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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1962)
o o o 10Th Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Tuei., July 10, 1962 South Umpqua Church At Tiller Loses Pastor, Family h Movo By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLY The Rev. and Mrs. Cass Vincent and son, Charlie, have moved to Myrtle Creek to make their home following the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Vincent as pastor of the South Umpqua Community Church at Tiller. He preached- his final ervice at morning worship July 1 The family had resided in the parsonago apartment at the church since last fall, when they moved here from Washington upon Mr. Vincent's election as pastor of the church. Cool temperatures prevalent in Southern Oregon July 2 and 3 brought frost to some local areas. Mrs. Ira B. Poole reported that quash plants were destroyed and corn nipped in the Poole garden, al though cucumbers nearby escaped. Others sharing the garden spot at the Tiller Ranger Station found beans and tomatoes nipped, lie ports of frost came from the Drew vicinity also. Mrs. Fred J. Huffman and daugh ter, Evelyn, are back at their home following visits with relatives in Washington. In Seattle tihey visited the former's daughters, Miss Dor is Huffman and Mrs. Albert Simpson and family, as well as oth er relatives, including Mrs. Huff man's mother-in-law, Mrs. Bertna Huffman, and then were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Reynolds in Castle Rock. In Kelso, they called on Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McNeil and family, who formerly lived at Tiller. Mrs. Huffman's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason of Castle Rock brought the Tilleritcs home and remained for a visit at the Huffman home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Day and Mrs. Lora Stewart of Medford were guests for the Fourth of July of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Drew. They are parents and grandmoth er of Mrs.. Davis. The Davises are employed by the Cow Creek Ranger District, he with the fire suppression crew and she in the office. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crispin and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCutcheon, all of Milo, enjoyed a Fourth of July drive up Black Rock Rd. to the Diamond Lake Ranger District, then circled back through the Lit tle River District by way of Look out Mountain and the Quartz Moun tain road. It was Crispin's first trip through the area by auto, but he bad been over the ground many times in years past on foot or by horseback before roadj connected the remote areas in recent years. The party picnicked at South Ump qua Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Davis have returned to their home in Port Or chard, Wash., after a three-day visit in Tiller at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and children. Lutheran Women Slate Festival The annual mission festival of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will be held Sunday, July 29 at the church, according to a statement made at the recent meeting of St. Paul's Lutheran Women's Guild held at the home of Mrs. 0. F. Leonard, chairman. Plans for the festival were made at the meeting. Members from sister congregations in Suthcrlin and Tri-City will also attend the festival and the potluck picnic to be held jointly that date. The chairman of a savings stamp project gave explanation of the points received for saving the stamps and validating covers. The guild will hold rummage sales Friday, Aug. 10, and Satur day, Aug. 11, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Committees were set up under the chairmanship of Mrs. Lewis G. Wilson. Rummage may be left at Mrs. Wilson's home, 733 W. Ballf, or at the parish house. Call ORchard 3-4563 for pick up. An open forum discussion fol lowed the meeting with the Rev. D. W. Hinrichs answering ques tions and giving explanations of points under question, meeting for August, a potluck pic nic will be held at Umpqua Park beginning at 6:30 p.m. Guild