fri., Moy ft, 1962 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 PLUS PLUS A MIDWAY OF MIDWAY OF 10-50 10-50 ft. t.v-k'j OPEN MON. and FRI." NIGHT UNTIL 9 OFF OFF i in .'i".', Kim i 8 L ! OP. till f Colossal U I RINGS of I VALUES 521 - 529 ? I OUSE PA'1 mm MM Canister VACUUM CLEANER ' Save Now! REG. $34.95 THESEPRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY! jt DAY A FULL PAGE of ONE I i DAY ONLY XECIALS NOW 27.77 Record Case Convenient Storage 1 77 Electric HANGING LANTERN Very Attractive REG. $9.88 now 6-77 Two-Day-Only Price Res. Id 77 $22.95 NOW I . i i l i m 2-Lighr Electric LIGHT FIXTURE Square REG. $2.49 NOW Ceiling Fixture Two-Day-Only Price now 2.47 Rea. $3.98 Food WASTE DISPOSAL Unit REG. $54.95 now 37.77 Medicine Cabinet Sliding Doors Rea. $32.50 NOW nn 7T ONE COAT Super HOUSE PAINT Yellow, Coral, Beige REG. $5.98 NOW gal. Asphalt Coating Roof and Foundation NOW 3.17 1 . ONE-COAT I enameu ONE-COAT SATIN ENAMEL Yellow, Amethyst, Turquoise, Rose NOW REG. $7.39 5.17 gal. Wallpaper Kit Do-lt-Yourself NOW LI 7 BEST WOVEN SEAT COVERS Most Sizes REG. $26.95 NOW 17.77 Diamond Rib Fiberglou ClMf, I0'51'i" R.9. i e 77 $21.90 NOW I J." r I Boys' and Girls' Deluxe BICYCLES 24" and 26" , REG. $49.95 NOW 37.77 j Train Case or Weekend Suitcase t as NOW 7.77 Fiberglas DIAMOND RIB Clear 12' x STi" Reg. 32.50 NOW 21.77 Electric Can Opener now 8.77 Reg. 10.95 Set of 12 STACK NOW 97' I 6 77 f I 9.99 NOW". Colored Vases Extra Large Men's MOLDED REG. $19.75 now 12.77 Cookie Jar Shoe Shaped ?9 NOW 2.97 Embroidery TIER CURTAINS 30" to 36" REG. to $3.79 NOW Embroidery Sash 38 In. to 45 in. Rl. 3.69 9 07 t. 5.98 N0W7 CAFE CURTAINS 24", 30", 36" One-Day-Only Prices Pl REG. $2 NOW -iniy rrices ra 1.79 $4.29 0 r-2" 1 Chenille Twin Bed Spread .98 NOW 5.77 2 JT "i lngisl Children's SWING SET Tough, Sturdy REG. $26.88 $29.95 NOW Infants Buy Th Re. $1.98 ... . i i its' Slippers I Them Now!! now 97c 1 32-Pieee Wm. ROGERS SILVERWARE Set REG. $16.88 now 10.77 Towel Sets His and Hers m NOW 1 .97 SI Re l.C FOAM LATEX BED PILLOWS REG. $4.98 NOW J.' S 100 ACRYLIC BLANKET '8 NOW 7.77 & MONTGOMERY WARD 1481 N. E. Stephens I MORE TO GO!