Real Estate 34 12 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Thur., June 21, 1962 Real Estate ami 34 Real Estate 34 OUT OUR WAY I By . R. Willi Classified Section Personals DRINKING f'ROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An- on y mew i Or 3-m. YOUNG' WOMEN of any faith needing con fidential advice may contact Catholic Char ities, 278 W. Broadway tugena, Oregon. Diamond 5-3442. - IN DEBT? DONT lt bills coit your lob, your credit, everything you ownl if you art In debt beyond your ability to pey and sincerely want to gel out ol debt. Me BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have ui explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to VOU. fine place to pay ell bills, et e pay. rnenl you can aflorli. No eecurlly, no co-tlgnera. MOT A LOAN COMPANY V Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon Ph OH 2-3591 433 SE Main St. Where To Go 10 COMPLETE Picnic Lunches To Go Plates - Spoons Forks - Knives ; Napkins - Cups And Food of course. Featuring Broiled Chicken from THE BROILER 719 SE Cass. OR 3-3445 Lost & Found 12 LOST 13 year qld brown female Chihuahua, has very few teeth, answers to the name of Cricket OR 3-7198. LOST on Highway between Roseburg and Grants Pass - Tlmberllna sleeping bag. Finder please write 1047 S.E. Main or Phone OR 3-7369. Roseburg. Help Wanted 14 TRAILER SPACE furnished In exchange tor partial care of park grounds. OR 3-8506. MALE OR FEMALE Position of City recorder to be tilled on or after July 1, 1962. Sorry Vj full time. $200 to $275, depending on qualifications. Submit applications to City Manager, City Hall, Roseburg. Oregon. Help Wanted Men 15 WANTED Rigging sllnger and choker seller. Call after , Canyonvllle 839-4548. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Douglas County Realty, ma 5.f.stcpnani, PART TIME MEN wanted for evening work, 16 to 18 hours per week. Phone OR 2-1391 between 7 and 9 p.m. for Interview. MAN WANTED with "bull bucklng""and log marking experience for log selection work on landing. Responsible local firm. Apply Box 471, News Review. , MAN WANTED to supply Rawleigh Prod ucts to consumers In Roseburg. Good time to start. No capital required. Phong G. Bowles, OS 9-5437 or write Rawleigh, 386 Adeline, Oakland, Cal. NATION AL COMP AN Y has several openings for ambitious salesmen. Knowledge of tractors and farm machinery helpful. Cus torn made lubricants and Essentlaluhe sold to farms, commercial and Industrial accounts. Good commissions and cash bon uses Insure top earnings. Sates exp. not nec essary. We train In the field. Send resume to Box 470, News-Review. Id. 000 IS NOT TOO MUCH for the man we want In Ihe Roseburg area. Neat, own car, take short auto trips. Write L. T. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Co., Box 789, Port Worth, 1, Texas. MAKE MORE MONEY IF YOU want to make more money than you ever thought possible and still be assured or steady work with a very prom ising future apply at 941 SE Stephens, f 1o 10 a.m., weekdays. Or call OR 2-36B1. WANTED NAN for inside sales work wilh Industrial House. Some office dut 1. . Must be ambitious and re sponsible. For' Appointment Phone OR 2-2603 or OR 3-4641 SALESMAN WANTED . SELL Frigidaire Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply in person UMPQUA VALLEY 635 S.E. StnphtMiS St. Work Wanted 17 PAINTING and papering. Save W or more and gel belter wallpaper. Call OR 3-7979. PAINT ING7 WAl 'WASH1NG.""kVaionable rates. Phone OR 3-4613. O WANTED work tor ' 10 yard dlesal dump truck. OR 3-7934. O News-Reviev? UiA Want-Ads will work for YOU... 'eVery day?0 0 or. readino the "Wnn.