mem bers, their husbands and children are invited. Hostess Anne Leonard, served refreshments to 16 members and two guests. V 'or' BRUCE ELLIOTT , . . retiring soon Ex-Penney Employes Bid To Party For Elliott All former employes of the J. C. Penney store in Roseburg are in vited to attend the retirement party for manager Bruce Elliott Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at the Gold Room of the Umpqua Hotel, Elliott is retir ing soon after 34 years with the Penney Co. Those wishing to attend arc ask ed to call Laverne Weaver at OR 3-7248 to make reservations for the party and dinner. Deadline for reservations is July 15, according to Mrs. Weaver. Here's Text Of GOP Outline Of Party Principles BEND (UPI)-Tcxt of the State ment of Principles approved here Saturday by the Oregon Republi can convention: Nine Pneumonia Cases Reported In Douglas Nine cases of pneumonia were reported in Douglas County for the week ending June 30 according to the Oregon State Board of Health. The number was a rise of seven over the previous report, the board noted in its weekly communicable disease survey. In the state, how ever, the incidence of pneumonia dropped from 67 to 53. Seven cases of influenza were reported in the same week com pared with five cases the previous week. One case of measles was noted. The previous week three cases of measles were reported. Sutherlin Residents Return From Trip By MRS. JERRY DeMUTH Mrs. Jack Culver Sr. returned recently from a vacation spent at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Cornelia, in Portland. She attended the graduation of her grandson, Gary, from Benson High School, Portland. She also spent some time at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott, in Seattle. Aihlandart Visit Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Holgate were their son Lloyd Holgate and wife, and son, Mike of Ashland. Donald W. Green, son of Mrs. Hazel Green and formerly of Suth erlin, has been appointed branch manager of Ben-Linn Leasing Corp. of Santa Barbara, Calif., with of fices located there. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cratty, for mer residents of Sutherlin, called on old friends Thursday. They now live at Fortuna, Calif. Mrs. Dorral Daubenspeck and daughter, Barbara, of Eugene, spent Thursday calling on old friends in Sutherlin on their way home from California. Bryon Donivan of Salyer, Calif., former resident here, visited friends in Sutherlin Monday en route to Portland to visit his moth er and daughter. Mrs. William L. Smith of Fair Oaks returned Thursday after spending a week at the home of her son and his tamny, Mr. ana Mrs. Clare Smith and twins, Car men and Lyndal, at Kennewick, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Culver were in Albany over the 4th of July attending the Timber Carni val. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Tht following radio and television program! an printed as a tree public service for News-Rovlew reoden. All program listings are published as received from the respective stations. The News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY V:00Yoga For Hen II h :30-Ptay Your Hunch 10:00-Prlc Is Rfghr 10:30 Cofictn trot Ion 11:00 Your First Imprmloni 11:30 Truth or Consiqutncti 11:55 Day Report 13:00 Jan Murray 12:M-NBC Naws 12:30 Romper Room 1:00 Young Doctor Malont 1:30 Our Flvo Daughter! 3:00 Maka Room For Daddy 3:30 Here'p Hollywood 2:55 Alt ornoon Report 3:00 December Bride 3:30 Public Service (Man) 3:30 Men Into Space (Tuei, Wed, Thur 3:30-Hom Show (Frl) 3:45 Feature Shorli (Frl) 4: 00-U.S. Marshall (Won) 4:00 Talk of the Town (Tuei.. Wed., Thur) 4:00 Soldiers ol Fortunt (Frl) 4:30 Captain Shipwreck TUESDAY 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw , 4:00-Norlhwet Newt :15-Huntley Brlnkley 4:30 RIpcord 7:00 Mac Keni lei' Ralden 7:30 The Defender! B-.30-AUred Hitchcock 9:00 Dick Powell 10:oo-Calnei 100 11:00 Report 11:15 Tonight WEDNESDAY 5:30 Yoo I Bear 6:00 Northwest News 4:15-Hunll6y Brlnkley 6:30-U S Marshal 7:00 Not For Hire 7:30 Wagon Train 1:30 King of Diamonds :00 Mystery Theater 