The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 01, 1962, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri., June 1, 1962
HLfc. J
MISS HELEN CASEY and Mrs. Poul Jenkins, pictured above, presided at the beautifully
appointed table at the Morcy Hospital Auxiliary annual membership coffee held at the
home of Mr. ond Mrs. William F. Forrest on SE Kane Street. Pictured below attending
the affair were Mrs. John L. Hurrell, standing with Pink Lody Mrs. Ray Casebeer, and
seated Mrs. Dudley Walton and Mrs. Thomas Scholl. (News-Review Photos).
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Mrs. Jerry Matrox, Glide,
announces the engagement of
her daughter, Morilyn J.
Thompson, Glide, to Gregory
G. Jenkins, Rt. 4 Box 750,
Roseburg, son of Carl Jenkins,
Sacramento. Calif. The bride,
elect, who was graduated from
Glide High School in 1961, is
employed os a receptionist
ond bookkeeper by Suiter's
Building Supply. The bridegroom-elect,
who was graduot
sd from Douglas High in 1960,
is with the Bureau of Land
Management. The wedding
hos been planned for July.
(Picture by Wilson Studio).
Winners Reported
For Sunday Play
The Roseburg unit of the Amer
ican Contract Bridge League had
nine full tables in play at the win-
Timber Town
Winners Told
Timber Town Duplicate Undue
Club met Monday evening. Win
nors for North-South players wore
Mrs. Clair K. Allen and Mrs. II
N. Butler, first; Mr. and Mrs. F.1
noil, second: Wil
liam I'rilchctt and Vorden L. Hock-
ett, third, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Bcvans, fourth.
East-West winners were Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Patterson, first; Mr.
and Mrs. Itichard Davis, second;
Dr. Itohert CiouldinR and Walter
Dlrich, third, and Mrs. Walter
Usher and Raymond Borden
Tho club meets every Monday
evening at 7:30 p.m. Those desir
ing more information or assistance
in securing partnerships are ask
ed to call either Mrs. Walter Ul-
rlch or Mrs. John Davenport.
Teacher Hostess
At Lovely Party
Thursday afternoon Miss Mars
Harrow, a Camas Valley second
grade teacher, had the children
from the first grade room as
guests for a lit t lc party. Kirst they
were shown slides that were tak
en throughout the year of the dif
ferent children and others she took
at the World's Fair in Seattle
After seeing the slides they went
to the cafeteria, where the first
and second grade students pre
sented Mrs. Markham with a love
ly potted azalea. Mrs. Markham
is retiring after serving as cook
in the Camai Valley school for
uie past nine years
Refreshments were served by
the hosting second grade students
and their mothers and their teach
er, Mrs. l'earlo (Jualey.
Birthday Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller enter-
Golden Wedding
Observed Sunday
One of the loveliest events of
the month was the open house
held for Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ek
strom, when they celebrated their
golden wedding anniverary at
their home Sunday. Friends and
relatives called between the hours
of 1 and 5 p.m. Mrs. Arthur Deck
ert, with the assistance of several
women, had made arrangements
for the affair.
For the honored couple, festivi
ties began with a breakfast at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aam
ot, followed by attendance at the
early worship services at Faith
Lutheran Church. Mrs. Aamot had
baked a special wedding cake that
formed the centerpiece - for the
serving table. The cake, decorated
with pink roses and gold leaves,
was flanked by two crystal candel
abra holding six gold candles. An
other cake was decorated in cor
responding colors. Both cakes
were topped with the numerals.
"SO," in gold. Punch was served
from a crystal bowl placed on a
gold and glass serving cart. On
the serving table were a few con
versation pieces, gifts from Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Nelson and Mr.
Ekstrom of Astoria; and six gold
teaspoons loaned for the occasion
by Mrs. Charles Miller. The hand
made lace table cloth on the serv
ing table had been made by Mrs.
Ekstrom. A money tree was also
presented to the couple.
Mrs. fcinar Petersen served the
cake. Mrs. Bertha Ault poured the
coffee and Mrs. Vernon Graham,
niece of Mrs. Ekstrom, served the
punch. Mrs. W. S. Samuelson pre
sented the guest book, and Mrs.
