o o o ommunitv Conversatio o o n o o O O n o WOg g B jSfe n - Read and Use Them. Dial OR 2-3321 341 OLDER 3 BR modern home, close to town. Approx. 2000 sq ft. 1 flocr. Dlshtfay.tr, walMo-watl carpeting, 2 fireplaces, forced air furnace, barbecue room. Hi batrn. 117.000; For appointment call OR 3-4713. STROUT SPECIAL to ACRES in Roseburg, 2 BOrm home, i years old. Drilled well. 112,. 500. good terms. Call Anytime Mack Ford OR 3-7202 M. Cherrick . OS 9-5509 Dick Scott Suth. 4058 JOHNM. FLECK REALTOR NEWTON CREEK . . . Attractive 3-bed-room, beautiful fireplace, baseboard heat, mahogany paneling and tile features. Att. garaga Ideal for expansion. Corner lot. $11,500, $2000 dn. or refinance. WESTSIOE . .. 3 bedroom excellent arrange ment, large living room, kitchen with dinette, separate utility, oil circulating wall furnace, carport store room. Only $11,000, good terms. 21 ACRES . . . Minute to mark's, 2 bed room modern comfortable home, nice yard, own water well and springs. Just the place tor a couple of horses and beef. Future possibilities excellent. $12, 500 with $3,500 dn. 55 ACRES . . . Fifty acres tillable, 25 A. with Irrigation rights to year round creek running through property, fenced, 5 room house. Located on main highway. Full price $19,000. BUSINESS ... At home, 2 apartments, rented, large II bedroom house, equipped to handle at least 12 paying guests, walk In freezer, separate building for utilities plus small rental house, and another large building could be used as 2 apartments, trailer spaces. One acre of tree shaded grounds, creek. All for $20,000, $4,000 dn. OR 2-2511 Branch Office 433 W. Military Ave. (West of Oak St. Bridge) Leslie Black, OS 9-8612 Farms And Real Estate HUB REALTY RICE .HILL BRANCH Only 24 miles north of Roseburg, on 99 freeway. ACREAGES ' WE HAVE many listings of small tracts with 3 acres up to the smaller ranches of approximately 100 acres. Priced from $2500. RANCHES AVAILABLE now are several ranches ranging from 160 acres up. Many with fine homes, buildings and improve ments. Others with much work to be done. Priced from $19,000. DAIRIES WE HAVE listed 5 well producing dairies. Some of these listings sell wilh dairy herds, quotas and equipment. Priced from $45,000. V' BUSINESSES WE HAVE several business opportunities for the ambitious forward looking person. WE WELCOME EXCHANGE PROPERTY LISTINGS D. M. Webb Les Gardner Yoncalla Victor 9-2472 Anytime HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Here DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified ALTERATIONS SEWING of all kinds. Alterations a special ly. Call OR 3-5846. APPLIANCE REPAIR DOUGLAS COUNTY Filter Queen sales. Serv ice and repairs. 204, w. Military Ave. OR3-4233 PARTS-SALES SERVICE MAJOR - SMALL Generally I any service Best slock ol appliance parts In nunty TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC IJI SE Oak OR 3-S521 BKHGH'S APPLIANCE Dealers for FEDDERS and EDISON Air conditioners, S.OOO BTUs and up. NORGE and EASY appliances Parts and Service for all makes U-Savt stamps. South City limits. OR -ll61 AUTO REPAIR. SERVICE AUTO sTrVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS General Auto Repair OR 2-315? 61 SE Row at Oak Roseourg, OrtQon Wally Wrlijhl RM. OR 3-520 Swede Mi-ttelsoo Rm. OR 7-3798 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS FLOOR LAYING and small carpenter lobs. Free estimates. OR 2-40". CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. OR 3-7419 CARPENTER WORK - custom built cabi nets. Reasonable rates. No business on Sunday. OR Mt57. FOUN D ATI ON S . house raising, leveling, re pair. Work FHA approved Cement, Mock work, fireplaces. Free estimates. Cal Ver ge). OR 2-4345 Or OR 3-1944. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-8311 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING, supol.es. Open i days wk. Lans'ng 8. Oliver, OR osf 16. EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING Call OPM442 SHALE" riverioam, sand aid gravlQ atto doling and bac-v ho work. Frank Farn- worth. OS DOZING-leveling? a'so graVel rock, 'Vver loam and road materials. Charles Keely, OS -5117. FLOOIJ FINISHING COVERING MIKE'S FLOOR SERVICE. IS vear riper .net. Lav'ng. sarwlln- and finishing Old ftocs refmisned. CS t-5753. PFAFF's CJlOOf landing, finijh.rx) and Qnnlshing. OR 1-334 fuQmture REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITUPF RErilp reflniitv(J wg Frf tttimMM YnCliuc. Oliver, wil-i son Furniture. OR J-Wl. ISA NE Cuyryr. 1 "Of-' 34 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 BR home. Reasonable. 2135 N.W. Kline. FOR SALE CR TRADE Apartment Hotel 5 APTS. plus living quarters and rental rooms. Good Income. Room lor trailers. Beautiful Grounds. HAMILTON HOTEL Phone 132-346S Clem Courtesy to brokers FAIRHAVEN SPECIAL ASSUME Fed Gl loan, payable at $15 per mo. 3 bedroom home, fireplace, plastered walls, large utility, freezer room, bath with shower, attached carport. Patio, well land scaped 70 X 120 lot, 7 trees (5 fruit), shrubs, grape arbor. Paved street near Fremont Jr. HI, Firgrova grade school and stores. $13,W0. call OR 2-zm. WESTSIDE NEWER RANCH STYLE 3 bedroom. Fireplace, Hi bath. 14 x 20 liv. rm. 1 X 12 din. room, w-w carpel. Oil forced air heating and cooling sys tem. Ceramic tile window sills. Paved SI, curbs, and sewer. Owner leaving state. Must sell soon. Financing avail able. Full price $16,500. N. E. RSBG. 3 BEDROOM, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, family rm, w-w carpet, paved patlo. $16,500. WESTSIDE 3 BEDROOM dining room, family room. Garage. Excellent buy tor $12, 100. 2 BEDROOM newer West side home. Lot 100 X 90. Only $7500. H.J. WINTER "A Mosf Trusted Name In Real Estate" REALTOR Phone OR 3-7043 525 S. E. Main St., Roseburg Rita Barcus eve. Ph. 3-3607 1 "Bob" Horn, OR 3-6740 Ranches 36 HAY BALING CUSTOM BALING. Roy Hosteller. Ph. OS 9-5426 no Sunday Calls. LANDSCAPING TILLING C TOM DISCING, plowing and tilling. OR 3-67BI. alter 7 P.M. CUSTOM TILLING, weed-brush cutting, grad ing, leveling. 0$ 9-SS4B evei. M. H. Fosi. Custom Tractor Work New extra heavy duty 60" tiller Weed and Grass Lots Mowed or Tilled Three tractors lo serve you Leveling, Landscaping and Lawns BEEBE & BOWMAN OR 3-3738 OR 3-8135 LOANS Loans Auto - Salary - Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager PAINTING, DECORATING FAINTING, exterior and Interior. Reason able rates. Free estimates. OR 2-1210. PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING, reoair, cleaning, and de mothlng. Harold Baxter. 3-3202 or 2-405. ROOFING SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tank cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. OR 34474. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Roseburg Sartt. Ution Service. Phone. OR 3-33 '4. sheet rock, Work REPAIR AND remodeling. Wall board, tap ing and finishing. Free estimates. OS or SeMli 3855. S & B Builders. TOOL RENTALS DO IT YOURSELF And Save Lube fob 75c, OH change M per rent oft with lubes. Change motor, mufflers, reline brakes. SI .00 per nr. Roselund Union Station 2050 NE Stephens OR 2-903.O TOOL SHARPENING PU SHARPENtNO. wvldlng. 935? tW Cv-i, A.. M.chii. Shoo. OP S-!7. - - WELL Dfi&UNQ N&thlnq rjow-t on IPDravM CTMif. WOMR WELL DRILLING OR 1-1311 ni SE Jackson Real Estate 34 TWO for one, plus one acre of good garden ground. Edge of town, Sutherlin. 4 bed room home with large dining room, one bedroom house, furnished, rented pays all your taxes including water, electricity and etc. All this tor $10,500. Will talk trade for something on wheels that Is clear. Phone OR 3-4051. TWO BEDROOMS 4'A YEARS OLD. Fenced, lawned back yard, shade. Hardwood built-lns. Concrete carport. Furnlined, even to bedding, dishes, etc. Nice home on Westslde. S10.400, as low as 1 down, sit per month. Lehman Real Estate 368 SE Jackson OR 3-6193 Eves OR 3-6091 ROY O. YOUNG & Son ' NEW LISTINGS NEW 3 bedroom westslde. Quick pos session. Hardwood floors throughout, circulating oil furnace. Sewer In and paid. Large rooms. 