Calendar Saturday, Juno 30 Alcoholic) Anonymous, Lasement of Pacific Building, 8 p.m. For more information call OR 3-6629. Buckoroo Squire Dane Club, at the barn, dance-of-the-month in struction at 8:30 p.m., regular dance at 9 p.m. Ladies bring light potluck. Olalla Squarti, at Olalla Com- NEW! Mc's Place New Outdoor Cafe Fresh Air View of The Umpqua River GOOD HAMBURGERS DELICIOUS HOMEMADE PIES (Inside Tables If Desired) Mc's Place N, Umpqua Hiway 1 Mile East of Idleyld CLOSED NEW! - - The following radio and television programs ore printed as o free public service for News-Review readers. All program listings ore published as received from the respective stations. The News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspoper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY f: 00 Yoga For Health :30-Play Your Hunch 3:00 Price Is Right S : 30 Concentration 1:00 Your First Impression t : 30 Truth or Consequences 1:55 Day Report !:00 Jan Murray 2:25-NBC News 1:30 Romper Room 1:00 Young Doctor Malone- 1:30 Our Five Daughters J: DO Make Room For Daddy 1:30 Here1 Hollywood 1:55 Afternoon Report 1:00 December Bride i:ju Public Service (Mon) LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Installment! Available 939 S. E. Stephen! OR 3-8166 For The Finest In WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL M & M PRINTERS ORchird 3-8591 KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY f:45 Copco Show (Tues) 9:54 CBS News (except Tuesday) 10:00 Love of Life 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:4S Guiding Light 11:00 Camouflage 11:30 As The World Turns 12:00 Password 12:30 House Party 1:00 The Millionaire 1:30 To Tell The Truth 1:54 CBS News 2:00 Brighter Day KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Cartoon Time S: 00 Captain Kangaroo t: 00 Calendar 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 Verdict Is Yours 10:30 Brighter Day 11:00 Love Of Life 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 HI Neighbor 12:30 As The world Turns 1:00 KOIN Kitchen 1:30 House Party ?:0C The Millionaire 2:30 To Tell The Truth 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edae of Night 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show :4S Newscene KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Tennessee Emit Ford 11:30 Yours For A Song 12:00 Camouflage 12:30 Window Shopping 1:00 Day in Court l:j5ABC Mlddey Report 1:45 Homemaker Hints (Mon. Wed.) 1:45 Farm Journal (Tues. Thurs.) 1:15 America's Newsreel (Frl) 2:0o Jane Wyman Show 2:30 TV Bingo 3:00 Queen For A Osy 3:30 Opin HouSt Radio Programs - Monday thru KRNR 1490 KC KRNR. .Broadcasting 24 hours. lU days week Monoay through Saturday TBS news on the hour, Sunday through Saturday. CBS features on the half hour. Sunday-Saturday. FranK Goss. 7:30 t.m. PST, S.-45 KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4:00 Sign On a 6 30 Local News :45-Weafhfr Capsule 4: SO-Paul HaOty New-ABC t:55-Utt News ABC 7:00 Frank Hemingway tft-vt ABC 7 30Local News 7:35 City Hall Reports 7:55 Stock Mark Reoorf 0 1:00 Don Allen News ABC 8:15 Major League Scores 8:30 Local Newi l:5Wather Capsule l:S5-4.ate News ABC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BROADCAST TIMI; weekday 4 tm. tl Vtf p.m.t Sirvrayi ? to 4:45 O.m. MONDAY THROUGH JA TUP DAY: ied Prm rf on Nxrj AMtrr-van 15 mimrttt pgt ttw bourj ntwt ivrnrnary tf Of -Regional Events Rummago Sale, teenagers, Vet erans Memorial 6uilding, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. South Door Craek Hall Clean-up Night, at hall, 4 p.m., potluck sup per. National Retired Teacher's Asso ciation, potluck picnic at home of Virginia Mesick in Days Creek, 12:30 p.m. - - NOW! MONDAYS