14 Tho Newi-Review Roseburg, 7t jeciiort CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Advtrtitlnt (or Buttnni Wttnin Rotebuif Trad Area Card ot Thanks . $1.50 1-Day rota 2 line ... 1.00 3-Day rote 2 lines . I 75 6-Day rate 2 lines ... 2.50 30-Day rate 2 lines .. 5.50 I -Day rate 3 tines ............ 1.50 3-Day rate 3 lines 2 50 6-Day rate 3 lines ........... 3.50 30-Day rate 3 lines . .. 7.50 CREDIT Abovi rates subject to 50 cents timet charge (or credit DEADLINES Privet Party Advertising 2 P,M. Day Prior to Publication. The Newi-Review teiervei the rig ht to classify, edit or reject any CUtslhed Ad copy. i ADJUSTMENTS If your advertisement appears Incorrectly, notify us Immediately- V will not be responsible for mora trian on Incorrect Insertion. Such responsibility ii limited to i correct Insertion of advertisement Refuarit Will Nat Ra Held Uire Thai M Days SUBSCRIPTION RATES in Orecoft By Mail en menti, . $l.7Si tare mental, S4.M; six am hi, (LOOi taa year, $18.00. Outtlda f Orett-n By Mall ana eat a, $U5i tor monlhi, $5.21: six sit hi, JIO.Mi an year, $21.00. Carrier aatf Rosebarc t. 0. Bens On mania, $M5j sli months, $10.50; a ytir, $11.00. Per Sini Copy 10c. Mail Rates Apply Outside City Limits Mall lubicrfptions Must Bi Paid II Advance PAPER DELIVERY If your paper Is not delivered Call OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Cull Alcoholic! An onymous Or 3-W29. WANT Elderly Woman lo can for In my noma. 05 v-5,m. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing con fldentlal advlca may conlact Catholic Char. Itlei, 271 W. Broadway, Eugene. Oregon. Diamond 5064?. IN DEBT? DON'T let bills cost your job, your credit, everything you own I It you ar In debt beyond your ability to pay and sincerely want to : get out of debt, eee BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place lo pay all bills, al a pay ment you can atford. No security, no co-signers. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Orofion Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SE Main St. Notices 11 I WILL NOT be responsible for debts other than my own. David McMurry. NOTICE I have sold my Insurance agency lo Mr. Doyce Lemley, who will assume lull charge . of I he business July 1, 1962, and I will remain wllh him only until the middle ol July. All accounts da led prior to July 1, 1942, are now due and payable to tho un dersigned al his residence! )014 5. E. Ter race Street, Roseburg. Ort, RALPH L. RUSSELL Help Wanted 14 TAXI CAB DRIVERS. Steady work. Musi have chauffeur's permit. Apply Roseburg LOD LO., 661 5fc HOSe. CAN YOU "USE "extra dollars" weklv'"lnaddt Hon to your present earnings? Supply largo Rawleloh Line to consumers In Roseburg. Start earnings Immediately. Write Rawlelgh, 3e Adeline, Oakland, tain. Help Wanted Men 15 EXPERIENCED high lead man. Call Can-( yonvllleSJ?-4W8 niter B. 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. attendant Commission basis. Al's Shell Service, OR 2-9039. m N. W. Garden Valley. EXPERIENCED log truck "driver sV'Also cat skinner, TDii. Phone 362, Mvrlle Pomt, Oregon, HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC WANTED Applv SIG FETT lnternnllon.il Harvester dealer 205 SK Jackson SALESMAN WANTED SELL Frigidai re Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply in person UMPQUA VALLEY B35 S.K. .Stephens St. Hel5 Vtoted Wooien li LAW OFFICE SFCQTARY. SNxlhand, typing Opelllrtg and uumnwr abilities re quired, loo lry. OR I'Q LADr'FOR GENERAL Ofl'lCE WORK trr local Wholeialer. Experience prefetrwJ. s day week. State qualifications in letter lo PO Box Sit, Roseburg, Ort. Applications confidential. b (Titer home buys Everyday In Classified O Ore tm , ttij& Work IfnAe 1? PAINTING and papering, Save Vi or mors and oflbetlerwallpaper.CllJ)B 3-79?. WILL DO painting or yard work. Call allor 4, OR 2-2237. PAINTING, WALL WASHING. RMMnablf rates, Phone OR 3-4623. ) CU5TOM BALING Ike Cline OR 3-4954 ! HfJuSEWORK by the'hour. IT per hour plus carfare. OR 3-B. WANTED' work for 6 cat, Csll OR Mo EXPERT cement work. 5ldewaiks, drivel, pat lot. Free estimates. OR 3-3345. TEENAGER "wants- baby" silting. Wemielt. Call OR J-79M WASHING, IRONiNG AND MENDING. OR 2-3628 IRONING, 75C PER HOUR W61Yount OR 3-AT33 HIGH school student, either to "do "ironing or baby sitting. Will live in. Glide or Roseburg. OR 3-3970. EXPERT ALTERATIONS on women's and men'i clothing. Mrs. Gregorla F. Ortiz, 356 S.E. Pltier 51. OR 2-2332. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call OR 3-7217 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. Phone OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. WANTED to borrow $5000 on Myrtle Creek home, pay 7 at $70 a month. Write Box 476 News-Review WANTEDTdBORROW $16,000, payable $300 per mo. Or will sell contract. Con tract Is 100, on Standard Serv. Station and slore. Phone 863-4570, Myrtle Creek. REACESTATE : "LOANS" to $2500, also"" 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture and sig nature loans. Lourenllde Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial industrial Fi nance Corp. 013 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington OR 3-5581 Business Opportunities 22 FOR SALE, trade or lease after 3. OR 3-4250. FOR SALE, trade or lea so Hotel and colfee shop. E. Linn, co Hotel canyonviiie, or call 839-4641, Canyonviiie, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE, equity In restaurant at truck stop for house or pickup and trail er house. Lease $75 per mo. Phone ever-green2-2771, Rt. 1, Box 125, Bend, Ore. LEASE "WITH OPTION GROCERY, servlct station comblna lion. Largs building, fixtures, hoist, pumps. Lots of parking on blacktop. DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY OR 3-4020 OR 2-2-165 Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE building, SI. level, across from Lourrnause. Reaionaoie. uk i-nn. WESTSIDE OFFICE GROUND FLOOR, parking near door for clients. Just right lor roal estaro, tnsun ance or general office use. 1698 W. Har vard. ISO month. OR 2-1577. WKSTSIDE OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS Including kitchen with tile drainboard. Haiti wirn snower. panting near door for clients. Excellent location for dental, drafting, bookkeeping or other office uso. 1695 W. Harvard. OR 2-1577 eves. Wanted To Rent 25 NICE 3 bedroom house In or near Rose burg. Best ol references. Phone 3429 Suth rlin. Apartments For Rent 26 TWO ROOM, furnished downstairs apt. 145 mo. 1303 5. E. Pine. OR 2-4035. TWO bedroom furnished apt. Water, lights, garbage furnished. Close In. FURNISHEOAPT". 1612 SE Jackson FURNISHED 2 room apt. Clean, quiel, near store. 1 or 2 adults. Reasonable. OR 3-8014, FURNISHED 3 room apt. Heat, water, garb. serv, turn. Adullt. or 3-650 niter 3 p.m. CLEAN Sroam furnished flat. 1263 S.E. Stephens OR2-3270 DESIRABLE turn. apt. Prefer mlddle-aqnd couple. Carport. Close In. 133? SE Douglas. LARGE" 2-bdm. completely redecorated apt. Picture window. Partly turn. OR 3-3092. FURNISHED APT. $35. Five miles South. OR 3-797B ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments at Oakhlll Apts. Phono OR 3-4340. TWO BR apt in 3-piex, on SE Mam. With garage. Adults. OR 3-4340. CLEAN partially lurnKhed 2 room, apt. wllh kltchonetlo, balh. Adults. $45. 3-70M. FURNISHED BACHELOR APT. 7" Winston. OS 9-5747 ONE BEDROOM partly turn. apl. Irwulre 737 Wharlon between 5-7 p.m. No drinkers, DILLARD 2 bdrm "furnished' upstairs apt, IV. Utilities paid. OS 9-5613. SUTHERLIN Union Gap Apt. 2 bdrm, $S0 mo., turn. Incl, water, electricity. Ph. 312a or OS 9-5690, 4 ROOM and hnth downstairs Apt. Available July 1st. Close In. Middle age couple pre ferred. Phone OR 2-3221. NICE BACHELOR APT. Furnished, also some utilities. $45 a mo. Call between B a.m. and 3 p.m. OR 2-4S64. PARTLY FURNISHED four rooms and balh. Newly decorated. Above average lor con venience. Adults only. 1527 SE Pine. 2" OLOCK5FROM DOWNTOWN LARGE, unlurnlshed op!. Utilities furnished. Call alter A p.m. OR3-63. ONE ' BR npl. Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator turn I shod. Close In. OR 3-4381. eves OR 3-4741. FURNISHED Apartment." Private- " entrance, private balh. Close in. After S P.M. 132 S.E. Jackson. OR 3-4163, Kohlhogan Apts. Modem, reasonable rent Jackson St, at Lane Ave. ADULTS OR 3MU "A Good Place To Live" "TODD APAKtMKNTS bdrm, apt., lurnished or unlurn. Water and sain. torv. provided alio heal In tome. Hunts from $ftt up. SWIMMING POOL 1mr.ee Artts.Qrts equipped OR Winchester Ct.