1962, Bureau of Advertising, ANPA 11 4 i ill i l III 1 1 i; f . 1 it1 . . x -: . ju , v A 1 l . ; Vn ft 1 .,, J r4 il "7 " " ' ' Jt - tf .hopping... ...She Saw It in the Daily Newspaper Consumers with needs to de filled and money to spend shop the ads in their daily newspaper even though they may not be searching for a specific item. A current research study reveals that four out of five read ers like to look at newspaper ads as a regular part of their daily reading. This same study shows that consumers rated newspapers ahead of all other major measured media for advertising that can be depended upon for information that is factual, useful, ami tells where they can buy the products advertised. And they know they can clip the ad and take it right along as a handy buyer's reference when they do go out shopping. Advertising, national and local, in the daily newspaper is always ready to help the buying consumer make his purchase when ever he decides, "now is the time I want to buy." It's always ready because almost nine out of ten families get a newspaper in their homes every day. Advertising is seen and read because the latest survey results available show that S9,567,000 adults and 9,456,000 teen-agers read a newspaper on an average weekday. '"The Daily St icawh t And Its Reading Public," Audits and Sanrys Co., inc. Printed in the interest of more efTccU ;e advertising by o o