e fodau Thursday, May 17 Umpqua Duplicate Bridg. Club home of Mrs. Duane Voles, 1613 SW Kendall, 7:30 p.m. Timber City Chapter of Sweet Adelines, Inc., Riverside School room 19, 8 p.m. Call OR 2-4313 for information. Women of Roseburg Country Club, clubhouse, noon luncheon fol lowed by weekly bridge play. Army Reserve, 1614 W. Harvard. 8-10 p.m. Roseburg Rotary Club, Umpqua Hotel, noon IOOF, 100F Hall on Jackson St. 8 p.m. Roseburg Lions Club, Umpqua Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Civil Air P,-:trol, at the airport, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Lady Elks, Elks Club, 8 p.m.. GREAT CATCH For The GRAD! . . . give him a CHANNEL MASTER 8-transistor MARINE BAND and STANDARD BROADCAST PORTABLE . . . because he's got boats and fish in' in his blood, and this is just the radio to keep him posted on weather conditions and to tell him where the big ones are bitin'. Gets regular programs, too. Chan nel Master radios from $24.95. Medel SSH, shown LOWEST PRICE EVER! 650 SE Jackson, OR 2-1606 hfilM Los 54" B?SfrW r jyii Leiu t ; - -' V ' Qualifications: 9 28 years successful service station business sP 6 years successful dairy business Knowledge of business principles Personnel experience Many years experience serving the public Church Civic ond Fraternol Pledge: I will devote my full time in the courteous, prompt ond impartial administration of the office. "Principle first and alwoys, with service to all." .jin: H. JUr. tt 10M Hit location c CALENDAR OF t ft NTS omorrout cards. Barbershop Singing, Ricketts' Music Store, 8 p.m. Elks, Elks Lodge, 8 p.m. Driver's License Examiner, 837 SE Roberts. 8 a.m. to S p.m. Dean Perrine Chapter 9, Dis abled American Veterans, Veter ans Memorial Hall. 8 p.m. Sutherlin Rebekah Ledge, lOOFj Hall, 8 p.m. Roseburg Chapter No. 8, Order of Easter.) Star, Masonic Temple, 8 p.m. Roseburg Toastmasters Interna tional 604, dinner meeting at Bird song Cafe, 7 p.m. Visitors wel come. Green Recreation Association, at Green School gym, 8 p.m. Umpqua Valley Coin Club, Cor al Room, Umpqua Hotel, 8 p.m. Nickel Mt. Club, home of Bill Pilhofer on Canyonville road to Riddle. 7 p.m. Public invited. My-tle Creek Methodist Church, Women's Society of Christian Serv ice. at the church, 7:30 p.m. Douglas County Association For Retirded Children, Park School, 7:30 p.m. North Douglas Rainbow Assem bly, in Drain, 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 18 Sheriff's Posse, at the Fair grounds, 8 p.m. Potluck at 6:30 p.m. on first Friday following first Wednesday. , Loyal Order of Moose, game night, .Moose Hall, 8 pm Home Group of Alcoholics An onvmoui call OR 2-4059, 8 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors uf the Win ston Assembly of God Church, 7 p.m. Umpqua Radio Club, at the clubhouse on Klamath Ave., 7:30 p.m. Driver's License Examiner, 837 SE Roberts, 8 a.m. to S p.m. Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club, Umpqua Hotel, 12:30 p.m. This is an open club and all bridge play ers are welcome. Anyone desiring a partner call OR 3-4566. Veterans of World War land Auxiliary, Douglas Barracks 176, Veterans Memorial Hall, potluck, 6:30 p.m. Riversdale Grange, Grange Hall, 8 p.m. Social Club of Amaranth, pot luck, 6:30 p.m. Visitors welcome. Sutherlin Garden Club, Commu nity Building, board meeting, 12:30 p.m., regular meeting, 1:30 p.m. Melrose School PTA public bridge and pinochle parly, at the school, 8 p.m. Fullerton Pre-school Roundup, at the school, 1 p.m. Unit 58 of the Railway Veterans and Retired Employes, Veterans Memorial Building, noon potluck, bring own table service. NEW DICTIONARY BENGALI COLLEGE STATION, Tex. (AP) The first dictionary, of its kind a Bengali-English, English-Bengali dictionary is being published by the department of modern languages in Texas A&M college. The dictionary is the first one to show the Bengali word- in a pho netic transcription, using the Eng lish alphabet as well as the Ben gali alphabet. A PAINLESS WEDDING DES MOINES (AP) After Nova Turpen of Des Moines is married next August, her name will be Nova Cain. Miss Turpen is a school teacher in Beloit, Wis. Her fiance is James Cain of Beloit. ELECT K. R. "Ken" Under DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for Douglas County Assessor "I will do my best for your interests." J'4 Pot Adv tj K. ft. Lir.aer 801 179, Roset)UT, Ortfjn JOHN WM. ROBERTSON Democrat for COUNTY CLERK 2 w. St'Mt oitte'L O'llO") California Strawberries Among Good Fruit Buys This Weekend By MARY E. GERMAN Consumer Marketing Agent Written for The Associated Press California strawberries are def initely among the good buys in fruits this week. The total tonnage of strawberries is predicted to be slightly lower than last year, but the quality of the berries thus far is good with good color and flavor. Prices of