0 12 Tha News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. Tuei., July 17, 1962 Local Mlia Bobblt Jeanne Tonolt, who is taking nurses training at Port land Sanitarium, spent the week end here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tonole. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Capizzi of Salem spent Saturday here visiting friends. They came especially for the Showalter-Holbrook wedding, Mrs. Capizzi, formerly Jane Gates, was with Douglas County 4-H work here before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. John Mltkovlch and children, Judy and Paula, and Mrs. Miskoviches mother, Mrs Charlotte Joncher, of Covins, Calif, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ashley recently en route home from a trip to Victoria, B.C. and to the World's Fair in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Parry, fresno, Calif., with their daugh- tcr, Donna, and son, Fred, visited over the weekend with Mr. Per ry's mr,thei Mrs. Fred L. Perry, 1016 NW Beaumont, lioseburg. Mr. Perry is employed with the school system in Fresno. The elder Mrs. Perry accompanied her son and his family to Seattle Monday. They are to visit the World's Fair in Seattle and with Lt. Col. and Mrs, John Barney, and son, Mike, in iacoma. They also plan to spend a few days on a scenic trip in the Puget Sound area. On their re turn they expect to go by way of juamatn rails to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Moon Jr. and family. Mrs. Moon is a daughter of Mrs. Fred L. Perry and a sister ol Donald Perry. Zenith Hearing Aid Representative Now at Chapman's Pharmacy Every Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Repalrt-Battoriei Acceitoriei - for most moltos SOUTHERN OREGON HEARING AID CENTER V ' i 4 ,. " .if On busy days, a Lodroom phone provides a useful way to relax and enjoy some well-earned privacy. Aflcr a S-ininuto "plionc break" wilh a friend or neighbor, it's almost easy to go back to the hustle-bustle of liomeinaking. At night, a bSdsiffe phono 'saves you stairs and steps and minutes, links you closely with the outside world. For all its convenient, privacy and pro teeRoij, a bolroom extension costs very little. Order yours today. ) pacific northwest bell ; o N Mrs. L. R. Chandler is report ed improving at Mercy Hospital, where she is a medical patient, Her husband is with the Oregon State Highway department here, The Rev. and Mrs. Aldtn 0, Showalter of Jasper, Ind., have been in Roseburg for the last sev eral days,' having come for the wedding of their son, Thomas Eu gene Showalter, and Mary Ellen Holbrook Saturday. The Rev. Mr. Showalter performed the cere mony Saturday afternoon at The First Baptist Church. Mrs. Jamas Van Ripar and two children, Kathryn, and Billy, left Monday for their home in Fort Ord, Calif., following a trip here to attend the wedding of the for mer's sister, Mary Ellen Holbrook and Thomas Eugene Showalter, The Van Riper family has just ar rived at Fort Ord, following the last tour years residing in uer- many, where Van Riper was sta tioned with the U. S. Occupational Forces. Mn. Van Riper is the former Dorothy Holbrook of this city and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. ft. Holbrook of 1423 SE Mam St. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holbrook and sons, Dennis and Stanley, of Lane Stevens wash.; Mr. and Mrs, Ed Leach and daughter. Beverly: Mr. and Mrs. V. F. McClelland. Medford; Dr. and Mrs. William R. turtick, Lorvallis: Mr. and Mrs D. H. Judkins, Mrs. Phil Hendrie Mrs. Loyd Olson and Mrs. Don Carter, ail of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. WorthinEton and daughters, Carol and Susan: Mrs, William Oetken, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Crosby and daughter. Nan cy; mrs. if. a. Def ort, Mrs. Her man Oetken, Mrs. E. E. Worthing ton, all of Milwaukle; Mrs. Thomas Worthington, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Bennet, Wacoma Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Russ Beas ley, Oswego; Mrs. Mattie Brisbine, West Bend, Wis.; Mrs. Irma Wcst erkam, Everett, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Davies