NOW! 3:30 Men Into Space (Tues. Wed, Thur) 3:3CHome Show (Frl) 3:S-Feature Shorts (FN) 4:00U.S. Marshall (Mon) 4:00 Talk of the Town (Tues., Wed., Thurs) 4:00 Soldiers of Fortune (Frl) 4:30 Captain Shipwreck SATURDAY 8:30-PIp the Piper 9:00 Sharl Lewis 9:30 King Leonardo 10:00 Fury ,, 10:30 Make Roam For Daddy 11:00 Mr. Wizard 11:30 Baseball 2:i0 Dan Smoot 2:45 Saturday Matinee 5:00 Shotgun Slade 5:30 Miami Undercover 6:00 Saturday Night Report 6: 15 Feature Shorts 4:30 Pete and Gladys RADIO SERVICE ALL SERVICE GUARANTEED PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV In nose burr 21 Years 1300 HE Stephens at Gardeo Valley Jet THE BEST FOR LESS! NORM BLEAKMAN Soto Form Ado PH. OR 1-5084 state ris tnrnm A0T0MDBILE MStlRMtCE cwapjwr 1:15 Secret Storm tO-Edgo Ot Night 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 3:0 Kaleidoscope SATURDAY t:45 Baseball 12:45 Saturday Matinee 3:30 Championship Bridge 4:15 Hollywood Park Races 5:00 Roller Derby :0O Dan Smoot Report 6:30 Perry Mason 7:30 The Defenders 8:30Have Gun Will Travel 9:00 Gun smoke 10:00 Final Report 10:15-Stage 5 6:15-News SATURDAY 7:30-RFD S 9:00 Cartoon lime S:30 Sky King 9:00 Captain Kangaroo 10:00 Alvln And The Chlmpmunks 10:50 News 10:45-Bascball 1:45 Armchair Theater 3:30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse 4:00 Roy Rogers 4:30 Sky King 5:00 Red Dunning 5:15 Hollywood Park Races 5:45 Time Out For Sports 6:00 Flying Doctors 6:30 The Californlans 7:00 The Third Man 7:30 Perry Mason 1:30 The Defenders 9:30-Have Gun, will Travel 10:00 Gunsmoke 11:00 Saturday Reporter 11:15 Theater 4:00 American BandSTand 4:30 Jack's Karloon Clubhouse 5:00 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse (Mon, Wed, Frl) 5:00 Teen Beat (Tues, Thurs) SATURDAY J:00 FUm Fare 5:00 Roller Derby 6:00 EmeratJ Empire Bowling 7:0OFlght of the Week 7:45Make That Spare 1:00 Presidential Mission 9:00 Lawrence Welk 10:00 Room For One More 10:30 Famous Playhouse 11.00News Nine 11:15-Movl p.m., PST, Monday through Saturday. Lowell Thomas 5 p m., PST, Monday through Fri day, Sports Time 4:10 p.m. Monday through Frtdsy, S:S5 p.m. Saturday. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 12:01 Atl Night Show 6:05 Bob Johnson ho 9:S5-L8fe News ABC 10 -id Morning News AC 10:15 TellO Test ABC 10:30 E change tO:-Nf?ws 8, Notes 10:50 News For Women 10:55 Late News ABC 11:S5-Lat News ABC 12:00 Mid Dey News 12:10-Scorts News w 11:50 Market Reports 12:55-Late News ABC 1:00 Local News 1:55 Late News ABC 1:30 Exchange 2:55 Late News ABC 3.00 Frank Hemingway Ovt-A 3 30 Ale Dreier News ABC 3:45 Sceakinq Of Soorts ABC J 45 Late News ABC 35 minyfw pt lh hour Community Clr ur at $ -ninulet pajt fht hour. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Suy-SwaivS", :55 a m Mon., Tixv, Thurj,, Sat.i Counter-Po-nt. t S, Man., Tim.. WW.. Thyil- frij $'orij o Pacific Powefland, 17:30, Moo., Wt,, Thurt., Frl, i Mimical Matinw, 1 p.m., Mon Ttf Thuru Walking Ttw 0wt 11 'iTMf IIIJ' Sunday, July 1 Unitarian Fellowship, downstairs meeting room of Roseburg Medi cal-Oental 'Clinic, 880 SE Jackson, 7:30 p.m. Roseburg Rod and Gun Club, trap shooting, 10 a.m. Wllbur-Sutherlin Methodist youth choir practice, Wilbur Methodist Church, 3 p.m. Winston Missionary Baptist Church, revival services, 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 2 Navy Reserve, Naval Reserve FacUity, 1624 W. Harvard. Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall 8 p.m. Wlnston-Oillard Kiwanls Club, 6:30 p.m. Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m. Players requested to be present by 7:20 p.m. to set up tables and boards. Buckeroos, workshop at the barn, 8-10 p.m. Past Matrons of Order of East ern Star, Umpqua Grove SI, Supreme Woodmen Circle, Evergreen Grange Hall. 8 P.m. Alpha Zeta There Rho Girls Club 30, IOOF Hall, 7 p.m. Winston Cltv Council, City Hall, Douglas Camera Club, 880 SE Jackson, 7:30 p.m. Roseburg City Planning Commit lion. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Winston Missionary Baptist Church, revival services, 7:30 p.m Public invited. FRIT0 PIES "Out Of This World"-25c at the DAIRY QUEEN 1144 W. Harvard 7:00-Mr. Ed 7:30 TiMes of Wells Fargo 8:30 Tall Men 9:00 Saturday Nlte MovFee 11:00 Saturday Cinema SUNDAY, I0:30Frontlers of Faith 11:00 This Is The Life 11:30 Baseball 2:30 Dan Smoot 2:45 Sunday Matinee 4:00 Championship Bridge 4:30 Man end The Challenot 5:06 Summer Hervest 5:30 Patterns In Music 6:00 Meet The Press 6:30-NBC ' News 7: 00-Bull winkle 7:30 Disney World of Color 1:30 Adventures of Sir Francis Drake 9:00 Bonanza 10:00 Show of the Week 11:00 Theater Royal YOU'LL SING offer you have started your advertisement in this space, CALL OR 2-3321 to reiervt this ipot today The News-Review SUNDAY 45 Baseball 45 T aria n 00 Herald of Truth 30 Health Notes 00 Oral Roberts 30 Amateur Hour 00 30th Century 30 Mr. Ed 00-Global Zobel 30 Dennis The Menace 00 Ed Sullivan 00-G. E. Theater :30 Who In the World 00 Candid Camera 30 What's My Line 00 Eric Sevareld, Newi ,15 Hollywood Theatre SUNDAY 8:00 Lamp Unto My Feet 9:30-Look Up. and Llvt 9:00 Camera Throe 9:30 Washington Conversation 10:00 Cheaters 10:30-The Christophers 10:45-Basebalt 1:45 Time Out For Sports 2:00-Thls Is The Life 2:30-Faith For Today 3:00 Armchair Theater 4:30 Let's 5:00 CBS News 5:30 Victory at Sea 6:00 Twentieth Century 6:30-Mlster Ed 7:00 Lassie 7:30 Dennis The Menace 8:00 Ed Sullivan Show 9:00 G E Theatre 9:30 Who In the World 10:00 Candid Camera 10:30-What'i My Line 11:00 News 11:15 M-Sgund SUNDAY 12:00-Thts Is The Answer 12:30 Faith For Today 1:00 Talk Back 1:30 Show of Homes 2:00-Hollday 2:30 Meet The Professor 3:00 Insight 3:30-Edltor'l CholjCe 4:00 luues and Answers 4:30 Faith 5:00 Wide World of Sports 6:30 Maverick 7:30 Follow the Sun 8:30 Hollywood Specie! 10:30 Lawman 11:00 News 9 11:15-Opening Nlghl Friday 8:35 Sutherlln Hour 9:10-Monty Smith She 11:00 CBS Bixk 13:10 Monte Smith Show 4:10 Rick Johnson Show 7:00-CBS Block 7:3J-Nlght Watch 12:00 All Night Show 4:00Paul Merv News ABC 4:15 Malor League Scores 4:40 Local Sports 4:45 Report From The Cepltol S:00-Edward P. Morgen ABC 5:i5Flsh & Game Report 5:30 Chevron News ABC 3:45-Hnnk Weaver's Western Sports ABC 5:55 uv,e News ABC 6:00Local News ' 0 6:15 Major League Scores 6:70 Business News 8:55 Late Newt ABC 7:50 City Hall Report 7:55 Late News ABC 8:00 Teieoueen 11:15 Maior League Scores (!:30Mus,C 11:S5 News Fine) 12:00 Sign Off noon. Wad Ttmn.t tuthtrlfn Taan-Baat. p.m. Sat.) Rouourg Tar6eat, 1:30 p.m. Sat. HI-FI Club 1:30 p.m. Sal.i Sunday The Bible Speaki To You- f:45 i.m.i Da rtHtoni, M a.rn.i WofW Of Folk Vuiic. I2:J0 p.m. j Lufhtran Hour, 1 p.m.; Rondaau Jan, 2 p rru Mr. Music, t a.m.) OW Faahfonad Revival Hour 4 pm. Q Church Activities i ,'rrAAAMAAmAMrrArrrr'VV'VWWMWMMfWWVWWWVWV ' Christian Church Sets Troupe Visit On Sunday morning a special program will be presented at the First Christian Church, Roseburg, featuring Prof. John V. Koekkoek, Ed Haas and the Seisho Four of Pacific Christian College, Long tjcacn. uaut. According to James C. Smith, minister of the congregation, this PROF. JOHN KOEKKOEK . . . dean to speak Special Offerings Held By Adventist Church Keeping things warm in Iceland is part of the special missions project of the Roseburg Seventh- day Adventist church, according to a report received from Inez Hitch- man, reporter for the church. With an average temperature