The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 16, 1962, Page 9, Image 9

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Vacation Trip, House Guests
Occupy Canyonville Croys
The month of Jun nrm-prl In h
a busy month for the W. D. Croys
of Canyonville. Early in June, two
or airs, troy's brothers and their
families arrived from Cedar Rap
ids, Iowa. One of the brothers, the
canyonville troys nadnt seen
since 1945. During the time the
visiting relatives were here Airs.
W. D. Croy celebrated her birth
day with all the family members
present. Upon the departure the
visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Croy
and son, Bill, began preparation
for their vacation to Southern Cal
ifornia and their visit in Redlands,
Calif., where Mrs. Croy's sister
lives. While there, the W. D. Croy's
visited Disneyland, Knotts Berry
Farm, Marineland, San Francisco,
the Redwoods and Trees of Mys
tery. Mrs. Croy brought her niece
home to Canyonville to spend the
remainder of the summer. Just aft
er reaching home still another
brother of Croy, with his family,
arrived for a visit from Cedar
Pertlanders Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson and
family of Portland were recent
guests of Mrs. Howard Haymes.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Coffman and
son, Dennis, of Los Angeles were
recent guests of the Mel Coffmans.
Mel and Eldo Coffman are broth
ers. The Eldo Coffmans are for
mer residents of Canyonville. An
other brother, Doud Coffman of Sa
cramento, accompanied by his
wife, also was a recent visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Morris and
family spent three days recently
at Arcadia, Calif., visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Keeney and fam
ily and Mrs. Ethel Morris, mother
of Mr. Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Harter and
family returned home July 6 from
an extensive camping trip which
began June 76. They camped on
Silver Creek Falls and then went
on down the coast camping along
Devil's Lake and Winchester Bay.
At Colton they visited a cousin of
Harter, Fred Archer, and Mrs.
Archer. At Toledo they visited with
a brother and sister-in-law of Har
ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Harter.
Former Teacher Met
While taking a brief-hand course
during summer school at Oregon
State University Mrs. Guy McGee
made the acquaintance of Miss
Shirley Haustveit, former commer
cial and girls physical education
teacher at Canyonville.
Miss Haustveit taught one year
in North Dakota and then went on
to teach at Florence, Ore. for two
years. She plans to teach at South
Salem High School this tail, 'mere
she will teach typing, business law
and general business.
During summer school Miss
Haustveit plans on visiting the Se
attle World's Fair. She has another
six weeks of summer school and
then plans to visit in San Fran
cisco and with her parents in North
Fishing military hardware out of
the sea may become the next
bonanza for the space age bounty
The Navy's Pacific missile
range headquarters here has an
nounced a schedule of rewards
for military equipment ranging
from $100 for a wayward torpedo
to $25 for a pilotless target air
craft. PATllONIZB.
Glendale Families Join Reunion On Southeastern Vacation Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cobb, their
daughter, Delons; and their son'
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs,
Friti Ma gill and daughter, Don,
na, all of Glendale. returned re
cently from a two-week trip which
took them as far east as Arkan
sas. They visited in Fairview,
Kan., with Mrs. Cobb's sisters and
brothers where they joined in a
family reunion with Cobb's sister,
in Wostfork, Ark.; and with their
daughter, Mrs. Eugene Dishmon
and her four children of James
town, Tenn., who joined them at
westfork, Ark. En route home
they stopped at Lauguna, N.M., to
visit with Mrs. Cobb s niece, and
in Phoenix, Aril., where they vis
ited with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Residents Have Surgery
Charles Stackhouse of Fortune
Branch underwent major surgery
at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eu
gene last week. Further surgery is
planned for later in the week.
J. D. Shepherd is recuperating
at his home from surgery for goit
er removal done at the Veterans'
Hospital in Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gurner of
Springfield visited recently with
his brother, Austin Turner and
family in Glendale and with his
nephew, William Turner and his
wife of Sunny Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mill and
daughter, Georgia of Klamath
Falls visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Young over the
weekend. They were accompanied
by Dave Bolinger, also of Klam
ath Falls. While in Glendale the
Mills made the preliminary ar
rangements for disposing of their
property on Tunnel Creek Rd. east
of Glendale
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cobb and
Deloris; their son in - law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Hurst: his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Lester Hurst and family; and their
Douglas Community Hospital
LOTT To Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lott, Box 200-A, Idleyld Rt., Rose
burg, July 6, a daughter, Lori
Ann; weight T pounds ii ounce.
