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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1962)
0 o Wottft Fi It Duelling, Dut If Hat Itt Quiet Spots Tfie Seattle World's Fair, a busy and bustling city within a city, also bas its quiet spots. Dotted around the Fair grounds are retreats where one can com mune, philophize, read, soul search or just escape from the modern world. U you would like to commune with nature, there is a small moun tain lake amidst the aroma of a cedar forest with a running stream, alpine firms, ferns and sculpture. Oregon Stresses Quiet It is the exhibit of the State of Oregon. If you want to meditate, there is a black, white and gold chapel where one can find religious com ' munion. It is at the Christian Witness Pa vilion. If you would just like to sit in complete peace surrounded by fresh flowers and a bubbling brook, go to the Christian Science Pa vilion. If you want to listen quietly to music, it's at the R.C.A. exhibit in a display room where the latest classical and high grade popular music is played on a hi-fi in a si lent atmosphere of red carpets, white modernistic furniture and cool green plants. Escape Possible If you would like to escape in the dark through movies, you can o to Hawaii via the C it H Sugar Exhibit; on a tour of the scenic Northwest via Naliey's Fowl Ex hibit; to the forests of America through the Forest Products Indus tries Exhibit and to life in the year 2000 through the courtesy of the Encyclopedia Britannica. If you just want to browse, try the library of the future Library 21 in the Washington State Coli seum. It has a complete selection of books of all types. In a soft yellow room across from Library 21, you can relax and read up on the latest business, trade and government publications. It is the Business Service Cen ter of the Department of Com merce. Try The Lounge If you just want to sit and talk, try the lounge on top of the Carna tion exhibit. It is colorful with its , white wire furniture and modern istic display of the Carnation prod ucts. If you want to sit and watch the world go by, in the middle of the Fair by the Plaza of the States is the lounge of the Canadian Pacif ic Airways. One can sit there and To All Mothers Roseburg and Vicinity FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL THIS BEAUTIFUL $2500 Value PHOTOGRAPH ."-CHILD Hi ' ' 1 A - - - 16" X 20" LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPH FOR $95 AGES FROM 6 WEEKS TO 12 YEARS GROUPS $1.00 EXTRA PER CHILD Ttll your friendl and neiehberi Limit Ml r fsmilr within lil-motltll ptritd StiifacHeii ot yaut atonty back (Parent ar lcal auardian mutt accamaaay child) Limitad during thil tnt Irani 10 a.m. ta S a.m. Yaur ralactian af praotf 4 DAYS ONLY FRI. - SAT. - MON. - TUES. MAY 25 - 26 28 - 29 10:00 'til 5:00; FRI 'TIL 8:00 648-658 S. t. Rose St. Phone OR see the international flavor of the Fair. But, if you really want to :el "out of this world," try the Cinerama Spacearium in the U. S. Science Exhibit. It takes you into other galaxies. Coordinating Council Meets In Sutherlin The Sutherlin Coordinating Coun cil of Sutherlin Parent - Teacher groups held its first annual meet ing at the West Elementary School Monday and elected officers for the school year of 1902-63. Repre sentatives from all five pa a r e n t groups were present, according to Mrs. Jerry DeMuth, correspond ent. Mrs. Alma Lou Stubbert, pres ident of the junior high PTA, was elected president of the council The Rev. Harold Robbins, presi dent of the high school PTA will serve as her assistant. Secretary of the group will be Nancy Las well, president of the West Ele mentary PTA. Meetings are held at the begin ning and near the end of each school year. The group was organ ized to assist in communication. standardization of policy recom mendations and scheduling of ac tivities for each of the member parent-teacher groups in the Suth erlin school system. Members of the committee are local PTA pres idents, or their appointed represen tatives, and administrative person nel within the school district. The initial activity of the group will center around coordinating the reception held for the teachers ear ly in the school year. Dale