fri,, My 13, 1962 The News-Review, Resetters, On, .Movie Showtime Frlaay, July IJ, IHI INDIAN THEATRE Opto at 1:15 p.m. One complete show at 7:30. "Bla Red" t 7:J only. "The Livine Desert" l : only STARUTE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15 p.m. Friday & Saturday "TWIST ALL NIGHT" Louis Primo-June Wilkinson plus "GUNS OF THE BLACK WITCH" and Color Cartoon -"PRIVATE EYE POOCH" Doors open, 6:45 Show ar 7:00 U Open 7:15 Shows at Dusk TONITE & SAT? ROCK HUDSON is after GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA and SANDRA DEE is after Rock ... in "Come September" IN COLOR Fig-toil. pride : of th Texas plains! . , "Tomboy .and the Chomp" CANDY MOORE - Color Shows start at dujk. "Tr Living Desert" nd "Sis Red" PINE DfttVE-lt Open 7:15 pm. Shows start t dusk. "Tomboy end the Chimp" jrxi "Com September" CLOVE RLE AF DRIVE W Sulherlin) Box otfic open t ?;15 p.m., show a dusk. "Errand Bey and "Th Oeerse Heft Story" TRI CITY DRIVE IN 'Trf-CltyJ &ot office opens ? p.m., show at dui. "The Prema ture Burial" and "TPiet of Baghdad" BENETTA THEATRE (Winstoni "Twist Night" ntf "Guns ot th BSacfc Witch" BffliHa HURRY! P0ST1YEIY rx TrJNDS SAT! -.( f3L i ti 8. e & scoarageoB Vj,Nf Eilefk boyanda JNMM BgReddog ' j'fSpkMffi Ihemeanog , j ofdewtwi! WALTER P1DSE0N SUES MYAW AJ A Sum negum.ffi living . -vtslTCCHNlCOlO SiHinKy, Jeff It INDIAN THEATRE Doors ope One complete show et 7:30. "81a Rd" et 7: onty. "The Uvina Desert" et : ty. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open J:IS. Shews start al dusk, "The Livina Desert" sod 'Bla Red" HE WARNEO THEM , PITTSBURGH (UPI) Ap en terprising motorist who wis in volved in an accident wasn't sat isfied with an ordinary sign warn ing other drivers "tf you can read this, you're too damn close." On the back ot . his caved-in trunk he had written, "Didn't I tell .you, you were too damn close." 1 PINE DRIVE-IN Open MS p.m. Smn . start at ftssfc. "Tomboy and the Cnffl" I and "Coma September" SENETTA THEATRE iWlrtltwO "Twist All" and "Cuns ot the Sleefc Witch" CLOVESLEAF DRIVE IN tSlltlterllai Sox office opens 7:1$ p-trt,, show at dvs. I ' "Desk to dawn show "Errand Soy", "Cresroe Rait Story", "The tron Petticoat" The Beast ot Budapest" TRI CITY DRIVE IN ITrl-Clty) Bos oftij . opens f p-m., show at owss. "The pre mature oVrtet" and "Thlet of aaahdad" Tonight "ERRAND BOY" Jerry Lewis - Brian Donley plus '.THE GEORGE RAFT STORY" Jayne Mansfield -Sorry Chase , Bos Office Opens, 7:15 Shew at Dusk' Tonight; Edgar Allan Foe's , "THE PREMATURE BURIAL" Ray MMIand r plus THIEF OF BAGDAD" Sates Open 7:00 Show Starts at Dusk The following radts and releyiiion praorams am printed as a free puUle service fas News-Review leaden. All proa rem listings ere published es received frem the respective stations. The News Review does not accept responsibility for variation front original schedules furnished this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :-YogB For, Heh ' . - ; :3&-Ptay Your Hunch . .:00-Prfca, ut Riqhi t , : , 10:3i-ConcentrJon 11:00 Your First Impressions ' " 11:30 Truth or ConMquencsj -' 11:55 Day Report 12:00 Jn Murray 12:25 NBC News 12:30 Romper Room 1:00 Young Doctor Mstoiw 1:30 Our Five DauQhttr 2:00 Make Room For Daddy 2: 30 Here Hollywood 3:55 Astsrnoon Report 3:00 Dec t-mber Bridt 3:30 Public Set-vie Monl J:3Q Men Into Space (Tues, Wed Tharl 3:30 Home Snow FrO J:45-estur Short! ,Frl 4:00 U.S. Marshal! (Mon) 4:00Tstc of the Town Tues., Wed. Thr at;QQ Soldier of Fortuna (Frl) ' 4:30 Captain Shiowreck