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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1962)
2 The Nuws-Review, Roioburg, JFK. Asks Republican Aid On Domestic Economy Issues WASHINGTON (UI'I) Presi dent Kennedy is trying to ar range a trial separation of poli ties from the domestic economy, at least until the 1964 national election. He feels that partisan attitudes of Republican businessmen are beclouding current economic is sues. He does not believe the GOP should approach the admin istration farm bill as a party matter. "I think that we have a right," he told a news conference Thurs day, "to expect that on these matters of great national import, at least we will receive some help from across the aisle." Businessmen Included "Across the aisle" is a con gressional term denoting the fact that Democrats sit on one side, Republicans on the other in the House and Senate. The Presi dent's application was broader than Congress, however. Busi nessmen, for example. The President told reporters ' "most businessmen are Republi cans" and undoubtedly would be happier if there were a Republi can in the Whito House today. But, he added, "The economic problems would still be there." Argue Politics In 1964 "The presidential race isn't un til 1964 and that time, it would Assault Count Hits Canyonville Youth James Donald Griffith, 22, of Canyonville, has been bound over to the Douglas County Grand Jury in connection with two complaints charging "assault and battery by means of force likely to produce great bodily harm." Griffith was ordered held to an swer by Justice of the Peace Nina W. Pictzold following a prelimi nary hearing held in her court Wednesday. Complainants are' D. H. Oden for his son Lester F. Oden and Mrs. Anno Slimpson of Myrtle Creek for her son Leonard Stlmp son. Oden complained the defend ant assaulted his son by "striking, beating and bruising" the victim's head and body, the defendant us ing his fists, hands and feet. It was alleged the son's upper jaw was fractured, three teeth were knocked out and other boJIly in juries wero incurred as result of the assault. Mrs. Slimpson complained that hor son was similarly assaulted and the blows caused 'him to lose consciousness for a period of time and required him to bo hospital ized for injuries. The assault allegedly occurred on June 4. Bond was set at $2,500 for each of tho counts. Griffith also is being held in con nection with tho recent burglary of the Igloo Tavern in Riddle. Teen-Agers Questioned On Broken Street Light Two teen-age suspects were questioned about vandalism to a street light on W. Ballf St. and Brown Ave. Thursday night by Roseburg police. Polico received n complaint that rocks had been thrown at tho light lens of tho street light and hud broken It. Tho two suspects admit ted tho action. Arrangements were being made to pay for damages to tho lighi. DU PONT '501' Nylon Carpet J And Quality Wool Carpets BOB ALLEN FLOOR COVERING Phono OR 2-1501 ROSEBURG "BANK NITE" Drawings Are Held at 8:00 P. M. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Names Drawn, Lasjfc, Friday . FIRST PRIZE Choi. D. Colcgrovo 1005 S.E. Jockion Roseburg, Oregon NOT PRESENT FOR SECOND PRIZE DRAWING Lou Combs 553 S. E. Rico St. Roseburg, Oregon NOT PRESENT FOR 25 DRAWING . This WecVt Drowing Worth $300 DRAWING This Week's Drawing Worth 25 Eligible Only If In Store Within 5 Minutes 79(N hoi burg't be the SHOP DOWNTOWN ROSEBURG EACH FRI. NIGHT Ore. fri., June 15, 1961 seem to me, (would) be the ap propriate time to argue politics," he said. "Right now it would seem to me that we should be concerning ourselves with the real problems of our country." Other highlights of the confer ence: He threw his weight against a strike threatened by the flight engineers against three major airlines, criticizing the union for having "failed to cooperate" with extensive mediation efforts. He urged the engineers to reconsider their rejection of arbitration. He dismissed a claim by So viet Premier Nikita S. Khrush chev that the United States through its nuclear testing was Trucker Finds Hey Makes 'Hot7 Cargo . Dallas J. Bennett, Dixonville, Thursday, found himself in posscsi sion of a mighty hot cargo. Driving along NE Diamond Lake Blvd. in his H4 ton 1947 truck he suddenly found that his load of baled hay was burning. The Hoscburg Rural Fire Do partment was called at 6:25 p.m to quench the fire. Firemen, to save the truck, unloaded the bales beside