-Ad, lo - fife caeS3 cs (TToll Kinus of human wants. There is no way of knowing which doy someone will be look ing for just whot you have to offer, so If will pay you to run your Wont-Ad long enough so the right person will find It when looking. Phone OR 2-3321 17 CUSTOM BALING lke Cllne OR 3-6956 "washing; ironing and menoingT OR 2-328 IRONING, 73c per hour. 2961 Yount. OR 3-6133. CARPENTER AND laying floor. Free esti mates. Call OR 7-4026. " WILL do sewing In my home. OR2-3070 HOUSEWORK by the hour. SI per hour plus carlare. OR 3-4878. EXPERT ALTERATIONS on women's and men's clothing. Mrs. Gregoria F. Ortli, 356 S.E. Plliar St. OR 2 2332. EVENING TYPING WANTED. Will type from shorthand, Dictaphone, or long hand draft. Can give excel, references, OR 2 4783 after 6 p.m. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call OR 3-7317 Loans And Finance . 21 WANTED discounted contract., also equities. PhoneOR Wl3orOR 3-M91. NEED 170,000 lo construct commercial bldo. 10 Interest, good security. Writ Box see.' News Keview. REAL ESTATE LOANS to S3SO0, else 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture end sig nature loens. Leurentide Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fi nance Corp. (13 SE Ook. OR 3-. Family Finance . Home Owned end Operated Loans Up to 11500 On motor vehicles and furniture m SE Washington OR 3-5581 Put Yourself Into a BETTER CAR with a Quick, Convenient, Low Cost AUTO LOAN from DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 662 SE Jackson . ; ' . OR 3-5571 Business Opportunities 22 LAUNDROMAT Service Store. Well establish ed. Business expansion excellent. OR 3-3011 MAJOR BRAND service station for tale. CflL.0RM.!2 FOR SALE coin operated, dry cleaning, go ing business. Lood location with lots of parking. OR 2-1901. 7 REAL ESTATE contract, $5500. .6 real estate contract, $2000. Will discount 10. Phone OS 9-5215. MANOR MOTEL 9 units, 144 acres. Month ly, weekly and dally rentals, (rarely va cant), $30,000. Easy terms, small down. Might take some trade. 4 Ml. So. Myr tle Creek 99 BR. Ph. 839-4527, Canyonville. Signal Oil Co. Has Station With Large Gallonage FOR LEASE Freeway Location Call DAYS After 5 OR 3-8522 OR 2-1902 Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE building. Sf. level, across from Courthouse. Reasonable. OR 3-7471. BUILDING FOR RENT or lease formerly wume mag, bji-ojj tn m. u Dial ft Key from Bill Carstens, Cars lent Furniture, Cass St. or call OR2-3028. WESTSIDE OFFICE GROUND FLOOR, parking near doer for en ems. just right for real estate. Insur ance or general office use. 1693 W. Har vard. $50 month.OR 2-1577. WESTSIDE OFFICE SOifE" THREE ROOMS Including kitchen with tile arainboard. Bath with shower. Parking near door for clients. Excellent location for denial, drafting, bookkeeping or other office use. 1695 W. Harvard. OR 7-1577 eves Wanted To Rent 25 WANTED TO LEASE 3 or mors bed rooms, acreage prof. Glide vie. OR .M330. Apartments For Rent 26 DESIRABLE turn. apt. Prcfei m. Idle-aged couple. Carport. Close in. 1332 Sb Douglas. ONE BEDROOM furnished " apt., close In, S40mo. to right parly. OR 3-4023. CLEAN S room furnished flat, 0R 3-337 LARGE 2'bdm. completely redecorated apt. Picture window. Partly turn. OR 3-3097. FURNISHED" APT7' $35. Fivt"ml!esSouth. OR 3-7970 ONE 3 bedroom apartment; 3 sleeping rooms lor men at 1406 SE Pine St. EXTRA NICE furnished apt. Suitable "for couple or small family. OR 3-6354. ONE AND TWO bedroom" apartments ol Oak hi 1 1 Apts. Phone OR- 3-4340. TWO OR apt In 3-ptex, on SE Main. Wilh garage. Adults. OR 3-4340. TWO bedroom apt. furnished, uHlltleTTncfud- ed. $55 mo. 1 Bdrm duplex, $40, 1 Bdrm duplex $30. Call OS 9-5613. FURNISHED apt. Adults only. $40 and $50 mo. Liose convenient location. 846 SE Brockvyay Ave. Apartments, OR 2-9039. LARGE 2 " Bdrm7 unfurnished " apt. "Heat, lights, water furnihis. 