Trucks For Sale '47 DODGE Vi ton, grain box, txcelknt con dition, 95. OR J-7QM. '47 DODGE Hi ton, grain box, excel tnl con dition, S39S. OR 3-7034. T?56 JEEP pickup, 4-wneel drive. Warn hubs. Clean. Wi. Ph. 3U, Sutherlln. Autos For Sale 81 LINCOLN mERCURYl '62 MERCURY METEOR 4 dr. sdn. Automatic, R&H., power steer ing, all vinyl interior. Finish ed in a beautiful Jamica yellow. '62 MERCURY Monterey 4 door hardtop, R&H. power steering and brakes, all vinyl interior. Beautiful champagne finish. '61 MERCURY 4 door hardtop. Automatic, power steering ond brakes, ail vinyl interior, '62 MERCURY S-55 2 door hard top. R&H, 406 H.P. engine with 4 speed floor shift and bucket seots. '62 MONZA 2 door coupe. All white. Save. '61 COMET 4 door sedan. De luxe trim, all $0 1 Q C vinyl interior 7 J '61 RAMBLER Clossic 4 door with standard $ 1 O Q C. transmission j 7 J '60 OLDSMOBILE 4 door hardtop. Striking yellow. $0 Q C Power steer., R&H. . I 7 J '59 MERCURY 4 dr. sedon. R&H, automatic, power $ 1 Z Q C steering, brakes. . J '59 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door sedan. Sunroof. 1 1QR Jet block I I 7 - '57 CHEVROLET pickup. Long wheelbase, 4 speed trans., V8, excellent lOPR condition 1J7J WILLYS jeep. 4 wheel Urge drive, canopy J 7 J '57 FORD Fairlane 500 2 door hardtop. Automatic, power steering, R&H, very good whitewall tires. $11 QC A slickie I 7 sj '56 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. V8, bronze and RQR tan, automatic U7 J '56 OLDSMOBILE 4 door hardtop. Automatic, R&H., power steer ing ond brakes. $VQ Brown & White I 7 O '55 FORD 4 door sedan. V8, Over drive, R&H. Tutone $CQC block and red sjsj '53 CHEVROLET panel. Good for camping $ C Q C or crummv J7J NOTHING DOWN UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY ON APPROVED CREDIT MOCK MOTORS 1590 N. E. STEPHENS OR 2-3358 News-Review Want-Ads will work for YOU... every day! EVERY DAY oil kinds or people ore reading the Want-Ads to fill all .kinds of human wants There is no way ot knowing which day someone gill be look Ing for fust whot you hove to offer, so it will pay you to run your Want-Ad long enough so the right person will find It when looking An od writer will be glad to help you word your ad. There is no BEST day to advertise in the Wont-Ad sed on -EVEf$)GPis the best day$) Phone OR 2-3321 t 76iTrucks For Sale 76 1 i OR SALE Truck and tlf todfr. Call OR 1-2269 befora 3:30 p.m. SELL OR TRADE for ton pickup, 1954 Dodge VI truck and single a it Iralltr. A-l condition. OR 3-3727- 1949 GMC log truck; 1954 motor, new rubber. Smglt or dual axla trailer. Ill 00. Phont "r 6 p-m- S4"' Oakland. 59 FORD 4 whMro7lvtplcKup. evl. 4 spnd, 2 ipara ply tires, R&H. defrost- Motorcycles 77 19A1 Super Rocket 6SA. Low mileage. Inq. ai uave-s e service station, Myrtle creen. 60 MOTORCYCLE like new. Must sacrifice. No phone cells. 