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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1962)
0 O 10 The News-Review, Roieburg, imimur; 1 1 n1 1 l-p rn- t 1 1 i.'ww,MWffjri,it'WI1' www tSf.WS'i ,,'-.--,.., ;V,t, vf .t t : , ; -v. W j, y , t ,v i m. nii'fi' iiMaH ,iiiiiriiiirM t tfi.ilxr ifn -mm - GROUP PICTURE of the entire 4-H Club summer school ot Oregon Stote University in Corvollis is shown here in the form of Mt. Hood with those dressed in dark clothing forming the trees and those in white making the snow. Som 1,720 boys and girls, each present on a scholarship, plus over 100 adult leaders and County 4-H agents, were ; I -it V ' A ' "",.' utiJl ". NANCY GRASS, sophomore in education a t Oregon State University, "has been awarded a partial - tuition scholarship for the 1962-63 school year. The scholarship was awarded by the Oregon State Univers ity. She Is the doughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Grass of Look- ingglass and is currently at tending summer school at OSU. She was graduated from Douglas High School in 1961. Ninth Grade Leads Fremont Listing The ninth grade led tho othor classes at Fremont Junior High School with tho most students nam ed on the fourth quarter honor roll recently released by the school. Straight ones, wore received hy eight of these students . Those who received perfect grades were Mary Ann Heardsley, Lori Benson, Kent Cummins, Char- lene Glover, Charlotte Langenberg, Carolyn Lee, Lorctta Todd and Marilyn Wilson. Receiving a grade average of 8.5 or above were: Seventh grade: Bob Beardsloy, Pally Cacy, Jack It Cary, Charles Cralt, Ricky Clule, Peggy HaHerty, Beverly Holrick, Sharon La Brenu, Kermll McCarthy. Robert McKnlflht, Sieve McLaln. Gary Munn, Richard Natfio- r, Olano Ploull, Laura Stone, Nnrtcy Thorpe, ITepntn Tyson and Lana Waller. Eighth flrad: Sherry Alton, Debtile Ds' Barnardl, Jo Ann OeSpaln, Steve fc rick ion, Jack Harris, Lewis Inilcy, Karen Lake, Shcr rv Llndell, Kathleen Loornls, Cinistle Ne-iv- Mth, Prtscllla Oerdlnq. Pat Plnard, Vlckl Purclval, Mark Schwab, and Kovln Scott. Ninth grade: Brian Barneburg, Mfka Cash- tier Lynda Connlne, Marl lea Currier, Sua fcddy, Tony Follrlt, Bill Ford, Collern Green, Roger helllwell, Kyra Holbrook, Rosemary nowien. tnria uane, tariiyn Ltnclberg, Mar tha Lock i, Ken Luepke, Glenda McLnln, Jo nm Mark ham, Clayton Nelson, Diana 01 en, Ralph Mrion, Dan- Rhotlen, Dar- lene. ichmldt. Gait Short. Stan Smith. Stt phen Smith, Mark Sohn, Stuart Spmlit and i-nanoiii lyson. ft ,., . i J 4-p i (W 4 Nr-J, " .T. r V... . i ; riAIDV DrtVAITY I..J, i am n I u TV, v , .ur lo, ro, u-l, y,u wurava own Aldo Brumbach, left, as a second alternate. Raising a toost to milk is Oregon Dairy Princess AtiOonne Ellison, right, of Mt Angel, and first olternale Linda Olson of Coos Boy. Miss Brumbach, 16, a 1962 graduate of Glide High School, was valedictorian or her graduating class, a honor society mo Tiber, ond was named Miss Douglas Countx thi, year ot the boot show. She ,s &9 daughter of It. Cmdr. (lefned) ond M,s. j. VV. BrumbocH. Ore. Tuet., July 3, 1962 odoiiS 1962 Youth Range Camp Slated August 11-16 In Logan Valley Oregon boys interested In the state's rangeland country have an opportunity in August to learn more of this great natural resource in a "laboratory as nig as all out doors." The 1M2 Youth Range Camp is scheduled August 6 to 11 in Logan Vallev in southeastern Grant coun ty. Tucked away in the Malheur National Forest, the camp win combine instruction in range man agement, outdoor living, and rec reation. It is sponsored by the Pacific Northwest section of the American Society of Range Man agement. Oregon boys 14 through 17 years of ago aro eligible to attend on a local selection basis with schol arships nrovided by local sponsors to cover cosls of oltending. All eastern Oregon cnnnties and Jackson, Josephine, Douglas, Coos ml Currv counties are eligible to send four