I t 19 U e o o 12 The Newt-Review, Roteburej, Of. Wed., June 20, 1962 rTSf B CALENDAR OP BVENTS rdaSbmorrouf Wednesday, June 20 Roieburg Road Runner Motor cycle Club, Bcckwith's Motorcycle Shop, Harvard Ave., 7:30 p.m. Air Force Reserve, 1614 W. Har vard Ave., 8 p.m. Doug-Ett't Sheriff's Mounted Pe trol, Fairgrounds, 7:30 p.m. Drain Chamber of Commerce, City Hall, noon. Moose Lodge, Moose Hall, 8 p.m. Laurel Lodge 13. Woman's Home League of the Salvation Army, at the church, 1:30 p.m. Satan Chauffeurs, at the club, 404 NE Cummins off Diamond Lake Blvd., 7:30 p.m. Die-Hards, at the clubhouse, 8 p.m. Umpqua Regional Timing Assn., 404 NE Cummins, 8:30 p.m. Chapter Bl of PEO Sisterhood, 10:30 a.m. coffee at home of Mrs. Chester Morgan, 342 W. Chapman, Boseburg. Mobile X-ray unit for tubercu losis and lung X-rays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Welch's Auto Repair, Win ston. Roieburg Art end Embroidery Club, 2 p.m., home of Mrs. Harlan Melton Sr. on Melton Rd., Rose-burg. Roieburg Writers Club, home of Information call OR 3-5321. Umpqua Llom Club, 8:30 p.m., Dale's Cafe, Roscburg. Wlnston-Dlllard Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Douglas High School. Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, 8 p.m. Camas Valley Toastmlstress, Club, 8 p.m., Bart's Cafe. St Joseph's Altar Society, 8 p.m. St. Joseph's Church. Wlnston-Dlllard Home Extension Unit, 10 a.m., Evergreen Grange hall. Women's Overseas Service League, 7:30 p.m. For information call OR 3-8705. Thursday, June 21 Timber City Chapter of Sweet Adelines, Inc., Riverside School room 19, 8 p.m. Call OR 2-4313 for information. Women of Roieburg Country Local Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kort of tills city spent the weekend at the coast. . Mrs. John Trozelle and daughter, Valerie, spent the weekend here visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stark. Allyn Ford, student nt Yale, has arrived homo to spend the sum mer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Ford, in Laurel wood. Mist Kathy Madion, who Is tak ing nurses training at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene, spent the week end hero visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Madson. Mrs. A. Diets and daughter, Hiss Dolly, of Yakima, Wash., who are visiting friends in bugene drove to Roscburg Sunday to visit Miss Carolo and Miss raula tied dcs. Mist Daphne Hughes, executive youth secretary of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, N.J., and who makes her home in New York City, has arrived hore to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Washington 1t..n.nB Cir V nun CI Mr. and Mrs. Newton Crosfltld 'of Portland were weekend visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs Charles K. Todd. Mrs. Crosfleld is Dr. Todd's daughter. They mado the trip here for Father's Day, to attend the rodeo and to celebrate Dr. Todd's birthday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hansen of this city and the lattcr's aunt, Miss 1). Alice Young, of Mossy Rock Wash., who had been visiting here, following a trip to Denver, Now Mexico and California, went to Marrysville, Wash., over the week end to visit relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Hansen were accom panied bark to Roseburg by the latter i mother, Mrs. J. S. Stout, hi aiarysvme, who will spend a couple of weeks visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. John William Rob ertson of llils city had as house guests over the weekend their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Robert lloeppner, and children Laura the! Stobin, of Portland; Mrs Robertson's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dlllor, of Aurora, and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Slaeliely. of Canbv. The visitors came especially to at tend tho Conn-Chapman wedding