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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1962)
c.:.',::n eaessoo eoessseoeoens cr e9 i 14 The News-Review Roeburg, Ore. Mon., June 25, 1962 OUT OUR WAY By . R. Williams Real Estate 34 1 Real Estate. 34 Real Estate 34 eeooo ca Visits With Son In Camas Valley Br MRS. DAVE THRUSH Wis. Jeanette Webber from St. Paul, Minn., is spending the sum mer with her son, Clinton Webber, and children, John and Debbie, in Camas Valley. It. W. Banks of Camas Valley left last week for Southern Cali fornia to spend the summer with his sons, Clarence and Lee Banks, and several grandchildren. Mrs. I.yle Baser, from Milhrae, Calif., is visiting her sisters, Mrs. 0. R. Amstein and Mrs. Lloyd Gar rett, in Camas Valley. Decent ovenu'Kkt guests at the home of !fr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gar rett in Camas Valley were Gar rett's brother and son from Grants Pass. Portland Markets MONDAY PRICES PORTLAND (UPf) EBBS to producers f.o.b. at ranch: A A extra large 29 32'ic; AA large 27-30V5c; A large 25 27c; AA me dium 20-22'.! c; AA small 15-19'Ac. Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 38-42c; AA large 35-40c; A large 34-37c; AA medium 29-36c AA small 24-32c; cartons l-3c higher. PORTLAND (UPI) Dairy market: Butter To retailers! AA and A prints 67c; cartons lc higher; B prints 66c. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers: 47 - 48V4c; processed American 5-10 11) loaf, 45-4IWjc, PORTLAND (UPI) Potato market: Ore. local Russets No 1A JOO lb 3.50 4.00; Deschutes Russets No 1A 4.00; bakers 5.00-5.25; Montana 4.50-4.75. PORTLAND (UPI) (USDA) - Livestock: Cattle 1850; good-choice steers 27-27.40; standard 22-Z3.5U; siana ard-good holsteins to 24; good choice heifers 24-25.75; standard 20-23; utility 15-18; cutter-utility bulls la-zi. Calves 350; good-choice vealcrs 25-27; standard 22-24; medium good feeder steer calves 24-27. Hogs 1475; barrows and gilts Mc-1.00 higher; 1 and 2 butchers 19.50-20, freely to 20, highest price since December; sows 300-500 lb 13-16.50. Sheep 6100; spring slaughter lambs closed 1-1.25 lower; choice prime 85-100 lb spring lambs 20 20.50; good-choice old crop lambs and yearlings 15-15.50; cull-good ewes 2-4. PORTLAND (UPI) Dressed chickens No 1 grade dressed to vnlnilnrs: Frvors. whole drnwn, 30-38c lb; cut-up, 36-42c lb; hens lieht tvne. whole drawn, 23-29C lb; light type hens, cut-up 26-340 lb; heavy whole 36 39c lb. HAWAII IN HARLEM NEW YORK (UPI) A touch of Hawaii will grace the cast Harlem section of Manhattan to day when residents and guests of a housing cooperative converge on a 70-foot table for an exotic luau. ' , . i , , The Hawaiinn-typo picnic will feature everything from fried rice to pizza pie. Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Aflrertislni loi Busiiml tv".) Rossbun Ttadt Ana Cord of Thonkj . $1.50 I -Day tale 2 Unci 1.00 3 Day rota 2 lines 1.75 6-Day rate 2 lines 2 50 30-Day rate 2 lines 5 50 I -Day rale 3 lines 1.50 3-Day rate 3 Unci 2.50 6-Day rote 3 lines 3.50 30-Day rate 3 lines 7.50 CREDIT Abovi nils i-jbiect to M rmll untci ci'iita tot ceoil DEADLINES rival. Part 1irt,nr, 1 p M. On Mar to Publication, fta Newi-Rtvltw titmis tha niM to classify, toil or unci tor Clintlitd AO C0?. ADJUSTMENTS It oir Idmlisrmsnl arprm Incontctlr, nottfr ui ImmcdiatHv. wa will not ba ictponublo tor inoia tn,n ono Incoitfct InttMion. Such rriponsibllilr i limilod to a correct insertion or advertnemint. Malls Kill Nit la Hill Mm Tkia m Dm SUBSCRIPTIPN.RATES to Orttia - If Hill - ana .,.. Jt Hi tana mum. si Mi in aulas, II M, aaa itit, til M. tMii'l al Oritsa In Mail - ! 