a Observe Golden )' r W?iC 3. S The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri., July 13, 1962 MR. AND MRS. 0. W. NELSON are pictured above on their golden wedding day and below on their wedding .day. The Nelsons received 100 guests ot their open house offair held June 24 at their home. (Picture by Chris' ' Studio of Photography). ' " . 5 11' lv Dessert Supper Wednesday Event A delicious dessert supper was enjoyed Wednesday evening when Mrs. Harley Duus entertained her bridge club at her attractive home on Hickory St. Guests for the evening wore Mrs. Ted Insley and Mrs. Andy Barsan ian of Patterson, Calif., Mrs. Duus' sister. Mrs. Insley held high score for the contract bridge play, with Sirs. Barsanian, second. Members attending were Mrs. Jack Cate, Mrs. L. F. Parks, Mrs. J. M. Williams, Mrs. Kenneth Lu derman, Mrs. John Brooke and Mrs. Duus. Couple Married Madeleine Joy Myers of Pasado na, Calif., became the bride of Larry Rex Scoficld of Roseburg in lovely wedding ceremony in the Pasadena Seventh-day Advcntist Church Sunday, June 10. NX;, if ENJOYING five weeks vacation in London, England, have been Eugene Boise and his daughter, Mrs. Julian Helleck, and her two sons, Steven, 12 and David, 10, of Rose burg. They are pictured above as they boarded Lufthansa, German Airlines, for 'rheir trip to England. They will return here next Thursday. They ore visiting Mr. Boise's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boise, and his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dwlggins, and family. Eugene and Charles Boise are sons.ofthe late Mr. and Mrs. Watson Boise, prominent Roseburg residents tor many yeors. Mrs. Hel leek's husband is Douglas County Juvenile officer. (Picture courtesy of Lufthansa Airlines) cs O Roseburg Chapter Receives Gift The members of Roseburg Chap ter No. 8 O.E.S. should be thrilled to learn of the fine gift of a Conn Electric Organ presented by the retiring patron R. Cloyd Riffe, at the final meeting June 21. Mr. Riffe thanked the chapter for the opportunity of serving as patron. The year 1901 and 1962 has been an outstanding year In Roseburg unapter No. 8 under the able lead ership of Ollie Kruegcr, worthy matron, and Cloyd Riffe, worthy patron. ' Mr. Riffe on presenting the or gan said while it was a gift to Roseburg Chapter No. 8 O.E.S., It was for tho use of all the Masonic bodies, providing qualified orgnn- lsts woro acquired. The lovely gift was graciously accepted for tho chapter by Ollie Krucgor. . . .. - I Mil- sf Ov Timber Town Winners Told Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club held regular weekly play Monday evening. North-South win ners were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pat terson, first; Mrs. David Weisman and Mrs. John Davenport, second; Mrs. O.J. Feldkamp and Mrs. D.B. Secoy, third, and Mrs. Carl Knud sen and Jack Bishop, fourth. East-West winners were Mr: and Mrs. Elliott Motschenbacher, first; Mrs. Wendell B. Smith and Rich ard Scott, second; Mrs. John L. Brooke and J. M. Bevans, third, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McGreg or, fourth. Next Monday evening the month ly master point play will be held. Play will begin at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Those desiring more information or help in securing partnerships are asked to call either Mrs. Wal ter Ulrich or Mrs. John Daven port. To Celebrate Golden Wedding Of interest here is . the golden wedding celebration of Howard A. and Veda M. Calkins, who were married by the Rev. Kenneth Mears in Roseburg July 12, 1912, and who will celebrate at an open house from 3 to 6 p.m. at 210 Dunlawton, Port Orange, Fla. Rel atives and friends are cordially invited to attend the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Calkins moved to upstate New York and then to Port Orange, Fla. in 1939, whore they aro now making their home. They have four daughters: Mrs. John R. Carroll, Cheyenne, Wyo.j Mrs. G. L. Harwick, Hampton, Va.; Mrs. S. M. Carlton and Mrs. O. E. Phelps, Port Orange, Fla. They have eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Surprise Supper Given Saturday As a surprise for Mrs. Alfred S. Tyson on her birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Gerretsen entertained at a charming patio supper party Saturday evening at their attrac tive home on SE Kano Street. Enjoying the occasion were Fath er and Mrs. Alfred S. Tyson and daughter, Charlotte, and son, Steve, and the latter s guest, Brad ley Young, of Oswego; Mrs. F. L. Crittenden, Miss Amy Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gerretsen