Ki "N MICHAL, 6, and Paul Young, 4, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Young, celebrated their birthdays ot a joint party. Birthday cake and refreshments were served to the guests of honor ond their paternal grandparents, Mr. ond Mrs. A. F. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young and Robert, Richard and Randy; Bobbie, Billy, Rose and Vickie Allen, Scott Young, all of Tenmile, and Mrs. F. A. Wafer and Fred erick, Susan, Diana and Colleen, of Comas Volley. As special gifts to the boys Michal enjoyed a trip to the ocean ond aul chose a trip to Skinners Butte Park in Eugene. Grand Officers Pay Visit To Amaranth Friday Night Grand officers visited Douglas Court 18. Order of the Amaranth Friday evening at the Roseburg .Masonic Temple. Escorted and given grand hon ors were Mrs. William Aplanalph ot Portland, grand royal matron, and Gerald Lawrens of Portland, grand royal patron; Hugh Temple ton, appointed Supreme Royal Pa tron of Portland; Laulette Norton, grand associated matron, Eugene; Frank Guerin, grand associate pa tron, Newport; Margaret Temple ton, grand associate conductress; William Aplanalph, grand marshal, Portland; Bernice Lawrense, grand marshal in east; Edward Norton, grand prelate, Eugene; Phoebe Guerin, grand charity. Newport; Henry Halvorsen, grand warder, Sutherlin; Hope Arstill, grand page, Portland; Nancy Finlayson, grand assistant lecturer, Eugene. Grand representatives present were bva Jane Erwra, Portland; Audley Kanouse, Eugene; and Syl via Kanouse, tugene. Melrose Missionary Group Plans Shower For June 21 Royal matrons and patrons pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jor den, Lincoln Court, Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Caton, Emerald Court, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, Colonial Court, Portland; Mrs. Neome Watson, Willamette Court, Eugene; Wade Arstill, Ionic Court, Portland. Past matrons included Mrs. Ive na Halvorsen, Mrs. Inga High and Mrs. Genevieve Philippi, all of Douglas Court; and Mrs. Rose An derson, Willamette Court, Eugene. The royal matron and patron re ceived honorary memberships and gifts from the court. Special music was presented by Miss Orenda Mitchell. The royal matron honored all masons and presented them with gifts. A short skit w,'s given by Betty Moore. Preceding the meeting there was a 6:30 p.m. no-host dinner. Mrs. Logan White was chairman. Mrs. Huron Clough, refreshment chair man, was assisted by women of '.he court. Mrs. Henry Halvorsen was decoration chairman. Yoncalla People Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Percy Langdon were honored at an open house Sat urday evening at the Etkhead Com munity Hall, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Hostesses for the party were Miss Virginia Lang don, Mrs. Dennis Maguire,, Mrs. James Crawford and Mrs. Matt Alldrop. i The anniversary wedding cake, decorated in pastel flowers and tapped with a miniature bride and bridegroom, bad been made and decorated by Mrs. Larry Ortii. Decorations for the hall were large silver bells and white streamers. Percy Langdon was born and reared in the Yoncalla community. He was married May 29, 1937. The couple has three children, Daniel Langdon of Eugene and Virginia and Dick Langdon, at home. They also have one grandson, Gregory Langdon of Eugene. Percy Langdon's maternal grand parents were both born on the plains, en route to Oregon. A silver tree and a number of gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Langdon from their relatives and friends. The serving table was covered with a lace crocheted tablecloth made by Mrs. Langdon. Mrs. Wil fred Kincaid of Roseburg cut and served the cake, Mrs. Betty Cald well noured coffee and Miss Ear- leyne Davis poured punch. Mrs. Fred Lee had charge of the guest book. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Minnith Couch and Mr., and Mrs. Roy Morris and two daugh ters from Toppenish, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. John Lagrandcr and Mr. 1 and Mrs. Charles Draeger from! Drain; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kin- i caid, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs.! Matt Alldrop, Sutherlin, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Langdon and son, Greg, Eugene: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paul ey, Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. i Van Hutchcson, Oakland: and Mr. and Mrs. George Langdon, Donna and Donald Langdon, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langdon and family; Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford, Loy Finnev, Virginia and Dick Lang don, Mr. and Mrs.