0 . Thur., May 24, 1962 The Newt-R eview, Roseburg, Ore. 11 0 o ifef M : f-"1--i----1ff tt,irtWiw ati.r.-jf.T--lii-y, Wn.t4if- -..L- mOJmM n inwni iwr o EDITH RADABAUGH, installing officer for Zonta Club, is pictured -with Sybil Endicott, president; Penny Svoboda, boord of directors; Mary Fletcher, treasurer; Mildred Wil son, recording secretary; Alice Parker, corresponding secretary; Florence Groshong, first vice president; Donna Gleeson, board of directors. Not present for the pictures were Becky Chitwood, second vice president, and Mildred West, board of directors. (Picture by Wilson Studio) Jf i; - ' -C'i Ml - 4 V J n A ... I ARLENE MYERS, above left, had charge of initiation of new members including Margue rite Dorsey, nurse at the VA Hospitol; Helen Cronkshaw, florist, and Alice Porker, busi ness school. (Picture by Wilson Sutdio). Fair Oaks Club Has Card Party At Grange Hall Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin host ed the Fair Oaks Pinochle Club at the May meeting held recently at the Fair Oaks Grange Hall. - Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Medley, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haines, Mr. and Mrs. DcWard Modglin, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Reg inald Brittain, Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Grow, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Williams Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin. Mrs. Maggie Francis, Mrs. Viola Haz- lett, Mrs. Mabel Allen, Mrs. Edna rowers and Harry Read. High score for women was held by Mrs. Leo Sparks with Mrs, Ruth Brittain winning second high. Men's high score went to Harry Read, with second high to De- Ward Modglin., Sweeps prize was won by Lawrence Haines and the traveling prize to Mrs. Homer urow. A potluck supper was served fol lowing the card play. Birthdays of Alfred Hand and Harold Austin were observed by the singing of the birthday song and two beautifully decorated cakes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Medley will host the club in June. Candlelight Ceremony The Roseburg Jay-C-Ettes held a very enjoyable potluck dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. Unv Moore wilh Mrs. Cilen Yates and Mrs. Bob Lierence as co-lioslcsses. Following the dinner a lovely candlelight ceremony was hold to uiMau -lew uiui'crs. tmicers in- i stalled were: President, Mrs. Glen: Gowey; vice president, Mrs. Gene: Stewart; secretary, Mrs. Alne ! f Hayes, and treasurer, Mrs. John Davis. Kalhy Davis gave a very inter esting talk on the recently attend ed state convention in Salem. Jer ri Lierence spoke on the success of the polio clinic. Committee chairmen for the fol lowing year were announced. They were: Ways and Means, Vi Ken nedy: program, Marge Stewart; membership and contact, Mrs. Pat Moore; visiting, Jerri Lierence; and publicity and scrapbook, Judy Harvey. It was decided to hold a recep tion tea for Nicholai Sliper, Jay- cee - sponsored Norwegian banker who will be staying in Roseburg. ir.ose attending were Mrs. Ken Clark, Mrs. Gil Harvey. Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Clarence Paul. Mrs. John Kennedy, Mrs. Hale Holin stein, Mrs. Phil Meagher, Mrs. Ray Moore, Mrs. Ken Byland. Mrs. Glen Gowey, Mrs. Dick Davis, Mrs. Glen Yates, Mrs. Gene Stew art, Mrs. Bob Lierence oiyl Mrs, Allie Hayes. Hostess for next month will be Mrs. Ken Byland with Mrs. Gene Stewart and Mrs. Ray Moore as co-hostesses. r i "zL. i.. AX h A x : Mrs. Jack Veach Is Club Hostess. Mrs. Jack Veach was a charm ing hostess at her home for mem bers of the Woodman Circle Bas ket Tuesday evening, when Mrs, LeRoy Kesterson and Mrs. Roy Walker were honored and receiv ed gifts from the group. A buffet style dessert supper was served following an evtnmg of en joyable games. Hostesses were Evelyn Crouch er, Lucy Benson, Alice Christen sen and Agnes Veach. Others at tending were: Gadys Stafford Marjorie Doyle, Connie Kesterson, Alma Walker, Viola White, Bee Cornilsen, Bella Holm, Jessie Thomas, Goldie Willis, Sarah Cy rus, Besse Cornish, Gertie Hess, Ruby Tucker and Ann Strong. ROSEBURG JAY-C-ETTES held delightful potluck dinner at the home of Mrs. Ray Moore with Mrs. Glen Yates and Mrs. Bob Lierence as co-hostesses. New officers are pic tured above and include: president, Mrs. Glfcn Gowey; secretary, Mrs.' Altie Hayes; vice president, Mrs. Gene Stewart, and treasurer, Mrs. John Davis. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography). . . v. New Bride Complimented At Lovely Wedding Shower A very delightful wedding show er was iven by the Elkhead Wom an s club at the clubhouse, for Mrs. Walter D. Smith nee Elaine Reiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reiser. The room was appropriately dec orated with gay spring flowers. The honoree was assisted by her mother with the unwrapping of her many lovely gifts. Game prizes were won by Mrs. Reiser and Mrs. G. Wood. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Myrtie Friday Banquet Hosted By Men jp 11. I.ULII Mother-Daughter Banquet Given Friday At Melrose PICTURED ABOVE are Sybil Endicott, incoming president, accepting the club's gavel for Zonta Club from the retiring president, Willma Hill. The annual banquet meeting was held at Oak Tree Inn. (Picture by Wilson Studio). The Melrose Missionary Society held its annual Mother-Daughter Banquet at the Melrose Commu nity Church Friday. Theme for the affair was "Children Around the World." Mistress of ceremonies was Mrs. Belva Buckwalter, A toast to moth ers was given by Gail Gentry. Sylva Gray gave the toast to the daughters. A clarinet duet was played by Luann Hutton and Shir ley Clement. Other entertainment included a duet by Joyce and Jean nette Niswonger and a piano solo by Kay Kaiser. Speaker for the evening was Mrs. Thelma Peck from World Missions to Children of Grants Pass. i One four-generation group was present and included Mrs. Rose Mitchell, Sylva Gray, Gail Gentry and Debbie and Penny Gentry. Others present were Grandmoth er McCorinack, Mrs. Mary East man, Airs. Sadie Hall, Mrs. Evelyn Bair, Mrs. Marcella Johnston and Diana, Mrs. Ysletta Shipp and Charlotte, Mrs. Belva Buckwalter and Betty, Mrs. Eva Mae Clement, Edith, Shirley and Alary Ellen Cle ment, Mrs. Ina Moore and Kay- ellen. Mrs. Elsie Isakson and Carol, Mrs. Ruth Niswonger, Jcannette, Joyce and Sharon Niswonger, Mrs. Mary Sanders, Mrs. Betty James and Marilyn, Mrs. Eileen Worth ington, Mrs. Margaret Holcomb and Rachel, Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Judy Kathe and Ellen O'Brien, Mrs. Ellen Stringer, Mrs. Ethel Rogers and Joyce, Mrs. Dean Gau- snell, Gail and Diane and Chris Gausnell, Mrs. Mickey Raineville and Luann, Mrs. Myrna Davis, Men of the Calapooia Farm Bu reau hosted a mother s banquet. Friday evening at the Worn en's clubhouse near Umpqua. The delightful affair was planned, pre pared and served by the men,, In the center of the four lung tables was a lovely Maypole with streamers and bright spring flow ers. Each guest received a corsage Tremnn as co-hostess. Crawford, Jean Thompson and Mrs. Vera Maguir. Those present were Mildred Bow man, Mrs. L. Lhenoweth, Mrs. Clove Miller, Mrs. Alva Manning, Airs. Jake Francis, Airs. Golden Kruse, Airs. John Bacon, Mrs. Ruby Jazck, Mrs. M. Agee, Mrs. Zelha Dickerson, Airs. Carl Bros zio, Airs. Eva Jazek, Mrs. B. Smith, Airs. Alfred Hand, Mary Hansen, Mrs. Van Hutcheson, Airs. L. D. Pinkston, Mrs. Roy Aledley, Mrs. Larry Ortiz, Mrs. Alable Al len, Airs. L. Burrowny, Airs. Bes sie Mulkcy, the guest of honor -and her mother. Air. and Airs. Smith were mar ried in Caldwell, Idaho, spent their honeymoon at the World a Fair in Seattle and have returned to make their home in Roseburg. Surherlin Club Hosted At Umpqua River Cabin Mrs. Henry Frotscher entertain- Bible Class Has j Afternoon Meet . St. Paul's Lutheran Mid-Week Bible Class met Wednesday at 2. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Anna Floew. The humn sing was led by Pastor Hinrlchs. ; Those attending were Airs. E.' Howard, Mrs. V. Teater, Airs. G. Hasbargen, Airs. H. Hasbarsen, Mrs. A. Vogt, Airs. E Crandall, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. A, Hermann,: Mrs. L. Wilson, Airs. R. Kaine.f Mrs. D. Hinrichs and Dorcen and, Lori Ann, Pastor Hinrichs and the hostess. Mrs. Floew served lovely refreshments. ,t : ; ", ; ! ' There will be no Bible class in June. Mrs. Hermann will host the class July 18.,.. Mrs. Mobley Has Party For Club j Mrs. D. L. Mobley entertained Thursday evening for her bridge club at her home on Birch Court. Mrs. M. H. Coen and Mrs. Russ Aliss Evelyn Bowen, Alargarct Bradford, Lola Bowles, Mrs, Na omi Alberding, Bonnie, Debbie and Teren Alberding, Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs. Edith Totton, Edith Cox and Rena, Airs. Dorothy Myers, Mrs Linda Fritz, Mrs. Louella Thomp son, and Tammy, Mrs. Beth Grubb and Tara, Mrs. Beverly Sensa- baugh and Ann. Airs. Stella Galla, Mrs. Delia Gawler and Roxann, Mrs. Amy Seeley, Airs. Catherine Farrell and Dora, Mrs. Vivian Argo, Mrs. Wil- ma bristol, Wendy and Debbie Bristol, Mrs. Kay Nelson, Kathy, Barbara and Russ Nelson, M r . Donna Kaiser and Kay, Mrs. Dor othy Farrar. Mrs. Bessie Smith, Kara Scott, Mrs. Lenore Cooper, Debbie Conn, Mrs. Theo Eddy, Airs. Betty Hut ton and Lou, Kathy Armstrong, Airs. Evelyn Simpson, Airs. Faye Conn, Mrs. Margaret AlcComas, Mrs. Betty Hayes, Mrs. Ann Schra-der. Mrs. Elaine Pankey, Airs. Ha zel Krohn, Airs. Carol Arcns- meier, Airs. Sherry Arensmeier, Mrs. Dorothy Matlin, Charlene and Erline Matlin, Airs. Evelyn La- mon, Mrs. Dorothy raulkner, Bet ty and Linda Faulkner. Airs. Norma Fenn, Mrs. Frank Richardson, Airs. Jimmie Bone brake, Pixie and Dixie Bonebrake, Mrs. Esther Nickolaus, Sharon and Lois Nickolaus and Mrs. Olive Doerner. Men of the church served the delicious turkey dinner. Helping with the serving were Howard Kaiser, Eli Sanders, Bill Gausnel Dick Eastman, Vernon Hall, Pastor Davis, Art Buckwalter, Don Is akson, Dennis Johnston, V. K. which had been made by the Ocuin paugh boys. Background music was played during Ine dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Randolf Smith, who recently purchased tho Ashley ranch, were special guests of the evening ed the Sutherlin Community Home V"" were guesis. memucrs were Economics Club at her cabin on Mra. Roy Amann, Mrs. Jack Gam .u. tt 111. ...wu in,. t..i. et. Mrs. E. T. Cone Jr., Mrs. Bill ! P. Mrs. Dick Moore and M-nhor nmn tnr h nnnn ln8 hostess. ... ; "j potluck were Mrs. Roginal Brittain, Birthdays of Mrs., Pritehett and Daisy Godfrey, Mrs. William Lle- singer, Mrs. lcei uiarK, mrs. rtg nes Wner, Mrs. Elizabeth Gleason, Airs. Edna Powers and the host esses. .' Mrs Cone ware celebrated by means of individual birthday cakes. High score for the evening waj held by Mrs. Cary; second high by Airs. Pritchett. . t THE ENGAGEMENT OF Shir ley Ann Ritzow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritzow of Napa, Calif., and A1C Roger L. Ware, who is station ed at Vandenburg AFB, Calif, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy L. Ware, Myrtle Creek, was an-1 nounced at an Easter dinner j party at the home of the for-1 mer's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Burnsed, Napa. The bride - elect is a senior at Nopa Senior High School and will be graduated in June. The bridegroom - elect was graduated in 1957 from Myrtle Creek High School and en listed in the Air Force soon after. He expects to be dis charged from service in July. No date has been set for the wedding. (Picture by Lock ner Studio, Napa. Mrs. Elaine Becker and Anita, 1 Holcomb and Mr. Gray. Installation Of Officers Is Highlight Of Luncheon A 12:30 p.m. dessert luncheon i back; Christian social relations and was enjoved by members of the local church activities. Mrs. iYidard Winston Methodist Church j Charles McCord; literature and WSCS Thursday in the social room ! publications, Mrs. Lee O. Hunt; of the church, with Mrs. Ramon i missionary education and service, Nichols as hostess. Mrs. Ramon Nichols; spiritual life, The tables, beautifully decorat- Mrs. J. C Johannes; student work, ed by Mrs. Rov Gordon and Mrs. Mrs Leone Dickenson; supply Oren l-edarrwood. were covered ; work Mrs. Robert Sanderson, and with white cloths centered by ar t youth work, Mrs. Hoy Gordon, ranscments of Beauty Bush in; It was announced that a pi if hou-ts. White can- i would he held at the Winston Com- ril,.. r nlnrrH in crystal hold-! miinitv Park. The rjotluek nicnie ! Quet held recently in era Bouquets of lavender iris and for members and their families ! cnooi gymnasium. ;ina wamer, uonna naggaro, .nixe uiomme, chrysanthamums were used in the; will be the last meeting of the senior, was crowned Prom Queen j Ion Smith and Dennis Stanfill. mnm dprnrat nns - erouo for the summer months, oy ner escort, i.ari mime, as one nonnie naggara, mine niomme Following luncheon, members i Meetings will be resumed in Sep ! of the highlights of the dance. mi in ih Fironiaro Hnnm where tembcr. ! The gymnasium had been com- the Rev J C. Johannes conduct-! Those attending the luncheon pletely transformed for the occa- 'Evening In Paris7 Theme Of Annual Glendale Prom The junior class of Glendale played for the dance. . high School chose, "Evening in I The committee responsible for1 nnounced that a picnic i Pans ' as its theme for the an- planning for the prom events m- iiuni duiiiur-oeiuur nuiii aim Dan-1 iiuucu umi rveurr, cniirman; uir the highilene Furlong, Barbara Johnson, Officers Named By Drain BPW Drain Business and Professional Women met at the home of Mary Scott with 12 members present. Officers for the coming year were elected and include; Darlene Traylor, president; Gertrude Gay, vice president; Marie Russum, sec retary; Donna Goodrich, treasurer. Installation will be held at the June meeting. A contribuiion was given to the Cancer Fund by the club. A social hour, with Helen Rob erts in charge of the program, followed the business meeting. Re freshments were served by the hostess. Lookingglass Residence Scene Of Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buell of Lookingglass were hosts for a de liphtful family dinner Sunday. ' and Doris Thompson did most of j Covers were placed for Mr. and the excellent art work which dec-1 Km. Domingo Sabala, Candy orated the walls of the cafe sec- Cathy. Mike and Marty; Mr. and eYccted officers President. Mrs. hannes and the Me dames Ron' intotwo sections, one creating the of Nancy Fotheringh.m. ajven. R. I) and Echo; Mr and S!,i E: ve President. Buree,.. Rov Gordon Stanford Bu-! illusion of cafe-bordered street j Haggard, Pat Jones and Sue Good- Mrs. Carl F. l.s. Roy, Tom. Bruce, Mr. (iren l."dserwood: treasur-, ell. Ramon Nichols. Willard Lau-jwith tables covered with bright- on er, Mrs. Marion VanOrman. and ranee, Belle Clark, Grace Barnes, checkered cloths, underneath strip- ' ., lf-..: If . UnJn.. t an.ran.-n Ilnrhnr f1 llU'ninffS T tlA flthfr Sef-I inn The following chairmen 'were : Marion VanOrman, Charles Mc-1 open for dancing, featured i ceiling j which carried out the Evening in i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buell. and elected to serve during the year: i Cord. Oren Ledgerwnod, William1 of midnight blue studded with; Paris theme so convincingly. Paul Linda, Susan, Laurie and I rank- Children's work Mrs C C Fos- Bushong and Arthur McGuire. 'stars. L Don bnyaer I orcnestra cnimp n junior class aaviser. in nencc I Nancy and Motile; Mr. and Mrs The entire class worked on the I Dick Gohl? Mrs. I)u Mane. Mr. The other section, complicated job of decorating and Mrs. Roy Buell and the hosts, fii SV. rr Give her this exciting Graduation Gift! A Lane Sweetheart Chest V Choose from many beautiful sty'es priced as low as $59.95 FREE DELIVERY NO INTEREST or CARRYING CHARGE Small down payment Low monthly payment 435 SE Jackson OR 3-541 S