3 blocks oft Har vard. 113,750. Use your C.I. or F.H.A. NEW 3 bedroom home. 4 blocks to Mark's Market. Double garage, com . binatlon llving-dlnlng room. Built by owner for his own home. Large bed rooms. Good view. (16,500. Will take a good loan. NICE 7 bedroom with an F.H.A. 100 per cent loan value. Westside. Quiet neighborhood. 100' X US' lot. Bed rooms 12' X 14' and 12' X 15'. Liv ing room 14' X 20'. Fireplace. Dish washer and garbage disposal. $11, 450. 4 BEDROOM home In Winston. Ready to show by the 15th, 100' X 190' lot. Double garage, part basement. Very good shape. Just off highway . Some furnishings at Inventory. Total : price J 11, 500. 3 BEDROOM modern home near ' Stewart Park. Large lot. Garage. You . can't duplicate this at the price of $6,500, Better hurry on this one. C.Ry - Yung and Son i (? J Realtors 733 S.E. Cass Ave. Pacific Bldg. . Phone Office OR 3-4471 Sunday and Evenings except Friday, hi Call LeNoIr Kruse, OR 2-295 Roseburg Realty & Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 NORTH ROSEBURG 3 bedroom. Oil furnace, parquet oak floors, separate family room, roofed patlo or car port. Vacant, Immed. possession. S9f 750. GOOD INVESTAAENT. 10 g J rages, close In. gross rental $50 per mo., practically no maintenance. Only S3, 000. 3 BEDROOM, or 2 and den, close ' to school and city pool. Fireplace, large garage, attractive lof, separate utility room, plenty storage. Prlca fust reduced to $13,000. An excellent home. FISHER ROAD beauty on 1 full acre. Beautifully landscaped lot, attractive 3 bedroom Cape Cod, fireplace, gar age, everything!) $14,900 wilh gas ' heat and river irrigation. See this 1 1 2 BEDROOMS with finished upstairs. 1500 sq. ft. In good shape, plus gar age and carport, lots of storage, and separate bachelor apartment in rear . . . only $6,250. 4 BEDROOM good buy In Winches ter area. Neat, clean, redecorated and new paint outside. Good-slicd rooms, ,;j acre lot with young peach trees, carport , . . Believe It or not . . . only $9,000. ROSEBURG REALTY also special ties In select Ranch Properties In all price ranges. We Invite you to check our listings. BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom and family room on r'ver. One and seven-lenths acres, beautifully landscaped, hot wa ter heat, myrtlewood cabinets, price less view of river. Many trees, fruit, grapes, big storage building with 2 car garage and shop. A most super ior value at $19,500 with good terms. Evenings Cai The Doyles OR 2-3553 Lots And Acreages FARM LOTS, 14 acres. Houses and barn. S. E. Boolh St., mile to Cily. Ph. ORJJ-3734. NORTH ROSEBURG trailer lot. City water, wired 220. Phone OR 2-1834 after 6 p.m. CLOSE IN, clean hillside lot, 50 x 160'. Good location. Make offer. OR 3-756B. LOTS 100 x 100', In Green, some on pave ment. Waler In. sewer soon. OR 3-8459. S'lOOtTcXsH. Vi acre homesiteon "beautiful Cavitt Creek, near falls. Tall trees. Elec tricity, phone available. Store 2 miles. OS 9-5773. WINSTON AREA 5 acre river loam, ideal nursery location. Landscaped. Fru'tj, nuts and berries. Nice 3 bedroom nor, e, Income from nice rental, $66.50 mo. Good well. And many other features. $17,500. some Terms, call evenings, OS 9-5414. Income Property 37 INCOME PROPERTY SIM mo. Income, 1 acre, house, apt., repair shop. OR 3-1232. E M P I RE 0 R EGO N '2houesTvalueT"$7200 and $5700, all clear. Sell or trade tor Rsbg area Income. OS 9-5690. Timber And Sawmills 40 WANTED Douolas fir. ctdar logs' and cordwoorj in multiples of ft. wa load jnd haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co Off M711. Building Materials 41 WE HAVE AVAILABLE INTERIOR AflD EXTERIOR PLYWOOD & PARTICLE BOARD V 'lardwood