16 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ot.. Mon., June 4, 1962 0Uj szrjx CALENDAR OP EVENTS Eisenhower Comes To Defense Of Former Treasury Secretary tomorrow Monday, Jun. 4 Navy R.i.rv., Naval Reserve Facility, 1624 W. Harvard. Knighti of Pythias, Pythias Hall. 8 p.m. Wlnsion-Dillard Kiwanis Club, 6:30 p.m. Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m. Players requested to be present by 7:20 p.m. to set up tables and boards. Buckeroos, workshop at the bam, 8 10 p.m. Past Matron! of Order of East ern Star. Umpqua Grove 51, Supreme Woodman Circle, Evergreen Grange Hall, 8 p.m. Alpha Zeta Theta Rho Girls Club, 30, IOOK Hall, 7 p.m. Winston City Council, City Hall. Douglas Camera Club, 880 SE Jackson, 7:30 p.m. Roseburg City Planning Commis sion, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Oakland Bethel 42, practice, 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 5 Dog Obedience training classes. Bob Butts home, Kelley's Korners, 7:30 p.m. Buckeroos, beginners pattern dances, at the barn, 8 p.m. Roseburg Kiwanis Club, Ump qua Hotel Civic Room, noon. Glide Kiwanis Club, 7:30 p.m. Associated Volunteers card par ty, Veterans Hospital recreation building music room, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. ... ; hiViin "Kw iM contracts the government DUX III. A . auiimiiii. ...... . , members welcome Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club, Umpqua Hotel, 7:15 p.m. Tins is an open club and all bridge play ers are welcome. Anyone needing a partner for the play is asked to Bethel 72, Job's Daughters, at Masonic Temple, special meeting and installation of officers. Oakland City Council, 8 p.m. Doug Etts, Sheriff's Mounted Patrol, courthouse, 7:30 p.m. Rainbow Garden Club, busi ness meeting and potluck. Myrtle Creek City Council, City Hall, 8 p.m. Melrose Grange, Grange hall, 8 p.m. Umpqua Post 16, American Le gion Post and Auxiliary, VA Mem orial Hall, 8 p.m. Job's Daughters, Bethel 8, Ma sonic Hall, 7:30 p.m. South Umpque Archers Shoot, Riddle warehouse, 7 p.m. Slo-Kart Cart Club, 7:30 p.m., Roseburg Cartways. Interim Committee Urges New County School Plan SALEM (AP) The Legisla tive Interim Committee on Edu cation recommended last week creation of a new county school program to provide better serv ices to the schools. It would create intermediate units to take over the duties of the county school superintendents. The latter office would be abol ished. These intermediate units would be established in each of the 31 counties which have county super intendents. The five counties un der the county unit system would not be affected. Each Intermediate unit would perform the minimum sorvices re quired by law, such as filling out pupil reports for the stale Depart ment o Education. It also would provide education In special areas, such as pro grams for poor readers, the gifted and Iho retarded. It also would provide centers for schools to buy curriculum materials. A school district could obtain theso services cither from the unit in which it is located, or from an oilier unit. By voto of the people, two or more intermediate units could be joined together. "The purposo of our recom mendation, " Rep. Joe Rogers, R Jndcpcndenco, committee chair man, said, "is to provide these special services more economical ly, and to smaller districts which now can't got them." Dr. Carl Huffrker, professor emeritus of education at the Uni versity of Oregon, supported the proposal. He said county lines mean noth ing as far as school boundaries ere concerned. He said the Intermediate units fchould be allowed to serve the schools without regard to county boundaries. Each unit would have its own board. Rogers said each board might name the present county school superintendent as its ad ministrative officer. NOTICE Notice It htreby given, pur suant to Soc. 1.359 (c) ond (d) of the Rules end Regulations ot the Fodoral Communications Com mission, of the filing by Pacific Western Broodcatters, Ino., ot application to the said Commis sion for permit to modify the facilities of Standard Broadcast Station KQEN, Roseburg, Ore gon, OS follOWS! .. Increose power from 250 watts day end night, to 1,000 watts day, 250 worts night. The nomes of Applicant's of ficers ond directors, who ore alto its only stockholders, ere as fol lows; Philip f. Waters Milton A. Foland George F. Brice, Jr. The application was tiled with the Federal Communications Com. mission on May 11, 1962. and held with the Hanna firm two of its subsidiaries. One of the contracts, Syming ton said, carried a clause pre venting the government from au diting the firm's financial state ment. Charge Angers Ike The former