11.7k Una !, 5! n. in am, iii i aaa int. in n. o Carttir eni Reirivn P. 0 inn -0m anatt, tl. l)i in rainlki, ill II; aao mi, VI M. Pit tuna tin lit. Mail Silas Hi!) Oiti'li O Of llaiiti CO Mill illiniums ifiit ft Pi l Is Mulct PAPER DELIVERY If your popcr it not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An. onymous Or 3-441 Y0UNGW0MEN of any faith naeoing con- fidenWI advlca may contact CalholiwChar. Itiei, ilt w. Broadway. Eugana. cftagon. Diamond S-3642. IN DEBT? DON'T let bill cost your fob. your credit, tverythlng you own I IP yow art In debt beyond your ability to pay and sincerely want 'o get out of debt, e BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have ui explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a pay me.: ,ou can afford. No security, no co-signer. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SR Main St. Where To Go 10 WHAT HAPPENS ON MONDAYS? Mom,' does dad bowl, play golf, or just run with the boys on Mon days? If so don't just sit there, Monday night is ladies' night at The Broiler. Special prices just far you. No dishes to do no kit chen to clean up. Just relax and enjoy the pleasant surroundings, the quiet atmosphere, and the warm hospitality offered you on your night. That's Monday night at THE BROILER 719 SE Cass OR 3-3445 PS: Dad if you don't go out on Mondays, you're welcome to come along and make it a family night. Notices 11 SUMMER PLAY SCHOOL Child care, story hour; organized garnet, crafts, wading pool. For further Information CALL OR 3-8791 Help Wanted 14 TRAILER SPACE furnished In exchange for partial care of park grounds. OR 3-8506. BOYS 12 yean old or over. Interested In newspaper route in Oakland, contact Mr, Johnson, Circulation Department, Mews Review. MALE OR FEMALE Position of City recorder to be filled on or aner uuiy if wti, baiary v tun Mint. $200 to $175, depending on qualifications. Submit applications to City Manager, City Han, Roseourg, Oregon. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS EXPERIENCE necessary z? local -con- cern. $1.25 per hour minimum, and-or com mission. Hours ) to S p.m. only. Call OR 2-2573, Tuesday or Wed., blwn. 121 p.m. Help Wanted Men 15 WANTED CAT OPERATOR Call OR 3-8425 MEN WANTED tor inolel management train ing, see cm ssi ncai ion i. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Doufllas County Keaity. mi s.b, siapnens. PART TIME MEN wanted for evening work, 16 to u hours per week. Phone OR 2-1 391 between 7 and 9 p.m. for Interview. MAN WANTED with bull bucking and log marking experience tor log selection work on landing. Responsible local firm. Apply Box 471, Newt Review. MAKE MORE MONEY IP YOU want to make more money than you ever thought possible and still be assured of steady work with a very prom ising future apply at 94) SE Stephens, to 10 a.m., weekdays. Or call OR 2-3681. PUBLIC RELATIONS 3 MEN over 25. Must be familiar with top restaurant and hotel operations. Musi be presentable, have good personality, lale model cat and assets. Will train right men. Excellent earnings. Start lm mediately. Contact Mr. Rolf, Umpqua Hotel, Tuesday 9 to 10. a.m. only. No phone calls please. WANTED MAN for inside sttlcs work with Industrial House. Some office dut I . Must bo ambitious and re sponsible. for Appointment I'ltonc OR 2-2603 or OR 3-4641 SALESMAN WANTED SELL Frigidaire Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply in person UMPQUA VALLEY 635 S.K. Stephens St. Help Wanted Women 16 EXPERIENCED lumber Invoke girl. Call Mrs. Spuhn, 8U-J1SI. Mftle Creek. WOMEN WANT tD lor motfl management training. See Classification if. News-Review Wanf-Acjs yill work for oYOU...0 o gvery d8y! o IVlkQ DA.Y oCkind'Oif P'CH$ oraOrrndfig tin VOnt-Adl to fill all kinds ot human wontt. Thert I.Q'io way of knowing which day someone will t look inj for just what you hav to oTTet, 10 it will pay you to run your Wont-Ad long tnough to th tighPptrjort Qill find It when looking. Phone OR 2-3321 I SWFAR IT ( OH, VOL) SAIP I 19: VEfcV MIWUTE ). THAT WHEW I J e TTfirt T? HjV I GIT THE LOST MV FIRST o !j (LP CL!i Lu 'J. . ( MORTGA6E UFTEP, A PENNY OUT OF ; , -i THE VERY FIRST MY BABY CART - (ff) THING. IS A ) TMHOKT 'SsZT o YTnA NEW SIPEWALK--) THREE CENTS ) J . J.ff.WtLLrAM BORN FIFTY VEARS TOO SOOk f'i'fii Help Wanted Women 16 LAW OFFICE SECRETARY, Shorthand, typing, spelling and grammar abilities