material Vt" I're-finishcd paneling o ALSO LARGE aavings on floor ing for your lummer cab ins O Aitrs open I 111 II Saturday PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-8781. Ext 70 Holfy Btw. Winstonillard Real Estate 35 Miilding Materials 41 REJECT LUMBER - II2.S0 per unit. CIO Lumber Co.. Riddle. Ore. TR 4-7281. DECORATIVE STONE For fireplaces, veneer, rock gar den!, patio's etc. Many colors available. DOUGLAS STONE PRODUCTS CO- OR 3-582 OR 2-4155 OR 3-397 Fuel 43 O I C Fuel Co. Dry fireplace oak and fin also fir heater wood. OR 3-7504. LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY t FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 21524 WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES 1767 N.E. Airport Road OR 3-5082 Wood - Sawdust Peeler Core Green Slab Planer Ends v Pond Lilies Dry Oak SUMMER RATES on sawdust lor mulch ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FAPM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy - Sell Trade . Auction every Frl, at 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Col, V. Munlon. Owner and Auctioneer OR 3-S024 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 30 GAL. gas hot water heater, good shape, reasonable. OR 3-31 75. SMITH-CORONA typewriter) $357Caii OR 3-40?4after S. 22 CO. FTnuprlghrir7ere7r$1257 DrwHI trade for smaller chest type. OR 3-8128. CERAMIC" lessons' free wedKlins for sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's Ceramlcs.OS f-5133. NEW Mrawer e"twit7$2sT Finished OR 3-5 H2 150 ARC WELDER, SS0; 'SI FORD, $60; 12 cu. ft. Deepfreeze, SAS. OR 3-8560. GAS HOT WATER HEATER7goodWofklng order. Call OS 9-S343. WALK-IN cooler, cork Insulated 8X I, SI ,000. Call OR 3-6?62 or O R 3-7581. USED TIRES and tubes. ) set of Volks wagen tires, reasonable. 153? SE Stephens. USED household furniture. Bargain prices. Earl Smith Trailer Sales. OR 3-3356. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments, nam's Appliance. OK 3-5518. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Call OS 9-B809 or OS9-B678 or OS 9-8990 or OR 3-5959, TOP SOIL finest of loam soil, light and easy to handle. Charl Keely, OS 9-S117. USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUM STORE HIOEABED, antique chair, 1 wheel trailer. Klrby vac. Sulherlin -1285; RE FRIGE RAT IONUN fTTor walk-In freezer. I H.P. compressor, shell-type freezing unit. OR 3-4323 VACUUM CLEANER repairing. All way. Com pact. Electrolux, Hoover, Kirby. also parts, J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010) or 3-359U 12x1B WOOL braided rug, brown tones, with pad, $175. Frigldaire range, $40. All ex cellent condition. OR 3-8273. GENTLE horse, also cart and harness. Will ride single or double, ideal for children. $175. OR 3-5737 Glenn Phllllpl. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you nave ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher. Winston. OS 9-8493. 46 AERONCA Champ airplane. Just licensed and new windshield, 2''i years since re cover and 110 hours SMOH on 65 cont. $1295. Lloyd Roberts, OR 2-2478; SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, rug shampooers, coffee urns, sew ing machines, $1 per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE, OR 3-S51B. CIRCULATING HEATER, refrigerator with freezer cross top, Singer treadle machine, double bed with springs and maltress. Piano accordion, student size, all In excel lent condition. Phone OR 3-6143 after 3 p.m. FREEZER SUPPLIES Quick frozen to lock In the fresh flavor Save on 20 lb bnqs of trulls and vegetables GOVERNMENT GRADED Good or choice sleer beef. Bring us your culling and wrap ping work. Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON, OKU OS 9-5133 Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 N. Winchester Oil 3-7272 R ETRE ADS P ECTaT Any size passenger car tire. ONLY $11.87 plus tax. A&R TIRE CO. 