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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1962)
6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore.--'Mon., June 4, 1962 Bl Estimates Nation's Annual Crime Biil At Least $22 Billion WASHINGTON (UPI) The stop, look and listen sign is up against a developing nationwide movement to deprive courts of authority to keep criminals in jail onco they are convicted of crime. This developing movement is for the general acceptance of the so-called indeterminate sentence. Director J. Edgar Hoover of the Federal Bureau of Jnvestihation (FBI) estimates that the nations annual crime bill Is li Pillion He cites police records revealing that a murder, forcible rape or assault to kill is committed every three minutes in the United States. Demo Excess No Problem, Solon States SALEM (AP) Republican can diates for state and local offices were advised today not to worry about the fact that there are 74.000 more Democrats in Oregon than there are Republicans. State Rep. F. F. Montgomery, Eueenc. House Republican leader, told a school for GOl' candidates that the Republicans have just as good 8 chance as the Democrats to win the November election. He said there are 423 state and local officials in Oreson, including 210 Republicans, 210 Democrats and 3 independents. "That proves," he said, "that the Democratic registration lead doesn't give them an advantage. "We have the best group of can didates we've ever had," he said. "We will win back control of the House by taking at least 33 of the 60 seats." In 1901, the Republicans had 29 scats. Freeman Holmer, state finance director, said that his office would have a balanced budget to submit to the 1963 legislature. Rut ho said it will not be easy to balance it. Holmer pointed out that state basic school aid will automatically increase by $10 million in tho next biennium. And he said that Chan cellor Hoy E. IJeunllon of tho state System of Higher Education has said his agency will need an extra $511 million. The budget for this biennium is $3011 million. State Rep. George Layman, R Newhcrg, chairman of the Consti tution Revision Commission, said he hopes that partisan politics will not bo Injected Into the prepara tion of the new state Constitution. Tho Constitution will be sub mitted to the next legislature, which can pass It on to tho people, Sen. Donald Husband, R-Eugene, explained the state i tax picture. Eight Oregonians Listed Naval Acadmy Gratis ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) Among those scheduled for graduation from the Naval Academy June 6 aro eight midshipmen from Ore gon. They Includo: Troilcr, Vaughan, 2910 Indiana St, Baker. Ronald G. Haugcn, 1140 Union St, Ucnd. Georgo V. Woodworth, Cottage Grove. l.nrry E. Si-nn, 1912 Moss St, Eugene. liny S. Drown, Ilillshorn. Jerome E. I.arsen, 3925 N.E. Ji'ssup St., Demon J. Cameron Nelson, 2405 S.W. Multnomah llvd, James W. Klnat Jr., 4035 N.E. 71st. Ave., Portland. Every six minutes there is a robbery. Nearly 150 burglaries and larcenies are reported every hour. Serious crime in the United States has accelerated during the past decade at a rate exceeding the population growth by approx imately five to one, Such statistics are cited in sup port of the demand of enforce ment officers for stern, realistic action designed to reach crim inals, old and young, that society will hold them responsible for their acts. Some officers charged with en forcing the law regard the inde terminate sentence as a danger ous and impractical system ad vanced by a clique of theorists who steadily are asserting in creasing influence over such mat ters as the sentencing and rehab ilitation of criminals. These mat ters, of course, are vital to the public safety and general welfare. The indeterminate sentence is a system for handling convicted of fenders in which authority to fix the actual length of imprisonment is shifted from the courts to an other official body. Under an ab solute system 'of indeterminate CHECK THESE EXTRAS Yci Gel- at CITY CLEANERS! Professional dry cUaning workmanship All garments beautifully pressed Ro'iitabla plastic bag protection Frat Pickup and Delivery Service Handy Drive-Up Window for your convenience One-day service when necestory CALL TCDAY And Receive tho FINEST DRY CLEANING SERVICE COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE ONE DAY SHIRT SERVICE n unr a 'forperfi'cuarieoe CIEAFJE3S 1929 N. E. Diamond Lake Boulovard Phone OR 3-4596 sentencing, the courts would have virtually no authority to fix the term of imprisonment. This would become the author-1 ity of a parole board or other special group, often to be com posed of political appointees or sentimentalists whose judgments could be correspondingly affected. In an area burdened by a weak parole and probation system, the indeterminate sentence system would confer additional power upon ill-tquipped or muddle-headed authorities to release prema turely habitual and unreformed criminals to prey on society. The indeterminate system ex ists in one form or another in a vast majority of legal jurisdic tions. Congress enacted in 1958 a modified indeterminate sentenc ing law. This act enables federal courts to (1J set both the mini mum and maximum years of im prisonment with a provision that the Federal Parole Board may grant parole any time after the minimum has been served; or (2) to set the maximum term of imprisonment with a proviso that the parole board may fix any date for the prisoner's parole eligibility. Prior to this act, federal pris oners were sentenced to maxi mum terms and became eligible for parole only after one third had been served. Federal ludees have not stampeded to the use of the new act but the trend is not able. Under it, 114 persons were sentenced in fiscal 1959; 723 in isou; and 1,005 in 1961. Officials of the U. S. Board of Parole and Bureau of Prisons are accused of campaigning for the indeterminate sentence. Powerful enforcement officials are against it.. Kennedy administration policy is not. Known. Yoncalla Club Decides Cn Meeting Curtailment At a recent meeting of the Yon calla Town and Country Club, it was decided to meet only once a month during June and July, and have no meeting in August, re ports Mrs. George Edes, correspondent. Patronize News-Review Advertiser A collection for the Cancer Drive netted $6.75. Mrs. William Skaggs was host ess for the meeting which took place at a noon potluck. ROGER'S TUNE-UP 9 n OP Opposite Vet's Entrance Just Off Harvard Ave. 625 W. Wharton St. OR 2-4022 FAST SERVICE ON Automotive Tune Up Carburetors Generators Rebuilt Brakes Relined Lubrication YOU CAN DEPEND ON US! afigwai jg Superb gets instant attention at dinner call ! Safeway Guarantees each cut and kind of meat you buy. Our guarantee means that each meat purchase must please you completely or we return your money without fuss or quibble. This fine meat is made with our special mild cure, which fills every morsel with exquisite flavor and makes the meat so tender. Safeway's exceptional trim gives you full value. Cry-O-Vac wrapped. Boneless Brisket lb CUT-UP FRYERS LINK SAUSAGE Manor House Grade A :resh ..39' ,59' BUTTERED BEEF STEAKS 52, 49c Strictly fresh Mild seasoned. Pork Butt Steaks Lean fresh steaks with a minimum of waste ,49' FOLDING CHAIRS With the famous SAMSONITE name... Reg. $6.95 Strong & Sturdy tubular Icgi and a pad- t$i5oo ded teat. Grand for all occasions, ragiittr to pet $3" Corn iscuits HIGHWAY. Your choice of cream ttyle or whole kernel, 303 can; Whole kernel Vac Pack, 12-oz. can cans $' BETTY CROCKER Bisquick or Buttermilk refrigerated 2 More Weekend Penny Savers VAN CAMP BEANS i"Jr 6-8 BONED CHICKEN 'ZZL, Z 39' GRATED TUNA 4 89' alo d Dressing Nu Made 5c off Limit, please - 29' Lets' Have Delicious Corned Beef & GRAPE DRINK JUICE BASES SWANS DOWN CAT FOOD LIQUID FELS Orange, Orange Strawberry, Joy-ctt Real Gold S flavori Reg. cako mixes Figaro. Keeps 'em healty Detergent 10c oft REMEMBER WE GIVE i I V i t: 3 i, I.- I it 1 Cake Mixes i.h.49' 6 6 oz. 00 cans 39' 7 - 1.00 69c CAiBAOi Firm, solid heads. Tops for Cole Slaw, too! 19 oz. pkg. 6 oz. 22 oz. Size ( Only ( Lr GOLD BOND STAMPS Potatoes White Rose 10 U.S. No. IB Grade lbs. 29' Red Rome Apples 1 249' Smart shoppers get a "Bonus Value" with these valuable stamps. Save on your totol food bill at Safowoy. Cinch, White, Yollow, Spice & ChocolaTe, Reg. 489c Town House Fancyc Fresh Spinach Large bunches 2 bun. 25' Crisp Carrots Tops removed Finest quality 2 lbs. 25 17 ox. Prices in this advertisement are effective Monday through Wednesdoy, June 6th at Safeway in Roseburg. We reserve the right to limit. 2 Cans 5 C :r Vk) : jSM''r'.-" "- b o