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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1962)
o o o 14 Th Newi-Reriew HBftaiap .- Then., July 5, 1962 Notice! 11 Apartments For Rent 26 Mobile Homes 32 1 Real Estate 34 (Building Materials 41 1 Real Estate 34 ollniRioa Autfhfr lift Speaker At Lane Hose By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON Mrs. Guy (Maude) Cole and Mrs. Harold Cole were luncheon guests at the annual meeting of the Douglas County Historical Society held in Lane House in Koseuurg. The former, whose new book, "Away Back When." has created considerable interest recently, was the guest speaker. The group was taken on a tour of the new Lane House. Guests Visit Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pressnal of Concord, Calif., were weekend guests at the home of the letter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mode. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Thomas and (amilv nf llprlnnrio Beach. Calif.. are vacationing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lesier Thomas on their rancn near ump qua. Portland Markets TUESDAY PRICES PORTLAND (UPI) Dairy market: Eebs To retailers: AA exlra large 38-42c; AA large 35-40c; A large 34-37C; AA medium 30-3bc; higher. PORTLAND (UPI) Egg to producers f.o.b. at ranch extra large 30 - 32'Ac; AA large 27-30V4c: A large 25-27c; AA me dium 20-22'jc; AA small 15-19'4c. Butter To retailers: AA and A prints 67c; cartons lc higher; B prints Cue. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers: 47 - 48'ic; processed American 5-10 lb loaf, 4S-Kic. PORTLAND (UPI) Potato market: Ore. Deschutes bakers 5.00-5.25, Calif, Round Reds 4.00-4.50; Long Whiles 3.75-3.85, some best 4.25 4.40; bakers 4.00-4.25, U.S. No 2 bakers 3.60-3.85, 6-14 oz 4.00-4.25; U.S. No 2S 2.85-3.15. Portland Cash Grain Coast Delivery Basis While wheat 2.20 Soft white hard applicable 2.20 White club 2.21 W Hard red winter 2.29 Hard white baart, ordinary 2.25 Oats no bid. Barley 48.50 PORTLAND (UPI) (USDA) Livestock: Cattle 200; good-choice steers 26.50-27; good 1037 lb 25.50; cutter-utility steers and heifers 15 19.25; cutter-utility cows 12-14.50; cutter-utility bulls 16.50-19. Calves 50; good-choice vcalers 25-27; standard 22-24. Hogs 100; 1, 2 and 3 butchers 19-19.50; 2 and 3 lots 250-287 lb 17.50-18.25 ; 2 and 3 at 430-450 lb sows 13-13.75. Sheep 200; choice-prime spring lambs 19; cull-good ewes 2-4. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ill Oriitn - , Mill - am miM, Sl.7ii Ihtii meiitki, JI M; in ntiiki, H.OOi in iir. lll oo. Oiliim if onion Br Mil! - ilia, SUJ: Ihraa aiiatkl, M.Hi in aiialki, sio.Mj aaa liar, $21.00. Cirrlir tni ftoitiure. f. 0. Inn Oil aiiata, SMS; Hi mmto, ill 51; aa (III, Slug, fit liaila Cip Hi. Mill ami oaiiiia Clll Haiti Mill lallcilpliial Malt la ill la Mima It's Easy to Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today Please publish the following classified ad for days Enclosed Be sure lo enclose payment. Count 5 words per line. Be sure to phone number. Clossificotion NAME ADDRESS .?... Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The CIcmHted Advertising Deportment, The Newi-Rcview, Roseburg, Oregon. q New-Review Classified Wagt Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit Use for Results! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Advirtilini fof Busmen Within Msetiuil iiioi Ana Card ot Thanks $1.50 lines 1.00 lines 1.75 lines 2.50 lines 5.50 linns 1.50 lines 2.50 lines . 3.50 lines 7.50 CREDIT Abovi ntel i-jblect to SO cents service charge foi credit DEADLINES privita Party Auvartmni 2 P.M. Day Prior to Publication, tba Newa-Raviaw lanrvai the right to clmily. adit or niict any Cllltltied Ad copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your adrartliamant ippean Incorrectly, notify us Immediately. We will not ba reipontibla tor mora thin one Incorrect intertion. Such retponiiblllty ll limited to a correct Insertion ot dvertiiimmt. elaadi Will Nat la Held Mere Ten IS Oayl PAPER DELIVERY If your paper is not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholic! An onymous Or 3-MW. WANT Elderly Woman to cara tor in my homo. OS ?