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd PHONt OR 3-4421 usId appliances FltlGIDAIRE 11 cu. ft. Zero zone rofcr-frcezcr with automa tic defrost. $100 ADMIRAL Super Cascode ta ble model 21 in. TV with stand. i 35 WESTINGIIOUSE 40 in. dec trie range. Everything working $45 AIRLINE 21 in. console TV. Good picture tube $ 45 HOTPOINT Ironer $.io We have 3 TV's that need a little work. Put a O.bc or two in your self. $!0 ea. OPEN Till 9 Mon. thru Fri. Open 7 Doys A Week SOUTH STEPHENS HARDWARE & APPLIANCE 1212 SE Stephens. OK 2-3751 W&NT ADS Are or Everybody 'Miscellaneous For Sale 45 OELUXE KENMORE electric reuse Call atler 4:30 p.m. OR 3-4U GO KART with l',hp eneinetoo"comll' lion, wilh two place Kart trailer. $i;s. Fuchsias, geraniums, lanlana, oleanders, Bot tle brush, rock Daphne, Camellias, SUN OAY ONLY. Pixie. Gardens. N. end ol Broad SI. N. ol Airport. OR 3-61 1 3. MANURE $1 PICKUP LOAD Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur. Oregon NO DEALERS Please WESTINGHOUSE reler, cross lop Ireei- ' tn.ts LEONARD reler J4500 LATE MODEL Frlgidair Washer-dryer Pair im.OO TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTEO used loam mattress, iO" lo oouote sue. on i-siea. WANTED usedturnl!ureand"mls;; Rose burg Furnilure, 143 SE Jarkson, J3R 3-5104. CASH lor good llorw It. Irailer; aiso!eep. OR 1-4171 WANTEO ANTIQUE coins, guns, china. glassware, lewelry, clocks. Prlscllla's An llques. 34? SE Jackson. OR 1-1411. Musical Instruments 50 UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent .condition and tone, SIBS. OR 3-4584. USED PIANOS Spinets and Uprights All in Excellent Condition Ricketts Music, Inc. Corner Cass and Jackson OR 3-3202 Sporting Goods 53 TEN FOOT Sports King camp coach. Sleeps o. Lou uk atier a p. FOR SALE Western saddle, double rlg- gua, very gooa conaiiion (.an Kiddle, 874-2355. Boats And Motors 55 EIGHT ft. pumpklnseed boat with 12 H.P. engine. Runs good. $60. OR 3-6934. WANTED 12' alumtnum boat, trailer, and a to hp molor OR 2-2980. IB RIVER BOAT AND TRATleR OR3-50;? IB FT. BRYANT EXPRESS CRUISER-. Sleeps 7, excellent bar boat. Rellnlshed this spring. 25 HP Johnson motor. $925. Call Sutherlin 4210. '61 18 HP Johnson motor; '61 Tee-Nee Irailer wilh spare tire; 15 (I Hollywood boat with new windshield and all controls. New (Ire exnnguisner, i set oars. 7 life lacket. Lois ol other extras go wilh. til 50. Call auinemn juvi. Food And Produce 57 SPRAYED LAMBERT CHERRIES 9R3j7"7 PIE CHERRIES, you "pick, 10c lb. M. Knapp,' Garden Valley. OR 2-391B. RASPBERRIES, you pick or wa pick. Call U5 9-50Q ROYAL ANN CHERRIES Call OR 3-7915 LAMBERT AND PIE CHERRIES FOR SALE. Call 3-8246 CHERRIES Bfngs, Royal Anns, Lamberts. HERCHER'S PILLAR P GARDENS PIE CHERRIES, U-PICK 10c LB. 361 Gregory In Winston, OS 9-5B10 ROYAL ANN canning cherries. Burks and ion, diuo fruit stand In Dlllard. OS 9-BB76. SPRAYED cherries you pick. Bumper croV- tasy picking. Deepwood Ranch. Formerly Frank Grubb ranch. Coles Vly Rd. Wilbur. HARVARD AVENUE FRUIT STAND will open July 5th for cherries, berries and other produce. PIE cherries, Ryal Anns, Blngs, and Lamb ert's, you pick, to cents a pound. M. Lehne Nursery, 10 miles out In Garden Valley. APPLES Ortlcy, Newt on. Marsh Ranch, Looklngglass. tiring containers. UK REACY NOW Canning cherries. Lamb erts, Hlnqi and Royal Ann's, Alton Owens' Dlllard Market, Bus. Rt. 99, Between Win ston and Dlllard. LAMBERT cherries, ready Friday, July 6. ic you pick, atso niacK KepuDiicnns, inc. 1 mile West Brown's Bridge. Look for sign. H. M. Knapp, Garden Valley. Hay And Grain 61 ALFALFA BALED HAY ' Olna Hathaway, Umpqua, Oregon NICE clean oats and vetch hay. tlO In tieid. Lail OR 3-5972. RYE GRASS HAY OR 3-5795 GRASS HAY. S17 and SIS a ton. Looklngqlass. OS 9-5880. No Sunday calls, 4000 bales. CLOVER, oats and grass hay, SIS ton and up in neia. lam Oakland 4767 evenings FOR SALE baled Lotus hay, 3 miles west Roseburg on Melrose