IJ Tin Nwi-Rev!w, Roseburg, Ore. Frl., July 13, 1962 if Your Paper Hat Nor Arrived By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 & 7 P.M. Saturday Only 3 To 5 P.M. FROM NINE TO FIVE By Jo Fischer "The boss is so considerate of his wife. He takes her 01 dinner every niynr , , to uvuiu euung ner i-uuMiiy. Make Mine Music Aniwtr to Prtvtout Puzxla ACROSS 1 Son J for ont 6 Muncal meuuro 8 Musical pus. 12 Heroic 13 Note of Guido't acale 14 Encourage 15 Diplomacy IS Kind of dance )7KeU, for instance 18 Slumber 20McGuire 22 dancer 24 Two 25 Rhythm 29 Wipe out 33 Hih (music) 34 Chantey aingen o hulk tun 37 Larghetto 39 Mathematical function 41 Prieitly garment 42 Recordings 44 Learned men 46 Thoroughfares lab.) 40 Favorite 49 Touch 63 Frolics 67 Nautical term 58 Constellation to Long-time popular song 61 Ananias 62 Cover A3 Enthusiasm 64 Deserted 65 Self-esteem 66 Transmit DOWN 1 Music receiving devices 2 Jewel 3 Insects 4 Singing groups 6 Wager 6 Sad cry 7 Allegro 8 Setters 9 Musical instrument 10 Ruminant 11 Lawyers (ab.) 19 Sulk 21 "Sioux City - M 23 Ami 25 Sail support 35 Crack 26 Singer 38 Cowboy song Fitzgerald 40 Always 27 Upon 43 Musical 28 Discord goddess direction 30 Young or Ladd 45 Makes amends 31 Season 47 Diatonic or 32 Recedes . chromatic 40 Summon 50 Medley 51 Close 52 Neat 54 Burrower 55 Anticipate SB Beach 59 Stir i 2 t! 14 rjnr is la iio in 1 13 i rj i? T 17 re iT m n ' s hv-j a ' s-p-p ka- sorp" 33 PJS "C35 ?5 (J I J4 5 l11 J5 ! I J4i 49 m fi li TJM M 155 154 6? 58 59 " 55 6i ' 53 53 54 ' 65"" " 55 " NEWSPAPER ENTERPKI.SE ASSN. P R I C I L L A S P 0 P luirvwuii X-"C OUT.' SET " ' I I I 1 1 LETS TRV TO 6ET IN ) I . V I JEEPERS) I ALWAYS I'M SURE I'D OPERATOR, WILL ; . FORQET MY NUMBER! I KNOW IT IF I J I YOU NAME A FEWj -f PWnTV- VT V NUMT-T H0rME,RICKlXAHiV0UHAVE sd I JUST DON'T 5AV Y AGREED! AFTERNZaNI) SINCE THEY CAN'T PROVE X NOW WE'RE BACK I THINK IT'S ,1 THEWISSIMj V WHICH OP U& I ALLi 1HBY CANT if WHICH OWE IS GUILTY! I'M 5UR6 1WHERE WE 6TARTEP! ..SO RONNIB PllM8 STUPIW, M0NEV1 THMS k J. RETURNED ITI 7 EXPECT Ml TO . ALL PARTIES CONCERNED Witt BE V TO RAISE TH' MUSH, ANf I WOULD W p-VWISE DECISI0M1 J --.V TEILVOU APARTI y-nr OLM TO PROP THI5 CASE! 5 YOU GOTTA SISN TOR i UH-HUH.'NOW IF VOL! KjHERE PERFECTTOO BAD WE I tK. WELL, ITS WORTH f VLL JUST HAD A LIGHT A "SHOWS WA.VENT ANOTHER OUT- ' AAAYBt? I A TRY,. ONLY L MANAGE' . BEARD.YOU'D MAKE! BEARD?)THAT?. .r.'WE REALLY COULD CAN FIND 1 BE SURE VOU rlNl V A A PRETTY GOOD -mJ GO PLACES THEN.' J ONE FOR PICK ONE BIG ) A I lci . ' l I V''natB'l "VAiatt' I I TMISLLTE.RRIFV HIM III -hX-CfcPT HROM I t; MU gfJjPiflljftt L Aft1 R WaCg-f tK-C? I INTO PROPOSING.'.''- ME.'.' ECVt-N i' I how DID I I bKfcAT f1"" " ""I WHERE ELSE.IN THE THOUGH HIS J j. T , IDO? L MO'B '"lW'. i WORLD, COULD J l FRIENDS CALL ; Jiff . I tH-rwSuEll W5AMEW FOSDICKGETAgV r ME A DOG.',' i !' Vlk" J (oeALOUS.hnr-r I affection?- J Sr Ml i .'f w T6ylL rnt'J -kSbo5 qVr T'"" l '" THF PHONe, ' J SOURf. Ll T TO X'cOMe AS VOU ARE ' ) ' I ' 'P.:'T'T ,' ..X y i ANONOHOOt r INVITING ME PRTV . ! - K" Vbutns) ' of a oa(?t,. Jl cnee e 1 0 ' ( y. A.xrj. - . jJfJrJ nf v-v l : s WiN ID, ' . . si. -V 1 Tiller Ranger Station Now Served By Private Telephone Installatoin By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLYj California - facuic utilities uo has completed installation of car rier equipment at the Tiller Rang er Station which now provides a private line serving the two dis trict offices, South Umpqua and Cow Creek, headquartered there Numbers remain the same. The instal ation has improved! service and reception on forest service calls ami lessened the Dur den on the party line which pre viously servec both ouices as weiii as eiEht other subscribers, uui cials said that better telephonel service will be particularly import ant during the summer fire sea son, for in the past emergency calls coupled with other subscriber! calls placed a serious Duraen on the party line. Trip Mad To Lookout Fourth of July visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J Huffman and Evelyn were the Huff man's son. Roy, who was accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Reynolds