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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1962)
Want Ads Are Community Conversation - Read and Use Them. Dial OR 2-332T 14 The News-Review Roseburg, 5re. Fri., June 29, 1962, Miscellaneous For Sale 45 KENMORE Suds-Saver wahr, 160. Good condition. 0 R2-2 W8. SINGLE UNIT milking machine, nearly new 30 jBllon0"wterneaier.UKj-w. LIKE MEW ulon tvM hair dryer and chair, Salon sty lino, chair. For Information call OR 3-230?. RECLINING lourto chair, walnut dining ta ble, chairs and bufiat. 9X12' grey wool floral rug. OR 3-shi. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have over teen no roou or wtrai. Ralph Flther, Winston. OS 9-MJ3. VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Com pact. Electrolux, Hoover, Kirpy. aim pans. J. t. MewoerrviVK . . . hori(A"RT71TTtorsrMerc motor. $100; Elec trie coke cooler, M5, Old wagon, W5. Other misc. items. 05-w MONARCH range, 165," 6 piece blond bed room set. 1110. All good condition. OR 3888. automatic" "washer-dryer, HIde-a-bed, set bunk beds, platform rocker. OR 2-2W3 atier a. GENTLE horse, also carl and harness. Will ride single or aouoie, iaei mr cniioren, S175. OR 3-5732 Glenn Phllllpl. TRASH BURNER, heater, wide mouth quart ars, Incubator, kids wagon, I double bed springs, 2 coil, misc. L.oran vneai, tvi ml leiea stotOa kland. Phone 2735. NEW REVERSIBLE Olson rug and pad, 131" x 11' 1UV, brown tones tlSO. Wrong measurements (reason for sale), Phone OR 3-8271. PRICED TO SELL child's crib, electric sewing machine, Mason ars, 50c doz. 5 do, lots, interesieo in iapt rtcoraer. us 9-8609. CELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, ruo thampooers, cottee urns, sew Inq machines, II per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE, OR 3-5518. NEW AT PIXIE Fuchsias, geraniums,' lantana, oleanders, Rot' tie brush, rock Daphne, Camellias, SUN DAY ONLY. Pixie Gardens. N. end of Broad St. N. of Airport. OR 3-6113. BARGAINS DELUXE '59 30" range $118 WESTINGHOUSE combination, tops $110 LATE MODEL 16 ft refer, sold new $650, now $299 TROWBRIDGB ELECTRIC 731 SB Oak Ave. OR 3-5521 RANGES WASHERS KLKCTHOMASTER Apt. size range. Wbb $79.95 Now $59.95 PHILCO Apt. size electric range. Was $79.95 Now $59.95 MAGIC CHEF Apt. size gas range. Was $59.95 Now $39.95 FRIGIDAIIIE 40 in. electric range with deep well cooker. Good condition. Was $89.95 Now $69.95 FRIGIDAIRE Automatic washer. Was $99.00 now .... $09.00 FRIGIDAIRE Automatic washer. Was $119.95. Now .. $89,95 FRIGIDAIRE Automatic washer. Was $109.95. Now .. $89.95 FRIGIDAIRE 'Automatic washer. Was $89.00. Now $59.00 Where Most People Trade For Quality and Service. Umpqua Valley Hardware 648 SE Rose OR 2 lfilfl HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Here DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified APPLIANCE REPAIR PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL Oenarally 1 day service Best stock of appliance parti In ounty TROWBRIDGB ELECTRIC 7l SB Oak OR 3-55)1 BURGH'S APPLIANCE Dealers lor FEDOERS and EDISON Air conditioners. BTUi and up. NORGE and EASY appliances Parts and Service for all makes U-Sava stamps. South City tlmlls. OR 2-lUlil AUTO REPAIR. SERVICE AUTO SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS General Auto Repair OR I-JUt Al SE Rose at Oak Roseburg, Oregon Wallv Wright Rm. OR 3-5770 Swede M'Cketson Ret. OR 2-379S BUILDERS, CARPENTERS FLOOR LAYING and small carpw.lar obi. Free estimate. OR 2-4076. CARPEN1RY and cabinet. Harry E. Young. OR 3.7m CARPENTRY," PAINTING7Uhour Call OR 3 44S2 CARPENTER WORK custom rn-Ht cattl 111 1 RfAWAble relet. No -bo mint on Sunday. OR 3-W57, FOUNDATIONS home raiting, leveling, re pair. Work FHA approved. Cement, bloc work, ftrrplacei. Fire estimate, Cal Mer gel. OR 7-43IS or OR 3-BdH. