fb TH. fewMV, ft Astoria Seeks Proposed Lafc ASTORIA (UPI) Civic leaders here are planning an all out effort to locate a proposed marine labo ratory at the defunct Tongue Point Naval Station instead of at Yaquina Bay. Local leaders met with State Rep. William Holmslrom and State Sen. Daniel Thiel and asked them to write to President James Jensen of Oregon State and to the Board of Higher Edu Chicago BILLY GRAHAM with a message for you in these crisis days MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10:00-11:00 p.m. KPIC-TV channel 4 Tht following radio and television programs arc printed ot o free public service (or News-Review readers. All program listings ore published as received from the respective stations. The News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furniihed this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY f:00 Yogi For Health f:W-Play Your Hunch lO:-Prlct li Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or ConwquencM 11:55-Day Report 12:00 Jan Murray 12:25-NBC Newi 12:30 Romper Room 1:00 Young Doctor Ma Ions 1:30 Our Five Daughters 2:00 Make Room . For Daddy 2:30-Here' Hollywood KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:45 Copco Show (Tues) 9:54 CBS News (except Tuesday) 10:00-t.ov of Lite 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:45 Guiding Light 11:00 Camouflage 11:30-As The World Turns 13:00 Password U:30 House Party 1:00 The Millionaire 1:30 To Tell The Truth 1:54-CBS News LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Installments Available 939 $. E. Stephens OR 3-8166 KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Cartoon Tim 1:00 Captain Kangait f:O0 Calender :30 I Love Lucy 10:00Verdlct is Yours 10:30-Bflghtcr Day .1.00-Uve Ot Lira 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45-Guldlng Llfiht 13:00-HI Neighbor W: 30- As The World Turns KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMB MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 11:30 Yours For A Song 1 J:00 June Wyman Show )?:30 Cnmoullaoe 17:54-ABC Mid-day Repr.t 1:00 News 9 Mid-day 1:15 Airman's World (Mon Canadian Travel (Wed) American Newsretl (Frl) Oregon Farm Journal (Tues,, Thuri) VS0 IV Bingo 7:00 Day In Court Rtttfra Prognnas -- Mwwhiy thru tKMR 1493 IC (CRNR. .Broadcasting 74 hours, she ds week, Monaay through Saturday, rns news on the hour, Sunday through Saturday. CBS features on th hj-if hour. Sunday-Sal-urday Frank Got. l.X a.m., PST. S:45 tQVM 12 tC MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY :0O-Slga On :3D l-acnl N.. :4S-Waathar Capiul. l:SO-Paul Harvay N.wt ABC U-UI. N.WI ABC 7:00 Prank Hamlngway Nlwl ABC Local N.WI 7 J5-CIIV Hall Raporti l ib Slock Varkal RkwI 1:00 Don Alln Nawl ABC t )-Matr L.aouc Scoria :30-Local NtI I IS waalhar Capiula I S) lata N.wt-AHC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BROAOCAST tIMIt KMkrJavt, a.rn. tl 4:4S pm.l Sunday! a.m. to 4:4S p m. MONDAY THROUOH SATURDAY! laad Una rwwaiVon ir houn Waatnar-Vana IS mlmrtta pail tha hour, niwi summary al .-., J , 1962 cation. They want an application for $958,000 for federal funds for the Newport area delayed until one can be submitted on behalf of Tongue Point. Mayor Harry Sleinbock said he understood the board could obtain all or part of the Tongue Point Naval Station at no cost and could not see justification for opening nearly $1 million of pub lic funds for new buildings at Yaquina Bay. Crusade 2:55 Afternoon Report 3:00 December Brlda 3:30-Publlc Service (Won) 3:30 Man Into Spec (Tuei, Wed, Thur) 3:30 Home Show (Frl) 3:45 Feature Shorts (Frl) 4:00 U.S. Marshall (Mon) 4:00-Talk ol the Town (Tues., Wed., Thuri) 4:00 Sotdtert of Fortune JFrl) 4:30 