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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1962)
e o 14 Th Nowi-Reriew Roieburg, Ore. Thur.( Moy 31, 1962 Real Estate 3 V Real Estate 34 Real Estate 34 Real EstaU 34 Auctions 44 32 'St MERCURY i bdrm trailer, 4Ut ,3Q0. Call OR l-lt OPPORTUNITY! HERE'S Vwr erianc to gil Into 10 X 35' '41 7 Bedroom EXPANDO $750 CASH! WILL purchase S3000 equity. This mobile home has had excellent cart. Living room carpeted. Fully furnished. Your cash will buy REAL VALUE hire) See Charles Bon- lOlS ! SHADY PUINJ I KAILCK ALCS, 1 Mi. South Hwy 99 BR, OH 7-la. Real Estate Wanted 33 BEST 1 or J bdrm house near town for S4000 wow cajn. ok s-we. 3 to 10 ACRES, unimproved, on stream or river. Write J. W. con, 34 t. inn . Long Beach, 5. Calif. WANTED unimproved acreage for ranch, ing. Must have water. Write Box 45-News-Review. Real Estate 34 THREE BR Cloverdale home, equity 11700. OR WELL KEPT 1 BR home. Small down pay ment. 2174 Catkins Rd. OR ww, FOUR bedroom home, large tot, Westslde. Phone OK a-4w FOUR bedroom, J bethi, Westside, good lo cation. $16,500, rarms, uk j-bj. TWO BR home, acre, city" water. Glide. Price, $9500. OS TWO bedroom unfinished house, with base ment, Reasonable. v-ev. TWO BR house, 7 car garage. Winston. MMO, Will accept trade. us joij. FOUR YEAR old, 3 bdrm home, beautiful river view, os -m. FOUR BOM. house. 2 full baths, sawdust furnace, fireplace, bsmt. M.400. OR 2-320. ONE bedroom house needs some repair, small lot. Close In $3000, small dn. 2-257. TWO BR house. Consider trailer house as part paymenl.OR a-jeve. FOURbedobni, 2 baths, double garage. ORM7 NEEOS-REPAIRS, 1 Bdrm house, $3000. Smalt dn, allow for work If rented. 3-7581. NEW 3 BR, dbl. carport, Wi baths. Choice location on hisner ko.ju.twj y TWENTY FIVE "acres, liveable house. Elec riclty, wetfir. Clow In, OR 2-3911. THRFE Bdrm bungalow house on large lot. 2 biocKi irom oenson wnwi. m', Phone OS 9-5671. FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 baths, near Fullerton School, on staie wi now. i'.9w. ji . Susan. OR 7-M. NICE older 4-BR, w to w carpet, steet kit. U basement, dbl garage. View lot. V blk school. OR 2-4586, owner. NICE 2 bdrm home, spacious living room, ceramic tile kitchen. Good buy at $4950, terms. 1034 NC Klamath. THREE bedrooms, fireplace, hdwd floors, garage, targe fenced lot, FHA terms avail Able. $14,000. OR 2-41I4, after 4 andSat. TWOCRESpumlce solf In Glide area. Also 55 acre ranch, Tenmllt area. Call GY e3 1 34. . CABIN, Vi acre. South Coos River, trade for Roseburg property, or $4500. OR 2-3096 or Write POJlox 385,Roseburg. LARGE 2 bedroom home "on V, acre lot, near school and PO. On Page road. Wln chestar. 111,500. O RJ:J: FOR SALE7 or rent two bedroom home close to town. $4,500, $500 down and $50 per mo. Less for cash. OR 2-278$. MUSTSELL my two br. home. Lot 109x120'. Fruit trees, grapes. Shade trees. Terms. Ray Lynes, lz he- waineur, FOR SALE or rent 3 Bdrm home, dose to schools, $500 down, or will consider car, pickup or camp trailer .OR J-27B8. FOR' SALE- Three" houses' near Campuw excellent rentals. Write 1459 21st Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon. jCLOSETO SCHOOLS good S bedroom home, 3 car garage and shot:. $7500. Phone Sulherlln 3485. Two" Br house, blavrm," Ige corner lot. See at 744 W. Fair haven alter S, weekdays, all day, Sal. end Sun. HUCREST AREA 3 bdrm. houie. oil fur. nana heat, c re. fir en lace, covered patio. Utility garage. t7M NW Kline St. OR 3-33M i'V ACRES on Highway 42. Live stream, tamiiv orchard. 