o Japan .nwr to Praviout Purilo ACROSS (Corpse 1 Jipio if known n" 'orm) is li "Und ot ;S".Mur Ihe San ifHiiimiwn 7 Tba mtinUnd, 8 Moldines u ih v Horse (deros.l Urgest island in " g'PO" .. om..o 1 1 Hillne ancestor 32 Employs 19 Japanese ' outcast 21 Kind of bee! 22 Samples. 23 Handle 24 Pitcber 25 Female horse 28 Cease 29 End (comb, form) the group 13 ldolizer 14 Shooting marbles 15 Relie 16 Envor 17 Mariner's direction 18 Female ruff 20 Quietening adtnonisnmenu IPLLfctiE AiSiHJ PiAU.,J 1 AD EMI Of Al ATrttl IhIaIt ilpu'upnJA'srrtsi h o p g'r.lE v'h r r si Ia b!e!dMhc31sEHa'D'e LE rtaIn nLgp TTuIg aC IT end aIcsteI StRSJ 2! Race 23 Blood (comb, ieer) 26 Sorrowful 27 Italian city 31 Cognizant 33 Fall flower 34 Flowerless plants 35 Long outer garment 36 Large plant 37 Membranous pouch 40 Epic poetry 41 Leaves 44 Iguanid lizard 47 Juliet's bov friend 48 Before At Incrustation S3 Rays 55 Boy's name 56 Nero, for instance 57 Rocks 68 Sally DOWN 1 Uncommon 2 Roman date 3 Fish 4 War god 30 Angers 32 Electrical unit 33 While 37 Games 28 Dutch measure 39 Wave tops 42 Expunge 43 is this nation's capital 44 Shoshonean Indians 45 Small pastry 46 Italian stream 48 State i Fr.) 49 Kidney i comb, form) 50 Royal Italian family name 52 Number 54 Arrival (ab.) ri 3 14 15 16 I I? 8 jJ Il6 111 Il2 rj iS rj n rjr-ri 21j J?" ' ' 5i Jl '"i u 5T- H fa 38 i r1 H Tlg trju tfT 1 1 ' rrr n;rFrF 51 52 53 54 U 5J 57 JJ 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I If Your Paper Hot Not Arrived By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 & 7 P.M. Soturdoy Only 3 To 5 P.M. FROM NINE TO FIVE 8y o Fischer "You should see the one that got away." SOME CAVS I TASTE LIKE AN INFERIOR BRAND .' cr max HAZEL, ARE "TOU SURE ( NOW, WALDO.V IF WE WAIT TILL WE t C WE CAN AFFORD ALL V. LET'S BE CAN AFFORD TWIN-SS A AH! HOME lJ " CjIS TUFF?Jv-r ( PRACTICAL! ) WE'LL NEVER GET THEM! J PJnrmmfn' m 1,1 l,eaialiMiE.UP'hTfrtt;yirsftt,j Byname cops rhythm- butiwouip j Li.UJ ui0tte T0Wf WN6 go wLp As TO0 II HOt() mT rwo-ijil Deb kl BORROWED CAR We AgANDONER 6ET HOWE TWIIlSM H!Ls. '3 ""BUMS SCORE, AND THE THROW FROU 11 RUN LEAOiAWP VKS'Alc' W6LL BE SAFf- W A HIDEOUT 7j0El ITMUST BEI you cau ALLEY OOP AND HIS NEWLY lACQUIBED STEED WEEE IRECEIVEO IN THE NATION'S I LAP TAL W TH UNUfcK- St. CONSTERNATION. Lev vuu&TC TU' ma IDEA? NOW YOU GET AW."C'AN, Gui3J C SAVIN' WHAT VOlEE I yVESTOCKIN OURA-ONE V BITTERN ( WHAT ? NT DO IT.' capital with uNutK- w V";"t't"";rr .ir,... ram ' jr. B"BI1 T7TTl IyoUOUGHTAKNiT IasoC WILL I , W, J3 IVE.SOTA KUr4CM ) 60SW, HAPPY SUbeV' SOMETHING FOR. ) BE. JUSfTHE lSA SHES A UTTLE BlTV p LIKES TOaHIIL HIM-rAW pjJHIMfV v JpANTI--PQ6jr I IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THAT I'LL KA MODEL S MERELY A I KJ.llVc f NolflERKDA,1 EVENTUALLY PALUINLCWEVTH J PROBLEM IN LIGHT AND J OTRiCTVrN DEAlSAHvIanTS ) VNOJ FORGET IT glr ' PS&E. 1 fSsJ WIF ' 7 N K ' DEAL.'.r r-Y FELLAS, SJOWTHET A T ( Y-YAS. ) N A CAMERA . -jiUl ( U'L ABNER ISGONE.) . TD TAKE M S r-f I I'li JZJILS- -' fSl-"ES'Tr V TMAT FOC3NT c ! ' LEGAL SUMMONS ClM No, 3S4M IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THI STATE OP OREGON IN AND FOR DOUCLlt rniiuTV AKSEL G. JEPPESEN nd IV u JEPPtSEN, Plaintiffs, Tn unknown htln of nd hnfiriaria a tn wlli of WILLIAM STANOLEY nd MATILDA AUSMUS STANDLEY, If iny; unnnown neiri of and benefit iarltt of the Willi of THOMAS ST AMD L FY unit MARY ANN MOSS STANOLEY, If any; fiw unknown hetri of and beneficiaries of ine wins oi ELIZABETH STANDLEY MOSS nd JOHN BRATTAiN MOSS. If