e 10 The newi-neview, Koseourg, Melrose Grange Holds Memorial And Plans For Church Sunday By NETTIE WOODRUFF A memorial service was conduct ed at the last Melrose Grange meet ing by the chaplain, Mrs. George Showers, assisted by several other officers and the membership join ing in. It was announced that the members would attend the Melrose Church June 17 in the evening in observance of Church Sunday. Sher rie Simmons was vo'ed to mem bership. Earl Wllshire, agriculture chair man, gave a report on compari sons of rural and urban incomes. The Home Economics Club will meet June 13 at the home of Mrs. Stanley Sjogren at 7:30 p m. It was voted to give $25 to the Knights of Pythias Drum and Bugle Corps for the trip to the World's Fair. The next public card party will be June 23 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sommer and two daughters of Eugene spent Sunday with Mrs. Sommer's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pierce. Fred Reece is in Mercy Hospi tal for treatment of a broken blood vessel in hi: eye. j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Withy- i rombe, who have mo.ed to Beaver-1 ton from Corvallis, arrived Friday : evening to visit the Dale Buscn-1 barks and take home their chil dren, Lynne and Jeff, who had been visiting their grandparents the past week. JoAnn Busenbark arrived during the weekend to visit her parents after completing her teaching duties at Philomath High School. She plans to teach in New York State this fall. A largegroup of parents, chil dren and friends attended the Mel rose School annual picnic Friday evening. Baseball games were en joyed. Mrs. Helen Grinnel and Mrs. Dclco Ennous and daughter, Linda, of Lansing, Mich., have gone on to the World's Fair after a visit here wilh Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lucas, their cousins. They also visited other relatives in Roseburg. Mrs. David Schrader and Debbie have returned from a few days in Sacramento, Calif., with Mrs. Schrader's sister, Mrs. Bill Statts, and family. Kathy Schrader stayed with her grandmother, Mrs. Bill Schrader. Mrs. Stanley Freeman and chil dren of Trona, Calif., are spending several weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Argo. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wooton were In Corvallis to attend the gradua tion of their daughter, Dixie, from Portland Markets TUESDAY PRICES Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 39-42c; AA large 35 40c ; A large 34-374c; AA medium 29-35c; AA small 24 211c; cartons l-3c higher. PORTLAND (UPI) '- Eggs to producers f.o.b. at ranch: AA extra large 29 - 32Wc; AA largo 27-.1Uvac; A large 25-27c; AA mci dium 20Zlic; AA small 1518'c. PORTLAND (UPI) Dairy market: Butler To retailers: AA and A prints (i7c; cartons la higher; B j prints IMic. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers: 47 - 48".ic; processed American 5-10 lb loaf, 45-46'2c. Portland Livestock PORTLAND (UPI) (USDA) Livestock : Cattle 131)0; good choice steers 25. 75-27 ; standard low good steers 23 25; few good-choice heifers 24 25 75; canncr-rutter cows 1014. 50; ulilily bulls 18-21.50. Calves 250; good-choice vealers 21 27. Hogs 900; 1 and 2 butchers 200 230 lb 18.5019; 1. 2 and 3 grade 18 18.50; sows 12.50 10.50. Sheep 2500; spring slaughter lambs 20.50-21: lew choice 77 lb at 20: one lot choice-prime old crop lambs 84 lb 15.50; ewes 2.75 4. LEGAL REQUEST FOR BIDS PAINTtNO Douglas County school District No. 4 will receive bids tor painting (various schools) at the Business OMIce, ID58 West Harvard until 1100 a.m. (PSTl, June 29, 162, al which lima they will be opened. Bid forms and spot ideations are avail able at the Business Office. The right Is reserved to rttt any or II bids. nistnd no. i WENDELL B. SMITH Business Manager REQUEST FOR BIDS Douglas County School District No. 4 will receive bids tor tooling al Senior High and Rlvrido Elementary School al the Business Oltlce, IC6 Weit Harvard Avenue, until 11:00 AM (PST) Wednesday, June 27, 19A7. at which time they will be opened, lAMjlaird, and prewnled to Ihe Board or f ducal ion during their regular meeting on that day for disposition Requirements, specifications, and bid con d"'Ofis are on file at Ihe ButineM Office ICS! West Harvard Avenue, Roseburg, Ore gon The School District reserves the right to reecl any or all b'd Wfc NDELL B SMITH OU Maitagj,' no. tm NOTtCt OP FINAL HEARING) tN TMi CIRCUIT COURT OF THfJ ITATB OF OREGON FOR OOUOLAf COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate 04 MATILDA C. JOHN. Decked NOTICE Is hereby given lht