outdoor rhubarb are a little higher this year, but are still among the good buys in fruits. Both pink and white grape fruit from California, Florida and Arizona are good buys in citrus fruits. Lemons and Valencia or anges are other good buys in cit rus fruits. Bananas, avocados and Winesap apples round out the list of good buys in fruits. On the moderate buys list are Delicious apples and Emperor grapes, although the supplies of grapes are limited. Other moder ate buys in fruits are papayas, pineapple and watermelon. The first fresh cherries of the season are on the market now from Cali fornia but are still very high priced. Washington asparagus still leads the good buys in vegetables. Supplies are ample lor the need and there has been no price change from last week. It doesn't look as if asparagus prices will get any lower this year, so if you arc inlerestcd in canning or freez ing, do so while the quality is still good. Washington spinach, green Concert Scheduled Friday At Glide By MRS. ARTHUR SELBY The Glide High School annual Spring Concert will be held Fri day in the grade school gymnasium at 8 p.m. The high school choir will sing nine songs, and the band will present several numbers. Two Glide seventh grade stu dents, Janet Price and Linda Jami eson won gold medals at the North west Science Fair held recently in Portland. L. E. Medlar and Clarence Bak ken drove to Forest Grove Satur day to attend the final program of the May Music Festival held at the Pacific University. Miss Shar on Medlar, daughter of the for mer, had been chosen to play a pi ano concerto with a 90-picce or chestra in the closing number. Mrs. Medlar and her daughter left two days previously for the festival. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsay of Lebanon spent the past weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ballou. Mrs. Delia Tester of Portland has arrived for a week's visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Padclford, her grand son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Ridgeway and great-granddaughter. Canyonville Couple Entertains Visitors By MRS. R. E. PROCTOR Mother's Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett in Canyonville were Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bunch and Linda of Oswego, Mrs. Claude Wassom. Mrs. James Henbcst and son of Roseburg and Robert While of Portland. The eve nine before. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett together with Mrs. Myrtle Wood of Ketchikan, AlasKa, ana snuron Carr of Surprise Valley, attended the Milo Academy band concert. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tourville and family were Mother's Day dinner guests at the home of Tourvillc's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Klumph and fam ily at Grants Pass honoring their mother. Mrs. Frank Tungate of Medfurd. Arriving home from San Francis co Saturday for a two-week va cation were Frances Wolfcr, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wolfer, and Suzanne Lindc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lindc, all of Canyonville. The two girls, grad uates of the 1960 Canyonville high school class, live in San Francisco and are employed by the American Insurance Co. there. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sandusky of i Roseburg were received as new members of the Southern Bapust i Church at Canvonville in Sunday's Services. BROTHERS ARE SUITED DES MOINES (AP) Five Des i Moines brothers went snopping tor new suits on the same day ana! wuuna up uuuiB uiviu uuiu uie same clerk in the same store. Here Is What You Get At ROGER'S COIN DRY CLEANING Southgote Shopping Center ... OR 2-1901 CCDf C w ("-l' and tok. car of your clothes "",'''-" while, yog shop, do your arrendl, or wo,k ick them up AT YOUR CONVf NIENCf. FtTfTKlOAAY H" L0T or CUAN Cl0THES " CVVr,VfVI OUR NEW LOW REGULAR PRICE (o) Onions and radishes are alt vervj"1 ,ht wrt room of sold court have been good buys and arc excellent in quality. California broccoli and I carrots are also good buys. j Supplies of California new po tatoes are increasing and the price is down some, but wtatews are borderline between a moder- ate and good buy. Among the i moderate buvs in vegetables arc ,- , , : , . , . - artichokes, beets, both bunched and tops, green cabbage, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, mushrooms and summer squash. Lettuce prices are about the same as last week, but the quality is improving. Tomato prices are higher this week even though the supply situation is better. Green peppers have also gone to the high price bracket for vegetables. Eggs are an excellent buy in high quality protein foods. Medi um and large size eggs are about equal values now and egg prices are cheaper than last vcar. Theiff i little rhann. in tin. 1 SEtLED " '"opted