the road. Firemen said the fire probably was caused by a faulty exhaust system on the truck. Damage was estimated at $30. Roseburg Man Injured In One-Car Accident Glenn R. Schubert, 33, of Rl. 4, Box 615, Roseburg, received a broken nose and injury to several ribs on his right side in a one- car accident Thursday night on W. Harvard Ave., Roseburg police re port. Police said Schubert, driving west on Harvard apparently fell asleep at the wheel of his car and hit a Pacific Power and Light Co. pole at Harvard at its intersection wilh W. Harrison St. on the south west corner. The front end of Schubert's 1958 car was heavily damaged. Schu bert was taken by Billy Mohr to Douglas Community Hospital for treat nont. A representative from PP&L to day said its power pole was broken at ground level and two fuses on tho 12,000-voll circuit wero blown. Consequently about 50 customers in the area wero without power for about lto hours. . . Tho polo is scheduled to be re placed next week. National Guard On Way To Camp Roseburg's National Guard unit, Company D, 186th Infantry, Sec ond Batllo Group, left today for two weeks of training at Ft. Lewis Wash. Boarding nine vehicles, the unit was scheduled to meet a convoy from Grants Pass making up Com pany C at 12:30 p.m. at the High way 99 Freeway and Roseburg Memorial Gardens. Tnc combined group then heads for Lebanon where it will slay overnight. Saturday morning the convoy will continue to Ft. Lewis. Tho unit is commanded by 1st. LI. Oliver Durand. The unit will return June 30. Motor Oil Stolen Dr. William Miller, 412 Berdine. Roseburg, reported to the sheriff's office that a five-gallon can of mo tor oil and a funnel is missing from his property on Newton Creek. THIRD PRIZE DRAWING Roso Mnrio Barklow Rt. 1, Box SO SutheMin, Oregon NOT PRESENT FOR MYSTERY DRAWING This Wreck's Drawing Worth 9 ? bten given away already by Rote Friday night merchonti! You may lucky winner rhii Friday! preparing a "surprise attack1 against Russia. The President said international tension could be reduced only by "goodwill on both sides." This government is studying India s apparent intention to buy advanced jet fighters from Rus sia Ha deplored benate action to bar most U.S. foreign aid loisverai ,enuine fueitives lawver Yugoslavia and Poland, saying this was a tremendous propagan da gift to the Kremlin. He feared U.S. withdrawal from such sections of Southeast Asia as Viet Nam and Thailand might result in the collapse of the entire area. Kennedy ac knowledged the difficulty of sta bilizing conditions in Southeast Asia, but said he thought the an nounced plan to form a national government in Laos was a step toward improvement. The current alignment of re sponsibility for the space pro gram between the military and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) should continue as it is. He con ceded that this country still is not first in space as compared with Russia, but he saw a major American effort producing "im portant results in the coming months and years." Eugene Woman Faces Action By Grand Jury Bcrnice Susan McCamcy, 20, of Eugene, charged with forgery, was bound over to the Douglas County Grand Jury from a prelim inary hearing held Thursday in the court of District Judge Gerald R. Hayes. A Douglas County Sheriff's De partment complaint alleges the defendant on May 10 forged a bank check in the amount of $37.27 for payment of money, made payable to Mark's Market. A forged signa ture was used, according to the complaint. Attorney John H. Horn was aP' pointed counsel for the defendant. Bail was set at $2,500. Three Draw Jail, Fine For Possession Of Deer Three Douglas County men charged in connection with gamo violation incident pleaded guilty in Douglas County District Court Thursday and eacn man was sentenced to 15 days in the county hill and fined 5150. Eugene Paul Bratscn, 22, oi un lard; Jerald Dennis Grieso, 21, and Richard Dale Wells. 