any; the unknowfl heirt of and benetlciarfei of the wills Of RUTH STANDLEY STOUT and WW. G. STOUT, If any; the unknown heirt of and beneficiaries of the wills of JOSIAH STANOLEY and NANCY BRAD SHAW STANDLEY, H any; the unknown heirs el and benetlcla- les of the wills ot RICHARO STANDLEY and RACHEL AUSMJS STANDLEY, If any; tnt unknown heirs ot and beneficiaries of the wills of HENRY STANDLEY and MARY ANN MULLENS STANDLEY, If any; the un known heirs of and beneficiaries of the Wins Ot JOHN H. STANDLEY And NANCY RILEY STANDLEY, if any; t unknown heirs of and beneficiaries ot the wills of HAVin STANDLEY and MALLINOA SMITH STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries ot the wills of SU2ANNAH STANDLEY JEFFERS, alu known as SUZANNAH STANDLEY RIFE, also known as SUZANNAH STANDLEY ZERBY, and JOHN EDWARD JEFFERS, and JOHN OOE RIFE, and LARED ZER- by, if any; th unknown heirs of and beneficiaries ot the wills ot JANE STAND- LfcY SMITH and WILEY SMITH. If anv: the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of Ihe will of O. P. STANOLEY, if any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the will of PHILIP STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of me wills of JOSIAH STANOLEY and JANE DOE STANDLEY, If any; Ihe unknown heirs Of and beneficiaries of the wills of DELLA AUSMUS and BEN AUSMUS, l any; ORMOND AUSMUS and his wife GLADYS AUSMUS; RICHARD AUSMUS, iiola ausmus o KEEFFE and her hus band BEN O'KEEFFE; HENRY AUSMUS and his wife INEZ AUSMUS; the un known heirs of and beneficiaries of fha lis Of JANE BANTA and HARVEY SAN TA, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of tha will of DORA STAND LEY TYLER, If any; JOHN R. STAND- LEY; DENNIS STANDLEY; MYRTLE MIL LER; JOSEPHINE BESTUL; E. P. STANO LEY; VIOLET STANDLEY; NOBLE C. STANDLEY; MADGE STANOLEY; A. J. STANDLEY; VERA STANDLEY, ALICE STOBIE: JACK SMITH; ESTELLE SMITH; FRANCES SMITH ADAMACK; JIM ADA- MACK; also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. nen or interest in me real property De scribed in the Complaint herein; and, tha unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the will of J. L. COON, if any. Defnnaantt. TO: The unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills of WILLIAM STANDLEY and MATILOA AUSMUS STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills Of THOMAS STANDLEY and MARY ANN MOSS STANDLEY, If any; tha unknown heirs ot and beneficiaries of wills Ot ELIZABETH STANDLEY MOSS and JOHN BRATTAIN MOSS, It any; the unknown heirs of and bsneticlarlrs ot the wills of RUTH STANDLEY STOUT and WM. G. STOUT, If any; the un known heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills of JOSIAH STANDLEY and NANCY BRADSHAW STANDLEY, If any; the un known heirs of and beneficiaries of the RICHARD STANDLEY and RA CHEL AUSMUS STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of tha wills of HENRY STANDLEY and MARY ANN MULLENS STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of tha wills Of JOHN H. STANDLEY and NANCY RILEY STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills of DAVID STANDLEY and MALLINDA SMITH STANDLEY. If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills of SUZANNAH STANDLEY JEFFERS, also known as SUZANNAH STANDLEY RIFE, also known as SUZANNAH STANDLEY ZERBY, and JOHN EDWARD JEFFERS, and JOHN DOE RIFE, and LARED ZER BY, if any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills of JANE STAND LEY SMITH and WILEY SMITH, If any; the unknown heirs of and bennflclnrlas of Iht Will Of O. P. STANDLEY, If