re quired. Top alary. OR 2-&U. LADY TO WORK from 4 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Apply In person at This Dairy Quetn, , 1144 W. Harvard. BOOKKEEPER For retail firm. Some credit ex perience desirable. Ref. required. All applications confidential. Write Box 473, News Review. Work Wanted 17 CUSTOM HAY BALINO OR 3-4631 PAINTING and papering. Save Vi or more and gel belter wallpaper. Call OR 3-7979, PAINTING, WALL WASHING. Reasonable rates. Phone OR 3-4633. CUSTOM BALING Ike Cline OR 3-6954 WASHING, IRONING AND MENDING. OR 3-3638 IRONING, 75c per hour. 3961 Yount. OR 3-6133. HOUSEWORK by the hour, SI per hour plus canare. uk 3-48 b. BABY SITTING. Adult. Experienced. Your home or mine. Have own transporllon . Call OR 3-8041 EXPERT ALTERATIONS on women's and men's clolhing. Mrs. Gregoria F. Ortiz, 356 SE. PI Her St. OR 3-3333. NEED JOB, .perm or temp. FT or PT, Exp hvy equip, whsng, ofc wk; like mailt, mu sic. Learn fast, try anything. 338 SE jaexson, Apr Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call OR 3-7217 MOTEL MANAGEMENT: MEN WOMEN AND COUPLES wanted (or Immediate training. Excellent future. American Mo tels, Inc., Box 474, News-Review. Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. rnone uk j-iyj or UK J-AWI. NEED 130.000 to construct commercial bldg. iu- imeresi. good security, write box 466. News Review. WANTED TO BORROW $16,000, paynbTa 1300 per mo, Or will sell contract. Con tract Is 100, on Standard Serv. Station and slore. Phone 863-4570, Myrtle Creek. REAL ESTATE LOANS to $3500, also 2nd monaages. Auiomomie, lurniture and sig nature joans. Laurentlde Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fi nance Corp. 813 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to S1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 739 SE Washington OR 3-5581 PLANNING A TRIP? , Protect Your Fun ' With TRAVELERS CHECKS Buy Them At DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 622 SR Jackson OH 3-5571 Business Opportunities 22 CAFE FOR SALE. Call between 4 and 1 P.M., OR 3-5467. Box 3W, Winston. J REAL ESTATE contract, $SO0. 6"rpai estate contract. $3000. Will discount 10V Phone- OS 9 5315. FOR SALE OR TRADE, equity In restaurant at truck slop for house or pickup and trail er house. LtMse $75 per mo. Phone Ever green 1-1771. Rl. l. Box 125. Bend. Ore. INCOME PROPERT Y and 'or new and "u ted lurniltire and appliance business. Stck, appro. 16W0. IOCS main st. loc. Retiring alter 43 ye.trs same 'ocj'i'on Geo. B. kenhower, 319 E, Main, Ashland, Ore. Ph 4B71V4 CMMwrcial Rentals 24 OFFICE building, St. level, across from Courthouse. Reasonable. OR 3-747). WKSTS1DK O F F 1 (' K GROUND FLOOR, oarklna near door for clients. Jwit right tor real e'nle. Inur 1 Kit or general ottice me U'i W. Har vard $50 month. OR 7-1 577 " V K STS ! D K F V U ' K SUUK " THKfcF ROO.'fc Including kitchen with lite dr. Md. Bath with sourer. Parking near kw for clients. elvcit location tor dental, drafting. bookkeepVj or otner omce uietfc W. Iltnocl OR M7? evev Vetted Tt ttnt 25 RE:SfVOSIIOt fa mil ox.ints to rent 2 or J 6H family heme OR 3612 Apartna-fits For Rent0 26 FURNISHFO I BQ apt. Adult. O OR J-elll Cl FAN room furnlshe-l fUt !? SE. Stephens OR MID DESIRABLE "turn apt" Prpfer in&,Vtmtl couple Carport Cks In. U.U SE Donou LARGE 2-bdm coniplftdy rfdwrxated apt Picture in3oi-v FURNlSHtO ATf J? t Ite OR 3-t J? t ."e rrtifes ''h ON E 7 bedroom par f mint rk'pitlO rooms for men at Woe SE --e EXTRA NICE tunnshed"'apt." $ii(fbit""iw couple or small family rv.R JJSi. I ONF AND TWO bear eon atMrtmenU t f-skh!il Apts, phone OR 3 ma. Tfto lR lR XI In uits. I In 3nie, nn SE MaQ'M.rri; 8reqe OR Apartments For Rent 26 FURNISHED 1 BR apt. Washing facilities, J65. I3!B SE Jackson. CLEAN partially furnished 3 room, apt. wilhkftchenelle, bath. Adults. US. 3-7Q71. PARTLY FURNISHED tourrooms and "bath. Newly decorated. Above average tor con venience. Adults only. 1257 SE Pine. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom apt. 1 block trom Pu. Heat, laundry facilities, garbage and waicr mm. iai. or att.5:30 or sat. eastside" FURNISHED upstairs apt. 2 BR water and garbage service turn. Call OR 3-7493, TWO bedroom apt, furnished, utilities Includ ed 155 mo. l Bdrm duplex, wo, 1 Bdrm duplex $30. Call OS 9-5613. FURNISHED apt. Adults only. $40 and $50 mo. close convenient location. B46 : Brockway Ave, Apartments. OR 3-9039. LARGE 2 Bdrm. unfurnished apt. Heat, lights, water furnished. 1774 NE Klamath, OR 3-1964 Vh . BLOCKS FROM OOWNTOWN LARGE, unfurnished apl. Utilities furnished. Can alter 6 p.m. OR 3-6392. ONE BR apt. Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator furnished. Close In, OR 34381, ees OR 3-4741. A" TRACTIVE redecorated 1 BR apts. Elect, heat, all utilities turn. Price from $65 to $80. 2B17 w. Harvard. OR 2-1463. Kohlhagen Apts. Modern, reasonable rent Jackson St, at Lane Ave. ADULTS OR 3-8344 "A GooJ Place To Live" TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 bdrm. apis., furnished or unfurn. Water and garb. serv. provided also heat In some. Rents from S68 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts. gas equipped OR 3-5863 Winchester Ct.-Hot water heat OR 3-7466 Vista Homes Hot waler heat OR 2-4388 Weslvue Ct. Washer-dryer OR 3-2549 O'lxhlll Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3-4340 Rooms For Rent 27 SLEEPING ROOMS tor gentlemen. 17 SE Blakely, IVi blks S.E. from Bus Depot, LARGE FfiONT furnished housekeeping room. Utilities paid, parking. 525 SE Lane. SLEEPING ROOMS U per week. 5 miles south. OR 3-799 SLEEPING rooms, 732 SE Jackson. Next door to Penneys. OR 3-333B. Room And Board 28 ROOM AND BOARD. Home away from home.OR3-3Q93. BOARD and room; also housekeeping room. $30. 5 ml. south. OR 3-7979. Houses For Rent 29 WILL LEASE 2 bedroom modern unlurn. home. 10 miles out. OR 3-8813. THREE room turn, cottage, $45. (or sell, easy terms). 1647 SE Eddy. OR 3-5321. SMALL (urn., house. Clean. Adults, no dogs. treasonable. 4BJi n. sieonens. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rates. 462i Nt Mepnens. pacific Morei. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families ' single elderly. OR 3-6548. UNFURNISHED wcstslde cottage, close In. 3U. UK 3-4444 Oflys. BACHELOR APARTMENT OS 9-5747 TWOBR HOUSE, close In, Vi. OR 3-4072. THREE BEDROOM. Newton Creekr$B5. Call OR 2-1659 TWO BEDROOM house at 945 SE Mill St. $55 mo. Phone TEmple 6-9826, Drain. CLEAN 2 BR house! Inquire "at 3546 Alamosa Court FURNISHED I and 2 bdrmT "cabins', "wafer, garbage disposal turn. $40 to $55. 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-3368. FOR RENT or sale nicer 4 bedroom home, 3 full bnlhi. Insulated, landscaped. Dbl. garage, $13,500. 445 NE Housley, OR 2-47J3 between 4 and 8 p.m. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 MOD. turn, trailer, incl-space, water . Adults $50. Ooyle's,OR 2-2924. EXTRA NICE I or 3 Bdrm meweriTrurnish ed trailers. Adults only. Inquire Tlmtr Town frailer Park. 2010 NE Stephens. OR 3-6354 Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE Shade. Walking distance to town. 1421 SE Short St.OR 3-7105. TRAILER SPACE furnished In exchange 'for partial care ol park grounds. OR 3-8506. DESIRABLE 50' vacancy. We Invite compar ison. Trailer Haven, 4 NE Sterling. LOOK at the rest And for $?5 per Mo. LIVE IN THE BEST TOkVrV COUNTRY MOBILE PARK 2777 NW Mulholland Or. OR 2-UST TIMBER TOWN 0 Trailer Park 2010 NK Stephens nst eccommoiation for lt site trait. ' v all electrics. Paved Sts., land- scar bio latrvn, metfred oat, t block from Sateway Artulti Onlv. ?R 3-8506 c o MuIt Hornet 32 ' TWO PH il I' Aluminum awnino "LIVING EXTENSION O B Great Lakes 55' Vobiln Home C 1' x 1 8 Livita Room -SEE IT NOW o at J & Trailer Sa&s o o Angeles Atrstreom Trae!t 491 NE Gordon Volley Blvd. OR 2-3441 32 35 FT. 1960 KENSKILL trailer. $2600. OR 3-8084 SELL OR TRADE equity In '54 Mayflower 35! 2 bdrm traller- Sacrifice. OR 3-7608. I95627 Mayflower I bdmTTraller Excellent condition. See at Nebro Trlr. Crt. Lot F4. 