Captain Shipwreck MONDAY 5:30-Jetf'i Collie :00-Northwest News :I5-Hunlley-Brlnktey 4:30 Navy Log 7:00-Sea Hunt 7:30 World of Tomorrow l:00-Natlonal Velvet 2:00 Secret Slorm J: 30-Erifl 8 Of Night 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 1:30 Kaleidoscope MONDAY 4:00 Higher Education and You 4:30Uncle Bill Show S:30-Maglc Land 4 :0ft-Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Channel 5 Rtpurt 4: 15-News 6:30 Cheyenne 7:30 The Real McCoys 8:00 Lucy-Desl Comedy Hour :0O Hennessey : 30-I've Gol A Secret 10:0077 Sunset Strip ZZ SERVICE ill SERVICE filMRANTEEO PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV la NBteburg 31 Villi 1)09 NE SKplim al drill Villtj let. 1:00 KOI N Kitchen 1:30 House Party 7:00 Th Millionaire 2:30 To Tell The Truth 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30-Edge of Night 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show 5:45 Newscene 6: 15-News MONDAY 6:30 Mantovanl 7:00 The Pioneers 7:30 To Tell The Truth 8:00 Pete and Gladys :30-Falher Knows Best 7:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Opn House 4:00 American Bandstand 4-30 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse 5:00 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse (Mon, Wed. Frl) 5:00 Teen Beat (Tues. ThurO MONDAY S: 30 Rescue 8 6:00 News Nine 4: IS Evening Report 6:30 Matty's Funnies 7:00-ETV 7:30 Chevennt 1:30 Law and tht Plainsman 9:00 Surf side 4 p.m.. PST, Monday through Saturday. Lowell Thomas 5 p.m., PST, Monday through Fri day, Sports Tlmi 4:10 p m. Monday through Frtdty, S.SJ p.m. Saturday. MONDAY TMROUOH FRIDAY 17:01 Ail Nioht Show 6:05 Bob JeJvuon Vkw I (5-LMa N.i-AnC 10 00 Mid Morning N.wl ARC IO:IS-lello l.lt ABC 10 JO f .(hanga 10:4O-Newl A Not.t 10:SO N.wl For Woman 10:5S Lata NfWI-ARC 11 : l-nl Newi-ARC 1 0O-Via Day N.wi 11:10 Sportl Nawl 1J: SO Mark.l Rnxtrtl O 11 SS-Lat. N.wi ABC 1:00 Local N.wi l:SS-Lata Nws ABC 3 30 t .chang. 1 SS-Lal. Nr-ABC 3 OO Frana H.mlngwai' N.WI ABC 3 30 A l.i Or.ir N.wi ARC J:4S Spwaklng 01 Sporll ABC 3:SS-Lala Newa ABC ' 3S mlnul.l pail tha hourr Community Caln dar al 4 -rtinul.i pail Irw hour. IPICIAL PROGRAM)! Bur-Swao-S.il. I ll a m Von ruei Thurt.. Sat.r Counrar Pomr, l:4S. Mon., Tu.i., Wad.. Ihun Frl.r Stnn.i ot Pacific Powarland, 12:30, Mon., Vrrtj Thurt Frl.r Muilcal Mattnaa, 1 P.m., Mon Tuai Thurw Walking Tha Baal, II IjJ t oCALENDAR OP EVLNTS 10 Tomorrow Monday, July .2 Navy Reserve, Naval Reserve Facility, 1624 W. Harvard. Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall 8 p.m. Wlnston-Dillard Kiwanis Club, 8:30 p.m. Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m. Players requested to be present by 7:20 p.m. to set S:30-Prlce li Riflht f:00 7th Precinct 10:00 Billy Graham 11:00 Report 11:15 Tonight TUESDAY 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 6:00 Northwest News 6:15 Huntley Brlnktey 6:30 Rlpcord 7:00 MacKeniles' Raiders 7:30 The Defenders l:30-Alfred Hitchcock :00 Dick Powell 10:00 Billy Graham 11:00 Report 11:15 Tonight 11:00 News Final TUESDAY 4:30 Sky King 5:00 Uncle Bill Show 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Channel 5 Report 6: 15-News 6:30 Leave It To Beaver 7:00 The FHnfstones 7:30 Dobla GIHIs 8:00 The Comedy Spot 8:30 tchabod And Me 9:00 Garry Moore Show 10:OO-Nnked City 11:00-News Final YOUR PHONE CALL tile.' WILL PUT THIS Space to Work for You, Youi Businetl THE NEWS-REVIEW :00 Lucy-Oesl Comedy Hour 10:00 Hennessey 10:3O-l'va Got A Secret 11.00-Nlghtscena 11:30 Man From Cochise TUESDAY 4:30 Kingdom of the Sea 7:00 King of Diamonds 7:30-Mnrshal Dillon 8:00 Password l:30 Doble GHIIs 9:00 The Comedy Spot 9:30 tchabod and Me 10:00 Talent ScoulS 11:00 Niqhlscene 