any; (fit unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the will ot PHILIP STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills Ot JOSIAH STANDLEY and JANE DOE STANDLEY, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the wills of DELLA AUSMUS and BEN AUSMUS, If any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiar ies ot the wills of JANE BANTA and HARVEY BANTA, if any; the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the will of DORA STANDLEY TYLER, if any; JACK SMITH; ESTELLE SMITH; also, all other persons or parlies unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In Ihe real property described in Ihe Complaint herein; and, the unknown heirs of and beneficiaries of the will of J. L. COON, If any. uerenaan. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON: You and each of you are hereby re auired to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed again! you In the above entitled court and cause on or before four (41 weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And If you tall so to appear and answer said complaint plaintiffs, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as follows: That It be decreed that plaintiffs art the owners In let and entitled to the possession of the following described real property, to wn: LEGAL Sat., Jun 9, 1962 Th Nwt-Rviw, Rostburg, Ore. 9 By order of the Honorable Don H. Sander. Juogt ot ihe above entitled court, made on the 14th day ot May, 1941. The first publication ot this summons Is of data the tfth day ot May, H2. GEORGE LUOMA Attorney for Plaintiffs LEGAL LEGAL' ' that Plaintiff Is the owner of the a Dove- I NOT It TO CONTRACTORS described real property and that you have Sealed bids will be accepted by the Fair no right, till, estate, lien, or interest In or i Board of the Douglas County Fair for the Umpqua Savings a, Loan Building ,0 "id rtal PrPr,v tn"f of Plain-: construction ef a Stock Bam at tht F.r- Rostburg, Oregon tiff thereto b forever quieted against you j and that you be restrained and enjoined irom asserting or claiming any right, title, I estate, lien, or Interest in or to said real i property. mis summons is served upon you by pub ! I kit ion in the Roseburg News-Review, a I newspaper ot general circulation published Ne. 1SJ71 PUBLISHED SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THI STATE Of OKeOON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY 'JOSEPH R. BRUCE, Plaintiff. I in Douglas County, Oregon, pursuant to order of the Honorable Charles 5- Woodrich, Parcel 1 : West half of Iht Southeast quarter ot the East half of the Southwest quarter, Section 13, Township ?9 South, Rnnge 9 West, Willamette Meridian, ex cepting therefrom the following described premises, to-wft: Beginning at the South east corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 13, thence running North chains; thenca West 2'4 chains, thence South 30 chains; tnence East chains to tha point of be ginning. Parcel 7: Beginning at the Northeast corner of tha Donation Land Claim No. 3 of Alexander Reed In Township 39 South, , Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian; run ning thence East 3.85 chains to the aa&t boundary line of Section It, In said Township and Range; thence North 14 rods; thence West W rods; thence South 14 rods; and thence East to tht point of beginning. Parcel 3: Also beginning at tha Northeast corner of Section 24, Township 39 South, Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian, thence North 60 rods; thence West U rods, thence South M rods; thence West 9 rods; thence South 80 rods; thence j East 9 rods, thence South 31 rods, thenct I East 80 rods; thence North 31 rods to the point of beginning. Parcel 4: Also commencing at the North west corner of Claim 39 in Section 34, i Township 39 South, Range 9 West, Wil lamette Meridian; thence running West to tht west boundary ot the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Sec tion 34, thence South to Ihe Socthv.