Can non, principal of the West Elemen tary School is to act as the general chairman for the event. Soil Stewardship Week Set By Gov. Hatfield SALEM (AP) - Gov. Mark Hatfield called attention Wednes day to May 23-June 3 as soil stewardship week which has as its theme, "water the stream of life." "Water is the universal liquid of life and a part of our very be ing," Hatfield said. "It is every where around us, in the air and earth. "Our future depends upon our wise use of water and other God given natural bounties." - Picture Token In Our Store 635 S. E. Stephens 2-1616 OUT OUR WAY &OOZ NIGHT.' LOOK HE'S TOO STUBBORN TO USE PA'S ELECTRIC M AMP INSISTS HE CAM HIMSELF LEFT-HAWDEP WITH THAT OLP- FASHIOKJEP STRAIGHT RAZOR USES.' HE'LL HIMSELF LIFE'S LONGEST MINUTE National PTA Nominee Picked . Mrs. W. K. Osborn, of Rosalia. Washington, has been nominated for the office of vice president from Region VII of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers for election at its convention May 20-23 in Portland, Oregon. Re gion VII covers Washington, Ore gon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyo ming. If elected, Mrs. Osborn will succeed Mrs. George Tonkin, Jr., of Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Osborn has already served ! two years on the National Board! of Managers, as president of the I Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers. Before election as president of the state branch, she served in other offices and as chairman of various state congress committees. A past president of the Washington rnnprpsK niRtrift! 5, she was also director of districts for the entire state branch. She is a past president of the Rosalia P.T.A., of which she is still a member. Long active in leadership train ing, Mrs. Osborn has a keen in terest in the current action pro gram theme, "New Adventures in P.T.A. Leadership and Responsi bility." She was chairman four years of the summer leadership conference at Washington State Uni versity and gave a summer course in specialized leadership training it Eastern Washington State Uni versity. Both 'vithin and outside the par ent-teacher movement, Mis. Os born bas worked constantly for the improvement of schoolr. on the Washington State Allied School Council, the Advisory Committee for Teacher Education and Certifi cation of the state board of edu cation, on a joint committee on the budget estimate for the state school directors, and on the board of education of Whitman County. She was a delegate to the I960 White House Conference on Chil dren and Youth. TRAIL RIDE TAKEN A Sunday trail ride was under taken recently by the Doug-Etts at the Bob Murray ranch at Glide. Taking the ride were Bette Mur ray, Louise Kring, Elizabeth Ar thur, Gertrude Sherlock and Hazel Jameson. Allen Sherlock was guest rider. Please publish the following for days Enclosed S . Bt turd to enclos. payment. Count 5 words per line. ai'icotion NAME ADDRESS Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon . News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY . AT HIM.' WELL, DO SOMETHING-ANYTHING TO STALL HIM OFT FOR A FEW MINUTES.' I'LL ASK THE OPERA SHAVER SHAVE TOR TO RING OUR WHEN I CALL HIM YOU HIDE THAT HIS -AT LEAST HE KILL FATHER GETS CAN TAKE OVER.' S-24 - . Davis Family Of Family Reunion By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLY Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and children have returned to their j home at Tiller following a week's j trip to Washington, where they vis-! ited the Seattle Fair and spent some time with relatives. At the home of the former's par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Davis in Port Orchard, they enjoyed a fam-1 ily reunion, the first time in seven years that the group had been to gether. Coining for the event were his sisters, Mrs. Rudy llachtcll and children of Rphrata, Wash., andi Mrs. John Killinger and children! of Kennewick, Wash. I They also visited Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie; Fleming, ' of Port Orchard, and i were joined there by some of her I relatives living in the vicinity. ! En route home, they stayed over-' night in Olympia with Mr. audi Mrs. Orrin Green, the former a college classmate