-5sia. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing con' tldentlal advice may contact Catholic Char- itiee, 77S W. Broadway. Eugene, Oregon. Diamond s-uez. IN DEBT? DONT 11 bills cost your ob, your credit, everything you own I IP you a re (n debt beyond you r ability to pay and sincerely want to get out of debt, sea BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bill, at a pay ment you can afford. No eacurity no co-ilgntrs. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed ( and Bonded ' Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SE Main St. Where To Go 10 HUNGRY? All You Can Eat For $1.50 WHEN? Saturday Night WHAT: Swiss Steak Baked Ham Broiled Chicken Green Beans Diced Carrots Baked Beans and Hot Homemade Rolls WHERE: THE BROILER 719 SE Cass Oil 3-3445 CASH RATES Lines 3 Davs 6 Days 30 Day 2 $1.75 $2 50 $ 5 50 3 2 50 3.50 7.50 4 3 25 4 50 9 50 5 4 00 5 50' 1150 6 4.75 6.50 13.50 Above rales suhiect to 50c service charge for credit. count the oddress and or tell I -Day rats 2 3-Day rata 2 6-Day rota 2 30-Day rota 2 I -Day rate 3 3-Day iota 3 6-Day rat 3 30-Day rata 3 WRITE YOUR AD PFl.OW NOTICE I have sold my insurance agency to Mr. Ooyct Ltmley, who will Ittumi Kill charge of the builne July I, 161, end I will remain wilh him only until the middle ot July. All accounts dated prior to July 1, 196?, are now due and payable lo the un dertigned al hit residence, 1014 5. E. Ter race it reel, Roseburg, Ore. RALPH L RUSSELL Lost & Found 12 MALE Schipperke dog. lost vicinity of Rifle range Rd. Aitwert to name Qt "Smoky. Reward. Phone OR 2-1490. LOST 7 canvas air mattresses b1w. Camas Creek Forest camp Fish Creek. Reward. Bob and Audrey Lewis, OR iti. LOST Prescript ion "sung lasses, at tennis court at city swimming pool. Finder please leave at pool. Help Wanted 14 MIDDLE AGED couple with some income to care for motel for rent and utilities. Glendaie Motel, Myrtle Creek. CalM63-3954. CAN YOU USE extra dollars weekly in addi tion to your present earnings? Supply large Rawlelgh Lint to consumers in Roseburg. Start earnings Immediately. Write Rawleigh, 306 Adeline, Oakland, Calif. Help Wanted Men 15 WANTEO Fallen. Call after i ville. 3f-4S68. Canyon. WANTED Salvage logger, approximately l minion ti. UK 3-4039 a.m. to 3:ju p. EXPERIENCED high lead man. Call Can- yonvllle 83V-456I after 8. EXPERIENCED log truck drivers. Also cat skinner, tuzs. pnone 3482, Myrtle point, Oregon. PERMANENT part time stockman needed. Drinkers or smokers need not apply. Call between 10 a.m 5:45 p.m., OR 3-72?3. Kelp Wanted Women 16 16. HELM WANTED WOMEN Nation Wide Retailing Firm Has the following openings in local outlet CREDIT ASSISTANT (lull time) INTERIOR DECORATOR (part-time salei) Write full particulars, work experience, references etc., to BOX .77 News Review Work Wanted 17 PAINTING and papering. Save '. or more ana gei oener wanpaper. tart or 3-799. PAINTING, WALL WASHING. Reasonable rates. Phone OR 3-423. CUSTOM BALING Ike Cilne OR 3-6754 HOUSEWORK by the hour. $1 per hour plus carfare. OR 3-4878. EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, patios, f-ree estimates. OR 3-3345, TEENAGER wants baby sitting. Westside. Call OR3-WM WASHING, IRONING AND MENDING. OR 3-3o2B IRONING, 75C PER HOUR 2961 Yount OR 3-6133 HIGH school student, either to do Ironing or baby silling. Will live In. Glide or Roseburg. ok 1-3970. EXPERT ALTERATIONS on women's and men's clothing. Mrs. Gregorla F. Ortiz, 3M 5.E. Pilfer ST. OR 7-2332. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call OR 3-7217 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. Phono OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. WANTED to borrow $5000 on Mvrtle Creak home, pay 7 at $70 a month, Wrlfa box 47& News-Review. WANTED to borrow $3000 on 2 pieces of property, payaoie s per mo., OR 3-8068. REAL ESTATE LOANS to $2500, also 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture and ilg nature loans. Laurent Ida Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fi nance Corp, 813 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 129 SE Washlnplon . OR 3-5581 PLANNING A TRIP? Protect Your Fun With TRAVELERS CHECKS Buy Them At DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 622 SK elnckson OH 3-5571 Business Opportunities 22 FOR SALE OR TRADE equity In trailer court, wimion. Phone OS -57 47. FOR SALE, tradt or lenie Hold and code shop. E. Linn, c 0 Hottl Canvonvlll, or call eUV-464l, Lanyottville. Of coon. FOR SALE OR TRADE, equity In rulauranl at truck slop tor houst or pickup and Irnll r home, Lei!vt $75 per mo Phone EVcr grern 2-2771. Rt. I. Bon 175. Bend. Or. I-UNIT MOTEL, live with kitchens, plus 3 bedroom riome. (70.000. terms Take house trailer, property or contracts on lrde. Glen Dale Motel, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. LEASE WITH OPTION- GROCERY, service station combina tion. Large building, fixtures, hoi si, pumps. Lots ot parking on blacktop. DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY OH 3-4020 OH 2-2105 Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE building, St. level, across from tourthouse. Reaionable OR 3-747L " WKSTSlOKOKKlt K GROUND FLOOR, parking near door tor cuenis. Jusi right tor real evate. Imui ance or general oftke use 1601 W. Har vard. JW month. OR 7-1577. W K STS I P K V K V 1 1 ' K SUITK 1HRTE ROOMS Including kitchen with tile drainboard. Hath with howr. Parking near door tor clients. Extellenl location for dental, drafting, bookkeeping or other Olflre lie. H W. Harvard. OR eves. Apartments For Rent 26 TWO ROOM, furnished downstairs apt. Wj mo. IJOJ S. E. OR 2-U.V TWO nedroom furnished apt. Witfr. lights, garbage furnished Che In. OR 3-4H7 FURNIStO APT. Ul? SE Jackson FURNISHT D 3 room act.-ClMirqw:et, '"near store. I or 3 adus. Reasonable. OR 3101 FURNISHED 3 room apt. Heat, water',' earb. serv. turn. Adults. OR 3-J70 after i P rn. CLFAN S room tunitihed Hat tiU S E. Sfepnens OR 2-3;Tfl Dl SIRAnLP furn " apt'. Prefer' middle-aged couple. Caroorf. Clote In. UJI SE Douglas. ONE bedroom .'furnished modern aot S50. W OR 3071. FOUR ROOM furn. apt , on NF s'de "ot fon. SSJ mo OR J jAOl, OR J-JIW. ees SITE for yoLir dream home could be in "Lots and Acreaaes". Takt a look' DIAL OR 2-332! FURNISHED APT. 135. Five miles South.! OR tm TWO BR ap't In 3-plex, on SE Main. With garage. Adulls.OR 3-t340. ONE BEDROOM partly turn. apt. Inquire 73 Wharlon between W p.m. No drinkers. DILLARO 3 bdrm furnished upstairs apt, $SS. Utilities paid. OS -5Ai3. ONE BR furnished duplex. $50. 201 Wheeler, South Winston. OS 9-S1Q7. ATTRACTIVE redecorated 1 BR apts. Elect. heat, all utilities furn. Priced from tti to M0. 217 W. Harvard. OR 3-1462. SUTHERLIN Union Gap Apts. 3 bdrm, $50 mo., turn. Incl. water, electricity. Ph. 3128 or OS 9-SoW. NICE BACHELOR APT. Furnished, also some utilities. 145 a mo. Call between I .m.and 2 p.m. OR 2-4S64. ' Vj BLOCKS FROM DOWNTOWN LARGE, unfurnished apt. Utilities furnished. Call after ft p.m. uk a-un, ONE" BR apt. Washer, dryer, itove and refrigerator furnished. Close In, OR 3-4341, es OR 3-4741. Kohlhagen Apts. Modern, reasonable rent Jackson St. at Lane Ave. AOULTS OR W244 "A Good Ploet To Llvt" TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 bdrm. apts.. furnished or unfurn. Water and garb. sarv. provided also heat In soma. Rents from $64 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apti. gas equipped OR 3-5863 Winchester Ct. Hot water heat OR 3-74M Visla Homes Hot water heat OR 24388 Weslvue Ct. Washer-dryer OR 2-2549 Oakhill Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3-4340 Rooms For Rent 27 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. Call OR 2-156T after S. SLEEPING ROOMS for gentlemen. 817 SE Blakely, IVi blks SE. from BuiDepoL SLEEPING ROOMS tt per" week. S miles south. OR 3-7979. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING-room, S7 per week. Utilities paid. Parking. S25 SE Lane. Room And Board 28 BOARD and room; also housekeeping room, 530. 5 ml. SOUlh. O 3-7979. Houses For Rent 29 FOUR ROOM HOUSE OR 2-4534 TWO BR unfurnished hiuse, vacant July 9th. OR 2-1347. IN CANYONVILLE, 2 bdrm furnished house. J60. 839-4491, Canyonville. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rates. 4620 NE Stephens. Pacific Motel. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or tingle elderly. OR 3-6548. TWOBR1rT6uSE, "Giles St. Contact OR 2-1884 FURNISHEO 1 Bedroom new home, middle aged couple. Walk to town. OR 2-2380. 6NEBR close-In partly furnished house. S45 mo. OR3-75B6: TWO BRHOUSE, NICE YARD. $70 OR2'2542a,,erlp-'vil THREE BR house on' Corey Ave. Oil itove. Reasonable. OR 3-3223. WINSTON 2 bedroom modern house, part. ly furnished or unfurnished. $55. Water paid. See at 630 Ronald Ave. OS 9-8615. NEWtwb BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, Full basement. Located on Flint Street, OR 3-3032. FURNISHED 1 and 2 bdrm. cabins, water, garbage disposal furn. $40 to $55. 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-3368. ATTRACTIVE "2bedroom house with built-in electric range. About 4 miles west of Rose burg. OR 3-6449. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 EXTRA Nice 1 or 2 Bdrm modern furnish ed trailers. Adults only. Inquire Timber Town Trailer Park. 2010 NE Stephens. OR 3-6354 Mobile Home Parks 31 DESIRABLE 50' vacancy. We Invite compar ison. Trailer Haven, 49 NE Sterling. TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Best accommodation for all size trail ers, Incl. all electrics. Paved Sis., la no scaped, big lawn, metered gai. I block from Safeway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Vnn Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1980 NE Stephens OR 3-3356 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes 55' Mobile Home With I 2' x 18' Living Room -SEE IT NOW at J Cr J Trailer Sales Angeles Alrstreom Travelers 491 NE Garden Volley Blvd. OR 2-3441 SHADY POINT Trailer Sales IS Kill ST AGAIN with the newest in Mobile Home living! NOW by NASHUA the EARLY AMERICAN PROVINCIAL TWO ei,iiHlmi; sections: Living room. IS X 17' Master Bedroom. 9 X 17' Kully furnished and equipped with MANY deluxe features, usually found in far more expensive Mo bile Homes. You've wen II IfMurwl ffn Ih, "Prir. I Riohl ' And vpo ceo be wre Ihe PRICE IB RIGHT el SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi. S. llwy m BK OK 2-14M DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester For better living at lower cost see our quality mobile homes. Elcar COr expandable model are de signed (or baity and living comfort. OFIcetwood Quality at low cost Shasta The greatest value in trawl trailers. Good 8uvj in Used i"rcf?lers FOR P SPENDABLE TOWING Call OR 3-7272 SELL or trade equity tor new home10Jx54' J bdrm trailer. OR a-32A. fwoBR 42 x r Seng It,' bay windows. Aluminum awning i3i&0 OR J-7202. FOR SAL E "or tradefor turnlture equity In 1940 10k 54 3 BR trailer, 3135 N. E. Stephens, after 6. Real Estate Wanted 33 WANTEO Home with 10 A. or more, Winston-Oil lard area. Call OS Real Estate 34 TWO new 3 BR homes-each S10.900 cash. Northside. OR 2-3268. QUALITY BUILT, westside home. 3 bdm. playroom, large fenced yard. OR 3-8? 78. TWO ACRES, small house, good well. Dia mond Lakg Bjvd. Ceil OR 3-503V. THREE bedroom home, close tnTmailown payment. 