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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1962)
0 0 0 Mon., Moy 28, 1962 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER PRE-DECORATION DAY BEVERLY BROOKE " IP TMlSxxl . 1 i MR. AND MRS. JERRY SCHEAR, obove, were married New Year's Eve in Portland at the palatial home of Mr. end Mrs. Jack Sheetz. The bride, Nancy Bodin, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bodin of Seattle, formerly of Koseburg. Bridal Shower Is Enjoyed At Richard Darrow Home Miss Barbara Drew of Azalea was honored at a bridal shower given at the home of Mrs. Richard Darrow Monday evening. Hostess es were Mrs. Dick Darrow and Mrs. Arnold Dalke. The living room ol the Darrow home was beautifully decorated with bowls of pink rhododendrons and of white snowballs. Fink Rho dodendrons were also used on the serving table. Games were played, and Mrs. Jarol Duerkson was named win ner of one prize. After the honoree had' opened her many lovely gifts, the host esses served refreshments. Those present included Mrs. Paul Schimp, Mrs. Margaret Hill, Mrs. Henry Gaedecke, Mrs. Gerald Bra dy, Mrs. Susan Tanner, Mrs. Low el Traweek, Mrs. Jarol Duerkson, Mrs. Clarence Smith, Carol and Doris Thompson, Mrs. Bob Gae decke, Mrs. Roy Snider, Mrs. Ben Phelps, Mrs. Elizabeth Foster, Mrs. Jim Doss, Mrs. Jim Foster, Mrs. Leo Allen, Mrs. Steve Drew. Mrs. Dick Darrow, Mrs. Arnold Dalke and the honoree. Those sending gifts included Mrs. Tom Weatherall, Mrs. Verne New ton, Mrs. Lawrence Worley, Mrs. Donald Brady, and the Slim Drew family. Glendale Rebekah Members Visit Myrtle Creek Lodge By MRS. GERALD B. FOX A group comprised of 24 mem bers of the' Glendale Rebekah Lodge visited the Myrtle Creek Ro bekahs at their recent meeting. Each lodge put on a skit. The Glendale group used a pantomime theater scene. . Approximately 85 persons were present, including representatives from Sutherlin, Roseburg, Riddle, Canyon-'ille, Glendale and two out-of-state lodges. Lt. Col. Harold Cooley of the Army Reserve, proprietor of the Glendale Rexall Drug Store, has returned to Glendale after a five week absence in which he prtici pated in Army maneuvers, at Fort Lee, Va. These maneuvers, in which 6,000 officers and men, both reserve and regular army, took H.irt, were designed to realistically test a supply sustem needed to support a 700.000-troop force over . seas for a hypothetical nuclear war. Cooley was accompanied east by his wife. They returned by the southern route, stopping to vis it friends in St. Augustine, Fla., and other places. Mrs. Susan Tanner of Quincs Creek, near Azalea, returned Sun day after spending nearly a week visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Clifford Losey at Eugene. Mrs. Harold Stapleton and Mrs. Dale Johns, members of the spon soring FL Club, assisted with the well child clinic held recently in the basement of the Glendale Olivet Presbyterian Church. The next clin ic will be June 21. Mrs. Earnest Pemberton of Azal ea is confined to her bed ror a Sutherlin Woman Makes Trip To See New Arrival Rv MRS. JERRY DoMUTH Mrs. Ivan Luzier of Sutherlin has returned from San Deigo where she spent the past two weeks get ting acquainted with her new granddaughter, Rhonda Lee, who was born May 1 weighing 8 pounds, 9 ounces. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shoufler. Mrs. Shoufler is the former Patricia Luzier of Sutherlin. Servictman Visits Airman lc. Kenneth Lehman stationed at Camp Beale, Calif., spent the past weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Lehman. Juanita HuSite, Marjorie Wil liams, Helen Squier. Olive Putman, Mary Berkcy, Mary Barker, Ber tha Nodell and Eva Musgrove at tended the state convention of Bus iness and Professional Women held recently In Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Culver and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mann and family in Cottage Grove. Mrs. Joe Denley. Jackie Denley. Judy Smith. Dean Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Art Treman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holland and Mrs. Henry Goertzen and daughter. Susie went to Ashland Saturday to attend the district track meet. week for treatment of a recurrent case of phlebitis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edgcrly