and Miss uneryi Key nolds, all of Eugene; and Mrs Huffman's brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason oil Castle Rock, Wash. The entire group made a trip to Pickett Butte Lookout to visit Mr. ana Mrs. Wer ner Liebold who are stationed there by the Forest Service as lookouts during the fire season, the Lie bolds. who are there for the sec ond year, have been attending Uni versidad Autonoma de Guadalaja ra at Guadnlajara, Mexico, where both are medical students. The Rev. and Mrs. Greg Monroe; and daughter, formerly of Jeffer son, are spending the summer in Kelso, Wash., where the former is working in the logging industry Both young people plan to enroll all the University of Oregon for the fall term. Mrs. Monroe is the for mer Carol McNeil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McNeil, who lived at Tiller for many years be fore moving to Kelso last year Another McNeil daughter, Joan, is employed by the Forest Service at Spirit Lake, Wash. Mrs. Ada Matthews of baglc Point was a house guest last week at the home of her nephew and his wife,- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Da hack. Bob Marshall recently enlisted inl the United States Air Force and is now stationed at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas where he Ls undergoing basic training. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mar shall of La Center, Wash., former ly of Tiller, and was graduated! from Days Creek High school. Guests Taken Camping Al Sauder of Crescent City Calif., and Dean Williams of Ar cata, Calif., were guests over the Fourth of July holiday of the tat ter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. fcmmitt Bewher. The Belchers and their guests camped at South Ump- qua Falls and fished in nearby tney were joinea at their camp by William E. Belcher and Bill and Cirdy of Days Creek. Sandra and Jon Lilligren are vis iting their maternal grandmoth er, Mrs. E. G. King, and other relatives in Minneapolis, Minn. Ranger and Mrs. Hillard M. Lilli gren drove them to Medford air port July 5 where they boarded a plane. Upon their arrival, they left immediately with their grandmoth er and their aunt, Mrs. Mary Fran cis and family, to spend a week at nearby Lake Sylvia. They will re turn to Minneapolis in time to at tend the aquatennial celebration which opens there over the weekend. GLENDALE PICNIC SUNDAY The Glendale Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodges will hold their annual potluck summer picnic at 1 p.m. Sunday in the Glendale City ark, according to Mrs. Gerald Fox, corrspondent. Each family is to bring its own table service and whatever dishes it wishes to provide for the meal. The lodges will furnish ice cream, soda pop, and coffee. ;Tr.., ........ . NEW POTENTATE of the 830,000 members of the Ancienr Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America at its imperial council session in Toronto, , Canada, is George M. Klepper, left. He is shown receiving the jewel of office from Marshall M. Porter, immediate past imperial potentate. Christening In Camas Valley Is Jfancf,uv.er 0,fgrs uccassion ror i-amily uatnenng By MRS. DAVE THRUSH Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ramlow and son, George, of Seattle spent the past week visiting Mrs. Ram low's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Wheeler in Camas Valley. Ramlow'p parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ramlow of Salem, and his sister, Mrs. Paul Namhi, and daughter, Dianne, of Boring, join ed them at the Wheeler's Sunday. They came to attend the christen ing of the Douglas Ramlow's son, George, Sunday at the Camas Val ley Methodist Church. The Rev. J. T. Dixon officiated with the grandparents as witnesses. After the christening the group picnicked in the Wheeler's yard. Overnight guests al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Battles recently were Mrs. Battles' mother, Mrs. Nora Carruth, and her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Bud Car ruth and three boys from Rich mond, Calif. While they were here Mrs. Battles had a family