Dv the County ineie is lime cnange in ineiCourl 0t oooniaj county, oreoon. at me uvesiucK martiei. rroni quarter cuts, such as pot roasts of beef, are features. Pork loins are down a little in price. Fryer supplies are ample and prices have dropped some. Seafood specials this week are fresh salmon, fresh halibut, red snapper, oysters and frozen King crab meat and scallops. LEGAL No. mi NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREOON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY PROBATE DEI-AKTMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ETHEL MAY WEEKLY, DECEASED Notice Is hereby given that under and bv virtue of an order of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Douglas County made on the 94th day of April, 1962, In the matter of the Estate of Ethel May Weekly, Deceased, Ihe administrator of said estate III sell at private sale on and after th 29th day of May, 1962, the fol lowi no-described real property, towil: PARCEL 1. Beginning at a point on the South line of William Weaver Donation Land Claim No. 39, In Section 7, Township 30 South, Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon, on the East Una of Taylor Street, which Is 5.B feet East of the Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 39, thence East along said Don el ion Land Claim lint 413,2 feet to the Northwest corner of parcel of land conveyed to Walter M. Corwin, and wife, Recorders No. 148140 Deed Records, thence South 0 degrees 15' West 209 feet and continuing South 0 degrees 15' West 72.1 feet along said Corwin property as recorded In No. 152744, to the Southwest corner thereof, thence South 87 degrees 51' West 133.3 feet lo the West line of Corwin Street at a point which Is South 0 degrees 15' West 10 feet from the North east corner, thence North 0 degrees 15' East 10 feet, thence West 350 feet along the North line of Glenmore Street to a point on the East lint of Taylor Street, thence North 0 degrees 15' East 282 feet along the East line of said Taylor Street to the place of beginning. Subject to a 10 foot easement as shown In Recorders No. 15892a. Subject to the terms and provisions and easements as set out in agreement between Albert O. Weekly, et ux, and Walter M. Corwin, et ux, as recorded In Volume 221 Re corders No. 15B926. Also Beginning at a point on the East line of Taylor Street and on the South Una of Glenmore Street which point Is 505.1 feet East and 332 feet South 0 degrees 15' West from the Southwest corner of William Weaver Donation Land Claim No. 39, In Section 7, Township 30 South, Range 5 West, Willamette Meri dian, thence South 0 degrees 15' West along the East line of Taylor Street 282.4 feet to the North right of way line of County Road No. 20, thence Easterly along the North right of way line of said County Road 300 feet to the West line of Corwin Street, thence North 0 degrees 15' East along the West line of said Corwin Street, 284.7 feet to the South line of Glenmore Street, thence West along the South line of Glenmore Street to the place of beginning. PARCEL 2. Beginning at a point on the South line of the William Weaver Donation Land Claim No. 39, In Section 7, Township :Q South Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, which is 1103 feet East of the Southwest enrner of said Donation Land Claim No. 39, said point also being on the East line of the Walter Corwin and wife property as described in Recorders No. 157744, thence East along said Donation Land Claim line 336.3 feet to the West right of way line of old Pacific Highway, thence South 23 degrees 29 West along said od Pacific Hiohway right of way line 873.6 feet to the North lint of County Road No. 20, thence Westerly along said North line of County Road 304 feet to the East ' line of Corwin Street, thence North 0 degrees 15' East along the East line of Corwin Street 325 feet to a point which Is 10 feet South 0 degrees IS' West of Ihe Northeast corner 1 hereof, thence North 87 deqrees 51' East 133.3 feet to Ihe Southwest corner of parcel of land conveyed to Waller M. Corwin No. 151926, thence East along the South line of Cor win property 104 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence North 0 degrees 15' East 72.8 feet to the South line of parcel of land conveyed to said Corwin and wife, Recorders Mo. 152774, thence East along said South line 10 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence North 0 degret w East along said Corwin parcel 208.95 feet to the place of be ginning. Sublect to the terms and provisions and easements, as set out In agreement be tween Albert O. Weekly, et ux, and Walt er M. Corwin, et ux. Volume 221 Deed Records, Recorders No, 158976. Said parcels to be sold separately. The terms of said sale of each parcel will be ! ,nP . n.ir. nt tarmt obtainable I im n0T IMn rwemy-nv. per cent or in. purtn... prit. a. . wm ..... ....... wir lect to approval ond confirmation of the court. Bids will oe received at tne ornce; j ' Horn A Siocum, Attorneys at Law. 435 dated and first published mis 26tn day of April, i7 . uur-ls, Administrator of the Estate ol ETHEL ,MAY WEEKLY, Deceased. 