-Hot water Iwat OH Vista Hornet-Hot water heal OH 1-m Wfstvue Cl. -Washer-dryer OR O..htl! Antv-Rtullant Heat OR 3-4340 Rooms For Rent 27 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and lleeplng rooms. Call OH 2-1 S81 alter S. SlTEPINfi ROOMS lor 'flentlenifnT t7SE BMKety, l'i blks S.E. Irom Hut Depot. SLEr" PING" "BOOMS" M per week.' j miles south. OR Room And Board 28 ROOM ANO BOARD, home OR 3-J0?; Home ay from BOARD and room.- also hoilsoVteplno. room, 10 ml. south or 3 79ft. ! Houses For Rent 29 - ,.o FURNISHED ) and 1 bdrm. cabin, watrr, garbage ahomal turn S0 to I5S. MS Osmond Lake Blvd. OR 30361. SfVLN room lurnnrted houvr. 73J YV.Coify M Phone Mrs. C P Caylot at Mercy Hospital ' ONfT BR Imuifllr-d turnVtKtiAe Water T heat. wwer and carport turn Prffrr older cov pie. No pets or drinkers, Available now. OR Jill? tWO BEDROO'.CtwViptftfiv' turn-sheet "cot tflfle (W North Umwiua Highway helwrn Glide flnd idiryfd Par. Crt!Mitn-i' V"rs or older, ectfplrd. Srihy'i Plate SITE for your dream home could be in "LoR ond Acreaqes", Take c9 look! Ftp fees For Rent 29 j FOUR ROOM HOUSE OR 2-S34 j IN" CAN VON VI LLE, 2 bdrm furnisned house 160. 839-4491, Canyonviiie. TWOBR house, completely'remodeled and redecorated. See a) 4J20 N. Stephens. UNFURNISHED f flR hogs" on Sanford St. $40 mo. OR 3-O60. FURNISHED CAB tNSl Weekly rates. fi20 NE Stephens. Pacific Molet. j ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for lamlllei or 11(1910 biuoiij TWOBDRM, some furniture. Fireplace! 2366 Diamond LakeBlvd. OR 3-5795. TWO BR house, unfurnished, or partially. $65 mo. Fenced yard, OR 3-J' oner p.m. NEW TWO BEDROOM unfurnished duplex. Full basement. Locatea on rum wrni. OR 3-3032. NlCE, Targe unlurnlshed 3 BR home, good condition, good tocaiion. v.m uk afler 5. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 TRAILER HOUSE, 50x10 wlfh space at Win slon. Call OR 2-4270. EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 Bdrm modern furnish ed trailers. Aauirs oniy. iimuirs i nuei Town Trailer Park. 2010 NE Stephens. OR 3-4354 Mobile Home Parks 31 DESIRABLE 50 vacancy. We Invite corner ison. Trailer Haven, 499 NE Sterling. TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Br-sV accommodation for all aiza trail ers, Incl. all eleclnca. Paved Sis., land scaped, big lawn, metered flas. 1 blocK from Safeway. Adults Only. -OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 SELL or trade equily for new home I0'x54' 3 bdrmJIrailerOR 3-3285. TWO BR 42 "x 6' Schult,bay windows. Alumlnumawnlng. "200. OR .3-7202. 13T HOUSE f RAiLERV $500 cash. OR 2 41 84. 1622 N. W. Utah Drive. FOR'SALE or trade for furniture equity in I960 10x54 3 BR iraiier. m. c. aicpucus, afler 6. EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 19B0 NE Stephens OR 3- "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes 55' Mobile Home With 12' x 18' Living Room -SEE IT NOW at J & J Trailer Sales Angeles Airstream Traveleza 491 NE Garden Volley Blvd. OR 2-3441 SHADY POINT Trailer Sales IS FIRST AGAIN wilh the newest in Mobile Home living! , NOW by NASHUA the EARLY AMERICAN PROVINCIAL TWO expanding sections: Living room, 15 X 17' Master Bedroom, 9 X 17' Kully furnished and equipped wilh MANY deluxe features, usually found in far more expensive Mo bile Homes. , , , . You'va seen It featured on the "Price Is Right." And you can be sure the PRICE Is RIGHT at SHADY POINT . Trailer Sales 1 Mi. S. Hwy 99 Bit OR 2-U38 DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester For belter living at lower cost see our quality mobile homes. Elcar Or expandable models are de ' signed for b';auty and living comfort. Fleetwood Quality at low cost Shasta The greatest value in travel trailers. Good Buys in Used Trailers FOH Dtil'ENDABi.K TOWING Call OR 3-7272 Real Estate Wanted 33 WANIE-D Homo will. 10 A. or more, Wlnslon Dlllard arm. Call OS ?-8Sn. Real Estate 34 TWO ACMfiS, small mond L.iKe Btvd hoine, well. Dla Call OR 3-5039. Thri.f. bpdnwni home, rloe In, small down payment. 14 W0. OR NfcW 3 BR' home, "oil luniacp, Insulatrd. plaitered Westside. OR 3-80U. FOUR BOM. houMf "I lull"" baths, sawdust furnace, tirepliice, bsmt. $8,400. OR 2-3JM. THREE BR CIovprdate home, "equity" SW00. OR 3-39ft EQUtTYln4"'OR house, Westslde. Ilincss forces sale. OR 3 83.12. FOfJR BEDROOM mCKlprn homrwps1more. land Add. OR J-WS atl. e p.mand wKend. MUST SEi.Cmy tftn br. "home. Tot ICtMM', r ruit trt'fi, grace- ShAde Irees.' Terms. Ray Lynes, 10 N E, M,ilhor. OWNt-R lo.ivlnq town, three b )rwni, laroe corner lot, priced below FHA appraisal. OR 3-57M. NINt- AC R t S7" modf-'rn hou'w fiirni'shrd. Con- mwr travel trailer as (url down payment. Crtll OR BY'-'OWNI- R-Wesltlotws home',"a "bedrooms. 