of Davis. New Filly Arrives Excitement reigned among mem bers of the C. J. Porter house hole May 14 when a Palomino fil ly was foaled by Gidget, Palo mino mare belonging to daughter Rosemary. Ranger and Mrs. HiUard M. Lil- Principal At Sutherlin Honored By Selection Because of the outstanding sci ence exhibits from the Douglas County Regional Science Fair, Dale Cannon, principal of the West Suth erlin Elementary School, has been selected to make the state awards in the intermediate physical divi sion, according to Sutherlin Supt. Raymond Mullen. Awards will be made at a banquet to be held later in the year at Portland. Oregon Museum of Science and Industry officials had high praise for Cannon and Roy Crain of Rose burg, heads of the Douglas County Science Fair, for their fine show ing of exhibits, Mullen said. Douglas County had several state winners in the state compe- i tition. Sutherlin schools are represent ed by winning exhibits from West Elementary School. For the past few years, under the guidance of Cannon, this school has been very successful in producing state win ners, Mullen said. It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! classified ad Be sure to count the oddress andor telephone number. WRITE YOUR AD BELOW Read For Profit Use for Results! By . R. Williimj NUMBER, AMP TO THE PHONE SCALPEL OF UNTIL YOUR HOME ANP Tiller Attends And Visits Fair ligren are back at their home at the Tiller Ranger Station following a trip by jet plane from Portland to Minneapolis. Minn., to attend final rites of the former's mother, Mrs. Josephine Bolingren. While (here, they stayed at the home of: Mrs. Lilligren's mother, Mrs. S. R. King. Mr. and Mrs. Clcon Puetz drove to Seattle, Wash., over a recent weekend to visit the Century 21 Ex position. Visilors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dahack recently were J. H. Stanley, Jerry Hollows, Don na Ashpole, Inez Stanley, Betty Hornish, Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Vaughan and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hornish, all of Eagle Point; Mary Vondell and A. Fcnton of San Francisco, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee f Medford. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Yargcr of Grants Pass; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Wil son of Central Point. MoreOut-Of-State Tourists At Capitol Nearly four limes more out-of- state tourists visited the Oregon State Capitol in April than in the same month last year, a report from the Oregon Male Highway Department said today. A total of 850 out-of-state visitors signed the Capitol euest registry this past April, compared to 219 in April of 1961. This includes al most I 50 per cent increase in for eign visitors. There were 04 guests from foreign nations this April, compared to 65 last year. The higgest influx of tourists was from California which furnished 308 visilors this April compared to only 39 last year. Other western and mid-western states also pro vided a considerable increase in the number of visitors. Of the foreign visitors, Canadi ans were the only ones to go into the double figures. They compris eO 46 of the 94 visilors from other nations. Others ranged from Aus tralia and Italy to Yugoslavia and VVptit PnkUrnn 25 nations in all. ! Many visitors indicated they are including Oregon and the Seattle World's Fair in a Northwest va cation tour. , CASH RATES - I Lines 3 Day 6 Doy 30 Day 2 $1 ;5 2.50 5 50 3 2 50 3 50 7 50 4 3 25 4 50 9.50 5 4 00 5.50 1150 6 4 75 6 50 13.50 Above rotes subject to 50c service chorge tor credit. Section jj CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Aavtrtismt. lot Susies rutnirt KtlJ' iitdl Am Cord ot Thanks $ I SO 1-Day rote 2 lines, - 1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines I 75 6-Day rate 2 lines ?.50 30-Day rate 2 lines b 50 I -Day rofe 3 lines ....... 1.50 3-Day rate 3 lines 2 50 6-Day rote 3 lines 3 50 1 30-Day rate 3 lines 7.50 CREDIT Above rites jjSjeci to 50 ctnts trvn.t riji ini rtidit DEADLINES Private Party A3vttl:snt ? f M uit P'oi te PuDlicit'on Nets-Review 'setes tr f i in I to clasiitf, edit oi reuct inj Classified Ad copy ADJUSTMENTS if your advi'titement mutt ItKOirectiy. notify us ir.nriaJialBly Kill not be responsible (or more than one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility n limited to a conect insertion ol advertisement. Helmut Will Net Bi Helf Mart Taea U Days SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Oreeon - By Mm - na month, $1. 