375 Catallna Ave. Town & Country Mobile Perk. Auto Insurance 79 THE BEST FOR LESS! State Farm Agent. . NORM BLEAKMAN OR 3-5084 1229 W. Harvard Automotive Wanted 80 USED CARS - PICKUPS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. lohnson and Whelchel 1358 SE Stepnens OR 3-6301 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cash Price! Before you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1328 SE Stephens OR 2-3421 Cash On The Line For Your Late Model Car or Pickup k Highest Prices Paid NAPIER Auto Sales 1740 SE Stephens OR 2-1 Autos For Sale 81 19S1 PLYMOUTH 2 door. 1941 CHEVROLET Jmpata 4 door. 825-3291. No Sat. Calll. S8 T-BIRD $1,795 GY 6-3437 Idleyld Rt., Box 294 I960 PONT I AC Catallna station wagon. Ex cellent condition, can or 2-i3io. 1958 MERCURY Monterey 4 dr. Stick, new motor, OS ?-5U8. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN station wagon, clean, like new, S89S. Bank terms. See at Tide water Oil Plant. OR 2-381. '39 FORD 4 dr convertible phaeton, body only. Chopped, padded, Carson top. See A. H. Helgeson, Flying V Ranch, Myrtle ireex. Lock Dependable USED CARS Sale Prices Everyday '59 FORD V8 4 door Ranchwagon, Heoter, automatic power steering motor overhauled 30,000 miles ago Buy be tore I stort to recondition it. '61 CHEVROLET Brookwood 4 dr. wagon. Economy 6 cylinder with standard trans. R&H 1:. $2245 '58 FORD 4 door Custom 300. Heater, Fordomatic, 2 tone blue and white. $QQO A real steal ot 7 7 O '57 MERCURY Turnpike cruiser. 2 door hardtop. R&H, Dual range Merc-O-Matic, power steering, seats, brakes, and rear window. Immaculate con dition throughout. Finish like new. A-l written $1 OC warranty. Special. ' OH1 J '56 BUICK Roadmaster 4 door hardtop. Loaded with extras. R&H, Dynaflow, power steer ing, brakes, windows, and seats. Solid white with that ever loving cool soft tutone green interior. A $QQQ limousine for only .... O 7 O '56 MERCURY Montclair 2 door Hardtop Merc-o-Matic, power steering loaded with lots of other extras. QOQ VI condition 070 '57 PLYMOUTH V8 Savoy 2 door sedan. R&H, standard trans. Motor being reconditioned in our shop now. A $VQQ whole of a good buy. ' O '56 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder 2 dr. sedan. R&H, stick shift. Motor, tires, point, all JZQC in good condition. NO DOWN PAYMENT On approved credi U FORD J door Ranchwagon. RtVH, Fordomatic. Ready to go Uit '53 LINCOLN Capri ? door hardtop. All poer, leather Interior, new paint IJ9 '54 FORD 2 door Club coup. This It no iohe. It belonoed to a school teacher. 4 cyl. with standard trans. Top shape S4tl TRUCKS & '(0 FORD Econoline ton pickup. Rec ommended DSy'MtJ ot ItSO IDs. Top condition throughout. Heater 3 spd S149I '59 FOOD a cyl., 1 speed, really sharpie tUi '49 FORO H ton with eanocP 4 soeed, new paint. Tires practically new. Good condition throughout. ut '53 CHEVROLET " tort. 3 toeed trans. Trammisiion and rear-end comolete ly rebuilt, practically new rubber. !5tl o TWO BIG USED CAR LOTS Oak & Ttose jtreets OR 3-6334 1430 SE Stephens Street OR 2-1441 LOCKWOOCf MOTORS . OR 3-6334 Autos For Sale 81 1 '62 TEMPEST 4 door sedon. R&H, (there are two of these house cars to C A VP choose from) Jt V I '61 PONTIAC Ventura 4 door hardtop. R&H Hydramotic, power steering JOQQQ ond brakes -U7 O '61 FORD V8 4 door wagon. R&H, ?1QR Fordomatic i w '60 DODGE Pioneer 4 door sedan. R&H standard $ j O, g '60 PONTIAC Safari 4 door wagon. R&H, Hydramatic. Power - steering $00 OR and brakes Z.Z.7 0 '59 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 door wgn. R&H, Hydramatic, power ster- Zd. '1998 '59 FORD V8 Fairlane 500 4 door sedan. R&H, Fordomatic, power