2 balhs. tliepMce, fenced yard Dr.' carport, f (j-rt?d patio. Phone OR 3-MOJ, RV OWNI'R 3 bCHHoom" house, plflvicvm, largp comer lot. Gl terms. Call OR 2-344J, or irt- at 744 W. Falrhaven anytime. TWO BriOROOM newer homerlo1! to hop- i ping ernter and school, tuiry lurnlvhl ; llfl.SW Ph. OR $;. i FOUR ROOM hot-ie on 2 lots " near new! sltoopinq cr?nfer in Florence, Oregon Write j to Route 2, hoi 3tX Fforence, On-oon j EXTRA LARGE 3 BR hi-me, Green Olstrtrt. j Wall lo wail carpet hvmg rm, hall, dining ! rm; ci'culjitlng flwI.Kf,. patio, paved! St. SW Manna. OR 3-.'77 alt, 11 ,m. i 1? ACRES rlvfr hoifcm, 4 miles out. Build-j ir(i uidi'r cwMtritcttOfi Wilt consider Uk- lig in ttear laioe trailer house, or lrAte tot autMue near EoafMt. OR 3-!i-TS3. r THRFE BR hoc."hard wood 'fleets, fireplav. carport, aluminum sioina. 9i3 well, West-j side Winston. J1J w. Will acceot Ut mod el trailer, OS 9 S.i,Si FOR SALE "OR 'tradr ,'Ta'Oe"Wiifv'"'?n" twin heiiroom home m wej.) Winilii tif lnm ith aao ift Wtt'ton Oiil.it d a fa phoo OS t-NM O Real Estate 34 1 QUALITY BUILT, westslde home. 3 bdm, playroom, large fenced yard. OR3-828. EQUITY 2br wVstsldY, 4',i Gl. View, wading pool, dead-end it. Near sclftois, flopping, FA htiit. OR 3-1324, OR 3-7455, TWO BEDROOM in'town fireplace, patio, carport, fenced yard. Exposed beams and cedar paneling, M.B00 term. 1230 Fuller lon. OR 3-348. f t ACRES "on '"Highway""?. LTve"strem, family orchard. 2 BR house. 2 wells, chicken house. $10,400. Cash or ban terms. Please call after 1?p91. -52S9. LARGETRADIT 10NAL house, 5 bfocks from town. $ to 6 Bdrms, 3 biths, living-kitchen. Back yard with fireplace. lot for ex pansion, 1 lot with carport. Ideal location. J29,50Q. Call OR J-37S4 or OR 2-4347. LOVELY bedroom," "2 "bath home; U28 Uv. roam. .Garage and secluded pano. un aou bie view lot. Priced at FHA appraisal. John Block, 180 E. J or gens, Winslon. 2nd house oil 99. OLDER 3 BR modern home, close to town. Approx. 2000 sq. it. i noor. uisnwasner, wall-to-wall carpeting, 2 fireplaces, forced air lurnattt, barbecue room. IVi baths. 417,000. For appointment call OR 3-8713. REDUCED TO SELL owner leaving. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, ig. rooms, n replace, den, din. room. Beautifully landscaped, plus cute new mother-in-law 1 bdrm house, suitable tor rental, 19,800 $3,000 dn. FHA. 4628 SW Carnes Rd. OR 3-8796. WESTS IDE we 1 1 -I and scaped corner lot with shade trees. 3 bedrooms, uniity, garage. Fenced in back yard. Ideal for kids and outdoor living. Grapes, cherries and ap ples. I:r!ei.aiy "ergliborhood. Owner trans ferred. Call OR 3-7088. BY OWNER Nice family home, large living room, separate dining room, nice kitchen. Extra large inside utility, 2 full bathrooms, 7 large bedrooms, extra nice family room with facilities for 3rd bed room. Fireplace In living room and fam ily room. Price $15,900. Terms, relinance. immediate possession. Call OR 3-3191 for appointment. , Extra Large House THREE VEAR OLD 3 bedroom, Vt balhs, oerlmcter oil furnace. Family room, built In range and oven. Sprinkling system, landscaped over-sized lot. Attached double garage. See any time at 327 W. Broccoli, or call OR 2-3134. 2 BDRM WINSTON GOOD AREA, electric heat, water, sewer, and paved street. $500 down, $66 per mo., Includes taxes, Insurance, and Interest. G. I. or other qualified buyer. Full price only $7950. KELLER REAL ESTATE Winston Branch Phons 9-B-H2 Elton Zuver Eve & Hoi. v-5339 WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE TWO bedroom on Jackson St. With in walking distance. Full price $5000 $500 down balance at $60 mo. NEWER 2 bdrm home with hardwood floors, carport. Also 1 BR apt. in rear. Alt this tor $7000. CALKINS DIST. Very nice 2 BR, tile floors, attached garage. Full price S73O0. 11.17 N. Stephens Ph. OR 3-4302 Eves, OH 2-2941 ROYO. YOUNG r Son IP YOU would appreciate a modern 2 bedroom home in Laurelwood wilh over 100 ft. of beautiful shade trees on the riverside and as nico a view ol the river as you can find any where, if will be worth your time lo Investigate this better than average ' home wilh hardwood floors and wall to wall carpet In four rooms. Birch built-lns and part basement and all al a price you can afford to pay. Tho heating bill ran around $50 for the winter. Call for an appointment to see this. J BEDROOM modern home on West side with hardwood floors and room upstairs for 2 more bedrooms. Fire place, sewer in and paid. Very well constructed home. Only $7,500. 