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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1962)
6 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Fri., June 1, 1962 U. Of 0. Mothers The University of Oregon Moth ers Club entertained their bus bands at a potluck recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. St. Onge. Present for the dinner, which began at 6:30 p.m., were Mr. and Mrs. Darlcy Ware, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warg, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Starr, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booth, Mrs. David Tomashck, Mrs. Robert OPEN TUE THRU SAT ONLY NOW thru SAT only AUDIE MURPHY DAN DURYEA JOAN O'BRIEN OWE WAS A MADLY , DAHOIR TO THE """" If "THE XViS bay wMClrV.Cj inc u DAY W, THE - rani-si CAN in TTfjr CAUGHT E cmr ks n iMirniifkinn VI nlu ..rn.HIT; Tho following radio ond telovltion program! are printed at o fre public lorvico for Nowt-Revlw raodert. All progrom liitlngt are published at received from the respective stations. Tho News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from originol schedules furniihed this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :1S-ETV :30 Play Your Munch 10:0O-Prlce Is Right 10 30 C oncenl r at Ion 11 :00 Your First Impressions 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 Day Report 13:00 Jan Murray 13:25-NBC News 12:30 Romper Room 1:0ft Young Doctor Malont V.30 Our Five Daughters 2:00 Makt Room For Daddy 2:30 Here's Hollywood 2:55 Afternoon Report 1:00 December Bride Yao0 SERVICE U SlUVICt SlMUlHItfO PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV Is snitsri 31 Ynri 11M Ml Iteimn at tirlii yum Id KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:45 Cripco Snow (Tues) . 9;54 CBS News (except Tuesday) 10:0O-Love 01 Lite 10:30 search For T&m&rrsw 10:45-Guldlng Light 11:00 Colleae of the Atr 11:30 As The World Turns l?:0o Paisword 17:30 House - Party t:0O The Millionaire 1:30 Verdict Is Your l 1:54 ens News 2:00 Brighter Day KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00 Coiieoe Of Tha Air 7:JOCartoon Time 100 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 Calendar 9:301 Love Lucy 10.00-Vldeo VMIaoe 10:30 Clear Horiion 1100-Love 01 Lite 11:30 Search Fir Tomorrs 11 4S Guiding Light 13:00-H NelQhDor 13 30-As rtw world Turni I.oo-KOIN Kitchen 1)0 House Party 2 00 Th Millionaire 2.30 Verdict is Yourt KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TlM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Terntmee Ernia Ford It: JO Yours For A Song 13:00 Camouflage 13:30 Window Shopping 1 00 Dy in (.our! 1 7WAF1C Midday Report 1:45 Homemaker Hints (Mon. Wed.) 1.45 Farm Journal (Tues. Thurs.) 1:45 America's Newsreel (Fri) 2 &iJ ana Wyman fchow 2 30-ETV 3 : 00 Queen For A Day Radio Programs -Monday thru KRNR 1490 KC KRNR .Broadcasting 24 hours. ri dav 4 week. Monoay through (ati-rdey rBS news on tne hour. Sunday through Saturday. CBS features on tha halt hour. Sunday-Sat-wrday Frank Oos. 7:30 a.m., PST. 5:45 KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY 4:00 Sign On 4 30-Local New 4 45 Weather Capsule 4:50 Paul Harvey New ABC 4 55-Late Ntw-ABC 7:00 Frank Hemingway Newt ABC 7 30 Local New 7:J5-Clty Hill Report J v-Stock Market Report 5& Dun Allan News AflC I IV--Major Lnje Score V Lecal News 'W.'