27H OUSET R A ILE R, " you' flx."-$1 M7" Or trade tor ? Archie's Wreckers, or Ph. Sutherlin 4285. EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1990 NE Stephens OR 3-3356 SHADY POINT -Trailer Sales NEW TRAILERS Nashua Biltmore Santa Fe Full line of used 8 wides Parts 4 Accessories Awnings Coolers K-Z lift hitches I mi S. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester For boiler living at lower cost see our quality mobile homes. Elcar Or expandable models are de signed for beauty and living comfort. Fleetwood Quality at low cost Shasta The greatest value in travel trailers. .Good Buys in Used Trailers FOR DEPENDABLE TOWING Real Estate Wanted 33 LOCAL responsible family want lease with option to huy 3 BR home. OR 2-3413. Real Estate 34 TWO BR house, 2 car qarage. Winston, $6800. Will accept trade. OS 9-5215. QUALITY BUILT, west side home. 3 bdm, playroom, large fenced yard. OR 3-6I7S. NEW 3 BR home, oil furnace. Insulated, plastered. Weslslde. OR 3-8016. CLEAN 4 BR home, foi, carpet, bullt-lns. utility, garaqe. Near Byrd's Mkt. Reason bie. OR 2-1460 A.M. OR 3-43U P.M. OWNER leaving town, three bedroom, large corner lot, priced below FHA appratsal. OR 3-S7M. ' LARGE 2 bedroom home on J acre lot. near school and PO. On Page road, Win chester. $11,500. OR 2-2916. BY OWNER 2 bedroom house, playroom, large corner lot. Gl terms. Call OR J-24-15, or see at 744 W. Fnlrhaven anytime. THE PRICE Is right on a 2 BR home vvirn attic and basement, lovely nuitop vlfw, N.E. Roseburg. Call OR 2-2523 or OR 3-US2. FOR SALE OR trade. Laroe" equity" in tWo bedroom home in west Winston for home with acreage in Winston Dillard area. Phone OS 9-&3M EXTRA LARGE 3 BR home. Green District. Wall to Weill carpet living rm, hall, dining rm; circulating fireplace,. ptio, paved St. 42ff SW Henna. OR3-777 att. Ma.m. FOR SALE BY" OWNER A acres with 2 BR modern house, garage, brooder houses, small barn. 10 miles from Rose burg. Call OR 2-J9V5- THREE BEDROOM house. West Slopes. Vi baths, wall to wall carpeting, forced air furnace. Ooubie carport. Near Market. Inq. 7.17 W. Luellen, or phone OR 3-8540. 17 ACRES" rlverbbttofn;Y miles-out." Build ings under construction. W-ll consider tail ing tn clear large trailer house, or trade tor acreage near Eugene, or .-. j ' ACRES onHiOhway 4!1 L'fe "stream, family orchard. I BR house. 2 wr ll? ' en cen house. 510,600. Cash or tw terms, 0 Please call lWM. OS f-S?S. TWO large Bdrms. den, utility room, ditv washer, patio, knotty pine living room, tvmace heal. Garage. Lawn, shrubs, fenc ed b yd. Nr Jr. HlS10.75O. OR 2-4656. THR;: BR HOME with fireplace!" e'ec trie dishwasher, birch buHMns. base board heal. Has 5 ecres, all fenced. "ectric irrigation system. OR I-745! 0 sMtte trees. 3 bedrooms qui Q, gaVje. , Fencrd in bac. yard, tor kid end) Outdoor living. G'flPes, rerrtes and apJ pies. Friendly neigMwrhoW. Owner trans-; te.'ed C.illOR 3-7 M$. Y PANE R Nice ta miry" hore, large j M Q nxri, secarate dining room, mce j H'tten Extr Urge Inside wtil rv. 1 Mi j bhr?om. 3 to'-ge bed'ocms. etr n'ce ' Mm.iy room with facilities for 3rd bed- j rixm Firept.sce tn living room end fam-1 ttv room. Prke It 5-400. Terms, refinance. : Immisjiare possession. Call OR 3-3111 tor; appointment. : $250 Oown THRFE bdrms, larfll' fc.lcNHV livlra a-id lfifl reonn 7 baths, good sirffd M wiln eardan 0' On sevwr. Or.1. The Hometindcrs Q'ai NE D ameod Laa H vd i t'.M.I, Antime OR 3 4(77 Mobile Homes THREE bedroom home, close In, small down payment. 14500. OR 2-2971. FOUR BDM. house. 2 full baths, sawdust furnace, fireplace, bsmt. .00.OR 2-2201 NINE ACRES, modern house furnished. Con .dr travel trailer as part down payment. Call OR3-M52 LARGE TRADITIONAL house, S blocks 'rom town. 5 to 6 Bdrms, 2 baths, living-kitchen. Bsc yard with fireplace. I !ot for ex pansion, 1 lot with carport, loeai location. $2v.5O0Call OR2-3754 or OR 2-4347 NEWER 4 bedroom home, overlooking South Umpqua. Large recreation room, birch kitchen, built in Frigidaire refrigerator, range, oven, dishwasher. Disposal, Inter com, 2 ceramic tile baths, i, fireplaces. Wool carpeting, drapes. 