John LaBrensz and Mrs. Marvin
Quist were in charge of the kit
The bride of 50 years was ra
diant in a pale green dress of lace
over taffeta; her corsage was of
yellow carnations. Mrs. Ekstrom
is a native of Astoria and the cou
ple was married there on May 18,
Born in Sweden, Ekstrom began
an adventuresome life, when at
the age of 14, he signed on a sail
ing vessel as a cabin boy. Even
tually he landed in Portland, and
after his marriage worked in the
Astoria area until he and his wife
came to Roseburg to retire in 1955.
Many items resulting from half
a century's union as husband and
wife had been placed about the
rooms, trained photos, a green
piusn family album, Mrs. Ek
Strom's baptismal gown, a hand-
drawn profile of Mr. Ekstrom and
some precious glassware were
among the items admired.
Signing the guest book and bid
ding the couple happy returns of
the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Aamot and Vicki, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Deckert, Mr. and Mrs.
John LaBrensz and Carole, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Samuelson, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Quist, Mrs. Ber
tha Ault, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. An
derson, Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Springer and Bruce, Dr. and Mrs
Louis Michalek, Tom and Bill
Michalek, Mrs. Allen Ingebritsen
Mrs. Sadie Terry, Mr. and Mrs,
Kenneth Salmonson, Sharon, Lin
da and Mary Salmonson, Sherman
Mowery and Eugene.
Victor Backlund, Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Quist, Mrs. C. W. Perry,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nelson and
Mary, Mrs. Ruth Downs, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Hukari and Becky,
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Huston, Mrs
Lela Trumble, Mr. and Mrs
Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Malone, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert 01
livant. Airs. Warren Schwartz and
Cheryl, Mrs. Robert Kent and Jan
et, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Burnett,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brenden,
Patty and Mary Ann Waterfield,
Mrs. Vernon Graham and Douglas
of North Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Ei
ner Petersen of Eugene and Mrs.
II. B. Abbott and Mary and Mrs.
J. H. Schosso, all of Yoncalla.
and Mrs. Charles Payne, Ten-
mile, announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Wilma
Ruth to Charles Rhodes, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Rhodes, Roseburg. Miss Payne
is a student at Douglas High
School and Mr. Rhodes was
graduated from Roseburg High
School and is employed by
South Stephens Emco Service
Station. The wedding is plan
ned for the summer of 1964.
Mercy Hospital Auxiliary
Membership Coffee Enjoyed
mv i
One of the loveliest affairs of
the week took place at the beauti
ful home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam F. Forrest on SE Kane Street,
when the Mercy Hospital Auxiliary
annual membership coffee took
Mrs. Porter Lainhart and Mrs.
Joseph Lanspa were co-chairmen
of the enjoyable and successful
event. Gorgeous arrangements of
pansies, calla lilies and other
spring blossoms formed the spa
cious room decorations, while the
serving table was covered by an
exquisite Italian hand-made cloth
and centered by an elaborate ar
rangement of iris and daylilies.
Mrs. Paul Jenkins had charge of
the decorations and was assisted
by Mrs. Lainhart.
Pink Lady cart was In charge of
Mrs. William Norris, who was as
sisted by Mrs. David Tomashek
and Kirs. R. J. Hatterscheid. The
and Mrs. John N. Nelson, Rt.
1 Box 340, Central Point, an
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Jutiet Mae
Nelson of Elkton, to Glenn W.
Vehrs, Elkton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer A. Corlson, Battle
ground, Wash. The bride-elect
attended Crater High School
in Central Point ond Oregon
State University. She is o
member of The Pines and is
currently teaching in the Elk
ton High School System. Mr.
Vehrs attended Battleground
High School and was in the
U. S. Air Force and is current
ly an independent trucker in
the Elkton area. The wedding
will take place Aug 25 ot St.
Mark's Episcopal Church in
Med ford.
refreshment committee included
Mrs. A. A. St. Onge, chairman,
assisted by Mrs. Stanley Long
Mrs. R. J. Raade, Mrs. Russell
Parsons and Miss Pernardine
Princen. Mrs. John Unruh was
chairman of the gift shop and as
sisting in serving were Mrs. Irvin
Beattie. chairman, and Mrs. John
Longfellow Jr. and Mrs. Ray
Casebeer. Mrs. H. J. Bauer was
chairman of the calling commit
tee and Mrs. James Richmond,
Mrs. John Longfellow, Mrs. Paul
Geddes and Mrs. Frederick J. Por
ter were in charge of publicity.
Baby alumni was in charge of
Mrs. Robert Johnson and M r s.