14500. OR 2-2771. NEW 3 BR home, oil furnace, Insulated, plastered. Westside. OR 3-8016. FOUR BDM. house. ? full baths, sawdust furnace, fireplace, bsmt. i8.00.OR 2-3204. THREEBR Cloverdaie home, "equity win. OR 2-3986 WESTSIDE 2 bedroom house, close to schools and stores. U.900. Terms. Ph. OR 3-4034. TWO- bedroom house, 2 blocks west of bus depot. Or will trade for property In Spring fleld OR 3-571. MUST SELL my two br. home. Lot I09xl20'" Fruit trees, grapes. Shade trees. Terms. Ray Lynes, 1082 N.E. Malheur. BY OWNER West slopes home, 3 bedrooms, 2 batrti, fireplace, fenced yard. Double carport, covered patio, pnone or 3-5103. BY OWNER 2 bedroom house, playroom. large corner lot. Gl terms. Call OR 2-1445, or see at 744 W. Falrhaven anytime. OWNER leaving town, three bedroom, large corner lot, priced below FHA appraisal. OR 2'5. FOUR ROOM house on ? lots near new shopping center in Florence, Oregon. Write to Route 2, Box 30. Florence, Oregon. FOR SALE or lease to adults. Two bed room furnished home. 3 acres hill land in Garden Valley. OR 3-4929. EQUITY ? br. viestside, 4.a4 Gl. View, wading pool, dead-end st. Near schools, snopping. t-A neat. Oft 2-1324, OR 3-7455. FOUR bedroom home, " Westside. Good vestment. $8000 full price. Terms. Call AM. OR 2-1460, P.M. OR 3-4383. 2'.7 L E V E L A C R EsTf ru 1 1 arshadet7ees. Umpqua, 3 and 2 bdrm. home, S95O0, $2500 down, 175 month contract. Oakland 2143. BY OWNER 3 bedroom, excellent view. fn Cloverdaie. Fireplace, garage, patio, fenc ed back yard. Leaving town. Ph. 3-8442 or OR 2-3432 for appointment. DO YOU LOVE IO FISH? Here Is the home tor you, In restricted district n W nchester. 2 blocks from school, post office and river. Nearly full acre tot, landscaped. 7 room home, plus bath, priced at FHA appraisal, OR 2-2916 FAIRHAVEN SPECIAL ASSUME Fed Gl loan, payable at S85 per mo. 3 bedroom home, fireplace, plastered walls, large utility, freezer room, bath with shower, at l ached carport. Patio, well land scaped 70 X 120 lot, 7 trees (5 fruit), shrubs, grape arbor. Paved street near Fremont Jr. HI, Flrgrove grade school and Stores. 113,900. Call OR 2-2557. NEW LISTINGS 1S12,50O WESTSIDE 3 bedroom home with hardwood floors, electric heal, wall to wall carpeting, large garage, spacious utility room, flowers, shrubs and lawn. S4200 down and assume G.I Loan or finance on FHA or Gl financing. i 17900.00 Clover Lane 3 bedroom home with concrete foundation, sewer, etc Needs fixing up but Is priced right. Large lot and good road. $500 down. Cash . talks. I J3.000.00 Roberts Creek Area 2 bedroom home with concrete block foundation, 1 acre of land, city water, etc. A neat and clean home wilh hot water but no completed bathroom, 11,000 or less down. 4 $11,400.00 North Roseburg 3 bedroom home lust completed. Hardwood floors. Cool Top Furnace, hardwood floors, car-port, city sewer, etc. A good buy on on FHA or Gl financing. J $6,250.00 Melrose A'rea 13.7 acres of land with over 2 acres of bearing wal nuts. Livable cabin, good well and desirable cultlvatable ground. S1500 or less down, A dandy place to build your future home. $12,000.00 WINSTON 3 bedroom home on the Lookingglass Road, circulating fireplace, electric heat, hardwood floors, black-top road, city water, lawns. Shrubs and flowers. A good newer home on larqe 100 X 150 foot lot. S2500 down and assume Stale G. I. Loan at 5 interest or reflnarce on FHA or Gl Financing. STEVENSON REALTY Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. Evenings Leonard, OR 3-771 I Stevenson, Douglas County Realty 1 1 18 S. E. Stephens St. OR 3-4020. OWNER TIRED AND ILL Can no longer manicure his lovely yard. Says "BRING HE AN OFFER." Built by Lucllen for his family home. Three BR, separate dining room, utility adjoining kitchen. Oil heat, garage, full cement basement. Paved parking area for 3 cars, covered patio. 100 X 100 lot. NEAR VET'S ON Eslellc St. Very clean, trim, convenient1 2 BR home, close to stores and schools. Hardwood floors circulating fire place, attached garage, lovely yard. Owner will take boat or pickup in. Low, low price. 510,000. GOOD INVESTMENT SiKOO Very desirable location on West side. Partly fur nished, 2 BR's, oil heat, immediate possession. 