the under, signed Norman P. .lonn, exrcufor of tte estate ot Matilda C. John, deceased. ha Mrd m the circuit court of the State ot Oregon for Douglas Count, his final ac count and that said court has by an Oror thereof, designated the Hit day o June. at the hour of 30 AM of said day In court room 'A' in Douglas County courthouse at Roseburg. Oregon, as th time and place for hearing final obiectlons to said f.nat account ei ft settlement o said estate at which said lima end plate at! persons objvrtmq shtl appear and no taus, it any there be, why sd a-iou: should no1 in all th.nqs b" allowed and approved, tna said estate settled and closed nd Norman P. John, eutor, diirged. DATED and first published May J m: 0 NORMAN P. JOHN, Eiecutor of the MATILDA C. JOHN Estate, Deceased WW H, JONES HARRISON R. WlmON Attorneys tor F louitable Bultdi Rosabwrt, Oregon ure. I uet., June it, l04 Oregon Stale University. Dixie, who is Demg married this month, win teach in a Eugene elementary 'school this fall. Steve Chitwood and his grand mother. Mrs. Luvena Stephens, ar rived from California last week to visit the Clarson Chitwoods. Steve, who was married to Karen Owens June 9, has been stationed at March AFB. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Aydelott spent several days last week in Portland visiting Mrs. Aydelott's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Rieker, and en route home spent some time with friends in Springfield. The R. 0. Tjomslands and Bob by attended to business Sunday in Mcdford. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pierce drove to Grants Pass Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Woodrow Niel sen, and family. Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Advirtilinf For Bunnell Within ftesbur Tuda Arei Card of Thonk $1.50 1-Day rat 2 lines . 1.00 3-Day rat 2 lines , . 1.75 6-Day rata 2 lines ..... 2.50 30-Day rate 2 lines 5.50 I -Day rate 3 lines ............ 150 3-Day rate 3 lines 2.50 6-Day rate 3 lines ............ 3.50 30-Day rote 3 lines . 7.50 CREDIT Abort ntis sjbjtct to 50 ctnti service eh'e for credit DEADLINES Prlvitt' Party Mvartisinf 2 P.M. Djv Prior to Publication. Trie Newi-Review reserves the fight toclotufy, edit or itjict any Classified Ad copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your idvertlsement ippfirs Incorrectly, notily us immediately. We will not be responsible for more than on Incorrect insertion. Such responsibility li limited to a correct Intattion of advertisement Rtfantfi Will Nit Be KUtf Uiri Tdee m Cm SUBSCRIPTION RATES it Oreien ly Milt monli, $l.7Si three months, 14.90; in naithi. fi.OQi eni yur, i 11.00. Outside at Oreian fty Mail ana month $1-75; three menths, tt.Mj sii months, 10.5B ant iir, $21.00. Carrier and Roseburg P. 0. Bam One month, S1.T9 tlx (ninths, $18. Mj ana year, $21.00. Par Unfit Copy lot. Mall Ratal Apply OutH.i ' City Li Mill Mail Iuhicrlpl.au Mutt Be Pail li Adviaca PAPER DELIVERY If your paper il not delivered Call OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Cards Of Thanks CARD OF THANKS THE K'Nnwm and sympathy of neighbors and friends In our recent sorrow will al ways remain a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude tor alt those comforting acts. Mr. arwi Mrs. Ray B Hampton. Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous Or 3-M29. YOUNG WOMEN of n7falthneedrngcon fldenllal advice may contact Catholic Char Mies, 771 w. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5-3642. IN DEBT? DON'T let bills cost your ob, your Credit, everything you own I IF you art In debt beyond your abllily lo pay and sincerely want to gel out of debt, tea BUDGET CON SUL TANTS and have us explain our DfcBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, ai a pay. ment you can afford. No Wurity, no co-signers. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Kosphurg, Oregon i Ph. OR 2-XWl j wwv' 433 SE Main St. Where To Go 10 TOURIST We welcome you and hope you eroy your stay. W wish to extend our hospital ity and invite you to a fine meal at THE BROILER And when you're ready to leave you may wish to take with you a picnic lunch for fhot brief noon stop on the road. We include plates cups, and utensils for your convenience. These lunches may be picked un ot any time at THE BROILER 719 Cam OR 9 3445 11 I WILL NOT bt rMMnilbl for debt othor than my own. Eupena C. Stanley. Help Wanted 14 DONT ENVY US, oln us It a Rew leigh Dealer, lull or pari Ifme. Available In Roseburg For details phona M. Fagin Sutheriin or wrna Kewieign, Adeline, Oakland, Calif, Help Wanted Men 15 MAN experienced In operating New Holland hay baler. OR MEN wanted for motel management train ing. See Classification iv. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Oouglas County Really. Ilia 5.fc. aiepnens. RELIABLE man,' live In, to lift Invalid. $60 mo. No drinking. OR3-5W5. make"more money IF YOU want to make more money than ynu ever thought possible and still be assured of steady work with a very prom ising future apply at 941 SE Stephens, 9 to 10 a.m., weekdays. Or call OR 2-3W1. SALESMAN WANTED SELL Frigidaire Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply in person UMPQUA VALLEY 635 S E. Stephens St. Help Wanted Women 16 WOMEN wanted for motel management train ing. See Classification 19. BABY-SITTING my horneT Rifle RangeRd, Have References. OR 2-3643. WANTED LADY who has own transporta tion to baby sit In my home from 7:30 A.M. to 5:45 p.m. OR 3-7275. WANTED woman for general housework In the country. One child acceptable. Ref erences required. Write Box 447, News Review. Work Wanted 17 WANTED work for a 10 yard dlesel dump truck. OR 3-7934. EXPERT ALTERATIONS. Mrs-Grego7iaF. Ortiz. 3 S. E. Pilzer St., OR2-2332. IRONING In my home, $1 hour; also baby sitting. OR 3-5001. CUSTOM BALING Ike Cllne OR 3-6954 IRONING MY HOME OR 7-3609 HOUSEWORK WANTED BY DAY. Call MYRTLE jCREEK863-3356 HOUSEWORK by the hour. $1 per" hour plus carfare. OR 3-4878. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, large or small lobs, S3.00 per hour. Call OR 3-5442. WILL DO Ironing in my home at 75 c hour. J . 0R 749 WASHING, IRONING AND MENDING. OR 2-3628 IRONING, 75c per hour. 7961 Younl. OR 3-6133. HAVE YOUR summer clothes made now work guaranteed. OS 9-S645. cab"inet"and"carpenterwork Hour or contract. OS 9-5613 EVENING "TYPING WANTED" Wit type from shorthand. Dictaphone, or long hand draft. Can -give excel, references. OR 2 4283 alter 6 p.m. COLLEGE STUDENT wants work. 4 years USAF clerical experience: IBM typewriter uuu wpmt, Muihiiih reproduction, calcula tor, tiling systems, correspondence, fonms Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS OR 3-7517 MOTEL MANAGEMENT :MENrWOMEN AND COUPLES wanted lor immediate training. Excellent future. American Mo tels, Inc., Box 468, News-Review. ANYONE Interested In lessons on skin 'diving Dy National (.ertuiea instructor contact H Floyd Tatom, Roseburg Skin Diver's Sup ply, 740 NE Garden Vly Blvd. OR 7-4116, Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted conlracls, also equities. Phone OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091. WANTEO 17000. T0 Interest, good secur- r 18 B06' News-Review. REAL ESTATE LOANS to S3SWal902nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture and sig nature loans. Laurenllde Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial industrial Fi nance; Corp. $13 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned r,d Operated Loans Up to S1500 On molor vehicles and furniture 719 SE Washington OR 3-5581 "BEStTSHES" For An Enjoyable Vacation Your bank barks you up in many ways. For example, if your budu- et doesn't quite stretch to cover the holiday you have planned. perhaps a time-payment loan will see you happily on your way and safely home. We'll help you if we can! DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK B2 SK Jju-ksnn OH 2-4401 Business Opportunities 22 MAJOR BRAND service station for tale. Call OR 3-9141 LAUNDROMAT Servlce' store. ' WeT'establlth". ed. Business expansion excellent. OR 3-JOlt, FOR SALE HOTEL CANYONVILLE with CotfMi Shop. Only hotel in town, Consider trade. Call 139641. APARTMENT HOUSE," ?W pfrmolncome. Close to city center. Call OR 2-1S60. MANOR MOTEL 9 units. t acres. Month ly, weMy and daily rentals, irarely va cant), iW.OOO Easy terms, small down. M.Qht take some trade. 4 Mi. So. Myr tle Creek 99 BK. Ph. IJ9 45J7, Canyonvllle. Man and Wife Grocery On busv highway In Rivetnirq Welt equipped with modern futures. S'ocx W ll invenloc y around JS COO. Rent i00 irKludixg living quarters Wtl stand invest loalion. Excellent terms. McAneney Real Estate OR 2 -U171 Commercial Rentals 24 jOFHCE butkJ.-o, St. level, across from ! Courthouse. Reachable. oR yiJ Rim DINT. FOR Rl NT of lase Icrmert t itom Riii Carrnt. Cartn t-urnlture, I Si or ran OR WKSTSIDK OKFII'K SHIT. IHUFF ROOM Include lntrhn win tile drainbftrd. flatfi ift.th howr Pirfc.rg ar floor for gy i, fiterW txatton ff- dent 4l, rtfurtng. fcoonw -f errr fe um. ! w. Harvard OR MM7 eve. TheP-ople' Market Place Is the News-Review Classi fftd Want Ads Notices .Wanted To Rent 25 1 WANTED 1 BR house fireplace, utility room, carport. After S, OR 3-5107. Apartments For Rent 26 CLEAN S room furnished flat. OR 2-3370 EXTRA NICE furnished apt. Suitable for couplt or small family. OR 3-6354. Small i-urnished apt., cioso in. 1132 SE Mam, after 5:30 p.m, ATTRACTIVE,-roomy furnished apt. lor lady Phone OR 3-6117. ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments at Oakhill Apts. Phone OR3-4340. furnished apts. kay Aprs, izi se Main. Phono OR 3-7945. FURNISHED mPT, 4 rooms, bath. Conveni ent, clean. Adults. J7SEPine. TWO BRapt in"3-pie. on SE Main. With garage. Adults. OR 3-4340. "LARGE APARTMENT, CLOSE IN OR 3-5117 PARTLY furnished, small three-room duplex. Water, and garbage paid. OS 95413. LARGE 2-bdm. completely redecorated apt. Picture wlndow.Partly furn.OR 3-30M. LARGE 2 Bdrm. unfurnished apt. Heat, lights, water furnished. 1774 NE Klamath. OR 2-1964 Th BLOCKS FROM' DOWNTOWN LARGE, unfurnished apt. Utilities furnished. Call after p.m. OR3-6392. ONE BR apT Washer, drver, stove and refrigerator furnished. Close In. OR 3-438L eves OR 3-4741. A' TRACTIVE redecorated 1 BR apts. Elect. heat, all utilities (urn. Price from 165 to SBO. 2817 W. Harvard. OR 2-14i2. THREE ROOArTfurn. apt. water and garb. paid. Garden Valley Blvd. at 1433 NE Falrmount. FURNISHEbapL "Aduitji onlyTlMO and" S0 mo. Close convenient location. 844 SE B rock way Ave. Apartments. OR 2-9039. HONEYMOON SPECIAL Furnished apt. with kltchen-tlving-bed areas. Balh with shower. Private outside en trance. Large storage areas. East side. S50 mo. OR 2-1577 eves. Kohlhagen Apts. Modern, reasonable rent Jackson St. at Lane Ave. ADULTS OR 3-3244 "A Good Place To Live" TODD "APARTMENTS 1-2-3 bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Water and garb. serv. provided also heat in some. Rents from US up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts. gas equipped OR 3-5863 wmcnesier tt hoi water heat OR 3-7466 Vlsta Homes Hot water heal OR 2-4388 Westvue Ct. Washer -drver OR 2-3549 Oakhill Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3-4340 South Gate Vicinity TWO nice 1 bdrm apis, lovely sur roundings. Privale-qulet. Water, garb age paid. Laundry facilities. Adults only. Sorry, no pets. Inquire at Shady Point Trailer Soles Rooms For Rent 27 St EEPING ROOMS for gentlemen. 817 S. E. BiAkly, IV3 blks S.E. from Bus Depot. SLEEPING rooms, 732 SE Jackson. Next door to Penneys. OR 3-3328. NEAT and clean sleeping room for employed lady. Walking distance. Garage available. OR 3-4376. HOUSEKEEPING R OOMwlt hf u I F kite hen facilities. Bath wilh tub. First floor. Out side entrance. Adults. East side. $50 mo. In cluding heat and water. OR 2-1577 eves. Room And Board 28 ROOM AMD BOARD. Homo away from home OR 3-3092 Houses For Rent 29 i - , LARGE HOUSE not over 2 children, $70. Winston. OS 9-5418. SMALL 3-room furnished "houseT "OR2-158i alter 5 P.M. SMALL 3-room unfurnished house, across trom community Hospital. OR 2-3B47. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rates. 4620 Nt bicpnens. paciric Motel. ONE TO FOURBdrmhomesremMles or single elderly. OR 36548. CLEAN 1 Bdrm unfun. duplex. Extra room in basement, carport. OR 2-1090. FOUR BP unturn, home. For Information call OR 3-8302. MODERN 2 BR-house with-garden- spot. 10 miles OUl. OR 3-86?6. ONE BEDROOM modern partly-furnished house, S35 mo. 104 Club St., OR 3-4368. WINSTON 2 BR unfurn. downstairs "duplex. Carport, util, room, elect, heat, water turn. No pets.I60. OS 9-5135. 4 ROOM modern house. Store room and garage. 1 mites west of Melrose Store. OR 3-7869 WINSTON Clean 2 bedroom modern un furnished house, water and garbage dis . posal pnld,$50. OS 9-5409. FURNISHED small' house! 1 bdrm,,-suitable tor 1 adult or couple. Located In Garden Valley area. OR 3-4B77 alter 6 P.M. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 FOR RENT 2 Bedroom trailer house, 3 miles E. of town on N. Umpqua Highway. Ph. OR 3-4912 EXTRA NICE J or I Bdrm modernfurnlstv ed trailers. Adults only. Inquire Timber Town Trailer Park. ?010 NE Stephens. OR 3-6354 Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE Shade. Walking distance to town. 1421 SE Short St. OR 3-71 OS. DESIRABLE 50'vcancy. We lnvltecompar Ison. Trailer Haven, 499 NE Sterling. LOOK at the" rest Andfor$25 perMo. LIVE IN THE BEST TOWN & COUNTPY MOBILE PARK 377; NW Wulholland Dr. OR 21151 TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NK Stephens Bef accommodation for all sir trail ers, Incl. all electrics. Paved SK, land itartwj, big lawn, metered gat. I block from Safeway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 31 FT. '55 FLAMINGO TRAILER CR 2 J1. TWO BR'42x Schult, bay windows. Aluminum awning. SJ300. OR 3-7202. EQUITY in" 3 BR 10 x 50' trailer house. OS S3 atter p m. X I', 3-bedroom Spent e-C raft Libertv trailer, jioco equity. Make otter. Call Riverside 7-221. Eugene. 