2 R house. 1 wells, chicken house. $10,600. Cash or bank terms. Plneie call after 12 P.M. OS SMALL 2 room house, furnished, l"i lots. ISOO down, balance like rent, $35 mo, Ifltal 12300. In Bandon. Call OR 3-4610, Roe!urg. SOUTHWEST SUTHERLIN 2 bedroom house. 6 years old. Hi acres land. City water. $7000, down. Contact W. Hel berg, 813 Monroe. Corvallls, Oregon. FOUR BEDROOM modern home, 2 gar ages, covered patio and exlra blrtg, lot. Ideal location close to schools and bus llne. 102 N.E. Lombardv Or. TWO large Bdrms, den utility room, dish washer, patio, knotty pine living room, furnace heat. Garage. Lawn, shrubs, fenc ed back yd. NrJr. HI. $10,750. OR 2-4656. EXTRA LARGE 3 BR home, "Green District. Wall to wall carpet living rm, tin II r dining rm; circulating fireplace,, patio, pavnd St.424t SWHanna. OR 3-7776 alL a .m. NEW HOUSE ON ishefRoad 2 level, 3'i belhs, 3 bedroom (could be 5) 2 fire places, ige family room, birch kitchen, built-in appliances, forced air heat. Double carport. Call OR 3-8560 evenings. Inquire at 737 W. Luellen. TWO BEAUTIFUL shaded acre's on'No. Ump. que river. 3 bedroom home, all modern end landscaped. Fireplace, double garage, work shop, turn and chicken house. Br nes, garden and fruit trees. $2$,500 terms. OR 34921. JIM BEVANS REAL ESTATE 5 Acres FENCED INTO 3 Irrigated perman enl pastures. Nice small barn. Irriga tion system. Fenced yard surrounds lovely 3 bedroom home with birch bul It -fn i, hot water circulating heal, disrtwasher, tile bath, dbl. carport w-lols of storage. Only 3 miles from downtown. Owner transferred. Price, $24,000. Highly Productive RANCH CLOSE IN. 287 Acres with 700 A. planted to sub clover, lolus and rye. 3 Barns,, slaughter house, 2 hog houses. Fenced and cross fenced w wyw wire. Lots of good stock water located rlgnl. 3 Bedroom home w-3 car garage. Price, $60,000. 40 A. for $4,750 WITH $500 DOWN, bal. $50 per mo there Is a bern on this property but no house. About 10 minutes from town. 957 NE Stephens OR 7 )111 r a Coon. Ranch Sltm. 03 -SUI Dorothy Jontt, OR yiuf BETTER HOME BUYS Evorydav tn Clavsitifd Dial OR 2-3321 Your Independent Mobile Homes R6j Real Estate Jim Bevans Real Estate Fullerton Realty Helen Glenn Real Estate Handy Realty Paul H. Krucger Realty Lackey Real Estate I BROKERS ml Magness Real Estate Stevenson Realty Earl Wiley Real Estate Williamson Real Estate Roy O. Young & Son 34 FAMILY ENTERPRISE RKSTAURANT with beer license All well equipped, including new broiler that cost over 11,000 alone also soft ice cream machine. Lo cated on Main street to freeway nn corner lot. Might trade for ranch. Price $26,500 terms. GARDEN VALLEY 50 ACRES rich bottom soil with ir rigation on Umpqua river, already planted in tomatos and corn. Large very good home, two barns, also 20 acres of very good gravel bar adjoining. Total price $68,500. 23 per cent down. ROGER'S REAL ESTATE Sutherlin, Oregon Office Ph. 4012 Home I'h. 2910. 