125 X 125 lot size. Mortho Thomas Croig Short REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONE OR 2-1413 VOU CANT AFFORD TO RENT WIIKN YOl' can be our own landlord (or only SI5no down on Oils older 3 bedroom South Kavl side home. Close to shopping and transportation. Bin kitchen, living room, 'service porch. Shop and garage- building, Total price only SliSOO. Balance like rent. NO GREEN STAMPS BI T THIS entire 14 acres can be kept green from good year aioimd creek. All level and seeded. J'j story older home. Fireplace, good barn, sfc'.age buildings, Ws fruit. Shady nicely landscaped yard. Kull price only 513.500. FULLY FURNISHED TWO bt'$nm home on dandy larne lot On srwrr. World? of shruhs and shade tiers. SWM) with $500 down. GOOD VALLJf THHKK bedroom home, plastered, nurd wood floors. Fire place, tub and shower b;t!h Lovely y den. clioice fruit tree?. SiMKr niiiri Vimi can'l lhi fni- 13fton viith tlOjtf and quick possession. CARLES MUM BY LOU BASSETT E. H "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G. f. REYNOLK H. J. BAUER EQUITY In 4 BR house, Westside. Illness' forces sle.OR3-8232. FOUR BEDROOM 'modern' home, Westmore-1 Jand Add OR 2-2935afl. ipm and wnends. THREE BR home',-? miles 'south of Ford's Mill. Good garden spoil well. WOO for my equity. OR2-4537. 17 ACRES river bottom, 4 miles out. " Build ings coder construction, will consider tak ing in clear large trailer house, or tradt for acreage near Eusene. OR 3-5753. EXTRA LARGE 3 BR home. Green District. Wall to wall carpet living rm, hall, dining rm; circulating fireplace., patio, pavtd St. 4249 SW Hanna. OR 3-7774 art. 11 a.m. THREE BR house, hardwood floors, fireplace. carport, aluminum siding, good well. West side Winston. 112,500. Will accept late mod el trailer, OS 9-5354. FOR SALE OR trade. Large equity in two bedroom home in west Winston tor noma wilh acreage In Winston Oillard area. Phone OS 9-B880 TWO BEDROOM In town, fireplace, patio. carport, fenced yard. Exposed beams and cedar paneling, u.800 terms. 1230 Fuller ton. OR 3-3486. LARGER 3 bdrm home, on Luellin. Den, flag stone fireplace, w-to-w carpet, dishwasher, disposal, 2 baths, t with ceramic shower. Lge fenced yard, covered patio. OR 2-4355. LOVELY"? bedroorn72 "bath home; 14x38 llv. room. Garage and secluded patio. On dou ble view lot. Priced at FHA appraisal. John Biock, 180 E. Jorgens, Winston. 2nd house off 99. OLDER 3 BR modern home, close to town. Approx. 2000 sq ft. 1 floor. Dishwasher, wall-to-wall carpeting, 2 fireplaces, forced air furnace, barbecue room. 1 1 1 baths. (17,000, For appointment call OR 3-8713. FOR SAUE orrade- Our-equity in 3 BR modern block house; attached garage, 2 level acres, good well. 1)86 Cotes Valley Rd., Wilbur; or write Rl, 1, Box 4)70, F lorence. Oregon. THREE BR HOME with fireplace, elec tric dishwasher, birch buill-ins. base board heat. Has 5 acres, all fenced, permanent pasture. Includes: S H.P. electric irrigation system. OR 3-24M. LARGE TRADITIONAL house, 5 blocks from town. 5 to 6 Bdrms, 2 baths, living- it chen, Back yard with fireplace. 1 lot tor ex pansion, 1 lot with carport. .Ideal location. S29.5O0. Call OR 2-3754 or OR 2-4347. WESTSIDE well-landscaped corner lot with shade trees. 3 bedrooms, utility, garage. Fenced in back yard, Ideal for kids and outdoor living. Gropes, cherries and ap ples. Friendly -neighborhood. Owner trans ferred. Call OR 3-7088. BY OWNER Nice family home, large living room, separate dining room, nice kitchen. Extra large inside utility, 2 full bathrooms, 2 large bedrooms, extra nice family room with facilities for 3rd bed room. Fireplace In living room and fam ily room. Price S15.900. Terms, refinance Immediate possession. Ca" OR 3-319) for appointment. NEWER 4 bedroom home, overlooking South Umpqua Large recreation room, birch kitchen, built in Frlgldaire refrigerator, range, oven, dishwasher. Disposal, inter com, 7 ceramic tile baths. ? fireplaces. Wool carpeting, drapes. 2600 sq. ft. S23, 000, flexible terms, some trade. Idaho own er here to sell. 151 Newlon Drive. Win ston, Hwy 42 to Illinois Heights. 