2?' MOUSE TRAILER, you-fl. $'0O. Or trsrtr tty Arch.e a Wreckers, or Ph. Sutherlm 4115 ' OPPORTUNITY! HFRE S your ehanco to get Into a 10 X Si' t 1 Srdroom KXPANPO $750 CASH! WtlL purchase iXXX) equitv. This mobrit hoov h..s h.t.1 ecHnt care Ltvino room carpe'M Fully turnisned. Vour cah will bo Vt i VALUF here" See Charles Bon- OU at M4DY POINT TRAILER SALE S. 1 M. Sooth HWV BR. OR J-14t EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Pk Paramount Cimaj-lo l.inc Trailer Supplies 1W0 Nfc Sleonns OR 3-J3M SITE for your dream home could be in "Lots ond c?eages". Take ' look! Dial OR 2-3321 321 n FT. 1960 KENSKILL trailer. 2600. OR 3-80W SHADY POINT Trailer Sales NEW TRAILERS Nashua Bilrmore Santa Fe Full line of used 8 wides Parl tt Accessories Awnings Coolers E-Z lift hitches 1 mi S. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes 55' Mobile Home With 12' x 18' Living Room -SEE IT NOW al J & j Trailer Sales Angeies Airstream Traveleze 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 2-3441 DRIVE OUT TO RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 at Winchester For belter living at lower cost see our quality mobile homes. Elcar Or expandable models are de signed for beauty and living comfort. Fleetwood Quality at low cost Shasta The greatest value in travel trailers. Good Buys in Used Trailers FOR DEPENDABLE TOWING Call OR 3-7272 Real Estate - 34 FOUR BEDROOM modern home, Westmore land Add. OR 2-2935 aft. 6 p.m. and wkends. THREE BR HOUSE wliraccepMatemod el pickup as down payment. OS 9-5544. THREE ACRES7 modern 2 BR "homeTMel rose area.$ll,500 S3500 down. OR3-6425. WILBUR ? BR house, 2'i acres, S9500. Call OR 3-698) weekends only. FOUR bedroom, 2 baths. Wests Ide, good lo cal iort.jSle.SOOJerms. OR 3-8232. TWO BR house, 2 car garage. Winston. SA800. Will accept trade. OS 9-5215. FOUR BDM." house, 2 full balhs, sawdust furnace, fireplace, bsmt. $8,400. OR 2-3201. ONE bedroom" house needs some repair, small lot. Close lnS3000, jrnall dn. 2-257t. FOUR bedroom, 2 baths, double garage. 0R2"ir:i TWO BR HOUSE, close In; fireplace, land scaped. $6flOO.OR 3-34B6.1230 Fullerton. TWO BR turn, house, near Joseph Lane Junior High. $5500, termsOR 3-7586. TEN ROOM house, 3"acres. 3 rentals turn. $12,500 $2500 dn. OS 9-5613. NEW 3 BR, dbl. carport, 1"? baths. Choice location or Fisher Rd. S15,900.OR3-4884. THREE BR Cloverdate home, "equity $1700. OR 2-39B6 FOUR" YEAR old, 3 'bdrm 'home, "beautiful river view. OS 9-8427. CABtNTV acre. South Coos River, trade tor Roseburg property, or $4500. OR 2-306 or Writ PO Box 385, Roseburg. LARGE" 2 bedroomhom on acre lot, near school and PO. On Page road, Win chester. J1t,500.OR 2-2916. THRFE Bdrm tvtnnalow house on large lot. 2 blocki from Benson School. $5750, terms. Phone OS 9-5671, TWO BR house, playrm, Ige corner lot. Set at 744 W. Fair haven after S, weekdays, all day. Sat. and Sun. TWO ACRES pumice soil tn Glide area. Also 55 acrt ranch, Tenmua area, can uy 6-3134. FOR SALE MYRTLE CREEK Good 3 BR house 5 blocks from downtown. $6500, $1000 down. Ph.e63-3306,ftAyrtl Creek. FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 balhs, near" Fulterton School. On State Gl now. $17,500. 314 W Susan. OR 2-4284. CLEAN-4 BR home7tpl. carpet, buitt-ins, utility, garage. Near Byrd's Mkt. Reason ble. OR2-I460 A.M. OR 3-4383 P.M. STARTER CABIN on large view Int. Roberts Creek Rd. Water, flee, available. $1750. Small dn., easy terms. Rets. OR 3-5321 P.M. or eves. WESTSIDE nice 2 bedroom home, room upstairs tor extra bttlroom, neat kitchen, utility, large front room, hardwood floors. Garage, sewer paid. OR 3-3227. 16 ACRES, 3 bedroom home, large and spacious rooms. Numerous outbuildings, all in good shape. $17,000. For Information call OR 3-7217 alter 5 pm HUCREST AREA 3 bdrm. house, oil fur- t nace heat, circ. fireplace, covered pat.o. Uhltty, garage. 1714 NW 'Kline St. OR 3-3301 I'j ACRES on Highway 42. Live stream, family orchard. 2 BR house. 2 wells, chicken house. $10,600. Cash or bank terms. Please call after 12 P.M. OS 9-5259. - I THREE bedroom modern house with car port. Large utility room. Overlooking Win ston Valley, $7900. Consider laKIng in trailer house.Pho OS9-5671. THRFE BEDROOM house, West Slopes, f'"i baths, wall lo wall carpeting, torced air furnace. Double carport. Near Market. Inq. 737 W. Luellen, or phone OR 3-850. TWO "large Bdrms, den, utility room, dish washer, patio, knotly pine living room, furnace heat. Garage. Lawn, shrubs, fenc ed back yd. NrJr Hi. $10,750. OR 2-4656. LOVELY BR, 2 bathroom home " View lot Priced at FHA appraisal, will con sider. 