14 The News-Review Roseburg, Ore. Tues., July 10, 1962 Local News ' !w) MONTGOMERY WARD Miss Mary Newton of Grants Pass is here visiting at the home of Mrs. Alice Lorenz, and family. Tom Briscoe of Grants Pass ar rived here Saturday to spend a week visiting at the Ron r'rashour family home on SE Main St. Mrs. William Holborrow and daughter, Sherry, and Leslie Long fellow, Margucrila Yragcn and Lorraine Hanley, of this city, spent Saturday in Eugene on business. Capt. and Mrs. Jamas Peterion and three children from Travis Air Force Base in California are spending a week's vacation at the L. W. liiley summer place on the North Umpqua liiver. Mrs. Joseph Lanspa and son, Tom and her son-in-law and daughter, Sir. and Mrs. Dean Dirksen, and children are back at their homes in Roseburg, following a vacation trip to Lake Tahoe and Reno. J. W. Smith of Whittier, Calif. arrived in Roseburg Friday to vis it relatives and friends en route to Corvallis to visit his son, Bob Smith, and family. He plans to slop over here again this coming weekend to visit en route south. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibbons of this city have returned to their home on Terrace Drive, following a week in California. They visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Courtland Rounds (Jean- ic Gibbons), in Sacramento and visited friends in Twain Harte. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Walker of Glcndalc, Calif., were liousegucsts of Dr. and Airs. Keith Bryant last week en route to Eugene to visit Mrs. Walker s mother. Mrs. Walk er, the former Peggy Lehrbach, is a sister of Nic Lehrbach of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cole will observe their golden wedding anni versary Sunday, July 15, by hold ing open house at their home on Page Road at Winchester. Rela lives and friends are requested to please not give gifts and arc asked to call between 2 and 5 p.m. Dr. and Mrs.' James R. Flnlay and children aro back at their homo in this city, following a trip to Seattle, where the former at tended the national dental conven tion. The family attended the World's Fair and visited Mrs, Fin lay's brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Longfellow Jr. of this city have returned from Vancouver, B.C., where they at tended the NPDA convention. Roger Barrows has returned to his home in Eugene, following a week here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Frashour, and family, on SE Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marshall and four children of Schnectady, N.Y. drove to Roseburg last week for a vacation and visit with the former's mother, Mrs. G. W. Mar shall, on SE Douglas Ave. Dick Hamburg, who is working in Portland during the summer months, spent the weekend here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ramberg, on SE Hawthorne Drive. Dick is a student at Port land State during the school year. Mrs. W. M. Campbell of this city spent the last week In Med ford visiting her daughter, Mrs. Patrick W. Kilby, while Mr. Kilby and their three children, Maureen, Patrick and Fcrrcn, visited his family in Eastern Oregon. Mr. Campbell went down to Mcdford to bring Mrs. Campbell home. i Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Riley of this city and Sir. and Sirs. Scott Wil liams, of Corvallis, were at the coast last week and enjoyed a trip up the Rogue River by boat to Agnes. Joining them were Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grant, of Corvallis, who also enjoyed a few days vaca tioning. Sir and Sirs. Williams formerly made their home here Robert Berrie and daughters. Denra and uarcy, of Fremont, Calif, spent the weekend in Rose burg visiting the former s parents, Sir. and Sirs. 0. SI. Berrie, or SE Douglas Ave. They made the trip here by plane and were joined at the Berrie home for the week end by friends. Sir. and Mrs. SI. E Pence, and daughters, Dcbra and Diane, of Portland. . 