Robert Murphy.
Pouring were Mrs. Paul Jenk
ins, Miss Helen Casey, Miss Anna
Link, Mrs. Keith Bryant, Mrs. H.
F. LcBeau and Mrs. Frederick J.
Porter. About 100 attended the de
lightful affair.
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THE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ekstrom was celebrated
at an open house Sunday at their home when a large number of relatives and friends
called in observance of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Ekstrom are pictured above at the
reception. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography).
Bridge Club
Is Entertained
Priscilla Currier entertained her
bridge club at her beautiful home
on W. Elizabeth Street last week.
Roseburg Unit Play Held
Friday-Tuesday At Hotel
Winners for the Friday afternoon I Mrs. H. N. Butler and Mrs. Wal
Special Events May Day Party ter Fisher, third; and Mrs. Ivaa
nf Iho RncohliriT lTnit nf tho imor. PinUns anrl M-e PhA.lM Mn.n.H
The group meets at 10 a.m. and;: Contract Bridee Leaaue held i fourth. ' '
plays bridge until noon, at which j at the Umpqua Hotel were Mrs.
R. A. Diehl and Mrs. Harry Hiide-
burn, first; Mrs. L. E. McClintock
and Mrs. James Harris, second;
time the hostess serves luncheon,
followed by bridge again for an
hour in the afternoon.
Covers were placed for Mrs. Ron
Noel, a guest, and Mrs. William
Carjtens, Mrs. William Allen, Mrs.
Donald Gerretsen, Mrs. Elliott
Motschenbacher, Mrs. John Loos
ley, Mrs. Barton Feldkamp and
the hostess.
Prizes for the bridge play went t"aincJ.mcm,rs and guests of
tn Mr. Carsten. Mrs. Allen and I Alpha Iheta Chapter at a barn
Find lays Hosts
For Barn Dance
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Findlay en-
Shirlee Green Speaker
Dated For Luncheon Here
Luncheon Held
Women of the Roseburg Country
Shirlee Green from Eugene is to
be the speaker for the Christian
Women's Club luncheon June 8 at
12:15 p.m. in the Gold Room of
the Umpqua Hotel. She is well
known in this area having been a
speaker for several women's
groups. She also has spoken at a
number of CWC luncheons through
out the state.
She and her husband. Bill, have
a navigators home in Eugene
where a number of young men
working in that area live. They
also work with young people in
high school as well as at the Uni
versity of Oregon.
Bill Green travels across the
U.S. working with the various state
leaders in setting up the Gover
nor's Breakfast.
The Lewis Travel Service is
sponsoring the special feature,
which will be slides and interest
ing information concerning travel
by the West Coast Airlines to be
shown by Rusty ltostad.
Music for the luncheon will be
soloist Georgianna Heup. president
of Roseburg Dramatic Music and
Art Association, accompanied by
Paul Coates. The Rev. Don Smith
will be playing the organ which is
to be loaned for the occasion by
Ricketts Music Store.
Reservations for the luncheon
should be made by Tuesday noon
by calling OR 2-1110 or OR 3 5413.
Baby sitting is provided at the
Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Noel.
Mothers Hosted
At Canyonville
Using the gymnasium decorated
in the "Evening in Paris" theme
for Saturday's junior-senior prom,
Canyonville High School home
making girls entertained their
mothers at a fashion tea Monday
The junior girls were hostesses
for the afternoon. Rita Morgan
acted as narrator for the fashion!
show while other juniors served
refreshments. Mrs. Mary Kincaid,
Canyonville High School home
making teacher, was in charge.
Fifteen girls modeled clothes
they had made during the spring,
suits, afternoon dresses, sports
dresses and beach attire. Follow
ing the fashion parade. Annrea
Gill. Rita Morgan and Bud Olsen
sang, after which the freshmen
girls gave a comic fashion show
with Roxanne Dixon, narrator.
New Methodists
Feted At Dinner
Rulh Bradley's Oak Tree Inn
was the scene of the dinner Fri
day evening honoring all new
members who have been received
in the Methodist Church during
the past year. Several of the regu
lar members attended in an ef
fort to get better acquainted with
the new people. Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Powell were in charge of
the affair.
Ernest Buell, llarl K e 11 e y,
Wayne Crouch and the Rev. 11.
James Jenkins gave short talks.
dance at their home in Melrose.