of 41.6 degrees the year around, heat ing becomes a rather expensive matter, says Mrs. Hitchman. "But beneath the ground in many places are hot springs. This water can be tapped and piped into the homes for heating. This is a goal of the Adventist school in Iceland. "To this 'natural plumbing'," Mrs. Hitchman says, "part of the special offering at the Seventh-day Adventist church today will go. It will also help to modernizb the denomination's Empress Zauditu Memorial Hospital, which sits next to the palace in Addis Ababa, Ethi opia. Anotner scnooi also win benefit from the ottering whicn win be received in all Adventist church es at the same time is Ncwbold College in England, for a new men's dormitory. Last Saturday a special offering was received as the local church's part in raising a million dollars for missions in one day. The Oregon conference goal in this special mis sion offering was $37,000. Congregational Church Books Exchange Pastor Tlia Pov Tlinninc Mpflntrmnr of Hubbard will be guest speaker at iha Rncohni'fT rnnarntfnlinnnl ("Mirk. tian Church Sunday at the regular service at 9 a.m. H will snnak on "Secinfi the Ugly and the Beautiful." At the same time, the Rev. Varnn A Pnhincnn nf till HnRn- burg church will conduct the serv ice at the Community Congrega tional Church of Hubbard. This is part of a pulpit exchange program held by Congregalional ministers ot tne state mis sum mer. Before going to Hubbard last year, the Rev. Mr. McCamant was minister of the Congregational Church in Medford. nip Permanent And Summer Crews Attend Forest School Near Tiller By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLY South Umpqua Falls Camp some 20 miles upriver from Tiller was the scene last week of intensive in struction in blister rust control methods for 33 timber stand im provement personnel from five dis tricts of the Umpqua National Forest, including both permanent and summer crew members. The school was conducted jointly by Lou Billups ot the South Ump qua District and Clcon Puctz of the Cow Creek District, ana in cluded a day of classroom study of the blister rust problem and a review of control methods and their value in eradicating the dis ease, which attacks five-needle pines. In this area, victims are the sugar pines and Western white pines. The second day was devot ed to field demonstrations of anti biotic work with actual specimens. Rangers Hillard M. Lilligren and John O. Wilson of the South Ump qua and Cow Creek Districts, re spectively, were on hand as spe cial speakers for the initial ses sion. Steamboat Trip Made Mrs. Robert D. Clauson and chil dren, accompanied by Mrs. Rog er Williams and twin daughters, drove to Steamboat Ranger Sta tion Thursday to spend the day with Mrs. Bill G. Onstolt and son at their new home there. NOW AVAILABLE Excellent Office Space In the Conveniently Located PACIFIC BUILDING Vtry dctirobls office) oraa oil on ono floor torn, privato offices woter olovotor and onitor services furnished. Lots of parking spoco In vfojnity. Call Room 301 i Phone OR 3-7195 H. C. Berg team from the Long Beach college will be touring California, Oregon and Washington, appearing i n many churches and at the Seattle World's Fair. Their program will consist of a varied group of musical numbers hv the Scishn Four (college fresh man girls' quartette composed of Karen Cole of Osaka. Japan; Anne Blanton of Lakewood, Calif., An nette Sargent of Bell. Calif., and Deanna Durham of hlsinore. Calif.). Ed Ilaase, a graduate of Michigan State University and for f4 Vr 'mz SEISHO FOUR , . . girl quortette merly associated with United States Steel Co., will speak to the teen er's department on "The place of the Christian College