22, both of Winston, were charged in a Rose- burc state notice complaint with possession of game during closed season. The complaint stales the trio was in possession of a doe deer. In addition to the sentence and fine, a .22 cal. rifle belonging to Wells was confiscated by the court. School Superintendents Will Meet With Minear Kenneth Bnrneburg, counly su perintendent of schools, said a two day meeting in Salem next week for school superintendents has been set by Dr. Leon P. Minear, super intendent of public instruction. The meeting Tuesday and Wed nesday is scheduled lo discuss: the intermediate unit (tho county school office), school district or ganization, special education, fi nance, improving personnel stand ard, and improving instruction. Unrncburg said he is intending to go to the meeting as are many of tho district superintendents of the county. Shakespearean Rehearsals Start ASHLAND (AIM Rehearsals for Hie Ashland Shakespearean Festi val, to open its six-week season July 21, are under way. A num!)cr of stars and featured pla'yers from other years have re turned for another season under Director Angus L. Bowmor. This year's Shakespearean plays will be "Coriolamis," "llenrv IV, Part 2," "As You Like It," and "Comedy of Errors." Showers Likely Sunday The five-day weather forecast, according to the Weather llureau station at the Knscburi! airoort. calls for temperatures averaging j near normal becoming below nor- mal Sunday or Monday. Aliens will be 75 to 85 and lows 44 to 54. Show ers are likely Sunday or Monday. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The onnuol meeting of the stockholders of The Umpqua Savings ond loan Association will be held at 603 S- E. Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, June 27th, 1962, at 7.30 o'clock p.m. tor the election of directors and for the transaction of such general busies as mav properly come before the meeting. o UMPQUA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION S. E. HERMANN, Secretly Fleeing Financier Plans Meeting With Visa Attorney In Brazil NEW YORK (UPD Financier Edward M. Gilbert, 38, who went flying down to Rio after with drawing $1.9 million in company funds, was reported planning a "secret" conference today with a lawyer specializing in residence visas for extradition-proof Brazil. No criminal charges have been filed against the merger-minded executive who resigned Tuesday night as president of E. L. Bruce Co., Inc., a hardwood, and wax manufacturing firm, and soon after boarded a jet for Rio De Janeiro. But in the Brazilian metropolis whieh has nrnvnH a haven for Joao Chaloupe said an American intermediary had arranged a meeting between him and Gilbert today. Chaloupe, who in the past has represented accused stock manip- Ford II Announces Shutdown Monday DALLAS (UPI) Henry Ford II said Thursday that Ford as sembly plants all over the nation are going to shutdown next Mon day for at least a week because of a strike at the company's '.Cleveland, Ohio stamping plant. The strike in Ohio has caused a parts shortage, and there was a possibility the layoff would last longer than one veek. Ford said company and union officials have been negotiating and were contin uing to negotiate. A work stand ards dispute is at issue in Clcve land. "We will be down pretty much all over," Ford said. The shut down is coming at a time when Ford car sales are booming to ward the second best year in his tory. Ford was in Dallas to appear before a meeting of more than 1,000 Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealers from the Southwest and middle South. A similar meeting will be held today in Kansas City, Mo. Pre-School Physicals Urged During Summer Dr. John Donnelly, countv health officer, today said all children who have never attended school Douglas County should contact their family physicians about ob taining a pre-school physical ex amination. This should be done before fall, Donnelly said. In order that any defects found might be cor rected before school begins. This would provide the child with the best chance to gct the most out of school, ho noted. In Roseburg all students enter ing tho tenth grade also must have a physical while in the rest of tho county all students entering ninth grade are required to do so. Hospital News Visiting Hours ? to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Mercy Hospital Admitted Medical: William Forrest, Mrs. Ren Laurance, Raymond Clcvi dence, Henry Morris, Corinne Thomas, all of Roseburg. Surgery: Mrs. I.ili Butler, tose burg; Mrs. Jack Watkins, Oakland. Discharged Mrs. Alvin Luellen, Roseburg; Mrs. Carl Stookey and son Keven Wayne, Tenmilc. Douglas Community Hospital Admitted Medical: Mrs. David Daniels. Mrs. Arnold Fleming, Mrs. Robert Mitchell, all of Roseburg; Rodney Mobley, Glide; Bartlcy Prowcll Jr., Suthcrlin. Surgery: James Clark, Mrs. Gordon Conkle, Stanford Norris, all of Roseburg; Roy Hosterler, Mrs. Jimmy Lcdbctter, both of Winston. Diicharged Robert Gildroy, Richard