1774 NE Klamalh. OR 2-1944 J'" BLOCKS FROM "'DOWNTOWN LARGE, unfurnished apt. Utilities furnished. call atter 6 p.m. OR 3-6392. ONE BR apt, Washer, dryer, stove nd eves OR 3-4741, A TRACTIVE redorated 1 BR obti. tlecT. heal, all utilities turn. Price from $65 to ov. 1-di, n. nnrvnrn. jk i-ot. FURNISHED "APT.' COMPACT, modem, convenient. ground itoor, private entrance ana bath, v a r large closet, east side on i itv bus Ih wone or Iwo adults, $JS a month. OR 2-1 177. Kohlhagen Apis. Mtvtern, reaionnlft rent Jfti9on St. at Lane Ave ADULl S OR :'J4 APT. WITH FIREPLACE heaulv with romolr.'e kltrhM. hath wilh shotser, hardwood doors, paneled walit. ground floor, west side, or two adulls month. OR M5J7. TOPtt APAimiaVXTS 1-2-3 bdrm. apt.. furnished riunfurn. Walff una afiro. irrv. province aiso near some. Renls trl 168 up. SWIMMING POOL t f race Apts, gas eulppi .Winchester Ct. Hot waifr twit OR J.s1 Vlit. Homes Hoi water neel Wr-slvue CI WMher-drver Oflkhill Apt. -Rncllnrtt OR 2-rf, OR 3-4340 L KOOmS Fof RfiflL a . sZZi , - . - . . t LARGE FRONT furnished housekeeping room, utilities of. perking. SJS Sir. Lene. SLEEPING!' 'ROOMS Per week? Smllel sooth. OR yni9. SLEEPING rooms, 731 Sf. Jackson, door to Peonevs. OR 3 337S. Nr. I Room And Board 28 ROOM AND BOARD. Horn iwey from noma. OR 3-3092, NOW available, In "quiet ""p asant""h(Mne, loving care for Invalid handicapped person. 73J Clover Ave. OR 3-6230. Work Wanted F I POW'TSEE WHy VOU V HEAVIN&, WHAT A PIFFEREMCE ,KJ X il l!! II I CAM'T KEEP yOURSELF FAMILIES OVER AT CjOLPIE'S HOUSE : l ll li pi 1 NEAT AMP CLEAWED UP J THEV HIRE A SUy TO DO ALLTH' YARD j I l.! i;1 LIKE GOLPIE VOU GO I WORK, SARASE AM' BASEMENT J , I I ii'll III AROUNP LOOKIWa LIKE A , CLEANIN'. AM' AWy OTHER ODD I I HI !' I' I TRAMP MOST OF THE TIME.' JOBS THAT COME UP IF YOU GOT ) t 'j1!1" HEAVEMS.WHATA PIF- 1 TO COMPARE ME WITH SOME.- J I V 1 FEREWCE THERE IS r-X n BOpy, MAKE W THEIR . S rS-- S HEROES ARE MAPE -MOT BORM , yfSS: Homes Far Rent 29 FOR RENT or sate, 2 bdrm. home, near Courthouse. Very reasonably priced. 3-6493. TWO BEDROOM house at 945 SE Mill St. $55 mo. Phone TEmpie 6-9828,Drain. FURNISHED small 2 BR house' OR 3-5045 THREE room furn. cottage, $45. (or sell, easy terms). 1647 SE Eddy. OR 3-5321. MODERN two bedroom home on hwy. 42 near Tenmlle store. OS 9-B945. SMALL furn. house. Clean. Adults, no dogs. Reosonable. 4831 N. Sr.'ohens. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rotes. 4624 Nb Mepnons. mbciiic worei. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single elderly. OR 3-6548. MODERN 2 BR bouse with garden spot. 10 miles out. OR 3-8626. THREE BR home, close In. Fireplace, hard wood floors $85 mo. OR 2-3172; OR 3-69W. CLEAN 2&R" house. Inquire et 2546 Alamosa Court UNFURNISHED westslde cottage, close in. $50. OR 3-4444 days. CONVENIENTLY located 2 BR house, 5. OR 3-8235 BACHELOR APARTMENT OS 9-5747 FURNISHED 2 br house with utilities turn, except heat. $75 mo. OS 9-5425. FURNISHED 1 and 1 bdrm. cabins, water. garbage disposal turn. $40 to $55. Z4B5 Diamona Lane uiva. ok j-jjob. FOR LEASE Bungalow and 3 acres, creek bottom; paved road; 5 mi. Rose burg. OR 3-4452. P.O. Box 1265. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 MOD. turn, trailer, Incl. space, water. Adults $50. Doyle's, OR 2-3?24. EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 Bdrm modern furnish ed trailers. Adults only. Inquire Tlmbttr Town Trailer Park. 2010 NE Stephens, OR 3-6354 Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE Shade. Walking distance to town. 1421 SE Short St. OR 3-71D5. TRAILER SPACE furnished In exchange for partial care of park grounds. OR 3-8506. DESIRABLE 50' vacancy. We Invite compar ison. Trailer Haven, 499 NE swung. LOOK at the rest And for $25 per Mo. LIVE IN THE BEST TOWN i COUNTRY MOBILE PARK 2777 NW Mulholland Dr. OR 2-1851 TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Best accommodation for all size trail ers. Incl. electrics. Paved Sts., land scaped, oil lawn, metered gas. 1 black fron Saleway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 TWO BR 42 x 8' Schull, bay windows. Aluminum awning. S3200. on 3-7203. "35FT, '"i960 KENSKlLLtWi-."