LANNING To Mr. and Mrs.
James Nathan Lanning, PO Box
15, Sutherlin, July 6, a son, James
Nathan Jr.: weight 8 pounds.
DAVIS To Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Davis, 2692 NE Parker Rd.,
Roseburg, July 7, a son, Thomas
Clark; weight 7 pounds 5 ounces.
CHYTKA To Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Chytka, 2568 SW Austin
Rd., Roseburg, July 7, a son, Daryl
Wade; weight 7 pounds 414 ounces.
POLLOCK To Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Pollock, Star Rt., Box
222, Winston, July 8, a son, Tyrone
Everett; weight 7 pounds 814 oun
ces. REED To Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Reed Sr., Oakland, July 10,
a daughter, Tina Marie; weight 5
pounds IVi ounces.
STONE To Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Stone, 1025 W. Ridgeview, Rose
burg, July 10, a daughter, Dena
Kay; weight 4 pounds 15V4 oun
ces. THOMPSON To Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Thompson, Box 90, Idleyld
Rt., Roseburg, July 11, a son,
John Or in; weight 7 pounds 7 ounces.
Members of the Past Noble
Grands will hold a potluck picnic
next Friday at 6:30 p.m. at Ump
qua Park.
Coffee will be furnished. Alice
Goff and Vesta Langfield will be
in charge of serving.
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Sealy put deluxe features in this Golden Sleep mattress:
Scaly Inncrssring Consrrurtioii-qoHrf tomperti stetl
LIU 11m flangt (oflitntttioti to prevent sagging tag?
Staly's bvttan-fraa fop for smeolh stttptug
Identical tiding formerly en Saaly's Poituraptaic mattratt
We know this Sealy is a tremendous buy . . . but you be the
judge. If you can find any other mattress within a month that
gives you as much for the same or less money, buy it and
return this Golden Sleep mattress for full purchase price. See
us today while this limited time offer lasts I
Entrances from Main and Jackson
435 S. E. Jackson OR 3-5415
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Hardin and family
of Medford visited Crater Lake re
cently. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Opperman
of Glendale have purchased the
Charles (Dud) Ross residence on
Barton Rd. near Highway 99 N.
They plan to move into the prop
erty about July 20.
Sally Thompson of Glendale has
been in Sacramento apartment
hunting. She and her fiance plan
to be married in August.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooley pur
chased a S-acre plot from Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Young and plan to
erect a new home there.
Men., July 16, 1M2 Th News-R.visw, Retsfcwrf,
If Ytur 'aptr M.s Nm ArrivsJ ly till fjat.
Dial OK 2-3321 Ittwtsn ft 7 P.M.
Saturday Only 3 Ta S P.M.
: I
s - Lively wool and lovely lines
1 fTML-r: Carefully casual thay go smooth-
I. K"jt jr-r ly to tht off let and back, ta
I Vs.v-Wii rS p- T- A-' v0,u"f dMt, or
j - M l I luncheon. Tailored of fin ;
1 I ' I V 1 V French-spun Zephyr wool, thay
j 1 W av th Prinfl'" and flrrrt-
: J: 'Jri knit finish to keep In shop for
i . - J 0 ,on9'oved fashion Ufa. So
y JxM handsoma you'll want a sheath
NawMillar'i T .
Seamless Proportioned I
HOSIERY J Casual shirtwaist with the mark
I offhand distinction In open
I n . , . , , . ' ' '' ; . f collar ond big burtons. , '
i Reinforced heel and toe. Short, 'A . . ,
1 medium, ond long. Sizes 8 to 1 1. $OA95
I Shade's: Breeze; Coquette; and fiffif f4i
Paradise. V MM Ml
1.00 9 a $085 ' M -; ; 1 "'y'
I I ' Yoke line dramatizes the .. '
j X . j' smooth flow of this ki- I
j Vr?r mono sleeved stieath. ,
t( .. Two piece dress doubles as a ltil
7 ;7 "7 suif- Chanel style jacket has Vxl
I A w embroidtred-on corsage. t 41
I P-rk Free For On. Hour AT OUR WEST V J)
f Aieir! er Strv-Ur-SK Lot, ENTRANCE Z
with $2 mlnlmym eurchete BMMaaH "lSSliSS
,j ;. O