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING, tupcliei. Opm days wk. Laming L OIvr, OR 'wU EXCAVATING, SANO, GRAVEL EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING Call OR 1-146 (HALE, river loam, .and and gfavrt, ako donng and back hoe word. Frank Frn woflh.OSW7 bOZING, levellnq; a'so gravel rot, Hver loam and roJ materia It. Char lei Keeiy, qs jwty. FLOOR FINISHING COVERING O MIKE'S FLOOR SFRVICE. IS yearn exper lence. Lnying, tandlnq and tinlthlng. Old floor reflnlshed. OS -.S? PFAf-F'i Fhwr landing, tlniihlntj and retinlihing. OR ft" FURNITURE REPAIR AIL KINDS FURNItURE BrPm-rllni,ri-1 aoo Furn'lyrf. OH -al'Q IM Curri,r, HAY BALING CUSTOM VOWING and hay balinfl. Thont Victor Mor VI ?.?43J, Yoncalta. CUSTOM flALiNORny Hostfilfr. ! PH. OS 1UU no Sunday Catli, I Miscellaneous For Sale 45 USEO houMthold furniture. Bargain prices. Earl Smilh Trailer Sales. OR 3-3356. YOUTH BED OR 3-7391 TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments. Horn's Appliance OR 3-S51I. ELEVEN FOOT" self-service McCray meat case with H P. 220 new Copeland com preisor, remote. Call Mc's Place, OY 3307. Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester OH 3-7272 ' RETREAD SPECIAL Any size passenger car tire. ONLY $11.87 plus tax. A & R TIRE CO. 2555 NE Diamond Lake Blvd PHONE OH 3-4421 FREEZER SUPPLIES Quick frozen to lock In the fresh flavor Save on 20 lb bags of fruits and vegetables GOVERNMENT GRADED Good or choice steer beet. Bring us your cutting and wrap ping work. Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON, ORB OS 9-5133 MANURE $1 PICKUP LOAD Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon NEW Just Arrived Tremendous Savings On New Dinettes! 5 Piece . Table and 4 Chairs $39.95 7 Piece Table and 6 Chairs $69.95 $5 DOWN $5 Month Free Delivery GRAY'S Home Furnishings 1345 SE Stephens. Oil 2-3641 LANDSCAPING TILLING CL'UOM DISCING, plowing and tilling. OR 3-a7BI,1ler7 P.M. CUSTOM TILLING, weed-brmh cutting tend ing, leveling. OS 9-5S avei. M. H. Fo. Custom Tractor Work New extra heavy duty 60" tiller Weed and Grass Lots Mowed or Tilled Three tractors to serve you Leveling, Landscaping and Lawns BEEBE & BOWMAN OR 3-3738 OR 3-8135 LOANS Loans Auto - Salary - Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Hurrtick Manager 644 SK Stephen Oil n-fififift PAINTING, DECORATING .1 DRY WALL, taping, tenure worker. Phone OR 7-WSJ lAIN 1 1NG. exterior and Interior. Rpamw able rales Fri ult mates OR 2-1210. PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING, repair, cleaning, and rt rooming. Harold Bailer, i-ijuj or 2-40JA. ROOFING FOR TOP QltALIl Y ROOFING tall QUAL IIY ROOMNG CO - OR M.W. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Senile Service, tnV cleaned. Prompt tervke. Reasonable OR 34474 SFPT IC TANKS CLFANtO ' RnebiiB'$anl t a. Ion ServiL. Phone. OR 3-.U1 TOOL RENTALS DOI t yours elf And Save Lube ob ?c, Oil change Jt per rent o" with lube. Change motor rmiltien, rehne brakes, 11 00 pet hr. Roselund Union Station 20.0 NK Stephens OR 2 W.U TOOL SHARPENING PLO.V SHARPfNINO. w!dlng 2iM SVV C.