.'sather Ceptule 55-Lata News-ABC KYES - 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4- DCIT T"it wdv. e m. Matin, mv"nr I m rn TO 0 p m. rmni, :. wmn., itn.. no amir r'M "UHOAt THROUGH lATUHDAYi iud- Slerits ol Pdftc Powtrlirxl, 1)10. Voo.. oZJZ " hovrj WMltw-Vant ISMrVrt Thurs., Frl.r Mutif) Mllr, 1 p.m pm. I w TNI twin rttwt vmmry Stage A Potluck Lloyd, Mrs. Dave Geddes, Mrs. Emma Briggs and Mrs. W. H. Cart er. It was noted that the Roseburg unit had recently given $200 to the scholarship loan fund, I he com bined groups in the state granted $5,000 in scholarships to deserving students. Mrs. Tomashck installed the fol lowing new officers for 1962: Mrs. Darley Ware, president; Mrs. W. O. Kelsay, vice president; Mrs. W. H. Carter, secretary, and Mrs. Ed win Starr, treasurer. Road Contract Let WASHINGTON (AP) A $66,368 contract for surfacing 13.8 miles of road on the Umatilla Indian Reservation southeast of Pendle ton, Ore., was awarded Thursday to the Carl Carbon Co., Inc., Spo kane. The Interior Department noti fied Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, D-Wash. Crashing through the LAUGH barrier! JERRY LEWIS AT HIS NUTTIEST In The Errand Boy with BRIAN DONLEVY RAZZLE-DAZZLE CIRCUS THRILLS! The Big Show in COLOR with ESTHER WILLIAMS 3:30 Public Service (Mon) 3:30 Blue Angels (Tun) 3:30 Men Into Space (Wed-ThursJ 3:30 Home Show (Fri) 3:4S Feature Shorts 4:00 Talk ot the Town (Tues., Wed., 4:00 Public Service (Mon. Fri) 4- 30 Captain Shipwreck 7:00-Mr. Ed 7:30 Tales of Welti Faroo 1:30 Tall Man V. 00 Saturday Nile Movlet 11:00 Saturday Cinema FRIDAY 1:30 Almanac Newsreel 1:43 Industry On Parade 4:00 Northwest News e:!5-Huntley Br Ink ley 4:30 Perry Mason 7:30 International Showtime LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Imtallments Available 939 S. E. Stephens OR 3-8164 2:30 Edge 01 Night 2:15 Secret Storm 3 : 00 Johnnie L inn Show 3: JO Kaleidoscope FRiDAY 4:00 Around The Home 4:1$ city Police 4:30 Uncle BUI Show 5:10 Huckleberry Hound 4 00 Your IV Weatherman 4:0S Channel 5 Report 4:15 News 4 30-Rnwhlde 7" 10 Route 64 1:30 Rifleman 9:00 The Country Show 9:30 Twilight Zone 10:00 Untouchables J no Br It, titer Day 3:15 Secret Storm J-W-Edqe ot Nloht 4 00Carloon Circus 4:15-Early Show 4:4S Newcene 4: IS Waller Cronklte, New FRIDAY :30-Hlghway Patrol 7:0O-Death Valley Day 7:J0-Rwhlde I 30 Route 44 9 30 Father of tha Bride 10 00 Twilight 7nne 10 30 Fyfwilrtes 11:Oo-Porlland Wrestling 11145 Nlghlscene SATURDAY 7 JO-RPO 4 1:00 Cartoon lime 3- 30 Open House 4- 00 American Bandit and 4:30 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse 1:00 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse (Mon, Wed, Fri) 1:00 Teen Beat iTuei, Thur) FRIDAY 5: 30-Kit Carson 4 00 News Nine 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Mr. Maooo 7 : 00 Honeymowiert 7:30 Margie 100 Tha Hathaweyt I JO The FHnlitoM t 00 jt Sunset strict 10:00 Target: The Corrupter cm., PST, Monday through Saturday Lowell Thomas 5 pm, PST, Monday through Fr. dy. Sports Time 4 0 p m. Monday thrnugh Frldiy. 