bovs each, reports Oil lard 11. dates, Oregon State Uni versity range management spe cialist who is program chairman for the event. Selection in each county is made by a county extension agent and local representative ot me so ciety ot Range Management. At camp, boys will learn anoui range management, wildlife and tho range, livestock management, identification of range plants, how to judge soil, public relations of wildlife management, ana oincr re lated topics. Evening caniplire programs Seven Girls Represent Douglas County At JESSI Seven girls from Douglas County wore listed among lti7 from Oregon, California, Washing ton, Idaho, Nevada and Montana, that allcndi'd the second annual Junior Engineers' and Scientists' Summer Institute at Willamette University the past two weeks. They were Susan Daniels, Nancy Henry and ticiahiine Taiilin of Riddle; Judy Davidson from Myr tle Creek: and Art liu 1,. Ilardmey cr, Judith Loveladv and Antontu I Perkins, all from Roseburg. -ILL i-rV ' ' t ... fk A !.,:... o.:, - present for the 47th annual summer school. Most ot the group were housed in compus dormitories. The '70 at tending from Douglas County were accompanied by Frank von Borstel, 4-H agent, and Mrs. George Munson of Umpqua, leader. Each attending boy or girl was sponsored by an individiual or organization in his own county. Youtk touch the lighter side of life on the range: "dreams of a working cowboy" as told by R. A.' Long, Fort Rock rancher-philosopher; a session on photography; group singing, and special contests. Some free time will be squeezed in for fishing and other recreation, camp planners said. Interested boys may obtain more information from their local coun ty extension agent. Douglas Students Win Scholarships The awarding of 171 cash schol arships to high school seniors for the purpose of attending Oregon public and private colleges and uni versities was announced today by the Oregon Stale Scholarship Coin mission. Students from Douglas Couiily who have received grants are (seo list). Douglas High School, llayward D. Reed and Daniel Paul Dodd. Drain High School, Marilyn Brown and Judy Levins. Mvrlle Creek High School. Car ol Fuller and Ralph Shirtcliff. Canyonvillc High School, June Brnimird, Roseburg High School, Robert Gable. Keedsport High School, Thelma Soleiui. Sulherlin High School, Myra Hol land. Riddlo High School, Ann Walker. University Names Four On Spring Term Listing Four students attending the Uni versity of Oregon from Douglas County were named on the spring term honor roll. Listed were Klisa Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Thomas, and William Kelley, both of Itosebiug; Mary Dell Case beer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert I,. Casebeer of Glide; Joseph Grant Ledgcrwood, son of J. O. Ledgcrwood of Dillaid; and l,iii(!a Crowlev and Steven Keele of Riddle. , p .. ..... . .... O Air Force Pays WSU Expenses For Glide Youth Airman First Class Ronald L. iShanafelt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Shanafelt, Glide, has re ported to Washington State Un iversity where he will be a full time criminology student. Airman Shanafelt will be pro moted to the pay grade of Staff Sergeant and will draw subsistence allowances, tuition and books, paid tor ny trie Air Force. Upon graduation with a Bache lor of Science Degree he will be sent to the Officer Training School for three months, he will then au tomatically be commissioned a sec ond lieutenant. M. Sgt. Lester V. De Foe, Air Force Recruiting representative announced that Shanafelt is getting his college degree through the Air man Education and Commission ing Program, which is open to all airmen in good standing with 30 or more semester hours or I5 quarter hours of college credits. This program Is open to both men and women. Airman Shanafelt is a 1957 grad uate of Glide High School, and at tended Oregon Stale University for five terms, before entering the Air Force. Shanafelt and his wife, the former Roberta Keys of Glide, will reside in Pullman, Washing ton while he is attending the Uni versity. 