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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1962)
o 0 1 m U i 5w I SiiiU 33fBS5a !! IlflS i 111 S S 3 E a B UU llW, 31 i luiuu auu U d UR 0Z Building Materials 41 REJECT LUMBER $13.50 Mr unit. CtD Lumber Co., Rigdle. Ore. TR ,-2211. Precut-Prefab Buildings Of All Types LUMBER All Types Construction Deady Lumber Co. 2 Mi. N. Wilbur OR 3-7194 SIDING PROBLEMS? TRY OUR SIDING - Available in a variety of Grooved Patterns Ship-Lop Edges also 'Shop Grade Always open a IN 1? Saturday! PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-3781, Ext 70 Halfwoy Btw. Winston -Dillard REAAODELING SPECIALS PORTABLE evaporator room cool ers. Only $19.88 D,EEP or Shallow from $73.50 up. well pumps PLASTIC pipe, ltt in. All sizes. Vi to DON'T JUST BUY IT Buy It installed. Call for FREE ESTIMATES Montgomery Ward OR 2-4811 HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Here DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-BREASTED suits restyled to sin gle. $19.95. Mrs. Glfford, OR 3-6486. APPLIANCE REPAIR PARTS SALES SERVICE 1 MAJOR SMALL Generally 1 day service Best stock of appliance parts In wnty TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC Ml SE Oak OR 3-5521 NORGE and EASY Is the way to buy appliances At Frank Bergh's Service parts bantt terms. We service all makes PH OR 2-1661 U-Save i aain AUTO REPAIR - SERVICE AUTO SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS General Auto Repair OR 3-3157 el' SE Rose at Oak Roseourg, Oregon Wallv Wright Swede JWckelson Res. OR 3-5720 Res. OR 2-3298 BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES Beckwith Cycle Co. Motorcycles Bicycles Trail Bikes-Scooters SALES - SERVICE BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harrv E. Young OR3-7419 COMPLETE building service. New, remodel, repair. Free estimates1OR3-4646. CARPENTRY, PAINTING, M hour Call OR3S4S3 FOp:rDW.rFHr.Speprotn ac.m,n,:"i,o7!RY "ALL, tapino. fe.fur. w7k7r7"pe work, fireplaces. Free estimates. Cal ver ge,. OR 3-4345 or OR 3-8844. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-836T n CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE ERECTION work, concrete pouring Call Cliff Thornton, dhy or night OR 2 2fi09 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING days wk. Laming I supolles. Open 1 Oliver. OR ' 43 EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING Call OP 2-8462 smai e. riifiQjim. and and gravel, also doling and bck hoe work. Frank Fran- worth. OS 9-5697. D02lNGie7eiing7a,so gravel rock, river loam and road materials, tnaries nwy. OS 9-5H7. V&H KXCAVATING Bonded and Insured Ditch'ng and sewer work Darrel Isaacson. ow"cr operator OP 2-284 jirjvjim FLOOR FINISHING COVERING MIKE'S FLOOR SERVICE. l$ vea- exper ience Laying, sandin- and finishing OM floors refinished. OS -S7S2. pfaffV Ftoor sanding, finiihina end re'inishing, OR 3-1534 FURNITURE REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE REPAIR ref'"ih Irg. Fr t..:. mates. P-ckuo de'iver IC-i F.jrr.;ti,ri.. OP 3-641 . 158 NE GARDEN. EQUIPMENT J&l Garden Equipment SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS BoWns. $moleity. Tor.-O. LewvBOY TriOl - New, Used Custom Worn 2365 W. Harvard OR 3-3491 Fuel 43 0 & C Fuel Co. Dry flrtoUte oak and flrj aim fir healer wood. OK -75W. SUMMER PRICES Large Core GUY i FRANCES GILL FUEL 2114 NE Douglas OR MS2 Wood-Sawdust (b1owr or dump) POND LILIES PLANER ENDS SLAB WOOD DRY OAK LARGE PEELER CORE SUMMER RATES on Sawdust tor mulch All Deliveries C.O.D. RCSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust -- Blower or Dump GUY k FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1524 Wood-Sawdust Spring Rates on Planer Ends Now Until July 1st, ONLY!!! Save S3. 