4 The Nowi-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Thur., Moy 24, 1962 Cub Scout Picnic Scheduled May 31 At Drain City Park By JO CARLILE Drain Cub Scout den mothers met at the home of Art Cromier re cently and made plans (or a Cub Scout picnic to be held at the Drain City Park May 31 at 6 p.m Mrs. Mattoon Now Homt Mrs. Bill Mattoon has returned from the Wheeler, Ore., hospital where she has been a patient. She is reported much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mattoon vis ited in the home of their son-in-law Robert Day and family at Marys ville, Calif., and in the homes their son Vincent Boyd and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd and family, at Red ding, Calif. Probe Seeks Cause Of Bavarian Crash EBERSBERG, Germany (AP) The wreckage of a four-engine U.S. Navy Constellation that crashed Tuesday near this south Bavarian town, kming all 26 per sons aboard, Is being searched for a clue to the cause. Hundreds of soldiers and mili tary police sealed off the eight- mile path of wreckage as officials began their investigation. The plane was regularly based at Rota, Spain, but was flying out of Frankfurt. Military spokemcn in Europe said the plane was on a routine navigational training mission. The Norfolk, Va., headquarters of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet said it was on a secret mission but later a spokesman there said this report resulted from a misunderstanding. An earlier report said there were 27 men aboard, but the Navy confirmed there were only 26. They included 22 naval personnel and four soldiers. Mrs. Pete Finnell of Tumaco, Colombia, South America, formerly of Drain, arrived in Eugene Fri day. She moved her furniture back to her home at Drain and will re main here. Finnell will have a month's vacation in September and will spend it at Drain. The Fin nells plan to make Drain their home again. Luauda Foote of Portland is visit ing at the home of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Vaughn. Sheila Olcta Richardson, who was injured when hit by a car last week, was released from the hos pital Friday. She will be in a cast all summer, it is reported. Fair Visit Mad Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Brinks were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Airs. W. E. Clcvenger en route to their home in Santa Bar bara, Calif. The Brinks vacationed in Canada and saw the World's Fair in Seattle. Mrs. A. A. Sandlin has returned from a five-week visit with rela tives and friends in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and Wcelitka, Okla. At Oklahoma City she visited Mr. and Mrs. W. t. .Sandlin. Mrs. William Bonsett accompanied her to Ar kansas where she visited her moth er and other relatives. Mrs. Glenn Speck of Portland is a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. C. Davis. Mrs. Jack Swearengen of Red mond spent the weekend here vis iting relatives including her moth er, Annie Burdett, who fell recent ly and broke her hip. Mrs. Burdett is in Cottage Grove Hospital. Mrs. John Booher and Mrs. M. L. De Merrill attended the open house of the Genealogical Forum of Portland held at Meier and Franks Monday. Tuesday they searched the Genealogical and His torical department s records in the Oregon Historical Society Library and the Portland Central Library. Courses Fcr Two Full Years Of Study Set For Next Year At Umpjjua College The 1962-03 school year of Ump- qua Junior College promises to be as auspicious as the last year its inaugural year was. This was the impression given by the brochure just published by the college and distributed to high schools of the county. The four-page outline of the com ing year has two complete years of courses to offer. Full-time freshmen and sophomores may re ceive 12 credits of study a quar ter with an elective each quarter State Land Board Approves Boardman Land Exchanges SALEM (AP) The state Land Board approved land exchanges and easements this week to get an air approach corridor for the Navy for the half of the Board n.an Bombing Range it will re tain. The authorization applies to about seven square miles of land that juts out like a panhandle to the east of the Navy half of the range, it. will allow for the Navy planes to approach the range on bombing runs. The Navy already has approved the transfer of 'he western half of the nearly 100,000 acres of the Morrow County range to the state of Oregon. This land will be combined with another 50,000 acres the state has assembled to form the 100,000 acre Boardman Space Age Indus trial Park that (lie state has leased to Boeing Co. In other action the board ap proved an onshore oil and gas lease of 3,292 acres to Donald F. McDonald, Eugene real estate man. It also approved an oil and gas lease application by Willard Farn- ham, Farnham Chemical Co. Portland, for 1,283 acres. The land to be leased to Mc Donald is in Yamhill, Clackamas, Polk, Lane, Marion, Douglas, Coos, Benton. Curry, Tillamook and Linn counties. The Farnham lease would cover land in Coos and Curry counties. fur either sophomores or fresh men. To be offered the first quarter of the new year for freshmen will be General Psychology 202 on Mon day; General Biology 101 on Tues day; History of Western Civiliza tion 101 on Wednesday; and Eng lish Composition 111 on Thursday. Sophomores will have U.S. His tory 201 on Monday, Intermediate Algebra (Math 100) on Tuesday; Principles of Economics, 201 on Wednesday; and World Literature 107 for Thursday. The biology course offered fresh men will have a lab scheduled while the intermediate algebra course will have a two'hour lab. On Friday for the fall quarter a course in personal