75; th'ei montti. SI. SO; m ninth!, 19.00; Ml Jtjl, S1I.00. Oatiil'i it 0re Si Ma'l hit naitth thru maths, $5.13; In tat. SH U; aaa iai. SU M Carrier ant Ra'tburt t 0. Baaes -Ona manta, S1.1S; lii naathi. S10.90; aai vaar, SH OO Par Siaaja Capi 10;. Mail Oalal Ipala Ouli'la Cil liaitl Mail Sulicnatiaaa Uait ll tii ! AOvaaca PAPER DELIVERY It your poper it not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call AlcoftOllca Art. onymoua Or 3-4629. WOULD the man who figured W. W. Flah'a (Dlllard, Ore.) Incoma rex lorm please call OS 9-5796. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing con fidential advice may contact tatnouc mar ines. 274 W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond S-3643. IN DEBT? DON'T let bills cost your lob, your credit, everything you own! IP vou ere in debt beyond vur Ability to pay and sincerely want to gel out Of debt. Bee BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a pay ment you can afford. No security, no co-slgnars. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Ilosehurg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3581 433 SK Main St. Where To Go 10 TOURIST We welcome you and hope you enjoy your stay. Be fore you leave we wish to extend our hospitality and invite you to a fine meal at THE BROILER And when you're ready to leave you may wish to take you a picnic lunch for that brief noon stop on the rood. We include plates, cups, and utensils (or your con venience. These lunches may be picked up at any time ot THE BROILER 719 SK Cass OR 3-3-145 Lost & Found 12 PAPTY WHO loM, young hound on Tyee Rotd below Urnpqua, call at Br acton Ranch end oet riog Help Wanted Men J5 MECHANIC WANTED. Excellent opportunity for highly Qualified man. Please turnlih reference!. Ph. OR MENwAnled" (0"worV pari' or full flm. Mult be of ago and married, for Inter view call OR 2-1)91 after P.M. PLUMBERS with State Comprtency Card or permit, EteH. fringe bnrtitt. Laoor dis pute eritting. fiurlltt pip., 4700 N.C, Sandy Blvd.. Portland, AT 7-1147. SALESMAN WANTED SELL Frigidaire Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply In person UMPQUA VALLEY 635 S K. Stephens .St. AMAZING lot of values in one place - that's "Miscellaneous For Sale" CASH RATES Aavtrtisini tai 6'juztu Aitmn KditU'l ! Thur., May 24, 1962 The Noy-Revicw, Roseburg, Ore. 13 Help Wanted Men 1 Apartments For Rent 2i? FARM tractor and eiTEipmimt talesman. Old er man pre. OR 3-404S alter e p.m. MAKE MORE MONEY IF YOU want to man mort money than you ever thought possible and still be assured of steady work with a very prom ising future apply at U SE Stephens, to to a.m., weekdays. Or call OR 1-MJl. WE REALIZE when you search for employment you are making one of the most important decisions of your life. WOULD YOU like to be part of one of the must reputable, successful sales organ izations in the world? IF SO you must be neat, ambitious with a desire to learn and advance, IF you are this person, we offer you one of the finest sales positions available todsy with a if Complete training program if Salary with Commissions if Car Allowance if Vacation with pay if Insurance benefit -V Retirement plan We offer security with a future IF INTERESTED . please come in between 10:00 and 11:0(1 A.M. or call for an appoint ment. Ask for Mr. Phillips. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 558 SK Jackson -OR 37348 Help Wanted Wcmea 16 TELEPHONE Solicitors (exper. pret. but not essential) to work tn Iheir own home tor local organization. Good pay.. Contact OR 3-4801 for particulars. Vork Wanted 17 LAWNMOWINO rolotllling tree removi Have pickup. OR 3-710S. WASHING, IRONING AND MENDING. OR 3-3671 IRONING, 75c per hour. 3961 Yount. OR 3-6133. SEWING AND'aLTERATIONS. OR3-3I25 LAWN MOWING AND YARD WORK R - MIDDLe AGED lady wants housekeeping ob, live In. Call OR 3-60S7. CUSTOM ROTOTILL1NG, large or s m Tl lobs, $3.00 per hour. Call OR 3-5643. HAVEYOUR summer clothes made now work guaranteed. OS 9-8645. HOUSE WORKby1he hour Phone OS v-5054 EXPERIENCED logging cat altlnner or me chanic's helper available now. Cell OR 3-87 or Salem 363-2782. ALTERATIONS - both men's and women'a. Call alter 6 p.m or 3-3392, "slru:tion 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS ; Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equlUea. Phone OR 3-6193 Or OR 3-4OT1. REAL ESTATE LOANS to $2500. ntio lr4 mortOiioos, Automobile, furniture and sig nature loam. Laurentlde Industrial Pinence Corp., former Commercial Industrial Pi nance Corp. 113 5E Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to 11500 On motor vehicle! and furniture 729 SE Waihlnpton OR 3-351? There Are No' HIGH HATS Here In Aiy Amouiit Your Account !s Welcome t DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK jBf.2 SE Jackson OR 3-5571 Business Opportunities 22 MAJOR BRAND service station tor tale. C4li OR 2-9144 INCOME PROPERTY, residence, S3I0O. $50 mo. Income. Steady renter. OS 9-5215. APAttfMENtHOUSET M per" moV Income, Close to elty center. Call OR 2-11(0. LAUNDROMAT Service Store. Well establish ed. Business expansion eitcellent. OR3-3011. FORRENT wal-" Beauty'shoQ In" Win ston. Fully equipped with modern flxlurn Buitdlng also has apt. 05 9-1493. FOR SALE "HOTEL CAN VON V ILL E With Coffee Shop. Only hotel In town. Consider trade.j:all M9-4641. MANOR MOTEL 9 urtlts, f4 acres. Month ly, weekly and dally rentals, (rarely va cant), J70,000. Easy terms, small down. Might take some trade. 4 Ml. So. Myr tle Creek 99 BR. Ph. 439-4577, Canyonvilie. FORSALE- small-cafe wlttTseetlng c pactty of 30. Fully equipped and well slocked. Ideally located, has plenty of parking space and reasonably priced. Call OR 2-7251 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. FLYING A SERVICE STATION For Lease tn kty downtown location, RoHburo. Dolno fxclltnl giilonAfjO and T.B.A. Hat I a H Craan Stamp Franchlia. FOR INFORMATION: Call OR 2-2G81 OR 3 0155 aft. 6 p.m Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE building, St. level, across trom Courthouse. Reavwebie. OR lin BUILDING FOR RENT or lease inrmerly Oulne Btdo, IJl-eJj tail l. uoiein xey from Bill C aniens. C aniens Furniture, Cess St. or call OR 2-3W1- " WKSTSiDE" OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS Including kitchen with tlte drelnboard. Bath with shower, panting near door for clients. Excellent location for dental, drafting, bookkeeping or other office use H W Harvard OR MS" eves. Wanted To Rent 25 TWO OR THREE bedroom house. WestsKle preferred. OR 3-40 TWO OR THREE bedroom house In Roie burg area. Call M3-J Myrtle Creek eves, or OR 3-1041, atk tor ciark stokes, days Apartments For Rent 26 HONEYMOON SPECIAL Furnished apt. with kltchetvtiving-bed areas. Bath with shower. Private outside en trance. Largi storage areas. Kail SM. mo. OR MS' eves. ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments it Oakhlll Apli. PhoneOR JM-U0. FURN'SHED '?" room apt. Watar, lighti. earb. paid. Close in. OR 3-4247. TVSO BR apl. Ranoe and refrigerator-turn. Call OR 3-65.. CLEAN S room furnished Hat. OR2-3270 ON E bedroom apt, S5Q month. OR 3-U06 LARGE clef.n"3 BR unfurn. apt. Adults. S4S mo. Ph-OR 3293. THREE ROOM apt. furnished, near "Mont gomery Ward Store. Inq. 731 Ne Garden alley 2"i blocks f rom downtown LARGE, unfurnished apt. Utilities turn-shed. Caltafter6p.m, OR3-W. ONE BR apt. Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator furnished. Close In. OR 3-431 1. eves OR34l. ONE bedroom coifKTiml7r""aptTlecTric heal, water and garbage service furnished. Washing (acuities available. Phone OR 3 202 or inq. Garden Valley AAKt. FURNISHED court apt. Electric heatTHwaih. ing facilities available. Water, garbage serv ice furnished. Phone OR 3-6202 or Inquire Garden valley MKt. 1 Kohlhagen Apts. .. i ; Modern, reasonable rent JacKson St. at lane Ave. ADULTS OR 3-82.4 "A .Good Place To Live" FURNISHED one bedroom apt Ownerhat ust completed remodeling and much car has been given to make it very attrac tive. A real home for someone. Good fur minings, wall to wall carpets, sparkling clean. Adults only, no d. Inking. Refer ences. Call OR 3-6014. TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 bdrm. apis., furnished or unturrt. Water and garb. serv. provided also heat in some. Rents from us up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts. gas equipped OR 3-SS63 Winchester CI. Hot -waler heat . OR 3-4340 Vista Hornet Hot water heat OR 2-4388 Westvue Ct. Washer-dryer OR 2-2 S4 Oakhlll Aptst Radiant Heat OR 3-4340 Rooms For Rent 27 St EEPING ROOMS tor gentlemen. 