3 BEDROOMS WESTSIDE With built in oven and range, loads of cupboard space. Fireplace. Extra storage room. Shade trees and fenced back yard. Redecorated inside and out. jl 3,500, Phone OR 2-1935. NEEDS YCUR LISTINGS PHONE OR 2-161 4" lf0 OR 3-8744 DeSpain, OR i-5477 2 3562 2-2465 O O OR 3-730S CR .QJ838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-6503 OR 3-3m OR 2-1085 O O KEN DRESSER OFFERS FOUR BEOROOM HOWE with living, room, dining-room kitchen combina tion, bain, utility, separate play room, shop, and storage room, car port. Lot 75' k 325'. Sewer paid tor. Price, $10,300, terms, refinance. We have many other desirable listings. KEN DRESSER REALTY 410 S. E. Jackson OFFICE. Pri. OR 2-1762 RES. Ph. OR 2XH CASH TALKS! FOUR Bdrms., concrete foundation, good well, on about '-j A. 2 miles East ot town, rented at $45 mo. Only S4950. POLE TIMBER ABOUT 60 A plus 10 to 15 A virgin old growth, about 10 A No. 1 Xmas trees will help pay for this 177 Acre ranch, 4 bdrm home, large barn, shop, double garage. All In excellent condition, makes tnis a real buy at S47.500. Terms. Roseburg Realty & Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 SEVEN VIEW LOTS on Reservoir St. to be sold as a unit. $8,000. IN GREEN AREA, neat, clean small 2 bedroom, nice yard, fruit trees, and a real buy at $5500. WEST SIDE RIVER HOME, 2 bed room, wonderful soil, beautiful loca tion. S75O0. JUST REDUCED to $6250. Two bed room plus huge partially finished up stairs. Small guest cottage, patio, outdoor grille, lots ot storage, garage and carport. Close in too. For homes In all price ranges, be sure to contact Roseburg Realty In the Umpqua Hotel. MAGNESS REAL ESTATE 'OFFICES in PORTLAND & ROSEBURG SEE THIS 17,000 LARGE 3 bdrm home, located 4 miles south of Roseburg. Easy fi nancing or owner will take a trailer house In trade. NEED MORE SPACE 3 BEDROOMS with bath and Vi, large family sized kitchen, fireplace with raised hearth, 3 nice sized bdrms. Utility and unfinished basement gives the storage space every family needs. This home Is just 3 years old and located on nice residential street. $12,200 with Immediate possession. 112,900 NICE 4 bdrm, separate dining rm, fireplace, on paved street and sewer. WE HAVE several new homes with built-in appliances and natural finish ed woodwork, Priced for $13,300 up. "We can always use another good listing' 916 S. E, Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Evening call Bill Gould A1 Hoffman Iris Reinert OR 2-2557 OR 3-5363 OR 3-6136 ROYO. YOUNG & Son IDEAL CLOSE-IN 13'i A. pasture ranch suitable for a horse or stock set-up with a 1st class ranch home and close to 1000 ft. of frontage on a busy paved road. House has a large living room 14' x 22'. Bed rooms 14' x IB' and 13 x U, bath 6' x 8'. Utility room 8 x 14. Triple carport. Good fireplace and elcc. wall heat and a wonderful view. Terms can be arranged. 2 BEDROOM modern borne on West side wilh hardwood floors and room upstairs for 2 more bedrooms. Fire place, sewer In and paid. Very well constructed home. Only $7,500. 60 A OF IRRIGATED needed pasture which run strong to lotus and sub clover, really yields Ihe feed. Barn plus a 70' X 40' teed shed. Good fences. Irrigation system with 30 HP motor and 3'i" pump. Over 4000 ft. of irrigation pipe and sprinklers for 900 ft. Also farm machinery. Good well and well insulated 2 bedroom home. Priced right tor river frontage. lRoy O. Young and Son I H? I Realtors 733 S.E. Can Ave. Pacific Bldg. Phone Office OR 3-4671 Sunday and Evenings except Friday, Call LeNoir Krust. OR 2-295H Evenings Call OR 2-3553 HUB REALTY RICE HILL BRANCH Only 24 miles north of Roseburg, on 99 freeway. ONE BEDRClSM home on half acre in Sutherlin. Close in. Nice neighborhood. Good schools. Near o 99 Freeway. Owner sacrificing at $280 with small down payment. 1000 ACRE RAjvlCH with 1 2mile river frontage 400 Acres farm land, lots of y.S)ng timber Located on county road. 2 good ban$. Only $65,000, 29 Q0 down. . O REAL COUNTRY LIVING and yet only 10 min utes to downtown Roseburg Small retirement home and 8 acres with lots of shode. Price $12,750. 383 ACRES with 2 good hornr 200 acres farmland Property located on paved road Price of $68,000 includes all livestock and machinery. 