5 Oakland Students Earn 1.0 Grades Students at Oakland Iliuh Sriinnl lisled on the second semester hon or roll were: Freshmen Brenda Jiirirl. i n- Joyleen Baird, Joanne Manning, nan oiitoer, rtmaite Thornton, Ter-j esn Banducci, Erline Bullock, Mar-; tin Crouch, Cynthia Menges, Greg ory Vasche and Michael Willism snn. Sophomores 1.0, Joan Archer and Keilli Krenshaw: Paula Ger mond, Laurey Hansen, Eunice Huckins. Carol McCullough and Lyle Telgenhoff, Sheryl Arc-ham-hanlt, Judy Breedlove ond Caro lyn Gibson. Juniors Jim Archer, Marjorie Judd, Diane Peterson, Diune Calk- i ins. Morlyn Cannon. Wavne tier-! moml, Richard llelniboll, Llovd Lewis, and Edward Todd. Seniors 1.0. Cheryl Peterson and Palsy Wilson; Norman Baird, Susie Healun, Ardath Breedlove liudy Downs, Remire Judd, Daur ice Pylcs, Bill Anderson, Joyce Ann look. Dtltwrt L. Radr, son of Mr. ami Mrs. John W. Under. 4748 S nillaril, HosetnirR enlisted in Ihei l ulled States Air Force on thej llllh of June, liader has departed ! for Lackland AFH. Texas, where! he will take his basic training. 1 Dale A. Foster, son of Mr and! Mrs. t.eoiue T. Foster, lilts X. E Nash, Hosehuri!. enlisted June a) in the I'niled States Air Force hosier has departed fur Lack land AFH. Texas where he will take basic Irainini.'. ! Chrls E. Cotton, son of Mr ; land Mis. Louis G Cotton. IMO ' i.V F. Jackson, Roseburg was en j listed in Ihe l ulled Slates Air ! tone and neparted for Basic train i ing at Lackland AFR, Texas June O 21 Army Spc.(ist Four Muh.,,.1 1! Hanson. 35. on of .Mr ami Mrs. Kay lianson, Home I. siit.vr. j "" fwntly participated in n l"" , "'""' '?lJMVj" Bn lhl7A ,th Berlin BriKde RosebwrgGets ' j New Meter Maid Roseburg has a new meter maid, ; Chief of Police John H Truett, announced today She is Mildred Faye Smith 338'Ualn Wniri SF. .Ia,.lrin SI She is TO marriprl and has had previous training in police work. Mrs. Smith spent IS months with the Marine Corps, and nine months with the La Grande Police De partment. A native of Idaho, she comes here from Portland. She has had some college training in l'lr:h, and has had typing and short hand. Some stenographic work is required, as the meter maids do limited office work as well as out side patrol of city parking meters, said Chief Truett. She replaces Mary Compton, who was the first to start in 1955. Mrs. Compton has moved to Springfield. LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notica Is given that July 30, .962, at 9:30 A.m. in Courtroom A, Circuit Court, Doug las County Courthouse. Roseburg, Oregon, has been fixed as Ihe time and place tor hearing obfecllons. H any, to tha Final Ac count tiled by the undersigned In the Cir cuit Court, Douglas County, Oregon, and (or the settlement thereof. CHARLES D. SCOFIELD, Execu tor of the Estate of HAROLD L. SCOFIELD, Deceased NOTICE OF PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mon day, the 9th day of July, 1962, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., a public hearing will be held in the Council Chamber ot the City ot Roseburg, Oregon, at which lime obleclions will be heard. If any there are, lo the proposed zone change of the following described property from Residential I to Commercial Ml. The area to be rezoned being a portion ot the James & Slritzke property on west Harvard Drive. Tax Lot No. 57211-1, and lying adjacent fo the north line thereof, more particularly described as follows to-wil: ginning at a point on the North line of the existing Business Zone III on the East line of Ihe above described property, said point also being South I2.S leet from the Southeast corner of Lot P Monte Vista Addition to Ihe City of Roseburg. Douglas County, Ore gon; Thence Westerly 143.5 feet more or less to Ihe West line 01 said properly Thence North along said West line 