-'t corner ot Lot 1; thence East to Iht West line of Claim No. 39; thenct Nwlh to the place of beginning, Douglas Coun ty, Oregon. Parcel 5: Tht following described reat property In the Northeast quarter of tht Northeast quarter. Section 34, Township 39 South, Range 9 West, Willamtttt Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon: Beuinning at a point m the east lint of sd Section ?4, 394 feet North of tht Southeast corner of tht Northeast quar ter of tht Northeast quarter of said Section 34, twlng the north lint of prop erty conveyed to Leo E. Denn, trustee, in Volume 355, Page 440, Deed Rec ords; thenct north along said section line to tht north lint of the Alexander Reed Claim No. 39 extended easterly; thenct West along said extended north line and tht north lint of said Claim, 9414 feet to tht Northwest corner of wld claim; thenct South along said Claim line to the north line ot sd Denn parcel; thenct East tlong the north 1n of said Denn parcel, 943.4 feel to the point of beginning. I to said premi-es bt tortver quitted In plain I flits; and that it bt further decreed that any claim ot tht defendants, or of any one j or more of them, in or to said premises j or a y part thereof is without foundation in law or in equity, and that plaintiffs are the owners In tea of said prtmit and of the rhoit thereof, tret from any and all claims and interest of said defendants, or of any one e more of them, of any kind or nature what soever; and that said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them, or of any one or more of them, bt for ever restrained and tnoined from asserting any right, title, estatt, lien or interest in or to said premises or any part thereof; and for swcti other and further relief as It tht Court may appear equitable. This summons fa served upon YW by publication thereof once ecn week tor four t Jl successive weeks tn the RosttMrg News Review, a nwspepr of general ccvie'-or. as fKtvidad bw statute, published and issued 1 m ftostourg, Douglas County, Oregon. WALTER MCKIRDY, SALLIE J. FAR LEY. ANNA LOVELACE, MERLE MO KIRDY, HOMER McKIRDY, ANNA Mc KIRDY, KENNETH McKIRDY, BARBA RA MCKIRDY. KEITH McKIRDY. ATA- LANTA HUBBELL, HENRY M. HUfl- BbLL, MILOREO CUMM NGS. JOHN DOE CUMMINGS, ROBERT FRANCIS. MARY MOE FRANCIS, TED FRANCIS, SALLY JO FRANCIS. DEWEY FRAN CIS, KATHERtNE FRANCIS. MARY DALY. SHELDON J. DALY, EDNA CRAGHEAD, JOHN DOE CRAG- HEAD. SIBYL HELMS, JOHN DOE HELMS. VIOLET HARRY, JOHN DOE HARRY, GLADYS HORTON, JOHN DOE HORTON, GRACE OHL5EN, JOHN DOE OHLSEN, HARRY L. OHLSEN, HANNAH OHLSEN. RICHARD RUL OHLSEN, ROS COE APPLEGATE. L0UELLA S. AP- PLEGATE, WALTER T. APPLEGATE. ELLA APPLEGATE, CHESTER APPLE GATE, HAZEL APPLEGATE, MILDRED KLUM, GLADYS GARDNER, TOM BUR DETTE BARKER, JANE DOE BARKER, IVAN A. BARKER, AGNES BARKER. JOHN DARRELL BARKER. BEULAH BARKER, JESSIE LEE BARKER, MAR IAN BARKER. VIOLA APPLEGATE HERZOG, JOHN OOE HERZOG, ALICE APPLEGATE WARE. JOHN DOE WARE, OOROTHY APPLEGATE, MRS. WILLIAM JENRICK, WILLIAM JEN RICK, MRS. CHARLES SPARKS. CHARLES SPARKS, STANLEY APPLE- GATE, CLARA APPLEGATE. CHESTER