t . . , FRIDAY ( 5:30 Scfertca Theater a: 00 Northwest New :15 Huntley Brlnkiey 4:30 Perry Mason 7:30 International Showtime t:30 The Defective :30 World ot Silly Sraham 10:30 Chet Huntiey 11:00 Report 11:15 Frt Row Center SATURDAY s:38-Pip tha Piper tr-o Siwrt Lewis :30 King Leonards , 18:00 Fory 10:30 Mske Room For Daddy. U:t-Mr. W.isr(J :! Saturday Nit Movie 11:00 Saturday Cinema :30 Dan smool ;4SSaturday Matin'" " :00 Sfwtgyn Sfade :30 Mfamt Undercover :00 Saturday Night Report :J5 Feature Shorts : 30 pete antf Gladys . :00-Mr. Ed :30 Tjtle of Weift Parse SERVICE ill SERVICE UNt0 PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV Is seiesvrf 21 Tern I3N Nt Steikni at SKtti Vtlllf 1st LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE In 'ailments Available 939 S. E. Stephens OR 3-81 So ADD THIS SALESMAN Calltna On Over 12,000 Homes TO YOUR STAFF , For infermtttlen. Dial OR 2-3321, txt, 44 KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY f : 45 Copco Show (Tues) :54 CBS News except Tuesday) 10:00 Love of Life 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:45 Guiding Light 11:00 slane Wyman 11:30 As The World Turns 12:00 Password 12:30 House Party t 1:00 The Millionaire l:30To Teit Tha Truth 1:M CBS News ' 1:00 Secret Storm 2:30-Edge Ot Night 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 3:30 Kaietdoscop FRIDAY 4:00 Around The Horn 4:15 City Police 4:30 Uncle Bit) Show 5:30-HucfcieberrY Hound :00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report : 15 News e: 30 Rawhide 7:39-Route S:30 Law of the Plainsman :t The Country Show :30 Twilight 10: 00 Unf ouchsbfes 11:00 News Final S1..5 Stag 5 SATURDAY :30 B-ssebflif 12:30 Seturdsy Matlnea 4:15 Hoitywsod Pa.1t Races 5:00 Roller Derby e:00 Dan Smooi Report a; IS Channel S Report v 4: 30 Perry Mason 7:30 The Defenders :30 Have Gim Wflt Travel .SO Miss Universe 15:30 Final Report 10:45-Stag S KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TtME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Cartoon Time 1:00 Captain KangerM :00 Cafendar :30 I Love Lucy 10:00 Verdict Is Yours 10:30 Brighter Day 11:00 Love Ot Lite 11:30 Search ccr Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 11:00 Hi Neighbor 12:30 As The World Turn 1:00 KOIN Kitchen 1:30 Hous Party ff:00 The Millionaire t:30 To Tell The Truth 3:00 Secret Storm 3:?0 Edg ot Nipht 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show V45 Newscen a:15Naws FRIDAY j:30 Highway Petrol 7:00 Death Valley Days 7:30 Rawhide fi:30-Route 6i :30-Father ot th Brld 10:00 Twilight Zone 19:30 Eyewitness 11:00 Portland Wrestling 11:45- -Nffihtscene SATURDAY ?:3o-ftFD s t. 00 Cartoon Tim t:30-Sfcy King 9:00 Captain Kangaroo 10:00 AivSn and th Chipmunks 10:30-" Baseball 1:30 Armchaif Theater 3:30 Mighiy Moos Pfr.yhousa 4:00 Roy Roger : 4:30-5ty King J 5:00 Red Dunning J:15 Hotiywood Par Races 5:45 Time Out For SporU 4:00 Flying Doctors 4:30 The Caiifernians 7:06 The Third Man 7:30 Perry Masco ' t: 30 The Defenders :30 Hav Gun, Will Travel 10:00 Miss Universe Pageant tl:00 Saturday Reporter 11:15 Theater KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 11:30 Youra For A Song 12:00 Jane Wyman Show 12:30 Camouflage 12:54 ABC Mid-day Report 1:00 News ? Mid-day ' 1:15 Afrman's World .Mon.l Canadian Traver (Wed American Newsreel iFrit Oregon Farm Journal Tues., Thurs) 1:36 TV Bingo 1:00 Day In Court 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Op n House 4:00 American Bandsrand 4:30 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse 5:00 Jack's Kartoon Cfubfwuse (Men, Wed, Frfl 5:00 Teen Seat (Tues, Thuri FRIDAY 5:30 tXtf Carson :00-News Nine 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Mr. Magoo 7: 00 Honeymoooer 7:30 Margie 1:00 The Hethaweys t:30 Th Fiinfjtones :00 7? stmset strip 10:00 Target: Th Corrupter 11: 00 ABC News 11:15 News Nine 11:30 Enter Theater SATURDAY 2:00 Te Be Announced ' J: 30 Srolier Festival 3:30 Fiim Fare S:S& Rotter Derby 4:00 Emerald Empir Bowling 7:00 Fight of th Week 7:45 Sports Final 1:00 Calvin and the Colonel 4:30 Leev tt Te seavcr S: 00 Lawrence Weik 16 00 Room For On Mor 10:30 Famous FlayhouM lt;00-News Nina 11:15 Movie Radio Programs -Monday thru Friday KRNR 1490 KC ICR NR. Broadcasting 34 hour, itt day a week, Msnaay through Saturday rBS . ewi on tn hour, Sunday through jeturday. CBS features on th twit hour. Sunday-Saturday Frank Gost f:30 PST. S-45 p.m., PST, Monday through Saturday, Lmvefl Thomas S p.m.. PST. Monday through Fri day, Sports Tim 4:15 p.m. Monday thrnygh Fridsy, 5.3S p.m. Saturday. , MONDAY THROUGH ? P. it. AY 1J:t5 Aft Niohf Show 4:05 Bob Johnson Show 1:35 Sutherltn Hour : 10 Monty Smith Shew 11:00-CBS Snck 12:10-Mofit Smith Show 4:i$-Ridt iehnson Show 7:00 CBS Block ?:3-Xi8hf Watch 12:00Aii Night Show KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4:00 Sign On 4 30 Local Newt 4.45 weather Capsule 4:50 Paul Harvey News ABC 4:S5-Lt News ABC 7:00 Frank Hemingway News ABC 7:30LtxaI News 7:35-Ctfr Hal Reports 7: 55 Stock Market Report I 00 Don Alien Newi ABC l ijMalor Leaou Scores I 30 Local New) t 45 Weatner Capsule 1:55 Let News ABC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BROADCAST TIMI; weekdays, 4 a.m. ft 4 45 pm.; SvMavs t m to 4:45 pm. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY: ad Hn news on the houri Waathet'.vsn IS minut past m hevri nw sutTsmary t ; News ABC 10:00 Mfd Morning News AC 10:15 TeJfo Test ABC 10:30 ETchang 10:40 News a Notes 10 50 New For Women 10.55 Late rfewt ABC H 55-Lal News ABC 12:00 Md Day News 12: tO-Soerts News 13:50 Market Report :$$ Late Newt ABC 1:00 Local Newt t:SS-Let Newt-ABC J:30 Exchange J $5 Late News ABC 3:00 Fran Hemingway News ABC 3:30 Ate Ore-er Newt ABC 3:S tpeaiclng Of Soort ABC 3:55 Late News ABC I M- -eSea.eSM - Community News Briefs j . ' i ; - SATURDAY RADIO LOG KRNR 1490 KC (Mollc Sicept As Ltslees J:S$ Stan Oft Bob -lohnaeft Show tl:tMo!ite Smlin Show i:S0-CSS Sloe S:Si-Sports Time -7:io-fappya piaHar Party t:(-Slgit OH KQEN 1240 KC 4:00-LocI News 4:30News Aroond th Worttf-ASC 4:45 Weather Cspsui 4:55 Weekend New 7:30 Locat News 7:55 Weekend News ABC 4:00 Century 31 ReporterABC 4:15 Major Leagu Scores 8:30 Weekend West ABC t:3$-Lo4i News 4:45 Weather Capsut 4:5S-Weekend News ABC :30 Weekend West ABC :55 Weekend News ABC 10:30 Exchange 10:55 Weekend News ABC 11:30 Weekend West ABC 11:55 Weekend News ABC oo-mm oay News 10 Sports News :25 Speaking of Sports ASC 30 Weekend West ABC 55 Weekend News ABC 00 Local News :2S Speaking of Sports ASC :30 Weekend West ABC :S5 Weekend News ASC :25 Speaking ot Sport ABC :30 Exchange 1 55 Weekend News ABC :23 Local News :30-Weekend West-ASC 55 Weekend News ABC :15 Meter League Scores :25 Speaking ot Sports ABC :S5 Weekend News ASC :30 Local News :3S Local Sports : 55 Weekend New ABC : 00 Local News :15 Major League Scores :55 Weekend News ABC ;30 Local News ;5S-Wekend News ASC i: 55 Weekend News ABC !:00 Local News :15 Mof Leagu Scores : 30 Music , . : 55 New FinI 00 Sign Off KYES 950 KC :03 am til oosfi The teroy Hlatt tfmf . . . -o etwi si?sw Heaaiine news all top ot the ftoor Weatlrvai at tt past the hour "- vs pes? -no hoyr Meeting Memos past the hour I'ii. i ea( e.