40 A OF IRRIGATED seeded pasture which runs strong lo lotus and sub clover, really yields the feed. Barn plus a 20' X 40' feed shed. Good fences. Irrigation system with 30 HP motor and 3' i" pump. Over 4000 ft. of Irrigation pipe and sprinklers for 900 ft. Also larm machinery. Good wull and well Insulated 2 bedroom home. Priced right for river frontage. iRoy O. Young and Son m Realtors 733 S.E. Cass Ave. Phone Olfica OR 3-641 Sunday and Evenings except Friday, Call LeNolr Kruse. OR S -295ft Roseburg Realty Cr Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 S!-:VF.N VIEW LOTS on Reservoir St. to be sold as a unit, $8,000. IN GREEN ARF A, neat, clean small 2 bedroom, nice yard, fruit trees, and a real buy el 15500. WFST SIDE RIVER HOME. 2 bed room, wonderful soil, beautiful loca tion. $7,500. JUST REDUCED to $6250. Two bed room plus huge partially finished up stairs. Small guest coltaqe, patio, outdoor grille, loll of storage, garage and carport, Close In too. For homes In all price ranges, be sure lo contact Roseburg Realty in Hie Umpqua Hotel. TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ONE! BDRM duplex, newly decorated, furnished and rented a $5 and $55 mo. Good income property. Sewer paid. All for i, terms, 50 ACRE tat ft. I valW. ai bdrm he-use good wen t Gl, IN. 000 located In a beautl l new buildings, ne,v 2 and study Fenced. 1 arm aootaised by State and tetms art right. Wt'STS'OE bedroom all mod em honi. Mrdrtood tkxvs, tc rhetv laroe tiymo room, gtvo srrd lot. Required to sacriltc. Lo us show you th Wvelv hone TvsQ tovety Homes in WiiKhr-i'-r ea One 3 bdrm and one bdrm. All mortem v! rt,i! beauties. 0vn r teaving town id must sel It . tertsted, cill us as thesm-iac sn t bosighl rignr. Q O NICB tyrnished apaitnifit tor ri(. CO-OP MtVIHE MIS SE Stophrnj o i It iKum s Kveninys Call gjrjQ The ,. M OR 2 3553 W Real Estate 341 THREE BR home, 2 miles sooth of Ford's MUL Good garden spot; well. $600 tor my eqdty. OR 2-4537. LARGER 3 bdrm home, on Lueltin. Oen, flag stone fireplace, w-to-w carpet, dishwasher, disposal, 2 baths, I with ceramic shower. Lge fenced yard, covered patio. OR 2-4255. ELBOW ROOM This 2 bedroom home on 'a 97 X 275 foot lot gives you the freedom of sub urban living. Ceramic tile drainboard, large utility room, oak block floors, fireplace, covered patio, near school and shopping. Pius tho upstairs which could be finished Into 2 more bed rooms. Westside location. Owners will consider trade for smaller home close In. Price $13,500. KELLER REAL ESTATE 853 S. E. Stephens Roseburg, Oregon Phone OR 3-3610 Eve. Ph. OR 2 1935 OS 9-5339 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE OFFICES in PORTLAND & ROSEBURG ' SEE THIS $7,000 LARGE 3 bdrm home, located miles south of Roseburg. Easy fi nancing or owner will take a trailer house in trade. ' NEED MORE SPACE 3 BEDROOMS with bath and , large family sized kitchen, fireplace with raised hearth, 3 nice sized bdrms. Utility and unfinished basement gives the storage space every family needs. This home is ust 3 years old and located on nice residential street. $12,200 wilh Immediate possession. $17,900 NICE 4 bdrm, separate dining rm, fireplace, on paved street and sewer. WE HAVE several new homes with built-in appliances and natural finish ed woodwork. Priced for $13,300 up. 'We can always use another good listing' 916 S. E. Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Evening call Bill Gould VKJ&A OR 2-2S57 OR 3-5363 U natnr,"U REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONE OR2-1413 TIRED OF LIVIN? ON a 2 X 4 lot? Then don't miss seeing this 2V4 acre Rancho just right for your boy and his dog or your girl and her pony. Nice 2 bedroom home, loving room with fireplace, big kitchen and dining area, barn, storage bldg. Fruit trees, nicely landscaped yard wilh patio. What price happiness? Just $9,500. 148 ACRES OF fine pasture land with older 3 bedroom home and barn. Lots of stock water. Near Roseburg in Glide district. $20, 000 wilh good terms. 