1481 NE STEPHENS OR 2-44811 OPEN MON. and FRI. NIGHTS UNTIL 9:00 WEDNESDAY . . . THURSDAY FRIDAY ...SATURDAY km mmmmm warn YOU CAN BEAT THE HEAT, BUT yot mm n eat tmese mit Philippine Speaker Attacks Neutralism SEATTLE (UP1) Dr. Jacinto Castcl Borja, the Philippines Am bassador to the United Nations, recently reiterated his country's determination to develop democ racy in Us own way while still retaining firm ties with the West. Borja, in a speech at the United Nations Pavilion at the Seattle World's Fair, attacked neutralism saying, "No country can afford moral isolation. We do not believe in the future of neutralism. It is the gateway to communism." He said the Philippines bears a re sponsibility to make itself felt in the struggle, between the East and West. But the U.N. Ambassador stres sed that even in a nation so closely tied to the U.S. and the West as the Philippines, democ racy will never be as it is known in the West. "Wo aro in Asia, not America," ho reminded the au dience. lloi'ja brought up the $73 million bill to repay the Philippine Is lands for war damage, which Con gress shelved this year. Ho said "what you do is your own moral problem. Our greatest asset to day is our friendship with the U.S. Wo balance this Willi world peace and our national interests in the United Nations to maintain a free world. Hospital News Visiting Hours 2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. GP Subsidiary Buys Crossett Co. Stock Douglas Community Hospital Admitted ' Medical: Mrs. Richard Davis, Sirs. Richard Chytka, Wilson Hyde, Mrs. Slary Jones, Jennie Nichols, Sirs. Mitchell Carmen, all of Rose burg; Sirs. James Lanning, Ar thur Longbrake, both of Sutherlin: James Woolston, Riddle; Sirs. Ed ward Pollock, Winston. Surgery: Carl Stewart. Jim Old- field, Allen Williams, Mrs. It o y Cox, Sirs. 'Earl Plummer, M r s. Raymond. Sacher, Sirs. E. Temple Starkcy, Mary bteecc, all of Rose burg; Slose Dumont, Canyonville; William VanKeuron, Myrtlo Creek. Discharged Sirs. Flora Coleman, Rodger Crabtrec, Calude Elder, Mrs. Har vey Halo, Johanna Hoppc, Paul Lavo, Sirs. Walter Long, Mrs. Ron ald Heidriek and daughter Tracy Lynn, Ray Van Slykc, Sirs. Irene Weatlicrford, Sirs. Glenn Engcl. Phillip Bardelli, Knren Skeel, Carl Stewart, Sirs. Hallis Doyle, Sirs. Jerry Eakle and son Jerry War-i rcn, Sirs. Fred Lott and daughter,! l.ori Ann, Jim Oldl'ocld, Dottie Picrson, Sirs. Wilbur Thompson all of Roseburg: Sirs. Harold Gay nor Jr. and daughter Kathy Sue, Sirs. Chester treason, all of Myr tle Creek; Deborah Borchardt Sirs. Robert Blodgett and daugh ter Jeanne Ann, Thomas Fennell, all of Sutherlin; Sirs. Moyd How ard, Cathy Scroggins, Jim While, all of Winston; Mrs. Ronald Jor- dun, Oakland; Sirs. Bessie Russell, Kiddle; Sirs. Joe Wright, Tiller; Richard Smith Jr., Camas Valle , Benjamin Blunimcr, Salem; Slis David Adolph, Roseburg. Mercy Hospital ' (.S.-TRU-COLp).,,, ''liliS $ A E cool summertime comfort! w;trucold high-capacity cooling 3-SPEED AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONER 1 5,500 BTUs. Cools an average sized house! Dual Stat controls cooling unit, exhaust and fresh air fans. Set the "climate" you want, then sit back and relax! 