12 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thur., Juno 28, 1962 , JMIftft MBHJUI!!PWgWlff'WBJlLJ. MONTGOMERY WARD 1481 NE STEPHENS PHONE OR 2-4811 OPEN MON. and FRI. NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 jS2S iUY EITB REVERSIBLE FAN WITH THERMOSTATIC CONTROL No" monoy down Moves air up to 5,000 CFM! Elect rically reversible for intake and exhaust. Push-burton, 3 speed control with auto matic thermostat runs only when needed. 10 year guarantee. ALL FANS REPAIRED OR REPLACED FREE, FOR PERIOD STATED, IF DEFECTIVE. ER 20 in. IE FAN... Pay No Money Down Save big on needs for Holi day Travel, Pic nic or backyard fon ' 3-SPEED AUTOMATIC FAN WITH DIFFUSER GRILLE 20-inch fan moves up to 4,500 cu. ft. of air per minute! Set the thermostat walk away! Fan runs automatically only when needed. Diffuser grille directs air flow. 5-yr. guarantee. Buy your fan now! Save more enjoy it more! "ALL FANS REPAIRED OR REPLACED FRE"E FOR PERIOD STATED, IF DEFECTIVE. " TRU-COLD 17 cu. ft Suburban KEEPS 595 LBS. AT CERTIFIED ZERO9 Spacious, orderly frozen food storagel Special fast-freezing section, 5 refrigerated shelves, drop-front basket, door storage for 90 packages, interior light, no monit down REO. 289.9 S l : 90-DAY SERVICE A j 1 including ' I I :t parit and labor ' li! !' NO CHARGE I - 19" luggage-type TV G FMNGE-AREA rWMMIf Squared-screen shows more pic- lA ture.corner-to-corner.Automatic gain control assures clear, stoady picture. Handy out-froet controls. Built-in antenna. 'Mtottrtd dmgonolt; HP wmir oc-i p ,1 V 4 IM I I III II II II II III II 111 II 111 III II III Mill III III 111 III 111 III I II II II III II II III III 111 : B1 NEMA I thu-cold Pii ! 'ilmmifHKillH! 11! ill! hums 15,500 BTU, 2 HP AIR CONDITIONER no money down A O O 13.50 o month ZOy.OO Fully outomatic "dual stat" control. 18,000 BTU 2V2 HP model 299.88 compare power price GO 630O BTU, 1 MP AIR COHBITIOIER VITI CIMICE Of S COOLIIC IPftH Compact, decoratively thin 1 HP unit is easy to install, plugs into any outlet-no special wiring. Filters, dehu midifles, freshens room air, helps hay fever sufferers, too. Thermostat automatically maintains the "climate" you select. Hi-cool and lo-cool speeds, both "whisper quiet." (g)(G) eootal purchase price no money down, 9.50 a month 1 JUNE FABRIC FESTIVAL mostly wash-n-wear fabrics every yard first quality Wards extra thrifty buys in cot ton bengaline or sailcloth prints and solids. Fashion prints, too, in cotton terry cloth, Governed cot- yd. ton, polished cotton or magic reg. 79c-98e crepe acetates with silky-look. REGULAR 39c COTTONS Printed cotton plisses for lingerie and nightwear. Or cotton per cale prints for dress, sports. REC. 49c-59c COTTONS Summery cool, cotton sheers or drip dry cottons in smart fashion prints. Little ironing; REG. 1.19-1.59 f ABRICS Pima Mist cottons, ArneP Triacetate-cottons, rayon-silk homespuns, fine cotton seersucker. . .11 m TMi 3 '1 88: PURE COMFOIT AND PERFORMANCE PLUS! Semi-V hull an double bottom of molded fiber gloss give a smoother ride and up to 30 o nioie space than other 1 5-foot - ers. Vinyl scots, steer-wheel, O windshield. 15 ft. Dtluie 6i Hi. $7 $ Reg. $559 Now Cty 12 ft cfAASS CARTOP it 1 00 Re$ 0ny I oo 900 lb. TRAILER i 9 Reg $169 No0y ? I 4 I IT x An tiTI II ELECTRICSTARTINtt 40-HP DELUXE MOTOR gs4QQ Reg. $S69 Just turn the key and you're off . . j in o blaze o? shooting spray. Has prop with rubber slip-clutch, Cjuto-matic-rewind auxiliary starter and all the other quality Sea King ex tras. 6-gallon fuel tank. 25 HP, Re9. $429 $ NOW ONLY IS HP, Reg. S33S $ NOW ONLY a 5 HP, Reg. $215 NOW ONLY oo s