1 $11 50 lb. load J LEGAL NOTICI OF PINAL ACCOUNT Notice it herA given that tne under- signed, as executrix of the Estate of Edgar j ln tk. ..... .! Ore for Doug!., Cou,1, and tha, Mon-! (day, tht lfth day of June. 1M2. at the hour Of 10:30 O'clock in trio forenoon of said day nxeo Dv Mid court ii we tin and place ; for th hearing of objections thereto and the leitiement thereof IN E. P6LLETT Executrix of the Estate of EDGAR EDISON PELLETT NOTICE TO PURCHASERS PURCHASE OP STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES OOUOLAS COUNTY, OREGON SEALED bids will be accented bv the County ! giai county. Oregon. .1 th Courthouse in Rosrburg, Oregon at 10:30 A.M.. May 79. 192. tor the purchase of 1 structural steel shapes to be delivered at thff Douglas County Shop, Roseburg, Oregon. Instructions to bidders and specifications on fil with the County Clerk of Douglas County and copies thereof may be obtained from the office of the County Engineer, Room 219, Courthouse, Roseburg, Oregon. No person may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening. The right Is reserved to reect any or all proposals, or lo accept the proposal deemed best for the county. DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT V. T. Jackson, County Judge E. R. Metiger. Commissioner Ray E. Doerner, Commissioner NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS PURCHASE OF CHEMICAL BRUSH AND WEED KILLER OOUOLAS COUNTY, OREGON Courthouse in Roseburg, Oregon, at 10: 30 A.M., May It. 1961, lor the purchase of chemical brush and weed killer. Specifications are on file with the County Clerk of Douglas County and copies thereof I may be obtained at the office of Ihe County i Englneer, Room 219, Courthouse, Roseburg. Oregon, No person may withdraw his bid after the hour set tor the opening, Douglas County reserves the right to refect any or all bids or to waive any Informality In bidding. DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT V. T. Jackson, County Judge E. R. Metiger, Commissioner Ray E. Doerner, Commissioner NOTICE TO DEALERS PURCHASE OF TWO ONLY 3-AXLE ROLLERS 8-18 TON RATING DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON SEALED bids will be received by Douglas orea-i- .'ti 10:30 a.m.. May 28, 1962 andi then publicly opened and read tor ine (, chase of two only 2-axle rollers 6-10 ton rating, for Oougias County Road Department. Specifications are on file with the County Clerk of Douglas County and copies thereof may be obtained at the office of the County Engineer, Room 219, Roseburg, Oregon. No person may withdraw hit bid after the hour set for the opening. Douglas County reserves the right lo relect any or all bids or to waive any Informality In bidding. DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT V. T, Jackson, County Judge E. R. Metiger, Commissioner Ray E. Doerner, Commissioner NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the: undersigned, (Executor of the last will and' testament ot) Helen L. Skaugset aka Helen" Lou Skaugset. deceased, has filed his final : account in the above entitled court, and that Monday. June 25, 19A2, at 10:30 o'clock a.m. In the Court Room of the above entitled court has been appointed by the court as the time and place tor the hearing ot ob eci- tions thereto, If any. and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published May 10, 1962. Date of last publication May 31, 1962. ROBERT ALLEN SKAUGSET Executor of the Estate of HELEN L. SKAUGSET aka Helen Lou Skaugset McKay, Panner ft, Johnson Attorneys at Law 1026 Bond Street Bend. Oregon Attorneys for said estate. No. 4021 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT OWEN WEEKLY, DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue Of an oroer or me urcuir i-ourr or the Slate of Oregon for Douglas County made on the 24th day of April, V62, in me matter of the Estate of Albert owen weexiy, ceased, the administrator of said estate will sell at private sale on and after the 29th day of May, 1942, the following-described real properly, to-wit : J PARCEL I. Beginning at a point on the South line of William Weaver Donation Land Claim No. 39, In Section 7, Township 30 South Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, Doug las County, Oregon, on the East Una of Taylor Street, which Is 50 J.I feet East of the Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 39, thence East along said Donation Land Claim Una 483.2 feet to the Northwesl corner ot parcel of land conveyed to Waller M. Corwin, and wife, Recorders No. 14B740 Deed Rec