were able to get the field into fair condition. Ex-Oregon Star Named To Post MOSCOW. Idaho (UPI) Doug Basham, former University of Oregon trackman, has been named acting track coach and acting physical education instruc tor at the University of Idahp, J. Neil (Skip) Stahley, director of athletics, said today. Basham will replace Bill sors bv as coach and instructor for the 1962-63 school year. Sorsby is on a leave of absence to act as track coach for the national team of Cambodia. The new Idaho coach was grad uated from Oregon in 1959. He has coached at Jefferson and Lin coln high schools in Portland, and is presently coaching at Heidel burg high school in West Germany. Pollard Records Weekend Victories To Extend Streak Art Pollard continued his winning ways in tne modified sportsmen over the weekend, winning the main events at both Boise and Portland. Pollard, driving "Ken's Martin- izing Special," performed before standing room only crowds Friday and Saturday at Boise in the "Ta tcr Cup" race. He set fast time of 14.66 seconds on the quarter mile asphalt track at Boise and finish ed second in the trophy dash. In Friday's racing Pollard lost control of his machine and rolled over after coming out of the sec ond turn. He tangled with the wall and slid 75 feet down the straight-of-way upside down. The crash eliminated Pollard from Friday's action, and Dewey Wilcock of Eugene went on to win the main event. Saturday Pollard returned to the track to finish second in the trophy dash after recording fast time. In the 50-lap main event Pollard nos ed out 19 other drivers to take top honors. Bill Crow, Boise, finished second and Bill Hyde, Portland, San Fran 3 New York 2, night Pittsburgh 5 St. Louis 2, night Milwaukee 3 Cincinnati 0, night Chicago at Houston, night, ppd., wet grounds (Only games scheduled) Tuesday's Probable Pitchers Los Angeles at Cincinnati (nighl) Koufax (14-4) vs. Pur key (14-3). San Francisco at Milwaukee (night) O'Dcll (10-8) vs. Shaw (0-7). Chicago at St. Louis (night) Cardwell (410) or Koonce (8-2) vs. Jackson (7-8). Philadelphia at Houston (2, tw. night) Hamilton (5-7) and Mc Lish (5-2) vs. Farrcll (511) and Kommercr (0-0). (Only games scheduled) FOR RENT TRACK LOADER ond DUMP TRUCK Lansing & Oliver "I $. 1 Stephens ORclitra" 1-J4 Opw 7 Days a Week mnm AUSTIN WESTERN GRADER MODEL 99H H1012 A top quality grader with cab, windshield wiper, four wheel drive, four wheel steering and hydraulic lideshift on the mold board. Thil grader wai bargain priced at $6,500.00 but we started re ducing it $50.00 per day on June 12th . . . and will continue to reduce $S0day until sold. Come In and see It today at the home of the Bonded Buy . . . DUTCH AUCTION PRICE AUCTION s Ti '1 L JULY 17, 162 4.950 LESS $50 PER DAY Unil Sold FAPH' BUOS. Dnc. Eugene, Oregon Hwy. 99 South Phone Diamond 2-1234 Alio authorised dealer for Roseburg and Coquille til HI Cltlreilltr if litimrtt TiHioirst ll Cett r Inner Ce. fen i CULJ ART POLLARD . . . wins again took third in the "Talcr Cup" race. Sunday night at the Jantzen Beach track in Portland the ace ex-local driver ran off with top honors in two races. Pollard cap tured the featured main event ahead of Don Nelson, Portland, and Bill Foster, Victoria, B.C., af ter winning the trophy dash. In the fast heat race Bill Hyde, Portland, set the pace, followed by Dean Wilcock, Eugene, Nelson and Pollard. Pollard's next outing is July 28 in Eugene. Beginners Class Offered Local Scatfergunners A beginners class for scatter gunners is planned each Wednes day starting this week at the Rose burg Rod and Gun Club. Each session of the special shot gun school will start at 7:30 p.m., reports A. R. McAlexander, chair man of the. event. McAlexander said the session will also give duck hunters a chance to "sharpen their eye" a little before the season starts this fall. Veteran scattergunners will give pointers to the beginners, it