and son, Eric, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerretsen and daughter, Gaylc. Visiting was enjoyed during the pleasant social hours. r 1 m 1 -I Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Neljun celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at an open house giv en by their family at the Nelson home Sunday. One hundred guests called during the afternoon. Floral arrangements for the oc casion were done by Mrs. Paul Jenkins, The tea table was covered by a lace cloth and centered by an arrangement of yellow roses and gold-colored baby breath. The bouquet was flanked by gold ta pers. Pouring coffee were Mrs. Gunnar Johnson and Mrs. Ruth Downs. Serving punch were Mrs. Tom Lamm and Mrs. Carl Johnson. Mrs. Raymond Prouty of Shelton, WaBh., served the anniversary cake. For the occasion, Mrs Nelson wore a navy and white silk print dress and an orchid corsage. Oscar Nelson came to this coun try from Filipstead, Sweden, in 1901. Mrs. Nelson came from Da lama, Sweden, in 1906. They met in Kenosha, Wis. The Nelsons were married June 25, 1912, in Seattle, Wash. They came to Oregon, settling in Mel rose in a home Nelson had built and still stands in the area now known as Elgarose. The couple has 8 children, 25 grandchildren and 5 great grand children, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson made their first trip back to Swe den in 48 years In 1952. Coming from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Prouty and Lloyd Prouty, all of Shelton, Wash.; and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heintu and Vickie and Brad of Milwaukee, Wis. Local guests included Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lamm, H. S. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Quist, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Busenbark, R. A. Busenbark, Mrs. Lilly Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. - C. R. Holmquist, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Busenbark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flindt, Mrs. Edith Bond, Mrs. Pearl Leeper, , Mrs. Ray Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Joel son. Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Joelson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. James Loomis, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Metzger, Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Horton. Mrs. W. R. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scott, Kevin and Kara Scott, Miss Catherine Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Parks Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. i. u. Johnson, Jim Clark. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnson, Chris Johnson, Mrs. E. O. Bloom quist, Mrs. Anna Sanstede, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sanstede, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nelson. Diane, Cindy and Lisa Nelson, Mrs. Torn Hartfield, Misses Aria and Nancy Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sjogren, Mr. and Mrs. Jess De Bolt, Mrs. Fred Jones, Mt. and Mrs. Conrad Quist, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Eckstom, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Augustus, Mrs. Norris Jewell. Mrs. Florence Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, Carolyn, Thom as and Mary Ann Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Nelson, Steven Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Hall, Janelte, Janice and Debra Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Mlcelli, Mrs. Jo sephine Gallion, Mrs. Hazel Halfer ty, Fritz Sjogren, Ed Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Johnson and Mrs. Ruth Downs. ENGAGEMENT TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Denley onnounce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jacqueline, to Mar vin Dean Greer, son of Mr, and Mrs. William 0. Greer, all of Suthertin. The bride elect was graduated from Sufherlin High School this yeor and the bridegroom-elect attended Ookland schools ond is now employed by Weyer haeuser Co. of Springfield. The wedding is planned for Aug. 26 at the First Methodist Church in Sufherlin. (Picture by Warren Studio, Sufherlin). Luncheon Held lAincheon was enjed t the Elks Club Thursday by the Wom en of the Roseburg Country Club followed by the weekly contract bridge play. Winners were Mrs. H. T. Hansen, first; Mrs. Ira J. Seiti, second, tta Mrs. Henry Pape, third. Weekly meetings are held at 11:45 a.m. at the Elks Club on Thursday while th nw ftubhoust is under construction. O Anderson-Qu isenberry Wedding Takes Place Pink and white Majestic daisies banked the altar of St. Joseph's Catholic Church for the June 16 wedding of Felice Estelle Quisen berry of Roseburg and James Ed ward Anderson of Hoqui'am, Wash. Father Eunan Buckley officiated at the nuptial mass celebrated at 11 a.m. . - The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Quisenberry of this city. The b.