2WS iq. tt. $23, 000, flexible terms, some trade. Idaho own er here to sell. 1S1 Newton Drive. Win lion, Hwy 43 to Illinois Heights. Extra Large House THREE YEAR OLO 3 bedroom, Vi baths, perimeter oil furnace. Family room, built in range and oven. Sprinkling system. landscaped over-si J lot. Attached double garage. See any time at 337 W. Broccoli, Or call OR 2-3134. STROUT REALTY MR BUYER: ' THIS OFFICE has been a the same location for 2Vi years. Two and a half years from now we will still be al the same location, fn your lifetime and your children's lifetime there will be a STROUT office In Roseburg. The reason for this is simple. We are successful! We believe fn fair dealing!. MR. SELLER: If you want to sell your property Investigate us. You will find three courteous, well Informed men who know Ihe area. We will find a buyer who will pay you a fair price. OUR COMMISSION RATES ARE THE SAME AS THOSE OF ALL REAL ESTATE OFFICES IN ROSEBURG. MACK FORD OR 3-7202 Morris Chorrick OS 9-5509 Dick Scott Suth. 4058 ROYO. YOUNG & Son 7 .BEDROOM HOME Green Dist. 15 . X IB living room 15 X 16 dining room, kilchen comb. Bedrooms 12 X 14. Bath 6 X S with tub. Wood heat. 14,000 on terms. Discount for cash. YOUNG BEEF or horse ranch of 30 A. 10 head of cattle and 6 T of hay - Included. Some farm machinery and pickup-truck goes with sale. Woven wire tence. 2 barns. Can be Irrigated. $17,000 3 bedroom house. 45 A ON A LIVE CREEK. Diversi fied larm. Apple, peach, filbert, wal nuts and grapes. 3 wells besides creek tor irrigation. 3 bedroom farm home with fireplace In good condition. Ideal place for a country minded family. Permanent pasture and outbuildings tor a horse or cattle set up. Set lo go at 140,000 with terms. YOUNGSTERS can have a lot of fun on this upland farm of well over 100 A In permanent pasture, fir woods, wnlnuts and several spring fed ponds, and trout too. 3 and could be a 5 bedroom home ot large rooms,' over 1200 sq. ft. ot floor space. Stock barn, machine shed and garage. Close to town. All tor a total ot $26,000. May consider some trade. SEE US for larger farms. Call us when listing your property or It you need properly management. Roy O. Young and Son Realtors 733 S.E. Cass Ave. Phone Office OR 3-6671 Sunday and Evenings except Friday. Call LeNoir Kruse, OR 2-2950 REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS ' PHONEOR2-1413 WESTSIDE TWO BEDROOM ranch type home near Mark's. Living room with fireplace, dining area. Ample storage room. Nicely land scaped. Sprinkling system and shade trees. $11,500. Good terms. REAL CLOSE IN YOU MUST see this 3 bedroom well kept home just two blocks from the Court House. Oil furnace, fireplace, separate dining room. Partial basement, nicely landscaped. $12,250, S2,500 down. 1056 ACRES 5(H) ACRES seeded. 240 acres tillable, abundance of water fur nished by 2 wells, 10 springs and river, 2 good barns, machine shed, 2 bedroom modern home. Full line of equipment plus 30 head of Hcrefords. A really good ranch. $85,500. DON'T GET CAUGHT WITH your plants down. The garden is growing, the fruit is ripening, the flowers are blooming on this level acre lot east of Dixonville. Good 2 bedroom home, small barn, chicken house, garage and shop bldg. One-half seeded, irrigation sys tem. Just $10,500. CHARLES MUMBY LOU BASSETT E. H "Doc" POCOCK MARGE MARTIN G. F. REYNOLDS H. J. 'BAUER Farms And HUB REALTY RICE HILL BRANCH Only !4 miles north of Roseburg. on 99 freeway. Specialists in western Oregon ranch propertie? 700 ACRES o Highly Productive Ranch i MII.E river frontage, 100 A river bottom. 85 A irfisated with free and plentiful wter. I.adina clover will yield rfci ton of hay this year. Excellent 2 story home, i b' rooms, 2 baths, beautiful o'liodirn kilchen, picture winutvs. Good view of fields and river. Good barn. $12,000 irrigatiiMi system. This is one of the best ranch properties in Ihe area. $115,000. 