588 ACRES STOCK ranch seeded lo clover and grasses. Will run 100 mother cows. Dandy large 4 bedroom home and 2 barns. Ample stock water. Full price $53,000, good terms. EASTS IDE $8,500. 3 bedroom home on large 'lot near grade school and U.S. Plywood. Immediate possession. See this property and make us an offer. CHARLES MUMBY LOU BASSETT E. H. "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G. F. REYNOLDS H. J. BAUER NEW LISTINGS 1 SI J.50O WESTSIDE 3 bedroom home with hardwood floors, electric heat, wall to wall carpeting, large garage, spacious utility room, flowers, shrubs and lawn. (4200 down and assume G.I Loan or finance on FHA or Gl financing. 2 $3900 00 Clover Lane 3 bedroom home with concrete foundation, sewer, etc. Needs lining up but Is priced righl. Large lot and good road. $500 down. Cash talks, 3 $3,000 00 Roberls Creek Area 2 bedroom home with concrete block foundation, 1 acre of land, city water, etc. A neat and clean home with hot waler but no completed bathroom. $1,000 or less down. 41 $11,400.00 North Roseburg 3 bedroom home ust comnleted. Hardwood floors. Cool Top Furnace, hardwood doors, car-porl. city sewer, etc. A good buy on on FHA or Gl financing. 5 $6,750,00 Melrose Area 13. acres of land with over 2 acres ot bearing wal nuts. Livable cabin, good well and desirable cultlvalabte ground. $1500 or less down, A dandy place to build your future home. 6 $12,000.00 WINSTON 3 bedroom home on Ihe Lookingqlass Road, circulating fireplace, electric heal, hardwood doors, black-top road, city water, lawns, shrubs and flowers. A good newer home on large 100 X ISO foot lot. 32500 down and assume State G. I. Loan at 5o Interest or refinance on FHA or Gl Fi nancing. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YCUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. Evenings Leonotd. OR 3 771 1 Stevenson, Farms And HUB REALTY RICE HILL BRANCH Only 24 miles north of Roseburg. on 99 freeway. Specialists in western Oregon ranch properties. 98 ACRES 70 ACRES tillable, new 2 bedroom hgme with gar age. Good barn. $30,000, owner will consider trad ing up. 43 ACRES GOOD BOTTOM land, small house and barn, $20,000, terms. 80 ACRES ALL REFORESTED LAND. By cbtinty road. No im provements, $7000 vJhterms. 160 ACRES o MOSTLY hill land with some tilUbie. Oldec house n fair condition. Property 10 and equipment. $23,750 D. M. Webb o o C3cscccjovf3tor 34 NEWER 4 bedroom home, overlooking South Umpqua Large recreation room, birch kitchen, built In Frigidaire retrigerefer, range, oven, dishwasher. Disposal, inter com, ? ceramic 'He baiiu. 2 fireplaces. Wool carpeting, drapes, 3800 sq. ft. $23, 000, flexible terms, some trade. Idaho own er here lo sell. 151 Newton Drive, Win ston, Hwy i? to Illinois Heights. . 3 BEDROOMS WESTSIDE With built in oven and range. loads of cupboard space. Fireplace. Extra storage room. Shade trees and fenced back yard, Redecorated Inside and out. $13,500. Phone OR 3-1935. WHERE? ARE all those people who wanted that '-2 acre with 340 tt. of river front age on the N, Umpqua, with trees, that did not cost over $7,500, and $1000 down with a 2 bedroom cabin that can be lived in all year. Well, we have It, and our phone number called will give you a chance to sea It and own it. BARGAIN! $8000 FOR A 7 bedroom home with large living room, large double gar age, good garden space, wilh paved street, and curb. In a neat clean location. You will not get mora lor the money. BIG! 3 BEDROOM on West side close to Mark's Mkt, and Fullerton School. Has an extra room that will make an ofllce or den. Sep. dining rm. Gar age and carport, palio, and wall to wall carpel. Full price $12,100. LIVE CREEK 2 ACRES, attractive location and set ling for Ihis comfortable 3 bedroom home. Free soil with irrigation system included. You won't find a better val ue at $12,500. JUST MARRIED WE have a furnished 2 bedroom cot tage In the Fairhavcn district. Paved St. and sewer. Full price $10,700. More information gladly given. 