-idegroom is the son of Harry Anderson and the late Mrs. Anderson of Hoquiam. Mrs. Robert C. Fabian was or ganist. Mrs. Harry L. Harris was soloist, singing "0 Perfect Love," "Ave Maria" and "Lord I am not Worthy." The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. She was charming in her silk taffeta wed ding dress, styled with a chapel train. Venetian lace bordered the neckline and three-quarter-length sleeves. Her illusion veil flowed from a crown of seed pearls. Her nosegay bouquet was of gardenias and white roses. Mrs. Robert S. Adams III of Medford, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Janice Berry of Oswego and Miss Jean Pylman of Clarksburg, Calif., both Alpha Chi Omega sor ority sisters of the bride. Their dresses were of white waffle pique and they wore matching bow head pieces. Their nosegays were pink roses and white carnations. Steve Flynn of Corvallis was best man. Ushers were Ted Miller of Portland and Mike Dolby of Cor vallis. For her daughter s wedding, Mrs. Ouisenberry wore a white dress, the full skirt embroidered in blue. She wore blue and white acces sories and a corsage of rosebuds. A reception was held following the ceremony. The bride's table, decorated with pink and white Ma jestic daisies, held the lovely pink and white wedding cake. 1 li e cake was served by Mrs. Harry Molatove of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Richard Kranenburg of Klamath Myrna Saxon Becomes Bride Of Robert Scott The Neighborhood Church of, Christ of Sutherlin was the scene June 22 for the wedding of Myrna Joyce Saxon of Roseburg and Rob ert E. Scott of Sutherlin, the Rev. Lloyd Whitford of Roseburg offici ating. The double ring ceremony took place at 8 p.m. before about 100 friends and relatives of the couple. . The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Saxon of this city. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Scott of Sutherlin. Large baskets of blue and white delphinium, white calla lilies and white carnations decoraiea me ai tar. The pews were marked with white bells and sprigs of lily of the valley. Soloists were Stephanie Fowler and the Rev. Mr. Whitford. The bridearoom s sister, Judy Scott, was maid of honor. Cousins of the bride, Sharron Ann and Don na Sue Ball, wore Driaesmaiu!,. Rose Beamer, cousin of the bride trroom. was flower girl. A nephew of the bridegroom, Scotty Hebard, was ring bearer, uandieligniers were Carla Hinther and Darrell Martin Sr. James Tembrook was best man. Ushering was done by Don Rollo and Roy Wattman. Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a white floor-length dress of all-nylon lace over taffeta, fashioned with finger tip-length sleeves. Her waist-iengtn Camas Valley Lad lsl3-Years-Old On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Ho mer Spurlock of Camas Valley was hostess at a lovely surprise birth day party for her son, Steve, on his 13th birthday. Games were played throughout the aftrnoon. Steve received many lovely gifts. Mrs. Snurlock. served refresh ments, which included a beautiful cake in the form of a fish decorat ed by Mrs. Jack Hill. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clem Spurlock, Mrs. Clyde Spurlock, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knikenbcrg, Marv Beth Kinnan, Elaine Spur lock, Mary Helen Pope, Linda Smith, Vicki Ruppcrt, Sandra Amos, Bruce Lamm, Elizabeth Brown, Tom Thrush, Eldren Estra da and the honoree, Steve Spur lock. Barbecue Dinner Held Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lynch en tertained at their home on Lock- wood Road at Tenmile at a barbe cue dinner on their patio Wednes day. Present to enjoy the affair were Mrs. Lynch a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Prowell of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lockwood and children of Fort Bragg, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Prowell and fam ily and Abe Oliver of Applegate: Mr. and Mrs. Smith I'rowcll Jr. of Crescent City. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. James Prowell and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Prow- j nounced (or Sundav, Julv 22, at ell and family of Roseburg: Chris 6:15 p.m. at the hotel. All eligible Freemantle of California and Gail, duplicate playi are urged to at Mary Annis, Don and Dan Lynch, j tend. Q Falls served the coffee, while Mrs. Adams served punch. Miss Margie Gish of Portland tendered the guest book. Donna Pyle of Port land had charge of the gift table. The couple left on a honeymoon trip to the Oregon coast. , The bride's traveling ensemble ' was alabaster white. Her accessories matched her dress and coat. The newlyweds will make their home in Corvallis for the present while the bride attends Oregon State University summer school. In the fall they will be living in Newberg where the bridegroom will coach high school basketball. The bride will be teaching school. The bride was graduated from Lakeview High School and Oregon State University. The bridegroom was graduated from Hoquiam High School and Grays Harbor Junior College. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Oregon State University where he was as sistant basketball coach. He is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fra ternity. Coming from out of town for the wedding were Tony Molatove Sr., Leo Molatove and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Molatove, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kranenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cook and Mrs. Jack Duracha and Joan, all of Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ad ams and Kerry, Lakeview; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cos'sey, Stockton, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Valenti, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wells, Karl Anderson, Jim Woodland, Miss Sandra Jones, Miss Susan Burchell and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Reed and daughters, all of Corvallis. Harry Anderson and Jill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Gene LaMoureaux and Mrs. Etta Strom, all of Hoquiam, Wash.; Melvin Counts, Coos Bay; Bob Ja cobson, North Bend;- Miss Margie Gish, Miss Donna Pyle and Miss Linda Long, all of Portland; Miss Marni Nelson, Salem; Susan Co mini, The Dalles; and Mark Si mons, St. Helens. veil of silk organza was edged with satin brocade. She carried a bou quet of white carnations on a white Bible. For "something old," the bride carried a lace handker chief belonging to her aunt, Iva Lee Saxon of Checkaska, Okla. The maid of honor wore sapphire blue, her frock patterned after the bride s dress. She wore white slip pers and short white gloves and carried a bouquet of blue and white carnations. ' The bridesmaids' dresses were of sky blue taffeta styled the same as the dress worn by the maid of honor. Their bou quets were of blue and white car nations. Miss Hinther and the flow er girl also wore blue frocks. A reception was held in the church parlors after the wedding. The gift table was covered with a sapphire blue satin cloth. The cake, decorated in white and blue, was topped with a miniature bridal couple, the liny feminine figure dressed in white lace and taffeta to match the dress worn by the bride. Elaine Mundt was in charge of the gifts, while LaVeta Ball, cousin of the bride, offered the guest book. Lola Ball, the bride's aunt, cut the wedding cake. Punch and coffee were served by Roberta He bard, aunt of the bridegroom, and Eula Mae Ball, the bride's aunt. For going away, the new Mrs. Scott wore a turquoise dress with white accessories. The newlyweds are now at home at 1470 NE Brook lyn. The couple's honeymoon trip took them to Kansas City, Ma. The bride was graduated from Roseburg High School in 1962. The bridegroom is employed by Nation al Plywood. To Hold Show Mrs. Lester (Lorraine) Martin of Glide will hold a one-artist show from July 15 to July 29 in the Oregon Society of Artists Gallery, 2185 Park Place SW, in Portland, at which time she will show por traits she has done. The showing will open July 15 at a tea. All persons interested in viewing the exhibit arc cordially invited to the opening or to visit the show any day between July 15-29, between the hours of 1 and 5 p.m. Hostesses will be on duty daily for the show. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and daugh ter, Sandra, and son, Dean, will spend Saturday and Sunday in Portland. Mrs. Martin plans to re turn to Portland again the middle of the second week of the show and will remain there until it closes July 29. Unit Play Held Sunday Evening Mrs. L. E. McClintofk and Mrs. Ray Carrico held high scores at the Umpqua Hotel for the Sunday evening session of the Roseburg Unit of the American Contract Bridge League. Second high were Mr. and .Mrs. R. H. Scott; third Mrs. Walter Fisher and C. E. Wilder; and fourth, Dr. and Mrs. Jamei, Harris. The winners game has ween AT AN IMPRESSIVE nuptial mass Felice Estelle Quisen berry, daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. P. C. Quisenberry of Roseburg, became the bride of James Edward Anderson of Hoquiam, Wash., son of Horry Anderson and the late Mrs. Anderson. The bridegroom is assistant basket ball coach at Oregon State University. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography). fj : i , . 1 ; h MR. AND MRS. ROBERT SCOTT, above, were married June 22 ot the Neighborhood Church of Christ in Sutherlin by the Rev. Lloyd Whitford of Roseburg. The bride, 'Myrna Joyce Saxon, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Saxon of Roseburg and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Scott of Sutherlin. (Picture by Wil son Studio). Sharon Medlar Gives Recital A very delightful piano recital was given Monday evening, by Sharon Medlar, a pupil of Gladys Strong. The difficult program was well balanced and was played with artistry and musicianship. Sharon was the winner of the piano concerto contest of Pacific University last March and as a result played with the symphony orchestra at their Music in May Festival. The contest selection, the Schumann Introduction and Alle gro, was included in the program with Miss Strong playing the sec ond piano part. The recital was held at Miss Strong's residence-studio on South east Main Street. Following the program, a social hour was enjoy ed. Miss Strong was assisted in serving by Mrs. Earl Strong, Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Brooke Young and Julie Thompson. Sharon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Medlar of Glide. She will be a senior in the Glide High School this fall. Coffee Is Hosted At Findlay Home A delightful morning coffee was held Friday at the home of Mrs. Tom Findlay on Melrose Rd. for Alpha Theta Chapter members, guests and children. Games were enjoyed by the chil dren and delicious refreshments were served. Those attending were Miss Jeanne Crow, Mrs. Gcorgene Clark, Mrs. Arnold Ryder, Genine. Carol and Colleen; Mrs. Edward Sitton, Kathy and Jeff; Mrs. Joe Means; Mrs. Don LaBranche and Randy; Mrs. Les Frisk: Mrs. Ted Keith and Heather- Miss Debbie Resner and hostess Mrs. Findlay, and D'Gaye, Amy and Bobby. WinnerSjNoted Members of the Umpqua Dupli cate Bridge Club hld their regu lar weekly session Thursday eve ning, o 0 Fred Order and Mrs. John L. Brooke held high scts for the evening's duplicate play. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Monteith were second; Mr. and Mrs. C. Huston, third; and Mrs. C. J. Brent and Mrs. Wal ter Slilone, fourth. ) O Art Exhibit And Tea Held The tea sponsored by the Rose burg Art Association Saturday from 1 to 5 o'clock at The Broiler honoring Mrs. Ralph (Henrietta) Johnson, who held a one-artist show there during those hours. Red roses centered the table, which was covered by a green cloth. Mrs. Porter Lainhart, presi dent of the Roseburg Art Associa tion, received guests calling and poured. Mrs. Johnson was highly congratulated for her beautiful pic tures and very successful exhibit. Rose Duplicate Winners Told Rose Duplicate Bridge Club met at the Rose Hotel Wednesday afternoon with six tables in play. North-South winners were Mrs. L. W. Metzger and Mrs. A. E. Kent, first, and tying for second were Mrs. Russell Diehl and Mrs. E. C. Patterson and Mrs. Ira J. Scitz and Mrs. W. C. Calliso'n. East-West winners were M r s. Edwin Nolle and Mrs. Lloyd Bur nett, first, and Carlton Wilder and Mrs. Walter Fisher, second. Next Wednesday regular play will begin at 12:30 noon at the Rose Hotel and master point play will be held July 25. Those plan ning to play in the sessions or de siring more information or assist ance in securing partnerships are asked to call Mrs. W. C. Callison. Jenny Southwick Has Lovely Party A most enjoyable surprise birth day party was held for Jenny Southwick at her home at 164 W. Hickory St. to honor her fourth birthday. Many nice gifts were received from the attending guests who were: Karen Wilson, Lois South wick, Anne and Marjean Herbage, Kim and Kerry Knutson. Danny and Patti Ervin. Eric Ern Jeff and Cheryl Peters, Kathy Tal bot and Eric, Steve and Sharon Chytka.' Games were played, followed hy refreshments served by KaiO Wil son. Sharon Chytka and Cheryl Pel tersen. , Hostess for the event was Mrs. Arthur Southwick. Mjjhers assist ing were: Mrs. Ed Chytka. Mrs. Robert Ervin and Mrs. Robert Scott. O O