ords, thence South 0 15' West 209 feet and continuing South 0 IS' West 72.1 feet along said Corwin property as re corded In No. 152744, to the Southwest corner thereof, thence South 87' 51' West 133.3 feet to the West line ot Cor win Street at a point which Is South 0 15' West 10 feet from the Northeast corner, thence North 0' 15' Fast 10 feet, thence West 350 feet along the North line ot Glenmore Street to a point on the East line of Taylor Street, thence North 0" 15' East 212 feet along the East line of said Taylor Street to the place of beginning. Sublect to a 10 foot easement as shown In Recorders No. 15192a. Sublect to Ihe terms and provisions and easements as set out in agreement between Albert O. Weekly, et ux, and Waller M. Corwin, , at ux, fl recorded In Volume 221 Rec orders No. 158926. Also Beginning at a point on the East line of Taylor Street and on the South line of Glenmore Street which point Is 505.8 feet East and 332 feet South 0 15' West from the Southwest corner of Wil liam Weaver Donation Land Claim No. 39, In Section 7, Township 30 South Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, thence South 0' 15' West along the East line of Taylor Street 212.4 feet to the North right of way lint of County Road No. 20, thenca Easterly along the North right of way Una ot said County Road 300 feet to the West line of Corwin Street, thence North 0' 15' East along the West line of said Corwin Street, 284.7 feet to the South line of Glenmore Street, thence West along the South line of Glenmore Street to the place of be ginning. PARCEL 2. Beginning at a point on Ihe South tine of the William Weaver Donation Land Claim No. 39, In Section 7 Township 30 Soulh Range S West, Willamette Mer idian, which is 1103 feet East of Ihe Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 39, said point also being on the East line ot the Walter Corwin and wife property as described In Recorders No. 153744, thenca East along said Do nation Land Claim line 336.3 feet to the West right of way line of old Pa cific Highway, thence South 23' 29' Vest along said old Pacific Highway right of way line 673 4 feet to the North lint of County Road No. 20, trence Westerly along said North Una of County Road 304 6 feet to the East lint of Corwin Street, thence North 0' 15' East along tht East line of Corwin Street, 335 feet to a point yhlch Is 10 feet South 0' 15' West of Northeast comer there of, thence North St' Eesf S113 teet to the Southwest corner ot parcel of land conveyed to Walter M. Corwin No. 158976, thence East along tht South lint of Corwm properly 1C4 feet to Ihe South east corner thereof, thence North 0" 15' East 72 8 fret to tht South lint of par cel of land conveyed to said Corwin and wife. Recorders No. 152774, thenct East along said South lint 10 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence North 0 It' East t'ong said Corwin parcel 208 95 teet to tre place of beginning. Subject to fht terms and provisions and eetemttvt- as set out in agreement be tween Albert O. Weekly, tt u, and Waiter M. Corwin, et u. Volume Hi Dood Records. Recorders No. 158936. Said parcels to be sold separately. The term, of .aid sett of tach parcel will be for tne belt price and terms ODtemaDe not ten than twenty-flvt cent of tne purchase price as a down payment, subject to approval arm confirmation or in coyri. Bids wilt be received at tht office of Horn aV iiotm, Attorneys tt Law, US 1. E. Vain Street, Roteburg, Oregon. DATED eJ firs! published tht Hth day Of April. 1H3. WAVNF R WEEKLY Administrate ol the Ftlett tf A4.BER1 O-VEN WEEKLY, Dtctastd LEGAL NOTICE TO CftEOITOflS I All per.ons hav.ng claims anjlr.st the ES I ATE OF L6LIA MARilN. DfcctASED.j - ..., r .. .... ". . . " I sen, m. s.nVd.iv verified 7s Quired by I law, to the undergo at Rle. 4. Bo 101 : Kosefurg, Oregon. w.tnln sis montns Iron. ; 'he date of the first publication of lr.it no- net. wnicn data is April 19, H2, MILLARD MONROE Executor ol the Estate of LELIA MARTIN. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice tt hereby given thl the under signed hat been by Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor the County of Doug las appointed Administratrix of the Esiatt CAM p; CAYler. Deceased All oersorn '!0Cp ' V, ' " " , , . ,n Mme verified as re- 7U" n,,y u m "df'Or.ed at the i-aw un.ces of Keller L Garrison. Attn. neys at Law. MS Oougias County State Bank Building, Rosebutg. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice DATED May 3, 1962. ESTHER M. BENTLEY, Administratrix ol the Estate of CAM P. CAYLER, Deceased. Kflley & Garrison Attorneys tor Admlnlstratrin 205 Douglas County state Bank Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon TIMBER FOR SALE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OK I AND MANAGEMENT. ORAL AUCTION BIDS will be received bv the Dis trict Manager, Bureau' of Land Management, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Ray, Oregon, at 10:30 a.m. PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on Friday, Juna 15, 1962, for all tim-! ber marked Or desicnator) for mit i MMldieu tor CUt- ting. Before bids are submitted full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and submission of bids should be ob tained from the above District Manager. The right is lierebv re served to waive technical defects in this advertisement and to reject any or all bids. The united States reserves the right to waive any informality in bids received when ever such waiver is in the interest of the United States. DOUGLAS - OUNTY, OREGON: O&C: ORAL CTION: All tiinhpr rlpsionatcd for cutting on Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 ( aE'4 ), Lots 5 and 6 (WSE'-i)," SEiSE4, Sec. 24; and NWfciNEvi, NEViNWVjj, Sec. 25. T. 21 S., R. 8 Wf, W.M., estimated for the pur-1 pose of this sale to he 1970 M hd. i ft. Douglas fir, 76 M hd. ft. Hem- j lock. 190 M hd. ft. Western red-; cedar and 8 M bd. ft. Incense Ce-! dar. No bid for less than $18.80 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas fir, $9.15 per M bd. ft. for the Hem-; lock. S6.30 per M bd. ft. for the ; Western redcedar and $5.60 per j M bd. ft. for the Incense Cedar orj a total purchase price of $38,973.20 ; will be considered. Access is avail-1 able via Government controlled ! road, no fee. Minimum deposit with bid, $3,900.00, All timber des ignated for cutting on Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 29; Lots 4 and 5, Sec. 28. T. 23 S., R. 9 W, W.M., estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 1441 M bd. ft. Douclas fir and 7 M bd. ft. Hemlock. No bid for less j than $23.10 per M bd. ft. for the I Douglas fir and $12.90 per M hd. ' ft. for the Hemlock or a total pur chase price of $33,377.40 will be considered. Access is available via Government controlled road, no fee. Minimum deposit with bid. $3,400. 00. VIMBRR ' FOR SALE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. ORAL AUCTION BIDS as hereinafter designated will be received by the District Manager, Bureau of Land Manage ment, BLM warehouse Area, Arm ory Drive, Medford, Oregon (Mail ing address 1133 S. Riverside) at 10:30 A.M., PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on Thursday, June 14, 1962, for all timber marked or designat ed for cutting. Before bids aro submitted, full information con cerning the timber, I ho conditions of sale and submission of bids should be obtained from the above District Manager. The right is here by reserved to waive technical de fects in this advertisement and to reject any or all bids. The United States reserves the right to waive any informality in bids received whenever such waiver is in the interest of the United States. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY: OREGON: OAC: All timber designated for Liitting on Lot 1, Sec. 7, T. 32 S., R. 3 W., EMiNEya. Rtt, Sec. 1, T. 32 S., R. 4 W., W.M., estimated for the purpose of tins sale to be 5,0:,5 M bd. It. Uouglas tir, 41 M bd. ft, utiear pine, .30 M hd. ft. incense-cedar. 2 M bd. ft. white tn, 7 M bd. ft. hemlock. No bid for less than S19.75 per M hd. ft. for the Douglas-fir, $20.80 per M hd. fl. for the sugar pine, $7.60 per M hd. ft for the incense-cedar, $3.50 per M bd. ft. for the white fir, $8.35 per M bd. ft. for the hemlock, or a to tal purchase price of $1 00.1)87. M), will be considered. Minimum de posit with bid 510.100.00. All timber designated lor cutting on i.oi i, Sec. 7, Lots. 2. 3, 4. 7. 8 & 10, Sec. 13, T. 32 S.( R. 3 W., W.M., estimated for the purpose of this sale to he 2,311 M bd. ft. Douglas fir, 15 M bd. ft. pnnderosa pine, 165 M bd. ft. sugar pine, 107 M bd. ft. incense-cedar, 108 M bd. fl. white fir. 19 M bd. ft. hemlock. No bid for less than $24 40 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas-fir. $.12.10 per M bd. ft. for the ponderosa pine, $35.45 per M bd. ft, for the sugar pine, $11.10 per M bd. ft. for the incen-te-eedar, $11.40 per M bd. U. for the white fir, $13.75 per M bd. ft. for the hemlock, or a total pur chase price of $65,399.30. will he considered. Minimum deposit with l,)d $6,600.00. IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY: All timber designated for rutting on S'SE'A See. 7, W'iNW'i, SW4, KE'a Sec. 17, Lots 2 & 3. NE4. K'iNW', NE'V SWVa. NMiSE1. SE'iSE'i See. 18, T. 33 $., R. 5 W.; SKwNE'i, NEV4SE'4 Sec. 13, T. 33 S., R. A W., W.M., estimated for the pur pose of this sale to be 6,78!) M bd. ft. Douglas-fir, 81 M bd. ft. ponderosa pine, 19 M bd. ft. sugar pine, 32 M bd. ft. white fir. 143 M bd. ft. incense-cedar. No bid for lo.. than 41 Q 01 nnr M hrf ft fur - FWila..fir 9i Rl nor M hrf. n "- .