259 ACRES ALL FENCED, all seeded tb clover and grass, large springs. Large mod ern home, fireplace. Big barn, ware house, poultry house. Some timber, tots of Xmas trees. Highway front age, only 825,000. Good terms. Sheep Included in price HURRYI GENTLEMAN'S RANCH! FIVE ACRES on the river, close In. City water. Large attractive six bed room home, stone fireplace, dining room, music room. Lovely yard, shrubs, shade trees. Barn 36' X 36'. New metal warehouse 33 X 40'. Ir gation system Included at only 830, 000. Terms can be arranged. Lloyd A. Wilson REALTOR 1667 SE Stephens. OR 3-8578 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE OFFICES in PORTLAND & r ROSEBURG Now is the time to ACT, be fore scarcity cheats you out of the right CHOICE. WE ARE A MEMBER of the Realtors Co-op, and will make every effort lo serve you better. Nice Furnished Home With Additional Income FOR JUST 112,000 you can buy this home wllh separate building which has 2 rental rooms, silting room and private bath, also commercial clothes drying unit and Ironer. Let your wile slay home with the kids and make a nice Income, too. Completely tur nished with nice furniture. Owner will sell tor 13,000 down payment, balance $7S month. Immediate Possession VERY NICE Westslde Bungalow, J large bedrms, bath with Ceramic tile, targe kitchen with natural finished builMns, utility wired lor waiher and dryer, gleaming hdwd lloors. WV. irOO down payment Includes closing cost. Balance St ' 00 a monlh. 4 Bedroom and Playroom ft?.0 Fireplace, hdwd floors, on paved street and sewer. 113,730. See this NEW Westslde S bdrm home wllh It's BIRCH kitchen, built-in oven and range, forced air fur nace, large dining rm and eliding glass doors to patio. , Ask us about RANCHES, TRAILER COURTS and other types of Income properly. 916 S. E. Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Evening call Iris Relnert 2 FOR 1 WE HAVE a new root and a nw furnace In this lovely 3 bedroom home on Estelie St. lor a new owner. Payments ol ltO per mo. will cover All costs Including IWb.M taxes. This H a $12,000 contract and the down payment is only S3, 300. Immediate Possession. 2 ON 1 TWO DWELLINGS on one 60XJO0 foot lot with Deer Crr-ek frontage. A lovely I (replace home with lull basement. 2 bedrooms and bath up stairs with 3 rooms and bath plus extra fireplace down. This basement Is on drive in level and could be a complete rental- Alio a separate 6S per month rental apt. with lull base ment on the same lot. All for only sli.WO. This has e Fed. G.I. mort gage of 111,700 with cover all cott paymenls ot 1105 mo. Oown payment of 1300 or refinance. 1 FOR 2 YFS THIS Is the westslde one for two happy pt-wle A 7 bedroom home with diihijAiner and w-w carpeting sitting on a 71X100' lot with paved slreet, curb, sidewalk, lawn, shrubs and lust everything a finished home should have. A Brown Ave. steal tor only 1 0,900, Refinance or S7J00 down, H mo. Fed. G I EXCLUSIVE AN EXCLUSIVE setting give pri vacy to the owner of this tremendous ottering. Private approach to a castle on a hill J big bedrooms. bedroom has private ceramic tile bath with glass shower doors Sand ran tiling on Moor. W-w rug stays, a does the UX71 living room rug 1 fireplaces. One for the 11X11 mahog any panelled family room Glati doors to the patio Total area I'M sq. ft. for only SU.JOC. si WO down al $113 mo H.J. WINTER "A Most 1 rutted Name In Real Estate" REALTOR Phone OR 3-7043 525 S. E. Main St., Roseburg "Bob" Morn. OR 3 740 O"' , Lo'S Winter, OR 3-417 Rite Bercus eve. Ph. -J07 mfii CO - OP Brokers OR 2-3731 OR 2-3172 OR 2-3692 OR 3-5458 OR 2-1316 OR 2-1659 OR 3-559- OR 2-1614 OR 2-2629 OR 3-4302 OR 3-6671 Real Estate 0J TWO Bdrm. house. In good condition, large ioi, on sewer. wj. small oown or Juuu cash. Phone OR 2-4271. REDUCED TO SELL owner leaving. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, Ifl rooms, fireplace, den, din. room. Beautifully landscaped, plus cute new mother-in-law 1 bdrm house, suitable for rental, 1I9,M0 $300 dn. FHA. i61t SW Carnes Rd; OR3-79. BY OWNER I bdrm house, separate dirv Ing with patio sliders, covered porch, fire place, hdwd floors, full basement. On paved street and sewer. Full price, SIKOOO. Call OR 3-1442. Consider pickup as part down payment, "Alotra". House FOR $13,000 THREE BR, separate dining rm, utility, adjoining kitchen, all spa cious rooms. Oil heat. Garage, full cement basement, parking area. Beautiful landscaping, covered pat io. 100 X 100 lot. Very desirable lo cation. DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY 1118 SE Stephens St. OR 3-4020 Martha Thomas, OR 2-3562 Craig Short, OR 2-2465 NEW LISTINGS 157'i ACRES Little River area, 5 room plastered home. Rent al cottage. Some limber, lots of poles. Live creek, irrigation system, chicken house, machine shed. Several good building sites for summer homes. Accept duplex in trade in Roseburg, . Eugene, Salem or Corvallis. $6000 down, full price $18,000. 40 ACRES on Little River. Owner estimates 150 M to 200 M ft. timber plus poles. Sold 1800 Xmas trees off last year at 75c each. Expects 3000 to 5000 trees to harvest this fall. 5000 to 6000 next year. Full price $5500 cash. Little River Realty Joseph A. Withers, broker GLIDE, ORE Phone GY 6-3344 FULLERTON REALTY 753 NE Stephens OR 2-3172 Eves OR 3-6fl98 ECONOMICAL THREE bedroom plastered Westside home. Well constructed. Large living-dining room. Birch kitchen, range and oven. Oil furnace. Ceramic tile bath. Enough room in garage for den and W bath. Top GI or FHA. Just $13,750. VERY NEAT TWO bedroom home, attached garage and carport. Tiled kit chen counter. Just $5800. May take in late model car. NEED ROOM? SEE THIS ideal family home, 3 bedrooms down, 2 70. Large living room, fireplace, kitchen nook. Oil furnace. Fenced yard. Street and sewer paid. 2 blocks to market and bus, 1 block to school. $11,600, $1,670 down, $82.62 month. Early possession. Salesmen: Agnes Fullerton, Forrest ixwee Dan Russell BIKINIS Have nothing to do with this add . . . but we wanted some male readers too . . . WALL TO WALL BEDS May appeal to some, but we think you'll much prefer this fine home that boasts 3 sizeable bedrooms, plus a possible 4th that's already finished. Tree-shaded acre, beautiful kitchen, tliermopanc glass, lMi baths, heavy shake roof, lots of fruit trees, and a wonderful value . . , Ask ing $23,500 with attractive terms. YOUNG, TERRIFIC TOO 2,400 square feet uf living space . . .2 fireplaces, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms and family room. Forced air heat, ter raced yard, and beautiful hillside view. $21,500 with terms. FROGMEN & MERMAIDS Will be happy to recommend this beauty. 3 Bedrooms on 1 full acre with No. Umpqua river frontage. Patio, beautiful Cape Cod style, lath house, irrigation system from river, lots of fruit and fine shrubbery. Priced right at $16,900. HEADACHE REMEDY For tired purses is this close-in 2 bedroom with room for 2 more in the finished upstairs. Separate bachelor apart ment in rear. Separate storage room, separate garage and shop, plus a carport, lits of rock and cement work, brick floored patio and outdoor grill. Oil heat too . . . and all this for just $6,950 full price. $2,500 down, $75 per monlh. ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY PHONE OR 2-3344 Evenings OR 2 3553 The Doyles. Reynolds Real Estate 806 S. E. Cass Phone OR 2-1413 GARDEN VALLEY 20 ACRES large older home with modern facilities. Ram and on pavement. This is a fine place for horses and your cows. The location is perfect. So near town and yet so far. t-'ull price $16,500. .700 ACRE STOCK RANCH OLDER 2 story 5 bedroom home that needs repair, 2 large barns. The home is in a heautitiil setting overlooking the val ley. Lois of water, creek, springs and pond. 300 acres open pas ture. 30 acres creek bottom. Balance in young timber Worlds of fruit plus some filberts ami walnuts. All fenced except some on back of ranch. $60,000 with 29 per cent down. CHOICE LOCATION VKKY I.AIUiK 3 bedroom home, liune roam, separate riming room, fireplace. All rooms carpeted, glass sliding doors, ItWO q. ft. in house plus 2 car garage with huge ce ment patio. SL'l.MK). RANCH PLUS FURNISHED HOME 415 COOD Al'RKS ready tor the rancher. 150 cultivated. 12 acres lotus, 100 acres in clover ami mixed grasses, about 200 M feet of timber and dandy 3 bedroom home 2 Barns, machine shed and sheep shed Tractor, plow, fertilizer spreader. Plus more, 150 sheep and 1 milk cow. $18,000 on terms. Gus Reynolds Lou Basset t OE. H. "Doc" Pocock Dick Scott 5 WILBUR J BR houi, 2 acts, $9600. Call OR 3-49tl wtekendi only. 0NER TRANSFERRED MU5T SELL FOUR year old 3 bad,oom homa near air port. 1315 sq. B. Lo- living room with flag slone fireplace, hardwood floors. Natural wood cabinels In mtcnan and separata utility room. Landscaped, paved driveway. On sewer and paved St. Must sea lo appreciate- Extras tool OR 2-11,9- TED SMALLE OR 2-3444 TWO bedroom home, 1327 NW Grove Lane, Calkins Rd. area. View lot, partial base ment. Reduced price. Vacant with immediate possession. Only $250 down, $50 per month. Full price, $4850. "List With A Multiple Realtor" At 72S SE Chadwick St. Muriel Thomasson OR 3-5646 Alice SmaUe OR 2-3444 OR 3-6998 GY 6-3315 VI 9-2H6 OR 3-4504 OR 2-3838 OR 3-82b9 Sutltertin 4053 O FOR SALE BY OWNER: TnrM bedroom modern hau, Urge patio with guest room or piavhoust attached. Approx 'i acre, berriei. trtei, fruit, thruos and flower i. Located near school and bui. Page Road, Winchester. Ph. OR 3-4754 after 4:30 p.m. BENSON SCHOOL JUST ' block away. Large 3 BR home, separate dining rm, forced air oil turn., garden spot. Enclosed porch could be used as extra BR S9600. The Home finders 1561 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 2-4477 Anytime-OR 2-3458 eves. RANCHES 530 ACRES stock ranch. Older 3 bedroom home. Large narn, garage and machine shed. Good location. Just off freeway. Plus 70 acres leased land. Easily handle 50 cows. Better see this! 100 ACRES, approximately 15 tillable. Very nice 3 bedroom home, creek. Pasture 100 or more sheep. 3 miles from town. Just $16,000. 60 ACRES with modern home, barn, greenhouse. Located on service road on freeway. 15 acres irrigated. 10 Acres in wal nuts. Balance permanent pasture. 512,500. $15,000 down. Good motel, station or trailer park site. DAN RUSSELL YONCALLA, ORE. VI 9-2146 or VI 9-2418 Fullerton Reolty 753 NE Stephens NEW LISTINGS 1 $11,900.00 New 3 bedroom home (has never been occupied) situated in the Joseph Lane area. Hardwood floors, fireplace, forced air furnace, attached garage, sewers, city water, etc. This is a good home priced in the hard to find range. FHA or GI financing. 2 $12,000.00 WINSTON 3 bedroom home situated on a most desirable West side lot. Circulating fire-place, hardwood floors, fully plastered interior with shake finish exterior, large living room, private bedroom, car-port, black-top street and nicely landscaped. FHA or GI financing. 