2 BR 50x10' suitable mobile home as down payment . ISO C. Jorgens, Win ston, jnd house olf 99. WESTSIDE "quality 2 BRhome ,llrrplace, wall-to-wall carpet, draperies, Frost-Frr re'rig , dishwasher, range. Dbl qaraq. landscaped, fenced, fruit trees. $1400, $1,500 Down, terms. OR 3-6077. TWO BR modern home, with 4 acres. 3 miles west ot Glide. $10,500, askmq siOOO down. Ph. ORchard 2-482 or write to Alice Carr, 2745 Highland Way, Corvallis. Oreaon THREE BR HOMEwith f(reolaceelo trie dKhwasher, buch buiit-ins. bate board heat. Has 5 acres, all fenced, permanent pasture, Includes- J HP eiectric irrigation system OR 32456 NEW HOUSE ON Fnher Road I level, 1 2' i oaths. 3 bedroom (could b 5 t"- i ptacs, loe family room, birch kitchen, j bvrr-.n appliances, forced air heat. Doube ! carpet Call OR 3-50 evenings. Inquire at 737 w Luellen. THRFE REOROOM5 la ch mwv 7 ' Well built, excellent conoif-on D'i"-ij : room, cement ufilirv, be.i'jtihjl floors. Near school, stoft, bus. Lanrtcaped. oraen ; ar. plnly H500 terms, j os Met j An od writer will be glad to help you word your ad. There is no BEST dov to advertise in the Want-Ad section EVERY DAY is the best day! CaU OR 2-3321' Mobile Homes Real Estate 34 LARGE TRADITIONAL house, I blocki from town, itil B4rms, 1 batrn. Ihina-itchen. Back yard with fireplace. 1 lot for ex pans ioq, 1 lot with car port, ideal location 179.500. CallOR 23754 or OR 2-4347. REDUCED TO SELL oWner leaving. 3 bedroom, J bams, tg. rooms, hreplact, den, din. room. Beautifully landscaped, plus cute new mother-in-law 1 bdrm house, suitable for rental, S19,B0o $3,000 dn. FHA. 462B SW Canes Rd. OR 3-1796. TWO TO FOUR bdrmhomelarge room's", plenty of storage. (i acre lot, good soil. In city. Coverea patio with fireplace, hard wood floors, ceramic tile in kllcrv-n. Teach er leaving. Priced for quick sale, (10,500. Now has 'VVA Joan. Call OR3-3570. BY OWNER Nice family home, large living room, separate dining room, nice kitchen. Extra large Inside utility, 2 full bathrooms. 2 large bedrooms, etra nice family room with facilities for 3rd bed room. Fireplace in living room and fam ily room. Price $15,900. Terms, reffnance. Immediate possession. Call OR 3-3191 tor appointment. $3500 LARGE LOT on Military. . .trees . .view. . .excellent building lo cation. . .privacy. Roseburg Realty Umpqua Hotel OR 2-3344 Eves OR 2-3553 DILLARD HOME THREE BR's on large lot with de tached 1 BR rental. Lots of furniture included. $7500, with $1000 down. The Homefinders 1561 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. CALL Anytime OR 2-4477 FISHER ROAD BEAUTY 1 acre. 3 BR on river. You'll lovt It. 116,900. Roseburg Realty Umpqua Hotel OR 2-3344 Eves OR 2-3553 SPECIAL FIRST TIME ofered, you asked for It and here It is! 30 acres, 25 culti , vated, full line of equipment. Good well. Newer two bedroom home, 2 barns and a feeder shed. Privacy. Full price $13,000 with $2,000 dn. KELLER REAL ESTATE 853 SE Stephens OR 3-3610 JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE DOWNTOWN 2 BDRM. home. Pay $500 down and move in today. Price, $5,250. RIVER FRONTAGE 7" ACRES level good river bottom soil in Garden Valley. Family or chard. Nice 3 Bdrm. home, Price $17,700. Terms. 5 IRRIGATED ACRES 4 YR. OLD 3 Bdrm. home with hot water circulating heat, orchard. Irri gation system, nice small barn. 3 miles out. Price, $24,000. DIXONVILLE 14 ACRES free soil, wilh 2 homes. Live in one and rent Ihe other. One 2 bedroom home and one 1 bedroom furnished home. Good water. Fenced. Price, $13,800 with $2,500 down. Jim Bevans 957 NE Stephens Ph. OR 2-3731 Day or Night RESALE ' SOLD SATURDAY but deal frit through RURAL 2 ACRES makes an ideal setting for this attractive 2 bedroom home on a creek. With large trees, garden and lawn. Barn, storage sheds, and carport. Home has den which can be used for 3rd bed room. Lennox oil heat. F Ireplace. Also included are ail drapes and window coverings, w-w carpet inq, mirror over the fireplace. Irrigation pump and pipe. All for only $12,500. Owner will consider trade for nice west side home of about same value. WESTSIDE 4 BEDROOM ROOMY attractive home in desirable area on much wanted West side. Built-in aopliances including garbaqe disposal and dishwasher. 