4 55 p.m. Saturday MONDAY TMROUOM FRIDAY 17:01 AH N'QM Show 4.05 Bob Johnson f,ho 9 Lata News ABC 10 00 Mid New AC 10 15 Te'io lest ABC 10:30 Exchange 10 40 News Ik Note tO 10 News For Women 10 tV-Late News ABC 11:55-Late Ntws-ABC 13 00 Mid Day New 17:10 Sports News 17:50 Market Report 17:55 Late News ABC 1:00 Local Newt 1 S5 Lata New ABC 2 JO t change f 55 Late News ABC j in) Fran Hemtnowav New ABC 3 JO A lei Dreier News ABC J 45 Speaking Of SiWtS ABC 1:55 Lata News ABC H minutM puit the houri Community Calwv nsr ftl 4i ti.nutrt pJtf the hour. IPICIAL PROORAMSf BurSC So!!. ) m.. tVon., lutl . Thurs . I I I Counttr- Polrtl, t:i$. Mon . Toes.. WJ., Ihu Fri,. I li'Mon, Tuts Thurs.; Walking Tltt tMt Movie Showtime Friday June 1, 111 ( INDIAN THEATRE Doors Open 7:13 p.m. Ona compiett show t 7:30. "Cape Fiar" at 1:15 only STARLITE DRIVE-IN -Opto 7: 15 p. Snows start at dusk, "t Black Horses" and "The Day tha tarm taugrw nre- PINE DRIVE-IN Optn 7:1$ p.m. Shows start at du. "Trie Errana uoy" ana "Tha B o Show" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutharlln) Box office open a? i p.m., u-ow ". "Voyage to tha Bottom of tha Sea" and "Bachelor In Paradise" BENETTA THEATRE (Winston) On complete showing, "Peppe" at i:jo p.m. "12 to the Moon" TRI CITY DRIVE IN (Trl-Clty) Box office ooens 4:43 p.m., show at dusk. "Where the Boys Are" and "Morgan (he Pirate" Saturday, June i2 INDIAN THEATRE Doers opn 7:15 P.M. One complete show at r.M. "tape l-carat 8:13 only starlite DRIVE-IN Open 7:13 p.m. Shows start at dusk. "6 Black Horses" nd "The Dav tha Earth caught Fi.r PINE DRIVE-IN Open 7:15 p.m. Shows start at dtk. "Tha Errand Boy" and "The Big Show" BENETTA THEATRE (Winston) Only one Complete showing "Pepe" starts 8:30 o.m. "12 To The Moon" CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutherlln) Box office open 7 p.m., show at dusk. "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" and "Bachelor In Paradise" TRI CITY DRIVE IN (Trl-Clth) Box office opens 6:45 p.m., show at dusk. "Where the Boyt Are" and "Morgan tha Plrale" Now thru SAT only Optn 7:15 Compiett Show 7:30 A TERRIFYING WAR OF NERVES UNPMUEIEO IK SUSPENSE! GREGORY PECK- ROBERT MITCHUM POLLY BERGEN irii uim nun nm an mm 8:30 The Detectives 9:30 Dinah Shore - 10:30 Chet Huntley 11:00 Report 11:15 Front Row Center SATURDAY l:30-Plp the Piper 9:00 Snarl Lewis 9:30 King Leonardo 10:00 Fury 10: 30 Make Room For Daddy 1l:00-Mr. Wlnard 11:30 Baseball 2:30 Dan Smoot 2:43 Saturday Matinee 4: 30 Championship Debates 5:00 Shotgun Slade 6:00 Saturday Night Report, 4:15 Feature Shorts 4:30 Pete and Gladys ADD THIS SALESMAN Colling On Over 12,000 Homes TO YOUR STAFF For Information, D.ol OR 2-3321. Ext. 44 11:00 News Final lt:l-Sfage 5 SATURDAY 9:45 Baseball 13:30 Saturday Matinee 3:00-Wide World ot Sporls 3:30 Championship Bridge 4:0O-TBA 4:15 Hollywood Park Races 5:00 Championship Bowling 4:00 Dan Sinuut Report 4:15 Channel 5 Report 4:30 Perry Mason 7:30 The Defenders l:30-Have Gun Will Travel 9:00 Gunsmoke 10:00-Flnal Report 10:15-Slage S l:30-Sky King 9 00 Captain Kangaroo tO:00-Vldeo Village Jr. 10: 30 News 10:4$Baetalt 1:30 Armchair Theater 3:30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse 4:00 Roy Rogers 4 30-Sky King 5:00 Red Dunning 5: 15 Hollywood Park Races 5:45-Time Out For Sports 4:00 Frontier Doctor 4' 30 Tha Callfornlans 7:00-The Third Man 7-30 Perry Mason I jo The Defenders 9 JO