-jw to i-.ju em reen Best J:te 4:33 em Hi-FKluU David S. Stents omary, electron ics tccftnictaa 3C ta the U. S. Navy, has left after spending a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. aad Sirs. Max Montgomery. Moajgora- ery, an airman, is based at Patac ent. Md. Daring his stay, he visit ed the World's Fair in Seattle and saw relatives in Taeoma and Puy aitup, Wash. Mr. ami Mrs BmvmunA Zrr.iliA of Gresham, Ore., were called here oy tne aeata of the formers father, Dr. H. B. Seofield, whose funeral was held Wednesday. They will re turn home Sanday and will be ac comsanied home hv thir ttt-a younger daaghters, Cydni and Laurie, who have been here at the Seofield home for the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith and chUdrea, formerly of this city and tateiy 01 a.iamstfi f alls, have s the last several days here guests ot Mr. and Mrs. E Ramberg. They are moving to eramenlo, Calif., where Smith manage a Country Club. He formerly associated with the qua Hotel before going to Ki atn f alls. Or. end Mrs. Charles F. Wilsart of this city have has as guests their son-in-law and daughter, Col. and Mrs. Daniel V. Maedonaid, and children, Kathy, 12; Bruee. IS. and Stephen, 8, who are moving from Amanita, Texas, to Sssokane. Wash., where Col. Maedonaid will be is command of the Strategic Air Command at Fairehiid Air Force Base; there son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Quesesberry, and children, Leslie, 4, and David, i, of Medford; their nephew and his family, Mr, and Mrs. William w. Wilson, ana chil dren, Michael, IT; Scott, 15; Blake, 10, and Jennifer, S, ot Eugene; and their youngest daughter. Miss Nancy Wilson, whs is with Crown Zeiierbach ta Portland, The en tire group spent Saturday and Sun day at Diamond Lake. Dr. Wil son is a member of the medical staff here i the VA Hospitai Miss Cheryl Ramberj, has re- turned to ner name on SE Haw thorne Drive, following a few weeks in Los Angeles visiting her uncle ana aunt, who are makasg preparations for moving to Okla- mil Sa- wili Slam- IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE HSWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Miss Charvi Svatt hse tMa?l to her home hfr foll'inCT a vaeationing at Wecoma Beach. She n accompameo nome lor a cou ple of days visit by Miss Susie Jones. Cheryl is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Paal K, Ryan of this city. Ca&tain fk,r!.t 0ilt,i by plane from Omaha, Seb. this week to Ropht!F tn sttaRjf funeral of his father. Dr. H. B, scotteia. His wife, the former Har riet Booth, and their three daugh ters, a! SRRdlR& th Mn,m here with her parents, Mr. and atrs. same w. Boom, while Cap tain Seofield is on a special as- sienmeist from SV.rt Rnnnins He plans to return to Omaha this weesena. Mr. end Mrs, Allan Prince and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Demtng of Shingle House, Pa., have seen houseguests the last dew days of sir. ana Mrs. loyd Warner. The Princes are cousins of Mr. War ner. The two couples left Shingle House June 2? and traveled the northers route to Seattle to at tend the World's Fair and stopping at all of the National and state parks and paints of interest atorsg the way. While here they enjoyed a tour of the Roseburg Lumber Co. and yesterday the two men, accompanied Mr, Warner te the company mill to see the day