6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thur., May 24, 1962 a BAR-S BONELESS, FULLY COOKED ,1 ROW"-,, il MAM Half Ham. lb. 85' Whole, lb. GRADE A - FOR FRYING OR ROASTING raw 6 to 8-lb. Average EACH ))79 Ik Morrell's Yorkshire SLICED BACON 2 lb. pkg. Morrell's Yorkshire SKINLESS FRANKS 2 I 89 FRESH OYSTERS 55c 12-Oz. jar Bar-S VIRGINIA REEL SAUSAGE ib 69. Morrell's Pride, Boneless, Cooked Picnics 3-lb. Can $j79 WET 99 . " , - "V ! ' 1 3 ti'VJiia - Your new iWGreen Stamp IDEABOOK is here-and it's )?Pi7 Free Frsteorrri Drealifast SATURDAY, MAY 26 AND SPORTING GOODS 1 -. 0 iiM AT MARK'S HARDWARE l am to o am Mark's Entire Shopping Center And Mark's No. 2 Southgate Will Be Closed Memorial Day MAY 30 Vac Pomp flnrl upi FmPrP-Mpmnml Hnlirbv norbkl OOy UUIIIU IIIIU UUl bill I IU IflUIIIUIIUI IIUIIUUJ UjJUUIUIUi U&l Fine Granulated y0A a) 10-lb.Bag (Q) Occident 25-lb.Bag Mark's White AD in our akery! 31c Loaf AM. Nalley's Reg., Dippers or Bar-B-Q POTATO CHDIPS Mm C Ul r- Z w U z EZ a. O X wo to 5 3 Ul H Z ui U o z K. a. O z AN Hunt. 0 51-ox. Tint R 9 Sanson's Boned CHICKEN or Nrkey Umpqua COTTAGE I I Pint 29c Quart 417 Umpqua Ass't Flavor IC Am 79 Mark's Quart Silk NAPKINS 60-CountPkg. 5-oz. Tim F n Carnation IM Blue Goose Frozen 10-ox. Pkgs. Nalley's, All Varieties D6E E LATE! Penuchi or Chocolate 12-oz. pkg t5 Nabisco Sugar Honey .7 (0)c 14-Qt. Pkg. 2-lb. Pkg. 9 Kelloggfs. Cereals 6-Oz. Special K 12-Oz. Corn Flakes 9'2-Cx. Rice Krispies Mix or Match 7 9 Hunt's Tomato 14-oz. Btls. Baker's Choc. a All-Purpose Detergent Buz Dinnerware Premium Pack 9 SPECIAL OFFER m Fleischman'l Chef l $ Early American Copperware l ib. Pkgs. 250-Count Pkg. 1 A LOCALLY-OWNED INDEPENDENTLY OPERATED OREGON STORE MARK'S 2525-2529 W. Harvard MARK'S No. 2 Southgate 1967 SE Stephens pmtes. r:7 VOLKSWAGEN AUNTv Cftllftfl A1C u-m,nn 1 CAMPER AliW Urm other prizes CONTEST f VV Willi J fc l - ln-J and information herel AUTHENTICALLY DESIGNED 6 Cup Percolator W $8.95 VALUE Only $3.95 Plus Butter Nut Keystrip Creamer & Sugar Also Available see details in our store (St AT i j ii inn m HI EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS from BUTTER-NUT COFFEE Butternut Coffee ib 45c 2 .b 89c Regular or Drip Aunt Jemima PANCAKE MIX Buckwheat-Buttermilk See Smokcy The Bear at Mark's No. 1 Sat. 10 to 2 41b. Bag Grocery prices good now thru Sun.. May 27 at Mark's W. Harvard and Southgate. We re serve right to limit quantifies. No sales kn dealers. WYANDOTTE OLIVES Med Select nums or 0 flJiQ x :t Pitted -IT R BAKERY SPECIAL! Chocolate Chanlilly CAKES Large, deliciously light, topped with chocolate fudge. Regularly 1.39 6) California Red-Ripe Ib. c Long Green Slicers F 0 R 19 APE Texas Pink Crisp, Cello Pkg Golden Ripe, Sweet PRODUCE PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY ONLY 2 8:59' 23' 6139' KING SIZE COCA-COLA Tto., fey aD I4e4 The News-Revliv, Roseburg, Ore. 7 DIAMOND A CANNED FOOD SALE 1 Cut Green Beans - G . 9 9 I Sliced Gr. Beans a 6991 1 Cut Wax Beans .699 B Cr. or W. K. Corn a699c I Pickled SI. Beets z 699 j Sliced Beets 699" B Sliced Carrots 699 1 Red Kidney Beans 6 99 B Peas & Carrots s699c leg. For Salads s 599c 1 Bartlett Pears s489c 1 Bartlett Pears 399c or SEVEN-UP 6-Pack Plus Deposit L j 7 Free Samples Friday & Saturday PX TOTO CHEF BOY-AR-DEE SPACHEHI With Tomato and Cheese Sauce !5'2-0 Tint Visit Mark's Beautifully Decorated COFFEE SHOP 99c 1.49 LUNCHEONS 11:30 A.M. to 2 P.M DINNERS S P.M. to 7 P.M Children Under 12 75c; Under 6 49c ALL YOU CAN EAT!! (Closed Mondays) ' k Piz All fB CHEF BOY-AR-DEE PIZZA MIX With Sausage CHEF BOY-AR-DEE PIZZA MIX With Cheese Dl ITT DEED sear. iJCUfSPACE DnTTI CO HUH SAVE! UU 1 1 LLO UO NO OIPOIIT NO RITURN An Oregon Product nil A LOCALLY-OWNED INDEPENDENTLY OPERATED ORE. STORE 7i li X o "O o Z MARK'S 2525 W. Harvard MARK'S Southgate 1f7 1. 1. JTIPHIHI (SSI I Grocery prices good now Sun., May 27 at Mark's Harvard and Southgate. Wi tarva right to limit quantitiaS No sales to dealers. 2 Z qLk'S MARK'S SHOPPINp" CENTER O MARK'S 5HOPPIN.G CENTNER O oMARK'S SHOPPING CENTER O 6&l. O MARK'S SHOPPING CENTER O 0MARiciSHOPPING CENTER &9j. O MARK'S SHOPPING