Have Gun, Will Travel 10 00 Gunsmoke 11 :0O Saturday Reporter 11:15 Theater ll:0O-A HC News 11:15 News J, Final 11:30 encore Theater SATURDAY 3:00 Film Fare 5 00 Roller Demy 4 00 Emeralj EntpiYa Bawling 7 OO-Floht of tha Week 7:45 Make That Spare :O0 Calvin and the Colonel 30 Leave It to Beaver 9:00 Lawrence Welk IP 00 Room For One More 10 JO All Star Theater 11 no Newt Nine 11:15 Movie Friday l:3S Sutherlin Hour 9:10-Monry Sm'tft tfuw 11:00 CBS BiXK 13.10 A'ont Smith Show 4 10 Rck Johnson Show 7:00 CB5 Block 7:3.v-N ght Watch 12 00 All Night Show 4 PO Paul Harvv Ntw ABC 4-1S Maicw Lhqu Scortt 440-LOCAl SpOfH V-R0rt From Th CiP'tol 5 CO t iinrd P. Mo'onn ABC S li-Flth 4 Gam Rroort f, -Crvron Nw-ABC 5 4V-Hfn WtMvffr i tftrn iportt ABC 3 IV-Lit Nf ABC t CO-Local Ni Wfi)or LMjvt Scorn t Buntt Ne i St Lrit Newn ARC 7 50 Otv HjiII RxM 7 iV-4.t Nrw ABC CO TtjlrtK'Wi 11:1 Wilior LflagufAScort! n u-Nt fmi II 00 S.BTt on noon Thurt-i iuthcrtta ftvBt, pm, 9i. i Rtturg Tan-Beat, t,X p.m. I ! i M.-Piflftvo J so pm. Sat.r $uody ir B'bia 'Sf'Mhi lo You. v: P- votions. t m.i WrM ot F(V VuK. IMS pm.i Luthran Hour. I o nvi Ronou Jam, t pm.i Mr. Musk. J p.m.i OW FaaMoncdt IllRtvlvst Hour. 4 pm. au 3 And omorrow Friday. May 25 Sheriff's Posse, at the Fair grounds, 8 p.m. Potluck at 6:30 p.m. on first Friday following first Wednesday. Loyal Order of Moose, game night, Moose Hall, 8 pm.. Home Group of Alcoholic! An onymout call OR 2-4059, 8 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors of the Win ston Assembly of God Church, 7 p.m. Umpqua Radio Club, at the clubhouse on Klamath Ave., 7:30 p.m. Driver's License Examiner, 837 SE Roberts, 8 a.m. to S p.m. Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club, Umpqua Hotel, 12:30 p.m. This is an open club and all bridge play ers are welcome. Anyone desiring a partner call OR 3-4566. Olalla Valley Club, Upper Olal la Community Building, potluck supper, 7 p.m. Veterans of World War I and Auxiliary, Douglas Barracks 176, Veterans Memorial Building, 8 p.m. Riversdale Grange, Grange Hall, 8 p.m. Douglas Court Order of Amar anth, Masonic Temple, 8 p.m. Vis itors welcome. Alpha Zeta Theta Rho Girls, rummage sale in basement of IOOF Hall. 'Saturday, June 2 Alcoholics Anonymous, basement of Pacific Building, 8 p.m. For more information call OR 3-6629. Buckeroo Square Dance Club, at the barn, dance-of-the-month in struction at 8:30 p.m., regular dance at 9 p.m. Ladies bring light potluck. South Deer Creek Grange, Grange Hall, 8:15 p.m. Trl 'n' Square Dance Club, Ea gles Hull, Myrtle Creek, 9 p.m. Olalla Squares, at Olalla Com munity Building, 9 p.m. Roseburg Zonta Club rummage sale at old Umpqua Valley Hard ware Building 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hayloft Squares, regular dance at Veterans Memorial Building, 9 p.m. Dude Sibley, caller. Ladies bring potluck. Top ttfl Chevy jtj"? . . fxtrK viM' rSfe YOU'LL FIND JUST THE CAR AT JUST THE PRICE AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTER! Rrl Air J-ror J-Powniirr HViijrw . OAK Mr. and Mrs. Menzie Lee had as guests over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Neuhaus and family of Leigh, Neb., who also visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Carey. Mrs. Neuhas is a niece of Mrs. Lee