shifts in operation. Shingle House is also a logging place and Warner's grandfather was one of the first to engage is legging in that vicinity,. Hardwood sawmills are operating there and the forests are main tained through t conservation and re-forestratioa program. The Princes and Dealings plan to vis it Crater Lake and will then go ta Bakersfieid, Calif,, to visit Mrs, Benting's ancle, then head east through the Grand Canyon, Salt Lake City and the raiddlewestera and eastern slates; They expect to arrive home about the last of the month. This is their first trip west and they report they have enjoyed it very much. Mrs, And Barsttiiert and chil-l sren. Breads, Sandy and Robert, of Patterson, Calif., have arrived here for a visit with Mrs, Barsss iaa's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hariey Duus. Mr, end Mrs, ? YemeH and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Emery of St. Joseph, Mo., are here as guests I at the home of Mr, and Mrs, R. L4 Carter, and family, Mrs. Emery Hi a sister of Archie L. Blosser of Winston. The Yarseils are cousins of Mrs. Carter, Jean Cersatt, Dor-; ethy Mecum and Jean Bissser, The Yarnelis, Emerys and Mr, and Mrs. Carter and their three oldest children, Alice, Sidney asd Ste phen, are leaving today for Se attle to enjoy the World's Fair and will retara here next week. Mr. end Mrs. Soy W. Sestet! are back at Iheir home in Roseburg. Sedell is cesvaieseisg from se rious major surgery performed in Portland. Kofi's Shoes Present "MEMORY LANE" every Satarday at 6:30 pm Sadio Stafiasi KRNR 1498 On Yesr Dial WIN VALUABLE PRIZES id DANCi FRIDAYS 9:00-2:00 SATURDAYS 9:00-2.00 SUNDAYS 5:O0-UNTiL? Eats & Rehetkments I LEE KELLY JUNCTION CAFE Winston 4:8&-Put Hrvy News ASC 4: is Major Leagu Scores 4:40 Local Sports 4:45 Report From The Capital J. 00 Edward F, Morgan ASC 5:15 Fish 4V Came Poport 5 30 Chevron News ABC $:45 Hank Wvr' Western Sports ABC a:s ta? ftm-Bt 4 00 Local News a; tJ Major Leagu Scores -2& Business Newt 55 Lat News ABC ?rCfff Hatf Reporf ?'S5-tt News ASC tt:t5 Meior Lgy Scores 11:30 MsiC 11:iNws FtftUt 12:00 Ssn Off 25 minutes past rh hourr Corrmyntty Ceiatv ttr at a inme past th hour. SPECIAL FROG 8 AMI j 8wy-$wap-S!L 55 a m.. Von- TusM Thws.. Sat.j Counter' Point. 1 S, Mon., Tusrf W8 fhutt. Frl.i Stories of Pacific Poweriand, 12:30 oru Wed Thufsw Frt.i Mcskal Mfl, 1 pm Mon Tu Thurtj Walklnf Th iaat, 13 oowv Wed Thurt. cthiin Beat, pm. Sat. Roseburg Teen-Seat, J:3B p.m Sat Mi-Ft Cvb pm Saf.f Sundsy- t ne oo apeaxs f o yot, T J a m.j De vot ons. ti a.m.i Worttf t F Music, p.m.) Lutheran Hour, 1 p.m. RotxJu ., I Mr. Musk, J p.m. OW Fasl-.ioned Revival Howp, 4 pm NOTHING HELD BACK Nothing Reserved NO LIMITS owe in These Prices In Effect FRIDAY NIGHT 6 P.M. OUT m ';B.USIN SEOUTyDA. Time is running out - end various groups that era limited in quantity ere going to be closed out of giveaway prices - Tonight, Friday at 6 - All groups are limited quantify and priced to clostout completely and fast, -Don't lie disappointed - be here early! x K SALES PRICK SIASHIO TO CLOSE OUT COWtl I, A JS1 ra-" U 1 I ' illiowES- I m f- LHi -1 I irTSrrt hjST" I I I J uiwIl " 1"! i- I I I 1 ii5iH5ZE sr 1 I 1 1 L "lis jaL- I lI fi?s LiH-1 I I I m7bE! : rT 199 I II I I CiiecwEl!i!!!fE -X9rlHl!!i- 1 I I I liL 23SJL-- 1 I I 1 xl -'T,n J! i88l- 1 I 1 1 usISi : rar 11 I jEgE liar"' 4- 8fe 1 1 sfT -aaeeessteeeeeeeM HiASt HOTis ieteiflsBJ sf ifUBS itsteJl eej hessl at tiate eel ire sreMe mm4 ather t rsasi may it tiiti lee Set 9 ee1rtrMs,