29 per cent dwn. Easy terms. 300 ACRE RANCH 0 TWO HOMES, good barn. 100 A farm land. Balance in young timber and open pasture. Only $"500. Small down, balance easy terms. q S$ALL RANCH o o 100 Ai y.S - 25 A good creek bottom, balance hillas(ure with excellent stand of young Ooi'glas fir. Older tjpe home in poor condition Orchard, excellent year round creek, suitable for irri gation. Only 5 miles to toTQn good county road. $16,000, small down, terms on balance. O D. M. Webb Les Gardner Yoncalla Victor 9-2472 Anytfm n I THREE BR Clover dale home, equity $1700. OR 2-3906 EQUITY in 4 BR house, Westslde. 0ess forces sale. OR 34232. FOUR BMROOM modern home, Westmore land Aoa. OR 2-2?35 aft. 6 p.m. and wkends. TWO BR HOUSE. -close In; fireplace, land scaped. 16800. OR 3-3486. 1230 Fulienon. EQUITY Tt br.-westslde,4rj, GL View, wading pool, dead-en? st. Near schools. snooping. FA heat. OR 2-1324, R 3-7455. MUST SELL my two br. home. Lot lonmcr. Fruit trees, grapes. Shade trees. Terms. Ray Lynei, 1092 N.E. Malheur. REDUCED TO SfcLL owner leaving. bedroom, 2 baths, Ig. rooms, fireplace, den, din. room. Beautifully landscaped, plus cute new mother-in-law 1 bdrm house, suitable for rental, 119,800 $3,000 dn. FHA. 4628 SW Carnes Rd. OR 3-B796. ONE OF ROSEBURG'S FINEST. Four bed. room home on spacious lot with an abund ance of flowers, shrubs and trees. equalled view ot the city. Walk In deep freeze, patio with barbecue kitchen are only a few of Its many features. Just 4 blocks from city center. Two large wis adjoining Included. $30,000 DIAL OR 3 H22 before 5 p.m. for appointment to see. MAGNESS REAL ESTATE OFFICES in PORTLAND & , ROSEBURG HUCRESTAREA This choice home Is being offered at a lower price for quick sale. It has a lovely livlrg rm with fireplace. Nice siied kitchen, dining area separated with bar. Furnace heat, 2 large bdrms, attached garage and a beau fully ' landscaped yard, on paved street and sewer, ) block Irom school. This property Is Immaculate Inside and out. If you are looking tor a lovely home in, a CHOICE area, let us show you this property. ' SMALL ACREAGE $10,750 -Nice large 2 bdrm home on 3 acres, offers you the finest in country living. . $13,500 Lovely 4 bdrm home, barn, chicken house, on It acres, about 9 miles from Roseburg. GLIDE AREA $6,500 On Sj acres with small house. Easement to North Umpqua River. $1500 down payment. Easy terms. TRAILER COURT AND APARTMENTS PRICE $28,00012 trailer spaces, S furnished apart men. s and 2 bdrm home. Showing excellent income. 510, 000 down payment or owner will consider clear home in trade. "We can always um another good listing' 916 S. E. Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Evening call Iris Relnert Bill Gould OR 3-61H OR 1-2557 WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE GREEN DISTRICT Newer 3 bdrm home, with dining room, fireplace, hardwood floors, lots Of buiit-lns. Over 1200 sq. It. Full price $9900 ,; Will FHA or Gl.- NICE 2 bdrm home, hardwood poors, large kitchen,' living room. Also has 1 bdrm, 3 room apt in the rear, to help make payments. Good buy at $7000 Will FHA or Gl. ABOUT 4' '2 acres, close In on Diamond Lake Highway, ust right for a real trailer court. Finest ot terms. eves. OR 2-2941 OR 3-7308 CR 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-6503 OR 3-4504 OR 2-1085 Ranches 36 lw 0S 1157 N. Stephens IP D . Ph. OR 3-4302 WESTSIDE, nice 3 bedroom, convenient kit. Chen and dining arta. Separate utility, fireplace, covered pafio. storage room, garage and carport, fenced back yard, S.3,990. OR 2-2251. MELROSE building Sites Near store, icnool, grange, and, church Approiimately: 3 ACRES $1930 8 ACRES $2950 Terms lo suitable buyers HANDY REALTY Y-iuuH U harvard at Pilger Hy. OR 3-5458 Doug Warrer., Salesman Roseburg Realty b Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 SEVEN VIEW LOTS on Reservoir St- to be sold as a unit, 18,000. IN GREEN AREA, neat, clean small 2 bedroom, nice yard,' fruit trees and a real buy at SSSOO. WEST SIDE RIVER HOME. 3 bed room, wonderful soil, beautiful loca tion. $7500. JUST REDUCED to U250. Two bed room plus huge partially flnisned up stairs. Small guest cottage, patio, outdoor grille,, lots of storage, garage and carport. Close in loo. For homes in all price ranges, b sure lo contact Roseburg Realty ln the Umpqua Hotel. Evenings Call The Doyles OR 2-3553 TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ESTATE WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS TWO BR modern home, 6 rooms all, 1254 sq. ft. In house, 462 sq. Ft. garage. 