steering and 1 3 9 8 '58 PONTIAC 2 door hardtop. R&H, Hydramotic. S 1 Q Q Q 2 to choose from I Z 7 O '58 FORD V8 DelRio 2 door wgn. R&H, Fordomatic, power steering SIHQQ ond brakes I U 7 O '56 BUICK 2 door hardtop. R&H Dynoflow, JZQQ full power 070 '56 PONTIAC 2 dr. sedan. R&H. Stondard $ CT Q O transmission J 7 O '56 FORD V8 Country sedan wgn. R&H, 7QQ Fordomatic 7 O '56 FORD V8 Convertible. R&H, Fordomotic, $70Q clean 7 O '55 FORD V8 4 door sedon. R&H, stondard trans $ C Q Q with overdrive JO MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. EASY G.M.A.C. OR BANK TERMS OPEN SUNDAYS MONTE HORD OR 2 1111 "TRADER" SCHROEDER OR 2-I73S CORNER OAK & ROSE PHONE OR 3-6555 i wooas JOnt U 7 U '59 FORD Galaxie 2 door sedan. Middle size V8 motor. R&H, Cruise-O-Motic, White finish, nylon $174R upholstery I TU '58 CHEVROLET Biscayne 2 door sedan. R&H, standard trans. Immaculate inside $QQQ and out O '59 FORD 2 door Ranchwagon. Standard trans, with over drive, r&h, $"MQQ one owner I 7 O '57 MERCURY 2 door club sedan. R&H, Merc-O-Matic, beautiful baby blue. A-l condition throughout. Recondition as needed. OOR Guaranteed x Z O '57 CHEVROLET V8 10 4 door station wagon. R&H, power glide, oil vinyl Interior. Tutone green ond white. Really sharp. S,50:00.0 1 148 '56 CHEVROLET 2 door sedon, R&H, Powerglide. Economicol 6 cyl. engine. Little over 50,- 000 miles. i, $695 A steal at '56 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door sedan R&H, new paint, little jewel, miles of smiles, cost of opera tion olmost nil. 'AQfi Drive it away for .... vJ 7 O SPORTSMAN'S DREAM '54 AUSTIN HEALEY roadster with wire knock off rocing hubs. 3 speed with JQQQ electric Overdrive 7 7 O '52 HUDSON Hornet 4 door sedan. R&H, Dual range Hydramatic. A good sound older car. 1191 '52 CADILLAC 3 door hardtop, coupe. R&H, Hydramatic. Really a nice car. You'll have to set to a port- date. A steal U9t PICKUPS '54 INTERNATIONAL "j ton. tcetd t cylinder, Probably the cleanest pick up In town. IS4 '54 WILLYS 4 wheel delve pickup. A practically new motor. SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND ONLY 1791 TWO 5I DOOGE panels. Both cylin der and 3 speed. )W)t uses. Take your pick. t 141 '5? FORD dump truck. 4 sped tram, with 3 (Deed rear end. Ready le go to work 1791 OR 1441 Autos For Sale 81 1 EQUITY In 192 euick Special convertible. OS s;j '49 UNIVERSAL JEEP, good condition OR J-S1M 'S4 BUICK Specie! 2 aoor hardtop. Very 1 jjpod throughout. S3S0. OR 3-34. M MO, while convertible. SJO0 "equity. OR 3-4040 1950 Jeep, 4 cyl. 4 wheel drive station wag- on. pood condition w. ot i-jwu W COM ETTR & H. WWllres, auto, trans mission. OR 3-1541. 1959 4-doof Hardtop Catalina Pont lac, tull power, completely equipped, wiw. om n nance.OR2-lO3. 59' VOLKS. sun root, new nylon whllewall tires, radio. Might t trade In. Also '54 FORD standard transmission, encellent cond. OR 3-4515. JOHNSON & WHELCHEL Top Value ' Used Cars '61 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door hardtop. Power steering, R&H. Automatic, 16,000 miles. Like $2695 new w ' w '61 CHEVROLET BelAir 6 cyl. 4 door. Automatic, 15,000 miles. New cor $9 1 Q S condition 1 7 - '61 FORD Galaxie 2 door hord too. R&H. Automatic, oil block with red interior. SQQS Like new Z.t 7 w '61 FORD 4 door station wagon. Automatic, R&H, one owner. 