was reported. Each class will last for about one hour and a half. County Legion Teams Set Final League Tilts Lockwood Motors American Le gion Juniors of Roseburg will wind up Doug-Lane League play tonight at Legion Field when the Winetrout Motors team of Myrtle Creek invades for a single nine inning contest. Game time at Legion Field is set for 8 tonight. The game was originally scheduled for the Riddle Diamond at 4:30, but a last minute change moved the two teams to Roseburg. Roseburg clinched the Doug-Lane title over the weekend and will be warming up for the Area IV play offs which will begin next week. Bandon and Klamath Falls Falcons will join with Roseburg in the bat tle for the area crown and the right to play in the state semifi nals. Going into tonight's game Lock wood Motors boasts a spectacular 16-1 league record, with the only loss being a 9-7 10-inning thriller at the hands of Martin Bros. Signs of North Eugene. Myrtle Creek, Drain Play While tonight's game winds up league play, Lockwood Motors will travel to coos Bay Wednesday for a pair of non-counters with Marsh- field at 6:30 p.m., then will host Medford Saturday in a 6:30 p.m. "Kings-X" twin-bill at Legion Field. Myrtle Creek, with a 4-11 league mark, will play an exhibition game Saturday at 2 p.m. at Riddle against ex-Legion and semi-pro players from the South Douglas area, then will wind up the season Sunday at Springfield in a 2 p.m. league doubleheader. Drains American Legion team has three games left to play in Doug-I ane League action. The Drain nine will travel to North Eugene Wednesday to meet the powerful Martin Bros. Signs team in a single game at 4 p.m. Satur day Drain will host Wicklunds Sporting Goods of South Eugene in a 6:30 p.m. league twin-bill. Drain currently rests in fifth place in league play with a 5-10 record. Hobbs Leads Roseburg Going into tonight's game at Legion Field the Roseburg contin gent is led by Tom Hobbs. Hobbs boasts a 9-1 record on the mound, and the big right-hander is lead ing the local players at the plate with a healthy .354 average. Hobbs has picked up 23 hits for 65 at bats, including two home runs. On the mound Hobbs has posted 123 strike outs in 79 2-3 innings. Marv French is second in bat ting with 36 hits fur 109 at bats a respectable .330 average. Lance Casebeer follows with a .327 aver age, while Gordon Avery and Jim Beamer are hitting an even .300. Pitching records for the other Roseburg hurlers finds Ken Dro scher with a 3-0 record, Lyle Charon 5 0, Jerry Boucock 7-1, Dick Williams 7-1 and Jon Burn ham 4-2. For the season Roseburg has a 35-5 record, and will be trying to get back to its winning ways after dropping two outings to Medford. ROSEBURG JUNIOR LEGION STATS: (40 games) Pliyer Hobbs French Casebeer Avery Beamer Arana Manning Fortune Coplin Polley Droscher Williams Burnham Boucock Charon Young Others Totals ABRH HR RBIs Av 65 17 23 2 17 .354 109 33 36 49 15 16 120 38 36 110 19 33 109 24 30 77 18 21 2 103 21 28 1 119 28 31 1 42 12 11 11 1 2 21 5 3 16 4 2 17 5 2 25 6 2 28 9 10 17 9 20 17 24 12 20 19 3 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 .330 .327 .300 .300 .274 .273 .272 .265 .262 .182 .142 .125 .118 .080 .000 .357 1026 255 286 6 171 .280 LOCK JOINS SENATORS CHICAGO (UPI) - Outfielder Don Lock, purchased from the New York Yankee organization, joins the Washington Senators to day and may be available for ac tion in the doubleheader with the Chicago White Sox. The Senators bought Lock, who hit 13 homers this season, from the Richmond Virginians of the International League for the $20,000 waiver price. TWINS SIGN SULLIVAN ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) Pitcher Frank Sullivan, recently released by the Philadelphia Phillies, has been signed by the Minnesota Twins. To make room for the big right-hander, the Twins optioned southpaw Ted Sa dowski to Vancouver of the Pa cific Coast League. TO