and Mr. Carey. SATURDAY RADIO LOG KRNR 1490 KC I Music Except As Listed) 5:45 Sign On Bob Johnson Show i; 10 Monte Smith Show 6:00 CBS Block 5:55-Sport Time 7:10 Pappy' Platter Party 1:00 Sign Oft KQEN 1240 KC 5:00 Local News ft:3o News Around tha World ABC 1:45 Weather Capsule :5S-Weekend News P: 30 Local News 7:55 Weekend News ABC 1:00 Century 21 Reporter ABC 1:15 Major League Score 1:30 Weekend West ABC 1:35 Local News 1:45 Weather Capsule 1:55 Weekend News ABC f:30 Weekend West ABC t: 55 Weekend News ABC ): 30 Exchange 1:55 Weekend New ABC 1:30 Weekend West ABC 1:55 Weekend News ABC 1:00 Mid Day News 1:10 Sports News 1:25 Speaking ot Sports ABC 1:30 Weekend West ABC 1:55 Weekend News ABC 1:00 Local News 1:25 Speaking of Sports ABC 1:30 Weekend West ABC 1:55 Weekend News ABC :25 Speaking ot Sports ABC t:?0 Exchange ?:55-Weekend News ABC 1:20 Local News 1:30 Weekend West ABC 1:55 Weekend Nws ABC 1:15 Major League Scores 1:25 Speaking of Sports ABC 1:55 Weekend News ABC i: 30 Local News i: 35 Local Sports i:55 Weekend News ABC :00 Local News 1:15 Major League Scores : 55 Weekend Nows ABC ': 30 Local News i:5S Weekend News ABC 1:55 Weekend News ABC 1:00 Local News : 15 Major League Scores : 30 Music l:55-News Final 1:00 Sign Off KYES 950 KC Basic: musc-new!.weatner 4:00 am til noon The Leroy Hlatt Show noon till 5:30 Bob Nelson p.m. snovr Special features: Headlins news on lop ol tnt hour Weathervane at past the hour News Summaries W past -lie hour Meeting Memos V past the hour 10:30 to 11:30 am Teen Beat 7:30 to 3:30 pm Teen beot 3:30 to 4:30 pm Hi-Fl-Clllb II Nova Sport Coup Chtry II .Voro Sec the new Chevrolet, Chen and SJEPHENS 0 o Community Mr. and Mrs. Richard West of Portland spent Decoration Day in Roseburg visiting the former's father, George E. West, and Mrs. West on SE Reservoir Ave. Mrs. B. H. McNamee and son, Ben Jr., of San Francisco, are spending the week here visiting the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whar ton, on W. Elizabeth St. Mr. and Mrs. John Howard have returned to their home, following a trip to Pendleton to visit their sun, Wesley. Wesley is a former Rose burg Junior Academy student and is now superintendent of the Ad ventist Sabbath School in Pendle ton. Mr. and 'rt. DuFloth of Ana heim; Mabel Evans and Grace Van Harlinger of Soquel; Mildred and Esther Jones of Modesto; Glenn and Lauretta Burman of Loma Lin da, all in California, and Mrs. J. F. Campbell and Muriel Peterson of Portland were among out-of-town guests attending the Sabbath serv ices at the new Adventist Church on Garden Valley Blvd. recently. Muriel Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of Rose burg spent last weekend with her parents. She is a student nurse at the Seventh-day Adventist Portland Sanitarium and Hospital, which is the clinical department of Walla Walla College's School of Nursing. She is one of four girls who en tered that class as a freshman and continued training together. After being graduated from Milo Academy they took a year's work at Walla Walla College in prepara tion for their present work and then went to Portland Sanitarium for the practical part of their train ing. The other three are Connie Wilson, Roseburg; Diane Murray, whose parents have since moved from here to