APPLEGATE. LUCILLE APPLEGATE, DANIEL APPLEGATE, SALLY JO AP- PLEGATE, HENRY W. SCOTT, CAR- MEL SCOTT. A. LENORE ANDERSON. WILLIAM R. ANDERSON, B. C. CER- MONO, CYNTHIA WERTZ. DOROTHY SAAR, C. M. SAAR, BERTHA GUCHE5. ARTHUR GUCHES, MARIE LARSON, FRED LARSON, JOSEPHINE NEAL CHARLES ROY NEAL, CLARA HUSON, JOHN DOE HUSON, PFARLEY APPLE- GATE, JOHN DOE APPLEGATE, ENID MALLORY, JOHN DOE MALLORY. RACHEL HUSON, RICHARD ROE HU SON, ESTHER APPLEGATE- FRANK DOE APPLEGATE. MARVEL APPLE- GATE GILBERT, JOHN DOE GILBERT, PAUL APPLEGATE, RUTH ROE AP PLEGATE, DORIS HOFFMAN, RICH ARD APPLEGATE, CAROL COE AP PLEGATE, GLENN R. PAYNE, JANE DOE PAYNE, BLANCHE ISHERWOOD, BRUCE CUNNINGHAM, FRANKLIN P. CUNNINGHAM, unknown heirs of GERT RUDE APPLEGATE FAY, If decerned, RACHEL HOSHON, JOHN DOE HOSH ON, CLYDE JENNINGS, EVELYN JEN NINGS, ESTHER MITCHELL, C. E. MITCHELL, ELLEN APPLEGATE Mc CALL, unknown heirs of ELLEN APPLE GATE McCALL, If dectased, ALEXAND ER McCALL. unknown heirs of WIN FIELD SCOTT APPLEGATE, Deceased, unknown heirs ot ROZELLE PUTMAN, deceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest In or to the real property described In Ihe complaint here- I in, and John Dot Hoffman, Defendants. : TO: Mildred Cummlngs, John Doe Cum mings, Robert Francis, Mary Moe Francis, Hannah Ohlstn, Richard Roe Ohlsen, Walter T. Applegate, Ella Applegate, Chester Ap plegate. Hazel Applegate, Tom Burdetta Barker, Jane Doe Barker, Ted Francis, Sally Jo Francis, Dtwey Francis, Katharine hrancis, Edna Craghead, John Dot Crag head, Sibyl Helms, John Doe Helms, Violet Harry, John Doe Harry, Gladys Horton, John Dot Horton, Grace Ohlsen. John Doe Ohlsen, Jessie Let Barker, Marian Barker, vioia Appiegata- tier tog, jonn Doe Htrzog, Alice Appiegate ware, Jonn Dot wart, Mrs. William Jenrick. William Jenrlck. Daniel Aoplegate, Snlly Jos Applegate, Clara Hu- son, jonn uot Huson, Ptartey Aoplegate, John Dot Applegate, Enid Mallory, John Dot Ma I lory, Rachel Huson, Richard Roe Huson, Esther Appleaate, Frank Doe Aooteoate. Marvel Appleqatt Gilbert, John Dot Gilbert, Paul Appleaate, Ruth Roe Appleaate, Doris Hoffman, John Dot Hoffman, Richard An- pitgate, carol cob Appleaate, Glenn R. Payne, Jane Dot Pavne, Franklin P. Cun- nlnoham, Ellen Appiegata McCall, Alexander wet an, Rachel Hoshon, John Dot Hoshon, Clyde Jennlnns, EvHyn Jennings, Esther Mitchell, C. E. Mitchell, unknown heirs of Wlnfietd Scott Applegate, deceased, unknown heirs of Gertrude Applegate Fay. It de ceased, unknown heirs ot Elian Appleaate wet, a (i, it aeceasta, unknown heirs of Roi- tile Putman, deceased, alto all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest In or to tha real properly described In the complaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON, you and each of you art hereby required to appear and answer tht Com plaint filed aqalnst you In the above-entitled Court and cause within four (4) weeks from date o' tht first publication of this sum mons, and If you fall so to appear and answer tht Complaint tiled against you, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to Iht Court for tht relief demanded Ihe rein, a suc cinct statement of which Is as follows! Requiring you or any persons claiming by, through, or under you to appear and set forth tht nature of adverse claim to tht following described real property In Douglas County, Oreaon, lo wit: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner tf Flint and Lane Streets running along Flint Street Norlherly 91 feet to tha tract of land conveyed by Aaron Rost to Jonathan