2 baths, dining room. Garage and future fam ily room atached. This home Is only about 1 year old I et us show this to you. Only $16,950. H.J. WINTER "A Most Trusted Name In Real Estate" REALTOR Phone OR 3-7043 525 S. E. Main St., Roseburg "Bob" Horn, OR 3 670 f-"j-Kerp 0j Lois Winter, OR 3-4583 Rita Barcus eve. Ph. 3-3607 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE OFFICES in PORTLAND & ROSEBURG Let us know what you have to Trade RETIRE on This 5' i ACRES In Glide area Small starter house Good wed and ease ment lor irrigation and access to North Umpqua River, 12' j m.ies from Roseburg $1550 down payment baance Ui a month. TOTAL PRICE $6500. NEED MORE SPACE TRY THIS 3 bdrm with bath nd "V Larae tamilv sued hitctwn, largo litfina rm, ha? firrciiace with raned hearth, ) ntce sued bdrms, utility ard unlinked tvsereot o.ves f"e Storsejf; trace every tamily nerH. tn, homt jut i years old afd cated on nice res-oential street. Ow er has moved ard it ot'e'mo for $i.?00 w-m inmjialepOe4son. VIEW HOME VP 700 WITH LOW down Damnt. t U'tje bdrmi, rtdwd floors, '"poiac. Attacned garg, very "fat w tn twen ty ot storage. Immediate potteivon. NEW LISTINGS $'4 ?00 LARGE J bdrm fq btxtvfl hj 'redwood buiit.ns. 'a-rny ditng rn ndMd floor i "3. fireplace, ward. rce coets n J n.ce wed OeO oo pA'Ve l' ' ty rooit ft Oeo'f :e .'t; rvo g' ,je 0" .s oMei- at MA, aco'et pfe. '"e can aavs US VOtnr g1 l;!'rg' 916 S. E. Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Even.-'j call IrH Rin-t ft 1 Go. -4 Ot '- OR 2 241? ! k t''ll i Real Estate 34 LOGGERS ATTENTION! This is hot! 4 B R. south of town, excel lent shape, huge lot, 36x42 steel building parks 4 trucks. J13.500. Roseburg Realty OR 2-3344 L'mpqua Hotel Eves OR 2-3553 ACREAGES Approximately 4 acres in Ditlerd area. Mostly level, paved Street, with 3 room ceiled cabin. Electricity and kitchen builtins, etc. $4250, $300 down, $35 month. FOUR LEVEL ACRES Landers Lane, paved street, city water. $4250, $300 down, $35 month. Very nice for frailer home or homes. Call LEHMAN REAL ESTATE OR J-6153 or EVES OR 3-6091 ESTATE SALE Parcel No. 1 SPACIOUS older 4 bedroom home. Good condition. M'xl30' lot. East Douglas Street. $9500 TERMS OPEN Parcel No. 2 TWO "Efficiency" apartments In old building. Some furniture. 90' x B0' lot ust off East Douglas Street. $3500 TERMS OPEN ATTENTION VETERANS USE your G.I. loan. Have good three bedroom. Closing costs only. Call for details. Call Bob Dishman KEN BAILEY Real Estate , 830 S. E. Rose Office OR 3-4428 Home OR 2-3294 GROW WITH WINSTON 1 NEAR SCHOOL This attrac tive 2 bedroom home has L shapjd living and dining room. Den, very nice kitchen, large utility room. Also located on large fenced lot is a playhouse for the little miss, and a good storage and shop building. There is real value here, S8900 FHA or GI. 2 IN GREEN Nice 2 bedroom with hardwood floors, fireplace, gas paneled heat, ceiled gar age, could convert into fam ily room. Large lot 61 X 198', fenced. Only $8500, $650 down CALL US We have homes in all price brackets. AND YOU ' Who have property to list we would appreciate your confidence in placing it with us. Winston Branch Reynolds & Bauer Real Estate OS 9-5511 Nora Cracroft Howard Cracroft OR 2-3M7 OR 2-3677 NEW LISTINGS t $14,000.00 Is' the FHA appraisal on this well built 3 bedroom home en ex tra large lot in the Hucrest area. Circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, car port and garage. A good home pric ed to sell. 2 $13,500.00 Large 3 bedroom home on nearly 3 acres of river frontage ground. Pay only $1,000 down and assume Gl loan. Double carport, garage, hard wood floors, large living room, large dining room, excellent garden ground. Irrigation system from river, city water, etc. Who could ask for more. 3 $15,000,00 Is the asking price on this 4 bedroom home on N E. Winches ter street. 2 bathrooms, concrete foundation, garage and carport, trees, shrubs and lawns. Owner will sell for $2500 down or on 01 or FHA Fi nancing. 4 53,750.00 Three room expandable home on 1 desirable acre of land sit uated on the Roberta Creek Road. 2 5 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc. A good little home, but without bathroom. City water, etc. $500 or less down and $50 per month Including principal. Interest, taxes and his. How can you buy cheaper, 5 $1500 Excellent 1O0X17O building lot on North West Keasey, close to Garden Valley Road. Don't miss this hard to find location) $11,500 00 Laurel wood ? bedroom home with wall to wall carpeting, forced air oil furnace, basement, large living room with fireplace, formal dining room, large kitchen with separate breakfast nook, garage and landscaped lot. A wonderful home for couple or couplt and 1 child. Especially suited for retirement couple. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YCUR LISTINGS 2 Stevenson Realty lhS 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE OR 2-1614 ((X? j vuv Evenings VJ" Leonord, OR 3-77 1 1 Stevenson, OR 3-8744 Sconce, OR 3-4058 REYNOLDS and BAUER Real Estate 806 SE CASS PHONE OR 2-1413 HAVE YOU "RENTER'S BLUES"? YOU CAX move right into this 2 bedroom home, with a $500 down payment. Nice livinR room, kitchen and dining combina tion. Utility. Deep lot with good soil. Full price $5000. SIXTY ACRE RANCH ABOUT one half tillable. Balance hill pasture. Good S year old home with aluminum shingle roof. Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen with dining area. Utility, fruit room. New barn, chicken house. Good well and creek. About 13 miles of Rose burg. Roseburg School District. Well priced at $15,000, $3,500 down. Balance at $75 per month, including interest. HERE IT IS THIS RANCH Is topsl 662 acres, 500 acres seeded. 2 very good 3 and 4 bedroom homes. 2 nice creeks. 2 barns, 2 ponds. 1100 ton concrete silo. All fenced and cross fenced.. It is now running 250 head of cattle. Seeing is believing. $78,000 with het of terms. THIS OWNER WANT'S A LOT AT GLIDE as part for his 2 bedroom home with large back yard, in nicely wooded setting. Hardwood floors, 12xU living room, single garage and patio. Equipped with gas furnace and wired 2311. If you haven't cot a lot. he will accept $2000 down wilh a total payment of $81 per month including taxes. Total prica $8,300. CHARLES MUMBY LOU BASSETT F H. "Doc" POCOCK 2. F. REYNOLDS H. J. BAUER 1 Real Estate 34 NEWER 4 bedroom home, overlooking South Umpqua. Large recreation room, birch kitchen, built In Frigidairt refrigerator, range, oven, dishwasher. Disposal, inter com, 3 ceramic tile baths. 2 fireplaces. Wool carpeting, drapes. 2W sq- ft. $23 ooo, flexible terms, soma trade. Idaho own er here to sell. 151 Newton Drive, Win ston, Hwy 42 to Illinois Heights. THREE bedrooms, cemented patio. Roclc fence along cement U-drive. River loam yard. Weil landscaped. Flowers, shrubs. Double carport built of 6x" studs, 4xt" ceiling loists. 2x6" ratters, new roof on carport and 10 year old home. Around entire lot-cement foundation. Creosoted 4x6" posts, fenced in back. Ribbon mahogany cabinets in kitchen, steel double sinks. $4 'S running foot inlaid linoleum. Oining, liv ing, bedroom has large plate glass win daws. Hardwood floors. Cool-Top furnace. 2 full baths, 1 colored with doublo sink. Attractive carved wood paneling. Birctl doors. If this place suits your require ments, I don't think you could beat the buf money-wise or quality-wise. Just $12,762 terms. OS 9-5601. ATTENTION Homeowners! New State Farm Homeowners Policy wraps all 4 major coverages into 1 policy, saves you 1 duller in every 4. NORM BLEAKMAN STATE FARM Fin md Ciwallr tl Hcmi Olnce: Bloominfton, iinnots 1229 W. Harvard. OR 3-5084 ' LACKEY REAL ESTATE An Exchange For Buyers & Seller 65 ACRES, small 9 bdrm home. 11 miles out. Mostly cleared, drilled well. $8000. Vj down. $10,250. $350 DN (plus dose cost), mod 3 bdrm Newton Creek, corner lot. Fenced backyrd. Nice. $9000. $1600 dn to $71 month cont. Large 2 bdrm, carport, near city off East Douglas. HAVE newer Winston 3 bdrm. East side, carport and storage, $10,750. WANT 10X50 trlr to Clear $4200 equity. Phone us. $11,800. $400 DN (plus close costl, Large mod. 2 bdrm, beautiful lot, garaqe, 2 blks Hucrest School, fire place. $11,000. $350 DN (plus dose cost), 3 bdrm Newton Creek, fireplace, car poii, trees. yrs. old. WESTSIDE, $12,500. $400 dn (plus close cost), 3 bdrm, family and din. rm., carport and garage, patio, trees, block from grade school. HAVE MOD 3 bdrm, fireplace, bath with vanity, sep. din, rm. and utility, large fenced yard. South. WANT small 2 bdrm home or large trailer. What have you? HAVE 3 story 4 bdrm Winston, fire place, dble garage, view. $14,700. WANT small 2-3 bdrm. Roseburg or 10X55 trailer. Phone today. WESTSIDE, huge 3 bdrm Calif. Ranch, $17,200. 10 dn, 2 ceramic tiled bths, fireplace, paneled living rm wall, all kitch bit-ins, dbla gar age. See this beauty. Lease with Option to Buy. 2 story 4 bdrm, fireplace, sep. dining rm, patio, full basement, oil forced air heat. $14,000 Malheur St, HAVE 65 acres (pasture land), nice 2 bdrm home, Myrtle Creek, $16,500. WANT Roseburg 2 bdrm to $10,009 Lei's trade. CO-OP Member 413 SE Jackson OR 2-1659 Came 2-1886 Lackey 3-3147 Peck OR 2-4534 OR 3-7308 CR 2-: i OR 2-bi39 OR 3-4504 OR 2-1085'