22.3 feet to Ihe south Line of Ihe Monte vista Plat Thence East along said South line ot said Plat to the Southeast corner thereof; Thence South 12.5 teet more or less to the place of beginning. Dated and first published this 27th day of June, 1962. WILLMA D. HILL City Recorder Roseburg, Oregon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Advertising Fot Business Within Roseburi Trade Area Cord ot Thanks $1.50 I -Day rats 2 lines 1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines 1.75 6-Day rate 2 lines 2.50 30-Day rate 2 lines 5.50 I -Day rate 3 lines 1.50 3-Day rote 3 lines 2 50 6-Day raid 3 tines 3.50 30-Day rata 3 lines 7.50 CREDIT Above rates sjbiect to 50 cents service charge Ini credit DEADLINES Private Party Advertising i P.M. Day Prior to Publication. The News-Review reserves the right lo classify, edit or reject eny Classified Ad copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your advertisement apoeais Incorrectly, notify us immediately We will not be responsible) tor more than one tncorirct insertion. Such responsibility is limited to a cortect insettion ol advertisement. Rilnnas Will Net Be Hall Mare Than n Bays SUBSCRIPTION RATES la Or (tan By MHI month, $1.75; three mint It i. $4.50; six maths, $9 00; M jear, $11.00. . Outs id i of Oregon By Mail site month $1.75: three months, S5.2Sj sn month!, $W.$0i snt ft" v?1 n0- Carrie ant ftoieburt t- 0. Boies Ont month, $1.75; six months, $10.50; iear, $21 M. Per Sintle Copy 10;. Mail Bill! Apali Outfit City Limits Mail Suiicriptiiai Must Bl Pad la Mvanct PAPER DELIVERY If your paper is not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Man. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals DRINKING PROBLEM) Call Wcoholici An onymous Or WANT Elderly Woman to care lor "in" my home OS '-Saia. YOUNG"" WOMEN "otany" faith" ne-dlngcon-lidentlal advice may contact Catholic Char., lit W Broadway, Eugme. Oregon. Diamond S-.1MJ IN DEBT? DON'T iff btin tout your job. yojf trisjit. vrvlhing vW owrtl IP you r In deht txyond your ability lo pay and imccrrlv want o get put of (JfCtt, S BUDGET CON SULTANTS and fiewt ui f plain our Db BT REOUCT ION PLAN to vog. Ont piac to EMy h t it, at s riv rml vpo can attord. No Itcurily, no co-signers. vOT LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded . Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OH 2-3591 I'll ;F Mi:rt St J b reconi'b'" cw Cher Notices 1 WILLOT than my own. Dav V-urrv U NOTICE I he sot) my mi Ooyce Lmtfv. who ra'i acx'tv tp (ill assume tnH th; Of the bv fTiS Jul I.- remam w htm otmv until th m.Oi X"r. A" ceouts riatwl prior ' Ji its! if now ove aa paa?'e to un- ty residence. 1014 S race Street, 4.etxro.. O't RALPH L. RUSSELL Section I Lost & Found MALE Schipperke dog, lost vicinity of Re' rang. Rd Aniwr lo nam. ot "$moy." , Phone OR 2-UK. lost 7 canvai air mattresses betw.t Cjmai CrPtii Forest camp . Fish Creek. Reward. Bod and Audrey Lewis. OR 3-47$, 14 -"-'l' middle aged coup'e wim some income to care for molel for rent and utititiei. Gltndale Vote). Myrtle Creek. Call TAXI CAB DRIVERS. Steady work. Must! have chauffeur's permit. Apply Roseburg Cab Co.. .661 SE Rose. CAN YOU USE extra dollars weekly in addl tion to your present earnings? Supply large Rawleigh Line to consumers in Roseburg. Slart earnings Immediately. Write Rawlelgh, 306 Adeline, Oakland. Calif. Helo Wanted Men 1 5 WANTEO Fallen. Call after I, Canyon- vine. 8J9-4Ms. WANTED Salvage logger, approximately 1 million ft. OR 3-W39 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EXPERIENCED high "lead man." Calf Can. yonville839"154B alter B. if P.M. lo7 A"W. attendant. CommTiilon basis. Al's Shell Service, OR 2-W29. 792 H. W. Garden Valley. EXPERIENCED log truck drivers. Also cat skinner, TD25. Phone 341, Myrtle Point, Oregon. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC WANTED Applv SIG FETT International Harvester dealer 205 SE Jaekson Help Wanted Women 16 LADY FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK for local wholesaler. Experience preferred. 