and the Chal lenge of the Christian Ministry for Young Men." Prof. Koekkoek, a graduate of Minnesota Bible College and Pep perdine College, is dean of students at Pacific Christian College. He will address the adult department of the Bible school and share in the morning worship service. The program at the First Chris tian Church will begin at 9:45 a.m. for Bibl School and 10:55 a.m. for the Worship Service. Visitors are welcome to attend. Glide Church Of Christ Sets 'Quiz Night' Sunday The Glide Church of Christ will be the scene of the semi-annual "Quiz Night" this Sunday evening reports Mrs. Arthur Selby, corre spondent. The Rev. Loy K. Antrim, minis ter of the church, will attempt to answer all questions concerning the Bible, Christian doctrine, church history and religious sub jects, that the congregation may ask. The public is invited to attend and participate in the quiz. Newton Creek Church Now In New Location The new Newton Creek Church of Christ will hold its first services at its new location Sunday at the corner of Newton Creek Road and Vine St. Lloyd Whitford, minister, invites all residents of the community, especially those residing in the Newton Creek area. There has been no change in the time of the services. Bible school is at 9:45 a.m., with morn ing worship at 11 a.m. In tho eve ning there will be prayer service at 7, followed by worship services at 7:30. Midweek services will be held Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Mary Ann Jeffries of Corvallis is a house guest of Diana Picht at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo A. Picht, at the Tiller Ranger Station. Mrs. Picht and children brought her home with them when they returned from a weekend trip to Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wait of Richland Center, Wis., were guests at the home of Lou Billups and his mother,, Mrs. Kathryn Billups, at the Tiller Ranger Sta tion last week. They enme by way of California, where they visited relatives and from here plan to meet friends from Wyoming for a sightseeing tour of Yellowstone National Park. The two families have been friends for many years, having been neighbors before the Blllupses came to Oregon from Wisconsin. Student Returns Jon Lilligren has returned from Corvallis where he spent two weeks attending the Junior En gineer and Scientist Summer Insti tute on the Oregon State Univers ity campus. One of the features was a field trip to Portland as guests of Pacific Power 4 Light Co. for a tour of research, engi neering and electronic computer facilities of the firm. Cathy Coughlan has returned by bus to her home in Corvallis fol lowing a stay of two weeks as a guest of Sandy Lilligren. Community News Items Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Jacobion of this city enjoyed last week at the coast. Mrs. C. D. Gltnn, owner of Hel en Glenn Real Estate here, has re turned from a business trip to Los Angeles. Mrs. Frtd Schwtrti has returned to her home on SE Chadwick Street, following a week in San Francisco as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chopnik. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Baker of 1569 Mulholland Drive, Roseburg, are attending the Seattle World's Fair this week, son, Ricky, and their daughter. Janice, of Longmont, Colo. Mrs. Margie Rogers of Maryville, Mo.. was also a visitor. They left Thurs day for North Bend to visit Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lawson and family. Before returning to their home they will take in the World's rair in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. John William Rob ertson, Mrs. C. W. Clark and Mrs. Lugene R. Kenny, of this city. drove to Cottage Grove Sunday