3 WINSTON investment property situated across from the the atre (see our sign). Attractive duplex in the back of the lot for business or home and rental (one unit of the duplex previously used as Beauty Parlor). Large 200 X 150 foot Highway frontage Lot. Excellent for any type of business. Priced at $19,550 with down payment of $4,000. 4 DUPLEX (or large home) situated on S. E. Main Street across from the Telephone building. Total price is $11,750 with $4,000 down or owner may consider trading $4,000 equity of Roseburg 3 or 4 bedroom home. , 5 RANCH with 316 acres of land, some timber and 2 houses. Around 60 acres of bottom ground and balance rolling pasture ground. Priced at $33,000 with "i down. This ranch fenced for stock is in the Oakland area. 6 ACREAGES 1 $4400. Around 19 acres on the Roberts Creek Road. Excellent building sites, black-top street, city water, etc. 2 $2500. 2.84 acres on the Glengary Loop Road. Fine location for trailer house or home. City water, good road, fully fenced, etc. Vi down. 3 Around 6 acres in the Tenmile area. Fully fenced and ready for your trailer house or home. Good road, telephone and electricity available. Total price $2400 with $500 down. Don't miss this opportunity if you want good ground. HOME, RANCH AND FARM LISTINGS NEEDED Always List With Your Independent CO-OP Broker!' Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE OR 2-1614 KmFJ Evenings V- Leonard, OR 3-7711 Stevenson, OR 3-8744 Sconce, OR 3-4058 luilding Materials 41 Odds And Ends PARWOOD U X 48 X 84 X 42 X 96 5 8 X 42 X 84 PREFINISHED PARWOOD i X 48 X 84 X 48 X 96 V GROOVED PARWOOD 5'16 X 48 X 96 X 48 X 96 PLYWOOD i X 48 X 84 CLASSIC U X 48 X 96 Special Prices On Other Odd Lot Sizes Interior and Exterior Porticle Board and Plywood PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9 8781, Ext. 70 Halfway Between Winston - Dillord USED APPLIANCE SPECTACULAR WASHERS DRYERS MONTGOMERY WARD FRIGIDAIRE KENMORE WHIRLPOOL FRIGIDAIRE FRIGIDAIRE .cnher M. W Suprfiy BtNDIX KENMORE KELVIN ATO1 UMPQUA q 643 S E. Rose ATTENTION Homeowners! New Stale Farm Homeowners Policy wraps all 4 major coverages Into 1 policy, saves you 1 dollar In every 4, NORM BLEAKMAN STATE FARUFutand Cuualty Ca, Home Ofticf : Bloominiton, Illinois 1229 W. Harvard. OH 3-5084 OR 2-3172 Cleanup Special $1 75 42.50 $2.70 $1.85 $2.50 SI 90 $1 95 $4.50 $5.00 BIRCH MAI NOW $89 95 $59 95 $69 95 $35 UO $89 95 $45 00 $69 00 $35 00 $89 00 $69 00 $99 95 $59 95 $49 95 $29 00 $49 00 $29 00 $39 95 $9 95 $79 95 $49 95 MONTGOMERY KELViNATOR HOTPOINT FRIGIDAIRE WESTINGHOUSE MAYTAG HOTPOINT MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY VALLEY APPLIANCE THREE bedroom home. 19,500. 31 34 N W Calitln OR 2-2712. THREE" BEDROOMS, 1U AcreTHwv7j. Well buiit. excellent condition. Diiing room, cement utility, beautiful floori. Near school, itore, bus. Landscaped, garden irea. plenty water. $10,500 terms. OSM95 THREE bedroom modern house with car port. Laro utility room. Overlooking Win ston Valley. $7900. Consider taking In trailer house. Phone OS 9-571- STROUT REALTY RANCHES Homes Income Property Call Anytime Mack Ford OR 3-7202 M. Cherrick OS 9-5509 Howard Squier Suth. 3027 Lots And Acreages 35 THREE LEVEL ACRES, Garden Valley, ,;30. Call GY LOTS In Green DistTcity water and sewer available. $400 ea. 125 down, $10 mo. OR 2-2348. GLIDE LOTS and acreage. Mack E. Brown, 202 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Ore. Phone 363-2127. LEVEL LOT In Rldgewood, 200x200, "$3000, 1500 down, $50 mo. Level corner lot, west aide, $2100 plus street and sewer assess ments. $5down,$50jno.OR3-7021. BEAUTIFUL SETTING 5.61 acres, ap prox. 600 ft. S. Umpqua river frontage, lr rig. system. Perm, pasture, good well wa ter. Family orchard, berries, garden. 