10:0O-Vlctory at Sea 10:30 Brlnkley Journal 11:00 Report 11:15-Tonlght Vao0 SERVICE HI SERVICE GUARANTEED PHONE OR 3-4T23 KLUVER RADIO & TV Is rlstcburi il Ysirs HDD HE Stephens si Oirfts Valley let. LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Installments Available 939 S. E. Stephen! OR 3-8166 For The Finest In WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL M & M PRINTERS ORchird 3IS1I GOP Principles Draw Tongue-ln-Cheek Views PORTLAND (UPD The Oregon Republican convention's admitted ly "broad" statement of princi ples drew some tongue-in-cheek responses from leading Oregon Democrats. Democratic National Commit teeman C. Girard Davidson of Portland commented: "I congratulate the Republicans on their statement and as Demo cratic national committeeman of Oregon 1 accept it wholehearted ly. It is a statement of broad and general governmental principles, with which every responsible American, Democrat or Republi can, would heartily agree." State Democratic Chairman E. D. Spencer of Salem added: "We're pretty much for that too, motherhood and state govern ment. But I wonder how they feel about the sales tax." j "The Republican Party of Ore gon stands for freedom, for oppor tunity, for responsibility. It be lieves in a limited form of gov ernment, based upon constitution al principles, that seeks as its goal the maximum extension of individual liberty. It rejects the philosophy which assumes that government is responsible for all aspects of the citizen's well-being. Republican philosophy rests on the doctrine that the individual has God-given rights and dignity anu urdi guvernmeni s role is that of servant, not of master. The Republican Party of Oregon "Believes in tho individual's right and capacity to govern him self, to set his own goals and make his way toward them with out the restraints of dictatorship ut iJaieuiaugm. Believes mat government should do only those things for the people which they cannot do as wen tor tnemselves. "Believes in providing adequate aid for the aged, ill, unemployed and needy and in assisting the restoration of such persons so far as possible to productive citizen ship. "Believes that human rights cannot exist without the individu al right to keep and manage the rewards of his own efforts and asserts that any government that confiscates its citizens' Dosses. sions through excessive taxation ana spenaing violates a funda mental freedom. "Believes in fiscal responsibility through careful manacement nf the people's tax money and the protection of citizens' savings, pensions and insurance from ero sive inflation. "Believes in maintaining the separation of the powers of gov ernment, with an effective system! vide employment, good working I education, employment, housing of checks and balances to protect conditions and a higher standard) and public accommodations, but the rights of the people and pre- of living for all, it is essential to vent the acquisition of dictatorial have a tax, labor and business Wednesday Only BUCK NITE $1.00 Per Carload "RAISIN IN THE SUN" plus j "THE TIME MACHINE" Ends Tonight "SUSAN SLADE" "BRIDGE TO THE SUN" ' Gates Open 7:00 Shaw Starts at Dusk power by any branch of govern ment. "Believes that continued growth of federal bureaucracy smothers individual liberties and that the role of local and state govern ments must be revitalized to pre serve our republican form of gov ernment. - "Believes that in order to pro- climate that will assure adequate wage and profit levels and permit our industries to expand and be competitive at home and abroad. "Believes that it is properly government's role to promote equality of opportunity for each individual and far all individuals, regardless of race, creed or na tional origin, in such areas as it is not proper for government to attempt to force all persons into the same mold or to impose upon them uniformity of condi tion. , "Believes that attempting to solve our economic and social problems through give-away pro grams destroys individual initia tive, self-reliance and tends to corrupt the moral fiber of th nation." NOW &HOtVWr rttKt SHTURDtr AT