5 diy week. State qualifications in letter to PO Box S18. Roseburg, Ore. Applications confidential. Work Wanted 17 PAINTING and papering. Save Vi or more and get belter wallpaper. Call OR 3-7979. PAINTING, WALL WASTmng. Reasonable rates. Phone OR 3-4423. CUSTOM BALING Ike Cline OR 3-656 HOUSEWORK by the hour. $1 per hour plus carfare. OR 3-48B, EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, patios. Free estimates: OR 3-3345. TEENAGER wants baby sitting, Westside. Call OR 3-7980 WASHING, IRONING AND MENDING. OR 2-3638 IRONING, 75C PER HOUR 3941 Younl OR 3-6133 HIGH school student, either to do Ironing or baby sitting. Will live In. Glide or Roseburg. OR 3-3970. EXPERT ALTERATIONS Oh women's and men's clothing. Mrs. Gregorljt F. Ortiz, 356 S.E. Pitzer St. OR 2-2332. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call OR 3-7217 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. Phone OR 3-6193 orOR3-6091. WANTED to" borrow" S50OO on Myrtle Creek home, pay 7 at $70 a month. Write Box 476 News-Review. WANTED to borrow $3000 on 2 pieces or property, payable $ per mo., o uk WANTED TO BORROW $16,000, payable S300 per mo. Or will sell contract. Con tract is 100. on Standard Serv. Station and store. Phone 863-4570, Myrtle Creek, REAL ESTATE LOANS to $3500, also 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture and sig nature loans. Laurentlde Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fl. nance corp. an se oak. ok 3-44vj. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 739 SE Washington OR 3-5581 Business Opportunities 22 FOR SALE OR TRADE equity in trailer court, Winston. Phone OS 9-5747. FOR SALE, trade or lease Cafe. Call after 3. OR 3-4250. FOR SALE, trade or lease Hotel and coffee shop. E. Linn, c'o Hotel Canyonvllle, or call 839-J641, Canyonvllle, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE, eciultv In restaurant at truck stop for house or pickup and trail er house. Lease $75 per mo. Phone Ever green 2-2771. Rl. 1. Box 125, Bend, Ore. LEASE WITH OPTION GROCERY, service station combina tion. Large building, fixtures, hoist, pumps. Lots of parking on blaclctop. DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY OH 3-1020 OR 2-2JC5 Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE building, St. level, across Irom Courthouse. Reasonable. OR 3-7.171. WlfSTSlDE OFFICE GROUNO FLOOR, parking near door for clients. Just right for real estate, insur ance or geierai office use 1693 W. Har vard. S50 monlh. OR 2-1577. WESTSIDE OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS Including kitchen wllh tile drelnrward. Bath with shower. Parking near door lor ctlenM. Excellent location lor dental, drafting, bookkeeping or other office use. 14.5 W Harvard. OR 7-157? evej. Wanted To Rent 25 NICE 3 bedroom house In or near Rose burq. Best ol references. Phone .1419 Sufh- Apartments For Rent 26 TWO ROOM, furnished downstairs apt. $45 mai:03 S. E. Ptne. OR 203$. TWO bedroom furnished apt. Water, liartt. QArbaq furfiiihed. Close in. OR 3-4147. FURNISHED APT. 1612 SE Jackson FURNISHED-! room apt. Clean, quiet, near storp. ) or 3 adults. Reasonable, OR 3-8014. FURNISHED 3 room not. Heat, water, garb. rrv. furn Adultj,. OR 3-6570 alter S p.m. CLEAN S room furnished flat 1743 SE. Steohens CR 7-3770 DESIRAOLFfurn ""apt. Prefemddte-aqfd fCHjpie. Carport. Con in. 1JJI SE Douglas. FURNISHED APT 135. Flvf miles South. OR j-P79. ONE AND TWO bWoom Apartments' t Oakhill Apts Phone OR 3 4J40. TWO"'BRBOt in 3-pleC"pn"SE "MainWith garage. Adults OR J-4J40. FURNISHED BACHELOR API ," Winston. OS 9-574 ONE' BFPROOM partly" fvrn apt InouVre ' ?j vr-(trtoa between 5-7 pm No dnnnerj. DULARP 1 M-m furmtr-ivJ upstairs aof, ' SS Utilities pa.d OS -5l3 Q SUTHFRLIN - U-op Cao Apts 7 twin, S rro , tu" ifcl. afrr. e'fetrtety Ph. Ji2$ . 