11:30-Border Patrol 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 ARC News H:1J News Nine Final TUESDAY 5:30 Broken Arrow 6:00-Nfts Nine : 1 S Evening Report 6:30 Crusader ):0O Evergl.idej 7:30 Bugs Bunny S 00 Bachelor Father 8 )0 The New Brent 9:30 Yours For a Song 10-PO-Sirsolcton 11:00 ARC Nws 11:1) News Nine Final Friday 35 Suthprlln Hour 9:IO-Monty Smith Snow 11:00-CBS B'HK 13:10 Mont Smith Show 4:10 Rick Jphnion Show 7:00 COS Block 7:.1V-Nlght Watch 11:00 All Night Snow 4:00 Paul Harv.y N.wi ABC 4:IS-Aalor L.agua Scor.i 4 40 Local Spcrl 4:4S-R.io1 From Tha Capitol 5:0O-F.41ward P. Morgan ADC 5:1S Fun A Oarvta R.porl 5:30 Chavron N.wi ARC 5'4S-Mank Waav.r-i w.u.rn Sporll ABC 5 SS Laf. N.wi ADC 4 00 local N.wi :1S Waior Lwgi't Scor.i Buiin.il N.wi SS-Lata N.WI-ARC 7 SrtClly Hall Revert 1 SS-Lat. N.wi ABC I 00 T!liwn U:1S Aialor L.agua Scor.i II 30 Vunc ll:SS-N.wi Final UAw-S.gn Ot noon, irVtjd., fhurvi $u1Htn Ttttv&Ml, I p m, St.) RoitHir TtttvBeat, I p.m. SAM Mi-FI Ciu& 3 pm, $t.i Simdv 1h Bit t0 voo, 45 "v t O- wtioni, tl World of Foln Mv ll W Pti.i Luthrn Hour, 1 p m.i Rorxwsu Jan. I p.m.f Mr. Muitc. 1 p.m.; OW FiiMon Rflvhml Nour. pm. q i M t t A , rf V '? - frL 1 up tables and boards. Buckiroos, workshop at the barn, 8-10 p.m. Past Matron! of Ordor of East ern Star. Umpqua Grovt 51, Suprtmt Woodman C 1 r e I , Evergreen Granee Had. 8 P.m. Alpha Zata Thata Rho C I r I Club 30, IOOF Hall, 7 p.m. Winston City Council, City Hall Douglas Camara Club, 880 SE JacKson, 7:30 p.m. Rosaburg CKy Planning Commis sion, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. . Winston Missionary Baptist Church, revival services, 7:30 p.m. Public invited. Tuasday, July 3 Dog Obedlanct training classes. Bob Butts home, Kelley's Korners, 7:30 p.m. Buckeroos, Deginners pauern dances, at the barn, 8 p.m. Roseburg Kiwanis Club, Ump qua Hotel Civic Room, noon. Glida Kiwanis Club, 7:3U p.m. Associated Volunteers card par ty, Veterans Hospital recreation building music room, 7:30 to s:ju p.m. Army Reserve, 1614 w. Harvard 8-10 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Basement of Pacific Building, 8 p.m. For in formation call OR 3-6629. Boots and Calico, pattern dance lessons and workshop, Winston Community Hall, 8-10 p.m. For in formation write PO Box 104 or call OR 3-3436. Ward Cummings caller. Sutherlin Girls Drill team, prac tice, East Grade School play ground. For information write Box 262, Rt. 1, Sutherlin. New members welcome. Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club Umpqua Hotel, 7:15 p.m. This is an open club and all bridge play ers are welcome. Anyone needing a partner for the play is asked to Revival meetings 7:30 p.m. Win ston Missionary Baptist Church in Winston. Public invited. Oakland City Council, 8 p.m. Doug-Etts, Sheriff's Mounted Pa trol, courthouse, 7:30 p.m. Rainbow Garden Club, business meeting and potluck. Myrtle Creek City Council, City Hall, 8 p.m. Melrose Grange, Grange nan, u p.m. Umpqua Post 16, American Le gion Post and Auxiliary, VA Me morial Hall, 8 p.m. Job's Daughters, Bethel 8, Ma sonic Hall. 7:30 p.m. South Umpqua Archers Shoot, Riddle warehouse, 7 p.m. Slo-Kart Cart Club, 7:30 p.m., Roseburg Cartways. Sunnydale Grange 877 Has Regular Session Sunnydale Grange 877 was pre sided over by Joe Block past mas ter, at its regular meeting, reports Jo Carlilc, correspondent. Mina Cellcrs reported that the home economics club met and dis cussed the food booth the club will have at the North Douglas Fair. Members of the Sunnydale Ju venile Grange have sent entries in to the state Grange contest. Rob ert Rydcll is an officer of t h e State Grange and was in attend ance at the state meeting. Three