(tMe Ave Wjtch Shoo OP tt-V WELL DRILLING Water cll Drilling Nolhinq on appvKI frMit. MUH8 WtLL DR II LING 09 ?-3.!l tn.-v.. WINDOW WASHING nmAS wsHroi j. ihrdslli or nut rigritr Oe Soles and Ser vice Directory. Miscellaneous For Sale 45 CAMERAS New and Used ARGUS 35 mm. 300 w. Slide projector Perlect condition. With case 522.50 ARGUS 35 mm. 500 w. Push Button model tilde protector. Airautpt magazine. W.'n case, Mfee new 549.95; GOLDE 35 mm. 300 w. slide projector j with case and Alrquipt automatic slide trays. Perfect condition 529.95 ! AIR-Qulpl magazines, like new. Each - 5 1.2s' MANY other good used movie cameras and protectors too numerous to mention. I CLARK'S STUDIO & CAMERA SUPPLIES 711 SK Jackson Oil 3-8526 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED Dark wood buffet and china closet, secretary. Player piano. Call 3-6047. WANTED used furniture and mlsc Rose burg Furniture, 243 SE Jackson. OR 3-5104. WANTED- used heavy duty skill saw, 7" or larger. Ted Roadman, Route 2, Box 1WS, Rsbg. Ph. Oakland 2804 WANTED "" ANTI1UE"colns,guns, crilna, giassware, (ewelry, clocks. Prisciila't An tiques. 247 SE Jackson. OR 2-1421. Trade Miscellaneous 48 WHITE ELEPHANT Or sell '53 Studtj VI, slick and overNeed Pickup. OR 3-8289. FORTRADE" 375 Amp, DC Hobart Welder. 440-220 3 phase. Trade for tractor. Call OR3-7835 TRADE EQUITY In 2bdm home In Green lor pickup In good condition. Route 4, Box 381, Happy Valley Road. Musical Instruments SO GRAND PIANO FOR SALE 1035 N. E. Nash SEE THESE Exceptionally Good USED PIANOS AND ORGANS Nothing Over 4 or 5 Years Old PLAYER PIANO, overhauled and retlnlshnd S495 HAMMOND chord organ, mahogany... $545 THOMAS chord organ, walnut 1495 SPINET piano, Queen Anne cherry... S545 BALDWIN Acrosonlc piano, originally pric ed at $1095. NOW U9i CONVENIENT TERMS AT RICKETTS MUSIC, INC. 602 SE Jackson OR 3-3202 Boats And Motors 15 FT. Ply boat. 10 H.P. Johnson motor, (aclory trader, extras. OR 3-4665. LIKE NEW aluminum boat, 5 H. motor, Holiclaw Jralltr, oars, ancnor, meiiicxeis, gas can and clamps. $375, OR J-4177. 14 FT CUSTOM built wooden runabout, wrap around wlndihield. 10 HP motor. Trailer, canvas cover, access.OR 3-7481. 1 isHP Johnson- motor; '61 fee-Nee trailer with spare tire; IS ft Hollywood boat with new windshield and all controls. New lira extinguisher, I set oars, 2 lite Jackets. Lois of other extras go with. $1150. Call Sulherlln 3091. 4th of July Bang Up Specials 2 WIIEKt. heavy duty utility trailer. Lights, steel and ply wood box $110 14 FT. LARSON aluminum fishing bout, with deck $195 14'-j ft. CLASSPAR fiherulass lishinc boat with TKK NKK trailer. 12 in wheels, boat rov er and lights $175 14 (t. STAKL'HAl'T alumin um fishing boat $lj)5 KKI'OSSKSSKU lit ft. SKA- SW Iltl, runabout with uphol stered seats, lights, hardware, steering, controls, top, and l!l.'9 18 bp. I'.VINHI'PI'. elec tric starling motor. MAS- TKRC'HAI'T till trailer. Com plete outfit for only $1250 ROD & REEL Trailer & Boat Sales 1115 W Harvard Ave. OK 2 2212 Food And Produce 57 1 CHF.RRirs Rings, Royat Anns. Lamberts. ' Ht RCMLR'S DILLARD HAKOFNS j PIE CHFRRIT5, VOU pkK ' OR RASPBfc RRILS," vou pick or we pick. CII OS 9 .M.V5 i LAMHfcRt AND PIE CHFHRIES FOR SALtt. Call J-S:44 Ort YOUR MARSH RANCH APPLE5"at the Farm Bure,tu J " ' walnuis - 10 " ib ' ; OR 3-S0 i R4SPBI RRIES, order now. AUo d cher net. picked or vou pick. OR I U2J J 4PPI.I S I Ortley. Newtpn. Mnfh H.tnch. Looklngtati. ' Hrmg