of Azalea, who have been as far south as Mexico during the past two to three weeks, have returned home. According to a letter received by Mrs. Ralph Place of Glendale, Mrs. Walker Purvine, formerly of Glendale, who is staying with a daughter ill California, fell recent ly, breaking an arm. Mrs. Esther Jordan, niece of Hal Booth of Azalea, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reeves and his mother, all of Hydesville, Calif., dropped in recently en route to Drain to visit with other relatives. California!. Visiting Umpqua Relatives By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON Mrs. E. Norde of Chico, Calif., is a vacation guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes at Ump qua. Eugene Trip Made Mrs. Paul Urben of Umpqua and her mother, Mrs. Phcobe Williams of Cambra, Calif., drove to Eu gene where they were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Don Maddox. They returned home that evening. Mrs. E. Neal of Medford has been visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Updegraff. She plans to go on to Portland where she will be a guest at the home of Air. and Mrs. William Brown, frequent visitors in Umpqua. The Bookmobile which comes to the Umpqua area checked out some 2,757 books in 12 trips to the dis trict. Of this number 1,306 were issued to adults and the rest to children. The Bookmobile will come at specified dates during the summer months and will be at the Umpqua Store for the conven ience of the people in this area. The annual school picnic was held at the Umpqua School Mon day with some 95 persons enjoy ing the dinner at noon. A ball game was played in the afternoon, lt was the last day of school. The teachers have their summers all planned. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Thoreson will go to their summer cottage at Vergas Minn.; Miss Alice Gillespie will go to her daugh ter's home in San Francisco, Calif., and Mrs." Pruitt plans to go to Odell Lake. Canyonville Lions Hear Plans For County Park Wilbur Wieorecht, Douglas Coun ty park superintendent, UiM about the county park system and parti cularly about the county's plans for Charles V. Stanton Park and information center (the former Dodge Inn) north of Canyonville, at the regular meeting of the Can yonville Lions Wednesday in the Methodist Church. Besides routine business, the members heard a report from Tex Ritter who attended the state convention at Salem, report Mrs. R. E. Proctor, correspondent. Wedding Of i Interest The marriage of Miss Nancy Bodin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bodin, former residents of Roseburg, and Jerry Schear of Cameron, Mo., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Schear of Hampton, Iowa, took place New Year's Eve in Portland at the palatial home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheetz. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Gale Hency, pastor of The Church of God. The traditional wedding mus ic was played by Miss Ida May Howatt. George Bishop was solo ist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown styled with scoop neckline, elbow length sleeves and bell 3kirt. Her short veil was of French illusion. She carried a shower bouquet de signed by the bridegroom, of white chrysanthemums, white carnations and red roses. She was attended by her mother, and the bride groom's father served as his best man. A bridal dinner was served bv the hosts following the ceremony which was planned as a surprise to the 60 invited guests, among wnom were Mr. ami Mrs. Law rence Henninger of Roseburg. ine Dnae and bridegroom hon eymooned in California before re turning to Cameron, Mo., where Jerry owns and operates the Cam eron Greenhouses at 615 S. Walnut. Oakland Lad Is Honored On Birthday Anniversary Joey Fugate, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fueate of Oakland Was hnnnrprl at a nni-tv .Qatiii-rlau on his seventh birthday. Games were Dlaved. with nrm going to Judy Roe, Jesse Wilker son. Dee Carson and LaRaa Fugate. Refreshments were servpd i(W Joey opened his gifts. Attending were Jeff Staples, Joe Fugage, Jesse Wilkerson, Christine Roe, David McGowan, Dee Car son, Garry McGowan, Judy LaRae Fugate, Jeanie Fugate, Janice Wil kerson, Robin Wilkerson, Rhonda Fugate, Toni Roe, Kathy Buxton ana