of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter of Oak ridge, were in Roseburg over Sat urday for tha Showalter-Holbrook wedding. Trade bedlam... for the bedroom (, i nmiiili' It Tuesday, July 17 Dog Obedltnce training classes, Bob Butts home, Kelley's Korners, 7:30 p.m. Bucktroos, beginners pattern dances, at the barn, 8 p.m. Roseburg Klwanis Club, Ump- qua Hotel Civic Room, noon. Gild Klwanis Club. 7:30 p.m. Associated Volunteers card par ty, Veterans Hospital recreation building music room, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Army Reserve, 1611 W. Harvard, 8-10 n.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, basement of Pacific Building, 8 p.m. For in formation call OR 3-6628. Boots and Calico, pattern dance lessons and workshop, Winston Community Hall, 8-10 p.m. For in formation write PO Box 104 or call OR 3-3436. Ward Cummings caller. Roseburg. Duplicate Brldu. Club, Umpqua Hotel, 7:15 p.m. This is an open club and all bridge play. ers are welcome. Anyone needing a partner for the play is asked to call OK 3-4568. Suthorlin Girls Drill team, prac tice. East Grade School play ground. For information write Box 262. Rt. 1, Sutherlin. New members welcome. Melrose Grange, Grange Hall 8 p.m. Umpqua Post 14, American Le gion Post and Auxiliary, VA Me morial Hall, 8 p.m. Job's Daughters, Bethel 8, Ma sonic Hall, 7:30 p.m. South Umpqua Archers Shoot, Riddle Warehouse, 7 p.m. Slo-Kart Club. Roseburg Cart ways, 7:30 p.m. Rainbow Garden Club, field trip. Missionary Society of Melrose Community Church, business, 10 a.m. Oregon League of Seniors, Can- yonville IOOF Hall, 2 p.m. Woodmen Circle Workbasket, 7:30 p.m. Roteburg Art Association. Merely Player Inc., home of Winnie Atwood, 1461 SE Cobb, 7:30 p.m., election of officers. Roseburg Chapter of Gold Star Mothers, special meeting at home of Martha Ball, 1269 SE Main, 10 a.m. . X Tl ' o CALINDAR OF IVfcNTS Wednesday, July II Roseburg Road Runner Meter. cycle Club, Beckwlth'i Motorcycle Shop, Harvard Ave., 7:30 p.m. Air Fore Reserve, 1614 W. Har vard Ave., 8 p.m. Doug-Etf Sheriffs Mounted Pa trol, Fairgrounds, 7:30 p.m. Drain Chamber of Commerce, City Hall, noon. . Moose Lodge, Moose Hill, 8 p. re Laurel Lodge 13. Woman's Horn League ef Hi Salvation Army, at the church, 1:30 p.m. Satan Chauffeurs, at the club, 404 NE Cummins off Diamond Lake Blvd., 7:30 p.m. Die-Hards, at the clubhouse, p.m. Umpqua Regional Timing Assn, 494 NE cummins, e:.ju p.m. Blue Star Mothers special meet ing 7 P.m. home of Helen Niday, 1457 NE Eden. Members bring coin cards. St. Joseph' Altar Society an nual picnic Umpqua Park, 6:30 p.m. Women of parish and their teen-age daughters invited. XI Omlcron Chapter ef Beta Slg ma Phi 10 a.m. coffee at Stewart Park for members and children, Roteburg Art and Embroidery Club picnic at Umpqua Park at noon. Blue Bird group guests of club. Umpqua Lions Club, B a m b o House, 6:30 p.m. Winston-Dillard Job's Daughters, Douglas School, 7:30 p.m. Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, 8 p.m. Camas Valley Toastmistrest Club, Bart's Cafe, 8 p.m. Wlnston-Dlllard Home Extension Unit, Evergreen Grange Hall, 10 a.m. Women's Overseas Service League, 7:30 p.m. For information call Mrs. E. A. Post, OR 3-8706, Garden Valley Garden Club, p.m. (homes of members) Zonta Club, social meeting, p.m. Green Horn Extension Unit, Evergreen Grange, 10 a.m. ' ,1 I'hoiR' lirt'.i ,.k) V 4 1481 NE Stephens $n MONTGOMERY WARD v . . BIG; SAVINGS ON WARDS OVERSTOCK AND SPECIALLY PURCHASED MERCHANDISE! mm SUMMER ALL SIZES... ASST COLORS ARNEL - JERSEYS - COTTONS 9 M I 11 STYLE ALL SIZES... ASST STYLES flflOO WOMEN'S PANT: IDEAL FOR COOL EVENINGS 00 OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9.(D CB5 3 REG. 10.98 5T REG. 18.98 (335 d n o REG. 2.98 g swufl suns GOOD SELECTION 750 Oj REG. 8.98 mm WOMEN'S COATS Reg. NOW 12.98 8.00 14.98 10.00 22.90 15.00 24.98 : 16.00 Lilt flflATTEKKllTV TOPS SHORTS ii50 700 LT 1 REG. L. REG. U 5.98 L 1 2.98 mm OR 2-4811 13 DAYS SALE PRICES GOOD FOR 2 DAY AFTER AD IS RUN . . . A NEW AD EVERY DAY FOR 10 DAYS... LADIES' 1335 3