Ilink, Carolyn lluntsinger, Rosalie Hunt singer, Mary Jacobs, Clifford Smith, Andrew Telford, Mrs. Frank TcrBush, Robert Tripled, all of Roseburg; Sandra Howell, Oak land; Clyde Pitncr, Sutherlin: Mrs. Robert Carpenter, South (bjden, Utah. Liojts Riviera Bound NICK. France (API An airlift of 20.000 Linns is under way, bringing members of the world wide nun's organization for their international convention opening here on the French Riviera June 21 i. The first plane, wilh Ml Amer ican club officials aboard, arrived into Thursday from Chicago. O 19 ulator Lowell Birrell, said he had been retained to obtain a perma nent visa fur Gilbert. Birrell is just one of several fugitives now living in Brawl which docs not have an ' operative extradition treaty with the United Slates. Gi'bert, reputedly as fast a man in making a dollar as in spending one- while traveling among the gay society sets in the United States and Europe, has only" a 30-day Brazilian visitor's visa. Federal and city officials in New York were not committing themselves about Gilbert intil they cotild thoroughly examine his financial records which they started doing Thursday. The Securities & Exchange Commission, which ordered a 10 day suspension in trading of E. L. Bruce Co. stock after Gilbert's withdrawal of company funds was disclosed, also began checking bolh Gilbert's and the corpora tion s records. Bruce company sales total about $42 million an nually. Gilbert, who emerged from ob scurity three years ago and gained a Wall St. reputation by merging a family firm with Bruce and then taking control of the en larged corporation, told Bruce di rectors Tuesday night he had withdrawn $1,953,000 in company funds between May 28 and June 7. A few hours later he was on a jet for Brazil after paying $550 casn for a one-way Iirst class ticket. Carlton Youth Named Boys State Governor CORVALLIS (AP)-Tom Jern stedt of Carlton lead the National ist Party to a near sweep in the Beaver Boys State elections as he took over the governor's role to day. The balloting was Friday but counting ran until 3 a.m. today. Only member of the Federalist Party to win office was Mac Archi bald, Toledo, elected labor com missioner. Other state officers: Mike Stinson, Mcdford, secre tary of state; Lenny Brown, Port land, treasurer; Joe Kirk, Chilo quin, attorney general; and Phil Palmer, Portland, superintendent of puhlic instruction. Supreme Court justices, all from Portland: Joe Wiseman, Art Stangell and John Fitzgerald. The 485 boys, taking part in the American Legion-sponsored exer cise in government, piled into 11 buses this morning lo wind up their program at the Capitol in Salem. Erwin Kimball Gray Erwin Kimball Gray 72, died Thursday at a rest home following a short illness. Mr. Gray was born Nov. 2, 1889, In Missouri. He came to Roseburg about a week ago from Portland. Mr. Gray was a retired fninister of the Foursquare rfospel Church of Portland. His wife Mabel pre ceded him in death in 1957. Mr. Gray is survived by two sons, Herbert H. of Roseburg and Paul E. of Coos Bay; tour sisters, Mrs. Roxie Collins of Fairmont, Minn., Mrs. Dorothy Anderson of Chicago, 111., Mrs. Nei?ie Conner of Walteria, Calif., and Mrs. Jean Nyberg of Hollywood, Calif.; four grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Foursquare Gospel Church S.E. 13th and Ankcny in Portland Mon day at 2:U0 p.m. daylight time with Dr. Nathaniel Var.Cleave officiat ing. Concluding services and inter ment will follow at the Lincoln f leu, orial Park. Wilson's Chapel of. the RosSs is 'in charge of ariSlngements. Helen W.Dixon o Helen W. Dixon, 77, died Thurs day at a local hospital following a short illness. Funeral arrangiements will be announced latcj by Wilson's Chap el of the Roses. Car Aerial Broken John T. Donovan, 865 SE Flint St., complained to Roseburg police that the aerial on his car, parked in front of his hojjse, had been snapped off by someone in a pass ing cir. He said such an occurance had happened before. Donovan said he saw the car drive by when the act was committed. New! At Deady Lumber Patio and Picnic FURNITURE Soo our selection of tablet, benches, choirs and other out door furniture at our yard or at Suiter's Building Supply. DEADY LUMBER CO. LEO SANDERS, Owner ROSEBURG OR 3-7194 Estes Probers Dig Deep Today Into Links With Solvents Firm WASHINGTON (AS) The House investigation of Pillie So! Estes digs deeper today into links between the West Texas promoter