haluril:iy evening. Mrs. Otto A. Lange, 11137 Com mercial Ave., Kuscburg, left Sun day fur Michigan in response to a rail announcing the sudden death of Elmer llesselswert. Ilesselswert was the husband of Mrs. Lange's Mstcr. His death, nt Ihe age of 68 years, resulted from a heart ail ment. Mrs. Lango went with her husband to Portland by car and then flew to Chicago where she was met by a brother, Harvey .Smith, and was taken on to (Srass Lake, Micl ., where he sister re sides. How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your fl teth minnv nnd pm. nmitf worn yuli i-hi, imikd or tnlk Jul anrmkl Hum FA8TKETH on your pIMi-h. Thti Alkaline non-rlrt) powder holds falMe trctn more nrmly and more comfortably. NAJtummy, ior. mat? taut or iriiniP&w not Killr. Lnifll "nlT nrtnr-- (denture Club, clubhouse, noon luncheon fol lowed by weekly bridge play. Army Reserve, 1614 W. Harvard 8-10 p.m. Roseburg Rotary Club, Umpqua I Hotel, noon IOOF, IOOF Hall on Jackson St. 8 p.m. Roseburg Lions Club, Umpqua Hotel. 6:30 p.m. Civil Air Patrol, at the airport, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Barbershop Singing, RicketU Music Store, 8 p.m. Elks, Elks Lodge, 8 p.m. Driver's License Examiner, 837 SE Roberts, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Esther Circle, Oakland Commun ity Presbyterian Church 7:30 p.m. at church, Chapter CU, PEO Sisterhood, 12:30 p.m. potluck at Ivan fick- ens cabin on Umpqua River. Bring table service. North Douglas Rainbow Assem bly in Drain, 7:30 p.m. Dean Perrine Chapter 9, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans Hall, 8 p.m. Sutherlln Rebekah Lodge, IOOF Hall, 8 p.m. Roseburg Chapter I, Order of I Eastern Star, Masonic Temple, 8 1 p.m. Roseburg Toastmlstress Interna tional 404, dinner meeting at Bird- song Cafe, 7 p.m. Visitors wel come. Garden Valley Women's Club, clubhouse. 2 p.m. Nickel Mt. Club, home of Bill Plllhofcr on Canyonville Road to I Riddle, 7 p.m. Public Invited. Green Recreation Association, at Green School gym, 8 p.m. Upper Olalla Apron Club, Upper Olalla Community Building, noon polluck. Umpqua Valley Coin Club, Coral Room, Umpqua Hotel, 8 p.m. Dlllard-Wlnston Methodist Church Women's Society of Christian Serv ice, general meeting, social room at church, dessert luncheon 12:30 p.m. Douglas County Association for Retarded Children, Westside Chris tian Church, 7:30 p.m. Myrtle Creek Methodist Church WSCS, at church, 7:30 p.m. News Mrs. Everett Partin is presently vacationing with relatives at coast al pointa in company with her moth er, Mrs. John Rogers of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nolte have returned to their home her, fol lowing a week's vacation to Cali fornia and Nevada. Bernle Young, student at Stan ford, has arrived home to spend tho summer with hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, A. Young, on SE Kane Street. Mr. and Mrs. Jamet Richmond and sons, Jim,. Bruce and Doug, have relumed to their home here, following a trip to the World's Fair. George Jameson of Roseburg Is reported to be seriously ill at For est Glen Hospital in Canyonville. Ho has been there more than a week, suffering from an infection. He is able to receive visitors. Od Boorke authority on survival and will conduct the YMCA camp at Diamond Lake this summer, was the guest on Esther Geddcs' Talk of the Town program Tues day. Mike Fritz, who recently obtain ed his Bachelor of Foreign Trade degree from American Institute of Foreign Trade, Phoenix, Arii., spent the last week here visiting ins parents, Mr. and Airs. O. K. Friti, and has now left for Snn Francisco to begin his duties with the American Import Co. Mist Sharon Wicks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wicks; Miss Ann Svarverud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van Svarverud, and Miss Doris Pilger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pilger, are