817 S. E. Blakely. I' lromBu Depot. ROOM with private entrance, toT gefitlemart. pJOR 3411? HfSTuFKPFPING ROOM With lull kitchV facilities. Bath with tub. First floor, uui side en I ranoe. Adults. East side. $50 mo. in cluding heat and water. OR 3-1577 evs. Room And Board 23 ROOM AND BOARD 130 SE Pine OR 3-K63 Houses For Rent 29 TWp bedroom house, garage, downtown. $60. 11111 S.E. Washington LARGE 2 Bedroom house, $75. OR 2-3830 NICE TWO bdrm duplex "Westside, Falrhaven Dist. Call OR 3-4580. PARTLY furnished 4-room house with show- ef'J W-.r.q.155 SE Hamilton. TWO bedroom partly furnished house. $45. 1139 N EC rescent RJ-734 RENT Lease or sell, 3 bdrm house large garage. OR 1-1914, ONE bedroom house. Electric ranoe, refer, oil itove. t50mo. Weiltlde, OR J-3469. TWO BR home, extra rooms In haiement. Cloie ln. OR 3-S73. SMALL turn, house, garage. U5. Blk Montgomery-Ward. Aduttf. OR 1-2924. FURNISHED, CABINS. ; Weekly r'atw. 67t NE Stephens. Pacific Motel. TWO BR unturnlthttl houit tn LIMI Valley. ' J5. rTl. OR 3-4667 s ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for lamllle or single elderly. OR -34548. CLEAN, FURNISHED 1 bdrm noote. Water gar cage serv. paid, wi siepnens. SMALL untumlshod "tKWM. ta. Phone OR 3-flOTO alter 7 p.m. . NICE convenient 1 bodroom duplex, utilliy room.S50 IN DILLARD. OR -$69 THREE BR house oh 'large toioh7 BR 9 between Winston and OUIard. OS M717. THREE Bdrm, daylight basement. 9 ml out on river. Available June IS, References. OR 3-1953. j IN DILLARD modern 2 bedroom home earctrlc range Ashley wood heater. S55. OS 9-4469. AVAILABLE JUNE I. clean 3 bedroom house, close to Dryd's Mkt. Must lurmsh) references. 185. Phone OR I-T341. 'ROOM modern house. Store room and garao- 4 miles west of Melrose Store. OR i-lM FURNISHED 1 BR cabin, water and garbage dispose' supplied has- gas cooking, heat Inq ana hot water. 450 mo. Harti Cabins 24(5 Dlanond LaM lvd , THREE 1R wnfurrr. house With additional metal bulldli.g, suitable for small bust ness. Corner t'iamond Lake and Ivan St. Inq. 2335 Diamond Lake. OR 3-4301. LEASE WltR -OPTION 3 BEDROOM newer home, desirable loca tion. Piped oil furnace. Credit reference required. $90 mo. OR 3-3562. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 35 ft. '59 MODEL Deluxe one bedroom mod ern. Couple preferred. OR 3-4036. EXTRA NICE 1 or J Bdrm modern fum'tri ed trailers. Adults only. Inquire Timber Town Trailer Park. 7010 NE Stephens. nnrnrow 1-4354 .... Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE Shade. Walking distance to town. 1451 SE Short St. OR 3-7105. TRAILER SPACE available, WlhchesterVlU lege on No. umpaua River. OR . z-is. LOOK at the" rest And for S73 per Mo. LIVE IN THE BEST TOWN a COUNTOV MOBILE PARK 77? NW Mulholljnd Dr. OR Mill TIMBER TOWN Trailer Park 2010 NE Stephens Best accommodation tor ell sire trait era. Incl. ell electrics. Paved Sis., land, scaped, big lawn, metered gas. I block from Salaway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 IfU CAPRI house trailer i Bdrm., 47X10 13450. See at 40f w. 41 h, Oakland, ore. SELLOR TRADE HD Oet roller, 1 Bdrm trailer house. 14 rt. Phone . sumeritn. TRADE EQUITY "in 3 BR trailer for 2 BR house. Green Dist or furniture. OS 9-S3M after 6 p.m. ,6kTRAILER, vTecre. Well, garagVlanji seeped. Quick sale, tssoo, seii separately, accept part trade. WUhur. OR 3-1774. MUST TRAOE equity 10 wide J bdrm Aro gelet traitei-, large w. garage, uuurr room, washer' end dryer, S miles so. of town for deer trailer. Call OR MW. EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Com -lete Une Trailer Supplies ino NE ttnhan. . OR SHADY POINT Trailer Sales NEW TRAILERS Nashua Biltmore Santa Fe Full line of used 8 wides ParU & Accessories Awnings ; Coolers ' E-Z lift hitches 1 mi 3. Hwy. 99 OR 2-1438 i i , ' f iH t