-Earl Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Maguire, Ron nie and Robbie Maguire, Mr. and Mrs Lee Blickenstaff and daugh ter. Nancy; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Dennis Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thompson and daughter, Marlene; Misi Earleyne Davis, Mrs. Elizabeth Caldwell and two daughters and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Langdon. It was the first time all of Percy Langdon's brothers and sister have been together,, for several . years Most of his nieces and nephews were also present. Card Play Held At Lookingglass . The Lookingglass Grange held its final card party for the season Friday at the Grange hall. There were nine tables in play, with Mrs. Dorothy Boling and Mrs. Hoycelle Paulson as hostesses. The parties will be resumed in the fall. The traveling prize was won by Lee Williams. Mrs. Frances Games and Fred Engles were high score winners. Mrs. Mable Hansen and Royce Busenhark were low scorers. Attending the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanson, Rachel Gooden, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mar esch, Veda and Yale Parrish, Roy Busenbark, Lena Howland, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williams, Mrs. Ruth Port er, Mrs. Hulda Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Solomon, W. J. Mere dith, Cliff Boling, Mr. and Mrs. M. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Fred En gle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carnes, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schulze, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reagles, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Per ry Dysert, Rudy Meyer, Mary Trump and Joseph Sedan. Teacher Honorary Hears Fine Talk Alpha Delta Kappa, honorary teaciiem sorority, met recently at the home of Marguerite Bodenner, with AlL'iea Lofland as co-hostess. A very intereitrg talk was giv en by Joyce Pruitt. She showed slides and described her around-the-world trip last summer. Installation was held for the fol-: lowing new officers: Helen Burk- hart, president; Marie Willits, vice presilent; Time Borgcn, treasur er; Bonita Wikoff, recording sec retary; Althea Lofland, corre sponding secretary; Virginia Hut- ton, historian; and Dorothy Wilson and Marguerite Bodenner, chaplains. Members presen were Helen Bu-khart, Marie Willits, Tillie Bor- gen, Ethel Howard, Ardis Edie, Margaret Austin, Bonita Wikoff, Dorothy Baumann, Virginia Hut ton and the hostesses. Dancing Party Held At Tiller Diana Picht entertained recently at a "twist" party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo A. Picht, at the Tiller Ranger Station, when fellow classmates and friends were invited for an evening of dancing. A buffet table of snacks fur nished refreshment. Present were Barbara Long, Sue Ann Fisher, Eunice Henry, Jill Hughes, Bill and Brad Howern, Gretchen Wil liams, Jon and Sandra Lilligren, Jerri Fisher, Gaila Gardner and the hostess' sister, K C Picht. The Melrose Community Church Missionary Society enjoyed a sack luncheon and a delicious dessert at their all-day meeting Tuesday at the church. Hostesses were Sadie Hall and Sylva Gray. Devotions were given by Jeannette Niswonger. The tables were centered with beautiful vases of iris, roses and foxgloves. The society is planning a pink and blue shower for Donna War ren to be held at the church June 21. All women of the commun ity are invited. The next meeting will be June 26, with a potluck at noon. Wom en of the Lookingglass Church and the Pine Grove Church are invited. Mrs. Lee Caulson, missionary to World Missions to Children in Aus tria, will be guest speaker. Those present were Ruth Niswon ger, Jeannette and Gary Niswon ger, Norma Fenn, Pansy Haugan, Elsie Isakson. Dean Gausnell. Syl va Gray, Sadie Hall. Amy Seeley, Carol Arensmeier, Mary Sanders, Bclva Buckwalter. Hazel Krohn, Evelyn Bair, Esther Nickolaus, Miss Evelyn Bowen and Juanila Silver of Ashland. Going-Away Party Given To Honor Member Of Club Mrs. John Dunn entertained the British Brogues group Wednesday evening at a delightful going-away party for Rosemary Boggess, who is moving to Springfield.- A fare well present from the group was presented to the tionoree. Games were played, and prizes were won by Barbara Brisbin and Rosemary Boggess. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to the fol lowing: Eileen Herriges, Peggy Svarverud, Barbara Jrisbin, Joan Gerlt and the guest of honor. Camp Fire Girls Party Hostesses Girls of the Pa-Wa-Si Camp Fire group entertained their parents at a party Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton. The girls organized games and served refreshments. They also had a craft display. Girls present were Cindy Lom bard, Lynda Book, Teresa Raaf, Pamela Odell, Lynne Stapleton and Shirley Hannah. Guests Mr. and Mrs. James Lombard and Christie and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Book, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Raaf and Vicki, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapleton, Dale, Eric and Valerie; Mrs. D. K. Odell and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hannah and Diane. The group presented a birthday present to Lynn Stapleton and a gift to the leader, Mrs. Hannah. The party was given to complete the girls' Woodgatherer requirements. Thur., Junee14, 1962 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 Miss Jackie Barnes Feted At Lovely Bridal Shower Evelyn Gorthy, Lee Speidel. Del-, la Gotthardt and Vera McGhehey! were hostesses Tuesday evening, 1 at a charming bridal shower at the former's home on West I'mp qua St. Guest of honor was Miss Jackie Barnes, secretary to the Direclor of Volunteers at the Vet erans Administration Hospital. Games and visiting were enjoy ed during the early evening hours. Many lovely gifts woro presented to Miss Barnes who will become the bride of Gen Bratsch June 23. Refreshments were served and movies were taken of the group. Those attending were Barbara Arthur, Marjoric Martin, Clara Hess, Cynthia Ruttcr, Yvonne Burke, Shirley Champagne, Max ine Ma'.tox, Marilyn Thompson, Marjorie Piehl, Esther Basson, Ar line Olson, Helen O'Neal, Laura- lee Quick, Geral.line Pargeter. Gail Gorthy, the guest of honor and her mother Mrs, Barnes, and the foui ' hostesses. Party Is Given After Graduation A very delightful after-graduation open house party was given by Jerry Colo at '.he home of his par ents, Mr. and Airs. Harold Cole, on Cole Rd. near Umpqi,a for the Oakland graduating class. IlefreshmenU and dancing were enjoyed by some -10 young people. Ardie Brcedlovo helped Jerry host the party. Chaperones were Mr. and .Mrs. Clinton Boyter, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Max Breedlove and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole. Pastors' Wives Given Shower Featured at the special all-day meeting of the women of the Ump qua and Southern Willamette sec tions of the Assembly of God "Churches of Oregon was I pink .nd blue shower honoring the wives of two of the pastors. The affair was held at the Drain Assembly of God Church Thurs day. Honored were Mrs. McQuinn, wife of the Glendale church in the Vmpqua section. Each church represented at the meeting sent a gift. In addition, each of the honorees received a gift from the entire section. Glendale women attending the all-day meeting wei Mrs. Chester Sallee, Mrs. Norval Sheppird. Mrs. D. H. Shepherd, Mrs. C. D. O'Roke and Mrs. Bruce Manning. Penney's r T.A sums 47R U PJ uDB M .((3IjO See lustrous, luxurious rayon . . . voven in smart textures and smoothies! Fashioned into most wanted extra slims! Choose from a wide variety of subtle slripings, carefully detailed -underknots, and smart all-over patterns. Hurry! Save! i A A EEMTO ' Going all out for our 3 g cnerations o Open Fri. Until 9 FATHERS FATHER'S DAY IS JUUZi 137 -7 I NEW LUXURY BLEND IN WASH 'N WEAR Sizes 30 to 42 1 95 You're set for cool comfort, smort looks, with Acrilon acrylic. Rayon and Acetate blend slacks! Penney's fashions them in favorite styles, neatly tailored in perfect toste for summer wear with sports jackets or just relaxing. Zip them through the washing machine ond touch up with the iron if need be. Charcoal, Brown, Med. Grey. SPOILT SHB C188 Men's sizes S, M, L Don't miss Penney's sensational sport shirt event . . . see cool, breezy solids, neat Georgion prints, handsome plaids by famous Dan River Mills, ond, in all the popular summer colors, too! Choose yours in a placket pullover model with button-down collar, or if you prefer, the button front style with semi-spread sport collar! All wosh 'n wear, little or no iron! Come in early . . . get several at this low Penney price MOCCASIN TOES TAKE A NSW TURN (0)W L1 mm CASUAL SLIP-ONS It' dressy! It's cosuol! It's a snsorioool new look! The seam sweep closer to tKe sole for extra style! Sanitized, too, for losfing hygien-c freshness. Sues 6Vz to 12, B, C, D widths. Smooth leather slip-on 8.95 will Jim SOLID COLOR COTTON TERRY BATHROBES Soft, thirsty terry robes art o perfect Father's Doy qj ... he con wear if year round! Blue, pewter, white, spict or town. Siiet S, M, L, XL 6.95 MEN'S EMBOSSED COTTON PJ'S! Notched collar, pullover or club middy styles in fancy or striped patterns! All wash 'n wear, never need ironing! Kite y M, L 2.98 Pima Cotton Wash 'N Wear Dress Shirts! Cool, comfortoblt hort modeU In a light weight, luxurious pimo broadcloth! Hond tailored with pr. Kingdor soft, short point collars, v.nted sImvm! Liltl. no Iron! Sanforized! slits 14Vi to 17 2.98