Way; thence Westerly with the variation of tht streets of Roseburg, 3S0 feet; thence Southerly to Lent Street 98 feet; fhence Easterly along said street 310 feet to tht place of beginning, and containing 37,440 square tot, mora or less, all lying and being situated In tht City of ROSEBURG, Douglas County, Statt of Oregon. EXCEPTING that por tion thereof conveyed to Margaret V. Engle, at vlr, as tht lame is described In deed recorded In Volumt 17, paot 59, Dead Records, Douglas County, Ore gon, Circuit Judge ot tha above-entitled Court, maoe and entered on Iht 2th day of May, 19(3. Dated and first published this 3nd day of June, 1963. GEDDES, FELKER. WALTON RICHMOND Attorneys tor Plaintiff P. O. Box 1345 Roseburg, Oregon. grounds. Bids will bt received until 1:00 P.M. June 11, 1942. Plans and Specifications may be obtained al tht Fair Office. No per son may withdraw his bid after tht hour set for the opening. 7 tt right Is reserved to ra lect any or all bids or to waivt any Infor mality in bidding. Douglas County Fair Board Jim Mytrs, Chairman Howard Hatfield C- Toilttson NOTICB TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tht un- dtrsigncd has been duly appointed admlnls 1 1 trator of tht eslatt of Leslie Tolbert Mat 1 thews, deceased. All persons having claims against his estate are notified to present tnt t same, properly verified as required by law, I To the undersigned at tha law offices of Geddes. Felker. Walton A Richmond t L NOTICB TO CRBOITORS i 5. e. Kant Street, Roseburg, Oregon, with- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un i In six months from date of first publication derslgntd has been appointed Executrix ot fha Estate of NOBLE W. McMlLLEN, de ceased. All persons having claims against tna estate or said decedent are notified to present tht same with proper vouchers with in six months after tha date of this notice to the undersigned at tht offict of Daniel P. Keohane, Attorney at Law, Equitable Building, Roseburg, Oregon. Dated and first published this 17th day of May, 1943. MABEL McMlLLEN, Executrix of tha Estatt ot NOBLE W. McMlLLEN. deceased. NOTICE TO CRRDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tha undersigned has been appointed Executor of the estatt of Aimon G. Ely, deceased, by order of the Circuit Court of tht State of Oregon, County of Douglas. All parsons having claims agalnt tht Estatt of Almon G. Ely, deceased, art hereby required to present the same, duly verified as bv law required, within six months from tha daft of the first publica tion of this notice to tht undersigned al his office In Room 411, Pacific Building, nosiwrg, urerjon. Dateo and first published this 9th day of Junt, 1942. WILLIAM H. JONFS Executor ef the Estate of ALMON G. ELY, deceased Harrison R. Winston Attorney tor Executor Equitable Building Rostburg, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tues day the 19th day of Junt, 1943, it 10 o'clock a.m. In Court Room B, Court Houst, Roseburg, Oregon, has been fixed for time and place for hearing ot objections, if any thtrt be, to the final account tiled by tht undersigned In tht matter of tha estatt of ELBERT R. BUCKINGHAM, deceased. Dated and first published this 19th day of May, 1943. SARAH A. BUCKINGHAM, Execu trix under tha Last Will and Testament of ELBERT R. BUCK INGHAM, Deceased. hereof which Is May 13, 1943. CARL M. FELKER, Administrator ot the Estate nf LESLIE TOLBERT MATTHEWS. Deceased, REQUEST FOR BIOS Douglas County School District No. 4 will receive bids for roofing at senior High