and Commercial Solvents Corp which was left holding the bag far $5.7 million when Estes' finan cial empire crumbled. Called to the witness stand for the third day were Maynard C. Wheeler, Commercial Solvents president, and other top officials of the company which supplied French Leader Continues Tour VESOUL. France (AP)-Presi dent Charles de Gaulle continued his hand-shaking tour of east-central France today under a rein forced security guard after discov ery of another plot to assassinate mm. He seemed completely relaxed and unworried as he mingled with crowds gathered in each village along his route. He smiled broadly and moved through the crowds in the village streets, shaking out stretched hands. Heavy security forces were ev erywhere. Gendarmes could even be seen in the fields and woods along which the presidential mo torcade sped. The Interior . Ministry said tnursday night that six persons- four men and two women had been arrested as part of a Secret Army Organization commando unit ordered to kill De Gaulle be fore the July 1 independence ref erendum in Algeria. It was the third such plot in the past nine months. Some police officials said the plotters thought of using a booby trapped dog or perhaps several dogs which would be guided by special whistles pitched too high for the human ear. Another plan unuci- considera tion, according to the police, was to mine a railroad underpass through which the presidential party was scheduled to pass. Some Paris papers treated the report of the plot with skepticism or reserve. Joe Boris Funeral services for Joe Boris, 75, of Oakland will be held Sun day at 2 p.m. in Kingdom Hall, Sutherlin. T. J. Newman of the Sutherlin Jehovah's Witnesses congregation will officiate during the services. Boris died Wednesday at his home after an illness of 18 months. Interment will be in the IOOF Cemetery, Oakland. Sutherlin-Oakland Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. LEGAL REQUEST FOR BIDS PAINTING Douglas County School District No. 4 will receive bids for painting (various schools) me Business Office, loss we si Harvard until 11:00 a.m. (PST), June 2?.Q 1962, at which ttme they will be opened. Bid forms and specifications are avail able at the Business Office. 0 The right Is rescued lo reloct any or all bids. School District No. 4 WENDELL B.0SAAITH Business Manager STATE TIMBER SALE Oral bids will be received by the State Forester at the Coos Forest Protective As sociation Headquarters, Coos Bay, Oregon, starting at 2 p.m.. Pacific standard Time, June 37, 192 for certain designated limber located on three 3) sale areas, to wit: Surprise Creek Stand Management No. S Timber Sale No. F-10I.4I-H. Portions of Sec tion 27, TI3S, R10W, W.M., Douglas County, Oregon. The sale area Is estimated to con tain 194 MBF Douglas fir and a negligible amount of hemlock and cedar. The mini muM price that will be considered Is 15,120, Howell Creek Stand Management No- S Timber Sal No. F-301.4J-H. Portions of Sec tions 20, 2), 2fl and 29 and 33, T23S, R10W, W.M., Coos County, Oregon. The sale area is estimated to contain 3,374 MBF Douglas fir, 124 MBF hemlock, 9 MBF of cedar and 54 cords of aider. The nvnimua price mat will be considered Is $77,290. Purchaser shall be required to perform certain road con struction and other protects. A field trip aver the sale area will commence at a.m., Paclllc Standard Time, June 12, 1762, starllno from the iunctlon of Loon Lake county road and the Bicklord Creek Forest Road soum ot Loon lakc. Dean Ridge No. 3 Timber Sale No. F- W1.63-S6. Portions of Sections 9 and 16, T32S, R11W, W.M., Douglas County, Oregon. The sale area is estimated to contain 2.670 MBF Douglas fir, 9 MBF hemlock, 35 MBF red cedar and a negligible volume of hardwood. The minimum price that will be considered is S37.20 per MBF for Douglas fir, $10.80 per MBF for hemlock, $1.50 per MBF tor red cedar and $0.50 per cord for hard woods. Purchaser shall be required lo per form a road construction project. Purchasers shall comply wim me provis ions ol Oregon Revised Statutes 526. SOS and 5i6 BID. Prospective bidders should examine a form of the timber sale contract and road use agreements at the office of the Slate For ester at Salem or Coos Bay, Oregon. The Slate Forester reserves the right lo waive minor technicalities and the rtoht 'o reiKt any or all bids 1's Miles North of Wilbur ot Deady on Bus. Route 99 testes with liquid fertilizer and extended him