Rd. Vincent Prcschern. L.C.P. PELLET MILL CUSTOM PELLETING ALFALFA-BARLEY PELLETS HOG PELLETS HOG SUPPLEMENT WE HAVE developed a Del ict for lamb feeding that has given excellent rrsults. .See us for your feeding needs. Your most ECO NOMICAL SOURCE of feed in Douglas County. L. C. PERRIN Rt. 1 Box 89, Oaklnnd Call Livestock 63 WANTED - Cattle of all kinds. UN J-4753 or UN J-3JB4, Myrtle Creek. W. A. Blacker!. SELL OR TRADE yearling Shetland, Haller orokecort. OR 3-6879, late evenlngs: LARGE PINTO MARE, S155. OR 3-6719. WE ARE PROUD To Announce The New EXHIBITOR Tandem horse Trailer See them now at RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Winchester, Ore. OK 3-7272 Bouglos Livestock Market WE aro buying sheep aiu'olambs of all 'on (Is. Call for latest mar ket infurnOtion. We receive wool daily. Phor OR 2-4071 Ask (-or Jim Lewis SCHRICKEK & SON AUCTION Phona Sutherlin Ju Livestock salt every Saturday at 12; p.m. Always a good active market tor all kinds Of livestock. O. A Brown. Weignmaster Or. Don Pont, Veterinarian Schrltktr and Son. Owner Mgrt. Livestock 63 SEARS air conditioner. I year old. Trade tor beet. Clt OR 3-4H0. BUYING WOOL pay ing top price. StttftH Irtda Phone i517, Oakland. CALVE Storsale. CaisVaMeyr"mlle south ot town. Call Wft. HORSESHOEING Call GYpsv 6-3JJ- REGISTERED Corrledale rams. Also good youngewes, some reg. Call OR 3-3760, WHITE FACE CALVES Call OS9-S47B SPIRITED Palomino gelding. Good show norse. Call OS 9-8657. WOOLTkeivrtaily.'NiclwlVStwe7toi. Ore. Phone OS 9-B907. PUREBREDCheviot RamsT" rep quallly. Bert Denham. 455 Willakeniie Rd., Eu gene, Ore. Phone Diamond 5-2028. PUREBRED English ivhepherd, 6 mos old. Natural born stock or watch dog. (50. 73ljClvll Bend St.. Winston. OS 9-i517. TWO APPAX'oosA mares. One thoroughbred mare. Reasonable lor quick salt. Pnont OR MC58 alter 7 p.m. SADDLE" HORSES sullableloT-ladles or children. Call GY 6-J510 alter 6 P.M. or Sunday, S"H E T L A N D sTaLUO N . " 2 ' yearso ldTsob . 1 black mare. 1150, also 1 bay mare I ISO. OR 3-6062. SELL OR TRADE 2 horse tandem Western trailer for good range or registered Here ford cows with calves. Call Oakland 1100 alter 5 p.m. CALVESWhltefa"cerHolslelnr"BlacirAn. gus. E. S. Wright, on Cleveland Hlil Road, past Melrose Store, across Irom Melrose Church. Pets & Pet Supplies 67 HOUND PUPS, males, females. Call OS 9-5255. FOX T E R R i E R puppies, females S5, male's $;.S0. Rt.3. Box 1585, Call OR 3-B830. CHIHUAHUA or Poodle pups; "also Chihua hua or Poodle stud service. OR 3-3694. AKC RegBeagle puppfes. GlcngaryBeagle Kennels. Rl. lBox635, OR 3-7136. BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES Call Ell Sanders.OR 3-4902 TOY POMERANIANS. All colon. Lu-EI-ln Kennels.OR 2-1903. POODLE TRIMMING AND BATHING OR a-7339 PUREBRED red Dachshund and silver Alas kan Husky puds. Reasonable. OR 3-6960, JACOBS K ENN E LS Bonrdlngca ts ancTdogs. 1265 NE Stephens. OR 3-6293. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society mat Shelr OR 2-3M7. PIGEONS for show and hobby. Nuns, Homers, Rollers, Owls. Turblts. OR 3-6053. BART'S BOARDING KENNELS. ca"i7ana dogs. Vt mile NE of Diamond Laku Blvd. on NE Ride Range Rd.OR 3-7514. OBEDIENCE TRAfN YOUR "DOG Mixed breeds as welcome as purebreds BOLEN KENNELS OR 3-4012 SIAMESE KITTENS Sealpolnts. Call alter 5 p.m, 3-B362. weekdays, anyllms weekends, OR LET YOUR dog enfoy his vacation as well as you. Place him In an air conditioned kennel. At our kennel they ara always cool. We also sell pet supplies and breed stationary. Poodle trimming a specialty. Impcrest Poodle Kcnnols, OR 2-1557. Poultry And Rabbits 68 WANTED young doe rabblls. OS 9-8863 Farm Equipment 70 COMPLETE hydraulic system and blade set up tor Lindnman crawler, S20O. OR 3-3953, WANTED Side delivery hny rake, 3 point or pun type, call OS ?