$20Q. OR 3-8014 SELL OR TRADE equity In '54 Mayflower iv 2 oorrn trailer, i Km ice. un j-itm, 1956 77' Mayflower 1 bdm. trailer. Excellent condition, soe at Neoro irir. Lri. lot P4, 27' HOUSE TRAILER, you tlx. $100. Or trade for ? Archie's WrecKers, or Ph. Sutherllii 4385. "LIVING" E-X-T-E-Sl-S-I-O-N BV Great Lakes 55' Mobile Home Wilh 12' x 18' Living Room . -SEE IT NOW at Cr ) Trailer Sales Angeles Airstteom Troveleze 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-3441 SHADY POrNT Trailer Sales . NEW TRAILERS Nnshua Biltmora Santa Fe Full line of ttsill 8 widi-s o Parts & Actrossoncs AwnitiRS lOiitM'S o . 7, At hilohi-s 1 mi S, Hwy. 99 OR 2-143g, DRIVEbuTT6" RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Oinchester FoyholterfUvlng at lower cost c our qnauty mobile honuw Elcar Or expandable mixlels art rlc- WJ" !. cuimuri, w Fleetwood Quality t tow cost Shasta The greatest value tn trawl trnUers. Good Buys in Used Trailers FOR DEPENDABLE TOWING Vail OR. 3-7272 32 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1980 NE Stephens OR 3335. Real Estate Wanted 33 LOCAL responsible family want lease with option to buy 3 BR home. OR 2-3443. Real Estate 34 TWO bedroom house, hardwood floors, 858 down or trade for? OR 3-5173 EQU IT Y"ln4 BR house, Westside. UlneTs lorces sale. OR 3-8232. FOUR YEAR old, 3 bdrm home, beautiful river view. OS 9-8427. FOUR BEDROOM modern home, Westmore land Add. OR 2-2935 aft. 6 p.m. and wktnds. THREEBRHiusiE wllTaccept late mod el pickup as down payment. OS 9-5544. THREE BR Cloverclale home, equity $1700. A?;39fl TWO BR houso, 2 car garage. Winston. SttOu. Will accept trade. OS 9-5215. THREE bedroom home, close In, small down pa yment. $4500. OR 2-2971. FOUR bedroom, 2 baths!, double gaage, OR2-4723 FOUR BDM. house. 2 full baths, sawdust furnace, fireplace, burnt. $8,400. OR 2-320R. TWO ACRES pumice soil In Glide area. Alsa 55 acre ranch, Tenmlle area. Call GY 6-3134. FOR SALE MYRTLE CREEK Good 3 BR house 5 blocks from downtown. $6500, $1000 down. Ph. 863-3308, Myrtle Creek. CLEAN 4 BR home, fpr, carpet, bultt-fns, utility, garage. Near Byrd's Mkf. Reason ble. OR 2-1460 A.M. OR 3-4383 P.M. CLOSE to School, good 5 bedroom home, i car garage ana shop. $7500. can sutner I In 3585. OWNER leaving town, three bedroom, large corner lot, priced below FHA appraisal. OR 3-5766. LARGE 2 bedroom home on ?4 acre lot, near school and PO. On Page read, Win chester. $11,500. OR 2-2916. NICE ACRES, modern" house 'furnished. Con sider travel trailer as part devil payment. Call OR 3-8852 FOR SALE OR trade. Large equity in two oenroom noma In west Winston for home with acreage In Winston Dlllard area. Phona OS 9-eeflO EXTRA LARGE 3 BR home, Green District. Wall to wall carpet living rm, hall, dining rm; circulating fireplace,, palio, paved St. 4349 SW Hanna. OR 3-7776 aft. tl a.m. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6 acres with 2 BR modern house, garage, brooder houses, small barn. 10 miles from Rose burg. Call OR 2-3995. THREE BEDROOM house. West Slopes, l"i baths, wall to wall carpeting, forced air furnace. Double carport. Near Market. Inq. 737 W.JLuollen, or phone J3R3-8S60. 17 ACRES river bottom, 4 miles out7 BuiTd Ings under construction. Will consider fak ing In clear large trailer house, or trade for acreage near Eugene. OR ,3-5753. THE PRICE Is right on a 2 BR house wilh attic and basement. Lovely hilltop view, N.E. Roseburg. Call OR 2-3573 or OR 3-635J! 16 ACRES, 3 bedroom home, large and spacious rooms. Numerous oulbuiMlngs, all In good shape. $17,000. For information call or 3-.M7 atter 5 p.m. 8'i ACRES on Highway 4?. Live stream, family orchard. 2 BR house. 2 wells. chicken house. $10,600. Cash or bank terms. Please call "rJ?Jf.M. OS 9-S2S9. TWO large fldrms, den, utility room,d I sh washer. palio, knotty pine living room, furnace heat. Garage. Lawn, shrubs, fenc ed back yd. Nr Jr. Hi. $10,750. OR 2-456, THRFE BR HOME" with "tlreplac e7 Viec trlc dishwasher, birch built-in, base board heal. Has 5 acres, all fenced, permanent pasture. Includes: 5 H P. electric Irrigation system. OR 2-2456. MODERN large' newly 'decorated 3 BR horVi. with garage. sBewer0 hookup paid. lot with fruit trees, berries, garden. Reason able, by owner. 