spending the summer working at the Douglas County Library. Miss Wicks attends Oregon State Urn versily; Miss Svarverud, Univer sity of Oregon, and Miss Pilger, Cascade College. Mrs. Emel Andersen and .firs. T. J. Slnttcry of this city are visit ing in California. They aro being accompanied by Mrs. Anderson's two granddaughters, Miss Paula Mnrie Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson of Idle yld Park, and Miss Monica Ander son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson of Roseburg. They are visiting relntivcs and friends in Redding, Folsom, Santa Bar bate) and Los Angeles. Mrs. Ander son is owner of the House of Uni forms and the Hat Box on SE shop is being managed by her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Myers. Quality SHOE REPAIR frIe Pickup & Delivery Daily At T 1 1 SHOE SETWISE WE GIVI U-SAVI STAMPS AT RYO $1 LLAJJ ( I LCT Til. I f Ml I : 'I i I DuftM l T&mz JL Kl I - II ISA ' ' tr "- FUEL I f 9mSSsSUr eEl PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORES U 17 T TANK H . - Til I ! J I , tl 5H Crrvint, I Iff WWa 1 : IF1 SALE DATES. WEDNESDAY, IUNE20 Thru SUNDAY, JUNE 24 L " ' 'tk&tj Cose IN I 0 M - I tv. x. - . -- I I sswnw -" i I fce Hi M 11 . 1 1 ym O II iiitta II it w it n Dl A V II I E3 Fl sLfctvc KAMKIIII KIIN1S CYCI rLM I 11,1 Bk C, CU:.e " . ' NEW DfcN LtT g Ml V-JK. HTTS4II kfllllia wrcMaoau, rg.U.kl-l-i lAI-.-i IT RECHARGABLE .. El mi I tttw WHSBft! II Knfann liorhtorc I EK1 tt ACt ftBSgmsmm 6 TRANSISTOR RADIO " I H rtV Attorted Color. ano as.emuy I NEVER NEEDS BATTERIES s,,tTunl,tlUK IR tn I etC I I I Jr II -VII kWVFR CATIFC. i II I I A 1 11 Kl & H Q . I- I Thomi I NiTy No Messy Fluid, No Wlck I iTl Id I IT jr- fct- . Ran 7 Sn fl' y ' 1 qq II I '.". I 11 C if , n oj.,. n. &mon U Nl . tf 11' II KEQ. DID . ........ Z.JJ II U Ifs'.i ELt I II m i 41 . mm I IVI n lw J Re. II I I 29.95-. I XUV a,. " . I iSmr II OM S'J U7 H 1111 Vimm-riM II d. onrn.. II I ll'r! .U EV4 mi etaiiu- - U nej.O.TJ7 AO O.OJ I I kMSMM M .yj w.w- KIM ' 1 1 ' kWfl cJ I ,ky ... .t.. , yrram I ' TK ikkiii ated I PI dl- mna. Snort Shirts rr temp master xail notorwfflU m Kl i ViV. L&1 r ni 7T-"wz ii my i i m 1 Al.iki i J mmm imimzz.-.. v linn 11 m IMIKj-aV. CUSTOM TAILORING I sV KWS' KllflrWI Cfirill-UV I II 1 1 I R 111; DAU3 IM WUMWrOlT- U f " " " CHOICE OF DESIGN mm m W I'CJ.Q. aT rV-'W'- JUST PLUG IN. Kill Ml MJM. S loewsfJfTfSESK. ' - ti . 1 1 i i w jy ya va,u ssss i m KT1I LIGHTWEIGHT SiVii 1 I .iXSmUmUi A I Wy. WJWIV nuruKT.i.Lwn! 1 fMSS I B 1 it JOSCILLATING FAN M M TTq- 10 LB. BAG ntfZfcyr STAY COOL THIS SUMMER M;; (3 PICNIC O I ST CHARCOAL Zjy $14.95 VALUE Ml TABLES I I m briquets- tfrf6P) tQ7 UU ( 'g) , ! I B cJJ GTTIS' V,,'ANltl smT f 2ches -mvauii II H O AT Vi C3,fc' KEEPS COOL O-rV INCLUDED 11 ? I X K M " -Air Cireulatins Z&J 6 ft. LENGTH R g ' 1 V X AROUND SZr M El J--rw INFLATABLE - vl 0 THREE PIECE lfl M 10 ,'4.00 1 W UWlh&k: ov.,ue 2.991 n i til i i .iira jzsa i ' 'ia I PJ. 1 Iff tAS' ggWIlti WlIIB i . iESS HI mmBBI ,T,Lf C.r... .7(V U FIVE PIECE -mi h hi rnn ii.i i hairc k xnztrmtxst. i i n r h n n i ti rJI ilMiWmd -w.",.,,w.,r W 5333 f -s v .w. Tnn Qt ill II Id 1 mi 1 ,fii..i atwa i :vik.v ii 11 11 HI I 'IfVJ rr.,n.r. yyw.. 'VVV ' W aT II I I IS! Bl c.Bm -,J0tefJ 1 FULL GALLON I T SEED t PBRTILIZBR I I GIANT SIZE H H I Cm Picnk jug, V0 - - u"c: 1 I mm yDm iliy I B va.iv 11 na. yAvu, aafolff cil GIANT SPIASHR P001S SI I MLUcVclXei V (T!t I r'SS fflTtt D'""" !"" 1 ;1 - m Chaise f "1 'Mr 1 CoolWeb I I 3SJ LUnge lvw tSSiiffiwn Chairs . . p. c ': $1A87 " ,t?fi(K 5-rn $89S value H W $43.00 I 'T.i T lU rdS I . ft (P 07 E3 JJ VALUE J ' ffiL j5t.. - frfL H""n''iw "---"'IMAryf5'"' "IP"" V;' ,1 1 " 2) I m- I t vmU4i, ZtT JT. . .f . E3 1 jmrmt m bi I 1 1 tv . : ' " II LOADS I sSs" . I SSI t'rfnlhl. Oft FAhTEK'IH tudaf et or arm roontfr. 0 oaot o e