115 ACRES ' 3 BEDROCM HOME. Large barn, 2 springs, 3 wells and 1 pond. 85 till able acres. $25,000, Call us for other acreage listings, We have a good selection. H.J. WINTER "A Most Trusted Name In Real Estate" REALTOR Phone OR 3-7043 525 S. E. Main Stt Roseburg Rita B a reus eve. Ph. 3-3607 "Bob" Horn, OR 3-6740 OR 3-7308 CR 2-3838 Ort 3-8259 OR 3-6503 OR 3-4504 OR 2-1085 PHONE OR 2-1 6 1 4 Kx? , OR 3-8744 DcSnain. OR j-5477 Ranches 36 sells wrfri some livE('ock with terms. Les ardner 9 24?2 Anyhme8 Real Estate TWO new 3 R homes each $10,900 cash. Northside. OR 2-32M. THREE BR HOME with fireplace, elec tric dishwasher, birch Dum-ins, oase-s board heat. Has S acres, all fenced, permanent pasture. Includes: S H.P. electric irrigation system. OR 2-I4S6. KEN DRESSER OFFERS FOUR BEDROOM HOME with living room, dining-room kitchen combina tion, bath, utility, separate play room, shop, and storage room, car port. Lot 75' x 325. Sewer paid for. Price, $10,300, terms, refinance. We have many other desirable listings. KEN DRESSER REALTY 410 S. E. Jackson OFFICE, Ph. OR 1-1782 RES. Ph. OR 2-3894 Lots And Acreages 35 FARM LOTS, 14 acres. Houses and barn. S. E. Booth St., mile to city. Ph. OR 3-J34. NORTH ROSEBURG trailer lot. City water, wired 220. Phone OR 2-1834 after e p.m. CLOSE IN, clean hillside lot, 50 x 160'. Good location. Make otter. o rjwsm. COTS lOO x 100', In Green, some on pave ment. Water in, sewer soon. OR 3-8459. $1000 CASH. acre homesite on beautltul Cavitt Creek, near falls. Tall trees. Elec tricity, phone available. Store 2 miles. OS 9-5773. WINSTON AREA 5 acre river loam, ideal nursery location. Landscaped. Fruits, nuts and berries. Nice 3 bedroom home, income from nice rental, $66.50 mo. Good well. And many otner features. $17,500. Some terms. Call evenings, OS 9-5J14. Farms And Ranches 36 177 ACRES FOUR bedroom house with built-in appliances, double garage, shop, large barn. Buildings in excellent condition. About AO acres of A-l pole timber. 10 to 15 virgin old growth. About 10 acres of exceptional Xmas trees, about 40 acres ot meadow with lots of water. Price at 547,500, $25,000 down. Southern Oregon Land Co. 223 No. Main Myrtle Creek 33 ACRES 15 ACRES under Irrigation. 3 bed room home. 520,000. This Includes Ir rigation system. Will take a 3 bdrm home In Myrtle Creek In trade. We Need Ranch Listings Southern Oregon Land Co. 223 No. Main St. Myrtle Creek Bus. Ph. 863-3861 Res. Ph. 863-3392 Frank Zimmers, Sales Rep. Louella Zimmers 1000 Acre Ranch CLOSE IN, large level meadows, creeks, good fences, barns, corrals. Lovely home. $85,000, terms. 10 ACRES near Winston. Modern 4 bedroom home, large shop, barn, garage. Only $10,600, good terms. TWO acres, large shade trees, new modern home. Good well. Only $4000, good terms. CASH for your contract or mort gage, at discount. HURRY! Lloyd A. Wilson REALTOR 1667 SE Stephens, OR 3-8578 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE RANCHES BARE ACREAGES i call for further detail 513 ACRE STOCK RANCH Nice 3 bdrm home, targe barn, machine and tool house, 3 ponds all spring fed, fenced and cross fenced, 7 miles from Roseburg. Total Price $51,300. Terms. 750 ACRE STOCK RANCH, live creek, several stock ponds, fenced and cross fenced, new barn, 2 bdrm home. Close to Roseburg. Terms or owner will consider part trade. , 39 ACRE CHOICE small Ranch. 30 acres cultivated, mostly bottom soil In permanent pasture, river irrigation, fenced, good barn and out-buildings, nice 3 bd. m home. About 25 miles from Roseburg, near small town. $25, 000, $5,000 down terms. Ask about our listings on small a crea ges close to R ose bu rg . We h a ve several good small acreages bordering the river. 916 S. E. Washington Ave. OR 3-5363 OR 2-2557 OR 3-6126 Income Property 37 INCOME PROPERTY $190 mo. Income. 1 acre, house, act., repair shop. OR 3-8232. E M P I RE OR E GON V houses', values"S7?00 and $5700, all clear. Sell or trade for Rsog area Income. OS 9-5690. Timber And Sawmills 40 WANTED Dougla fir. cedar loo and cordwood lo multiples of S ft. Wt load ond haul if piled along accesilbi. road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 2-1791. uilding Materials 41 WE HAVE AVAILABLE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PLYWOOD & PARTICLE BOARD V 'lardwood material t" Pre-finished paneling ALSO LARGE savings on floor ing for your summer cab ins Aiai open I til ti Saturday PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-87S1. Ext Halfway Btw. Winston Dillard V"tiiw''U OR 3-5594 Evening call Vt Ay Al Hoffman HUo) Bill Gould Iris Reinert REJECT LUMBER - $12.50 per unit. C1D Lumber Co.. Riddle. Ore. tr 4-2211. PAYING Eugene price for scrap iron end metal in trade. 