- ft. for the ponderona pine, $23.10 per M bd. ft. for the nujfar pine, $5.75 per M bd. ft. for the white fir. $8.85 per M bd. ft. for the incense-cedar, or a total purchase price of $18.990.00, will be consul- ered. Minimum deposit with b'd ! $13,900.00. ' Thur., May 17, 1962 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. if LEGAL o i - HOIK. Or PINAL IILIMINI lllcvuTl, nTtiSt-.' ouTj 7?"'. hT- fil! k-? 7r,i a i- (h r, ri im Oregon for Douglas County and tald Court has fixed Monday, June II, U7, at 10.00 a m. in ihe Douglas County Courthouse In Circuit Court Room A In RoteburQ. Oregon, as the time and place of hearing obectioni, It any there be. to said Final Account and for the settlement thereof. BARBARA H. AKEHURST. Eiecutrix of the Estate of ALLAN J. AKEHURST, Dec t a led. Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Advertiin tot 8 'Jii.it u vitmn fieiur( Trad Arti Card ot Thanks SI. 50 I -Day rate 2 lines - 1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines ............ 1.75 6-Day rate 2 lines -.. 2.50 30-Dav rate 2 lines 5 50 I -Day rate 3 lines 1.50 3-Day rate 3 lines 2.50 6-Day rote 3 lines ...... 3.50 30-Day rate 3 lines 7.50 CREDIT Abovi rites sublet to 50 tints (-rviie chugt tat ci edit DEADLINES Privlte Petty Art'tismi J PM. Olt Prior to PutjUcatron. tne Net' j -Rem v teinves tne tight io classify, edit or meet any Ciisnlnd Ad copy. ADJUSTMENTS If vour aavertisement topeirs Incartectty, notify ul immediately t will not tt resDonnolt tot mote tMn one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to a correct insertion of idvirtisemant. Refualt Will Nat Be Held Mire Ttti M Oiys SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Ortisti - By Mill - ine ffliMii, $1.75) three months. $151; m laths, il 00; tne iflJl. (18.00. . Outside et Oreiitt ly MjI - em Mttt (1.15; Una ninths. SS.H, its MMtll. ill. 18; sat tear. $11.10. Carr.tr tnl ftetetutt 0. Bmi - Oflt HI. $1.11; til KIM tit I. $I.M; in year, $21.01. Pit Slali Cipy 10;. Mill Rittl A Illy Outl'dl City linitt Mlil Juiicrlitdil Uuit Rl Pnl (a AtJviMCt PAPER DELIVERY It your paper ii nor delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Celt Alcoholics An. onvmoui Or 3.ee2v. YOUNO WOMEN of any faith needing con fldentfal advice may conlacf Calhollc Char lllei, 77S w. Broadway. Eugene. Oregon, Diamond 5.3642. ' E. G. HIGH District manager Muriel of Omaha United of Omaha Lile Insurance Income protection. Hospital coverage for any age. 735 SE Jackson Bus. OR 3-8022 Res. OR 3-6033 IN DEBT? DON'T let bills cost your ob, your credit, everything you ownl IP you art in debt beyond your ability to pay and sincerely want to get out o debt, set BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to VOU. One place to pay all bills, at a pay ment you can afford. No security, no co-iigntrs. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg. Oregon Ph. OR 2-3501 433 SE Main St. Where To Go 10 COMPLETE Picnic Lunches To Go Plates - Spoons Forks - Knives Napkins - Cups And Food of course. Featuring Broiled Chicken from THE BROILER 719 5E Coss. OR 3-345 Lost & Found 12 LOST Man's billfold, vicinity Bathford's Ffd ! Seed. Finder keep money, please return papers. OR 3-440, Rt l, Box Roseburg. Oregon, Help Wanted Men 15 Lt" to managt parfmtnt.. Wrltt BoV u. Bwi NewsjReview. COUPLE 452 CHOKER SETTER Call tvenlngs OR l5 GRAPPLE operator and rtgginfl men for high lead. Call Harry Young OY a-3271. MEN wanted fo work partner hilt time, usf be of age and married, for Infer view catljlft 2-1311 after P.M. AMBITIOUS MAN-Supply 'Pawleioh's fa mous Products, full or part lime in Doug las Co. Can tarn good money. Phone G. Bowles, OS t-54)7 after 0 p.m. or write Rawieigh, 304 Adeline. Oakland. Cant. Help Wanted Women 16 BABY SITTER wanted, vicinity of Moost Lodge, call afltr 3:30 PM. OR M'0. WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper for tt- t.. mm i iu. i. no S.T71) j part "time' waitress' wanted. Apply" mptr- son tt Trvt Jersey Lily. Help Wanted Women 16 WORKING COUPLE wants live In malurt woman for ligtu houMkeepirvgi ana baby tilting. Phon OR 2-3144. LAOIES to do part tlm work In Ihelr own home. 2 to 4 hours per day. Call OR MS91 between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. Work Wanted 17 BABY SITTING or mother's helper far the summer. Live In. 3527, Sutherlin. MIDDLE AG EOtady" "wants- housekeeping lob. live In. Call OR 3;J. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, large or small obs,3.00 per hour.jCall OR 3-SW2. HAVE YOUR summer clothes made now work guaranteed. OS 9-SA45. HOUSEWORK Vy'thelwur PhorteOS 9-50 BABY SITTING my home days. Pay by day or hour. Or hou sec leaning. OR 3-8507. LAWNMOW1NG rotofilling tree removal. HVt pickup. OR 3-7105. WASHING. IRONINGAND MENDING. OR 3-U28. ALTERATIONS -Call after A p n Instruction 19 PRIVATE ORIVING INSTRUCTIONS OR 3-721 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. Phone OR W13 or OR J-W9I. WANTED "toborrow-$63,000 "wllfpay-8 Interest. First mortgage, good security. Call OR 3-&30?. CONTRACT on 3 troom house, 11843.00. will discount 23? lor cash. Phone 863-3229, Myrlle Creek. REAL ESTATE LOANS to S06, alio 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture ond sig nature loam. Laurenllde Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fl nance Corp. 813 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated j Loans up to 11500 On motor vehicle! and furnlturt 721 SE Washington OR 3-5581 You have a record of WHOM you Paid WHEN vou Paid ' HOW MUCH you Paid When you pay by check. Open a convenient checking account tomorrow DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK . -jJ-.j?0!1.."..-,-,-?.?.-?'5571 Business Opportunities 22 FOR SALE BuilneM building 54nM. plus living units. Near Drain. Ptl. SutherMn 3230. APARTMENT'hOUSE. $350 per mo." Income. Cloitjlo cltycflnterCall OR 2-1880. SUNNY SIDE Service Station and Grocery', at Ruch. Rt.K Boxw Jackionvllle, Ore. LAUNDROMAT Ser'vlct "store. WelV estaollih- ed. Builnets expansion excellent. OR 3-3011. SlALL"-CAFEgood location, priced rlfjhh Sickness forces tale. OR 3-1251 or alter 1:30 1 p.m. OR 3-4360. FOR RENT or sale Beauty shop In Win Ion. Fully equipped wllh modern fixtures Building also has apt. OS 9-Wtt. FOR SALE HOTEL CANYONVILLE with Collet Shop. Only hotel in town. Consider trade. Callft-41. FOR LEASE "Operating restaurant, fuiiv equipped, in small town cioie io Koseourg, easy access from treeway. Small Investment req. OR 3-5009 alter 7 p.m. SEVERAL CHOICE pieces ot property for sale. Ideal for drive In restaurant, mole! or coin ooerated laundry. Will consider trade. OR 3-vm. MANOR MOTEL units, 14 acres. Month ly, weekly and dally rentals (rarely va cant), S2O.0O0. Easy terms, small down. Might take soma trade, i Ml. So. Myr tie Creak 99 BR. Ph. SJ9-4527, Canyon vi lie. Business Frontage!!.' PROBABLY tht best btf In Roseburg for Investment It this largt plot front ing on three streets. 115' on Stephens, 114 on Wright St., US' on Winchester. A tint business location wllh plenty of parking. Older two story home. Upstairs rents for 175 per mo. Down stairs may be used for home or additional rental. We strongly urge your consideration of this property at the low prlct of 115,000. Come In or phone Roseburg Realty. Umpqua Hotel, OR 2-3344. Evtnlngs, Or M5KI. Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE building, St. level, across from Courthouse, neaionapio. ok a-wi. - WESTS! DK OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS Including kitchen with tilt drelnboard. Bain witn snower. rrinj near door for clients. Excellent location Inr dent. I. drafllno. bookkeeping or other office use. 1$ W. Harvard. OR 2-1577 eves. Wanted To Rent 25 WILL least 14 acres for season crop. OR 3-3930 wan it O ftrUa.it hey "land, on shares or for cash. Call OR 3sv. Apartments For Rent 26 TWO bedroom furnished 2nd floor apt. $50. OR 3-WI4 or OR 9-B7UU FURNiSHED three room ait. Lights, water garbage service turnisnea. oh CLEAN i room furnished flat- OR 2-3170 EXTRA NICE furnished apt. Suitable for couple or small tamiiv. ok j-ojx. m . ONEbedroom apt. isd month. OR 3-S304 TWO ROOM furnished" apt. Private tntranct. Clean. OR 3-7071. LARGE cleen 3 8R unfurrt. apt. Adulls. Ui mo. Ph. OR 3-7Y3. THRE E roor. . furnished apt. Water and garbage paid. Garden vanty mvo. ai 1413 NW Fair mount. A"TTRACTIVE7'Urtad I BR epts., eleo Iric heat, all utilities turn, rnceo irom Ui 10 M0. 2117 W. Havard. OR 3-U. iii'st of Kt FROM DOWNTOWN LARGE, unfurnished apt. Utilises furnished. Call atttr t p.m. or 3-jv. . Burnished apt's', adults only, ito ard ISO mo CKnt, convenient Kjcanon. 56 Brockway AvtPts. OR23T TWO btdroo'rrt newly redecorated apt. Re'er., stove, water, and gro. service furnished. I2if HE Klsmath. OR J-M4 or OR 3-7 ONE BR apt. Washer, drytr, sfovt and refrigerator turnisneo. tiose m. tves OR 3-441. ONE beoroo.-n court furnrshed apt. Eleclric heat, weier ana gsroflu" nrvm nnn. Wnirting IncHIHes avallab'e. Pho.ie OR J eVO? or Inq. Garden Valley fURNISHSp "court -t. eaaawSl lg facilities available. Waler, garbege serv J furnished. Phont OR 3-4202 or Inqulit Oarden Val ity Mnt. . HONEYMOON SPECIAL Purnlshed to, wllh l.ltehen-lrving-&ed areas. Ball) with ahower. Private outj'dt en trance. Large stor aga 0 eas. East lldt. 150 mo. OR M577 tvts. , Kohlhaqen Apts. Vdernt reasonable rant j..ton St. al Lant Ave. ADULTS UK ffi A Good Plact To Live" TODD APARTMENTS MM bdrm. apts., turnLshed or unfurn. Wat?r and garb. serv. provided also heal in tome. Rants from sU up. . 5WimMmu ruww Terrtct Apts.-gas equipped OR 3-541 OR 3-746 OR 2-43S! OR 2-354? OR 3-4340 Winchester Ct.-Hot water heaf Vista Homts Hot water heat westvut Ct. Washer -dryer Oatihill Apts- Radiant Heat