School John C. Fremont Junior High School, and Riverside Elementary School at iht Business Office, 1058 West Harvard Avenue, until 11:00 AM (PST) Wednesday, June 37, 1943, at which lima thty will bt opened, tabulated, and presented to tht Board of Education during their regular meeting on that day for disposition. Requirements, specifications, and bid con ditions are on file at tht Business Office, 1058 West Harvard Avenue, Roseburg, Ore gon. Tht School District reserves tht right la reltct any or all bids. WENDELL B. SMITH Business Manager NOTICB TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Delia MCLariny, deceased. All oersont hav no claims against iht estate ef said decedent tre notnied to present the same with prooer vouchers within six months after tht datt of this notlct to the undersigned at tht otttct ot d. R. Dimick, Attorney at Law, Pacific Bldg., Rosebura, Oreoon. Dated and first oubl shad th a 74fh dav of May, 114?. IRENE WANGEMAN. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of DELIA MCCARTHY, Deceased. CASE NO. mi CITATION ON SALE OF RIAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON IN AND FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY tht Matttr of tht Estatt of A. A. KENORICK, Oeceated. TO: Mrs. Dorothy (Kendrlck) Raymond; and Miss Junt Kendrlck; and Mrs. Gtraldlne (Wallace) Viean; end any others Interest ed In any of tht below described reel property. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON: You art hereby commanded tnd cited to appear In tht above entitled Court and matter within ten (10) days from tht data of the servlcf of this citation. If served within Douglas County, Oregon, and within twemy (30) days it served m any other county of tht Slate of Oregon, If personally served, or If served by publication, within twenty-tight (38) days from tha datt of tht first publication of this citation, to show cause, if any exists, why an order of sate of the real property of said estate, situated in DouqIbs County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 11, and the North Half ol Lot T3. Block 31, Rlvtntde Addition to tht City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, to pay tht expenses ol administration of and tha claims against said estate, by George Luoma, tht duly appointed, quailfltd and acting administrator of tht obova entitled estate, should not bt madt as prayed tor in the petition of said administrator on lilt herein. WITNESS my hand and tha Seal of said court this 4trt day ot junt, wti. G. D. MTLLENBECK County Clerk By INA UPDEGRAFF Dalt of first publication, Junt 9, 194Z. NOTICB TO CREDITORS All persons having claim against tht es tate of Ernest I. Inman, deceased, now pend ing In tht Circuit Court ol tht Stalt ot Oregon tor Douglas County, Probata De partment, are hereby not l lied to present the same, verified as required by law, lo tht underslaned it 308 Doualas Counlv Statt uanx uunaing, Koseourg, Oregon, within six months from tht date hereof. Dated and llrst published this 3nd day ot Junt, 1943. WILLIAM D. GREEN, Jr., Administrator of tht Estatt of -ERNEST I. INMAN, Deceased. NOTICB TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that tht Circuit court for Douglas county, Oregon, by order appointed Ihe undersioned administratrix of tht astttt of Daniel Steinnon, deceased. All persons having claim against said estate aro to present the samt, verified as by law required, to tht undersigned at tha law of fices of Bernau & Wilson, Post Office Box 906, 485 S. E. Kana Street, Roseburg, Oregon, wnnin