president, his face flushing, told reporters who asked about this that "if Secretary Humphrey ever did a dishonest thing in his life, I'm ready to mount the cross and you can put the nails and spear in me. "I will never believe he did a dishonest thing in his life." The Hanna contracts were signed Jan. IS, 1953, after Eisen hower had selected Humphrey to be his Treasury secretary. Hearst Buys S.F. Daily SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) The Hearst Newspapers have bought out the Scripps Howard interest in the ban rrancisco News Call Bul letin, which had been a joint op- cration for nearly three years, it was announced Saturday. Scripps Howard thus retired from the publishing business in San Francisco after having been represented here for 59 years. Announcement of the change in management was made in a late edition of the News Call Bulletin Saturday. The newspaper traces Its history back 107 years to the date of the founding of the Evening Bulletin Oct. 8, J8r,5. Latest change in Us organization was made on Aug. 8, 1959, when the Hearst Call Bulletin was con solidated with the Scripps Howard San Francisco News, each corpor ation holding one half interest un der a new corporation called Apex Publishing Corp. Red China Refugee Air Plan Offered WASHINGTON (AP)-A plan to aid Chinese refugees in Hong Kong was outlined today by Mrs. Claire L. Lhcnnault, widow of the war time leader of the famed Flying Tigers of China. Mrs. Chennault explained the private relief program to Presi dent Kennedy. She said he "seemed very interested." Gen. Chonnault's widow, who lives In Washington, said former Presidents Herbert Hoover and Hurry Truman are honorary co chairmen of the Citizens' relief or ganization known as Chinese Refu gee Relief. Mrs. Chennault is pres ident. She said Iho group will ask the American public to support a drive to feed, clothe and resettle refugees crammed into Hong Kong. No details have been worked out. she said. Chinese retugee relief will begin accepting contributions addressed "Care of Postmaster, Washington 13, D.C.," she said. Offshore Lands, Beach Proviso, Asked For State SALEM (AP) Oregon's new Constitution should contain a pro vision that ocean beaches and off shore lands, now owned by the slate, belong to the people forever, the Constitution Revision Commis sion decided today. The commission voted to add that provision to the section which now preserves water power sites for the people. By law, the beaches now belong to the people, escept for about 25 i miles in private ownership. Putting this into the Constitution I would make it impossible for the I legislature to give away or sell a beaeh or offshore lands. The commission decided the new Con stitution should allow the state to grant casements or lease the lands. The Constitution's provision that the state may generate and dis tribute hydroelectric power was expanded to include power pro duced by any method. This would lot the state distribute electricity produced by atomic energy, for example. This present section, however, never has been put into force, be cause no legislation has been passed to establish a commission to carry it out. T'he commission voted to con tinue to allow creation of peoples' utility districts to distribute power and water. But it deleted the provisions that the PUD's could levy taxes, sell bonds and hold property. This de letion was to make these provi sions subject to legislative action. The commission voted 9-6 Friday that the legislature should be al lowed to create a state law commission. WASHINGTON (UPI) Gen.. Humphrey was said to have re Dwight D. Eisenhower willltained stock in the Hanna firm "mount the cross and you can I while in his Cabinet job. put the nails and spear" in him! The stockpile program, Eisen if his Treaury secretary ever did ' hower said, "operated under laws anything dishonest. i enacted long before I got there." Eisenhower made the vehe-1 A last count, 65 of the 92 ma- Army Reserve, 1614 W. Harvard ment statement at 810 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, basement of Pacific Building, 8 p.m. For in formation call OR 3-6629. Boots and Calico, pattern dance lessons and workshop, Winston Community Hall, 8-10 p.m. For in formation write PO Box 104 or call OR 3-3436. Ward Cummings caller. Sutherlln Girls Drill team, prac tice. East Grade School play- inlormauon wrue terials stored exceeded fhe amount that would be needed for a three-year war. The excess has been valued at $3.4 billion. Consultant Fired In another development Friday, stockpile consultant John D. Mor gan was fired after accusations that he was in a conflict of inter est in 1957 by holding