-5?6t. JOHN DEERE manure spreader with lime spreading attachment, like new, S250. OR 3-5922. JOHN DEERE no. 5 mower, tractor mount ed, 7 ft. bar. Will fit most tractors. New cond. SI 50. OR 3-3635 or OR 3-6951. . NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING and sheathing houses, barns and outbuildings, 2x4 studs, 1" boards and 2" construction lumber. Available in most sizes at wholesale prices, Umpqua Mfg. Co. I ml. s. on n BR OR 3-7411 50 T I H Baler with Engine $695 2 fuel storage tanks and stands . 175 - up 2 garden tractors S75 and S125 Domestic and Irrigation pumps Homo I lie portable pump and 20 fool suction hose : 1750 Several pickups and trucks we Buy, sell, or trade, will you? Ranch Equipment Sales i Days Creek. Closed Sun. Ph. 825-3241 Heavy Equipment 72 1 CLETRAC CRAWLER, B D-40 Hydraulic Diaoe, wincn, canopy. Best otter. '53 owe, V ton pickup, good cond. OR 2-3812. Logging Equipment 74 Vi yd. LORAIN on rubber 10 wide car rier-Heel boom. OR 3-6795. TWO YARD loader and dump trucks, rental or contract. Frank Farn worth OS 9-5697. 9.4 K.W. A.C. 120-240 volt generator rain proof, powered by BS HP Continental en gine. Used only 400 hours. S525 cash. OR 3-5827 or OR 3-4255 WRECKING OUT two D7's, 1 RD7, I TD IB, 2 DB'i and 1 TD14A. Parti lor sale. Also slock Spicer drive lines, steel reaches, Aberdeen slakes. For sale or Irnde, 1 D7 and 1 D4 Caterpillar. I Coos King yarder with dlesel mtr. I Lincoln portable welder. Douglas Machine & Welding OR 33444 1735 Diamond Lake Blvd. TRUCKERS FUEL METERS FOR RENT Ample Parking and Wash Hack ROGAN OIL CO. 2625 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 21472 LOG LOADERS CRANES Sales and Service ENGLE & PERSON lilt NE Diamond Lal Blvd. OR ? ? Alter hours Ph. GV a-31,7 Trucks For Sale 76 150 4 speed Chevofet pickup, 1345. Call OR 3-B720 1961 CORVAIP 95 pickup. See at Ernie's flying A. 1711 NE Stephens. 1954 7 ton Ford truck, 7 speed, rear axle. M tt. grain dm, excellent cond. Call OR 3-6505 or see or 1954 SW Cattle. 'il FORD, t cyl truck wilh It ft. (lathed, and stock rack. All In A-) cond. IBOO. Call GY a-3115. WILLYS 4 wheel dr.ve station wagon, t- ceiient conation. See to appreciate. Best offer over $400. Phone OR J-5741 or after 5 30 call OR I-?54 Motorcycles 77 1959 MAtY DAVIDSON, trail cydt. New condition 1110 SE Jackson after 4 pm. Auto Insurance 79 HE BEST FOR LESS! Slate Farm Ai!cnl. . f V lltft MM SB IMIUI1HU NORM BLEAKMAN OR 3-5084 1229 W,$arvrd Tues., July 10, 1962 The I Automotive Wanted 80!Autos For Sale USED CARS - PICKUPS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. Johnson and Whelchet 138 SK Stepnens OR 3-6391 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cash Price! Bcforo you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1328 SE Stephens OR 2-3121 WANTED Good Cleon Lote Model USED CARS Quolity Prices Poid RIVERSIDE MOTORS 988 NE Stephens. OR 2-3461 Cash On The Line For Your Lale Model Car or Pickup Highest Prices Paid NAPIER Auto Sales 1240 SE Stephen OR 71 Autos For Sale 81 WILL trade equity In '62 DODGE Polarai hardtop. OS 9-5736. 57 FORD. 3 door, Custom 300. Auto, Tram, heater. Terms. Cash or trade. Call 3-5610. 1959 4-door Hardtop Calalina Pont lac, full power, completely equipped, wsw. win fi nance. OR 2-1083. 1956 DeSOTO convertible. Full power, good condition Will take pickup trade in. Call OR 3-6237 eves. 1940 VOLKSWAGEN scdnn, whltewalls, low mileage. For sale by owner. 1135. Would consider late model trade In. Call 3-8314. MUST SELL 1959 H'LLMAN Deluxe 4 door se- :'an. Was asking $795. Now only $750011 2-4607; WELL CARED FOR, clean, 195? Compact. I owner. Top cond. Ihrouohout. Excellent lor college studonl or lomlly cor. Acco modates 6 persons, oxlra Ores. S7S0. OR 2-47,7. Rev. Oonald H. Smith. BARCUS WE NEED USED CARS '61 COMET, 2 door, big motor, automatic transmission, R & H, ST $2095 '6 1 KAMBLER 4 door station wagon. Stai trans.. R&H wagon. Standard $Q 1 Q C '60 MERCURY 4 door station wagon. Automatic trans, Power steering brakes, seat, and rear window. R&H, $0 1 Q C new tires Z.s J '59 DODGE 4 door sodan. Auto matic trans, R&H, above overage $ 1 O Q C condition,' 17 J '59 RENAULT Dauphine. $ZQC 4 door sedan U7 J '58 EDSEL 4 door scdon. R&H outomatic. $ Q Q C New tires QsJ '56 NASH Statesman 4 door 6 cyl. sedan. Standard trans, with overdrive. A good $CQC 2nd car cheap v7J '56 STUDEBAKER Chomp. 