Records and dancing were en
joyed by the group. A late buffet
supper was served to Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
D'Ambrosio, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Logan, Mr. and Airs. Robert
Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Edwart Sit
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Means,
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hayes, Mr.
and Mrs. Don LaBranche, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Ryder, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Bonner, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Whelchcl and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mrs. Ray Cole
Shower Honoree
A room beautifully decorated
with pink and blue storks was the
scene of a shower given for Mrs.
Ray Cole of Drain at the home
of Mrs. Glenn Cole. Melba Pres
cott was co-hostess.
During the afternoon games
were played. Mrs. Cole received
"Baby's First Book," made from
magazine pictures and cleverly ar
ranged. Guests were Jean Cunningham,
Velma Haideman, Mary Cox, Lena
Gardner. Pat Ness, Audry Moore,
Maude Moore, Mrs. A. A. Sandlin,
Mrs. Leonard Ross, Evelyn Cole,
Carolin Cole, Ruby White, Mrs.
Clarance Carter, Mrs. Raymond
Wilson, Beth Perky, Pat Hescoek
and Venus Davis.
The hostesses served refreshments.
Local News
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Burroway
left Roseburg last week for a visit
with relatives and friends in and
noar Canton Ohm u-hprn tho fnt
The affair v as informal. LarRe!mer SDPnt his vnunr davc Th !
nnniA lain maila nn nonuP Ti a tl ! ti i ti .. ..I
a"ic io63 v r-1 win anena oaonain services in tne ! rofi-h,rtr- ' "
revealed whether persons wereCanton seventh - day Adventist ! Gcn? Ynu Zl ,V? -Ml?-
new or oia in uie cumin.
Tuesday night's winners for
North-South were Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Patterson, first; and a second
place tie between Mrs. Ray Car
rico and Mrs. James Little and
Mrs. Ray Borden and Mrs. L. E.
East-West winners were Mrs.
M. L. Hallmark and Mrs. G. W.
Marshall, first; Mrs. J. M. Bev
ans and Ray Borden, second; and
Gertrude Rast and Mrs. Harry Hil
deburn, third.
Seniors Feted
At Camas Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Russcl Harwood
of Camas Valley entertained at a
very lovely buffet luncheon and
dessert at their home Thursday
evening, honoring the seniors af
ter the commencement exercises.
Mrs. Harwood is senior advisor.
After the luncheon Mrs. Har
wood showed her trained dog
which did some tricks.
Seniors attending were Louella
Edmonds, Garry Baker, Ted Kirk
endall, Bette Spencer, Susan White,
Klaus Pliket, Jim McGinnis, Trudy
Eddy, Ted Buel and Bill Brown.
Other guests were Superintendent
and Mrs. O. J. Monger, Leotta
Cox from Gold Beach, formerly of
Camas Valley and Linda Coltron
from Roseburg.
After the seniors left the Har
wood home they went to the home
of Phil Wilbur, a high school teach-
er, ror more entertainment. They
concluded their evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Spen
cer. Pink And Blue
Is Shower Theme
Mrs. Charles Jaquot was honor
ed guest at a pink and blue show
er Friday at the home of Mrs.
Jack SheUquist of Dixonville. Mrs.
James Wright was co-hostess.
The gift table was centered with
a small white tree decorated with
baby items which were later pre
sented to Mrs. Jaquot. Other dec-
uid nous inciuaca a stork which
viewed the proceedings from his
perch on a pink cloud.
Alter games were nlavrf ..j
the opening of the gills, lovely
Buffet Luncheon
Charming Affair
Mrs. Clem Schneider of Garden
Valley was hostess at a salad
luncheon Wednesday. Guests were
served buffet style. Mixed spring
flowers were used for decorations
about the home.
After the luncheon, guests en
Mrs. Catchpole
Is Tea Hostess
Ijoved the yard at the Schneider ; (rlenJ5 i,re t . .! Thev hart
lay afternoon Mrs. I-esl.e m,me ,nd iater in the afte rnoon j ,o th are! to get thei? ion
le of Camas Valley brought! the group attended the flower show! hf! w . "
Church, which Burrowav u-hn !! .."' -ora Ylvisak-
now nearly 85 rein-old. helped to!sei Bri es Zl mZTJ "' RuSJ
finance and to build when he uJV" ,nd
a young man. On their return trip. Those sendin ift. w -.w,.
a tend were Mrs. M. C. DeUar,
Mrs. James Vaughn, Mrs. Ernie
Weber and Mrs. Eva Wade.
