o Thurs., July 12, 1961 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 9 Morrell's Corn - Fed Beef CHUCK 1 BEEF Neck Bones Roast lade Cut Roast 7 one liioasi ound Bone ross Rib Roast Lean Chuck Steak oneless Stew Meat pareribs ,39' Lean Ground Chuck Boneless Jb Jb Jb LEAN MEATY BEEF Values To 1.39 WINDOW SCREENS Locks at any . adjustment. 3 widths to choose - from. Wooden frame. 99' Reg. 4.95 Foam ICE CHEST Fully insulated. Rugged lightweight, water proof. Large size. 2.99 Reg. 2.98 Round SPIT BASKET Fits any size barbecue. Chrome plated. 1.99 Reg. 29.95 Patio Wagon Brazier 2 cutting boards, metal tray. Complete with hood, spit and motor. 17.88 .59" Mf Fresh Fillet Red Snapper Van Dine Pure Lard Reg. 2.75 Vinyl Air Waitress Size 27" x 72". Ideal toy for water sports. Assorted colors. 1.8! Reg. 8.95 8" Reg. 2.98 GARDEN HOSE Adjustable base. No TV or radio interference. 5. SO feet long. Virgin vinyl. Rugged and strong. Full flow; heavy brass couplings. Full 716" bore. 1.99 I Fair Cay way - Is Success ..' - There are many ways to meas ure success of an entertainment event. The Seattle World's Fair--can prove it in virtually every phase of its operation, but in none so well as on the Gayway. J. W. (Patty) Conklin, director of ' the Gayway, has some figures that " back up the Fair's claim that the Century 21 Exposition is the No. 1 entertainment attraction in the- world this summer. Rides Popular i When the three millionth visitor had been logged in the World's ' ' Fair record books, Conklin posted " a figure of 2,612,900 in his Gayway Book. That was the number of vis itors who had selected at least one of the fun street's 19 mechanical rides. i "It's phenomenal," is all Patty : can say. , A voteran midway operator he has 54 years in the business, in- ' eluding his post as amusement di- " rector for the mammoth Canadian '. National Exposition in Toronto Conklin is ecstatic about not only :his amusement zone, but the en tire Fair. ; Tim Gayway is but three of the.; fair's, total 74 acres. But it's ev- -j erything and more than Patty, and ! his partner, Harry Batt of New Orleans, expected. "" I Their Gayway was "completed", I this month when the spectacular, ". ' j only-ofils-kind Space Wheel goes '" : into operation. This 21st Century " j version of the Ferris Wheel swings , 64 passengers at the end of giant ' 'booms 100 foot above the ground, " The Space Wheel will make six " ! revolutions a minute. ...u upturn uuo on me oay way is the thrilling Wild Mouse, a"" cut-down version of the roller- ' coaster. From the 302,660 persons who had boarded the Wild Mouse that's 10 per cent of the attond- "" ance for the fair the report is al- '' most unanimous: "Wow!" Wheel Draws Many Tho present Ferris wheel a ., double-wheel is the No. 2 at traction, followed by the Imiigin-" . ativc, brand-new Flight to Mars, : and tho always-popular Auto Scoot- " ers, or dodge 'em cars, are fourth ' in line of appeal to Gayway cus tomers. And Conklin has another amaz-' ing statistic in this area: ' "Whether there aro 25,000 or GO,-1 000 visitors on the Fairgrounds, the spending on the Gayway, on tho .i rides and at tho booth concessions, , the gross figure never has varied-.-more than ono half of one per . cent." Boys . CREW SOCKS BEACH TOWEL DISH TOWELS INSULATED MUGS CAR WASH BRUSH LAWN SPRINKLER Giant Size hemmed & bleached . Asst. colors reg. 69c ea. reg. 1.39 .. Everain, 2-arm reg. 1.15 499' 1 1.99 499' 399' 79' 99' Cushion Sole PHOTO ALBUMS MEN'S SOX ICE TEA GLASSES POLY PITCHER FLY SWATTER SLIP-ON SLIPPERS Asst. colors giant 32 oz. VA qt. cap., reg. 1.29 1.39 499' 39' 99' TRAINING PANTS cotton 5', wooden reg. 6.98 plastic ladies' reg. 1.59 99' BABY BLANKETS T0Y0 CAPS BED PILLOWS ALARM CLOCK 100 Cellacloud, reg. 2.98 men s asst. sizes . foam, removable cover, reg 3.98 Lux, plus tax 499' -499 2.49 19' 2.99 -2.98 BAMBOO BLINDS Complete with hardware 3' x 6' . 