14,000 miles, r) 1 Q C like new 7 -I '60 FORD Fairlane 500 4 door All black. One lAOR owner. Low mileage. J 7 J '60 VALIANT 4 door. 16,000 miles. Local one owner. Very sharp. 1 A A R Stick Shift Ittr '61 RAMBLER Deluxe 4 door. Stondard transmission. 14,000 mil". $189S Like new 3 7J '60 LARK 6 2 door. Stick with overdrive. R&H. Local one owner. $ 1 Q Q C 12,000 miles -7 J '58 CHEVROLET 4 door wilh stondard transmission ond ov erdrive. R&H, A-l- $1 QR condition. Sharp. .. I 7 sJ '58 CHEVROLET Delrey 2 door. Stick shift. New tires, block and $QQR white S S U '56 FORD 4 door sedan. Standard trans., R&H, AQR new tires J 7 J '55 CHEVROLET 4 door. 6 cvl. new paint. Local $RAR car. Sharp JTJ '55 FORD 2 door station wagon. Stick with overdrive. New tires. SPECIAL JOQC THIS WEEK O 7 J '55 FORD Vi ton pickup. 6 cylin der. Tires AQ R art good J7J JOHNSON and WHELCHEL 1358 S. E. STEPHENS OR 3-6391 ' BARCUS WE NEED USED CARS '61 FORD, 4 door sedan, V8, Thunderblrd i 1 Q Q C motor 7 7 kJ '61 COMET, 2 door, big motor, automatic transmission, R&H, Sxe 2095 '56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2 door hardtop, R&H, AOR Automatic. V8 .... J 7 yJ '56 NASH Statesmon 4 door 6 cyl. sedan. Standord trans, with overdrive. A good (CQC 2nd car cheap. J 7 J '54 BUICK Century MQQ 4 door sedan t 7 O '54 PONTIAC 4 door sedon. Au tomatic, R&H, better thon average llR condition TT '53 PONTIAC 2 door sedon. Radio ond heater, 5AR oulcnst!?. ;. O H J '52 FORD 2 door notion wagon. R&H, 9QR standard trans J '52 DODGE 4 door sedon, R&H, standard 9QR transmission ZmfsJ DODGE Vi ton pickup. 4 speed. High side box, M OR good rubber "7 J '48 CHEVROLET glass side sedan delivery with rebuilt motor. Extra good tires. Good cond ition ?lR throughout Z-T CHEAPIES We have 2. A 1953 OLDS MOBILE 4 door sedon ond a 1953 DeSOTO 4 door. Take your pick or buy them both. $169 each. No Poymenls 'til Aug. 10th TERMS TO SUIT YOU Open till 9 PM Mon. thru Sat. Open Sundays 1 PM to 7 PM Barcus Motors, Inc. Better Buys at Barcus Dtxige-Chrysler Imptriol Simco N. Stephens ot Gorden Volley Blvd. OR 3-5566 y Autos For Sale 81 1 SHARP Low Cost Transportation '55 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 door Holi doy hardtop. JCQC R&H, Automatic. .. . J 7 J '55 FORD 4 door sedan. Green and white. Beautiful in- $CQC tenor. R&H, Auto. , v)7J '55 PONTIAC 4 door station wa gon. All vinyl interior. R&H, automatic, this A4R wagon is sharp OfO These are lust 3 examples of the buys available at your RAMBLER CENTER Myrtle Crek 863-4201 19JI WHITE T-Biro, 1 owner. Low mlleaoe. Exceptional cond. Terms. Ph. OR 3-4U9. FOR SALE either lSJ ru7nplke Merc or 'M LARK 4 door jedan. a' cylinder, good tires, 27,000 milei. Gv a.rae ti.Mn 196 DeSOTO convertible. Full" power," good .U..UM.VI,. mi, i... pickup iraoe In. i.n uk j-ojr eves 1957 DeSOTO SPORTSMAN, 2 door hardtD r iouiinuitj. cxcei i en? icrms wnn very little down payment. Ph. OR 2-1908. RAMBLER Select Used Cars '58 FORD 4 door sedan. 