BOTH THEATRES! iv.r7 fin Open at 7:15 Codmplete Show 7:30 only Gates Open at 7:15 Shows start Dusk FRIENDSHIP SO GREAT... that, nothing could stand between this courageous boy and the Big Red dog that shared his adventure! Movie Showtime KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY f:45 Copco Show (Tuts) t; 54 CBS Naws (txctpl Tutsday) 10:00-Lov of LIU 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:-Guldlng LlQht 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30-A The World Turni 13:00 Pfliiword ll:30-House Party 1:00 Th Mllllonatrt 1:30 To Tell The Trulh 1:4-CBS News 2:00 Secret Storm J:30 Ertou Ot Night 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 3:30 Kale Idoicopt - TUESDAY 4:30-Sky Kino 5:00 Uncle Rill Show 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report 4:t$-News 4:30 Leave It To Beaver 7:00-The Fllnlstonei 7:30 Dobie Glllli B:00 The Comedy Spot 1:30 Ichabod And Me 9:00 Talent Scouts 10:00 Naked City ll:00-Newt Final WEDNESDAY 3:30 Afternoon Matinee 5:00 Uncle Bill Show 5:30 Yogi Bear 4:00-Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report :15-Newj 4:30 Deputy 7:00 My Three Soni 7:30 Checkmate l:30-Dick Van Oyke Show :00 Plavhouse 10:00 Father Knows Beit 10:30 TBA 11:00-Newi Final KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Cartoon Time l:tCaptaln Kangaroo :00 Calendar :30 I Love Lucy 10:00-Verdlct ti Yours 10:30-Brlghter Day 11:00-Lova Ot Life 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45-Guldlno Light 17:00-HI Neighbor 12:30 As The World Turns 1:00-KOIN Kitchen 1:30 Horn Party 2:0-The Millionaire 2:30 To leH The lrulh 3:00 Secret 5lorm 3:30 Edqe ot Night 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show 5:45 Newscene 4:15 Newt TUESDAY 4:30 Kingdom of the sea 7:00 King of Diamonds 7; 30-Marshal Dillon 1:00 Panword I: JO Dobie Glltls KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 11:30 Yours For A Song 12:00 Jane Wyman Snow 12:30 Camouflage 12:54 ABC Mid-day Report 1:00-News 9 Mid-dny 1:15 Airman's World (MtwO Canadian Travel (Wed) American Newsreel (Frit Oregon Farm Journal (Tuei , Thurt 1:30 TV Bingo 3:00 Day In Court 9:00 The Comedy Soot 9:30 Ichabod and Me 10' 00 Talent Scouts U:0O-Nlahlscene 11:30 Border Patrol WEDNESDAY 4:3o-Whlplash 7:00 Johnny Staccato 7:30 The Alvin Show 1:00 Window on Main Street 1:30 Checkmate 9:30-Dlck Van Dyke Show 10:00 Playhouse U:00-Nlqht5cene 11 :30 Assignment Underwater 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Op m House 4 -WW American Bandstand 4'30 Jack's Kartoon Clu!houe 5:00 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouie (Mon, Wed, Frl) 5:00 Teen Beat (Tuts. ThurM TUESDAY 5 30 Broken Arrow 4:00 Newt Nine 4:15 Evening Report 4 30 Crusader 7-00 Fvergladet 7 30 Burn Bunny :0O Bachelor Father 1:30 The New Breed 9:30 Yours For a Song 10:00 Suspicion 11:00 ARC Naws 11:15 News Nine Final WEDNESDAY 5:3o-Death Valley Days 4.00 News Nine 4: IS Evening Report 4:30 Man Without A Gun 7:00 Dangrr Man 7:30 A B.C. News Analysll 1:00 Focus On America ft 30 Too Cat 9 00 Hawaiian Eye 10:00 NaKed City 11:00 ARC Nrwt 11:15-Newi Nine Final Radio Programs --Monday thru Friday KRNR 1490 KC KRNR. .Broadieuflnfl 34 hours. tU days week) Monoay through Saturday. CBS news on tht hour, Sunday through Saturday. CBS features on tht half hour, Sunday-Saturday Frank Gott. 7:30 a.m., PST. 1:43 P.m., PST, Monday through Saturday. Lnwetl Thomas 5 p.m.. PST, Monday through Frfc day, Sportt Time 4:10 p m. Monday through Prldjy, 5.55 p.m. Saturday. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 17 01 All NlqM Show 6:05 Bob Johnion :35 Sutherlin Hour 9;10-Alonty Smith Show ll:M-CRS BlXk 13:10 Montt Smith Show 4:10 Rick Johnson Show 7:00 CRS Block 7 3V Night Watch 12:00 All Night Show 1240 KC KQEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4:00 Sign On 4 30 Local News 4:45 Weather Capsule 4.50 Paut Harvey News ABC 4:55-Llt News-ABC 7:00 frank Hemingway Newt ABC 7:30-Local News 7:35 City Hall Reports 7:55 Stock Market Report I 00 Don Allen News ABC 1:15 Maor Leagut Scorn w 1:30 Local News 1:45 Weather Capsule l:55-Lalt News ABC :55-Late He ABC 10-00 Vd Morning NfwS AC 10:15 Tello tut-ABC IO:30-Echanflt HMO Ne & Note 10:50-.fw,i For Women 10:55 La'e N.