iwua ana Cheryl Fugate. Annual Spring Trout Feed Enjoyed By Posse Group A delightful social hour oreced- ed the Douglas County Sheriff's Posse annual spring trout feed -in the Coral Room of the Umpqua Hotel. Gene Puckett of Honey Creek hosted the Saturday night anair. More than 80 attended the din ner, including posse members, their families and invited guests. following dinner, dancing was, enjoyed to music furnished by the Cliff Courtney combo. j Melrose Merry Menders Meet At Alberding Home : The Melrose Merry Menders 4-Hi Club met at the home of Mrs. Fred Alberding in Elgarose Sat urday. Six members and two guests were present. Those present were Bonnie and Debbie Alberding, Jeanine Eck ley, Kay Kaiser, Becky Ellis, Sharon Nickolaus and Jean Pres chern and leaders, Mrs. Esther Nickolaus and Mrs. Eunice Pres-; chern. Guests were Mrs. Willene Ellis and Mrs. Naomi Alberding; and Teri. Azalea Club Has Meeting j At Lee Allen Residence j The Azalea African Violet Clubj met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lee Allen with eight members present. The hostess served re-1 freshments before the meeting. The rest of the afternoon was j sDent in discussing African Vio let culture under the leadership; of Mrs. Felix Rose. Mrs. Rose, and Mrs. Allen, the hostess, also' demonstrated re potting the plants. ; Extension Group Picnics Ten members were present for the Azalea-Glendale Home Exten sion TTnit nir-nip at the James El- 1 Ttiiiwilan Mn UnfV. ' ey Pack, president, presented the new officers with lovely corsages she had made from wild flowers. A potluck luncheon was served at noon. Local News Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sumner of Roseburg spent a week at the World's Fair in Seattle, Wash., and toured the adjacent islands. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rabe of Den I ver, Colo., have been here for sev eral days visiting with the latter'! parents, Father and Mrs. William L. Blaker. They plan to be here until Thursday. During the week lend. t-e Blakers and the Rabea went to the coast. Rex AppUctt, former resident of Roseburg and Scotshurg, was j a weekend visitor in Douglas Coun ty. Now living in Mexico City, where he operates a sporting goods business, he is on vacation, stop 1 ping in Roseburg after a tour of the World's Fair in Seattle and a visit with relatives and friends in ! Portland. With his aunt, Verlie Tracy, a retired Roseburg school ! teacher, with whom he once made his home, he visited Saturday if jteraoon and Sun-Jay in Scttsburg, i Reedsport and Drain. Shop Early! All Mark's Stores Will Be Closed MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 30 Nalley's mam 48-Ox. Sweets, Reg. 99c 48-Ox. Cucumber Chips, Reg. 89c Your Choice 7' Hunt's POEM BEANS No. 2Vi Cons Reg. 247c Blue Bell Regular POTATO CHIPS 4-Pack Box Reg. 79c Royal Oak Charcoal BRIQUETS 10-lb. Bag Reg. 89c White King King Size Reg. 1.13 9w Wizard CHARCOAL LIGHTER Quart Reg. 59c Assorted Flavors SHASTA POP Reg. 10c Tin 2 99 Kraft Miniature Marshmallows 10a-Or. Pkg. Reg. 29c Bar 'S' Fully-Cooked -- Boneless nam fr IU IV IU HAMULI uuirauuuc U U Whole Ham lb. Large Old Fashioned FRANKS Robertson's POTATO SALAD . .,39' -33' U.S.No.2's 10 lb. Bag ' .w.4i.:f ' . Maxwell House COFFEE Reg. or Drip - Reg. 1.41 2 s. w Baker's CHOC. CHIPS 12-Ox. Pkg. Reg. 49e 3 l Kraft - 8 Varieties JAR CHEESE 5-Ox. Jar Reg. 33c 4 TO Nalley's Assorted RELISHES Reg. 29c Each Your Choice 4s$1 Maxwell House Instant COFFEE Morrell's Luncheon Meat SMACK 12-Oz. Tin Reg. 43c Cream Flake Nalley's MARK'S 2525 W. Harvard 10-Os. Jar- Reg. 1.39 97c tmnrm SHORTENING 3-lb. Tin Reg. 73c MAYONNAISE Quart Jar Reg. 73c MARK'S Southgate 167 S. t. STEPHENS All prices good thru Tuesday, May 29 at Mark's W. Harvard and Mark's No. 2 Southgate. We reserve right to limit. No sales to dealers. A Locally Owned, Independently Operated Oregon Store Now at BOTH Mark's Stores . .WIN FR GBOCERIE Simply sign your name and address on entry blank and drop in box. Winners names will be drawn Tuej., May 29 and posted in each store. Adults only, 18 years or older pleose. Mark's employees and families are not eligible. LAST WEEK'S FREE GROCERY WINNERS: At M.rk't, Wttt Hrverd MRS. SENSABAUGH, Route 3, Box 400, Roseburg At Mork'i No. 2, Southaot. DALE MATTINGLY, 1339 Hamilton, Roseburg