a job with a stockpile supplier while work ing part-time for the government. Office of Emergency Planning Director Edward J. McDermott, in dismissing Morgan, referred to missal "fter a subcommittee in the case to the Justice Depart-1 vestigator said .Morgan got Slo, ment for Dossible prosecution un- 000 from Climax Molybdenum der the conflict-of-interest laws Sen. Clair Engle, D - Cam., a member of Symington's subcom mittee, demanded Morgan's dis- Co., a stockpile supplier, w b 1 1 e working part-time as a $50-a-day consultant to the old Office of De fense Mobilization. a news con ference recently. He was respond-; ing to Senate investigators' at-! tempts to determine whether ex-i secretary George M. Humphrey's! company, M. A. Hanna of Cleve- land, got unconscionable profits , from deals with the national stockpile program. Chairman Stuart Symington, Mo., said his special investigating subcommittee was pressing an audit of three nickel and smelt- W- MONTGOMERY WARD 1481 NE STEPHENS OR 2-4811 OPEN MON. AND FRI. NIGHTS UNTIL Eighth Grade At Curl-in Enjoys Coastal Outing Church Kindergarten Has Rites In Glendale The Glendale Christian Kinder garten held its promotion program Friday evening, at the Assembly of God Church with certificates go-1 ing 10 i,i Doys and girls. The Azalea Community Church Mission Circle met Friday at the home of Mrs. Hoy Snider and dis cussed plans for the church's va cation Bible School. Members worked on constructing rhythm band instruments for use during the Bible School. Several Glendale women attend ed the recent meeting of the Ump qua and Willamette sections of the Asembly of God Church held in Drain. Mrs. Bruce Manning, wife of the Glendale church pastor, was one of the honorees at a surprise pink and blue shower given at the ' meeting. OKAYS GOLD HUNT LOS ANGELES (UPI) It mav ho because they need the monev Irene Ames. Curtin correspond ent, reports that Mrs. Myra Davis took tho eighth grade on a "bnrak j but the school board has granted Day" to lxion Lake and Florence I permission to W ilfred Takasato. recently. 34, to din f,,r buried Spanish gold Mrs. Ames further reports that ; a the McDonald Avenue Elemen jrr. and Mrs. Joe Selva and llel-1 try School. en Sands spent a recent three days j u a,ded two conditions. Takas- r.asirni vm.-koii miming roc . .. ,,,., r,,.,0ra the nronerlv to its orgmal state and give the school district half of anything he and arrow heads. DOUGLAS COUNTY PIONEER DAYS June 16 & 17 All New Rodeo Stock THIS YEAR Furnished By Contractor Ray Kohrs and Tres Pinos Douglas County Fairgrounds finds. BEHIND THE TIMES MIDDLES!) HOUGH, England (UPI) A Middlesbrough man was fined 70 cents recently for ty ing his hore to a lamppost. "You are 60 years behind the times, my man," the judge told the defendant. COMFORTING NEWS COMING DOXOL --j 6 ft. BARBECUE of top quol. ' "V 1 "ls-rllSSTSir California redwood. . II v--"' CNrNrKtLJJ'' II ' Table and 2 benches seat 8 rv j 5-; cool, inexpensive comfort SAVE NOW ON FOLDING ALUMINUM AND PLASTIC WEB FURNITURE Enjoy Wards budget-easy prices on this sparkling new summer fur niture, and be ready for wonderful outdoor days ahead. So easy to fold, store, carry to porch, patio, balcony or beach! Con structed of lightweight 1 " Alcoa aluminum tubing and polypropy lene webbing long wearing, weather-resistant. Chaise adjusts to 5 comfortable positions with handsome varnished hardwood arm rests. New for '62, webbed aluminum rocking chair .... 12.95 Handsome Matching Side Chair As Pictured 7.95 H 5)95 folding chaise no money down BUNTING 5-POSITION Paly-foam chaise. Weather proof aluminum, plastic cov er cushions. 29.95 5-POSITION chaise of weatherproof aluminum and plastic webbing. Matching web chair, 5.49. 9.95 - Wards wonderful baby world SAVES YOU SO MUCH ON ALL THE PRACTICAL NECESSITIES 3-IN-l CANOPIED STROLLER BY STROLEE-SAVE 2 vl' ) GJ388 36 x 36" pad for play yard Is w.tproof vinyl plastic. $2 REG. 16.95 Triple chrome plated tu bular steel with weather proof nylon and vinyl body. Folds compactly! NYLON PLAY YARD AT A $5 SAVING! Reg. 24.95 Mesh sides cushion tot's falls, lightweight chrome plated frame; vinyl cov ered top rail. 36x36". fl388 WALKER -ST ROLLER b To.lo tamout for durablt quality. Eaiy r hondlo. R. 11 93. So.. $3 9.88 SIT-N-STAND auto ml. Th podded icot drops to child trond. Wairioblc. Ref . J 49. Soa 61c ickly 4.88 SAFETY GATE opens to 5 ftt! Useful t doon and windows rvtnt injuries. Re. 2.98 2.77 DELUXE 3-IN-l Strolle-f-Walkcr OOid-,t4io9 u,ii a40j,c, Aq body. Reg. 16 95 Sa.a $2 14.88 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your money back! "CHARGE IT".. . pay in 30 days cr exfend payments o o'