dinner, including Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burleson and children from Gar den Valley. Yoncalla Residents Include Fair, Canadian Points On Vacation By MRS. GEORGE EDES ; Minnie Kuykendall of Abilene, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mad-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Los alyn and Gordon Smith of Yoncalla scent last week visiting the World's Fair at Seattle and Victoria and Vancouver, B.C., where they spent two days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Loyd, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conaway and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vian spent last week at the World's Fair. The group continued on to Grand Coul ee Dam, Glacier National Park and Canada. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lasswell are being congratulated on the arrival of a daughter, Alice Ann, born at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene July 6. Mr. and Mrs. Albert smiin ictt Monday morning for a month's vis it with relatives in Iowa. The Rev. J. Palmer Sorlein, pas tor of the Yoncalla Methodist Church and Mrs. Sorlein, spent sev eral days last week at Dead In duan Methodist Camp near Klam ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jackson and family of Prairie City, Ore., visited at the parental Harry Ab bott home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark and daughter from California; and Mrs. Cora Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark of Portland visited rela tives here lust week. The junior class of Yoncalla Methodist Church is collecting old eye glasses and glass cases to send to the denomination's home for the aged. Anyone having contri butions may contact Mrs. Perry Smith. Goodwill bags are available al the Yoncalla Methodist Church for aid to the handicapped again this year. Caldwtlls Ltavo Mrs. Betty Caldwell and two daughters left last week to make their home in Michigan. The Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Hoot man and family spent a week re- Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brown from Junction City; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Schultz and two children of Oak land; Mr. and Mrs. Art Juntti of Blue River; Edwin Harris from Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tur pin and daughter, Kay, from Yon calla, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tur pin of Roscburg; and Bryan Dun ivan from California. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Martendale have returned home from a trip to Eastern Oregon. They visited Mar tcndale's cousin and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Stobie, at McKenzie Bridge and from there went to Me tolius to visit Mrs. Martindale's nephew, Leslie Seigcl and family. At Madras they visited Marten dale's niece, Mrs. Earl Edgman. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown were Brown's mother, Airs. Anna Dav enport, of Toledo; and his broth er J. E. (Bus) Brown, a niece Ev elyn Brown and a friend Ronny Tromlitz, all of Elk City. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Brown hosted a family dinner. Others attending were a niece and family, Mr. and Roberta, Debbie and Gerald from Roseburg; and another niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Delan ey and children Sherril and Mike of Canias. California Visit Made Mrs. Bill Battles has returned home after spending several days the past week in California. She visited her brother, Bud Carruth and family, and her brother-in-law and sister,, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Pendergrass and family in Rich mond. She visited another brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Vorhes and family in Nampa. Her two nephews. Richard Hayes and Don Hayes and their families, and a niece, Paula Hayes, from Sunnyvale, visited with her in Napa. Recent visitors at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bartley were Bartley's mother, Mrs. Evelyn Stinson of Centralia, Wash., and VANCOUVER, Wash. (UPI) j The Vancouver City Council said recently it would sell the city hall to the Lucky Lager Brewing Co. for $110,000. Mayor Rudy Lucpke told the council that the brewing company made a firm offer of that amount for the building. The council said the price was agreeable. 