50 per Double Load Customers using GREEN SLAB should order EARLY! Green slab will be DISCONTINUED late this fall due to the manufacture of chips for parties! board. DRY SLAB available throughout the winter. Also available: Large Peeter Cores Dry Oak Wood Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES ON Sawdust for mulch Blower or dump ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 BE WISE!!! ORDER EARLY!!! Read for Profit Use for Results! News Review Want Ads Call OR 2-3321 HAY BALING CUSTOM HAY BALING OS 9-5643 or OS 9-5620 CUSTOM MOWING and hay baling. Phone vitiu. T-iiuo or vi yiAn, roncaiia. LANDSCAPING TILLING BRUSH CLEARING, leveling; all types cat CUSTOM DISCING, plowing and tilling. OR j-osbi, aner P.rA. CUSTOM tilling, mowing and yard work. i-ree estimates, uk wmv. CUSTOM ""TILLING, weed-brush cutting, grad ing, leveling. u y-5548 eves. M. H. Foss. CUSTOM PLOWING M. V. Short OR 2-2709 CUSTOM TRACTOR" WORK New extra heavy duty 60" titter Thrt?e tractors to serve you BEEBE AND BOWMAN OR 3-3738 OR 3-Bi: LOANS Loans Auto - Salary - Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager fi14 SR Stephens OR 3-66(58 ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS Ornamental Iron Works Also Posts and Columns Qlacksmilhing of all kinds. Work guaranteed. Roseburg Forge Works 263 NE Channon Bus. Ph. OR 3-4002 Res. OR 3-3805 PAINTING, DECORATING PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING, repair, cleaning, and de- morning. Harold Bixter. 3-3202 or 2-4054, ROAD BUILDING TWO YARD loader and dump trucks, rental or contract. Frank Farnworfh. OS 9-5497. ROOFING FOR TOP OUALITY ROOFING call QUAL ITY ROOFING CO. - OR 2-1389. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tan cle"-d. Prompt service. Reasonable. OR 3-8474. SEr-riC TANKS CLEANED Rnrhurg-Vanf-tation Service, Phone. OR 3-335. SPRINKLING SYSTEMS SPRINKLING SYSTEMS INSTALLED O Moif-0-Mat;c, Rain Bird o Buckner, Rain-O-Matie c- Rain Jet, Thompson BEEBE AND BOWMAN OR 3-3731 OR OR 3-813) TOOL RENTALS DO if YOURSELF And Save Lub lob 7SC, O'l cftartgif per cent e' witn iVt-;? rhfg motor, mutfters, re line t:jKs. tl.W per hr. Roselund Union Station 20.V) NK Stf-phr-H OR 2-9033 1 TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPFN'NO. welding 2352 SW CsMie Aje Mjicfii- Sr00 OR 3-417 JCE"$ "SHARP SHOP Sharoefiing Service. 5MNE Bojrd. OR 3-T44 WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nofh g down on m'd cred-l. (VOHR WELL OR'LLING OR ?-2?i' '"J Sf? te-w WINDOW WASHING W'iNDOrVS WASHED- ). BAROELLI OK 2-M37 Fuel WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES 1767 N.E. Airport Road OR 3-50S2 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Frl. at 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munlon, Owner and Auctioneer OR 3-5C26 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 ANTIQUE CHAIR, davenport, other mlscel- laneoui Jurnllure. OR 2-1588. 250" AMP. Lincoln welder with starter, like i new cond. (393. OS 9-8493. FULL SiZE electric range, excellent condl- j lion.OR3-6054. j STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Call OS 9-8809 or OS 9-8678 or OS 9-8990 or OR 3-5959. TOP SOIL finest of loam soiV, light and easy to handle. Chart? Keely, OS 9-5117. DO UGTasTo UNTY FILTER QU EE NS A LES 2044 W. Military Ave. Ph OR 2-4233 USED "elec. range, excellent cond. Reason able. Rose City Motel. JOZ CERAMICS, green ware, firing, free lessons. OR 3-8010 CURING AND-SMOlciNG, pork, beet and poultry. Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. USED GUNS bouahl, soTd, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE ERAMIC lessons tree Wed Kilns for sate. Ceramic sup. Treva's Ceramics, OS 9-5133. 22 CU. FT. upright freezer, 5200 cash. OR 3-B596 USED household furniture. Bargain prices. Earl Smith Trailer Sales. OR 3-3356. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-551B. 12 CU FT TYLER deepfreeze, good condi tion, $100. Phone OR 3-B50U. HIDE-A-BED, new nylon cover. Perfect con dition. OR 2-3040. Expert Upholstering. ' TOTE GOTE "FOR SALE OR 2-1427 ROLLAWAY BED, 48", reasonable. OR 3-7668 LIKE NEW, man's 40 long summer weight brown suit, 171. OR 3-7154. 58 WESTINGHOUSE pink Spacemote wash er and dryer. OR 2-2759. WASHER and dryer; 3 piece daveno set; radio-phono console. OR 3-5217 after 6. TYPEWRITER, wood .healer, bedroom set. All in good condition. OR 3-5800. VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Com. pact. .Eiectroiux, Hoover, Kiroy. a no pans. J. E. Newberry, OR 3-7010; or 3-3591. '61 ZUNDAPP 250 cc motorcycle, $475; also GO Kart, slick tires, S225. Wayne Hoobler, Sutherlin, Phone 2650 or 2815. '51 CADILLAC 4-door for sale or trade for freezer or what have you? Also rololiller. 180 Promise Ave. OR 2-4694. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you nave ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9-8493. KIRBY VACUUM cleaner, like new, with floor polisher. OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591 after 6 P.M. J. E. Newberry. GOOD CONDITION Fowler electric clothes dryer, $40 or will trade for power lawn mower. Call B63-3505, Myrtle creek. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, rug shampooers, cot fee urns, sew ing machines, SI Per day. HORN j APPLIANCE, OR 3-5518. GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats fo besr freezer satisfaction, lusrom ciminq, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, OS 9-5133. SOLID oak round tabte, 4 chairs; oak brary table, chrome breakfast set, 2 chairs; TV; radio; chest drawers, bed room suite; 3 bedside stands; Kenmore washer-dryer; Hof point range. Sufh. 3Q64, Texture Paint Discontinued Colors 25 Lb bag $3.89 5 Lb pkg 89c COLORCRAFT Paint & Wallpaper Store 731 SE Stephens OR 1-225? Used Apartment Size Gas Ranges Just the thing for your caD in or trailer. Checked out, and in good working order. MAGIC GAS Douglas Countv Gas Co. 1129 S. E. FLINT BARGAINS L&H RANGE $41.65 M-W washer 1959 model 159.95 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator $109.95 RCA CONSOLE TV $75 00 TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 SE Oak Ave. OR 1-5521 Used Furniture Rainbow Troiler Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester OH 3-7272 FREEZEISUPPLIES- Quick frozen to lock In the fresh flavor Save o- 20 lb bags of fruits end vegetables GOVERNMENT GRADED Good or choice steer beef. Bring us your cutting and wrap ping work. Curing and smoking. WINSTON FOOD LOCKERS WINSTON. OKE OS 9-5133 MANURE $1 PICKUP LOAD' Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon RECAPS 670x15 750x14 $8.88 710x15 760x15 800x14850x14 $9.99 (plus tax and rsc?e tire) White-walls SI more NO MONEY DOWN MONTGOMERY WARD OR 2-4811 43 'Miscellaneous For Sale 45 j FOR SALE AT bargain prices deluxe Chin- oc camper, living room set, bedroom set. Ashley wood heater, table lamps, re- trigerator. Phone OR 3-7243. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS Good used clothing, dresses, and shoes, 75c and up. coats 50c up. Misc articles iuc and up. Across the street from train depot parking lot. Zig's Better Buys. 741 SE Sheridan. SUNDAYS ONLY CLEMATIS. Ill 17 in. aialeas In bloom, 111 12 in. rhodies, SI; 3 It. laurel. SOci over 3000 shrubs and ground covers plus pan ales, mums and fuchsias. Pixie Gardens. OR 34113. N. End Broad St.. N. ot Airport, cross freeway. AIR CONDITION Your Automobile During your vacation, week, or sell. CARTER TIRE Co. 266 S. E. Stephens OR 2-3393 New Wingard Antennas Wilbur, Oregon Channel 7 10 bar Channel 7 S bar Channel 2 10 bar S 9.95 S 6 95 $19.95 Channel S bar $9.95 channel 4 - S bar $11.95 We Buy Sell - Trade Johnnie's Second Hand Store Tri City, Oregon WARD'S USED APPLIANCES ONE portable sewing machine with case 520 WESTINGHOUSE console TV .. $99 EMERSON 21 in. table model TV $35 HOTPOINT Electric range .... $15 O'KEEFE & MERR1TT gas range with griddle $45 ONE GAS range $10 HOTPOINT 21 in. 'TV. New picture lube $69 Stretch Your Budget With A Good Used Appliance From . Montgomery Ward's OR 2-4811 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANT CD refrigerator up to $100 OR 3-4072 WANTED used furniture and mis'- Rose ourg Furniture, 242 SE Jackson, OR 3-5104. WANTED ANTIQUE colnn, gunt, chins, giassware. lewelry, clocks. Priscilla'i An tiques. 247 SE Jackson OR 7-1421, WANTED US and Canadian coins, some recenl wanted. Fret appraisals. Tlmher Capitol Coins, 598 Roseland. OR 2-3595 Westside Auction CONSIGNMENTS wanted Cash for furniture and miscellaneous. Buy Sell Or trade. Auction every Sunday, II noon. OR 2-2501. Trade Miscellaneous 48 WHITE ELEPHANT Or sell '53 Stude vb, stick end over. Need Pickup. OR 3-B289. 15FT FIBERGLASSrunabout 40 HP electric motor, frade tor concrete work or carport byilding. OR 2-2383. ' Musical Instruments 50 GULBRANSEN Spinet piano. Dark Mahog any, hue new. $500. OR 3-4772 or OR 3 9081. PIANO good, and reasonable. OR 3-4804 GOOD USED UPRIGHT PIANO, $85 OR 2-1737orm2.2893 GUITAR LESSONS. Speed systern on rhythm, or lead. Ricketts' Music Slori, OR 3-3202. After 5, call OR 2-3409. Sewing Machines 52 SINGER ZIG-ZAG Take over payments of $6.66 Per Mo. This machine has everything built In. Will button-hole, blind hem, sew on buttons. make decorative designs without attach ments. SINGER Sewing Machine Co. 558 SE Jackson OR 3-7348 Sporting Goods 53 VACATION TRAILER rental; or inn IftOO. ALUMINUM camp trailer, good cond. See at 2714 NE Douglas VACATION TRA1LFR RCrjTALC- week Or month. Phone 3133, Sutherlin, for reserva tions. Boats And Motors 55 I960 Model 14' Sea King, fiberglass boat, 35 1 HP motor and trailer. OR 3-7565. COMPLETE Ski outfit. U' factory boat, 35 j HP motor, S395. ORM6. If RIVER "boat and trailer. OR 3-507 lJSeiSHPriOHNSON motor, excellent con dition. SI3V tail OS 9-S67B. Food And Produce 57 GET YOUR MARSH RANCH APPLES It the Parm Bureau, WALNUTS - 30 C lb. OR 3-5650 APPLES Ortiey, Newton. Vtrsh Ranch, Looklnggiass. Bring containers OR 3-44(5. Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 GERANIUMS. Fuchsias. Martha Washington. Large plants, 5uc. Smaller 3 51 or 4 fl. E. R. Mo!m, Pat t Road. Suth erlin. Call 4279. Closed Tues. and tat. SUNDAYS ONLY CLEMATIS, Krut mums. Hydrangeas, 12 ex Rhodlei, Are'cas, it. Over 3000 shrubs, plxle Gardens, N. End of Broad tl , N. of Airport. Phone OR 3-4HJ Hay And Grain 61 SHFLL or er corn for feed: Crjnn, CR 3-6W Livestock 63 COMPLETE tint q riding gear and Weitern wear. A'ten's Western Goods.OS -5l- os Arabian. Call U2-4374, My 'tie Creek. Livestock 63 SORREL GELDING S300. 2 horse trailer 5200 Call GY 6-aj35. for LEASE Reasonable. 500 acres pasture. Oixonvllle, Ph. 9-ee43. TWO Welsh pcrnltt for sate. No Sat. calls. OR.2-.a7. 1727Calkins Rd. BAY mare with colt. B. E. Evans, Suitor Tin Oregon. MU, black Jersey heTifer, siis. OR 2-290O BUYING WOOLpaylSa iiwriiiTtoSk : M FORD- Sherman trans .. SH5 Phone 1517, Oakland- JOHN DEERE 1 A, starter and 3 way WANT TO RENT pasture for 2 horses. "l0 ,49S OR 2-230 ' FARMALL A and plow, as ! $345 WANTED Ca'ltle "of ' all "Mnd's". UN 3-4J53 ! JOHN DEERE M, Toucho-Matic draw er UN 3-33M, Myrtle JTreek. W. A. BlackeM. i bar. 1595 GAMING Quarter horse and pleasure saddle-' MASSEY HARRIS, a ft Cover crop disk, bred geldings. S20O ea. OR 3-6 706. 24 inch blades 1175 YOUNG POLLED Hereford-bulLullan" Hat-i TILLIFER- disk, 4 ft, like new $110 field. OR 2-3994. BLACkGELDING,saddte and bridle. Rea sonable. OS 9-5370. HAMPSHIRE bred gilts, spring boars and gilts. Wm. E. Crawford, Ph. GY6-3J57. BLACK Part Morgan and Quarter mare, $225. OR 3-4040. THOROUGHBRED.mare. Broke. Gentle but spirited, with half Appaloosa filly foal. $350. Malletle, OS 9-5294. SELL OR TRADE Pinto riding mare for pack mule or other livestxk. Ok 3-7734 evenings. TENNESSEE WALKER filly, 4 years Old. serviced by Reg. Tennessee stallion. OR ; 9-8810. ; SUNSET MARKET - Custom meat cutting i and wrapping, open days a week Lock ers - storage. Call OR 2-2392 AT STUD registered Welsh stallion, f jclllties for boarding mares. Bill Tipton, Rt. 7 box 935, Garden Valley, o"callOR 3-3619. f HREE SHEEP SHEARERS with experience. , Working together, or can be split Ph. 3693 Oakland. Oregon. , GENTLE but spirited Quarter Horse mare. Suitable lor experienced rider. $275. or 2-3928. HORSE, CART and "harness. Will ride single or double. Gentle to a fault. Fine setup for children. Call OR 3-5732, evenings. ONE2NDCALF halFAngus milk cowhand 250 lb. calf. $200. One 30 months old White face bull of good breeding. $200. ORJJ-6779. WANTED 200 young range ews. Shorn, lambs weaned. Delivery In June. Fred Boyer, Rt. 1, Roseburg. OR 3-5235 or OR3-6323. REG. ARABIAN AT STUD. HASIB AHX.R. 13189. Gray 4 yr old, Skowronek breed ing. "Come sec him and his 1962 filly at Ihe ranch." Pitchfork M Ranch, Glide, Oregon. GY 6-3142. Douglas Livestock Market WE are buying sheep and lambs of all kinds. Call for latest mar ket information. We receive wool daily. . Phone OR 2-4071 Ask For Jim Lewis SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlin 2146 Livestock sale every Saturday . at 12:30 p.m. Jwayi a good active market for all kinds ol livestock. G. A. Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schrlcker and Son Owners Mgrs. LIVESTOCK AUCTION to CHANGE SALE DATE Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon Starting Saturday, June 9, 19G2 will have their weekly sales every SATURDAY starting promptly at 11 a.m. We will sell sheep first, then calves and hogs with cattle last. Auctioneers Ross Avery Kmery Alderman Owner Jim Lewis WE ARE PROUD To Announce The New EXIBITOR Tandem Horse Trailer Sec them now at RAINBOW TRAILER SALES Winchester, Ore. OR 3-7272 SALE Early Consignments For Every Saturday at 1 1 P.M. Livestock of all kinds. Pick-up and delivery service. Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time. 20 PAIR Whitcfacc cows and calves 50 HEAD feeder cattle LOAD butchc- cows LOAD fat steers and heifers 1 MIXED lot Holstcin heifers and steers 100 HED good young ewes with lambs 30 HEAD fpf . . pigs 4 HEAD yearling and 2 year old eolts 1 GOOD logging team 2 GOOD saddle horses DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET Wilbur. Oregon OR 2-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Anfc mai Sheite OR 2-3907. REGISTERED Treeing Wtlkeri, 3 Black and Tans, 3 yrs. tS.Jft 2-.766 r"egist6RE"d freVch POOOLE PUPPIES IA3-30J? Myrtle Creek . "-ObDLE PUPPIES, A KC REG. Can Sutherlin 3154 JACOBS' kENNELS. Boarding cats and dogs". 1765 NE Stephens. OR 3-62W. ' REGISTERED ELKHOUND PUPS OR 3-440, FOR "SALE French Pood'e Miniature. A KC reg. 1 year old. OR 2-6571 days, alter 7, OR 5-5121. OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Mlied breeds as welcome as purehreds BOLE.N KENNELS OR 3-4012 BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats ana yj mile NE of Diamond I ftke Blvd. on NE Rrlie Range Pd. OR 3-7514. GOLDEN Retriever puppi!. AKC Reg. Both pnrenti trained 0-ji'rding hunting Oorjs. Wonderful pt, acknowledged best with children. Come pick Out yours now. OR My Farm Equipment 70 TRACTOR, p'ow, disc, mower, rube, and bale conveyor. Phone fjtheriln 35W. 57 FERGUSON side delivery rae. 1350. OR 3-440 NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING and theatmnaj houses, barns end outbuildings. 2 I 4 studs, 1" boards and 2" const rudlort himber Aval labia In most sires at wftO!ea rlcti. t Umpqua Mfg. Co 1 ml. I, On f BR 70 JOHN DEERE no. 5 mower, tractor mount- j ed. 7 ft Oar. Will tit most tractors. New cond 1150. OR 3-3435 or OR 3-6951. GEHL field pickup hay chopper and blower, powered with Continental Red Seal motor; blower; McCormick t" hammer mill, 4 wheel trailer or silage wagon. Ph. 3-491? Ranch Equipment Sales 3 POINT PLOWS $1 ; IRRIGATION pipe wagon .- S 75 j LOTS of hay rakes, mowers, and etc. WE BUY - SELL TRADE DAYS CREEK Closed Sun. Ph. 825-3241 1 Heavy Equipment 72 IVi YARD HMC Hough loader, good condi tion, 56500. OR 3-4373, Eves. OR 3-7687. Logging Equipment 74 AC HD9, tractor, hydraulic dorer, and winch. Top cond. OR 3-37J4. FOR SALE or Iraae for 21' or 30 frailer 1956 Chevrolet short logger, 6 wheeler, new motor, or e-JZ.'U. TD 18 with brushing blade. $2000. Inlerna' Honal truck, bunks, flatbed, extra big tires and tubes. $1200. OR 2-2700. HD7 EQUIPPEDfor logging.' $2,000, aiso, short log truck $600. Phone OR 3-4992 evenings. 1 YAR D P 8. H shovel, Bohcm'lalype boom. $3500; D 7 cat, 3 T series, $4500; BU 75 yarder, US Cummings power, good lines and rigging on a new sled, $4500, Call GY 6-3454. D-2 CAT with winch, canopy and blade. Good condition. Must sell by June 10 sacrifice price. See at Winchester Flying A Service Station, Winchester, or Call OR 2-9217 WRECKING OUT two D7's. 1 RD7, 1 TD 18, 2 D8's and 1 TD14A. Parti for sale. Also slock Spicer drive lines, steel reaches, Aberdeen slakes. For S 'e, 1 07 and 1 D4 Caterpillar, 1 Coos King yarder with dlesel mtr. 1 Lincoln portable welder. Doualas M.