evening to attend the Eastern Star installation, at which time Wallace Robertson, formerly of this city, was installed worthy patron. He is a brother of John William Robert son, Mrs. Clark and J. Jarvis Rob ertson of this city. Mrs. William R. foAn hue rn. turned to her home on SE Chad wick Street, following a trip to Portland to visit her family. From there she was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. F. I. Northrup, and the two went on to Tacoma to vis it the former's sister, Mrs. Dale Harvey, and brother, Arthur Per- kinc. hnfmsi antna in Cnntlln Vic toria B.C. and Vancouver B.C. Mrs. Herbert J. Harris of Santa Monica, Calif., the former Ardath Marosok of this city, arrived in Medford Friday by plane to be met by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marosok. Mrs. Harris will visit at the Marosok home until July 4. She Is presently employed as receptionist for Baker's Furni ture on Decorators Row in Bever ly Hills. Arriving today to be guests at the Marosok home for a few days are Marosok's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Chieslar, and their son, Gene, from Sheridan, Wyo. Otto Langfleld has returned to his home here after a two-week trip which took him to New York City. He spent six days in the metropolis, during which time he enjoyed a tour through National Broadcasting Company's studios He talked with Chet Huntley, well known television personality, and saw television shows, "The Price is Right," "Concentration" and others. He took an all-day tour of the city and especially enjoyed a trip to see the Statue of Liberty. He made the trip by train both ways, stopping en route home in San Francisco. On his return trip, he traveled with a group of school teachers from the east. They were making the trip to see San Fran cisco and visit the World's Fair in Seattle. Movie Showtime Saturday, Juna H, 1919 INDIAN THEATRE Doort opsn 7:15. Com plete show at 7:30. "Follow That Dream" al 8:15 only STARLITE DRIVE-IN-Open 7:15. Shows start al dusk. "Faudln1, Fussln' and A Flghlln'" and "Wistful widow ol Wagon Gap" PINE DRIVE-IN-Open 7:15. Show starts at dusk. "The Naked Jungle" and "Colossus ot Rhodes" BENETTA THEATRE (Winston) Matinee Doors open 17:34. Show at 1:00. "Oance With Me, Henry". Evening show al 7:00. "Three on a .Spree", "X-15" and "The Trumpet" CLOVERLEAP DRIVE-IN (Sulherlln) - Box olllce opens at 7:15. Show at dusk, "Dusk to Dawn Show. "The Young Savages", "The Last Time I Saw Archie", "Flaming Star", "Wake Me When ll's Over" , TRI CITY DRIVE IN-Bo Olflco Opens 5:45. Show ot Dusk. "The Pit and the Pendulum" and "The Deadly Companions" Sunday, July 1, INI INDIAN THEATRE Closed Sun a Mon STARLITE DRIVE-IN Clsed Sun & Mon PINE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15. shows starl al tl'jsk. "Tala, Son ol Cochise" and "Oceans 11" TRI CITY ORIVE-IN-Bo olllce opens 7:00. Show al dusk. "The Honeymoon Mechlna" end "Horlions West" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN Box otflca opens at 7:15. Show at dusk, "One. Two, Three," and Snow White and Tho 3 Stooges" Monday, July 1, 1111 I INDIAN THEATRE-Closed Sun t Mon STARLITE ORIVE-IN-Osed Sun S, Mon PINE DRIVE-IN-Open 7:15. Shows start at dusk. "Taza, Son of Cochise" and "Oceans 11" TRI CITY DRIVE-IN-Bo olllce opens 7:00. Show at dusk, "The Honeymoon Machine" and "Horlions West" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN-Box olllce opens ai r:is. snow at dusk. "one. Two, Three," and Snow While and The 3 Stooges" TONIGHT ONLY Dusk To Dawn Show 4 Big Features "The Young Savages" Burt Lancaster Shelly Winters THE LAST TIME I SAW ARCHIE" Robort Mltchum Jack Wobb "FLAMJNG STAR" tlvls Presley Barbara tden "WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER" Ernl Kovact Dick Shawn Coming Sundoy "ONE, TWO, THREE" "SNOW WHITE A THE STOOGES" In Offlco Opont, 7:1 S Show at Dusk Sat., Jbnt 30, 1962 The Mrs. Gtsrgt Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Howard had as house guests this past week at their homes on NE Stephens Mr. and .Mrs. Faye Florea Jr. and their Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Straus of this city left Thursday for Water-! loo, Iowa, where they were called by the critical illness of the for-! mer's father. Dr. Strauss is with the VA Hospital here. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Burks and children, Malcolm, Michael, Kathy and Peter, have returned to their home in Oswego, following a visit here with Mrs. Burke's father, Al II. May, and Mrs. May, on the North Umpqua River. Mrs. Hattit Howe of 482 Ballf St. has returned from a six-week , trip to Honolulu, Hawaii where she visited her son, Victor, who oper- J ates a drug store there. On her return, she visited the fair at Se attle. She made the trip to Hawaii and back by plane. S. Sat. and Mrs. Ronald Herman and three children of Glasgow AFB, Glasgow, Montana, are visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ortiz, and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harman. They have been visiting several points of interest during their slay here. Maior and Mrs. Don Rogers and three children, Donald, Charles and Deborah, are here until the mid dle of July visiting their parents, Mrs. Lorraine Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Borgcn, before going to the former's new assignment at the Air Force Base in Ogdcn, Utah. They have resided in Honolulu for the last three years. They returned to the Mainland aboard the SS Matsonia. The family will spend the weekend in Tacoma visiting friends and attending to property interests, Mrs. Rogers is the for mer Wyona Borgen of this city. If I 5UN & MON , Frankie and his pals the night they blew the lights in VEGAS! OCEAN'S 11 In COLOR with , FRANK SINATRA Dean Martin Sammy Davis Jr.- Peter Lawford plus ROCK HUDSON "Tasa, Son of Cochise" Sunday thru Tuesday "THE HONEYMOON MACHINE" Steve McQueen Brigid Bailen Jim Hutton Paula Prentiss plut "HORIZONS WEST" Robert Ryan Julia Adamt Rock Hudson Ends Tonight "The Pit and the Pendulum" "The Deadly Companions" Gates Open 7:00 Show Starts at Dusk Tonight "THREE ON A SPREE" Jack'Watling-Carole Lesley plus ' "X-15" Actually filmed In space! and Color Cartoon "Halter Skelter" Special Addsd Attraction "Tho Trumpet" with Rafael Mendel Special Saturday Matinee Doori open, 12:30 Show starts, 1 :00 Rock with Rhythm Roll with Glee "DANCE WITH ME, HENRY" Bud Abbott Lou Coitollo plus four Cartoons Doors open, 6:4S Show at 7:00 ILastThTefonlte r The Naked Jungle I CHARLTON HESTON I Colossus of Rhodes 1 RORY CALHOUN News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Everett N. Swan of Van Nuys, Calif., arrived in lioseburg today to visit Dr. and Mrs. Ira J. Seitz hi Charter Oaks. Swan is a retired naval officer. LAST TIMES TONITE ELVIS PRESLEY COIOR h B.UH I Ufl'M'tTlll,'! COMING TUESDAY: KIM NOVAK JAMES GARNER TONY RANDALL JANET BLAIR PATTI PAGE ANNE JEFFREYS HOWARD DUFF in . "BOYS' NIGHT OUT" IN COLOR OPEN TUE THRU SAT ONLY LAST TIMES TONITE: " MARJORIE MAIN in 2 LAFF HITS The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap PLUS Feudin', Fussin' and a-Fightin' BONUS Feature TONITE! i Randolph SCOTT in . TALL MAN RIDING in COLOR with Dorothy Malone Closed Sun & Mon Special Show starts -TUESDAY! i mvt McQueen USiSSrU H,u Darin-Parker hm i men sicm EllARDINO-flpslEWH . Susan ..Dean Hayward Martin V WUFkMrMrEHHTF ' V (tJNU,.lA!iNliiSJls iff plus Co-Hit: