Thur., Junt 28, 1962 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 1 Pre- M HUGE atth Towels Midas-Touched For SUMMER COLD SANDAL What 1.00 Will Buy At Mark's Balcony! SLEEVELESS BLOUSES Sizes 3 to 6x 7 to 14 Misses Knits S.M.L. Reg. 1.99 SHORTS Sixes 3 to 6x Miisei Sizes 10 to 18 REG. 1.99 LOO M.00 Sun Dresses Sizes 4 to 6x Reg. 1.99 nm SKIRTS Sizes 3 to 6x Pleots or Circulars REG. 1.99 1.00 COTTON HALF SLIPS Misses S M L ' REG. 1.99 M.00 From A Famous Maker COTTON SLEEPWEAR Gowns and PJ's $4 ft ft Sizes 7 to 14 . .. Reg. 2.99 ,1.77 .V. . JA"L ., . Tffll ii i I u z-j W'fWWF? ONLY jfV Large 4222" in heavy 100 Cotton Terry. Brown, Pink, Blue, Orchid, Purple, Green, Orange, Yellow, Also tome florals. REG. $1.29 To 1.98 TERRY CLOTH YARDAGE ' ' Just the thing to make large beach towels or beach jQy jackets. Gay summer colors. Tho (lint of sum mor is captured In this glamour-sandal of Imitation gold cnishad L.thtr. CooI-l-can-b ond campllmant-Invltinf. COOL WHITE SANDAL ONLY $2.99 Whit. tMrhtr with adjuttoblt tropi and cushion Insoltt. S i j.:. TAKES OVER THE SUMMER ONLY Everything smart glistens with summer's gold . . . even the comfort-queen sneaker is a-gleam in a rough gold fabric. White rubber sole. TENNIS SHOES Black or White Heavy Duck Uppers Suction Grip Sole Ventilated Arch 1 i Summer Weight Boatneck Men's Stretch MENS SLACKS BOYS T-SHIRTS Terry Crew Socks Sizes 29 to 40. Wash-N-Wear Dacron Sizes 8 to 18. Stripes and Prints. blends. Some with belt loops. At this 100 cotton. Va Pushup sleeves. Thick obsorbent cotton and : nylon, price you cuff them. Poncho tails. No ironing. White with covered stripe tops. Reg. 4.97 Now 3.00 Special 2.98 I 2 p., 1.00 I Boys INFORMAL I Mens CREW SOCKS snack set. DECK PANTS Blue, White, Brown, Green, Charcoal. 4 Tray 4 "f! in c,ear 9'a"- Blue, Loden, Gold, Beige. Sizes 30 to Sizes 7 to IOVj. Reo- 2 29 Per set 38i Built-in belts. 100 cotton. 4 1.00 23JM M, 2.00 A66 All Sixes . . . Youths . . . Boys , . . Mens Durable Vinyl Covering TO CAY PATIO COLORS AMERICA'S CHOICE FOR LEISURE LIVING REG. 2.98 to 5.98 REG. 99c oo CHRISTMAS IN JUNE TOY CLEARANCE '0DS" Cannon Truck Long RoBge, Reg. n.97 5.49 Running Water Sink Reg. 2.98 . . 1 .49 Greyhound Scenicruiser ro9. 10.00 4.98 Flying Fox Re9. 14.9s 6.98 Tom Thumb Bank Re9. 3.95 : 1 .95 Spear Fishing Game Re9. 98c . 49c Flintstone Dolls r9. 2.9s 1 .49 Casper Getar r9. 1.39 99c Ukelele r.9. 2 " : 1 .49 Thunderguns r69. 3.37 1 .59 Keystone Holster Sets r9. 6.49 3.25 Boxing Gloves Re9. 5.9s 7.98 1 .98 2.98 Archery Sets Re9. 7 9s 4.77 Snippie Pillo Pak n. 79c . . 39c Stuffed Chipmunk Re9. 1.49 79c Dollee Scaje 3.00 1 1 .49 Dolly's Birthday Reg. 2.98 1 .39 Amaco Modeling Dough r. 88 59c Battery Operated Toys Your 0.0. 99c Jumbo Peg Chest Reg. 1.97 i 1 89c Percolator Set r9. 2.88 1 .44 Miss Housekeeper Sink Re9. 79. 49c Skee Ball Sets . s.98 2.49 Pom Pom Truck r9. s.98 2.77 MissilftCarrierRe9. 7.95 3.77 Jack & Beanstalk Puzzle r9. 9e 49c Picto Tunes Re9. 98c 3fc Water Sled ro9. 1.99 . 99c Auburn Fire Station Re9. 1.49- 79c Child Guidance World Maps r.9 1.97 89c Limited Quantities. Some one of a kind. Garden Hose Small Light Plastic, . Reg. l.SO Spec. Insect Killer .... Spec. Black Flag, House and Garden, Spray Can. 14 oz. Reg. 1.29 MARK'S Hardware & Sporting Goods Charcoal Lighter 25c Energine, Reg. 33c Pint Spec. 9fc 5ra 7" Power Lawn Moweg 4Q88 4-eyele, 19" rotory. Reg. S9.9S 1 Spec. ' Presto Air Coolers & York Air Conditioners In stock. Register for York Air Conditioner to be given away June 30, 1962. $172.50 model Mens . . . Womens . . . Childrens 3 Assorted Colors DRUG SPECIALS Mennen Steri Spray 449 60 Instant antlsaptlc spray. For scratch.., hurts. No stlnf, Rag. 1.69 ., .. New Mens Deodorant Trig in Easy-to-use rollon, Reg. 98c . Now Trylon Bubble Bath CQC Bag or Jar. Reg. 1.00 limit 4 Spec. . W O M I loni special 149 Reg, 2.00 permanent Spec. I ' Kodak Verichrome Pan Black and White 620, Reg. 55c . . ' ,. Now a Iti a tax Fertilizer Spreader Large 16 Inch Reg, 7.95 Spec. , Wheelbarrow All Steel Frame, 3 cu. ft. Reg. 9.95 . . Spec Lady Esther Face Cream 4 Purpose, Cleans, Softens, Smooths Regular 49c .... Now 39' 69 1 Ponds Cold Cream Cleanser "Flowing Cold Cream" Reg. 1.00 Now Corn Remover GoM Medal Brand Reg. 33c , Now MASK'S DEPARTMENT STORE 2529 West Harvard Prices good no' Jury 1. PLUS STAMPS ALWAYS Take advantage of at our New the services ashler's Booth! I rT Tf