4293 S.W. Carnes Rt., Green Dist. OR 3-5996. WESTSIDE well-lardscaped""corner"lot"with shade tree. 3 bedrooms, utility, garage. Fenced in back yard, for kids and outdoor living. Grapes, cherries' and ap ples. FrlenHly neighborhood. Owner trans ferred. Call OR 3-7088. NEWER 4 bedreom home, overlooking "South Umpqua. Large recatlon 'room, birch kitchen, built In Frigidaire refrigerator, range, oven, dishwasher. Disposal, Inter evom, 7 ceramic tile baths. 2 fireplaces. Wool carpetinq, drapes. JBO0 iq. ft. $73, 000, flexible terms, some trade. Idaho own er her to sell. 151 Newton Drive Win ston, H",y 42 to y,'lno!s Heights. THREE bedrooms, W-mentea patio. Rock fence along cement U-drlve. River loam yard. Well landscaped. Flowers, shrubs. Doeble carport built of 6x6" studs, 4x6" tilt ina loie.1. ttt." raltmrt. nau, rnAf An carport and 10 year old tftme. Around enure iotement foundation. CreosojJ e6" posts, fenced in back. Ribbon manogny tajk'iets In kitchen, steel double sinks. 05 ruiTTiing tool inlaid linoleum. Dining, liv ing. 1 bedroom large plate glass n ( dows. Hardwood Tioors. Cool fyo teinflce. 3 full baths. 1 colored With double sink, Attrnctlve carved wood par-fling. Birch doors, If this place suits ur rtquirt iwnts. I don't think vou could beat Ihe buy money-wise or quality-wise. Just $12,762, terms. OS 9-5S08. "A Lot For Little" THREE bdrms. large kitchen living and dining rooms. 2 baths, good sized lot with f.a 33,A. Of? sewer. Only SA900. The Homeftnder? 1561 NE Olamond Lake Blvd. CALL Anytime OR 2-4477 Extra Large House , THREE YEAR OLO - 3 bedroom, 1' baths. perimeter otl furnaie. Family room, built tn range nd even. SprirHlirtg system, landscaped over-sited tot. Attached doubie garage- S any time at 337 W. Broccoli, or call OR 1-3134. Place Your A$ Today! Metnl H ome K&al Estate 34 MUST SELL my two br. home. Lot 109'xl20. Fruit trees, grapes. Shade trees. Terms. Ray Lynes, 1082 N.E. Malheur. River Frontage For an outstanding variety of fine North Umpqua proper ties, see our display ad in the Thursday and Friday issues. ROSEBURG REALTY UMPQUA HOTEL MELROSE Building Sites Neer store, school, trente, end church Approxlmotoly: 3 ACRES $1950 8 ACRES $2950 Terms to suitebta buyers HANDY REALTY n.rverd et Pilger 0 I OR 3-5458 Doug Warren. Salesman Roseburg Realty & Ins. Umpqua Hotel Lobby OR 2-3344 IEVEM VIEW LOTS on Reservoir St. lo be sold as a unit, $8,000. IN GREEN AREA, neat, clean small 2 bedroom, nice yard, fruit tries, and a real buy at $5500. WEST SIDE RIVER HOME, 2 bed room, wonderful soil, beautiful loca tion. $7500. JUST REDUCED to $6250. Two bed room plus huge partially finished up stairs. Small guest cottage, palio, outdoor grille, lots or storage, garage and carport. Close in too. For homes tn all price ranges, be sure to contact Roseburg Realty in the Umpqua Hotel. FULLERTON REALTY YONCALLA BRANCH RETIREMENT HOME In the country. Very nice 2 bedroom r.ome, usl out side the city limits. On 8 acres. Lays real nice. Just $10,000, with $1500 down. 530 ACRE STOCK RANCH. Older 3 bedroom home. Large barn, garage and machine shed. Good location just off Freeway. Easily handle 50 cows. $10,000 down. 111$ ACRE STOCK RANCH. 2 very nice homes. 6 barns. Fenced In 12 fields. About 300 acres tillable. Lois of young timber and water. 190,000, $25,000 down. DAN RUSSELL VI 9-2146 Eves VI 19-2418 5 BEDROOMS IN A VERV stately home meat; for gracious living, on 2' i acres.. Very large living rm, with fireplace. Separ ate dining rm w-bullt In china closets, large kitchen, sewing rm. w-buill In cabinets and large dressmakers mir Tor, Beautiful large trees, shading the palio and home. Garage, machine shed, Including equipment tor upkeep. Fruit orchard, tree soil. All this, and the purchaser also receives the beau tiful old square Grand piano In the living room. Only $36,000. $5,000 down. Owner will carry contract. 