500 sq. ft. covered patio. You can buy this place for less than you can build. PAGE RD. 3 BR, large Vfc acre or more ol beautiful landscaped tront and rear yards, shrubs, (lowers, ber ries, cherry, apple, pear trees. Room for large garden. Large cement patio with small guest house. All this for only $13,000, terms. NEAR Courthouse, nice clean 2 BR with extra BR in basement, I1? baths, large carpeted living room, dining room, modern kitchen has dlshwasfv er and garbage disposal, oil furnace, paved street, sewer, sidewalks. Good buy for only S7B50, $1000 down on contract, ' WESTSIDE 3 BR, modern, large liv ing room, kitchen dining comb., utili ty room, oil furnace, carport, smalt storage shed. Buy equity, assume bal. of S8700 al S79 mo., interest. 1 13-18 SE Stephens OR 2-1316 EVENINGS Paul H. Krueger OR 2-19W Oel Nelson OR 3-407? Scantand OR 3-8217 Lots And Acreages 35 FARM LOTS, 14 acres. Houses and barn. S. E.Booth St.,jnile to cUy. Ph. OR 3-3734. CLOSE IN, "clean hillside loi'," 50 x 6t Good location. Make offer. OR 3-7588. LOTS 100 x 100', In Green, some on pave ment. Water In.' sewer soon. OR 3-8459. WINSTON AREA racreTive?-loam, ideal nursery location. Landscaped. Fruits, nuts and berries. Nice 3 bedroom home, income from nice rental, $66.50 mo. Good well. And ,-nany other features. $17,5C0. Some terms. Call evenings, OS 9-5414. LEVEL LOT ; City sewer, water. West Roseburg. $900. Coll OR 3-5366 Farms And Ranches ' 36 WANTED hill ranch In $30,000 category. Have $4000 to Si, 000 down. Call after 7 p.m. Sutherlin 3229. By OWNER SHEEP RANCH, 7B3 A. 500 M ft Of 3n growth limber. $40,000, $15,000 down. OR All sizes of ranch properties to meet all needs in South Doug las County. SMALL U acre farm, all tillable, s with 1300 feel of creek frontage. Includes house, barn, chicken house; pig house, two pumps, plus some livestock and hay. Lots of family fruil. Total price $12,500, $6,500 down. MEDIUM - 107 acre ranch containing 40 acres of river bottom, the rest being sub-clover pasture. Included In price is the house, hay barn, machine and storage sheds, tractor and implements. Total price $35, , $9,000 down. 360 ACRE ranch with creek. This place . could be developed into a tine . ranch. Cabin-type dwelling and some out-buildings. Lots of water, dam could be constructed at tow cost to m.ike larqc pond. Total price $25,000, S6.500 down. LARGE 1030 acres containing 90 acres of river bottom, plus 250 acres ot benchland and the rest looped over hillside pasture land. Registered water rights trorli river. -Acreage Includes well, house, equip ment and livestock. Also an or chard producing apples, prunes and walnuts. Tolal price $127,500, $50, 000 down Many other ranch anj acreage listings. Myrtle Realty Company HI and Wain 16)0371 Mvrllo Creek.' Orr-eon Income Property 37 $COYE PROPERTY 0- income. 1 aery, hotjjf. apt . rpDa.r hoo OP 3-32H. Exchange Real Estate 38 ONE CEMETERY lot. 3 0flCes, Keli Wash - exchange for Qua! soace n RoseburgJg?niorial Garder.v OP 3-5881. Timber And Sawmills 40 TRADE POWER SAWTor cat worZ Can between 5 and 6 30 o.m. oeQl-39"- W NT 0 - Doug Mi fir,' teciartogs and co'dwood n rrultio-es M t ft V,t toad and haul if p. led wg accessible road, tcei'er Lui-"t' Co. OR M791 iiding Materials 41 FOR SAlE f-d cedar ,hafc. V t0 s-i j bvm 24 .rcr. lortg No 1 n i &o 33 Prwye Ri soringtiem, 0' IS Precut-Prefab Buildings Of All Types LUMBER All Tr.s Cw.uielmn Deady Lumber Co. 2 Ml. V Wilbur (jjt 3.7194 9 e