0 OS i NICE BACHELOR APT. urniihed, also some utilities. is a mo. Call j ceiwrrn s a rn ano p m. uk i-e. ' ;i BLOCKS FROM DOWNTOWN I L'F- ufum.svd act. Ut-'.t.e himished. I OH ver p -n OR 3-?l. i ONE act vvatrter. arver. ioe "d rcfrisjrMtw tiirT irved Cto- .n OR J-Oll. R ' . . . FvKNlSHED Apartment. Pr.,e rt'VKt. pr va'e t- t .nf -r Af'er 5 P NA. 137? S f Jaisofr. OR 3-5&3 Kofiaqen Apts. VoctfW reatrnabie rent Jadsm St At Lane Ae ADULT? OR Q A Cexsd Pice To Lfve" Place Your Ad Today! O O 12jApnrtKMs Pr 1 21 TODD APARTMENTS ,.2.3 Mrfn aptS-j tvrrMtwS or unfurn. Witer and garb, very provided also Mai some. Ranis from u up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Aptt.4as equipped Winchester Ct. Hot water heat Vista Homes Hot water heat Weslvue Cl Washer-dryer Oakhitl Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3 S163 OR 3-J466 OR 2.4388 OR 2-2S49 OR 3-1340 n n . 27 lQOniS L OT tACUl 1 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. Call OR 2-1581 alter 5- SLEEPING ROOMS for gentlemen. 017 SE Btakely, Vt blks S.E. Irom Bus Depot. STEEPING R0bMTi6-per week." 5 miles south. OR 3-7979. i Room And Board 28 BOARD and room; also housekeeping room, $30. 5 mi. south. O?. 3-7979. Houses For Rent 29 IN CANYONVILLf , 2 bdrm furnished house $60. 839-4491, Canyonvllle. UNFURNISHED 1 BR house on Sanford . $40 mo. OR 3-7060. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rates. 4M Nt Stephens-. Pacific Motel. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes tor families or single elderly. OR 3-6548. TWO BR HOUSE, Giles St. Contact OR 5-1884 FURNISHED 1 Bedroom new home, middle aged couple. Walk to town. OR 3-2380. ONE BR close in partly furnished house. S45 mo. O K 3-7586J TWO-B R " HO U S E, NICE YAb7$70 OR 2-2542 after 4 P.M. THREE BR house on Corey Ave. Oil stove. Keasonaoie. uk 9-3223. WINSTON 2 bedroom modern house, part ly furnished or unfurnished. iSi. Water paid. See at 630 Ronald Ave. OS 9-8615. NEW TWO BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, Fuii basement. Located on Flint Street. OR 3-3032. FURNISHED 1 and 2 bdrm. cabins, water, garbage disposal furn. $40 to $55. 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-3368. TWO BEDROOM, completely' furnished cot tage on North Umpqua Highway between Glide and Idleyld Park. Children 12 years or oiaer, accepied. seiby's Place. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 Bdrm modern furnish ed trailers. Adults only. Inquire Timber Town Trailer Park. 2010 NE Stephens. OR 3-6354 Mobile Home Parks 31 DESIRABLE 50' vacancy. We Invite compar ison. Trailer Haven, 49 NE Sterling. TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Best accommodation tor all slzv trail ers, incl. all electrics. Paved Sts., la no scaped, big lawn, metered gas. 1 block from Safeway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 FOR SALE or trade for furniture equity in 1V6Q 10X54 3 BR Iraller. 3235 N. E. Stephens, after 6. EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1980 NE Stephens OR 3-3356 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes 55' Mobile Home With 1 2' x 1 8' Living Room : -SEE IT NOW at J & j Trailer Sales Angeles Airstream Traveleze 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-3441 REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONE OR 2-1413 TIRED OF LIVIN? ON a 2 X 4 lot? Then don't miss seeing this 2'a acre Rancho just riglit for your boy and his dog or your girl and her pony. Nice 2 bedroom home, loving room with fireplace, big kitchen and dining area, barn, storage bldg. Fruit trees, nicely landscaped yard with palio. What price happiness? Just $9,500. 148 ACRES OK fine pasture land with older 3 bedroom home and barn. Lots of stock water. Near Roseburg in Glide district. $20, 000 wilh good terms. 588 ACRES STOCK ranch seeded to clover and grasses. Will run 100 mother cows. Dandy large 4 bedroom home and 2 barns. Ample stock walcr. Full price $53,000, good terms. EASTS IDE $8,500. 