Sacramento, and Maxine May. Miss Peterson plans to be married in August. HAMBURGERS You'll Really Like Get 'em at the . . . DAIRY QUEEN 1144 W. Harvard FortQroundImpnJa Convertible Pick from 34 models during CHEVY'S Golden Sales Jubilee! Xo look-alike stylinp. Xo hand-me-down ideas, the Chevy II. Easy to look at, easy to ride in, You do your choosing from three altogether easy to keep up. Then there's the nimble road- dillerent lines of cars. Like the line thafs way pipping rear engine Corvair still in a class all out front as America's favorite buy the luxu- by itself. So why settle for the look-alike, rious Jet-smooth Chevrolet. With room, rich- drive-alike cars when you can get Chevrolet ness and riding comfort that rival the costly dependability in three delight- mwt cars in just about every thing except cost. Or fully different varieties? And at iuillMflllAf the spitTy thrift car with so many new ideas mighty pleasing prices right now ! J.)oor ,fAtn Cormir Mon:a II cad Conalr at your hxal ROSlURG News Briefs Mrs. Jack Kerr and two daugh ters spent Decoration Day in St. Paul and McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Vondis Miller re turned to their home in this city Wednesday, following a few days in Portland attending to business. Rotary Anns will hold their an nual dinner next Thursday night, June 7, at a 7 o'clock dinner at Oak Tree Inn. Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Cassel have returned to their home on SE Kane St., following a few days at Smith River, Calif., as guests of Mr. and I Mrs. George Jacobson. En route home they stopped over in Brook ngs to attend the Azalea Festival. ! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Treber had as weekend guests the latter's mother, Mrs. Helmer Nannenga, of Jamestown, N.D. and her two j sisters, Mrs. S. L. Munson of Far go, N.D. and Mrs. Durant Randle : of Portland, and the latter's hus-! band and their daughter, Rebecca. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Green and family have moved here from Washington and the former has I purchased the medical laboratory from Larry Cox, who with his fam ily will move the first of the week to Chico, Calif. Cox plans to com plete his education to become a doctor. The Green family is re siding at 1789 Crooch. I Friday & Saturday "PEPE" Canrtnflas Dan Dailey Shirley Jones 35 Guest Stqrs plus '12 TO THE MOON" and Color Cartoon "BEEF FOR AND AFTER" Only One Complete Showing "Pepe" starts at 8:30 P.M. Top rightCorvair Monza t-Door Sfdan Chtrv If Xiirti authorized Chevrolet dealer's ORchard The Cyril Porter, Arthur Porter and Fred Porter families of Eu gene spent Decoration Day here visiting relatives and friends. Ralph L. Russell of Roseburg is reported to be seriously ill at St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland. Friends may write him there in care of Room 207. Mrs. Russell returned to Portland Thursday, aft er spending the day here attending to business. Tonight thru Saturday "VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA" plus "BACHELOR IN PARADISE" Bab Hope Lonu Turner Janis Paige Box Office Opens, 7:00 Show at Duik Tonight thru Saturday "WHERE THE BOYS ARE" plus "MORGAN THE PIRATE" Gates Open 6:45 Show Starts at Dusk Club Coupt i-I)r,ir Wavrn 3-4446 1ST