229 REG. 299.95 AUTOMATIC THERMOSTAT 2 FAN & COOLING SPEEDS REG. 199.95 149 88 NO MONIT DOWN $7.50 PER MONTH Dehumidifies, purifies air Uses standard 115V wiring Amazing Minute Mount frame 7000 BTU Tru-Cold air conditioner that uses less current than a toaster! Ventila tion control exhausts stale air. Germi cidal air filter, "kitten-quiet" operation. Installs and removes in minutes. ii-lO'!r. cool comfort in minutes! PORTLAND (UPI) - (ioorgia Pacific Paper Corp. has an nounced the acquisition of 90.4 per cent of the common slock of Crossett Co., which lias holdings in Arkansas ami Louisiana. (irorgin Pacific Paper said it was paying $.ri5 a share for some two million scares of stock, held mainly by three families. I lie ( rossctl Co. owns than 511(1,000 acres ot Imihcrlaml.l Clen Wilson. Admitted Medical: Mrs. David Trask, Sirs. James Oglesby, Shcrri Buck, .Mi chael Evans, Lossie Howard, hd Sloscr, Paul Ryan Jr., John Al derson, Sirs. Jamos Staples, Sirs. Itohcrt Uuie, Lisa Gcddes, Mrs. Robert Woods. "!rs. F.ugene Cox, John Carter, all of Itoseburg; Mrs. Herman Griffin. Myrtle Gibson, both of Oakland; Paula Kmery, Winchester. Surgery: Mrs. Slax Burns, Mrs. Henry Krolm. Leslie Burns, all of Itoseburg; Mrs. Charles Allen, Glcndalc; Sirs. Floyd ttussworm, Wilbur. Discharged Susan Danchok, James Dougher ty, Mrs. Mabel Potter, Mrs. Bobbie Smith and son Vincent Perry, .Mrs. Albert Keller, Mrs. Jerry Lvon, more i Larry Waddle, llruee lingers, Mrs. Mrs. John Peterson mauiiy yellow pine, in Aikaiisasi.mil ilancliler Knfi-ina Kllen m and Louisiana. It has three pulpi llenrv llail.-v, Nellie Lander, Wil and paper mills and a bag plant. 1 haul Korresi, Itelle Doyle, all of Its sales in liHil approached $M; Itoseburg; Virgil Kestersen. l.vlc million, (.as also is produced on: LO, irs. Sainmv Rreeden and son lis lands under lease arrange-1 Mirh.iel Samuel', all of Winston-lm'"ts- :Wilina Lee. Mrs. Doug Houston, Georgia Parilic Paper, a wholly-1 both of Glendale; Mrs. Wendell I-'.l-owned subsidiary of Georgia.! lefson, .Mrs. Hubert Whipkey, bolh Pacific Cor., whose sales cxcecd-l of Myrtle Creek; Neal Itrnwii, fam ed 52.18 million in null, first an-' as V alley; Gene Undine, Sulherlin' nounced purchase negotiations in ' .Mi s. Hernaid Dressier and son April. Hernaid Aloys, Idleyld Park; Gene i Game. Wilbur. I Hlffe ! lass m ilnlPliS til," 1 IfiirtKrW , 4 . I .' ' ' V1.' -"?Sy s 111 : s !' q i, 9300 BTUs MINUTE-MOUNT FRAME FOR PORTABILITY! KEG. 229.95 173 88 NO MONIT DOWN $8.50 per month Uses standard 1 1 5V current Dehumidifies, purifies air "Kitten-quiet" operation Cool living room or kitchen during day, move cooler to bedroom at night for comfortable sleeping. Automatic Dual-Stat controls cooling unit, fresh air and exhaust fans. Thermostatic control. refreshing comfort! 4000-CFM TRU-COl WHHBOVf COfXtB Beat the heal! With this deluxe mm OA model, you control air volume and direction as you like it. Has easily accessible snap-out filter lock. Easy to install. REG. 109,93 1 1 Benny Goodman's Band Ends Soviet Union Tour PARIS (UPD-Beiiny Goodman and his band flew home Monday after a six-week tour of the So viet Union which the King of Swing said helped to thaw out musical cold war. The Goodman group arrivA at Paris' Lo Bourgct Aiixt aboard a Soviet airliner from Moscow,' thin drove acros town to Oily i Aii purl and boarded anolher air- j liner bound' for New York, I FOR RENT TRACK LOADER ond DUMP TRUCK Oliver o Lansing & 1561 S. E Sleoh.ni ORthotd 3-6636 O Open 7 Dayi a Week 9 .. r ' ;t ii' i hi' i n i 1 1 nummf 11 1 I MinMIRMM MB 1 HP 6300 BTU MODEL USES 115-VOLT HOUSE CURRENT Ideal cooling for the average room. 2 speeds, automatic thermostat operation, Permanent washable air filter. REG. 199.95 15488 vi 20 portable fan DEPENDABLE, ECONOMICAL AT WARDS NEW LOW PRICE! 13 88 REG. 17.8S Special purchase! No money down A remarkable value! 2 speeds give quick re lief on hot summer days. Lightweight move it easily to any room. Sandalwood finish. ALL OTHER FANS .10 OFF WINDOW COOLER 88 4,000 CFM Reg. $11 9.95 PORTABLE COOLER o REG. S23.J5 n6w ONLY At LI V WINDOW COOLER ,0GD REG. CFM o o NO MON E Y DO WNr-S ATI SPAiomJA UAMTD NAX!V- I IP O Q O Q Q o o o