6 cyl. with overdrive. $OOR R&H "J '57 FORD 4 door Country sedon. hR,atrand '1095 '55 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan. Radio and .OR heater J '55 FORD 2 door sedon. AQ C Radio ond heater T"' J '57 ENGLISH FORD RQ R 4 door sedan J J UTNE BROTHERS 2G7 N. E. Jackson St. OR 3-5237 Under $5000 '62 T-Bird Hardtop, full power, Silver mink finish. Black vinyl top. Under $2000 '61 Chevrolet V8, club sedan, standard transmission Under $1000 '57 Plymouth V8, 4 door station wagon, power steering, automatic '57 Chevrolet Bel Air, V8, 4 door, power steering, power brakes. New tires no caps Under $150 '52 Chevrolet panel '52 Nash 4 door, good mechanically '53 Plymouth Station Wagon WINEiTRQUT FORD SALES At the bridge In Myrtle Creek 863-3151 OPEN I le 4 tundari e Autos For Sale Jalopy Junction One Mi South Old Hy 99 Phone OR 2-4661 SI RAMBLER convertible . s5 SI PONTIAC S50 SI MERCURY sS 'SO BUICK S35 'SI OLOS SS0 Several later model, good, clean cart) CASH FOR CARS Used Parts - Auto Wrecking AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Unconditional guarantee in writing on all used Volkswagens. 30 days to look (or some thing wrong with it. '60 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe station wagon. '59 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door Sun. $1 OQC root. Very clean. R&H, ww. .7 O '55 FORD 4 door sedan. iAAC standard trans. Real clean OT J '55 MERCURY 2 door hardtop. MQC Sharp. All white t7J '56 BUICK 2 door hardtop. R&H, automatic OnJ '54 OLDSMOBILE 4 door sedan. MQR R&H, outomatlc T J A GOOD SELECTION OF PICK-UPS AND WORK CARS SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 SE Stephens This GW f (guaranteed warranty 91 Guarantees You The Best USED CAR WARRANTY Here's Why: 1 2 3 4 5 The Guaranteed Warranty, unlik most merchandise warranties, not only guarantees you 15 discount on all parts, but also guarantees you 15 discount on ALL LABOR for non-collision repairs . . . and Is good for ONE FULL YEAR without any mileage limitation. The Guaranteed Warranty is not limited to the dealer where you buy your used cor. Your GW Certificate will be honored by more than 8,000 fronchised new cor dealers throughout the U. S. and Canada. The Guaranteed Warranty, unlike other warranties, In cludes most maintenance Items such os tires, muf flers, batteries, brake adjustments and linings, lights, spark plugs, tune-ups, wheel balancing, front-end alignment, etc. The Guaranteed Warranty Is your assurance of quality service by factory-trained mechanics with factory ports, because only franchlsed new car dealers can qualify as members of the GW Plan. ; The Guaranteed Warranty ossures you of a TRUE discount because you do not show the official GW Certificate UNTIL AFTER the repair work is done. Buy A GW Used Car From Your New Car Dealer Who Displays This Emblem And Ask For The FREE GW Your Roseburg GW Members-- BARCUS MOTORS INC. 1420 NE Stephens OR 3-5566 DODGE CHRYSLER IMPERIAL SIMCA McKAY MOTORS 1410 SE Stephens OR 3-4531 STUDEBAKER Lark - Hawk - Champ MOCK MOTORS 0 1 590 NE Stephens OR 2-3358 LINCOLN MERCURY GMC TRUCKS ROSEbOrG MOTORS.. 504S&RoseO(S OR 3-6651 CADILLAC BUICK PONTIAC SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 SE Stephens VOLKSWAGEN o JlFri., June 29, 1962 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 1! Autos For Sale 81 FOR SALE 'S3 Cnev. Bel Air Hdt. 