3 bedroom home on large lot near grade school and U.S. Plywood. Immediate possession. See this property and make us an offer. CHARLES MUMBY LOU BASSETT E. H. "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G. F. REYNOLDS H. J. BAUER NEW LISTINGS ! $11.500 WESTSIDE 3 bedroom home with hardwood floors, electric heat, w!l to wall carpeting, tarqe garaoe. soacious utility tonm, flowers, shrubs and lawn. UXX down and assume (.-- Loan or finance on PHA or Gl financing 5 ?) 00 Clover Lane 1 brdroom home with concrete foundation, sewer, tc Needs fixing up bul is priced right. Large lot and good road. 1500 down. Cash talks. 3 W.000 00 Roberts CreeX Area I bedroom home with concrete olock fountiat.on. I acre ot land, cilv water, etc. A neat and clean home wth hot water but no completed bathroom li.OOO or less down. lt 00 00 North Rosebwrg 3 bedroom home lust completed Hardwood Hoom. Cool Top Furnace, hardwood floors car-port. ctv sewer, e'c. A good buy on on F HA or Gt f'natxing. i : 00 ietr05e Area 13 7 acres of land win oyer ? acres of bearing wal nuts. Livable cabm, good well and desirable cultivable ground. EliOO or lets down. A dandy place to build your future home. ktJU.CW 00 WINSTON 3 bedroom home on the LocnaCass od. circulating fireciace. e'ectric heat, hardwood 'loors. biack-too r?ad. c-tv water. ias. shrubs and fifwe'!t A good newer home o" la'tje 130 X 150 toot lot. IISOO down and aisum State G. I. Loan at s interest or refinanct on FMA or Gl Fi nancing. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YCUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST PHONE OR 2-1 61 4 Evenings 32 SELL or traae equity tor o ftomo WxM ' Parm jraner. on J-Hi . . tmiwu ok a x a- acnuu. Aluminum awning U200. OR 3-7202. SHADY POINT Trailer Sales IS KIHST AGAIN with the newest in Mobile Home living! ' NOW by NASHUA the EARLY AMERICAN PROVINCIAL TWO expanding flections: Living room, is a ii Waster Bedroom, 9 X 17' Fully furnished and equipped with MANY deluxe features, usually found in far more expensive Mo bile Homes. You've wen It featured on the "Price is Right." And you can & sure the PRICE il RIGHT at SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi. S. Hwy 99 BR OR 2-1438 DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester For better living at lower cost see our quality mobile homes. Elcar Or expandable models are de signed for beauty and living comfort. Fleetwood Quality at low cost Shasta The greatest value in travel trailers. Good Buys in Used Trailers FOR DEPENDABLE TOWING Call OR 3-7272 : . Real Estate Wanted 33 WANTED Home with 10 A. or mort, Winslon-Dillard area. Call OS 9-6880. Real Estate 34 TWO new 3 BR homes each $10,900 cash. Northslde. OR ?-32ifl. QUALITY BUILTl" westside home. 3 bdm, playroom, large fenced yard. OR 3-8278. TWO ACRES, small house, good well. Dia- mond Lake Blvd. Call OR 3-5039. THREE bedroom home, close in. small down payment. U500. OR i-7i. NEW 3 BR home, oil furnace, insulated Mastered. Westside. OR 3-B016. FOUR BDM. house. ? full baths, sawdust furnace, fireplace, bsrnt. $8,400. OR 2-320K. THREE BRCfoverdale home, equltV 11700. OR 2-3986 Roseburg Realty & Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 SEVEN VIEW LOTS on Reservoir St. to be sold as s unit. SB, 000. IN GREEN AREA, neat, clean small 2 bedroom, nice yard, fruit trees, and a real buy at $5500. WEST SIDE RIVER HOME, 3 bed room, wonderful soil, beautiful loca tion. $7500. JUST REDUCED to $4250. Two bed room plus huge partially finished up stairs. Small guest cottage, patio, outdoor grille, lots of storage, garage and carport. Close In too. For homes In all price ranges, bt sure to contact Roseburg Realty in the Umpqua Hotel. Evenings 'Call ttjga The Doyies OR 2-3553 OR 3-7308 CR 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-6503 OR 3-4504 OR 2-1085 IkiW Hones IS' eteim'U Leonard OS J 771 1 Stepson, O"? 3 fit DfScam, OR 3-577 O oo