4 door scdon. Standard transmission. Good MQR condition 7 sj '55 NASH Ambassador 2 door hardtop, Aut trans. R&H hardtop, Automatic $OQC '54 PONTIAC 4 door sedan. Au tomatic, R&H, better than average condition. 445 '53 PLYMOUTH 4 door $ 1 C sedan. Runs good ' w '52 DODGE 4 door sedan, R&H, standard $OQR transmission mJ CHEAPIES '53 OLDSMOBILE 4 door $1 Z Q sedon I O 7 '53 DeSOTO 4 door l169 No Payments 'til Aug. 10th TERMS TO SUIT YOU -TjTEMBfiJy- 1! ClllDlUirCli LtllDDlilTV Jl J - in 2 VVARRMli Open till 9 P.M. Mon. thru Frl. Sat. 6:30 P.M. Open Sundays I ?M to 7 PM Barcus Motors, Inc. fe:tteroBuys at Barcus Dodge Chrysler Imperial Simca N. Stephens ot Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-5566 We will bgJod to hnlp you word your want ad for Best Results. Dial OR 2-3321 News - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 81 '54 BUICK Special 2 door hardtop. Very QOOd throughout. S350. OR 3-3416 1932 CHEVROLET. S50als OR 3S405 1960 PONT t AC CalalTna" station wagon. Ex- cellent conditioner a II OR 2-1310. '60 LARK 4 "door sedanT& cyllnd'tr, good tires, .000 miles. GY 6-3209.SK200. '34 OLDS, 2 door. As Is S200. OR 2-3682. Or see at 1034 NE Alder St. 1950 MERCURY sedanT runs'goodTob-1952 Olds sedan, needs motor work, or Mil parts. Ph. OS 9-8887. Jalopy Junction One Mi South Old Hwy 99 Phono OR 2-4661 '55 PONTIAC, 3 door J39S '54 PONTIAC, 3 door itralght stick . S19S 53 PONTIAC sedan $165 53 PONTIAC hardtop S100 '52 PONTIAC hardtop, runs good $125 '52 OLDS, 2 door, "hot" S19J MERCHANTS SPECIAL '56 Otdi, needs motor $300 Several later model, good, clean cars) CASH FOR CARS Used Parts - Auto Wrecking AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR LINCOLN MERCURY r all '62 CORVAIR Monza 2 door sedan. Red. R&H SOAQ automatic trans 7 J '60 OLDSMOBILE 4 door hardtop. 88 series. Yellow, automatic, R&H, power 91QS steering and brakes '' '60 CHEVROLET BelAIr 2 door sedan. Brown and white, auto matic, SIVQ1 R&H, V8 1 ' 'J '60 FORD 4 door Country sedan station wagon. Green and white, automatic trans, R&H power $ Q Q C steering '60 MERCURY Monterey 4 door sedan. Pink. Auto. $ 1 Q Q C matic trans 7 7 sj '59 THUNDERBIRD 2 door hard top. White, Automatic trans. R&H, power 9AQS steering & brakes '59 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door sun roof. Black. $ 1 Q C Radio and heater. I I 7 sJ '59 MERCURY Parklone 4 door hardtop. Pink, automatic trans, R&H, power steer- 1 Q Q C ing and brakes .... I 7 7 J '58 PLYMOUTH 4 wagon. V8, overdrive, red. ... door station ..$1095 '57 FORD 2 door sedan. Gray, 6 cyl. Standard 7Q S trans, heater 7 J '57 FORD 2 door hardtop. Gray, and white, automatic, R&H, powci $iior steering I I s s '57 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Black and yellow, automatic rTh $695 '56 CHEVROLET 2 door station wagon. Red and white, R&H Standard AOR trans, 6 cyl u' J '56 MERCURY Montclair 2 door hardtop. White, automatic trans, R&H, power tiCQI steering and brakes O 7 sj '55 FORD Customline 4 dr. sedan, black with red top. $ IT OCT Standard trans -. J' J '55 FORD 4 door sedan. Green and white, Automatic trans, R&H, $395 V8 . '53 BUICK 4 door sedan. R&H, Blue and white. 1 Q Standard trans ' ' J '51 CHEVROLET Vi Ion JIQC flolbed. Blue I 7 O '51 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. Green, auto- $ 1 Q C malic trans ' J ' USED NOTHING DOWN UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY ON APPROVED CREDIT MOCK MOTORS 1 590 N. E. STEPHENS OR 2-3358 Oo I O u O o