'SS Butck Cenlury eng.. 372 cu. Incn. '31 La Salle User shut Irani., 'S4 online rear end. wwt. New paint ob. Compelllion ex haust tyslem. Set tp lor drag racing. Call OR -3S after 4 p.m. Ml'ST SELL 1959 H'.LLMAN D'-luxe 4 door se ('an. Was asking $;95. Now only $760. OR 2-4GU7. T9606LksWAGEN" Well cared for-green color. 20,000 miles, $1,295. Terms possible. Ph. OR 3-6740. SAYRE Used Cars M895 OR 2-1647 Emblem Certificate OR 2-1647 1 Autos For Sale 81 For The Best Quality Used Cars in Town '61 CHEVROLET Corvair 4 door station wagon. JO 1 Q C Standard trans I J '61 IMPALA V8 2 door hardtop. Big engine. (2 choose from) . Big engine. (2 to $OZ CA '60 CHEVROLET V8 4 door se dan. R&H. Gas saving over drive, bxception- $ 1 OR ally clean. '60 FORD Galaxie V8 2 door. Low mileage, beauti fully equipped. mileage, beauti- JlOyiR '60 VOLVO 4 door sports sedan. Exceptionally low mileage, like new $ CQ C throughout. ........ J '57 MERCURY Montclair 2 door hardtop. This cor is clean and runs beauti- $1 AQC fully. ONLY IU7J '51 WILLYS 4 wheel drive station wagon. Above average con dition. AQ R A steal at .UJ '55 FORD V8 2 door Ranchwagon, t-ar above average for only , Far above average $ZQ C '54 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 door sedan. Selling at a reduced $0 Q C price of only w 7 J '50 FORD Va ton pickup. 4 speed. ONLY $350 NAPIER' Auto Sales Hillman Sunbeam Sales and Service 1240 SE Stephens St. OR 2-2243 CLEAN CARS LOW PRICES '61 CHEVROLET V8 Impala sedan. Power steering and brakes. R&H, white oyer blue with whitewalls. Low $ORQS mileage, like new. -J 7 U '61 CHEVROLET V8 BelAir 2 door sedan. Powerglide, heater, looks and runs SOOQR ' like new 7 - '61 CHEVROLET BelAir 4 door se dan. 6 cyl., Powerglide, heot er. This car is like new. Solid comfort with good $0 1 Q C gas mileage - 7 J '60 Fairlane 500 4, door sedan. V8, Fordomotic, Light green. far'.... ...$1695 '60 FALCON 2 dor sedan. R&H, local one owner car. Excel. lent $14QS condition It 7 u '60 FALCON 4 door sedan. R&H, standard trans. Local one reI: $1495 '59 T-BIRD hardtop coupe. Full power. Local one owner car. Low ?40S miles Z.t '59 FORD Galaxie hardtop coupo. R&H. Fordomotic. Power steer ing. This is a real clean cor with 'IVOR low mileage I 7 U '59 FORD 4 door station wagon. Country sedon. V8, R&H, Ford omatic, looks and runs like new. Solid white. M695 '60 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door sedon. R&H, local one owner car in nice 140S condition T 7 J '61 FIAT 600 2 door sedan. R&H, local one owner In SQQE new condition 7 7 J '60 RAMBLER Rebel V8 4 door custom station wagon. R&H, Automatic, power steering and brakes. Local one owner cor. Looks ond runs 1 Q Q C like new 7 7 J '59 RAMBLER Custom 4 door se don. 6 c,-l., R&H, Automatic, local car. Looks $ A Q C . ond runs like new. I"' J '61 FORD Foleon Econoline station wagon. R&H, standard Irons., local one owner car with low miles.New '2195 condition. '58 FORD Vi ton pickup. 6 cyl., 3 speed trans., heater, wide) side bed with nice canopy. Local one owner $ 1 1 Q C In A-l condition. I I 7 J '57 OLDSMOBILE 88 Holidoy cpe. R&H, Hydramotic, Power steer ing and brakes. Special 2 tone color. Local car $110 with low miles ' ' 7 P '53 DODGE sedon. Good 6 cyl. engine. Make good 'OR work car. ' J Aten Phillips 1328 S. E. STEPHENS OR 2-3421 i