Mrs. Schneider
Honored By Son
.Mrs. Clem Schneider was hon
ored Sunday at her home in Gar
den Valley at a birthday celebra
tion. Host for the charming affair
they plan to visit Mr. and Mrs. Al
len Chellis (Lenella Hitchman) and
other friends in Seattle and to at
tend the Century 21 World's Fair
before returning to Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. (Bud) See
berg and small daughter. Wendy
Glen, of North Sacramento, Calif.,
formerly of Roseburg. visited
Camas Vallev school svstcm for
This is an annual last day of I the past 13 years,
school event which Mrs. Markham Mrs. Catchpole served refresh-
ncrs game nckl Sunday at me tamed at a very lovely dinner at
Umpqua Hotel. j their home Monday evening to hon-
Ftrst nlare winners were Dr. and; or J. B. Preston on his birthday.
Mrs. James Harris; second, Leon j Coven were placed era beam? ; CJub met for luncheon Thursdao has uven each year. jments to Mrs. Edgar Markham,
McClintock and R, A. Jones; tying fully appointed table for Mr. and nT the clubhouse tolkiwed by the j The school staff and faculty pre-Mrs. Terle Qualey, Miss Marg
for third were Mrs. Ray Carrico I Mrs. Preston. Mr. and Mrs. J. Har-i weekly contract bridge play. Win- sented Mrs. Markham with a gift Barrow. Mrs. Ku.-sol Harwood,
and Mrs. W. II. liernott and Mrs. ley Smith, Mr. and Mrs. PauLners m the bridge play were Mrs. of money to be used for dishes to .Mrs. IV D. Hartnck ;il the hon
Walter L'Irich and Mrs. John Dav-Abeel and Mr. and Mrs. Miller. ,11. T. Hansen. Jirsi; Mrs. Kenneth . match her set. Mrs. Markham uloree, Mrs. Spurlock. The women
enport; and fifth, Mrs. It. A. I Visiting was enjoyed during the Hail' i. second, and Mrs. Burton retiring ttr job as school cook ! presented her with i beautiful pot-1
Jonei and 'Mrt. L. E. McClintock. 'pleasant evening hours. T. KSiklall, third. I after lemng I yean. ltd iialea. a,
k I I . I the seventh and eiuhth srade stu- !,,.., s,. tho i: anion Val v Gar- " : . . . "";
OVenUnhrdaV cookies and had a small oanv i , to n r.h emy by their daughter. Diane Mur-1 "-"" "t'e Winniford.
' co'" Coartv Mr CaichLe lnln' wcrexpllian 'V'- G.7' , 1 ho w" member " An "rangement of iris and hon-
Friday, Mr,. Edgar Markham enft taled Jt an af ernn Tea f". V1""' .M1""HtL. ?n lfi ,reshman class of the acad' I ."."V .birthday, cake' aU
entertained at a noon luncheon in KrMN CN S who """T1',-Re I TZL .lli 1 nd who is now 8 student : ,madf " nos'. 8"'ed the serv
tht Camas Valley school cafeteria i?kZ a leave of ab ence from ?rrthaeBJ,yl7' H'ld, "nd nurse at the Portland Sanitarium i table- Quests were invited to
honoring the school staff and fac-1 ' 'line Sh, h, , t!uM in tZ U"m s,nn,,der- and Hospital. The Seebers return- (rom 2 ? 5 o'clock to visit
. c c i.... i ' ruiuy reiresnmems.
lu ov i Aiiit-iiiu uiuitfjr aiiu .hiss ; . .. - .
Murray went back to Salem, where 'T dlnn" Wl,h Mr- ,nd
she is receiving part of the clinical ilman H-Hf MTl.n .er9
part of her training pro- i "Jjl " Schneider,
gram. The Seebergs have three , ".ftern
other ch.ldren who were also Rose- j were Mr. and Mr,. Lloyd I HU1
burg rrsvienfs. Mr, Jack Liebel. , Marun 11,11. Donn, HiU Linda
BobDe eeberg. Buddy Seeherg Hill. Mr. Walter Norris Cliftord
.! Tommy Murray, now all living ; Norris. Kiltie Wlnniford, Lois Hul
in Sacramento. 'Vicki Hul and friend, Cindi.