4 BEDROOMS WEST SIDE, 1 year old. Call for ap pfitment to see this home, located in one of the better residential areas. Built-in appliances, 3 ths, sen. din ing room. A real bargain tor just $16,900. o 3 BEDROOMS ON ACRE, a very spacious nej9r suburban home. Hucrest school iM tr0 The best way to know is lo see. 0 Full Hce $21,500. 2 BEDROOMS 0 9 EST SIDE furnished home on pav ed sf. sidewalk. In very clean dis trict. Good garden area. Only $10,709. 1 BEDROOM 0 Vt?RY(ye, home, Ideal for the re tired & voung couole. Newet home. Only $5,500. $7000 down. q 0( INCOME $120 MO Income from 0 furnished I bedroom and unfurnished 2 bed- j room apartment. Full price $ 000 0 one and rent the other. H.J. WINTER A Most Try: Nma tn Real Estate" REALTOR Phone OR 3-7043 525 S. E. Main St., Roseburg Rita fiarcus eve, Ph. J-j07 ' Bob' Horn, OR J' Evenings Call gjgjjb The Doyles gJ OR 2-3553 SS' TWO BR HOUSE, close Inj fireplace, land. scaped. $6800. OR 3-34A6. 1230 Fullerton. NEW 3 BR home, oil furnace. Insulated, plastered. Westslde. OR 3-8016. FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, Hit bath. family room or rental, large patio and barbecue. 877 N.E. Nash. Phone or 3-5193 for appointment. MAGNESS REAL ESTATE OFFICES in PORTLAND & ROSEBURG HUCRESTAREA $12,500 This choice home Is being of fered at F.H.A. appraisal. It has a lovely living rm with fireplace. Nice siied kitchen, dining area separated with bar. Furnace heat, 2 large bdrms, attached garage and a beau fully landscaped yard, on paved street and sewer, 1 block from school. This property is Immaculate , Inside and out. If you are looking for a lovely home in a CHOICE area, let us show you this property. SMALL ACREAGE $10,750 Nice large 2 bdrm home on -3 acres, offers you the finest In country living. $13,500 Lovely 4 bdrm home, barn, chicken house, on IB acres, about 9 miles from Roseburg. GLIDE AREA $6,500 On S'i acres with small house. Easement to North Umpqua River. SI SCO down payment. Easy terms. TRAILER COURT AND APARTMENTS PRICE $28,00012 trailer spaces, I furnished apartments and 2 bdrm home. Showing excellent Income. $10, 000 down payment or owner will consider clear home In trade. "We can always use another good listing' VI6 b. t. Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Evening call Iris Reinert Bill Gould OR 3-612 OR 2-2557 NEW LISTINGS ' 1 $14,000.00 Is the FHA appraisal an this well built 3 bedroom home on ex tra large lot in the Hucrest area. Circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, car port and garage. A good home priced to sell. 2 $13,500.00 Large 3 bedroom home on nearly 3 acres of river frontage ground. Pay only $1,000 down and assume Gl loan. Double carport, garas hard wood floors, large living room, large dining room, excellent garden ground, Irrigation system from river, city water, etc. Who could ask for more. 3 $15,000.00 Is the asking price on this 4 bedroom home on N.E. Winches ter street. 2 bathrooms, concreta foundation, garage and carport, tress, shrubs and lawns. Owner will sell for $2500 down or on Gl or FHA Fi nancing. 4 $3,750.00 Three room expandable h ome an 1 desirable acre of land sit uated on the Roberts Creek Road. 25 bearing fruit frees, berries, etc. A goad little home, but without bathroom. City water, etc. $500 er less down and $50 per month Including principal, Interest, taxes and Ins. How can you buy cheaper. 5 $1500 Excellent 100X170' building lot an North Wes Keasey, close te Garden Valley Road. Don't miss this hard te find location) 6 $12,500.00 Laurelwoud 2 bedroom home with wall to wall carpeting, forced air oil furnace, basement, large living room with fireplace, formal dining room, large kitchen with separata breakfast nook, garage and landscaped tot. A wonderful home for couple or cou pit and 1 child. Especially suited for retirement couple. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YCUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty j" fawns' I 1p n O0 967 S. E. PINE ST. Evenings Leonard, OR 3-771 1 Stevenson, REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS . PHONE OR 2-1 41 3 WESTSIDE TWO BEDROOM ranch typ home neur Mark's. Living room with fireplace,' dining area. Ample storage room. Nicely land scaped. Sprinkling system and shade trees. $11,500. Good terms. REAL CLOSE IN YOU MUST see this 3 bedroom well kept home just two blocks from the Court House. Oil furnace, fireplace, separate dining room. Partial basement, nicely landscaped. 112,900, $2,500 down. 1056 ACRES 500 ACRES seeded. 240 acrea tillable, abundance of water fur nished by 2 wells, 10 springs and river. 2 good barns, machine shed, 2 bedroom modern home. Full line of equipment pUu 30 head of llcrcfords. A really good ranch. $15,500. DON'T GET CAUGHT WITH your plants down. The garden is growing, th fruit is ripening, the flowers are blooming on this level acre lot east of Dixonvillc. Good 2 bedroom home, small barn, chicken house, garage and shop bldg. One-half seeded, irrigatioa sys tem. Just $10,500. CHARLES MUMBY LOU BASSETT E. H. "Ctoc POCOCK MARGE, MARTIN G. F. REYNOLDS W.J. BAUER Fort And HUB REALTY RICE HILL BRANCH o c. o Only 24 miles north of Roseburg0 on 99 freeway.O rpjjcialists in western O r e g CO ranch properties. 0 o o 40QAcreGrpdeADairy 0 o Fuily Equipped 112 HEAD REGISTERED0 JERSEYS ACRES grigoted, balance of crectafe in gjntle eWing iSnci. a o o o GOOD BUILDINGS HIGH MILK QUOTA ' 12,000 ft. irrigation system with abundance of water. $150000complet,29dn D. M. Webb o .es Gardner e Ypncalla Victor 9-2472 Anytime HUCREST AREA 3 bdrm. house, (HI fur. nace heat, circ. fireplace, covered patio. Utility, garage. 1714 NW Kline St. ORJ3-330J IS ACRES good land with 6 bedroom house. Part ol land being irrigated now.' House has 7 baths, birch kitchen, stainless steel sink and stove. City water. $12,500 cash. OS 9-5613. JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE LIVE GRACIOUSLY IN THIS new 3 bedroom home built tor the family who loves comfort. Abundance of closets. Large living room with fireplace opens into large family room, also with fireplace. Beamed ceilings. Beautiful birch kit chen with bullt-ln range and oven. Plumbed for vasher and dryer. Forc ed air perimeter heat with 460 gal. underground glass lined oil tank. Vinyl tile In family room and kit chen. Hardwood floors throughout rest of house. Tile bath with built in vanity. Large carport with storage. Blacktop driveway. Fiberglass insul ation In walls and ceiling. Top soil In yard. On sewer and paved st. with assessments paid. Quality throughout. Ail this for $14,500 with small down to qualified buyer. LET'S TRADE OWNER WILL take small home in Winston or Dillard area as part pay ment on his 36 acres. 15 A. of this Is Irrigated and balance In permenent pasture. 12 head elac. Irrigation sys tem. 2 Bedroom home. Very good large barn, plus a 24 x 48 ft. building with cement floor. Fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. Lots of berries, fruit bearing trees. Price, $21,200. $500 DOWN NEARLY AN acre of land down south of town. 2 large bedrooms, hardwood floors. Well with elec. pump. Price, $4,500. jim Bevans Real Estate 957 NE Stephens Ph. OR 2-3731 Day or Night r- ri PHONE OR 2-16I- lO0 OR 3-8744 Sconce, OR 3-4058 OR 3-7308 CR 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OR 3-AS03 OR 3-450 OR 2-1085 B rata 3 U Mners", TO EQUITY 2 br. westslde, 4V3 Gl. View, wading pool, dead-end at. Near schools shopping. FA heat. O R 2-1324, OR 3-7455. LOVELY J BR, 2 bathroom home. View lot. Priced at FHA appraisal. Will con sider. 2 BR 5010" suitable mobile home as down payment. 180 E. Jorgens, Win ston, 2nd house oftW- LA R G E T R AD IT 10 N AL house, 5 blocks from town, 5 to 6 Bdrms, 2 balht, living-kitchen, Back yard with fireplace. 1 lot for ex pansion, 1 lot with carport. Ideal location. $29,5O0.CaU OR 2-3754 or OR 2-4347. REDUCED TO SELL owner leaving. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, lg. rooms, fireplace, den, din. room. Beautifully landscaped, plus cute new mother-in-law 1 bdrm house, suitable for rental, $19,800 $3,000 dn. FHA, 4628SW Carnes Rd ORM7f. ONE OF ROSE BURG'S FINEST. Four bed room home on spacious lot with an abund ance of flowers, shrubs and trees. Un equalled view of the city. Walk In deep freeze, patio with barbecue kitchen are only a few of Its many features. Just 4 blocks from city center. Two large lots adoinlng Included. $30,000. DIAL OR 3 8022 beforo 3 p.m. for appointment to see. BY" OWNER Nice family home, large living room, separate dining room, nice kitchen. Extra large Inside utility, 2 full bathrooms, 2 large bedrooms, extra nice family room with facilities for 3rd bed room. Fireplace In living room and fam ily room. Price $15,900. Terms, refinance. Immediate possession. Call OR 3-3191 tfr appointment. WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE ' MELROSE AREA 14 acres, 'i per manent pasture, balance wooded. 2 bedroom heuse, fireplace, tile baths. Patio. 2 wells, chicken house, work shop, tool shed, Full price $10,600 nice terms. CALKINS ROAD Very nice 1 bed room house, hardwood floors, base board heat, tile bath. Large lot. $500 down, easy payments. Owner will carry. ATTRACTIVE spilt level home, In Winston. 3 bedrooms, tile bath, cir culating fireplace, part basement, palio. Large landscaped lot. $3000 . down. Owner will carry balance. 1157 N. Stephens Ph. OR 3-4302 Fves, OR 2-2941 Lots And Acreages 35 CLOSE IN, cleen hillside lot, 50 x 160'. Good location. Make oiler. OR 3-7588. wWstON 3 Targe view lots, 52500, or will sell separately. OS 9-S532. LOTS 100 x 100', In Green, some on pave ment, water tn, sewer soon, ok 3-8457. ONE ACRE on North Umpqua Hwy. Va mlla north of Whistler's Bend Rd. Price S800 Call OR 3-6723 before 8 a.m. or aller 6 p.m. WINSTON AREA 5 acre river loam. Ideal nursery location. Landscaped. Fruits, nuts and berries. Nice 3 bedroom home. Income from nice rental, S66.50 mo. Good well. And many other features. 517,500. Soma terms. Call evenings, OS t-5414. LEVEL LOT' City sewer, water. West Roseburg. $9. Call OR 3-5366 Farms And Ranches 36 By OWNER SHEEP RANCH, 783 A. 500 An ft a, 2nd growth timber,, S15,ooo down. OR 2-2700. FOR SALE 600 ACRE RANCH 400 acres culti vated. Free black soil. Family .or chard. Excellent home with fireplace. Good water from wells, springs and creek. Stock and equipment avail able. $142 per acre, with terms ta be arranged. 643 ACRE RANCH 100 acres culti vated. 6 room home, barn and other buildings. Cash price $29,60. 29. down with balance to be arranged. CRAWFORD'S REALTY SERVICE Phone 1608 West Central Ave. 3571 Sutherlln, Oregon Res. Pit. 3202 Income Property 37 INCOME PROPERTY $190 mo. income, 1 acre, house, apt., repair shop. OR 3-8232. Exchange Real Estate 38 ONE CEMETERY lot, 3 spaces, Kelso, Wash. exchange for equal space In Roseburg Memorial Gardens, OR 3-5H1. SELL or trade 7 rm. housetwo acrea at Little River, for trailer or acreage. II miles up Little River. Timber And Sawmills 40 WANTED TO BUY Set of Aberdeen or similar type logging bunks. Keller Lum ber Co.OR 2-1791. WANTED Douglas fir, cedar loqj and cordwood In multiples of 8 ft. We load and haul if plied along acceHjbte roa4, Keller Lumber Co. OR 2-1791. Building Materials 41 Precut-Prefab Buildings Of All Types LUMBER All Types Construction Deady Lumber Co. 2 Mi. N. Wilbur OR 3-7194 SIDING PROBLEMS?. TRY OUR SIDING Available ui a variety of Grooved Patterns Ship-Lap Edges . . also ,Shop tirade Always opan I W 12 Saturdays PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-8781. oxt 70 Halfway BtV Winsfbn -Dillart REMODELING o SPECIALS o PORTABLE e.lo.tor)!coor ers. Only S19.88 0 ,.0 O 6Z& qiiSSiovf ev?eil pffmps9 o from $7'j.o0 up. PLASTIC pipe. All sqs. tj to IVi in. DON'T JUST BUY IT Buy it Installed. ' Coll for FREE ESTIMATES Montgomery Ward OR 2-48 11 0