Sunnydale Juvenile Grangers are to attend the State Grange sum mer camp. The secretary, Mary Scott, said sales slip reports are due at the next regular meeting. A social hour was arranged by Helen Roberts. The program in cluded an old-fashioned spelling bee, with Edith Hush and Sylvia Mattoon as captains. Parkers Of Hollywood Hosted At Canyonville By BETH CHAPPELL Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Parker of North Hollywood, Calif., were re cent guests of the Robert Shaffers in Canyonville, visiting with rela tives and friends. The Parkers vis ited with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Muen, who recently moved to Springfield from Canyonville. Newlyweds Visit Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parker, married June 16. were recent guests in Canyonville. Hjornc Engen of Moffett Field Calif., on a 14-day-lenve, was guest of Einer Engens. Bjorne is their nephew. Mrs. Delia DeVoro has returned home after visiting Mrs. Ju lia Alexander in Turloek, Calif. Mrs. DeVore also visited Yosemitc National Park. Movie Showtime Mondy Jury 1, 11 INDIAN THEATRE CI((U Surt & MoO STARUTE DRIVe-IN Clsl Svn fc Mon PINE DRIVE-IN Opn 7:15. Shows tut at duiX. "Tflin. Son of Coctilie" and "Ocean 11" TRI CITY DRIVE-IN-Bo emtf own J 00. Show at duik. "The Honeymoon Machine" nd "Hoflionj Wt" CLOVFRLFAF DRIVE IN-Box Office oen f 7:15 Show at du "One, To. Three," and Snow While and The 3 Sioogei" Tuesday, July 1 11 INDIAN THEATRE Dows ccfrt 7 IS Com plete Show at 7:30. "Boys' Night Out" at I IS City STARUT6 DRtVE lN Open is. Shows start at dusk. "Hell Is for Heroes" and "Ada" PINF DRIVE-IN Ladles Night Open 7; IS. Shows start al dusk. "Si range Lady in Town" and Ttachers Pel" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Stithertln) Box cllct ooens at 7:15. Show at Owtk. "One. Two. Three" and "Snow vh!te ard The J StoogM" TRI CITY DRIVE IN Box Office Ooeni 7 PC Show at Duk. "The Honeymoon Machine" nd "Horiions West" SOFT CHOCOLATE tvry Day At The DAIRY QUEEN 1144 W. Herrord Mrs. Veenstra By NETTIE WOODRUFF Mrs. Pete Veenstra has returned from a 10-day vacation trip to Cal ifornia. In Raymond she spent three days with friends. She spent some time with her two sons, Gordon and Armand Dixon, and . families in Torrance and Downey. She visited her brother, Harold Carroll, and family and a niece, Mrs. Carl Rankin, in Corona and stopped to see her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andy DeBos and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Veenstra at Artes-. ia. She visited in Los Angeles and South Pasadena before returning home. Califomian Visit Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ryther of LOCAL NEWS Judy and Ronald Artdrus of Eu) gene have been visiting in Rose burg with their grandmother, Mrs. Lilian Munson. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Munson and Charles of Wichita, Kans., have been visiting here with his moth er, Mrs. Lilian Munson, on Doug las St., and in Eugene with his sister, Mrs. Ivan Andrus, and fam ily. Mildred DeGnath, home econom ics chairman of Evergreen Grange; Ethel Feanow and Ethel Forest en joyed an interesting session at the State Home Ec Conference while attending the State Grange meet at Grants Pass recently. Also at tending the meet were Ruby Tuck er and August DeGnath. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bartlett's home at 1718 NW Otie Lane will be the scene of a breakfast Wednesday for all members of Douglas Bar racks 176 and Auxiliary and all eligible veterans of World War I. Breakfast will be served from 7 to 10 a.m. Those wishing to have a picnic in the afternoon at the Bartlett home should bring their lunch and their own table service. Philomath Reunion Scheduled July 8 The annual Philomath Reunion will be held July 8 beginning at 10 a.m. at the quarters of the form er college at Philomath, accord ing to an announcement by Mary Andreasen of Eugene. The gathering is in the nature of an Evangelical United 'Brethern Church meeting as well as a re union of former college classmates. Hie college, no longer in existence, was one of the earliest denomina tional institutions in the state. R. Glenn Brady of Roseburg will speak at the morning church serv ice, A covered dish dinner will be sorved at noon. Those attending are asked to bring their own table service. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS REVUtl ADVERTISERS ENDS TONITE "OCEAN'S U" 2 Hits in Color "Toia, Son of Cochin" TUESDAY ONLY (Ladies Night) GREER GARSON "Strange Lady In Town" in COLOR plus GABLE and DAY in "Teacher's Pet" tm OPENING TONIGHT SHADES OF THE GOLD COAST Folk Singer-Comic Of Molrose Hpme From California Trip La Habra, Calif., and their daugh- ter, Maryann, are spending a few days with his father, Floyd Ry ther, and his brother, Tom, before going on to Yellowstone Park and the World's Fair in Seattle. The Ted Tjomslands of Spring field spent the weekend here with relatives. , Vera Jerrard has moved to Port land, where she will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Conn of Grants Pass came during the weekend to take home their two sons, who spent last week with their grandmother, Mrs. Creed Conn. Ted Reece is recovering from surgery performed Tuesday in the University of Oregon Medical School Hospital in Portland. Patient Released Earl Lash is back home after 10 days of medical treatment in Sa cred Heart Hospital in Eugene. Mrs. Nora Haines spent the week end with relatives in Coos Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westbrook of "1 r t 1 I Closed Sun & Mon TUESDAY! thru SAT Only ONLY 6G.I. S andtheyhad to hold off the whole damn German army! JAMES COBURN MIKE KELUN Si.y; : mm m rait ralph meeker MRiirai Beautiful New Live Entertainment' OPENING TONIGHT FOR TWO WEEKS ENGAGEMENT BILL YOUNGER He'll remind you of BuH Ives Richmond, Calif., are visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamlin, and family. Mrs. Roger Reece and sons re turned Sunday from a week's visit in Portland with her mother, Mrs. Tonight "ONE, TWO, THREE" Jomet Cogny - Horst Buchholx AHen Francis plus. "SNOW WHITE & THE THREE STOOGES' Carol Haiti and the Stooges In Color ' Box Office Opens, 7:15 Show at Dusk Oven TUE thru SAT at 7:15 Shows start at Dusk HYP IIP SIEVE McQueen nBOBBY Darin Parker aHARRY Guarding anick Adams f JULY SPECIAL TWIN BILL! Susan Dean Hayward -Martin The sensational story ol an ambitious woman who stopped at nothing to get what she wanted out ol A MAN'S WORLDI 11 PM OPEN MOW. - Fttl. 11 PM to 2:30 AM. , ELKS AND THEIR GUESTS '"'ONLY Banjo and Guitar Dale Mauckley, and family. The group drove to Seattle to visit her brothers and visit the World's Fair. Mrs. Lee Olsen and children of San Jose are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Densmore. Tonight . "THE HONEYMOON MACHINE" Sieve McQueen Brigid Boxlen Jim Hutton Paula Prentiu plu "HORIZONS WEST" Robert Ryan Julia Adamt Rock Hudson Gorei Open 7:00 Show Start! at Duik Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight raid on Cathy dear... They found her running a mad "Co-op" with wall-to-wall wolves and a hired cop . . . and the craziest love-affairs under the sun... It all adds up to the screen's funniest fun! KIM NOVAK JAMES GARNER TONY RANDALL -M' it FUN in COLOR BOYS' NIGHT OUT co-starring Janet Blair-Potti Pc HOWARD DUFF O with Howord Morris