-Apc ll:55-Lale KWs-APx 12:00 Mid Day Ntt 12.10 Sports Nrwt 12:50 Market Rnxjrti 12 55 Late News-ABC 1:00 Local Newt 1:55 Late News ABC 2:30 Exchange 55-Latt News ABC 3:00 Frank Hemingway Nf ABC 3:3o Alev Dreier Ne-, Afic 3:45 Speaking OF SpoiW- 3:55-Lalt News ABC -ABC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BROADCAST TIMIt weekdays, I i.m. f 41:45 p.m.p Sundays 7 .m. to 4:45 p.m. MONDAY THR9U0H lATURDAYi Head tint news on tht hour; Weather-Vant 15 minvtM pa if tht hour; newt summary af 25 minutes past tht hour Comflumlty Calen- lar at 45 ninutes pa si Tht nour SPECIAL PROGRAMS) Buy-Swap-bni, y a.m., Mon., Tuts., tours., Salj Counter point, 7:45, Mon., Tues., Wed., Thuri- Frl., Stories ol Pacing Powerland, 17:30, Mon., "J.,nurs,( prij Musical Marine, i p. 4 - 00 Paul Harvey NewS-ABC 415 Vaar League Secret 4 40 Local Sports 4 45 Report From The Capitol 5- 00 Edward P. Mpfsjsn-ABC 5.15 Fith A Game i,porf 5:. to Chevron Newt ABC 3 Hank Weaver's Western Sportt ABC 5 55 Late News-ABC 4 'CO Local Newt 4.15 Major Leou Scores 6 ?0 Business News 4 55-Late News-ABC 7 5o City Hall Report 7: Late News ABC O 1:00 lelequeen r) 1J:lS-Maor League 5com O H -Mi Music tj5 News Fmal li:00 Sign OM Thurs.t Suifi Tn-Beat.r pju. Sat.) Roseburg iMn drH, 7 30 p.: iWt HI-FI Club S:JiW)m. Sat.t Sundev ine Bible SpeaM ToMovO' S m l De votions, II a.m.) World of folk Vuilc, 17:30 p.m.) Lutheran Hour, 1 p.m.f Rondeau Jan, 3 pm.t Mr. Music, 1 p.m.; Old Fashioned Monjkjues Tfturi,; walking Tht Bear, 11 ! Revival Hour pm TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1942 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7:15. One complete show at 7:30. "Big Rod" at 7:39 only. "The Living Dasert" at 9:29 only. STARL1TE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15. Shows start at dusk. "The Living Desert" and "Big Red." PINE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15. Shows start at dusk. Ladles Night, "fhe Captain's Table" and "Top Secret Alfalr." CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sutherlin) Box office opens at 7:15. Show at dusk. "Moon! Pilot" and "The Flight That Disappeared" TRI CITY DRIVE-IN Box office opens 7:00. Show at dusk. "Susan Slade" and "Bridge lo the Sun." j Wednesday, July 11, 1943 j INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7:15. One complete show at 7:30 p.m. "Big Red at 7:36 only. "The Living Desert" at 9:28 only. STAR IT E DRIVE-IN Open 7:15 p.m. Show starts at dusk. "The Living Desert" and "Big Red" PINE DRIVE-IN Closed WED. and Thurs. TRI CITY DRIVE IN (Trl-Clty) Box oflce opens 7 p.m. Show at dusk. "Raisin In Tha Sun" and "The Time Machine" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutherlin) Box office opens 7:15 p.m., show at dusk Buck Night. "Cry for Happy" and "Cat Burglar" Wednesday Only BUCK NITE $1.00 a Car "CRY FOR HAPPY" Glenn Ford - Donald O'Con nor In Color plus "CAT BURGLAR" Jcck Hogan - June Kenney Ends Toniqhr "MOON PILOT" "THE FLIGHT THAT DISAPPEARED" Box Office Opens, 7:1 S Show at Dusk WALT DISNEY prcsenls f t7IECHNIC0L0IT Sumnq WALTER GILLES (pionounctd'JLEL) PIDGEON PAYANT r.EMILE IANETTE GENEST BERTRAM INDIAN Prices: 90c -70c -50c STARLITE Prices: 90c-50c THt MOST HONORED! THE MOST ACCLAIMED! The most unusual entertainment the screen has ever known! 1 -SB J PRINT BY TECHNICOLOR t-ilmdbj Bun ViUOiHiMiCb.. inc. Wilt D'lntiProducliOM mm 1481 NE Stephens OR 2-4811 M fts , 111 ' fel h d (L IIP' ill MONTGOMERY WARD 3 DAYS ONLY! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday JULY 9-10-11 J f I I BIG 11 x 14" riffow Will Also Receive Your Child's Portrait On A DESK CALENDAR Aae 5 Weeks To 12 Years LIBS IT: 1 Per Child -2 Per Family PORTRAIT SEMI-LIFE SIZE BUST VIGNETTE UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED usual Sells For g.US S0 tUtNDLMG, WRAPPING AND MSURAfWt O Family Groups taken at 99c each face UNMOUNTED -(SUITABLE FOR FRAMING o o o o o OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O o o O o C3 o