hygiene will be offered for both freshmen and sophomores. All courses again will be at night from 7 to 9:45 and will be held in facilities of School District i. The fall term will begin Sept. 24 with registration set Sept. 19, 20 and 21. Winter term will begin Jan. 7 and the spring term will start March 25. All terms are 10 weeks in length. Tuition Costs Listed Cost per credit hour will be $12.50; S37.50 for a 3-credit course; S75 for two 3-credit courses; $100 for three or more courses. A $5 district fee is also charged. The brochure prepared by Har ry Jacoby, coordinator of the jun ior college, .notes: "This college level experience, provided through the cooperation of the General Ex tension Division of the State Sys tem of Higher Education, the Southern Oregon College, Ashland, nnH rhnnl Uistrirt n. 4 of Rose- burg, is in an experimental stage i at present. The steps forming a j junior college district are set forth by Oregon law. "There is a committee composed of people from central Douglas County working on a proposal for a Junior College District. These people represent all districts in central Douglas County. The pres ent plan is to plan a junior college district and present it to the vot ers during the school year 1962-63." Police Seek Gunmen; SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Police were looking lor two gunmen to day, one of them known to be absent-minded. The pair fled Tuesday afternoon after robbing a Market Street fi nance company of $341 just be fore closing. One left his pistol on the counter near the cash drawer. Canyonville Girl Named Scholarship Recipient June Brainard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brainard of Can yonville, 1960 valedictorian ot Can yonville High School, is the recip ient of a tuition scholarship to Southern Oregon College of Educa tion at Ashland. Miss Brainard, who for the two years since high school graduation has been employed at South Ump qua State Bank, plans to enter Southern Oregon College this fall to begin her teacher training. Rain Due Friday Temperatures for Western Ore gon will average below normal for the next five days, according to the Weather Bureau station at the Itoscburg airport. Highs will be from 58 to 68 except for the south west part where highs of 70 are expected. Lows will be 38 to 48. 8ego'8 summer towel offer bam idwm. 1 v t n ii CHOICE .-, ,3 rm i Pink Whisper ' " i J , . YJ ? I" Firefly Yellow A. , ,V rVY Green Mist : J '. ( ' Wi(t) ty$0 each $1.39 VALUE c 1 With swims, showers and sunning, towels really get plenty of use during the summer months. Start filling your linen closet right now with bright, fluffy, King Size (24" x 44") Cannon Bath Towels. These thirsty giants will be a joy to the whole family, so get some for every member. Choose from this symphony of cool summer colors; Pink Whisper, Firefly Yellow, Green Mist. r For double-richness, double-value, buy Sego Evaporated Milk! With added Vitamin D for extra nutrition, it's perfect for infant formulas, cooking or coffee. Double value? You save when you buy . . . and save again when you redeem the Sego Coupons for valuable gifts. Got your copy of the Sego Premium Catalogue. Convenient, Prompt Mail Order, for each towel, send 6 Sego Coupons, plus 90f (includes 13 tor posts? and handling) no stamps, piease. to SEGO PREMIUM DEPART MENT, 153 Kearny Street, San Francisco. Be sura to spe cify the colors you wish. SUGG 0 CANNON TOWELS ARE AVAILABLE WITH SEGO COUPONS AT Roseburg Cabinet & Supply 318 S. E. JACK50N STREET ROSEBURG Save Time . . . Save Money . . . You Can Drive Farther, But- You Can't Save More . . Shop Your Paul Bunyan Store v DTinnvna SUNSHINE HYDROX COOKIES 1 -lb. Pockagei 2 ,r 89' NABISCO HONEY GRAHAMS Fine for Lunches 2,0x59" Grocery, prices good Friday through Sunday. Meat and produce prices good Friday and Saturday. No sales to dealers. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Dundee, quarters ma oleo 2 s ay W Nulade EAT MORE EGGS NALLEY'S LUMBERJACK SYRUP 22-oi. Bottle 29' CHUN KING CHINESI CHOW MEIN NOODLES No. 2!i Con 29' CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE Drip or Reg. Buy Nowl 2 lb. can 1.09 Ik Spreckels "aa" Medium M. J. B. Reg. 67c T1A i CM 25 " 249 Jrl PAUL BUNYAN Stores MODEL MARKET Winston RIDGEWAY MARKET Riversdate TRI-CITY MARKET Myrtls Cr(k Independently Owned and Operated FOR FINER BAKING LB $fl69 BAG 11 ORANGE PEKOE & PEKCE BLACK S eW FROZEN VEGETABLES Mix or Match BUTTER BEANS SUPER MKT PEAS CHOPPED BROCCOLI CUT CORN PEAS & CARROTS CHOPPED SPINACH 10-OI. Pkgj. 6s99' IDAHO CHEDDAR CHEESE A real buy lb. 431 NALLEY'S POTATO CHIPS Reg. 69c Box 59c NALLEY'S BANQUET DILLS 22-oz. Jar 39' KRAFT'S SALAD BOWL SALAD DRESSING Quart 39' FRESH ORANGE JUICE Tip-Top . 2,2tr;49c PICNIC PLATES 9 in., I0-Ct., or CUPS Hot or Cold, 6-Pak Pkg$. if iir IE FRESH lalAffc n'ayt h Meacho1! Pack u - ST'l t 4 b 49c FOR BETTER FRYING ' Pkg."f 31 2,89'! NEW P0TAT . U. S. No. 1 A, White Shaffer OES 10 M TOMATOES Von Dine LARD Ground Fresh Hourly GROUND BEEF NEW LOW PRICE Only U at"' JJ lb. California Vine Ripened Polyethylena Boo, M AA, PINTO BEANS 2 ib.29c For Picnic or Home A f ' fir SILK NAPKINS 40 7C PORK AND BEANS 212con,19C Dundee Family Sit mfk OX. AA catsup .18 .Ar finer Q .roll QAj CANNED MILK O . 11 Ctltchar m b. tfr BRIQUETS 10 ba9 07c ill! if 1 1 A tr. et-aUV---" GEORGE'S MODEL MARKET WINSTON ill OPEN 'it t Week Dayi 13 p Sunday 9-6 BARNEY'S TRI-CITY MARKET MYRTLE CREEK OPEN Week Days 9-8 Sundays 1 0 8 RIDGEWAY MARKET RIVERSDALE Garden V. Rd. at Curry Rd. OPEN Week Dayi 8-7 Open Sundayl Save Time . . . Save Money . . . You Can Drive Farther, But You Can't Save More Shop Your Paul Bunyan Store