-ichino & Welding OR 3-3444 1735 Diamond Lake Blvd. CRANES LOG LOADERS Seles and Service Engle O Person 1511 NE Dlaond Lake Blvd. OR J-43J! After houri Ph. GY t.3347 Auto-Truck Parts 75 Trucks For Sale 76 LONG and short log trucks or trailers. Call OR 2-4754 1953 CHEVROLET Flatbed truck lor sale. OR 2-2903 1 9 4 7 I N T F- R N A T 1 0 N A L vi ton pickup, good cond. OR 3-B44B. 1953 FORD van, 1" ton, tailgate lift. Terms. OR 3-8232 '52 DODGE xh ton pickup S37S. OR 3-5401. Route 2, BOX 630 1950 CHEVROLET 4 ton pickup. Call OR 2-3196 after 6 P.M. 1950 FORD pickup. 4 speed trans. Good rub' ber. J7t. ok 3-64J? aner r.M. CORE DRILL mounted on weapon carrier; both fn good cond. Will take si 500 cash, Inq. 124 Mosher. OR 3-8514. 14 YARD 1946 Chevrolet drump truck, good llres, will run S195 I 1.10 YARD dump truck, KM International, good box poor motor 1950 17-8 YARD dump box and hoist, fal condition i345 OR 3-4373 Eves. OR 3-7687 Motorcycles 77 '47 HARLEY DAVIDSON, model 41, 1250. Call OR 3-3692 Auto Insurance 79 THE BEST FOR LESS! itnte Farm Agent. . NORM BLEAKMAN OH 3-!i084 1229 W. H.irvard Automotive Wanted 80 Cash On The Line for Your Late Model Car or pickup Highest Prices Paid NAPIER Auto Sales 1740 SE Stephens OR 2-2243 USED CARS - PICKUPS WANTED Cash or trade for equity. Johnson and Whelchel 1358 SE Stepnens OR 3-6391 CARS PICKUPS""" WANTED Your best cash Price! Before you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 132B SE Stephens OR 2-3)21 Autos For Sale 81 FOPD 6 Tudor, tin OR 3-IJlf " 19 VW SFDAN Ct.iANi"il,aS07 Call OR 3-640 isii "STUDEBAKER 4-door Scotsman, 1425. Ph. Myrtle Creek 43-4234. 57 OODGE2-door M.T. Ctistorn Roya! Irede and terms. OR J-e7l2. FOR SALS ""either 1957 Turnpike Merc 1455 Plymouth Savoy. OR 3-6720. 1953 CHEV. 4-door sedan, runs Bood. OR 2-2759 '56 PO"'tD 2" door," e!.'V owner, appraclatt. 145, OR 3-4113. '51 f OHO urdtop. ' Custom Interior. Big engine. O'drive, Sutherlin 3V3. 1960 PONTIAC Catattna S!dHon Wgon, cell. cond. Sacrifice. OR 2-1310, atler 6 p m, FOR SALE OR TRADE 1953 Buick "conver tible. OS 9-571 atter 3 p.m. '54 NASH Metropolitan, R a, H A bargain- Call OR 3-357 'Sa MG, white convertible, S3O0 equity. OR 3-4040 1955 'BUICK Super hardtop, etra clean. OR 3-7545 FORRAOE 154 Wlttys, 4 door sedan. Oood shape tor any model pickup that runs good. Call OR 3U. 1959 JEEP station wagon with winch and ertras. Ooo1 cof4iton. 20W. OR inn, Eves. OR 3-747. RACING HARDTOP wilh 2 motors - Ctrf-yslr and Plymouth; spare tires. 1170 casn OS 9-5411 WILL trflde" equity In I9S2 FORD OalOfle Automatic trans Power itwlrtg, radio and heater. For equal value In elder car, rd gwt or takt ditftrenca. W9-4202, Middle. Farm Equipment V. i ,J Wed., JUNE 6, 1962 The News AutOS FoT Sale 81 i 1958 WHITE 7 Bird, 1 owner. Low mileage. Exceptional cond. Terms. Ph. OR 3-4169. '54 MERCURY; 'MCrlevroiet both real good shape taka your pick, (350 cash. OS9-5104. 1960 SUNBEAM Alpine, new" Michellrt X fires, 14,000 actual miles. A l shape. 516001 cash, or might take trade. OR 2-4SJS aft. 5. 1 Jalopy Junction 2 '54 FORD Vl'r, tach $395 54 CHEVROLET sedan, stick $395 '54 DODGE V8 $39$ '53 MERCURY Club cpc. new paint, good shape . .. . $245 '49 CHEVROLET pickup, 4 speed .. $245 '40 INTERNATIONAL V ton t 45 '51 HUDSON good shape, good tires $ 95 One Mi South Old Hwy 99 Phone OR 2-4661 CASH FOR CARS Used Parts - Auto Wrecking AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR GOOD BUYS '57 CHEVROLET 4 door wogon. 6 cvl with standard trans. This is a real $ ' M095 clean wagon. 