9. : M. Webb O Yoncalla Victor Extra Large House THREE 'EAR OLD - 3 bedroom, l'i baths. perimeter oil furnace. Family room, bum In ' range and oven. Sprinkling system, landscaped over-sized lot. Attached double garage. See any time at 327 W. Broccoli or call OR 2-3134. LACKEY REAL ESTATE An Exchange For Buyers & Sellers $9800. S300. down. Green District, large modern 3 bedroom, carpeted living room, fireplace. 100X100 lot. A buy. lO Irrigaled acres. 5 In pasture, 5 In fruit. Snowplace 1500 sq. ft. 2 bed room home, barn, shop, chicken and hog house. 122,000. Garden Valley. Vi acres. Garden Valley. 3 bedroom home (modern), Circulating fireplace, North Umpqua front, free soil. SW, 700. Terms. 154 acres. Sutherlin, Hi bedroom heme, 13 acres permanent pasture, chicken house, workshop, Jl 3,500. Ex change 3-4 bedroom North Roseburg home. J I?, W0. 4 bedroom Newton Creek, fireplace, playroom, patio, fenced yard, trees. FHA terms. HAVE 2500 sq. ft. split level West side 3 bedroom, $23,500. 3 baths, 2 fireplaces. WANT smaller home any area as down payment. Let's deal. HAVE 1524' sq. ft. Sutherlin modern i 3 bedroom home, I'.j baths, 2 fire places, family room, 1 acre. WANT Reedsport property or smaller Rose burg home trade. HAVE Grants Pass, Port Orford, Ash land modern homes to exchange for Roseburg modern home. Call today. SI 3,300 new Newton Creek 3 bed room, 10 down, oil heat, fireplace, ,. 1100 sq. ft. Exchange older 2 bed room can modernize. S 1,000. $350 down, Newton Creek, 3 bedroom, oil furnace, carport, nice yard. Westside, 3 bedroom, $12,750. 10. down FHA or assume Slate Vets loan. Circulating fireplace, 1380 sq. ft., car port, 105X155 lot, trees, fenced. 413 SE Jackson OR 2-1 659 CO-OP MEMBER Bob Carne MB96 Major Miller OR 3-4907 Gene Peck 2-4534 . Jack Suksdorf Or 3-6741 " JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE 19 ACRES OUT GLIDE WAY. Good pasture land. Some saleable timber. 2 Bdrm. home. Low taxes. Owner moving out ot state. Quick possession, $9,500 with $1,500 Down. 1 5 ACRES DILLARO DISTRICT. Level land on a creek. 6 Bdrm. older home with modern kitchen, fireplace In dining room. New bath. Duplex for rental. Good barn, $12,500. 150 ACRES GOOD WATER SUPPLY from creek, with Irrigation rights. 70 A. very good river bottom soil planted to per manent pasture and barley. $29,500 with terms. G. I.'s THIS LOVELY 3 bedroom home can be yours. Large living room, family room, 2 fireplaces, birch kitchen, built-in range and oven. Tile bath. 10 per cent down on FHA to qualified buyer. $14,500. Jim Bevans Real Estate 957 NE Mepnens Cr rv.w rtr Mito LvAJ Ph. OR 2-3731 L. B. Hkkl 3-7213 T. O. Coon 1-5711 Dorothy Jones 3-794? Lots And Acreages 35 FARM LOTS, 14 acres. Houses and barn. S. E.JJooth St., mijejo city. Ph. OR 3-3734. NORTH ROSEBURG trailer lot. City water, wired 220. Phone OR 2-1B36 after 6 p.m. CLOSE IN, clean hlllsTde loT50 V'l60. Good location. Ma,ke oflor. OR 3-7588. LOTS 100 x 100', In Greeni-some-on- pave ment.Water(n, sewer soon OR 3-8459. Siooo'CASH. acre homeslte on beautiful Cavttt Creek, near falls. Tall trees. Elec tricity, phone available. Store 2 miles. OS 9-577L WINSTON AREA 5 acre river loam, ideal nursery location. Landscaped. Fruits, nuts and berries. Nice 3 bedroom home. Income from nice rental, $66.50 mo. Good well. And many other features. $17,500. Some terms. Call evenings, OS 9-5414. Farms And Ranches 36 A DANDY 143 ACRES. 35 Walnut trees, prunes, peaches and pears. 55 acres of bot tom ground. Two barns, .1 bedroom home. Irrigation equipment included. Price $36,000. KELLER REAL ESTATE 853 S. E. Stephens RoseburR, Oregon Phone OR 3-3610 Eve. Ph. OR 2-1935 OS 9-5339 Southern Oregon Land Co. 223 No. Main Myrtle Creek 33 ACRES 13 ACRES undet Irrigation. 3 bed room home. $20,000. This includes ir rloaiion system. Will take e 3 bdrm home In Myrtle Creek In trade. We Need Ranch Listings Southern Oregon Land Co. 223 No. Main St. M.Ttle Creek Bus. Ph. 863-3861 Res. Ph. 863-3392 Frank Zimmcrs. Sales Rep. Louella Zimmerj Les Gardner 9-2472 Anytime q O O o a