iix montns irom urn day or May, 1943. MARY E STEINNON Administratrix of the Estate ef DANIEL STEINNON, deceased. NOTICB TO CRBOITORS Notlct Is given that Iht undersigned hit bean appointed Administrator of fha Estate ol ROBERT C. DENNETT, Deceased. Per sons with claims against said astafe art re quired lo present them, with proper vouch ers, to tht undersigned it tht offices of Geddes, Pelktr, Walton & Richmond, 435 8 E. Kane, Rostburg, Oragon, within six months of tht data ol first publication hereof which 10 May 19, 1943. JAMES G. RICHMOND Administrator of tha Estatt of ROBERT C. DENNETT, Deceased NOTICB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlct Is hereby given thtt tht under signed Executrix of tht Will and Eslatt of EDWIN L, KNAPP, Deceased, hat filed her Final Account In tht Circuit Court of Doug las County, Oregon, and said Court has Ifxed Tuesday, July 3, 1943, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., In Courtroom "A" of tht Circuit Court In tht Courthoust In Rostburg, Douglas County, Oregon, al tha time and place tor hearing objections, If any thart bt, to said Final Account and for tha settlement thereof, JEANNETTE KNAPP, Executrix of the Will and estatt of EDWIN L. KNAPP, Dectased. And that upon hearing thereof It bt decreed Datt of first publication! Junt 3, 1943. TO. IHsl SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY VAN E. WOODWARO and LUCILLE WOODWARD, husband and wife, piamtnist vi. PAUL POPPING and GRACE POPPINO. husband and wile, and TOM SCRIBNER and MARY SCRIBNER, husband and wltt. Defendants, TO: PAUL POPPINO and GRACE POP PINO, husband and wife, and TOM SCRIB NER and MARY SCRIBNER, husband and wlft, Defendants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON: You, and each of you, art hereby required to appear and answer tht com plaint filed against you In tht above en titled Court and causa within four (4) weeks from tht dalt of first publication of this summons, ind If vo-j fall so to aoptar and answer, lor want thereof, Plaintiffs will ap ply to tht Court for tht relief demanded therein, a tucclncf ilafamtnt of which If as folfows: For ludgmant against you In tht full ' sum of 11440, together with Interest In the amount of S996, plua Interest at tht rata ot six par cent per annum on tht principal balanct from April 2, 1941, until paid, and for tht further sum of $33.50 as lien costs and tht further sum ' of 1335 as and for attorney's fats, and for Plaintiffs' costs and disbursements In this suit Incurred. That tht mortgagt bt foreclosed and tht rtal prootrty described therein sold by tht Shtritf of Douglas County, Ora gon. That Plaintiffs' trortgagt bt declared first, prior tnd suptrlor llan on the rtal property described In tht complaint on tile, and any claim for Interest of you tnd tach ot you bt declared Inferior to , said mortgagt. That upon a hearing thereof It bt de creed that Plaintiffs' mortgagt bt de clared to bt superior and absolute and that tht property bt told by tht Sher iff of Douglas County, Oragon. servlca ef summons uoon vou bv publi cation is made by order of tha Honorabla Oon H. Sanders, Judga of tht Circuit Court of tht Statt of Oregon for Douglas County, duly madt and entered on tht 4th day JUnt, 1T43. Dated ind first published Junt 9, 1941. STULTS and JAYNE Attorneys for Plaintiffs 41 S.E. Main Roseburg, Oregon It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Please publish the following classified ad CASH RATES for . 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