1 The offer to buy said the city could use the building for 24 months rent free. Circuit Court Complaints J. N. Ceazan Co. dba Daytoni Tire Sales Co. vs. James N. Gour ley, Forrest Gourley and Robert Gourlcy it Sons. Plaintiff asks award of $1,273.96 plus costs and disbursements for alleged balance due on goods allegedly sold by plaintiff to defendants on Sept. 1, 1961. Margaret Hall vs. John R. Hall. Plaintiff asks declaratory judg ment adjudging plaintiff sole and only insured in a dispute to deter mine which party is entitled to receive insurance amount to be paid following destruction by fire of a frame residence located near Sutherlin on April 19, 1962. The parties are divorced. Plaintiff as serts at time of fire she was owner of all real and personal property covered by the fire policy, having been awarded the residence by de cree of divorce, and that defend ant has no right to any proceeds from the policy. State Industrial Accident Com mission vs. James R. Jones, Jr., dba James R. Jones, Jr., Logging. Plaintiff asks decree enjoining de fendant from employing workmen under Workmcns Compensation r,hnriS; Act until defendant asSeposUed Mr. and Mrs. Ora Chapman, from Raymond, Wash. Tiller Couple Returns Home From Visit With Relatives By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLY at the home of Ranger and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins of Tiller have returned to their home after spending a week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bigelow and children of Shady Cove. They accompanied the Bigelow family on a camping trip to the Powers area where young Bigelow assisted his father, Oliver Biege low and his partner, Elmer Daw son, both of Shady Cove, in doing assessment work on the Bigelow mining claim, originally taken up by Oliver's father, the late A. W. Bigelow. Continuing on to Port Orford, the Collins and the Arthur Bigelow family were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bigelow and at tended the Fourth of July celebra tion. Featured were a parade; flower and hobby shows; reenact ment of the historic Battle Rock Indian encounter with the whites; a fireworks display and watermel on feed on the beach. En route home, the party stopped at the Wil ford Haines home at Drain. The Oliver Bigelow family for merly resided at Drew. Hillard M. Lilligren en route to their home in Orange, Calif., fol lowing a trip to Minnesota for Mrs. Keswick's class reunion. They came by way of Seattle where they attended the fair. Keswick is a high school teacher in Santa Ana, Calif. The families of Mrs. Keswick and Mrs. Lilligren were neighbors in Minneapolis during their school days. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Rainville and sons of Roseburg slopped over nighl with the former's mother, Mrs. Eula Rainville, en route after a visit with relatives in Medford. Group Camps Out Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Williams joined Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brown and Mrs. Nancy Reed and daugh ters of Tri-City at Diamond Lake where they all camped out over the Fourth of July. They reported fair fishing. with commission $1,395 as amount equal to contributions due commis sion based on defendant's estimat ed payroll for six-montl period. An order issued , setting hearing at 9:30 a.m. July 24 for defendant to show cause why relief asked in complaint should not be granted. State Industrial Accident Com mission vs. Harry W. Johnson, dba Johnson Logging Co. Plairtiff asks decree enjoining defendant from employing workmen under Work men's Compensation Act until de fendant has deposited with Com mission $6,526 as amount equal to contributions due commission bas ed on defendant's estimated pay roll for six-month period. An order issued setting a hearing at 9:30 a.m. July 24 for defendant to show cause why the relief should not be granted. Stipulated Judgment Ordor Lester E. Howell vs. state In dustrial Accident Commission. Bas ed on stipulation by