1100 q. ft. mod. cottage home 1, possible 2 BR, fireplace, furnace. 8 ml. blacktop to Roseburg. l"i ml. to grocery. Or will trad for 2 or 3 BR Portland-Salem area. OR 3-4642. Farms And Ranches 36 40 ACRES, fenced; 2 bdrm house. Sheep. 'L"1'--ou)- 0R ?-;418- 1600 ACRE sheep ranch, all seeded to per manent pasture. Located 10 miles toutn Roseburg. Price 580,000. Owner Larry Bas er. P. O. Box 476, Grants Pass, Ore. Ph. GR 9-1926. Exchange Real Estate 38 ONE CEMETERY lot, 3 spaces, Kelso, Wash. exchange for equal space in Roseburg Memorial Gardens. OR 3-5881. Timber And Sawmills 40 RE LOG TIMBER, ON IDEAL GROUND. For sale. Write Box 446, News Review. FORSALE""ortrade Portab lesawrr,l i lO saw edgcr, dlesel power. Phone 863-3470, Myrtle Creek. WANTED Douglas fir, cedar logs and cordwood In multiples of 8 ft. We load and haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 2-1791. 160 ACRES TIMBER AND LAND 'for sale fn Douglas County Write Patrick McKenney 27910 Elba, St. Clair Shores, Michigan Building Materials 41 REJECT LUMBER S12.50 per unit. C&D Lumber Co., Ridd1e.Ore. TR 4-228K USED steel roofing; heavy timbers and beams. OS 9-5477. BOARDS SHIPLAP RUSTIC FENCING ALL GRADES, 2x4's and wider. Clean up loads al special prices. Custom cut tings direct from sawmill. PR1CEO FOR YOU Lumber Sales Co. Garden Valley near RR Tracks OR 3-7362 COMPLETE STOCKS IRRIGATION PLUMBING And BUILDING SUPPLIES Operating in the Flegel Bldg. Low Overhead - Low Prices 'gerretsen Building Supply Co. Odell St. One Block off Diamond Lake Blvd. at the stop light. OR 2-2636 Fuel 43 O I C Fuel Co. Dry fireplace oak and fir; also ffr healer wood. OR 3-7WB. SUMMER-PRICES Large Core GUY t FRANCES GILL FUEL 111, NE Douglas OR 2-1S2J WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. Pond Lilies SUMMER RATES 1767 N.E. Airport Road OR 3-5082 Wood-Sawdust (blower or dump) POND LILIES PLANER ENDS 5LAB WOOD DRV OAK LARGE PEELER CORE All Deliveries C.O.D. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3 5508 LARGER PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 3814 NE Douglas OR 21524 I Miscellaneous For Sale 45 CORONAOO R,fr!q,rator, S50. U' Plywood IXMt. 150. Phone OR 3US7 STANLEY HOVE PRODUCTS. CaTfOS" VsW or OS or OS or OR 3-5959. NOW $109 00 $79 95 $49 95 $39.95 $59 95 $69 95 $69 95 $39 95 $89 95 WARD $! 45 00 $109 95 $69 95 $59 95 $89 95 $79 95 $89 95 WARD $49 95 WARD 0 $149 00 OR 2- 1616 H o Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Fri. it ? P.M. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion. Owner and Auctioneer OR 3-5026 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 TOP SOIL finest ot loam soil, tight and eaiyto handle.CharlesKeely, OS LIKE NEW 18 Cu. ft. upright deep freete, $140. OR MW. No Sat, cam. DOUGLAS COUNTY FILTER QUEEN SALES 20U W. Military Ave. Ph OR 2-4233 USED elec. range, excellent cond. Reason able. Rose City Motel. JOZRAMlcs7greenware, firing. Ire lesions OR 3-B010. 22 CU. FT. upright freezer, $200 cash. OR 3-8596 CURING AND SMOKING, pork, beet and poultry. Winston Lockers. OS ff-S133. USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE CERAMIC lessons free Wed. Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's Ceramics, OS f-5133. USED " household furniture. Bargain prices. Earl Smith Trailer Sales. OR 3-3356. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payments. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5518. 12 CU FT TYLER deepfreeze, good condi tion $100. Phone OR 8500. HIDE-A-BED, new nylon cover. Perfect con dillon. OR 2-3040. Expert Upholstering. WASHER and dryer; 3 piece daveno set; radio-phono console, OR 3-5217 after 6. '61 ZUNDAPP 250 cc motorcycle, $475; also GO Kart, slick tires, $225. Wayne Hoobler, SutherllnPhone 2650 or 2815. FENDER GU IT AR a nd"a m pT "$ 1 50. Behning piano, good condition $50. 6 yr crib $10. OR 2-2952 COMPLETE blond twin bedroom set, daven port, antique chair and other miscellaneous Ju rniture.0 R2-l 5M. PAIR fable lamps, $25; 2 matching fire sic:: chairs, $50 each; custom-built floral qullted davenport $275 OR 3-7021. ELECTRIC range, 21"; oil heater; Bdrm sets, walnut, 4 pc, dbie; Maple, 6 pc, twin; sofa; chairs. Call OR 3-7068. HT7cbMPONENfs--Lee speaker, Eica 32 amp. Weathers turntable. Good condl tlon. Pkg. deal, $200. OR 2-3943 7-10 p.m. VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Com pact, Electrolux, Hoover, Klrby. also parts, J. Newberry, OR 3-7010; or 3-3591. WHITE LE AT H E R D A VENO and chair, ideal for den or piay room. $50. Call between 4and 6 p.m. OR 2099X '51 CADILLAC 4-door tor sale or trade for freezer or what have you? Also rototlller, 1B0 Promise Ave. OR 2-4694. TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9-8493. KIRBY VACUUM cleaner, like new, with floor polisher. OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591 after 6 P.M. J. E. Newberry. 500 GAL. heavy steel-water pressure tank booster pump with electrode controls for water level In well. Manor Motel, 4 mi. So. of Myrtle Creek. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, rug shampooers, coffee urns, sew ing machines, SI per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE, OR M51I. GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats fo best freezer satisfaction. Custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, OS S133: SUNDAYS ONLY CLEMATIS, SI; 12 in. azaleas in bloom, SI; 12 in. rhodles, $1; 3 ft. laurel, 50c; over 3000 shrubs and ground covers plus pan sies, mums and fuchsias. Pixie Gardens, OR 3-6113. N. End Broad St., H. of Airport, cross freeway. RECAPS 670x15 750x14 $8.88 710x15 760x15 . 800x14850x14 $9.99 (?!' tv and recapablt tire) Whitewalls $1 more NO MONEY DOWN MONTGOMERY WARD OR 2-4811 $15 $15. THIS AD WORTH $15 off the Price of the below listed 4 refrigerators SMALL COLDSPOT r f e r. Clean and runs good t 65 SMALL CROSLEY refer with freezer across the top. Shelves in door $ i FRIGIDAIRE refer with freezer across the top. Very nice looking $ 85 LARGE FRIGIDAIRE refer with freezer across the top and slide out shelves $115 We have 50 used washers and dry ers of all makes. NO REASON. ABLE offer turned down. We GUARANTEE lowest prices in town. OPEN Till 9 Mon. thru Fri. Open 7 Days A Week SOUTH STEPHENS HARDWARE & APPLIANCE 1212 SE Stephens. OR 2-3751 WARD'S USED APPLIANCES 15 ft. CORONADO chest type Jreezcr STS WESTINGHOL'SE console TV . S99 EMERSON 21 in. table model TV $35 BEN Hl"R 15 ft. freezer $35 HAMILTON dryer "jllO KELVINATOR Electric range $75 HOTPOINT Electric rang $15 O'KEEFE & MERR1TT gas range with griddle $45 ONE GAS range $10 HOTPOINT 21 in. TV. New picture tube $69 Stretch Your Budget With A Good Used Appliance From Montgomery Ward's OR 2-4811