57 CHEVROLET BelAir 4 door sedan. V8 and automatic. A real sharp tutone black nnH white paint with s H095 very good ww's . '54 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan. New rings, R&H, automatic. A good car $4 SO for the wife '-TJJ '52 CHEVROLET Automatic, real clean door sedan, $295 '59 FIAT 1100 door sedan. R & H, reclining seats '60 FIAT 500. mileage maker This is a real . '595 '52 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Would maka a good work or cr.d. 125 '49 FORD Vi ton pickup. 6 cvl. 4 speed, TQG R&H 07J RIVERSIDE MOTORS 988 NE Stephens OR 2-3461 62 MERCURY Monterey 4 door hardtop, R&H, power steering end brakes, oil vinyl interior. Beautiful champagne finish. VERY LOW MILEAGE. EXCEPTIONAL '61 COMET 4 door sedon. De luxe trim, all 0 1 Q S vinyl Interior m 7 J '61 METEOR 800. Power brakes and steering, 4 door hardtop, Ocean turquoise, 50y4QC oil interior 7 '61 FORD Galaxie 2 door hard top. V8, outo- iOAQZi matic, Pacific blue.- 7 '60 OLDSMOBILE 4 door horHtop. Striking yellow. $0 Q C Power steer., R&H. '60 RAMBLER American 2 door station wagon. Standard trans. r&h. $i qc: Good rubber 1 1 7J '59 FORD Club sedan. Low mile oge, one owner. Economical 6 engine. R&H. 1 1 9 S Automatic f J '59 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door sedan. Sunroof. $1 1 Q C Jet black 117 '58 LINCOLN Continental. Won derful family car, Beautiful blue interior. $0 A O Corinthian white. i- -...'USi - f ' p Sir ' ' S? I . - ' Work Cars From $300 Down iNoOneUnderSellsMocks i i t s i r i irnl ir I T" TERMS TO FIT ANY BUDGET 1590 NE Stephens St. OR 2-3358 - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 Autos For Sale 81 'Al COMET 2 door, deluxe trim, 170 cu. in motor. Automatic transmission, real sharp. Will take older car on trade. Reasonable. OR 2-3044 after p.m. BARO USED CARS '61 DODGE 6 cyl. Lancer 4 door sedan. Standard trans. Bought new and serviced at Barcus Motors. We just took tt in on a $1R0S '62 Lancer I Os J '61 DODGE Phoenix 2 door hard top. Full power. Here is a real sharp trade-in for the conser vative buyer who wants the best at $OOR BIG SAVINGS 7 O '60 PEUGEOT 4 door sedan. A one owner car. It has stand ard trans, with overdrive and other extras. Looking for econ omy? This one 1 2 9 5 '56 NASH Statesman 4 door 6 cyl. sedan. Standard trans, with) overdrive. A good $CQC 2nd car cheap JsJ '53 PONTIAC 2 door. Automatic, R&H. This one is above aver age In appearance and condition HJ '61 DODGE 6 cyl. Vi ton pickup. Just the truck to do those jobf $1995 CHEAPIES We hove 2. A 1953 OLDS MOBILE 4 door sedan and a 1953 DeSOTO 4 door. Take your pick or buy them both. $169 each. No Payments 'til July 15th TERMS TO SUIT YOU Barcus Motors, Inc. Better Buys at Barcus Dodge Chrysler Imperial Simca N. Stephens ot Gorden Valley Blvd. OR 3-5566 '62 MERCURY Monterey 2 door hardtop, R&H, power steering and brakes, all vinyl interior, 2 tone black cherry and white. BUYS, SEE THEM AND YOU'LL BUY '57 CHEVROLET 4 door hardtop. Power steering and brakes. Automatic, now paint, Corin thian $ 1 1 0 R white. 1 ' '57 FORD Falrlani 500 2 door hardtop, steering, Automatic, power R&H. very oood ry good 1195 whitewall tires. S A ilickie. '56 FORD 4 ond white, R&H. ... door. Tutone blue 795 '56 LINCOLN 2 door hardtop. New overhauled , Q95 '56 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. V8, bronie ond QOR ton, automatic OJ '55 FORD 4 door sedan, V8, auto matic, R&H, Tutone ICQC blue ond white J7 J '54 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 dr. jedon. Automatic, power brokes, R&H, Tutone green, $ 1 Q C Whitewolls. 1 ' f te, ial 1st ar m m -ny is a ta er it, a :s it a e le 9-1- y t d