the parties indicated suit compromised and settled, an order issued awarding plaintiff compensation for perman ent partial disability equivalent to 15 per cent loss function of an arm for unscheduled disability and in juries, being an increase of 15 per cent loss function of an arm. Dismissals Alfred H. and Lila E. Rohde vs. E. S. Erskine, T. William Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. McCtitcheon ; j c. Erskine. Paul L. Washburn. Leorgc b. Lydick, John M. Brew er, Wilbur M. Goblc, individually and dba Erskine Lumber Co. Bas- and children camped overnight on Williamson River in Klamath coun ty over the recent holiday. They Bn' , . n ..,.,. foun(l the daytime weather very cd on stipulation of parties indicat Ranger and Mrs. John O. Wilson I warm and the fishinir fa r .... J; cenlly visiting at l.os Angeles and ond Ricky met Carl Wilson and' Mike Peterman has been confin-1 s.fjjs J .. :.u" ... ... Yosemite Park. ; Charlie Porter Saturday as theyied to his home seriously ill ofito either Dartv Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daucherty ; completed their week's hiking trip, measles, hut is now roxirted much I ai. n C.f.L. ... c r- are attending the Assembly of God in the Eight Lakes Basin as mem-j jmproved. He is a son of Mr. and ers Bascd on" stipulation' by the ; parties, case dismissed with pre- : jutlice. state camp meeting at Brooks, bers of the Pacific Lrest Wilder-! jrs. Wayne Peterman Ore. ness Trek guided by John Season Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton spent , Jr.. of Riddle. The hikers ended : ; last week visiting relatives at Por-I their trip at the Marion Forks! . , ter. Wash. While there they at- j r$id. They found nights very cold ! $ FttH IHlilStfr tended the 40th wedding annivcrs-1 during most of the trip, with win-i ... ary of Mr. Sutton's parents. iter snow remaining in many spots. Tq VlSlt lo NOftuWSt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sefton spent One night rain added to their dis- several days recently visiting in comfort, but warm days made Lal'ush and Korkes. Wash. their trip a pleasant experience. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sefton had s Kn route home the Wilsons stop. their guests July 4lh, Mr. and Mrs. ', ped at Vida to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. i Dick Swartzlander Sr., and in Eu George Meyers and son Greg. Mr. gene they visited Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Delbert Combs and Mr. Don Barnhart and family, o and Mrs. Ray Dorigcn of Canyon-- Mr. and Mrs. George Dyer of villi- Ordtr Leon Teller vs. Joe lleidrick. De fendant's motion for new trialQle-nied. OrvgM Pilot Stts Natf RlTZVII.l.E. Wash (TPIt-In- dia's minister of foodVV. Shankar, ..-ill ..i.U n.,lnn1 t.nA Co. attle on a tour of inspection of the 1,017 18T LtfttOlM H0CQlQ Pacific Northwest wheat industry j later this month. i TOKYO 'l'PI)A Navy officer Otto Amen. Ritmllc. chairman from California has set a new Larry ' lla ter am'osherne Walton stopped to visit Mr. and of the Washington Wheat Commis-; record for arrested landings r f..... -..j miii n i i I inn eairt Shonkart frin .Intv n nt'il'l 19 'i IjUM'mi aii ami 1.1113. c.iiiiiiiu nfiintr uil uitll ? i 11' -- w-v. : - Mrs. Richard KaHner and frt-j to South Umpqua Falls where they sponsoreJby Western leat craft ryner jjs Hon ily, of Cottage Grove camped over the Fourth of July. Associates, an organization iifjyiuthoritics said Thursda WtlUcM Havt Guti I They are long-time friends, having I nanceo ny me wneai commissions Guests at the Tom Wallarr home become acquainted when both fam. 'of Washington. Oregon, and Idaho, over the 4th included .Mr. and Mrs. ilies resided at Glendale. Amen said Shaiik.ir was particu- Arnold J. Kuykendall and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keswick and larly interested in Rrain export Mat-k, from San Angelo, Tex.; Mrs. 'daughter, Janet, were house guests: methods and storage. aboard the t'.S. Seventh Fleet air- Horent, Navy y. The officer is l.t. Cmrir. Vernon R. Hubler, Los Alamitos, Calif. l.'eQcjth' son of Mr. ?pA Mrs. John S. Hubler, Milton-Firewater, Ore. O o ' o