12 ft. galvanized Iron, $3. Iff sheet 39 ,fncing, $17.95 roll Inside and outside paint, all colors, first gualily, $3.99 gal. - 2x4'i, I ft., $11 Unit of 1600 ft. Paint thinner, 25: gal. Open Sundays Closed Saturdays ROBINSON BUILDING SUPPLY Ph. 2182, Sutherlin, Oregon Fuel 43 O & C Fuel Co. Dry flredlace oak end fir, also fir heater wood. OR 3-7508. LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust -- Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES 1767 N.E. Airport Road OR 3-5082 Wood - Sawdust - Peeler Core Green Slab Planer Ends 1 Pond Lilies Dry Oak SUMMER RATES on sawdust tor muled ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FAPM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy - Sell Trade Auction every Fri. at 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion, Owner and Auctioneer OR 3-5026 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 MERC saw motor; 2 cyl. Onan mtr; oxy. and acetylene tanks. OR 3-6301. ENGLISH RACER BIKE, $25 OR 3-4886 USED household furniture. Bargain prices. Earl Smith Trailer Sales. OR 3-3356. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-551 B. STANLEY HOMlTplDUCTS. CalfoS 9-BBdff orOS 9-867B or OS 9-8090 or OR 3-5959. TOP SOIL finest of loam soil, light and easy to handle. Charles Keeiy, OS 9-5117. USED B AT HT U BS and walh-baVirTs7S 1 5 and $5. OR 2-4002. USED GUNS bouqht, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE CERAMIC lessons free Wed Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Treva'i Ceramics, OS 9-5133. APEX automatic washing machined $35 Call OR 3-65S1 FRIGIDAIRE refer. One drop leaf dining lef. :?A9J M 1 1 o- Ore. No Sat. Ca lis. 35 mm TAR ON camera with telephoto, wldi angle and other lens, S50, Poloroid 80A, $30. OR 3-6753 evenings. GO KART with 2V'i hp. enqlne, 1 top condi tion, with two place Kart trailer. $175. Call OR 3-6053. REFRIGERATION UNIT for walk-In freeier. 1 H.P. compressor, shelf-type freezing unit. OR3-6323 ONE WHEEL trailer, like new; also 1 trail er wheel assembly. Ph. OR 2-1117. FOR SALE upright piano! SlOO! OR 3-7400 SINGLE UNIT milking machine1,-nearly new 30gallongaswater healer. OR 3-5924. VACUUM CLE AN ERrepaIrlng. Airway, Conv pact. Elcctrolux, Hoover, Klrby. also parts. J. E.Newberry,OR 10or3-3591. HOTPOINT Refrigerator. 8 cu ft. $65rCoucH and Chair Set $50. 1128 S.E. Cass. OR 3-7507. LIKE NEW salon type hair dryer and chaiF. Salon styling chair. For Information call OR 2-2309. RECLINING lounge chair, walnut dining ta- ble, 6 chairs and buffet. 9X12' grey wool floral rug. OR 3-5238. TOP SOIL from new location. The best yod have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9-8493. MONARCH range, $65, 6 piece" blond bed' room set. $110. All good condition. OR 2- 3B88. AUTOMATIC washer-dryer, Hide-a-bed) set bunk beds, platform rocker. OR 2-2803 after5. GENTLE horse, also cart and harness. Wilj ride single or double. Ideal tor children. $175JOR3-5732GknnPhillipi. NEW REVERSIBLE OlsmragniTpf. 131 " x 11' 11'.", brown tones $150. Wrong measurements (reason for sale). Phone OR 3-B271. 18 FT. TRAILER' "HOUSE, SlOO. '47 FeoTral dump truck, motor rebuilt, in good shape, $800. Irrigation pump, with pipe and sprinklers, $200. Call Myrtle Creek 863-3757. SELL or rent Floor polshers7vacuum cleaners, rug shampooers, coffee urns, sew ing machines, $1 per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE, OR 3-551B. NEW AT PIXIE Fuchsias, geraniums, lantana, oleanders, Bot tle brush, rock Daphne, Camellias, SUN DAY ONLY. Pixie Gardens. N. end of Broad St. H, of Airport. OR 3-6113. "Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 N. Winchester Oil 3-7272 RETREAD SPECIAL Any size passenser car tire. ONLY S11.87 plus tax. A & R TIRE CO. 2535 XE Diamond Lake Blvd PHONt OR 3 4421 Fr EEZ ER SU PPlTeS Quick froien to lock in the fresh flavor Save on 10 lb baas of fruits and veqetabie GOVERNMENT GRADED - Good or choice steer beet. Bring us your cutting and wrap, ping work. Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON, ORE OS 9-5133 MANURE $1 PICKUP LOAD Douglas Livestock o Market Wilbur. Oregon BARGAINS OEtXXE '39 a,rans Slit 15 FT: clOt freezer $ gg LATE MODEL 16 ft refer, sold new JtijO. now . . $299 irowbridge electric til SE Oa Av. OR 3-S571 It's Easy to usa News-Review Want Ads In Person, by Mail or Phone 545 SE Mom OR 2-3321