t o-f i"f i OR .' q YOU PK V R,j,iI Ann c hrf r.e k I inter p.erce, ?pj plate on Mflttlen Rd (. leveiand, OR -i4 Rf AOY NOW ( .tinning cfientps t amb : tt1. Blny And Rotiil Ann Alton Onen' O'liAid Market. Bu. Ri. Brlwen Win-' m and Diliard i CHI: R R it S U-PK'K " Satu'ilv" and Sun , ti:v 0"'lv Orch.ird opn ai 7 rt A Jt"ie A'lh. llmo y,i tjflrk cherrle lV t). Win., tivi OrchAidi in Wim'on Sevtujn, (' V : Hi Bo 4" From Hottuig tlnve mite ( .ith 10A,nd Winston, turn left Aoetsj Wisloi Wndfle kffp left and w.itih lor HO" Wnutwi Orchard! will h.tve NO U- I pit rl'ii siier Sumla. Juiv Ht Telephone ' OS Ml Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 StXDAYS ONLY j CLFWATlS. Kriue nvjmj, HvdinntjM. 12 : In Rhojie Aialeat, $1. Over ihrub. j Putt (.ardent. N l-nd ( B'0d S. N. ot ' Q U Hay And Grain j NK F .(an nats . ' tit'd. I nil OR J 61 61 CUSTOM HAY BALING OR 3-4621 FIRST CUTTING ALFALFA. Call OR 2-3MO evenings FIRST CUTTING lotus or alfalfa. Gerald M. Ctaypool, OR 3-8722- Garden Valley. GRASS HAY. S 12 and $15 a tort. Lookingglass. 05 9-5880. No Sunday calls, please. TOP "quality Oat hay. S25 In field. 521 de livered. Kruse. OR 3-6649. OR 3-4837. CLOVER, oats and grass hay, $15 ton and up in field Call Oakland 4247 evenings. Livestock 63 GENTLE white gelding and nice Shetland tor GY GENTLE young pony, can be seen at lit house on right. Fisher Road $150. COMPLETE line of riding gear and Western wear. Alien's western ooodi, us v wji. WOOL received daily, Nichols Store, Winston, 0re, Phoy . OS J;n7- WANTED - Cattle or all kinds. UN 3-4253 or UN3-3384,MyrtlejCreek. W.A. Blackert. BUYING WOOL paying top price. Steve Inda Phone ,35I7, Oakland. CALVES for sale. Camas Valley. 1 mile south of town. Call 176. SHETLAND rnjres and colts, also, Shetland slud. OR 3-7890. HORSESHOEING ' Call GYpsy4-333? WEANER PIGS OS 9-5424 i2MbTold reg. Polled" Herelord bull, $200. 34 aged ewes, mosliy Romney, $170. Louis Brady, Glendale B37-5477. HONDO T1932 Appaloosa stallion. Was pur chased June am by WHIis Alien lor $750, from E. T. Mallelle. PUREBRED English shepherd. 6 moi old. Natural born slock or watch dog. $50. 731 Civil Bend St., Winston. OS 9-5517. NOTICE fo my customers: I will be on vacation July 1 thru 18. J. L, FOGEL HORSESHOEING. FOR SALE or trade 3 year old gelding for mower tor Model H. John Deere tract or. Call Riddle 874-2517. QUARTER HORSE colt, P-167A91; 1961 foal, chestnut, breeding Barred Midnight. Green Acre Ranch, Rt. 1, Box 359, Sutherlm, Ph. 3869 CALVES Whiteface, Holstein, Black An gus. E. S. Wrlghl, on Cleveland Hill Road, past Melrose Store, across from Melrose Church. Douglas Livestock Marker WE arc buying sheep and lambs of all kinds. Call for latest mar ket information. We receive wool daily. Phone OR 2-4071 Ask For Jim Lewis SCI1R1CKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sulherlln 2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good aclivt market for all kinds ol livestock. G. A. Brown, Welghmastar Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schricker and Son. Owners Mgri. WE ARE PROUD To Announce The New EXHIBITOR Tandem Horse Trailer See them now at RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Winchester, Ore. OH 3-7272 SALE Every Saturday at 1 1 P.M. Livestock of all kinds. Pick-up and delivery service. Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any lime. 50 1IKAD yearling Whiteface steers 50 HEAD yearling Whiteface heifers 35 PAIR Whiteface cows and calves 1 LOAD of fat Holstein butcher steers 1 LOAD mixed butcher cattle 2 REC'.ISTKRED yearling Poll ed bulls 3 GOOD genlle kid's horses DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET Wilbur, Oregon OR 2-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 REG1STi:ftED German Shorlhnlr pupi, ex cel, hunting stock. 3 mo old. S40. OR 3-8404. POODLE 'TRIMMING ANDBATH1NG" OR 3-7339 PUREBRED red" Dachshund andsiiver Alas kan Husky pups. Rpason.ible. OR 3-6940. REGISTERCD FRENCH POODLE PUPPIES 863-3039 Myrtle Creek JACOBS' KENNELS. Bwrdlnq cats arid'dogs. U65 NE Stephi'm. OR 3-6193. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Ani mal Shelter OR 3-307. PIGEONS lor "show and hobbv. Nuns. Homers, Rollers, OwlsTurblts. OR 3-A0S3. FOR SALE French Poodle Miniature, AKC ii'fl. I vear old. OR 35?8 dv; alter 7 OR 5-5328. BART'S BOARDING K E N N E L S, cats and doq5. i mile NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Rifle Range Rd- OR 3-7514. OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Mixed breads as welcome -ai purebred! BOLCN KENNELS OR 3-4C13 LET YOUR dog enjoy' hiV vacation "a well ai vcu. Place him in an air conditioned kennel At our kennel they are always cool We alio sell pet supplies and breed stationary. Poodle trimminq a specialty. Impcrest Poodle Kennr-ls, OR J-USJ. Farm Equipment 70 CATERPILLAR IS, Good condition. Man! Comitock,$itrtfrlln. Phone Jill WANTED old tvi" stationary' hVy""br". J NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING ind sheathing twui. burnt d outtHiiidincis. 3 ltuds, " boards and J" construction lumber. Availably in most sires at hoi??ai prics Umpqua Mfg. Co. S. on w BR PLASTIC Irrigation Pipe 75 Ib. Pressme . Full Coils i ij" por 1110 fret $2 98 "i" per KM fort St 79 ' 1" (ht lii fi'et ss 89 l' per 100 feet Ji9 19 j l' per 100 feet (IS 69 j Hay And Grain 2" r lno Ot $:-9 9(i , Copi9.ii! Lumber ! I1-! milr ("aj Kreeav ! i liuldlr. Ore. l'h. 8;t-3."i2i Farm Equipment 70 JOHN OEERE no. S mower, tractor mount ed, 7 ft. bar. Will fit most tractors. New cond. S150. OR 3-3634 or OR 3-69SI. TRACTOR VALUES Farmall A, PTO. pully and plow 1350 John Deere LA, starter and plow ..4 U2S John Deere M, hyd, and starter SS95 Oliver 70, PTO, pulley and power ... U7S Ford IN. Sherman trans US0 Constantly more equip, at more savings to vou. Ranch Equipment Sales Days Creek. Closed Sun. Ph. t?4-3?4l $200 CASH To Go To The SEATTLE WORLD'S FAIR (or vacation of your choice) Yes, we will finance an additional $200.00 cash with your purchase of a new Chevrolet car or truck or a late model used car during CHEVY'S GOLDEN SALES JUBILEE CHEVROLETS 695 BISCAYNE 6 CYL. 4-DR. Surf green, heater-defroster, windshield washers, foam sear, deluxe steering wheel. 727 BISCAYNE 8 CYL WAGON Autumn gold, heater-defroiter, windshield washers, foam seat, deluxe steering wheel, tinted windshield. 736 IMPALA 8 CYL. SPORT CPE. Red, heater-defroster, 250 hp Turbo-Fire 327 eng ine, Powerglide, power steering, windshield washers, tinted windshield, padded dash, whitewolls, bucket leats. CORVAIRS 722 700 SERIES 4-DR. SDN. Turquoise, wheel discs, comfort- and convenience group. P-glide, tinted windshield, heorer-def roster. 694 MONZA COUPE Twilight blue, comfort and convenience group, super turbo-air engine, whitewalls, powerglide, heater-defroster, bucket seats. j 754 MONZA 4-DR. SDN. Red, comfort and convenience group, super turbo air engine, tinted windshield, padded dash, 4 speed tronsmision, whitewalls, bucket seats, heater-defroster. HANSEN MOTORS 606 SE '61 PONTIAC Catalina 4 door. Power steering, new (ires, real sharp '62 CORVAIR700 4door. Delu R i hf. Red. 8,000 miles, standard transmission ;'61 CHEVROLET 6 CYL Heavy duty Dickup. 4 speed transmission. 6.50x16 6 ply tires ! '59 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door sedan. R i H poser sleenng. tires, V? jreen, sharpie. '61 MONZA coupe. All leather bucket seals. RAH power glide, 16,000 miles. "60 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe .Station wagon. J seats. Low, low niOs. ; Real nice 50 MORE HANSEN'S USED See o Doug Zitek DR 2-4037 DOUGLASAT .Heavy Equipment 72 COMPLETE hydraulic system and blade set up for Lindeman crawler, S300. OR 3-3953. CLETRAC CRAWLER, BD-D Hydraulic blade. Winch, canopy. Best offer. 'S3 GMC 4 Ion pickup, good cond. OR 3-3813. Logging Equipment 74 TWO VARD loader and dump trucks, rental or contract. Frank Earn worth. OS 4697. 350 AMP. Lincoln welder with starter,-like new cond. 1395. OS f-1493. PROFIT From Classified Ads Autos For Sale 4th of JULY SALE 10 DISCOUNT Reg. Less Sols price 10 price $2898 $290 $2608 $2498 $250 $2248 $1898 $190 $1708 $198 $190 $08 $2348 $235 $2113 $1698 $170, $1528 new CARS TO CHOOSE O STEPHENS Logging Equipment 74 '43 CHEV I pass. Carry-All. Clean, good condition. 1650. OS 9-1479. LOG LOADERS CRANES Sates and Service ENGLE & PERSON 1511 NE Diamond Laka Blvd. OR 2-433 AH,r hours Prt. GY t-3347 81 CHEVY ll's 647 100 SERIES 4 CYL 2-DR. Turquoise, heater - 721 100 SERIES 6 CYL WAGON Red, heater - defroster, comfort and convenienct group, whitewalls, luggage carrier. 720 100 SERIES 6 CYL. 4-DR. White, ' heater-defroster, comfort ond convenience group. TRUCKS 654CORVAIR95CORVAN (Pnl) Brigade blue, heater-defroster, 4 speed transmission, H D shock absorbers, windshield washers. 753 6Vz STEPSIDE '2 ton pickup Turquoise, H D rear springs, foam seat, 4 speed transmission, windshield washers, Positraction, 261 cubic inch 6 cyl. engine, side tire earner, 6.50x 166 ply tires (On-Off road tread on rear) 733 6W FLEETSIDE Viz ton pkup. White and red, deluxe heater-defroster, whitewalls, windshhield washers, full view rear window, custom side moulding, tinted windshield, custom appearance option, 261 cubic inch 6 cyl. engine, custom chrome option, radio, custom comfort option. Stephens "60 CHEVROLET Impala Sport coupe. Power steering, oir condition er, blue, only 21,000 miles '59 FORD 2 door V8 R & H, Fotdomatrc, power steering, new tires 59 STUDEBAKER Lark 2 door sedan. Grey. Whitewall tires, sharp '61 CHEVROLET BelAir Hordtoo coup. 6 cylinder with overdrive. R & H, nfyr tires. o ' '60 CORVAIR 4 door 700 Deluxe sedan. Perglide, R & H, white and blue - '62 CORVAIR Creenbridr StatiSi ooi. Powerglide, R&H, 3 sear. FROM AT SALE o CAR CENTER Sea) DustRhodes OR 3-653fe dOR 2?1309 CD Logging Equipment 74 FOR SALE OR TRADE D cal, blada and drum. Call 3-3SS, Myrlla Crwu. FOR SALE LH Mack d'iesel logging truck, fully equipped. Cheap. Phone 4210, Sulherlln after 7 p.m. lMACin dlesel; it'll Mack dlaiel. Boih with trailer, itakes. scales and permit. Good condition, working now. Azalea, 137 537. Auto-Truck Parti 75 REBUILT Merc-O-Matic transmission. Call OR 3-4150. defroster OR 3-4446 Reg. Less Sale price 10 price. $2698 $270 $2428 $1498 $150 $1348 $1098 $110 $988 $2398 $240 $2,158 $1698 $170 $1528 o o $288 $290 $2608 PRICES 00 oo o o O OO o