millions in credit. There were indications that they would be followed next week by two key figures in the Estes tan gle who were Agriculture Depart ment officials under the Eisen hower administration and left to become directors of Commercial Solvents. These are James A. McConnell and Walter C. Berger. Berger suc ceeded McConnell as head of the Commodity Credit Corp., the gov ernment organization that buys and stores surplus grain. Berger held that position in 1958 and 1959 when Estes got into the grain storage business with the help of a loan from Commercial Solvents. $7 Million Collected As security for his loans from Commercial Solvents, Estes as signed all his government grain storage payments to the company. They collected more than $7 mil- Area Firemen Slate Water Ball Contest Getting in ' a few licks or squirts as the case may be before the state convention of firemen be gins in Coos Bay this month will be firemen from the county and surrounding areas Saturday in north Roseburg. Fire drill teams from Winston Dillard, Riddle, Myrtle Creek, Yon calla, Sutherlin, Roseburg, Rose burg Rural Fire Department; Em pire, Newport, Coos Bay, Coquille, Gardiner, and Siuslaw will battle in water ball contests at noon in the parking lot of Montgomery Wards. The exercises train firemen to act and think in emergencies. Saturday's exercises will serve to sharpen the firemen for the June 27-30 meeting in Coos Bay. Waterball and hose evolutions will be held at noon on June 30. Tro phies will be given for the fastest times and best performances. State winner last year in the water ball event was the Rose burg Rural Fire Department. The city competition in hose evolution was won by Roseburg. Agrtess, Ore. Community Will Soon Have A Road PORTLAND (AP) The remote community of Agness, on the Rogue River in Southwest Oregon, soon will be linked to the coast by a road. The only way there now is by boat. Bids have been called for con struction of the 9.7-mile road. A road now runs about 17 miles up the Rogue. . The work is being financed jointly by the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Bids on the last link will be received by the Bureau of Public Roads until July 6. The final link to remote Agness will run along the south bank of the Rogue, to within about a half mile of the Illinois River, which joins tlie Rogue at Agness. Work will start at the upriver end of the new section. . -i I '-."':! j ' " " ' ':! ! .''! And if you run out of gas, it's easy to push. See? A Volkswagen Is just the right size lo push to the side of the road. Actually, it's surprising that VW owners don't run out of gas more often. When you get around ?i m.p.g. you spend so little time In at stations, there are almost no reminders. You'll probably never need oil between changes. You'll never (need water or anti-freeze because the engine Is air-cooled. There ore so lew things that bring you to a gas station, that Ihe car has a gas gauge this year to help you remember. Now all you have lo do is remember to look at it. SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 S.E. Sf.phei OR 2-1 647 lion before Estes went broke, still owing the company $3.7 million. Rep. Ross Bass, D-Tenn., Aharaayi I v mnrp was) m "triangle of interest" among Es tes, Commercial Solvents and the Agriculture Department on March 9, 19S9, when Estes got his first contract for storing government owned grain. "Before he was in the grain business at all, the department had assured you you would get every dime of payments," Bass told Wheeler. "He didn't even have a grain contract until he signed over every nickel to you March 4." Wheeler testified Thursday that McConnell acted only as a. con sultant on general farm trends. He said McConnell never talked to Berger at any time while Ber ger was still head of the Com modity Credit Corp. Berger re signed in April 1961 after the change in administration and be came a director of Commercial Solvents. Eugene Man Held Wilbur J. Chatman, 72, of Eu gene, was scheduled for arraign ment today in Sutherlin justice court by the sheriff's office on a charge of contributing to the de linquency of a minor. He was booked into the Douglas County jail by sheriff's officers Thursday and bail set at $3,000. SGRUIGD We're As Near As Your Telephone Yean of Experience In $ervi Repair Will Be Available T You - APPLIANCES TELEVISION MARINE 635 S. E.'Srephens St, PhSne OR 2-1616 C voiKtwiatN or iwcttei. int. P)f OR2.1616 W for...