4' x 6' . 6' x 6' L39 8 x6- ...2.99 1.59 io 3,69 2.39 ,r.r 4.29 Patio Shop Reg. 1.59 Boys' SPORT SHIRTS 100 cotton. Machine washable. San forized. Smart styling. Short sleeve. Sizes 6-16. Your Choice Reg. 15.95 Everain Oscillating Sprinkler WITH WATER TIMER Everain puts a miracle on every front lawn! Just set the dials and the amazing water timer does the rest. It regulates the flow, gives lawns exactly the right amount of water, then shuts itself off, automatically. Waters up to 2400 sq. ft. Buy Gallon Jug Of ORTHO-GRO LIQUID PLANT FOOD 15 -S-5 for $4.98 And Get FREE 2.95 Gallon Jug of ORTHO LAWN GREEN LIQUID LAWN FOOD 17-0-0 Reg. 77.00 G. E. TRANSISTOR RADIO "Cross Country". -8 transistors plus Diode. 5'4" speaker. Built-in antenna. Plays 600 hours on six standard flash light batteries. $ j (5)95 Use Our Lay-Away Plan WATER TOYS Kids Sb Inflatable. Large selection to choose from. Values to 1.19 ostsivear Large assortment to choose from. Your choice 66c 99' harcoal Briquets "Broil-Et". Burns hotter, lasts longer, Reg. 69c 10 lb. bag mm S 49 ANDALS?.29 Si Witness Tells Senate:: Of Marshall Tip-Off ' WASHINGTON (UPI)- A wit-"" noss told Senate investigators Wed-.,; nesday that an offical who died tin' dcr mysterious circumstances had warned a Toys ApnVnltni-a rn..,.. miltee that Bililo Sol Estcs was.... abusing tho cotton allotment trans- fer program, ., The testimony concerning the late Henry C. Marshall carno. irom Baldwin P. Davenport, for- mcr ehnirmnn nt tha Tr,n a riculture Stabilization and Conser-"" valion Committee from January, iouu, iu marcn, lutu. ' Davenport said the warning, from Mnrshnll a heeded by the committee and no- acuon was taken. Marshall, air. Agriculture Department official, a Was found rlpnrl nf a,mct,n viands in a Texas field In June-,.-. Davenport was one of a series of witnesses called to testify be- - fore thn Kpnntn iihf,,m,nil.n. . which Is investigating Uie tangled farm and financial manipulations of Estcs. The Texas financier is ' under Indictment for fraud. Speaking with a thick Texas drawl, Davenport quoted Marshall as saying he believed the cottoiC allotment transfer program was "being abused" by Estes during., a regular meeting held cither in" November, 1900, or January, 19G1, - He said Mnrahnll'c based on a "document" which he . am not examine, and that the mat tor was never discussed again,,, while he was on the committee; School Fund Sets Mark SALEM (UPI) Oregon's com.!'.:' mon school fund had record breaking earnings of $595,851 tor.J the fiscal vear which ended .Tuna 30, the board's office announced - -. The earnings will be distributed to public schools. i ,., Reg. 49c LEAF RAKE Bomboo. Well mode. 29c Patio Shop Reg. 99c CASTING ROD Glass. 5' long. 6c Patio Shop Values to 4.98 Garden Tools Long handle. Shovels, 0 rakes, hoes, forks, etc. 1.99 Patio Shop Reg. 98c Hanging Flower Basket Redwood stain. Complete with chain 77c Patio Shop Reg. 14.95 ICE CHEST Vagabond. Fully insulated. Plastic liner. Carrying hand les. 10.99 Patio Shop . Ortho Isotox Garden Spray Kills Aphids, Lawn Moths, Earwigs, etc. Makes up to 16 gals, diluted spray. 1.98 Patio Shop Reg. 49c Antrol Squeeze'N Weed Contains 2, 4-D; 2, 4-5-T Amines. Dandelion-Poison Ivy killer. 39c Patio Shop Reg. "3. 95 3-TUBE SPRINKLER $fl99 Spraying and soaking controlled easily by faucet -....it D. AiinliHflt (aot Innn SPECIAL DRIVE-N-SAVE SERVICES Hunting & Fishing Licenses Year Around Loy-Away SPECIAL DRIVE-N-SAVE SERVICES Poyroll Chtcki Coined Poitojt Stomps Far S.I. Ptnonol Monty Ordtrt Film Practising Floor Pollihtr Far Rant jt Try jjyii ( Crescent Bar B Cue ) . v Seasnninit (i on Hamburgers k Sprinkle on hamburger pjTtVs it j) y in! eutdoort flavor. 8t tun It's (t Crescent the secret of its tn . , , wui pvvii iihj jewel y - blend of quatity spices includ- ( ft ing i hint of real smoke flavor. rnccmiT L LIILJLLIII Splet Morchonn Sine lit 7 U Patio Shop