DEFEND TITLE NEW YORK (UPI)-World jun ior welterweight champion Duilio Loi of Italy will defend his title against Eddie Perkins of Chicago in Milan, Italy, Sept. 6, it was an nounced Friday. Koufax On Mound In Dodger Opener With Host Red Sox CINCINNATI (UPI) Sandy Koufax' left hand, the priceless paw that has posted 14 wins for the fireballing Dodger hurler, will be the center of attention tonight when Los Angeles opens a tough three-game series with the Cin cinnati Reds in Crosley. Field. Koufax drew the starting assignment against the Reds own ace Bob Purkey, and both were out to notch their 15th win of the National League campaign. But Dodger manager Walt Als ton had a special interest in his talented southpaw's pitching arm. Koufax has a peculiar injury to the hand that resulted in numb ness, first in the fingers and now in the palm of the hand. Although he has taken his regular turn on the mound since the ailment was discovered, Koufax has com plained of tenderness and pain in his fingers and, so far, a troop of doctors have failed to come up with a cure. But il certainly hasn't dimmed the performance of the league leading strikeout artist. Koufax has allowed only four earned runs in his last eight starts, including a no-hit, no-run game against the New York Mets. The Dodgers were idle Monday and although the San Francisco Giants picked up half a game with a win over the Mets, Los Angeles still maintained a two game lead in the league stand ings. However, Cincinnati has proved to be a stumbling block for the Dodgers in the past. The Reds blasted the Dodger pennant hopes last year and went on to win the flag. Although trailing the Dodgers by 11 games, Cincinnati manager Fred Hutchinson was sending his patented Dodger stopper against the league leaders tonight. Purk ey is 2-0 against Los Angeles this year and both victories came in Chavez Ravine. In the batting department, Tom my Davis still maintained his .353 average to pace the league and also led in runs batted in with 95. SENIOR MATCHES SET NEW YORK (UPI) The 12 man United Stales team which will oppose Canada in the Gor don Trophy matches at Seattle, Wash., next Friday and Saturday will include 10 senior tennis play ers from the West Coast eight of them from California. These matches are played alternately in the United States and Canada each year and arc for players 45 years old and older. U.S. GOLFER TRAILS PARIS (UPI) - Williams Cas tleman Jr.. of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., trailed Alan Mur ray of Australia by U strokes to day at the start of the second round of the French Open golf championship. Castlcman shot a 76 Monday to Murray's seven-under-par 65. Don Essig III of In dianapolis, had an opening round 77. DEAL AND SAVt WOW DURING h-g DODGE DIVIDEND DAYS SENSATIONAL SUMMER SAVINGS! Our new ear talis an soaring and we're pasting the savings en to you. We've get t Dodge In every slie to suit you. A DIVIDEND DEAL on every Dodge In stock high-Una, low-line, right down Ih line. Now's the lime te lave during DODGE DIVIDEND DAYS1 It's never been easier It own a new Dedge, See us today. r DODGE DART 440. Dart is slied right in the mifJIi of the big and little. It's easy to handle and park. Also, the 40 gives you the biggest standard six or V8 jngine ol any cat near its sire or price. The luxury is magnificent All-vinyl upholstery, to! J-down center armrest up Iront. and si II to nil carpeting. All standard. Drive a Dart now. H COMPACT B8IQC. II you want a compact that does i mote than just save gas, lancer is your answer. It sizzles i W Irom start to stop. Get in on a DIVIDEND DEAL now. f I , ' ,, ,i iff m letOK CUSTOM MO. Custom-made lor th? big S car man. Six luxurious models w,th big room, big ride, Hf B big power. Big in everything but price. Drive one now. K PICK A SIZE IITfICIT A FHICE PICK fell6 BARCUS MOTORS, Inc., 1420 N. E. Stephens, Roseburg, Ore. o